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Azure DevOps tests (master) Azure DevOps coverage (branch) Financial Contributors on Open Collective


Import and export general library, support Dto import and export, template export, fancy export and dynamic export, support Excel, Csv, Word, Pdf and Html.

General description

Azure DevOps

  • Build Status:Build Status
  • Azure DevOps coverage (master): Azure DevOps coverage (branch)
  • Azure DevOps tests (master): Azure DevOps tests (master)

For details, see:


Stable version (recommended)

Name NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Core NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Excel NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Excel.NPOI NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Excel.AspNetCore NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Pdf NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Word NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Html NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Csv NuGet
Magicodes.IE.AspNetCore NuGet
Magicodes.IE.EPPlus NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Excel.Abp NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Csv.Abp NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Html.Abp NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Pdf.Abp NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Word.Abp NuGet
Magicodes.IE.Stash NuGet


  • Excel import does not support ".xls" files, that is, Excel97-2003 is not supported.
  • For use in Docker, please refer to the section "Use in Docker" in the documentation.
  • Relevant functions have been compiled with unit tests. You can refer to unit tests during the use process.


  1. Basic tutorial of importing student data
  2. Basic tutorial of export Excel
  3. Basic tutorial of export Pdf receipts
  4. Use in Docker
  5. Dynamic Export
  6. Import Multi-Sheet Tutorial
  7. Import and export Excel as pictures
  8. Excel template export-Export textbook order form
  9. Excel Merge Row Cells Import
  10. Exporting multiple formats in NETCore via request headers
  11. Performance Measurement
  12. Excel Merge Row Cells Import
  13. Excel template export - dynamic export

See below for other tutorials or unit tests

See below for update history.


  • Need to be used in conjunction with related import and export DTO models, support import and export through DTO and related characteristics. Configure features to control related logic and display results without modifying the logic code;
  • Support various filters to support scenarios such as multi-language, dynamic control column display, etc. For specific usage, see unit test:
    • Import column header filter (you can dynamically specify the imported column and imported value mapping relationship)
    • Export column header filter (can dynamically control the export column, support dynamic export (DataTable))
    • Export column headers filter (can dynamically control the export column, support dynamic export (DataTable))
    • Import result filter (can modify annotation file)
  • Export supports text custom filtering or processing;
  • Import supports automatic skipping of blank lines in the middle;
  • Import supports automatically generate import templates based on DTO, and automatically mark required items;
  • Import supports data drop-down selection, currently only supports enumerated types;
  • Imported data supports the processing of leading and trailing spaces and intermediate spaces, allowing specific columns to be set;
  • Import supports automatic template checking, automatic data verification, unified exception handling, and unified error encapsulation, including exceptions, template errors and row data errors;
  • Support import header position setting, the default is 1;
  • Support import columns out of order, no need to correspond one to one in order;
  • Support to import the specified column index, automatic recognition by default;
  • Exporting Excel supports splitting of Sheets, only need to set the value of [MaxRowNumberOnASheet] of the characteristic [ExporterAttribute]. If it is 0, no splitting is required. See unit test for details;
  • Support importing into Excel for error marking;
  • Import supports cutoff column setting, if not set, blank cutoff will be encountered by default;
  • Support exporting HTML, Word, Pdf, support custom export template; -Export HTML -Export Word -Export Pdf, support settings, see the update log for details -Export receipt
  • Import supports repeated verification;
  • Support single data template export, often used to export receipts, credentials and other businesses
  • *Support dynamic column export (based on DataTable), and the Sheet will be split automatically if it exceeds 100W. (Thanks to teacher Zhang Shanyou (#8 )) *
  • Support dynamic/ExpandoObject dynamic column export
        [Fact(DisplayName = "DTO export supports dynamic types")]
        public async Task ExportAsByteArraySupportDynamicType_Test()
            IExporter exporter = new ExcelExporter();

            var filePath = GetTestFilePath($"{nameof(ExportAsByteArraySupportDynamicType_Test)}.xlsx");


            var source = GenFu.GenFu.ListOf<ExportTestDataWithAttrs>();
            string fields = "text,number,name";
            var shapedData = source.ShapeData(fields) as ICollection<ExpandoObject>;

            var result = await exporter.ExportAsByteArray<ExpandoObject>(shapedData);
            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, result);
  • **Support value mapping, support setting value mapping relationship through "ValueMappingAttribute" feature. It is used to generate data validation constraints for import templates and perform data conversion. **
        /// <summary>
        /// Gender
        /// </summary>
        [ImporterHeader(Name = "Gender")]
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Gender cannot be empty.")]
        [ValueMapping(text: "Male", 0)]
        [ValueMapping(text: "Female", 1)]
        public Genders Gender { get; set; }
  • Support the generation of imported data verification items of enumeration and Bool type, and related data conversion

