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ebx-linkedin-sdk's Introduction

Maven Central License


What it is

ebx-linkedin-sdk is a pure Java LinkedIn API client. It implements the versioning API as described here.

It is created and maintained by Echobox.


ebx-linkedin-sdk itself is open source software released under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.

Installation (Recommended)

Recommended installation is via maven (or gradle etc.). For our latest stable release (recommended) use:


Installation (Most Up To Date)


If you'd like to use the latest SNAPSHOT build please ensure you have snapshots enabled in your pom:


and then include the snapshot dependency, replacing x.x.x with the latest snapshot version:


alternatively just drop the JAR into your app and you're ready to go.

Building it Yourself

Just type

mvn package

and the jars will be built and can be found in the target folder.

Usage and examples

Please see the tests for examples of API calls that are supported and the expected JSON responses

To get the access token to begin to make requests (See documentation):

LinkedInClient client = new DefaultLinkedInClient(Version.DEFAULT_VERSION);
LinkedInClient.AccessToken accessToken = client.obtainUserAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret, redirectURI, code);

To create a LinkedIn Share (See documentation):

VersionedPostConnection postConnection = 
    new VersionedPostConnection(new DefaultLinkedInClient(authToken));

Distribution distribution = new Distribution(Distribution.FeedDistribution.MAIN_FEED);
String commentary = "Message here"
Post post = new Post(ownerURN, commentary, distribution, Post.LifecycleState.PUBLISHED,
String articleLink = "";
String title = "title";
String description = "description";
PostUtils.fillArticleContent(post, articleLink, imageURN, title, description);
URN postURN = postConnection.createPost(post);

Retrieve an organization from LinkedIn (See documentation):

VersionedOrganizationConnection connection = 
    new VersionedOrganizationConnection(linkedInClient);
Organization organization = connection.retrieveOrganization(organizationURN, null);

Getting in touch

  • GitHub Issues: If you have ideas, bugs, or problems with our library, just open a new issue.


If you would like to get involved please follow the instructions here


We use semantic versioning.

All merges into DEV will automatically get released as a maven central snapshot, which can be easily included in any downstream dependencies that always desire the latest changes (see above for 'Most Up To Date' installation).

Each merge into the MASTER branch will automatically get released to Maven central and github releases, using the current library version. As such, following every merge to master, the version number of the dev branch should be incremented and will represent 'Work In Progress' towards the next release.

Please use a merge (not rebase) commit when merging dev into master to perform the release.

To create a full release to Maven central please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the is up-to-date with all the changes in the release, if not please raise a suitable PR into DEV. Typically, the change log should be updated as we go.
  2. Create a PR from DEV into MASTER. Ensure the version in the pom.xml is the correct version to be released. Merging this PR into MASTER will automatically create the maven and github releases, This PR should never be squashed, but just merged to ensure all commits from dev are included in master. Please note that a release is final, it cannot be undone/deleted/overwritten.
  3. Once the public release has been successful, create a final PR into DEV that contains an incremented pom.xml version to ensure the correct snapshot gets updated on subsequent merges into DEV. This PR should include:
    • An update to the latest stable release version number.
    • A 'Work In Progress' entry for the next anticipated release in

ebx-linkedin-sdk's People


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ebx-linkedin-sdk's Issues

Access feed with posts for connected user posts

Hello and thanks for your great library!

I have a general question:
At the home page of my personal LinkedIn account I can see the feed with all posts of all connected users.

Is it possible to access such posts via LinkedIn API and your library ? if so, could you please point me to appropriate API documentation or example? Thanks!

Duplicate id definition in Post and LinkedInURNIdType


for some reason I wanted to deserialize a json string to the com.echobox.api.linkedin.types.posts.Post class with Gson and I got the following error message:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: class com.echobox.api.linkedin.types.posts.Post declares multiple JSON fields named id

Turns out, the field private URN id; is definied both in the Post class and in it's base class LinkedInURNIdType. Does this have a reason or would it be sufficient to just have the field in the latter class? As far as I understand that is what base classes are for, to just have it in one place.

