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ember-help-wanted's Introduction

This project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration. This project uses for visual regression testing.


This app helps you find Ember-related issues and contribute to open source. It works well for project nights for meetups, conferences, and hackathons.

The app is designed to interface with ember-help-wanted-server as the backend.

Big picture

Our goal with this app is to do two major things in the Ember community.

One: create an efficient way of exposing major projects in the Ember ecosystem to a wide audience of volunteers (of varying levels of expertise) to get major blockers addressed by crowd-sourcing the effort. Currently, project maintainers will write up epic issues (see the Glimmer2 help issue or the Ember website responsive issue for examples of issues that have had real success) but after the initial tweet and announcement, these issues tend to disappear off people's radar.

Two: provide a curated pool of issues (from a variety of major Ember projects) that folks either new to Ember (or new to contributing to Ember) can use as a diving-in point to getting to know people in the Ember ecosystem. Oftentimes people will be interested in contributing, but are a bit daunted by browsing the various repos in Ember to try to find issues that they can actually help with. Although a "good for new contributors" or "help wanted" label is often applied, there may not be enough information in those issues to allow newcomers to really dive in.

The goal would be to use this tool to encourage maintainers to write up issues in deeper detail so that those issues would be added to the Help Wanted board and made generally available. This might also increase the number of regular contributors to various projects, which in turn could help the entire community accomplish ambitious things faster.

Big picture, technically

To accomplish the above, we aim to have a Node backend that receives Github webhook notifications about issues across a number of Ember projects. The backend will filter those issues and store them to act as our "pool" of potential issues that potential contributors can work on.

Those issues will then surface in this Ember app, where they can be searched and filtered in various ways as each potential contributor desires. We may add some level of curation to the issues (whether that is needed is still to be determined) or in other ways editorialize as issues show up in the app.

Future goals

We hope that meetup organizers (and contributor workshops at various Ember conferences) are able to sort through issues and pick subsets for their meetings. For example, if a meetup group wants to help its members learn more about Ember Data, a meetup organizer could go through the existing pool of issues and cherry-pick 5-10 issues for folks to focus on for that evening that would help with that.

Or this tool could be used as a foundation for running the Contributors Workshop that occurs each year at EmberConf. ๐Ÿ˜€

Long-term, we also wonder about tweeting out major new issues or in other ways exposing key pieces of info to the greater Ember world (we could potentially use it as a way of posting "maintainer wanted" messages as well).

If you're interested in helping out or have other ideas on how to improve this, please write up an issue or contact us on the Ember Community Discord #st-help-wanted-board channel. Look forward to working on these things with you further!


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd ember-help-wanted
  • npm install

Running / Development

By default we have an api-proxy that uses the production API when developing locally, so you don't need to run the ember-help-wanted-server when editing the Ember frontend.

If you are developing the backend and want your local Ember frontend to hit your local server, then you can start the server like this:

LOCAL_API=true ember s

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

Running Tests

  • npm test
  • npm test --server


  • npm run lint
  • npm run lint:fix


  • npm build (production)


Specify what it takes to deploy your app.

Further Reading / Useful Links

ember-help-wanted's People


acorncom avatar bradenlawrence avatar dependabot[bot] avatar eibrahim avatar ember-tomster avatar endangeredmassa avatar esbanarango avatar ezebecke avatar fletcherrippon avatar greenkeeperio-bot avatar hakilebara avatar ijlee2 avatar jaredgalanis avatar jayjayjpg avatar jenweber avatar kennethlarsen avatar kennie-create avatar locks avatar makepanic avatar mansona avatar melsumner avatar minthamie avatar neojp avatar nightire avatar nullvoxpopuli avatar nummi avatar ricool06 avatar sdahlbac avatar sivakumar-kailasam avatar wthomasdev avatar


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ember-help-wanted's Issues

Clean up scope of queried repos on index route

Links to additional points raised in issue #133.

From that issue:

  • On the index route's query to ember-learn repos, there is no language that identifies this scope. Do we want to add language that clarifies or broaden the scope of the query to include other orgs?

  • If we maintain the current card-based design of the index page, but expanded out to other orgs beyond ember-learn, this page would grow rather long unless we arbitrarily impose a limit on the number of repos returned by the query.

  • per @mansona's comment: not all repos are useful right now (e.g. the cards show "forks" for each repo... but that's not really the intent of this app).

  • Would much prefer to see the number of help-wanted issues (or rather the number of issues that would show up in our filters).

add ability to filter by Octane/help-wanted labels

add ability to filter issues that have both the Octane label AND the help wanted label from the following orgs (specifically, issues that are tagged "Octane Meta" should not show up):

  • emberjs (any repo)
  • ember-learn (any repo)
  • ember-cli (any repo)

Once that is complete, add an Octane filter button to the filter button group.

Improve home page

Currently, the "home" page of this app invites people to click on a nav bar item.

