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kan-extensions's Introduction


Hackage Build Status

This package provides tools for working with various Kan extensions and Kan lifts in Haskell.

Among the interesting bits included are:

  • Right and left Kan extensions (Ran and Lan)
  • Right and left Kan lifts (Rift and Lift)
  • Multiple forms of the Yoneda lemma (Yoneda)
  • The Codensity monad, which can be used to improve the asymptotic complexity of code over free monads (Codensity, Density)
  • A "comonad to monad-transformer transformer" that is a special case of a right Kan lift. (CoT, Co)

Contact Information

Contributions and bug reports are welcome!

Please feel free to contact me through github or on the #haskell IRC channel on

-Edward Kmett

kan-extensions's People


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kan-extensions's Issues

Levity polymorphic codensity

I doubt this will get accepted, but it's worth noting that Codensity (and similar data types) can be made levity polymorphic

newtype Codensity (m::TYPE rep -> Type) a = Codensity
  { runCodensity :: forall b. (a -> m b) -> m b

If it's worth adding I'll make PR, if I understand correctly it can even be given a kind?

Codensity :: (TYPE rep -> TYPE rep') -> (TYPE rep'' -> Type)

Export Curried Yoneda utils

lens uses Curried (Yoneda f) (Yoneda f) and an internal liftCurriedYoneda to implement confusing. There are other applications where these pieces are more useful separately. For example, you can use a class

class GTraversable t where
  gtraverse :: (a -> f b) -> t a -> Curried (Yoneda f) (Yoneda f) a

to implement generic deriving of Traversable that seems to work almost exactly the same as GHC deriving (if you use a modified form of Generic1). Perhaps it would even make sense to add a CurriedYoneda type and explain what it can do for you.

Add Eq1 etc instances?

And change (Functor f, Eq (f a)) => Eq (Coyoneda f a) to

Eq1 f => Eq1 (Coyoneda f)


Would that need a major bump (following up the free 4 -> 5)?

Consider different functor arguments of Ran, Lan

There is some talk on reddit if the functor arguments of Ran, Lan should be swapped, for example defining ibind and iextend for them

ibind :: (a -> Ran k j b) -> (Ran j i a -> Ran k i b)
ibind k (Ran m) = Ran (\c -> m (\a -> runRan (k a) c))

iextend :: (Lan k j a -> b) -> (Lan k i a -> Lan j i b)
iextend f (Lan h ws) = Lan (f . Lan h) ws

yields a swapped argument order from the type class

class IxApplicative m => IxMonad m where
  ibind :: (a -> m j k b) -> (m i j a -> m i k b)

class IxCopointed w => IxComonad w where
  iextend :: (w j k a -> b) -> (w i k a -> w i j b)


Document reason for implementation choice for Monad (Yoneda m)

Yoneda m >>= k = Yoneda (\f -> m id >>= \a -> runYoneda (k a) f)

I believe an alternative would be

Yoneda m >>= k = Yoneda (\f -> join . m $ \a -> runYoneda (k a) f)

The most obvious reason to prefer the current implementation is that it can take advantage of fmap id = id optimizations in some situations. Is this the only reason?

MonadCont instance for Codensity

There exist at least 2 conflicting candidatures:

-- Codensity (Const r) ~ Cont r
instance MonadCont (Codensity (Const r)) where
  callCC f = Codensity (\k -> mapConst $ runCodensity (f (\x -> Codensity (\_ -> mapConst $ k x))) k)
      mapConst :: Const r a -> Const r b
      mapConst = Const . runConst

-- using callCC of m
instance MonadCont m => MonadCont (Codensity m) where
  callCC f = join . lift $ callCC (\k -> return $ f (lift . k . return))

Build fails on GHC 7.7 without ImpredicativeTypes

$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.7.20130625
$ cabal install kan-extensions
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring kan-extensions-3.6...
Building kan-extensions-3.6...
Preprocessing library kan-extensions-3.6...
[ 1 of 10] Compiling Data.Functor.Yoneda.Reduction ( src/Data/Functor/Yoneda/Reduction.hs, dist/build/Data/Functor/Yoneda/Reduction.o )
[ 2 of 10] Compiling Data.Functor.Yoneda ( src/Data/Functor/Yoneda.hs, dist/build/Data/Functor/Yoneda.o )

src/Data/Functor/Yoneda.hs:81:11: Warning:
    Rule "lower/lift=id" may never fire because ‛.’ might inline first
    Probable fix: add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma on ‛.’