Definition in the Post class:

   * ugcPostUrn or shareUrn
  private URN id;

Definition in the LinkedInURNIdType class:

   * Unique id for this object. Can contain more urn types in the future.
  private URN id;

Best regards,

Unable to Deserialize PollOption and PollSettings objects

It is currently impossible to deserialize PollOption and PollSettings object.

 class com.echobox.api.linkedin.exception.LinkedInJsonMappingException: Don't know
 how to map JSON to class com.echobox.api.linkedin.types.posts.PollOption. Are you sure you're mapping to the right class?
Offending JSON is '{"isVotedByViewer":false,"voteCount":0,"text":"test option"}'.

Unable to Post with a loaded videos=

I can load the video with RegisterUploadRequestBody.RecipeURN.FEED_SHARE_VIDEO in the endpoint assetsConnection.uploadImageAsset.

But then when I try to post, in the UGCShare putting in the ShareContentBody() the attribute contentBody.shareMediaCategory = LinkedInConstants.SHARE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_VIDEO the service response is Received LinkedIn error response: LinkedIn request failed (code null)

For now I'm using SHARE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_IMAGE instead SHARE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_VIDEO to post a image of the video instead of the video. But I need to post the Video as a Video.

Upload mapping error

I'm trying to upload an asset and I received the following error

com.echobox.api.linkedin.exception.LinkedInQueryParseException: Received LinkedIn error response: Parameters of method 'registerUpload' failed validation with error 'ERROR :: /registerUploadRequest/supportedUploadMechanism :: array type is not backed by a DataList
Dec 28 16:30:32 int-com-wutsi-blog app/web.1 ' (code null)
Dec 28 16:30:32 int-com-wutsi-blog app/web.1 	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.client.DefaultLinkedInClient$DefaultLinkedInExceptionMapper.exceptionForTypeAndMessage(
Dec 28 16:30:32 int-com-wutsi-blog app/web.1 	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.client.DefaultLinkedInClient.throwLinkedInResponseStatusExceptionIfNecessary(
Dec 28 16:30:32 int-com-wutsi-blog app/web.1 	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.client.DefaultLinkedInClient.makeRequestAndProcessResponse(

Looking at linked in specs here

  • Looks like supportedUploadMechanism should be a list
  • But RegisterUploadRequestBody.supportedUploadMechanism is not in the code.

Is this the issue?

Unable to collect Statistics for UGC post.

Unable to collect Statistics for UGC post since the URNEntityType is expected to be of Type SHARE whereas I'm trying to collect the stats for an UGC post. Is there a method to find the Stats for an UGC Post or should ebx-linkedin-sdk be updated for this?

The URN should be type SHARE at com.echobox.api.linkedin.connection.ConnectionBase.validateURN( at com.echobox.api.linkedin.connection.v2.ConnectionBaseV2.validateShareURN(

DefaultJsonMapper throws error when converting Post jsonString to an object of Post class.

Hi, I'm converting a Post class jsonString to its object.

        String expectedPostJson = "{\"author\":\"urn:li:organization:social_network_id\",\"commentary\":\"sample post text\",\"content\":{\"multiImage\":{\"images\":[{\"id\":\"urn:li:image:imageId1\"},{\"id\":\"urn:li:image:imageId2\"}]}},\"distribution\":{\"feedDistribution\":\"MAIN_FEED\"},\"lifecycleState\":\"PUBLISHED\",\"visibility\":\"PUBLIC\"}";

        JsonMapper jsonMapper = new DefaultJsonMapper();
        Post p = jsonMapper.toJavaObject(expectedPostJson, Post.class);

But I'm getting exception

com.echobox.api.linkedin.exception.LinkedInJsonMappingException: Unable to create an instance of class com.echobox.api.linkedin.types.posts.MultiImageContent. Please make sure that if it's a nested class, is marked 'static'. It should have a no-argument constructor.

