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angrysearch's Issues

Add new icons

I was experimenting with icons. I tried to add new, (put instead of bundled ones, or in code add entry), but didn't figure it out. Is there a easy way to do this? I use Lubuntu icons style. It's all what I miss in this outstanding software. Many thanks for reply.

Results are tiny on a hiDPI screen

I've got an X1 Carbon with a 2560 x 1440 screen, running Mint Cinnamon with Mint's 'hiDPI' setting enabled. Most programs look fine. Yet the results list in AngrySearch is tiny. I've found the 'row height' option, but that doesn't help.

Help customizing

Hi. Thank you for your useful app! It's very fast indeed. Can you help me customize the theme and icons so it looks the same that FSearch with the "dark theme" option enabled? I'm using Arc Darker theme with Flat Remix icons. Thanks a lot!

Indicator is invisible or near invisible on many desktop themes in Mint

The panel indicator - or should I call it a system tray icon? - for AngrySearch is near invisible for me. For, on my disto, it is very hard to see, pretty much independent of theme (and I don't really need the indicator). Here are partial screenshots using various themes:





I'd be happy with a way simply of disabling the icon; is there a way to do that? I can't find an option in the conf file (or any report of such an option). I apologise if I've overlooked or forgotten something.

feature request: add included directories

Would be nice to specify the paths/directories to do database and search.
I mean, the opposite of excluded paths.

and, hey, congratulations for this software! well done!

'Open path' does not work on files when using pcmanfm-qt filemanager


I don't know whether this is an AngrySearch problem or a pcmanfm-qt problem but, when using AngrySearch's 'open path' function on a file, and when the file manager is set (globally and within AngrySearch) to pcmanfm-qt, then nothing happens. When the item in question is a folder, though, then 'open path' works. When I used nemo or indeed pcmanfm (the non 'qt' version), 'open with' worked for both folders and files.

AngrySearch version: unknown, but fairly recent, and from github.

Support keyboard navigation

Can you add some keyboard shortcut to focus the search input, please? Since I can use Tab to select search results, I think having a shortcut to focus back to the search input is a nice little feature.

Typing " causes crash

I just tried your program and I must say congrats and thanks for your work! It's the closest thing I've ever seen to a fast and decent windows-style search GUI in GNU/Linux.

That said, I thought it might be possible to search for an explicit filename via "myfilename", but realized a bug when trying it.

To reproduce:

  1. Make sure checkbox is checked
  2. Type "

3) Get this in terminal:

autodetected file manager: thunar
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/angrysearch", line 57, in run
(self.sql_query, self.number_of_results))
sqlite3.OperationalError: malformed MATCH expression: ["]

[1] 26812 abort (core dumped) angrysearch

Presumably, the program should silently ignore the quotation mark without crashing.

Problem with icon

Thank you for your reply to my feature request. Now I've a little problem. The same as this one, but with ANGRYsearch in Ubuntu 14.04 Unity.
It's a little be annoying, because angrysearch icon is always on top of maximize windows covering its left corner.

A question regarding Instant-Dictionary.

Greetings, DoTheEvo.

I'm sorry for posting an unrelated to this section question, but I've found no other way to contact you.
I have an issue regarding your other creation: Instant-Dictionary for Opera 12 (Opera Presto).
It's by far the best extension I've used in opera, but it has stopped working recently due to an unknown reason. Even an official link is no longer supporting it:
Although, it remains in the Google chrome archive:
So I have this extension installed right now and it was working perfectly yesterday, but not anymore. Any changes to the settings don't help at all. Is there anything I can do to make it work again? It's an essential part of my work in the browser and it's almost impossible to find an alternative.

And thank you for creating such an amazing tool.

'close_on_open=false' not honoured

AngrySearch version: cannot determine, but installed a few months ago from Git
Mint 18.3 x64 Cinnamon

angrysearch.conf snippet:


Observed behaviour: please see this video.

Feature: Allow use of the same database for many users of the same system.

We run thin clients at work and it would be great to use angrysearch here but it looks like currently each user would have to have their own database (which in our case is about 900MB big). A nice feature would be to have a centralised database so that we don't have to have a separate file per user.

Forbidden Characters in Search

Not sure if this is an ANGRYsearch problem or something in the underlying FTS setup but words/filenames including some rather common characters don't appear when searching. A file called "Mom's Recipes.txt" won't appear if you search for "Mom's" as it doesn't seem to like the apostrophe. Works in full mode but not lite.

Thus far I've noticed the following characters don't work: ' - ; : #

Just wondering if these is fixable or if it's a feature of the search methods employed.

