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Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!


  • Brings functional programming to Python land
  • Provides a bunch of primitives to write declarative business logic
  • Enforces better architecture
  • Fully typed with annotations and checked with mypy, PEP561 compatible
  • Adds emulated Higher Kinded Types support
  • Provides type-safe interfaces to create your own data-types with enforced laws
  • Has a bunch of helpers for better composition
  • Pythonic and pleasant to write and to read ๐Ÿ
  • Support functions and coroutines, framework agnostic
  • Easy to start: has lots of docs, tests, and tutorials

Quickstart right now!


pip install returns

You can also install returns with the latest supported mypy version:

pip install returns[compatible-mypy]

You would also need to configure our mypy plugin:

# In setup.cfg or mypy.ini:
plugins =


plugins = ["returns.contrib.mypy.returns_plugin"]

We also recommend to use the same mypy settings we use.

Make sure you know how to get started, check out our docs! Try our demo.


Maybe container

None is called the worst mistake in the history of Computer Science.

So, what can we do to check for None in our programs? You can use builtin Optional type and write a lot of if some is not None: conditions. But, having null checks here and there makes your code unreadable.

user: Optional[User]
discount_program: Optional['DiscountProgram'] = None

if user is not None:
     balance = user.get_balance()
     if balance is not None:
         credit = balance.credit_amount()
         if credit is not None and credit > 0:
             discount_program = choose_discount(credit)

Or you can use Maybe container! It consists of Some and Nothing types, representing existing state and empty (instead of None) state respectively.

from typing import Optional
from returns.maybe import Maybe, maybe

@maybe  # decorator to convert existing Optional[int] to Maybe[int]
def bad_function() -> Optional[int]:

maybe_number: Maybe[float] = bad_function().bind_optional(
    lambda number: number / 2,
# => Maybe will return Some[float] only if there's a non-None value
#    Otherwise, will return Nothing

You can be sure that .bind_optional() method won't be called for Nothing. Forget about None-related errors forever!

We can also bind a Optional-returning function over a container. To achieve this, we are going to use .bind_optional method.

And here's how your initial refactored code will look:

user: Optional[User]

# Type hint here is optional, it only helps the reader here:
discount_program: Maybe['DiscountProgram'] = Maybe.from_optional(
).bind_optional(  # This won't be called if `user is None`
    lambda real_user: real_user.get_balance(),
).bind_optional(  # This won't be called if `real_user.get_balance()` is None
    lambda balance: balance.credit_amount(),
).bind_optional(  # And so on!
    lambda credit: choose_discount(credit) if credit > 0 else None,

Much better, isn't it?

RequiresContext container

Many developers do use some kind of dependency injection in Python. And usually it is based on the idea that there's some kind of a container and assembly process.

Functional approach is much simpler!

Imagine that you have a django based game, where you award users with points for each guessed letter in a word (unguessed letters are marked as '.'):

from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from words_app.logic import calculate_points

def view(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
    user_word: str = request.POST['word']  # just an example
    points = calculate_points(user_word)
    ...  # later you show the result to user somehow

# Somewhere in your `words_app/`:

def calculate_points(word: str) -> int:
    guessed_letters_count = len([letter for letter in word if letter != '.'])
    return _award_points_for_letters(guessed_letters_count)

def _award_points_for_letters(guessed: int) -> int:
    return 0 if guessed < 5 else guessed  # minimum 6 points possible!

Awesome! It works, users are happy, your logic is pure and awesome. But, later you decide to make the game more fun: let's make the minimal accountable letters threshold configurable for an extra challenge.

You can just do it directly:

def _award_points_for_letters(guessed: int, threshold: int) -> int:
    return 0 if guessed < threshold else guessed

The problem is that _award_points_for_letters is deeply nested. And then you have to pass threshold through the whole callstack, including calculate_points and all other functions that might be on the way. All of them will have to accept threshold as a parameter! This is not useful at all! Large code bases will struggle a lot from this change.