  • add content section: "how to get started contributing to Ember" content, similar to what is in guides.
  • add easily clickable graphics to go to the primary repos/labels
  • add an h1 element: <h1>Help Wanted</h1> at the top of the page, between the navbar and the search box (should be inside a <main> element)


  • CSS should be written in a mobile-first way
  • try to use ember-styleguide if possible

Enforce Firebase security constraints

We need to setup Firebase to enforce security so that non-authenticated users are only able to change the /issues/<issueId>/appPayload/workingOn key. We'll then allow authenticated users (via Github long-term) to update other appPayload values with an admin panel in the future ...

[FEATURE] Claim an issue

  • Allow someone to claim an issue for a week
  • Reset that if it wasn't resolved (or didn't have a PR pending, haven't worked through those details yet)

Remove "Octane" button

Since Octane shipped a long time ago, this category has naturally dropped down to very few issues.


  • Remove the "Octane" button
  • Search this codebase for the word "octane" and see if there is any code to remove
  • See if any code needs to be removed in the help-wanted server and if there is, open a PR for that repository as well.

Make Navigation Responsive

The app is currently unusable on a mobile screen size. At the very least, the navigation tabs should flow down the screen. If we're feeling fancy, we can add a hamburger menu.


Work out user authentication piece

This helps finish off #16

I think it'd be good to copy what Ember Twiddle is doing as much as possible (in the long run we might end up doing a shared add-on or something to make Github auth easier across all "apps").

Things of interest that seem applicable to what we want to do:

We'll also want to work out what scope we would want to request for our Github OAuth app. Full details on this here: Possible options:

  • (no scope) - provides read-only info about the user (basic info, folks probably ok with giving us this info)
  • user:email - gives us access to the user's email address (possibly useful for email notifications in the future? what use cases would we have? worth discussing this further ...)
  • notifications - not sure this has many practical benefits to what we're aiming to do in the long run

Apply latest styleguide version

Things that need fixing:

  • buttons are too large and the styleguide size variations did not seem to work (note that we are using the link form of the button by applying classes to <a> (screenshot 1)
  • double ember logos look weird (screenshot 1)
  • Is it a design choice that cards do not have shadows? We kept the shadows, could tighten them up more
  • need some normalizing rules for tables, especially to make th not so bold
  • need an "active" state for the buttons
  • should use the small button style for "search" once it is fixed

Screen Shot 2019-11-16 at 2 45 55 PM

Fix overlapping elements in mobile view

I'd like to help out on this issue:

Problem: The Project name and Title become overlapped when viewed on mobile resolutions.

To do: Update the CSS layout to stack the Project name underneath the Title at mobile resolutions.

Future considerations: The "Project, Title" column headers will not be needed if this is done, and should probably be hidden.

I see some work has already been done on making the app more responsive (ex: Issue #88, PR #96), but if no one is currently addressing this issue, I can start working on it.

Move data storage to Firebase

The current workingOn should end up pulling from /issues/<issueId>/appPayload whereas all other data will be pulled from /issues/<issueId>/githubPayload

"Take me there" should lead to filtered Issues by label

The list on is great, but it would be nice to go to append /issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Help+Wanted%22 to the URL so it goes right to the issue list.


Looks like the important line is here:

<a href={{repo.htmlUrl}} target="_blank" rel="noopener">

Setup sorting on ratings

We'll need to work out how to produce ratings (a rough gauge of how hard an item would be to do) before this can be done. Would love feedback or ideas on how to produce that data (my current thought was to have an approximate number based on which repo the issue is for, but that's pretty rough)

Fix logo in navbar

Issue Description

The current logo is not in line with the Ember branding guidelines.

To fix:

Replace navbar in app with the navbar from ember-styleguide.

Remove Builds repo from help-wanted

The builds app has now been incorporated into the new ember-website so we should no longer be showing issues in the help-wanted app

When we launch the ember-website we will do a process of porting issues and archiving the repo ๐Ÿ‘ but for now we should stop showing them in help-wanted results

landing page inaccurately pulls in repos


The query that is pulling in repos on the landing page is not pulling them in appropriately. As we can see in the screenshot, the first repo on the top left is "agendas" ( and this repo does not have any issues labeled "help wanted" - or even any issues at all.

To Fix:
Ensure that the query that populates the landing page is written to pull in repos that have issues with the "help wanted" label on them.

Navbar links aren't displaying on help wanted

A previous PR made the correct edit of changing the filters out of the navbar and putting them in buttons. However, the navbar content that is displayed on the rest of the ember.js website isn't displaying properly on the help-wanted app.


Setup issue webhook to handle issue notifications from the various repos

This issue is part of our #7 MVP roll-up issue.

I believe we'll want to have an active web hook listening for this payload:

Based on that information, we would need to confirm that we're actively tracking this repository and then update the appropriate issue tags in Firebase.