src/Data/Functor/Yoneda.hs:82:11: Warning:
    Rule "lift/lower=id" may never fire because ‛.’ might inline first
    Probable fix: add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma on ‛.’
[ 3 of 10] Compiling Data.Functor.Kan.Rift ( src/Data/Functor/Kan/Rift.hs, dist/build/Data/Functor/Kan/Rift.o )
[ 4 of 10] Compiling Data.Functor.Kan.Lift ( src/Data/Functor/Kan/Lift.hs, dist/build/Data/Functor/Kan/Lift.o )

    Cannot instantiate unification variable ‛a0’
    with a type involving foralls: forall x. h x -> g (z x)
      Perhaps you want -XImpredicativeTypes
    In the first argument of ‛Lift’, namely ‛(fmap f . g)’
    In the expression: Lift (fmap f . g)
    In an equation for ‛fmap’: fmap f (Lift g) = Lift (fmap f . g)

    Cannot instantiate unification variable ‛a0’
    with a type involving foralls: forall x. h x -> g (z x)
      Perhaps you want -XImpredicativeTypes
    In the second argument of ‛(.)’, namely ‛g’
    In the first argument of ‛Lift’, namely ‛(fmap f . g)’

    Cannot instantiate unification variable ‛b0’
    with a type involving foralls: forall a. f a -> g (z a)
      Perhaps you want -XImpredicativeTypes
    In the expression: flip runLift
    In an equation for ‛toLift’: toLift = flip runLift

    Cannot instantiate unification variable ‛b0’
    with a type involving foralls: forall x. f x -> g (z x)
      Perhaps you want -XImpredicativeTypes
    In the first argument of ‛flip’, namely ‛runLift’
    In the expression: flip runLift
Failed to install kan-extensions-3.6
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
kan-extensions-3.6 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

Adding {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-} to Lift.hs makes it build successfully, but I am leery of this extension, having been bitten by it in the past.

Add oneShot to Codensity instances

The IOSim s Monad has the same instances as Codensity (SimA s) except with oneShot. Could be added to the Codensity instances, giving the compiler better hints and allowing the io-sim library to derive via Codensity.

newtype IOSim s a = IOSim { unIOSim :: forall r. (a -> SimA s r) -> SimA s r }

instance Functor (IOSim s) where
    {-# INLINE fmap #-}
    fmap f = \d -> IOSim $ oneShot $ \k -> unIOSim d (k . f)

instance Applicative (IOSim s) where
    {-# INLINE pure #-}
    {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
    {-# INLINE (*>) #-}
    pure = \x -> IOSim $ oneShot $ \k -> k x
    (<*>) = \df dx -> IOSim $ oneShot $ \k -> unIOSim df (\f -> unIOSim dx (\x -> k (f x)))
    (*>) = \dm dn -> IOSim $ oneShot $ \k -> unIOSim dm (\_ -> unIOSim dn k)

instance Monad (IOSim s) where
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
    return = pure
    (>>=) = \dm f -> IOSim $ oneShot $ \k -> unIOSim dm (\m -> unIOSim (f m) k)
    (>>) = (*>)