Ok, you can directly use django.settings (or similar) in your _award_points_for_letters function. And ruin your pure logic with framework specific details. That's ugly!

Or you can use RequiresContext container. Let's see how our code changes:

from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from words_app.logic import calculate_points

def view(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
    user_word: str = request.POST['word']  # just an example
    points = calculate_points(user_words)(settings)  # passing the dependencies
    ...  # later you show the result to user somehow

# Somewhere in your `words_app/`:

from typing import Protocol
from returns.context import RequiresContext

class _Deps(Protocol):  # we rely on abstractions, not direct values or types

def calculate_points(word: str) -> RequiresContext[int, _Deps]:
    guessed_letters_count = len([letter for letter in word if letter != '.'])
    return _award_points_for_letters(guessed_letters_count)

def _award_points_for_letters(guessed: int) -> RequiresContext[int, _Deps]:
    return RequiresContext(
        lambda deps: 0 if guessed < deps.WORD_THRESHOLD else guessed,

And now you can pass your dependencies in a really direct and explicit way. And have the type-safety to check what you pass to cover your back. Check out RequiresContext docs for more. There you will learn how to make '.' also configurable.

We also have RequiresContextResult for context-related operations that might fail. And also RequiresContextIOResult and RequiresContextFutureResult.

Result container

Please, make sure that you are also aware of Railway Oriented Programming.

Straight-forward approach

Consider this code that you can find in any python project.

import requests

def fetch_user_profile(user_id: int) -> 'UserProfile':
    """Fetches UserProfile dict from foreign API."""
    response = requests.get('/api/users/{0}'.format(user_id))
    return response.json()

Seems legit, does it not? It also seems like a pretty straightforward code to test. All you need is to mock requests.get to return the structure you need.

But, there are hidden problems in this tiny code sample that are almost impossible to spot at the first glance.

Hidden problems

Let's have a look at the exact same code, but with the all hidden problems explained.

import requests

def fetch_user_profile(user_id: int) -> 'UserProfile':
    """Fetches UserProfile dict from foreign API."""
    response = requests.get('/api/users/{0}'.format(user_id))

    # What if we try to find user that does not exist?
    # Or network will go down? Or the server will return 500?
    # In this case the next line will fail with an exception.
    # We need to handle all possible errors in this function
    # and do not return corrupt data to consumers.

    # What if we have received invalid JSON?
    # Next line will raise an exception!
    return response.json()

Now, all (probably all?) problems are clear. How can we be sure that this function will be safe to use inside our complex business logic?

We really cannot be sure! We will have to create lots of try and except cases just to catch the expected exceptions. Our code will become complex and unreadable with all this mess!

Or we can go with the top level except Exception: case to catch literally everything. And this way we would end up with catching unwanted ones. This approach can hide serious problems from us for a long time.

Pipe example

import requests
from returns.result import Result, safe
from returns.pipeline import flow
from returns.pointfree import bind

def fetch_user_profile(user_id: int) -> Result['UserProfile', Exception]:
    """Fetches `UserProfile` TypedDict from foreign API."""
    return flow(

def _make_request(user_id: int) -> requests.Response:
    # TODO: we are not yet done with this example, read more about `IO`:
    response = requests.get('/api/users/{0}'.format(user_id))
    return response

def _parse_json(response: requests.Response) -> 'UserProfile':
    return response.json()

Now we have a clean and a safe and declarative way to express our business needs:

  • We start from making a request, that might fail at any moment,
  • Then parsing the response if the request was successful,
  • And then return the result.

Now, instead of returning regular values we return values wrapped inside a special container thanks to the @safe decorator. It will return Success[YourType] or Failure[Exception]. And will never throw exception at us!

We also use flow and bind functions for handy and declarative composition.

This way we can be sure that our code won't break in random places due to some implicit exception. Now we control all parts and are prepared for the explicit errors.

We are not yet done with this example, let's continue to improve it in the next chapter.