    • Enumeration will automatically obtain the description, display name, name and value of the enumeration by default to generate data items

       	/// <summary>
       	/// Student Status
       	/// </summary>
       	public enum StudentStatus
       		/// <summary>
       		/// Normal
       		/// </summary>
       		[Display(Name = "正常")]
       		Normal = 0,
       		/// <summary>
       		/// Pupils away
       		/// </summary>
       		PupilsAway = 1,
       		/// <summary>
       		/// Suspension
       		/// </summary>
       		[Display(Name = "休学")]
       		Suspension = 2,
       		/// <summary>
       		/// Work-study
       		/// </summary>
       		[Display(Name = "勤工俭学")]
       		WorkStudy = 3,
       		/// <summary>
       		/// Internships
       		/// </summary>
       		[Display(Name = "顶岗实习")]
       		PostPractice = 4,
       		/// <summary>
       		/// Graduate
       		/// </summary>
       		[Display(Name = "毕业")]
       		Graduation = 5,
       		/// <summary>
       		/// Join the army
       		/// </summary>
       		[Display(Name = "参军")]
       		JoinTheArmy = 6,

    • The bool type will generate "yes" and "no" data items by default

    • If custom value mapping has been set, no default options will be generated

  • Support excel multi-sheet import

  • Support Excel template export, and support image rendering

    The rendering syntax is as follows:

      {{Company}}  //Cell rendering
      {{Table>>BookInfos|RowNo}} //Table rendering start syntax
      {{Remark|>>Table}}//Table rendering end syntax
      {{Image::ImageUrl?Width=50&Height=120&Alt=404}} //Picture rendering
      {{Image::ImageUrl?w=50&h=120&Alt=404}} //Picture rendering
      {{Image::ImageUrl?Alt=404}} //Picture rendering

    Custom pipelines will be supported in the future.

  • Support Excel import template to generate annotation

  • Support Excel image import and export

    • Picture import
      • Import as Base64
      • Import to temporary directory
      • Import to the specified directory
    • Picture export
    • Export file path as picture
    • Export network path as picture
  • Support multiple entities to export multiple Sheets

  • Support using some features under the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace to control import and export #63

  • Support the use of custom formatter in ASP.NET Core Web API to export content such as Excel, Pdf, Csv #64

  • Support export by column, sheet, and additional rows


For details, see the above tutorial "Magicodes.IE Fancy Export"

  • Support cell export width setting
[ExporterHeader(Width = 100)]
public DateTime Time3 { get; set; }
  • **Excel export supports HeaderRowIndex. Add the HeaderRowIndex attribute to the ExcelExporterAttribute export attribute class, so that it is convenient to specify the export from the first row when exporting. **

  • Excel generated import template supports built-in data verification

The support for the built-in data validation can be turned on through the IsInterValidation attribute, and it should be noted that only MaxLengthAttribute, MinLengthAttribute, StringLengthAttribute, and RangeAttribute support the opening operation of the built-in data validation.

Support display operations for input prompts:

  • Excel import supports merging row data #239


  • Add packaging for Abp module, see #318 for details.


Question List

Update history

Update history


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IImporter Importer = new ExcelImporter();
 var result = await exporter.Export("newSalary.xlsx", dtos);

其中 dtos是ImportMonthSalaryDto的集合

Out Of Memory





public class WeiChat_BrokerClient3 : WeiChat_WeChatWithNoKeyBase

    public int Id { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    ///   用户id
    /// </summary>
    [Display(Name = "用户ID")]
    public Guid userId { get; set; }



        var filePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/upload"), "1.xlsx");

        var import = await Importer.Import<WeiChat_BrokerClient3>(filePath);



严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 禁止显示状态
错误 无法安装程序包“Magicodes.IE.Excel 2.1.2”。你正在尝试将此程序包安装到目标为“.NETFramework,Version=v4.5”的项目中,但该程序包不包含任何与该框架兼容的程序集引用或内容文件。有关详细信息,请联系程序包作者。


  • 支持使用System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations命名空间下的部分特性来控制导入导出,比如
    • DisplayAttribute
    • DisplayFormatAttribute
    • DescriptionAttribute
  • 封装简单的易于使用的单一特性,例如
    • IEIgnoreAttribute(可作用于属性、枚举成员,可影响导入和导出)