	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.util.ReflectionUtils.createInstance(
	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.jsonmapper.DefaultJsonMapper.toJavaObject(
	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.jsonmapper.DefaultJsonMapper.toJavaType(
	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.jsonmapper.DefaultJsonMapper.toJavaObject(
	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.jsonmapper.DefaultJsonMapper.toJavaType(
	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.jsonmapper.DefaultJsonMapper.toJavaObject(
	at com.bcv.pipeline.process.linkedin.content.LinkedInContentProcessTest.testSuccess(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
	at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
	at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner$1.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
	at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$100(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(
	at com.intellij.junit4.JUnit4IdeaTestRunner.startRunnerWithArgs(
	at com.intellij.rt.junit.IdeaTestRunner$Repeater$1.execute(
	at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.TestsRepeater.repeat(
	at com.intellij.rt.junit.IdeaTestRunner$Repeater.startRunnerWithArgs(
	at com.intellij.rt.junit.JUnitStarter.prepareStreamsAndStart(
	at com.intellij.rt.junit.JUnitStarter.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.echobox.api.linkedin.types.posts.MultiImageContent.<init>()
	at java.base/java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
	at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructor(
	at com.echobox.api.linkedin.util.ReflectionUtils.createInstance(
	... 33 more

Can somebody please help me resolving this issue. ๐Ÿ™

Unable to post any of the data type in jsonbody other than string

When I am trying to create a new campaign using create campaign API, sending the runschedule as long format "runSchedule": { "end": 1624329157, "start": 1622601157 }

but defaultclient is throwing an error like this for date and boolean data type

`{"errorDetailType":"com.linkedin.common.error.BadRequest","message":"Multiple errors occurred during the input validation. Please see errorDetails for more information.","errorDetails":{"inputErrors":[{"description":"ERROR :: /runSchedule/start :: {} cannot be coerced to Long","input":{"inputPath":{"fieldPath":"/Campaign/runSchedule/start"}},"code":"INVALID_VALUE"},{"description":"Invalid value for field; wrong type or otherwise invalid input","input":{"inputPath":{"fieldPath":"/runSchedule/start"}},"code":"INVALID_VALUE"}]},"status":400}`

may I know what is the issue, why this is happening and If you could give me the documentation impl examples for each method call GET, POST, PUT that would be great.

Unable to deserialize ReshareContext class

It is currently impossible to deserialize the ReshareContext class

class com.echobox.api.linkedin.exception.LinkedInJsonMappingException: Don't know
 how to map JSON to class com.echobox.api.linkedin.types.posts.ReshareContext. Are you sure you're mapping to the right class?
Offending JSON is '{"parent":"urn:li:share:xxx","root":"urn:li:share:xxx"}'.

Unable to obtain accessToken via ebx-linkedin-sdk

Code used:

DefaultLinkedInClient client = new DefaultLinkedInClient(Version.DEFAULT_VERSION);
        LinkedInClient.AccessToken accessToken = client.obtainUserAccessToken("client_id", "client_secret",
                "redirect url", code);

The below is the error at Line 343(String response) DefaultLinkedInClient.class


<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD>
<BODY><h2>Bad Request - Invalid Header</h2>
<hr><p>HTTP Error 400. The request has an invalid header name.</p>



Upload Assets Problem

When I want to uploas a asset I have problems when add the fields: fileSize and supportedUploadMechanism