IO container

Let's look at our example from another angle. All its functions look like regular ones: it is impossible to tell whether they are pure or impure from the first sight.

It leads to a very important consequence: we start to mix pure and impure code together. We should not do that!

When these two concepts are mixed we suffer really bad when testing or reusing it. Almost everything should be pure by default. And we should explicitly mark impure parts of the program.

That's why we have created IO container to mark impure functions that never fail.

These impure functions use random, current datetime, environment, or console:

import random
import datetime as dt

from import IO

def get_random_number() -> IO[int]:  # or use `@impure` decorator
    return IO(random.randint(1, 10))  # isn't pure, because random

now: Callable[[], IO[dt.datetime]] = impure(

def return_and_show_next_number(previous: int) -> int:
    next_number = previous + 1
    print(next_number)  # isn't pure, because does IO
    return next_number

Now we can clearly see which functions are pure and which ones are impure. This helps us a lot in building large applications, unit testing you code, and composing business logic together.

Troublesome IO

As it was already said, we use IO when we handle functions that do not fail.

What if our function can fail and is impure? Like requests.get() we had earlier in our example.

Then we have to use a special IOResult type instead of a regular Result. Let's find the difference:

  • Our _parse_json function always returns the same result (hopefully) for the same input: you can either parse valid json or fail on invalid one. That's why we return pure Result, there's no IO inside
  • Our _make_request function is impure and can fail. Try to send two similar requests with and without internet connection. The result will be different for the same input. That's why we must use IOResult here: it can fail and has IO

So, in order to fulfill our requirement and separate pure code from impure one, we have to refactor our example.

Explicit IO

Let's make our IO explicit!

import requests
from import IOResult, impure_safe
from returns.result import safe
from returns.pipeline import flow
from returns.pointfree import bind_result

def fetch_user_profile(user_id: int) -> IOResult['UserProfile', Exception]:
    """Fetches `UserProfile` TypedDict from foreign API."""
    return flow(
        # before: def (Response) -> UserProfile
        # after safe: def (Response) -> ResultE[UserProfile]
        # after bind_result: def (IOResultE[Response]) -> IOResultE[UserProfile]

def _make_request(user_id: int) -> requests.Response:
    response = requests.get('/api/users/{0}'.format(user_id))
    return response

def _parse_json(response: requests.Response) -> 'UserProfile':
    return response.json()

And later we can use unsafe_perform_io somewhere at the top level of our program to get the pure (or "real") value.

As a result of this refactoring session, we know everything about our code:

  • Which parts can fail,
  • Which parts are impure,
  • How to compose them in a smart, readable, and typesafe manner.

Future container

There are several issues with async code in Python:

  1. You cannot call async function from a sync one
  2. Any unexpectedly thrown exception can ruin your whole event loop
  3. Ugly composition with lots of await statements

Future and FutureResult containers solve these issues!

Mixing sync and async code

The main feature of Future is that it allows to run async code while maintaining sync context. Let's see an example.

Let's say we have two functions, the first one returns a number and the second one increments it:

async def first() -> int:
    return 1

def second():  # How can we call `first()` from here?
    return first() + 1  # Boom! Don't do this. We illustrate a problem here.

If we try to just run first(), we will just create an unawaited coroutine. It won't return the value we want.

But, if we would try to run await first(), then we would need to change second to be async. And sometimes it is not possible for various reasons.

However, with Future we can "pretend" to call async code from sync code:

from returns.future import Future

def second() -> Future[int]:
    return Future(first()).map(lambda num: num + 1)

Without touching our first async function or making second async we have achieved our goal. Now, our async value is incremented inside a sync function.

However, Future still requires to be executed inside a proper eventloop:

import anyio  # or asyncio, or any other lib

# We can then pass our `Future` to any library: asyncio, trio, curio.
# And use any event loop: regular, uvloop, even a custom one, etc
assert == 2

As you can see Future allows you to work with async functions from a sync context. And to mix these two realms together. Use raw Future for operations that cannot fail or raise exceptions. Pretty much the same logic we had with our IO container.

