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elmasse-bundle's Introduction


elmasse.i18n.Bundle as a Sencha Cmd Package.


This repository is going on UNMAINTAINED state. I will be more than happy to transfer the repository to anyone who is interested in keeping this up to date with latest versions of ExtJS. Please create an issue or send me an email (Check my Profile)


Since version 1.1.0 namespace has been changed from Ext.i18n to elmasse.i18n to avoid namespace issues with ExtJS reserved package names.


The latest stable version is available thru a Sencha Cmd repository located at

Add the repo to Sencha Cmd

You have to tell Sencha Cmd where to check for new pacakge versions. For elmasse-bundle you need to add the repository as follows:

sencha repo add elmasse

Using the package

Once the repository is added to the list, you can declare your dependency on your Sencha Cmd project. Locate the app.json file and add elmasse-bundle package to the requires list:

    "requires": [

Now you just need to refresh the application, and the package will be installed.

sencha app refresh

Using the package locally

You can as well use the latest version from this repository:

  • Clone this repo
  • Rename the folder to elmasse-bundle
  • Copy the folder under packages/local in your app
  • Modify the app.json and include the elmasse-bundle into the requires list.
  • Run sencha app refresh


You can see a working example under the examples folder.


  • First add Bundle to requires on Ext.application as shown in (1)
  • Declare the bundle configuration (2)
  • Call bundle.getMsg with your bundle key (3). bundle is available from the application instance which is available under the appName.getApplication() method.
            name: 'AppTest',
            requires: ['elmasse.i18n.Bundle'], //1

            bundle: {
                bundle: 'Application',
                language: 'en-US',
                path: 'resources',
                noCache: true

            launch: function(){
                    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                    tbar: Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar',{
                        items: [{text: 'text'}]
                        height: 300,
                        html: AppTest.getApplication().bundle.getMsg('panel.html') //3

Using json files as bundles

Now you can choose between .properties and .json files. You can specify which one to use by using the format parameter in bundle configuration:

            name: 'AppTest',
            requires: ['elmasse.i18n.Bundle'],

            bundle: {
                bundle: 'Application',
                language: 'en-US',
                path: 'resources',
                noCache: true,
                format: 'json' //json format!

            launch: function(){
                    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                    tbar: Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar',{
                        items: [{text: 'text'}]
                        height: 300,
                        html: AppTest.getApplication().bundle.getMsg('panel.html')

As you can imagine the keys must match json keys structure, so for panel.html you must have a json response like this:

                "html" : "Hello from JSON file!"

Lazy Definition

We can use the lazy definition so the bundle keys are defined into the views. Just use a plain object with the type: bundle and a key.

            name: 'AppTest',
            requires: ['elmasse.i18n.Bundle'],

            bundle: {
                bundle: 'Application',
                language: 'en-US',
                path: 'resources',
                noCache: true,
                format: 'json' //json format!

            launch: function(){
                    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                    tbar: Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar',{
                        items: [{text: 'text'}]
                        height: 300,
                        html: { type: 'bundle', key: 'panel.html' }


Unreleased (master)

  • Fixed issue with using lazy definitions in Ext.define not working properly. #30

version 1.2.0

  • Working version for ExtJS 6.2.1

version 1.1.0

  • Changed namespace to elmasse.i18n
  • Working version for ExtJS 6.x
  • Examples for using ViewControllers and ViewModels to change bundles on the fly.

version: 1.0.0

  • Sencha Cmd Package
  • Working version for ExtJS 5.x

version: 0.3.3

  • Working version for ExtJS 4.2.0
  • Fixed issue with Model ids.

version: 0.3.2

  • New Json Reader implemented
  • Added tests for Bundle, reader.Property and reader.Json
  • Draft for 4.1.1/2
  • Removed onReady method from Ext.i18n.Bundle
  • Added bundle to application

version: 0.3.1

  • First draft for ExtJS 4.1.0-r3

elmasse-bundle's People


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elmasse-bundle's Issues

Reload app?


This might be more of an example to put into the demo, but if you were build a Single Page App, then you would need the ability to change the language after the app is initialized.

The trivial approach is to set a cookie or local storage and then reload the page. But if the preference is stored in the user model (because you also send server generated notifications in the preferred language, perhaps) then you will get the language after everything is initialized. This is a normal usecase, I would think.

Reloading the page once you get a different language from the user (and using cookies et. al.) is a bad approach. There should be a better solution.

If it changes how you create your app, so be it, but that should be demonstrated at least.