Build failure with GHC 7.6

Configuring kan-extensions-4.1...
Dependency adjunctions ==4.2: using adjunctions-4.2
Dependency array == using array-
Dependency base == using base-
Dependency comonad ==4.2.2: using comonad-4.2.2
Dependency containers == using containers-
Dependency contravariant ==1.2: using contravariant-1.2
Dependency distributive ==0.4.4: using distributive-0.4.4
Dependency free ==4.9: using free-4.9
Dependency mtl == using mtl-
Dependency pointed ==4.1: using pointed-4.1
Dependency semigroupoids ==4.2: using semigroupoids-4.2
Dependency transformers == using transformers-
Using Cabal- compiled by ghc-7.6
Using compiler: ghc-7.6.3
Using install prefix: /var/lib/jenkins/.cabal
Binaries installed in:
Libraries installed in:
Private binaries installed in: /var/lib/jenkins/.cabal/libexec
Data files installed in:
Documentation installed in:
Configuration files installed in: /var/lib/jenkins/.cabal/etc
Using alex version 3.1.3 found on system at:
Using ar found on system at: /usr/bin/ar
No c2hs found
Using cpphs version 1.18.5 found on system at:
No ffihugs found
Using gcc version 4.8 found on system at: /usr/bin/gcc
Using ghc version 7.6.3 found on system at: /opt/ghc/7.6.3/bin/ghc
Using ghc-pkg version 7.6.3 found on system at: /opt/ghc/7.6.3/bin/ghc-pkg
No greencard found
Using haddock version 2.13.2 found on system at: /opt/ghc/7.6.3/bin/haddock
Using happy version 1.19.4 found on system at:
Using haskell-suite found on system at: haskell-suite-dummy-location
Using haskell-suite-pkg found on system at: haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location
No hmake found
Using hpc version 0.6 found on system at: /opt/ghc/7.6.3/bin/hpc
Using hsc2hs version 0.67 found on system at: /opt/ghc/7.6.3/bin/hsc2hs
Using hscolour version 1.20 found on system at:
No hugs found
No jhc found
Using ld found on system at: /usr/bin/ld
No lhc found
No lhc-pkg found
No nhc98 found
Using pkg-config version 0.26 found on system at: /usr/bin/pkg-config
Using strip found on system at: /usr/bin/strip
Using tar found on system at: /bin/tar
No uhc found
Component build order: library
creating dist/build
creating dist/build/autogen
Building kan-extensions-4.1...
Preprocessing library kan-extensions-4.1...
Building library...
creating dist/build
/opt/ghc/7.6.3/bin/ghc --make -fbuilding-cabal-package -O -outputdir dist/build -odir dist/build -hidir dist/build -stubdir dist/build -i -idist/build -isrc -idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build -optP-include -optPdist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -package-name kan-extensions-4.1 -hide-all-packages -no-user-package-db -package-db /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Stackage/ghcversion/7.6.3/stackage/sandbox/package-db -package-db dist/package.conf.inplace -package-id adjunctions-4.2-ab681c076c70761a0b3dee65d9a42ab8 -package-id array- -package-id base- -package-id comonad-4.2.2-59217784e907b1aabcf64b8f191b3815 -package-id containers- -package-id contravariant-1.2-4f56a055aa93b13d2ce191f3d54d247d -package-id distributive-0.4.4-f35281d827800032c5fe74c053ad0474 -package-id free-4.9-1f9be52b839623900055875a2e6cc133 -package-id mtl- -package-id pointed-4.1-7efcc70f43b003dbd2a0f8d5aa3c1c17 -package-id semigroupoids-4.2-c5ebe1bff925106f246dfa0e69df0b94 -package-id transformers- -XHaskell98 Control.Comonad.Density Control.Monad.Co Control.Monad.Codensity Data.Functor.Contravariant.Day Data.Functor.Contravariant.Yoneda Data.Functor.Contravariant.Coyoneda Data.Functor.Day Data.Functor.Kan.Lan Data.Functor.Kan.Lift Data.Functor.Kan.Ran Data.Functor.Kan.Rift Data.Functor.Yoneda Data.Functor.Coyoneda -Wall

    Could not find module `Data.Proxy'
    It is a member of the hidden package `tagged-0.7.2'.
    Perhaps you need to add `tagged' to the build-depends in your .cabal file.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

Making Codensity a separate library?

I am trying to use only Codensity in a project. Unfortunately, kan-extensions introduced many other dependencies. I wonder if we can split Codensity into a small library and let kan-extensions depend on it.

Some random functions/types related to Lan

Some of these may belong in Data.Functor.Kan.Lan.

From Monads Need Not Be Endofunctors

fold :: (forall xx. (f xx -> a) -> (g x -> lan)) -> (Lan f g a -> lan)
fold a (Lan b c) = a b c
-- as in paper, or
fold' :: Lan f g a -> (forall lan. (forall xx. (f xx -> a) -> (g xx -> lan)) -> lan)
fold' (Lan a b) c = c a b

hoistLan :: (g ~> g') -> (Lan f g ~> Lan f g')
hoistLan tau = fold (\g -> Lan g . tau)

The tensor that is defined F ·_J G = Lan J F · G

data Comp :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> (k' -> Type) -> (k' -> Type) where
  Comp :: (j xx -> g a) -> (f xx -> Comp j f g a)

foldComp :: (forall xx. (j xx -> g a) -> (f xx -> r)) -> (Comp j f g a -> r)
foldComp f (Comp a b) = f a b

intro2 :: m ~> Comp rel m rel
intro2 = Comp id

elim1 :: Comp rel rel m ~> m
elim1 = foldComp id

disassoc :: Comp rel (Comp rel f g) h ~> Comp rel f (Comp rel g h)
disassoc = foldComp $ \g -> foldComp $ \f -> Comp (Comp g . f) 

is really more useful with some kind of relative monad

class RelMonad m rel where
  royalReturn :: rel ~> m
  relativeBind :: (rel a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b)

unit :: RelMonad m rel => rel ~> m
unit = royalReturn

mult :: RelMonad m rel => Comp rel m m ~> m
mult = foldComp relativeBind 

Representable (Lan f g)