Async code without exceptions

We have already covered how Result works for both pure and impure code. The main idea is: we don't raise exceptions, we return them. It is especially critical in async code, because a single exception can ruin all our coroutines running in a single eventloop.

We have a handy combination of Future and Result containers: FutureResult. Again, this is exactly like IOResult, but for impure async code. Use it when your Future might have problems: like HTTP requests or filesystem operations.

You can easily turn any wild throwing coroutine into a calm FutureResult:

import anyio
from returns.future import future_safe
from import IOFailure

async def raising():
    raise ValueError('Not so fast!')

ioresult =  # all `Future`s return IO containers
assert ioresult == IOFailure(ValueError('Not so fast!'))  # True

Using FutureResult will keep your code safe from exceptions. You can always await or execute inside an eventloop any FutureResult to get sync IOResult instance to work with it in a sync manner.

Better async composition

Previously, you had to do quite a lot of awaiting while writing async code:

async def fetch_user(user_id: int) -> 'User':

async def get_user_permissions(user: 'User') -> 'Permissions':

async def ensure_allowed(permissions: 'Permissions') -> bool:

async def main(user_id: int) -> bool:
    # Also, don't forget to handle all possible errors with `try / except`!
    user = await fetch_user(user_id)  # We will await each time we use a coro!
    permissions = await get_user_permissions(user)
    return await ensure_allowed(permissions)

Some people are ok with it, but some people don't like this imperative style. The problem is that there was no choice.

But now, you can do the same thing in functional style! With the help of Future and FutureResult containers:

import anyio
from returns.future import FutureResultE, future_safe
from import IOSuccess, IOFailure

async def fetch_user(user_id: int) -> 'User':

async def get_user_permissions(user: 'User') -> 'Permissions':

async def ensure_allowed(permissions: 'Permissions') -> bool:

def main(user_id: int) -> FutureResultE[bool]:
    # We can now turn `main` into a sync function, it does not `await` at all.
    # We also don't care about exceptions anymore, they are already handled.
    return fetch_user(user_id).bind(get_user_permissions).bind(ensure_allowed)

correct_user_id: int  # has required permissions
banned_user_id: int  # does not have required permissions
wrong_user_id: int  # does not exist

# We can have correct business results:
assert == IOSuccess(True)
assert == IOSuccess(False)

# Or we can have errors along the way:
assert == IOFailure(

Or even something really fancy:

from returns.pointfree import bind
from returns.pipeline import flow

def main(user_id: int) -> FutureResultE[bool]:
    return flow(

Later we can also refactor our logical functions to be sync and to return FutureResult.

Lovely, isn't it?


Want more? Go to the docs! Or read these articles:

Do you have an article to submit? Feel free to open a pull request!

returns's People


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returns's Issues

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Can be taken from here.

Rename classes and methods

Left -> Failure
Right -> Success
Either -> Result

fmap -> map
ebind -> rescue
efmap -> ? fix, repair

do_notation -> pipeline

Give an example with exceptions

Rewrite the same code with exceptions and nulls:

class CreateAccountAndUser(object):
    """Creates new Account-User pair."""

    def __call__(self, username: str, email: str) -> Result['User', str]:
        """Can return a Success(user) or Failure(str_reason)."""
        user_schema = self._validate_user(username, email).unwrap()
        account = self._create_account(user_schema).unwrap()
        return self._create_user(account)

Think about `.contrib` package

We possibly can create a .contrib package with some popular use-case like:

  1. Result -> django request converter
  2. Result -> transaction rollback
  3. etc

Or maybe documentation will be just fine.

I invite @proofit404 to give some ideas.

Dependabot can't evaluate your Python dependency files

Dependabot can't evaluate your Python dependency files.

As a result, Dependabot couldn't check whether any of your dependencies are out-of-date.

The error Dependabot encountered was:

Illformed requirement ["==3.7.2."]