Support MVC architecture

Hello elmasse:
First, i was implementation Ext.i18n.Bundle in a simple environment it's running.
But when i do this again in MVC architecture, it doesn't run. I will find the problem? but i want to know, the Ext.i18n.Bundle is support MVC ?

Lazy Definitions not working when using Ext.define

This does not seem to work:

Ext.create(Ext.define(null, {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    text: { type: 'bundle', key: 'Contact' }
}), { renderTo: document.body })

Getting error message as posted per PM.

When using bundle, I always get Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'read'


I tried to use the i18n bundle, but it failed to work and shows me the below error in chrome.


I followed the steps as mentioned in Readme, except that I placed the properties file in resources/i18n folder.


  enabled: true,
  paths: {
        'Ext.i18n': '<%=request.getContextPath()%>/resources/i18n'  


        requires: ['Ext.i18n.Bundle'],
        name: 'Mot',        
        bundle: {
            bundle: 'Application',
            lang: 'en-US',
            path: 'resources/locale',
            noCache: true,
            format: 'json'
        launch: function() {
             var myForm =Ext.create('Ext.FormPanel',{
                    title: Mot.getApplication().bundle.getMsg(''),
                    //style: 'margin:7cm 1cm 4cm 14cm;',
                            xtype: 'textfield',
                            fieldLabel:'User Name', //bundle.getMsg('username'),  
                            //style:'margin:10px 10px 10px 10px',
                            name: 'username',
                            allowBlank: false
                        }, {
                            xtype: 'textfield',
                            fieldLabel: 'Password',  
                            //style:'margin:10px 10px 10px 10px',
                            name: 'password',
                            allowBlank: false
                        buttons: [{
                            text: 'Login',
                            id: 'btnLogin',
                            handler: function () {
                                var form = Ext.getCmp('loginForm').getForm();

                                alert(' form ');
                                if (form.isValid()) {
                                    var login=Ext.create('resources.controllers.LoginController');
            Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
                layout: 'border',
                items: [{

I am using ext-4.1.1a build.

Am I missing anything?

Madan Narra

Not working in 4.1 beta 2

using Test sample included with Bundle getting this in 4.1

me.createFieldAccessExpression is not a function
[Break On This Error] code.push(' dest', ...on(field, varName, 'source'), ';\n');
ext-all-debug.js (line 19350)

4.0.7 works fine

Chinese messy code

When I use the .properties file which contains simple chinese, it shows messy code on the page. could you please see it?

Add new reader for .json files

We should be able to load not only .properties files but as well json using the same rules as for properties keys load and override.

Always get Display Field value in IE

Dear elmasse:
I have a problem here. I create a combobox and use "Ext.i18n.Bundle" to set the value of displayfield. I found the renderer always get displayfield value, not valuefield. And this is only occur in IE, it is correct in firefox. Do you know why happen about this problem?

this is a part of code:
{ header: "Policy", dataIndex:'policy', flex: 1, sortable: true, align:'center',
return (value.indexOf('ro') > -1 )?
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
xtype: 'jsonstore',
fields:[ 'label', 'policy' ],
{label: Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('Sharev.READY_ONLY'), policy: 'ro'},
{label: Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('Sharev.READY_WRITE'), policy: 'rw'}
}//eo editor

Not working on Ext-JS 4.2 GA

When requesting a localized value the call stack is:
-> i18n.getMsg(key)
-> Store.getById(key)
-> Record.getId()

In Ext-JS 4.2 beta Record.getId() was:

 getId: function() {
     return this.get(this.idProperty);

and is now replaced by:

getId: function() {
    return this.get(;

Setting idProperty in Property.js and Json.js is not enough as it just override the property and does not reinitialize idField (which remained set to 'id')

Doing this will do the trick:

Ext.merge(Model.prototype, {
    idProperty: this.getIdProperty(),
    idField: new,
        getRecId : function(rec){
            return rec.internalId;

Hope this help ;)

Not working with Sencha Ext JS 6.2.1


I have run into a problem while using elmasse-bundle with Sencha Ext JS v6.2.1 application. I am aware that currently there is no support for MVC architecture, but I was still able to somehow use this bundle in an MVC application having Sencha Ext JS version 6.0.2 with a few compromises, that I was OK with. But now I am unable to run the same MVC application having Sencha Ext JS version 6.2.1.

I didn't use 'sencha app upgrade' cmd for upgrading my application, instead I generated a fresh Sencha Ext JS v6.2.1 application and copied all MVC files. I followed all the steps in the documentation to install a fresh copy of elmasse-bundle. But I am getting the following error while running the app in the browser.