I spotted this on ncatlab

Proposition 4.1. For F:C→D a 𝒱-enriched functor between small 𝒱-enriched categories we have

  1. the left Kan extension along F takes representable presheaves C(c,−):C→𝒱 to their image under F:
Lan FC(c,−)≃D(F(c),−)

for all c ∈ C.

An in Haskell this translates (roughly) to a Representableinstance for Lan:

instance (Functor f, Representable g) => Distributive (Lan f g) where
  distribute :: Functor h => h (Lan f g a) -> Lan f g (h a)
  distribute = distributeRep

instance (Functor f, Representable g) => Representable (Lan f g) where
  type Rep (Lan f g) = f (Rep g)

  index :: Lan f g a -> (f (Rep g) -> a)
  index (Lan f g) = f . fmap (index g)

  tabulate :: (f (Rep g) -> a) -> Lan f g a
  tabulate = (`Lan` tabulate id)

I noticed it was missing from the library.

Pattern synonyms for different encodings of Day convolution

It's possible to encode Day differently:

data Day2__ :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) where
  Day2__ :: f xx -> g (xx -> a) -> (Day2__ f g) a

data Day3__ :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) where
  Day3__ :: f (xx -> a) -> g xx -> (Day3__ f g) a

Users might want access to them for some reason, we can expose pattern synonyms to access them

day2 :: forall f g a. Functor g => Day f g a -> Day2__ f g a
day2 (Day fa gb f) = Day2__ fa (flip f gb)

day3 :: Functor f => Day f g a -> Day3__ f g a
day3 (Day fa gb f) = Day3__ (fmap f fa) gb 

pattern Day2 :: forall f g a. Functor g => forall xx. f xx -> g (xx -> a) -> Day f g a
pattern Day2 fa gb <- (day2 -> Day2__ fa gb)
  where Day2 fa gb = Day fa gb (&)

pattern Day3 :: forall f g a. Functor f => forall xx. f (xx -> a) -> g xx -> Day f g a
pattern Day3 fa gb <- (day3 -> Day3__ fa gb)
  where Day3 fa gb = Day fa gb id

Useful or not? I didn't put thought into choosing encodings or names.

Instances for contravariant Coyoneda/Day

I stumbled across these while implementing Termination Combinators Forever. The termination combinator type Test described therein is the contravariant Coyoneda transformation of the Equivalence functor. Its combinators are characterized by these instances: given Test a ~ Coyoneda Equivalence a, then chosen and divided are exactly the combinators eitherT and pairT, and conquer is alwaysT. These can then be derived automatically, all thanks to -XDerivingVia. (Equivalence technically demands symmetry which WQOs violate, but for deriving instances we can ignore it since we don't derive any others that need it.)

instance Divisible f => Divisible (Coyoneda f) where
  conquer :: Coyoneda f a
  conquer = Coyoneda id conquer
  {-# INLINE conquer #-}

  divide :: (a -> (b, c)) -> Coyoneda f b -> Coyoneda f c -> Coyoneda f a
  divide cleave (Coyoneda fb b) (Coyoneda fc c)
    = Coyoneda (bimap fb fc . cleave) (divided b c)
  {-# INLINE divide #-}

instance Decidable f => Decidable (Coyoneda f) where
  lose :: (a -> Void) -> Coyoneda f a
  lose f = Coyoneda id (lose f)
  {-# INLINE lose #-}

  choose :: (a -> Either b c) -> Coyoneda f b -> Coyoneda f c -> Coyoneda f a
  choose fork (Coyoneda fb b) (Coyoneda fc c)
    = Coyoneda (bimap fb fc . fork) (chosen b c)
  {-# INLINE choose #-}

Proof of equality is left as a simple exercise:

-- Generalized implementation of 'Test' from "Termination Combinators Forever"
newtype Test (a :: Type) = Test (Coyoneda Equivalence a)
  -- DerivingVia is amazing.
  deriving Contravariant via (Coyoneda Equivalence)
  deriving Divisible     via (Coyoneda Equivalence)
  deriving Decidable     via (Coyoneda Equivalence)