You can mention @dependabot in the comments below to contact the Dependabot team.

Create "compose" function

We should provide a utility way to compose any amount of functions that works with single input and single output.

Try to move all the typing to `.pyi` files only

Current implementation causes a lot of confusion.
We have two identical type declaration in both source files and .pyi.
I will try to reduce it to just .pyi removing all types from the source code.

Typing should still be working for both local development and end users.

Implement Maybe monad and custom mypy plugin

Currently it is impossible to use this monad due to this bug in typing:

x: Optional[int]  # ?

Type will be: Some[Union[int, None]]
, not Union[Some[int], Nothing]

_ContainerType = TypeVar('_ContainerType', bound=Container)
_ValueType = TypeVar('_ValueType')
_NewValueType = TypeVar('_NewValueType')
class Maybe(GenericContainerOneSlot[_ValueType], metaclass=ABCMeta):
def new(cls, inner_value: Literal[None]) -> 'Nothing': # type: ignore
@overload # noqa: F811
def new(cls, inner_value: _ValueType) -> 'Some[_ValueType]':

Add docs about errors in enum

It is a common practice to put possible errors in enum (or Sum Type).

So, we can later use them like so:

from enum import Enum, unique

class APIExceptions(Enum):
      _value: Exception 
      ServerTimeoutError = exceptions.ServerTimeoutError
      OtherError = exceptions.OtherError

def call_api() -> Result[int, APIExceptions]: ... 

We can also try Union and not enum.

Many types are incorrect

After a review done by @astynax it was revealed that many types are incorrect.

We have privately discussed all the problems and solutions.
Here's the short version:

  1. We should only deal with Result itself, Success and Failure should return Result instances
  2. We should not work with Success and Failure directly, since there's no such thing, only Result
  3. Result functions should always return Result changing only the type signature

Btw, @astynax is now a core-dev of returns library. Congrats ๐ŸŽ‰

Rename `.bind()` to `.then()`

bind causes too many associations with monads. Which is not a good thing.
But, bind is also not so understandable. then is just like in Promise. So, it is way more readable.

Make sure that we do not lose traceback with .unwrap()

When we do something like this:

class FetchUserProfile(object):
    """Single responsibility callable object that fetches user profile."""

    #: You can later use dependency injection to replace `requests`
    #: with any other http library (or even a custom service).
    _http = requests

    def __call__(self, user_id: int) -> Result['UserProfile', Exception]:
        """Fetches UserProfile dict from foreign API."""
        response = self._make_request(user_id).unwrap()
        return self._parse_json(response)

    def _make_request(self, user_id: int) -> requests.Response:
        response = self._http.get('/api/users/{0}'.format(user_id))
        return response

    def _parse_json(self, response: requests.Response) -> 'UserProfile':
        return response.json()

In this example self._make_request(user_id) may return Failure[Exception] and calling unwrap will create new exception, so we might lose the traceback from the original exception.

We need to be sure that it does not happen at all.

Dependabot can't evaluate your Python dependency files

Dependabot can't evaluate your Python dependency files.

As a result, Dependabot couldn't check whether any of your dependencies are out-of-date.

The error Dependabot encountered was:

Illformed requirement ["==3.7.2."]

You can mention @dependabot in the comments below to contact the Dependabot team.

Real life examples


This library looks interesting as a "ROP" approach to exception handling. Can you provide more real-life examples with usage of rescue for example?

As i understand, currently rescue function is only usable for transforming exception message into some response, because when exception happens, Failure holds no context but exception instance.