Uncaught TypeError: me.getConfigurator is not a function(…) Bundle.js?_dc=1480744665177:278


No idea whats's going wrong!!

Thanks In Advance.

Reference Other properties

One feature that would be exceptionally useful is internal property references.

Lets say I have the properties for OK and Cancel buttons. So I'm going to put them in app.common.button.ok.label and app.common.button.cancel.label.

So for all my alerts and what not, I'm going to use those two for the buttons. Great. Except that when I don the "Send Message" window, what I want is "Send" and "Cancel" So now, do I use app.sendmessage.button.send.label?

So far its not to onerous. Simply create new properties for the exceptions.

Invariably, you run into some situation where for most of the languages you can use the "common" value but in this one, there is a better choice that can be used. So you end up with several languages where the value is the same as elsewhere and one where it is different.

It would be nice if we could refer to other properties in some property. So in my exmaple, I'd have:


I would take the same approach as Android, and make it all or nothing. If the entire value (trimmed of leading and following white space) is the name of a property, replace that string with the value of the property.

Package shouldn't use Ext prefix

This bundle should use a custom prefix.

It is assumed that all classes prefixed by Ext are internally written Sencha classes. (community standard)

should be renamed to something like:

Elmasse.ux.i18n bundle

How to switch language dynamically : MVC architecture


My app is based on simple MVC architecture.

How do I change the language dynamically in the controller?

I find that the latest elmasse-bundle(version 1.1.0) examples are based on MVVM architecture.

Thanks In advance.

It does not work with ExtJS 5

I started an app with ExtJS 5 and checked that this plugin does not work on it.

First I deleted this snippet of code and it started working again.
But with json format I had issues again:

Error: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function at line 29 of Json.js:

record = new Model(undefined, me.getId(node), node, convertedValues = {});

I tried to solve this issue but failed.

Just for curiosity, I checked that it does not show any error with property format but it always shows value

onReady-Function should be called, if the bundle is already loaded

It ist posibile that the bundle already has loaded all files, when the following onReady(fn)-Function is called.

I fixed this problem with an additiional attribute "isReady". Here is the code-snipped:

 * @method: onReady
 * The fn will be called when the Bundle file is loaded.
 * @param: fn {Function}
onReady: function(fn){
    this.readyFn = fn;
    this.on('loaded', this.readyFn, this);

 * @private
onBundleLoad: function(store, record, success, op) {
     this.isReady = true;

Refactor how properties files are read from server

We should load the files in the following order: //1 //2

1 if lang is specified as 'xx' or 'xx-YY' (for instance: 'en', 'en-US');
2 if lang is specified as 'xx-YY'

Load order should be reversed as from today. Load the bottom-up from less to more specific and override the keys.

examples & without using cmd

I took a look at your bundles cause I think it's what I need as far as organizing resources goes, but I'm not sure. the clone was severely lacking examples and use cases.

I'm building a language that dynamically generates MVCS/W based on data sets from multiple sources (aws rds/aurora, dynamo, mongo, postgre, etc.) and uses those to create ExtJS code, and Swagger APIs. Anyhow, I like the idea of bundling apps together in a way where the resources are accessible and less disorganized. You don't state your rationale in the ... if you have time hit me up on hc:irc(freenode:disruptive) or [email protected]

Here's the project I've been barely starting, much of the code is crypto and/or written in go/php/ruby/bash and designed for docker/heroku with elastic beanstalk or EC2 AMI.

I'm still at odds as to whether or not to generate columns & fields from JSON and load them with the Ext.Loader, or if I should just have the server-side language create the models and corresponding stores, grids, etc.

For instance: right now I can generate columns in JSON or array

It has become apparent to me that it's not common to pull the fields/columns/associations/validations from JSON, but rather to write the models. So I guess I'm leaning more towards just creating the models dynamically and linking it to an api. But I'm gonna make my own shorthand for it using functions like this:

function createModel(fields) {
return Ext.define('' +, {
        extend: '',
        fields: fields,    
        proxy: {
            type: 'memory',
            reader: {
                type: 'json',
                totalProperty: 'tc',
                root: 'Result'

The end result would allow the user to create sophisticated apps, because the software is designed to allow them to manage fields/columns across a broad spectrum or applications.

I've been doing web a long time, and it's a very fun project cause of the end goal for me. I love AWS and am devout ;)

.... So I'm not sure if this fits in with what you are doing... but yours is the closest thing I've found to a packaged solution that can be distributed for ExtJS open source with software like mine in container apps for the purpose of rapid deployment.

<< sorry for the long rant... I do that.... haha >>

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