-- 'WQO' constructor, backwards-compatible with the
-- termination-combinators package/paper.
pattern WQO :: forall a. forall b. (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> Bool) -> Test a
pattern WQO co eq = Test (Coyoneda co (Equivalence eq))

Also, while playing around more, I stumbled upon the following instance for contravariant Day:

contract :: Divisible f => Day f f a -> f a
contract (Day ca cb k) = divide k ca cb

instance Divisible f => Divisible (Day f f) where
  conquer :: Day f f a
  conquer = diag conquer

  divide :: (a -> (b, c)) -> Day f f b -> Day f f c -> Day f f a
  divide cleave fb fc = Day (contract fb) (contract fc) cleave

I feel there is something lurking within Divisible (Day f f) that can get us to Divisible (Coyoneda f), but I'm not sure.

MonadFree instance for Co

There is the following instance:

instance ComonadCofree f w => MonadFree (Co f) (Co w)

Essentially, we could require only ComonadCofree g w for some g for which there is a pairing with f. But since we don't have a type class for that, and since inference would be presumably pretty horrible, I think it makes sense to just choose Co f for g.

What do you think?

`lift` for `Codensity` can probably be done with coercions

Prelude: I don't know if it's worth trying to do this, or if the more precise arity analysis is better than theoretical allocation improvements.

We can legally define

instance MonadTrans Codensity where
  lift = frob
frob :: forall m a . Monad m => m a -> Codensity m a
frob = coerce (blah (Mag (>>=)) :: m a -> Mag2 m a)
newtype Mag m a = Mag (forall b . m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b)
newtype Mag2 m a = Mag2 (forall b . (a -> m b) -> m b)
blah :: Mag m a -> m a -> Mag2 m a
blah (Mag p) q = Mag2 (p q)

blah is obviously the identity (up to arity), because all it does is remove a newtype constructor and put a different one on. The effect is to shift the forall b to the right of an arrow; this does not change the run-time representation because type lambdas compile away. Unfortunately, I don't see a way to convince GHC that blah is just a cast. I believe, however, that it should be safe to define blah = unsafeCoerce id.

Instances for Codensity (Semigroup, Monoid, numeric classes)

There are some trivial instances for Managed that could be implemented for Codensity, the Monoid instance is put to good use by Gabriel Gonzales in his Applied category theory and abstract algebra talk

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Codensity m a) where
  (<>) = liftA2 (<>)

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Codensity m a) where
  mempty = pure mempty

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(5,0,0))
  mappend = liftA2 (<>)

Same with Num, Fractional, Floating.

Add polymorphic improve variant

improve :: Functor f => (forall m. MonadFree f m => m a) -> Free f a
improve m = lowerCodensity m

lowerCodensity :: Monad f => Codensity f a -> f a

The basic idea of improve is that the passed action does not depend on the choice of free monad construction (I don't actually remember why this matters, but that's the idea). The specific choice of Free f as the result monad, however, seems to be arbitrary. Thus

improve' :: (Functor f, MonadFree f m') =>
            (forall m . MonadFree f m => m a) -> m' a
improve' m = lowerCodensity m

lowerCodensity can be AMPlified


lowerCodensity :: Monad m => Codensity m a -> m a
lowerCodensity a = runCodensity a return

We could AMP that up to

lowerCodensity :: Applicative f => Codensity f a -> f a
lowerCodensity a = runCodensity a pure

Whether that's useful or not is another question, but it's possible.

Some Foldable methods for Coyoneda can respect underlying structure more

In particular:

  foldr c n (Coyoneda k a) = foldr (c . k) n a 
  foldl f b (Coyoneda k a) = foldl (\acc -> f acc . k) go b a
  -- foldl', foldr', foldl1, foldr1 similarly
  toList (Coyoneda k a) = map k (toList a) -- but this is arguably worse than the default!
  length (Coyoneda _ a) = length a
  null (Coyoneda _ a) = null a

Unfortunately, I don't believe it's possible to do anything about fold, maximum, minimum, sum, product, or elem.

Direct-style CoT

Found this construction, and I thought I should make an issue here for reference (and possible future inclusion).