We'll want to handle the following cases:

  • closed
  • reopened
  • labelled
  • unlabeled

I have setup a repo here: to help with handling web hook notifications. If someone would like to be a contributor on it so they can add / remove labels, just let me know ;-)

Getting this tool to MVP status

For this to be a MVP, I think there are a few things remaining that need to be addressed:

  • set up a system to receive the webhook notifications (would envision this being a Heroku app in the interests of keeping things cheap / free)
  • setup web hook - handling issues based on a few tags for the repos we follow (see below). This will receive the web hooks and handle appropriately. Repo admins will setup webhooks to notify our system. Would suggest that the code for this live in this repo as well (and be written in Node.js / Express) so that we can have everything in one place.
  • reworking our Ember app's data storage to use EmberFire / Firebase because we'll need a way to write some basic data (#5)
  • fix any broken tests to get all tests passing (#6)
  • build a way to "claim" an item (by one or more people). Might need to have this "unlock" after one week to indicate that it still needs help (#10)
  • setup Ember Suave (#13)
  • add in all Ember repos to be tracked by our web hook (ember-learn/ember-help-wanted-webhook#9)
  • get all Ember repos setup to send issue data via web hooks (ember-learn/ember-help-wanted-webhook#10)
  • write some real tests (#22)

Move index route query to ember-help-wanted-server

We may be better served having the query in the route index.js, which hits github's search api, residing on the ember-help-wanted-server where it can be cached and we don't risk running up against github's api rate limits as easily.

For more info see:

This work would correspond with this issue on the server:

I'm happy to work on this.

@MelSumner @mansona, how does this sound?

Relatedly, I'm noticing that we've been scoping the index route's query to ember-learn repos. There is no language that identifies this scope. Do we want to add language that clarifies or broaden the scope of the query to include other orgs?

Keep in mind that if we maintain the current card-based design of the index page, but expanded out to other orgs beyond ember-learn, this page would grow rather long unless we arbitrarily impose a limit on the number of repos returned by the query.

update: change "home" button filter text


Change the text of "home" to be "all issues" - we don't want the user to think that this is a second navbar, but rather indicative of filter options.

Clean up tests

I just hacked this together quickly to see if it would work

Add Issue Count

It would be super useful to know how many issues are currently displayed in the view, especially if I am filtering by a label within a project.

What it looks like now


What it could look like


Remove statusboard repo from help-wanted

The statusboard app has now been incorporated into the new ember-website so we should no longer be showing issues in the help-wanted app

When we launch the ember-website we will do a process of porting issues and archiving the repo ๐Ÿ‘ but for now we should stop showing them in help-wanted results

Clarify Help Wanted with RFCs

Right now, the app pulls Needs Champion and Final Comment Period labeled issues. We probably want to include other labels and pull requests, but it's not clear what the best approach is here.

Talk to core team members about what Help Wanted regarding RFCs should really target, then make those changes.

Project Linkes are Missing

A recent deploy seems to have removed the project links from the issue tables.

Add a test for this and fix it.



help wanted app should use same navbar as

Since the help-wanted app has been integrated into the website, it should use the same navbar as the rest of the website.


  • use the same navbar as
  • add the filter buttons above the page title (attach the es-button class):

Any PRs to address this issue should please include screenshots to show what the implementation looks like.

Capturing contributors information

This app doesn't need end users(a.k.a contributors) to ever signup with their credentials(or SSO). But for folks to claim issues and for us to track if an issue was ever closed due to contribution from that user, we'd need their github handle.

When multiple folks work on a single issue they might want to coordinate over slack/twitter or other channels. This leads to some questions like,

  • How do avoid chatter in issues as comments like, hey @siva I'm on the Ember Slack channel to discuss this at @acorncom
  • What's the safest way to share their info with each other?

Let us know what you think :)

Improve navbar

In a mobile-first way, update the CSS for the navbar so it works appropriately on mobile devices.

Setup the ability for people to login and create 'saved lists' of issues

To be shared at workshops or meetups. Doing this would help meetup organizers (and code-school teachers?) run open source nights where items that are currently needed can be hit. It would also allow core team members to bring attention to major items they'd like help with.

  • work out UI / messaging around this to make it unobtrusive but easy to find for folks looking for it
  • setup Github authentication (#65)
  • work through data structures for this (current thought is to have a /lists or /events endpoint with a list editable only by the user who created it). We may also want to have additional fields that a list creator can fill in (brief notes to display above the list that would allow linking out to a UseCanvas file for instance). Make it markdown and fairly short? We may also want to allow a list organizer to make brief notes on each of the issues, allowing them to provide additional detail / thoughts about items and the value of working on them)
  • setup authorization rules to enforce the above so that only the user who created the list can edit it
  • setup /lists/<username>/<list-slug> routing on the Ember side of things to display the appropriate data
  • tests for all of the above

Add "DecEmber" label filter

Requesting a filter to identify the DecEmber label for the December 2018 Hackathon, so we can better track how many issues we have created and get an accurate count, and so users can look for DecEmber-specific issues during the hackathon.

Update ember-styleguide dependency to version 5.x

Right now, this app is on version 4. Version 5 has some breaking changes that need to be addressed. You can read about them here.

To do:

  • update package.json to use version 5
  • yarn install to update the package lock file
  • Fix anything from the list of breaking changes
  • See how it looks and make any necessary adjustments
  • Commit both package.json and the package lock files, together with your changed files
  • open a pull request

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