[ExcelImporter(IsLabelingError = true)]//这个模型同时也用于导出模板
public class ImportExcelDto
        public const int MaxLength = 1024;
        /// <summary>
        /// 规程类型
        /// </summary>
        [Display(Name = "名称")]
        public string Name { get; set; }
await exporter.Export("xxxx.xlsx", new List<ImportExcelDto>{new ImportExcelDto{Name="123"}});



using (var excelPackage = new ExcelPackage(stream))

2.2.0-beta2版本以Append方式导出多个sheet时,发生“Tablename is not unique”错误

2.2.0-beta2版本以Append方式导出多个sheet时,当Append的ICollection均为空集合时,报 “Tablename is not unique”错误,比如:

new ExcelExporter().Append(new List<Student>()).Append(new List<Teacher>()).ExportAppendData("test.xlsx");



  Message=Tablename is not unique
   at OfficeOpenXml.Table.ExcelTableCollection.Add(ExcelAddressBase Range, String Name)
   at Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Excel.Utility.ExportHelper`1.AddHeader()
   at Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Excel.Utility.ExportHelper`1.AddHeaderAndStyles()
   at Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Excel.Utility.ExportHelper`1.Export(ICollection`1 dataItems)
   at Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Excel.ExcelExporter.Append[T](ICollection`1 dataItems)
   at Magicodes.IE.Excel.Program.Export() in E:\Technology\Magicodes.IE.Excel\Magicodes.IE.Excel\Program.cs:line 29
   at Magicodes.IE.Excel.Program.Main(String[] args) in E:\Technology\Magicodes.IE.Excel\Magicodes.IE.Excel\Program.cs:line 15

@xin-lai 请帮忙尽快解决,谢谢

导入模板能否生成一个Summary ,用于展示导入需要注意的一些要点

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
In the daily Excel import, there needs to be an import specification that provides the usage or considerations for viewing the current Excel import template

Describe the solution you'd like
能否在导入模板生成的时候 在导入模型上指定一个标签用于填写导入说明,
并将导入说明 填充到Excel Sheet的第一行或进行醒目的展示
Can you specify a label on the Excel import model to fill in the import instructions when the import template is generated?
Fill in the first row of the Excel Sheet with the import instructions or make them visible
Thanks U


Format 设置为什么 可以让 单元格 在导出后变成文本。
long 的 总变成 科学计数法
网上查了下 设成 @ 也没有用。。。


  • 重构整个Excel导出模块
  • 支持数据拆分成多个Sheet导出(不仅仅是DataTable)
  • 导出结果支持数据筛选(数据表)
  • 支持列筛选器,移除ColumnHeaderStringFunc
  • 优化忽略列





Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
excel中 列是日期格式,导入报错,提示“值 43914 无效,请填写正确的日期时间格式!”
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.



筛选功能 需要我自己设置(可以加入到 ExporterAttribute 这个特性中 )





    [ExcelExporter(Name = "学生信息", AutoFitAllColumn = true, TableStyle = "None")]
    public class Student
        /// <summary> 
        /// 姓名 
        /// </summary> 
        [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "姓名")] 
        public string Name { get; set; } 
        /// <summary> 
        /// 年龄 
        /// </summary> 
        [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "年龄")] 
        public int Age { get; set; }
        /// <summary> 
        /// 备注 
        /// </summary> 
        [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "备注")]
        public string Remarks { get; set; } 
        /// <summary> 
        /// 出生日期 
        /// </summary>
        [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出生日期", Format = "yyyy-MM-dd")] 
        public DateTime Birthday { get; set; } 


nuget 安装Magicodes.IE.Excel 2.1.4,导入报错

var import = await _importer.Import(fullPath, "");
import.Exception :
Method not found: 'System.String Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core.Extension.Extension.Save(System.Drawing.Image, System.String, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat)'.









Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.




/// 获取头部定义


private static bool GetExporterHeaderInfoList(out List exporterHeaderList,
DataColumnCollection dataColumns)
exporterHeaderList = new List();
var objProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
if (objProperties == null || objProperties.Length == 0)
return true;
var index = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < dataColumns.Count; k++)
for (var i = 0; i < objProperties.Length; i++)
if (dataColumns[k].ColumnName.Equals(objProperties[i].Name))
index += 1;
exporterHeaderList.Add(new ExporterHeaderInfo
Index = index,
PropertyName = objProperties[i].Name,
ExporterHeader =
(objProperties[i].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExporterHeaderAttribute), true) as
return false;


@xin-lai core 3.1 WebAPI 调用 PdfExporter 报错

Could not load type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language.RazorTemplateEngine' from assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'."
按提示 添加 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language.RazorTemplateEngine 更新引用到3.1.2.0 也报错,不明白了!
但是.net core 3.1的测试项目确可以运行

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