My case:

task = get_next_task_from_db()

    result = process_task(task)  # result is a dataclass with success: bool, payload: dict
except Exception as e:
    if result.success:


I'm not sure of how to rewrite this code in a functional manner.

is_successful typecheck fails in 0.7.0

I faced the following issue in 0.7.0: mypy gives an error when is_successful is given a Result type. Given the following code (adapted from the docs) in using 0.7.0

from returns.result import safe, is_successful

def divide(number: int) -> float:
    return number / number


mypy (mypy 0.701) fails with error: No overload variant of "is_successful" matches argument type "Result[float, Exception]" note: Possible overload variants: note:     def is_successful(container: Success[Any]) -> Literal[True] note:     def is_successful(container: Failure[Any]) -> Literal[False]

The typecheck passes with 0.6.0 (importing the functions from returns.functions rather than returns.result) and with the is_successful examples in the docs where it's given a known Success or Failure. The type error aside, the function works.
Thanks for your work on the project.

Consider adding execution flow tracking mechanism for debugging

We can add a special value that will track the execution of the following snippet:

tracked: Tracked[int]

   .map(lambda x: x * 2)
   .fix(lambda x: -x)
   .bind(lambda x: Success(x) if x > 10 else Failure(x))
   .fix(lambda x: abs(x))

It is hard to tell from the start. But, we can use Writer monad for that. And it will allow us to build nice tracebacks.

We can sync the format with the one stories output. I would say that json is the best option for the output.

current init breaks `import returns` usecase

(crypy-PletnYfd)alexv@pop-os:~/Projects/crypy$ python3
Python 3.7.2 (default, Jan  8 2019, 16:12:09) 
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import returns
>>> returns.result
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'returns' has no attribute 'result'
>>> returns.__file__
>>> returns.__version__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'returns' has no attribute '__version__'

I believe should contain the modules or not be there at all, for both usecases to work.
The usage given in example from returns.result import Result works because python import finds as part of the package, but the module is not loaded as part of the super/parent package.

Consider adding IO monad

It might be a good idea to promote idea in IO[] type.

Let's see an example:

from import IO, impure

def get_username() -> str:
     return input('Hi, what is your name?')

reveal_type(get_username())  # => IO[str]
get_username().split('@')  # nope! type error!
get_username().map(lambda name: name.split('@'))  # => IO[List[str]]

It is important to restrict any access to the internal state of this object.

Unwrapping failures erases exception type information

Let's say I unwrap a failure and want to catch it using try-except.

The only way to do so currently is:

from returns.result import Result
from returns.functions import safe
from returns.primitives.exceptions import UnwrapFailedError

def foo(i) -> Result[int, Exception]:
  if i == 0:
    raise ValueError("problem")
  return i + 5

  result = foo('a') # Will raise TypeError
  # do stuff
except UnwrapFailedError as e:
    raise e.halted_container.failure() from e
  except ValueError:
    print("Don't use zero")
  except TypeError:
    print("Dont use strings")

This makes exception handling code more complex than it should be.

Naturally you could have also used:

def handle_err(e) -> Result[None, Exception]:
  if isinstance(e, ValueError):
    print("Don't use zero")
  elif isinstance(e, TypeError):
    print("Dont use strings")
    raise e from e

except UnwrapFailedError:
  print("Unhandled exception!!!")

But the error handling code above simply feels unpythonic and awkward.

Rescuing from an error fits the usecase where you want to log the error and proceed or any other generic error handling situation.

You could make rescue() accept a mapping between types to callables and call the appropriate error handler when an exception occured but I don't see why you'd have to do so.

It seems to me that the UnwrapFailedError exception is not necessary and hinders code readability.
The try-except clause was created for such situations. We should use it.

Implement `map_failure` method

We need to map failures to new failures without fixing them.
That's where map_failure() comes into play.


  • Method itself (should be a part of FixableContainer definition
  • Types (in both primitives/container.pyi and result.pyi)
  • Docs (in both containers.rst and result.rst)

We have a problem with @pipeline and unwrap()

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from returns import Failure, pipeline, Result

def test(x: int) -> Result[int, str]:
    res = Failure(bool).unwrap()
    return Failure('a')

    # => Revealed type is 'returns.result.Result[, builtins.str]'

# => <Failure: <class 'bool'>>

I am pretty sure, that we will have to change how @pipeline works.
This is also related to #89

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