Through some isomorphism arithmetic, it's possible to find a direct-style Co:

  forall r. w (a -> r) -> r
~ forall r x. (x -> a -> r) -> w x -> r
~ forall r x. ((x, a) -> r) -> w x -> r
~ forall x. w x -> (x, a)

which is easily generalizable to a monad transformer:

newtype CovT w m a = CovT { runCovT :: forall x. w x -> m (x, a) }

instance Functor m => Functor (CovT w m) where
  fmap f cov = CovT $ \w -> (fmap . fmap) f (runCovT cov w)

instance (Comonad w, Monad m) => Applicative (CovT w m) where
  pure a = CovT $ \w -> pure (extract w, a)
  (<*>) = ap

instance (Comonad w, Monad m) => Monad (CovT w m) where
  m >>= f = CovT $ \w -> do
    (w', a) <- runCovT m (duplicate w)
    runCovT (f a) w'

The obvious difference here is that CovT w m is covariant in m. Also, unlike CoT, CovT (Store s) m is directly isomorphic to StateT s m (rather than the CPS version of StateT). In the same way, CovT ((,) r) m ~ ReaderT r m, CovT ((->) s) m ~ WriterT s m, etc.

Instances for right/left Kan extensions for functors along themselves

These instances exist already as Codensity and Density but they could be included for right/left Kan extensions of functors along themselves.

instance f~ f=> Applicative (Ran ff₂) where
  pure x = Ran (\k -> k x)
  Ran f <*> Ran g = Ran (\bfr -> f (\ab -> g (bfr . ab)))

instance f~ f=> Monad (Ran ff₂) where
  return = pure
  m >>= k = Ran (\c -> runRan m (\a -> runRan (k a) c))
-- etc.


instance f~ f=> Comonad (Lan ff₂) where
  duplicate (Lan f ws) = Lan (Lan f) ws
  extract (Lan f a) = f a
-- etc.

Annoyingly the same can be done for Yoneda / Coyoneda

instance (Identity ~ id, Applicative f) => Applicative (Ran id f) where
  pure a = Ran (\f -> pure (runIdentity (f a)))

-- ... 
instance Identity ~ id => Foldable (Codensity id) where
  foldMap f = foldMap f . lowerYoneda . ranToYoneda . codensityToRan

which overlaps and looks icky, is this a horrible idea?

Make ‘Ran’, ‘Lan’ kind polymorphic

data Lan :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) where
  Lan :: (g b -> a) -> (h b) -> Lan g h a

newtype Ran :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) where
  Ran :: { runRan :: forall b. (a -> g b) -> h b } -> Ran g h a

send :: (forall x. (a -> Free f x) -> f (Free f x)) -> Codensity (Free f) a

I was reading Oleg's Extensible Effects: An Alternative to Monad Transformers.

The coroutine for arbitrary effects Eff r is the same as Codensity (Free r).

data VE w r = Val w | E (r (VE w r))

newtype Eff r a = Eff{runEff ::  w. (a  VE w r)  VE w r}

So I wondered if the send function had some usefulness in the library, admin is already a specialization of lowerCodensity

send :: ( w. (a  VE w r)  r (VE w r))  Eff r a
send f = Eff $ \k  E (f k)

admin :: Eff r w  VE w r
admin (Eff m) = m Val

but send, producing a Codensity (Free f) a, is not in the library:

send :: (forall x. (a -> Free f x) -> f (Free f x)) -> Codensity (Free f) a
send eff = Codensity \next -> Free (eff next)

kan-extensions-5.1 doesn't build with GHC-9.0

src/Data/Functor/Kan/Ran.hs:108:18: error:
    • Couldn't match type: forall (b1 :: k). (g b -> g b1) -> h b1
                     with: (a0 -> a0) -> h b
      Expected: Ran g h (g b) -> (a0 -> a0) -> h b
        Actual: Ran g h (g b) -> forall (b1 :: k). (g b -> g b1) -> h b1

I'll make a sweep on kan-extensions versions soon to see which other versions are affected and make according revisions, so this issue is for heads up purposes.

Build failure for GHC 7.4

Type indexes must match class instance head
Found Yoneda f' but expectedYoneda g'
In the type synonym instance declaration for Rep' In the instance declaration forRepresentable (Yoneda g)'
Failed to install kan-extensions-4.0
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
kan-extensions-4.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

Add: Ran f (Codensity g) ~> Ran (Compose f g) g


composeRan' :: forall compose f g a. Composition compose => Ran f (Codensity g) a -> Ran (compose f g) g a
composeRan' = coerce (composeRan @compose @f @g @g @a)

decomposeRan' :: forall compose f g a. (Composition compose, Functor f) => Ran (compose f g) g a -> Ran f (Codensity g) a
decomposeRan' = coerce (decomposeRan @compose @f @g @g @a)

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