The code to build the RegisterUploadRequestBody is:

        val owner = URN("$URN_PERSON:$personId")
        val recipe = listOf(when (category) {
            MediaCategory.IMAGE -> RegisterUploadRequestBody.RecipeURN.FEED_SHARE_IMAGE
            MediaCategory.VIDEO -> RegisterUploadRequestBody.RecipeURN.FEED_SHARE_VIDEO

        val fileSizeMb = fileSize / (1024.0 * 1024.0)
        val supportedUploadMechanism = if (fileSizeMb > 200.0) {
            throw ValidationException("Not supported upload file with $fileSizeMb MB size")
        } else {

        val registerUploadRequest = RegisterUploadRequestBody.RegisterUploadRequest(owner)
        registerUploadRequest.fileSize = fileSize
        registerUploadRequest.supportedUploadMechanism = supportedUploadMechanism
        registerUploadRequest.serviceRelationships = listOf(RegisterUploadRequestBody.ServiceRelationships(SERVICE_RELATIONSHIP_IDENTIFIER, RelationshipType.OWNER))

        return RegisterUploadRequestBody(registerUploadRequest)

And I do:

val assetsConnetion = AssetsConnection(client)
val assetURN = assetsConnetion.uploadImageAsset(registerUploadRequestBody, <fileName>, <File>)

Then, the response is:

Received LinkedIn error response: 
  Parameters of method 'registerUpload' failed validation with error
      ERROR :: /registerUploadRequest/supportedUploadMechanism :: array type is not backed by a DataList
      ERROR :: /registerUploadRequest/fileSize :: {} cannot be coerced to Long
    ' (code null)

I need to support upload files longer than 200MB, so I need to use RegisterUploadRequestBody.SupportedUploadMechanism.MULTIPART_UPLOAD and I can't do that now

Unable to use createPost for reshare

In class com.echobox.api.linkedin.types.posts.ReshareContext all Fields are private.
But here for reshare-creation-request reshareContext.parent field must be provided.
As all fields are private cant't set reshareContext.parent field

N.B: using sdk version 4.1.0 with linkedin versioned client.

Problems with share IMAGE

Hi, can you give me an example for sharing an Image with a post? I can upload a text post with the example from the README but I failed at adding an image to the shareContent object.

DefaultLinkedInExceptionMapper needs a public constructor

The DefaultLinkedInExceptionMapper inner class within and should have a public constructor. Without it, subclasses of those client classes that want to call super constructors that take a LinkedInExceptionMapper parameter can't instantiate DefaultLinkedInExceptionMapper if they want to use that.

In particular, the only DefaultVersionedLinkedInClient constructor that allows the versionedMonth to be overridden can't currently be called without also specifying a non-default LinkedInExceptionMapper.

Support for digitalmediaAsset field for comment objects

It is currently impossible to get the digitalmediaAsset from a comment object that has the content field valorized (for example, a comment with an attached picture), because it is not mapped in the CommentAction class.

Here is an example json with the valorized field:

  "paging": { "start": 0, "count": 10, "links": [], "total": 1 },
  "elements": [
      "actor": "urn:li:organizationBrand:xxx",
      "created": {
        "actor": "urn:li:organizationBrand:xxx",
        "impersonator": "urn:li:person:xxx",
        "time": 1676467685592
      "lastModified": {
        "actor": "urn:li:organizationBrand:xxx",
        "impersonator": "urn:li:person:xxx",
        "time": 1676467685592
      "id": "xxx",
      "$URN": "urn:li:comment:(urn:li:activity:xxx,xxx)",
      "message": { "attributes": [], "text": "test comment" },
      "content": [
          "type": "IMAGE",
          "entity": {
            "digitalmediaAsset": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:xxx"
          "url": ""
      "object": "urn:li:activity:xxx"

How to upload an image to linkedin to be used when creating a post?

When migrating to the new Versioned LinkedIn API, it appears that they no longer crawl the URL given with the post for metatags as they did in v2.

From my research, it looks like you now need to use the new Image API to upload an image to LinkedIn first and then pass the returned image URN with the createPost request.

I've looked around for an example of how to upload an image, but couldn't find any information on how to do this with the SDK.

Would it be possible to point me to an example of how to do this, or perhaps update the README to include additional examples for working with images?

Thank you.

Me endpoint


I need to do a request to the me endpoint but I can't find how do that with the library.

Dose anyone have an idea of how to do it?

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