Option to exclude folders is not working, at least as expected

My /home//.config/angrysearch/angrysearch.conf file includes

directories_excluded=/home/Systemback /var/tmp

EDIT: ah. Probably I misunderstood the phrase 'directory names(no slashes)' in your documentation. Should I have just, e.g. 'Systemback'? Yes, that seems to work! Yet, what if I had more than one folder with that name?

and yet results for subfolders of /home/Systemback appear in the search results. Is there some syntax, that I have omitted from my line, that tells the program to exclude all _sub_folders too?

By the way: I did rebuild the index, but it did not solve the problem.


Desktop/Panel Widget

Any plans for a KDE/Gnome 3 widget for the desktop/panel? I think it would be pretty useful to have ANGRYsearch in a form similar to Milou/Baloo.

Example screenshot:

Restrict query to subtree

I would like to search just a subtree of all my files, because i know that the file i'm looking for is somewhere "over there"

Feature request

Long time waiting for a equivalent software of Everything. Great job. Now I have working in parallel with both. Everything list string searched found in file name and show name and path. Angrysearch list string searched found in both name and path. Is it possible restrain the string searched to avoid show files that not contain the string in the file name, independently that the string is in path name?
Actually I've listing files "cover.jpg" because the string searched (ie: "Berkeley" is on path

Is Debian 8 supported?

Love the AngrySearch.... been using it in Ubuntu and with your idiot-proof instructions, very simple.

However, using Debian 8 now and have this error when 'attempting to test' (python3

screenshot from 2015-12-22 09 50 53

Installed all just as did on Ubuntu, no error before... Thanks.


Single-instance mode

It would be great if ANGRYsearch could check if another instance is running when started and bring that window up instead. Currently I'm using KDE's krunner and it keeps spawning new instances which minimize to the tray when I close them.

I am using Ctrl+Q to close the window, but I rebound this shortcut in KDE's KWin to always close the active window, which triggers the close button behavior of ANGRYsearch, i.e. it just minimizes it to the systemtray.

So either: close the ANGRYsearch instance when clicking the close button manually instead of using Esc or Ctrl+Q (when not manually rebound) or check for another running instance when starting and bring that one to the foreground if found. I think making the close button behavior the same as the one triggered by the Esc and Ctrl+Q shortcuts would make more sense.

The issue is that self.tray_icon keeps the application running, because it isn't closed or still visible after the main window has been closed -- calling hide() on it should cause the main window to automatically get rid of it when it closes. Also ANGRYsearch currently uses three or four different methods to close the application in various ways:

  • sys.exit (triggered by the tray icon's Quit action)
  • sys.exit(app.exec_()) (triggered by main window's keyPressEvent)
    • this doesn't make sense and also causes exit code 255, the application is already running, you don't need to pass in app.exec_() again
  • sys.exit(app.exec_()) (triggered by if-main)
    • this seems correct but returns exit code 134, related?
  • Qc.QCoreApplication.instance().quit() (triggered by middle-click on the tray icon)
    • I'm not sure why you are using this way here

IMHO these should all cause all of the application's windows to close (i.e. use closeEvent properly). The app.exec_() call in if-main should then return properly, and the return code fed into sys.exit(). I'm not sure why Qt's exit code is 134 currently. Is there maybe a reason for all these different ways or is it simply old code? Especially considering that your Esc and Ctrl+Q currently don't even call the logic in your closeEvent method -- i.e. the settings don't get saved. I suggest you change sys.exit(app.exec_()) in keyPressEvent to self.close().

EDIT: I added a pull request with these changes implemented. The return code seems to be 0 most of the time now too.

Change location of database

Is there a way to change the location of database? If not could it be added as an option?
Thanks for this great tool!

Huge resource drain

Just now, something start using most of my (dual-core) CPU, and 8 GB of RAM and about 8 GB of swap. My suspect is AngrySearch, for (1) I'd just used it (by entering a very long search string, and then truncating it), (2) when I tried to log out, was flagged as still running (though I couldn't see it in any task managers). The CPU situation persisted for five minutes, and the RAM and swap situation for longer - namely, until I restarted. (The log-out seemed to hang, so I had to reboot.)


Linux Mint 18 x64 Cinnamon.
AngrySearch 1.01

Crash on a particular search

If I search for google ( - not in regEx mode, and whether or not the check box is enabled - AngrySearch crashes to desktop, i.e. disappears. Perhaps the problem has to do with the database. However, updating the database did not solve the problem.

AngrySearch version: unknown, but I updated the program (as I've done before) via git cloning a few days ago.

Mint 18.2 x64 Cinnamon.

Fuzzy search


This is absolutely great, almost like Everything.
But it's lacking fuzzy search.

Error on execution

When running from the terminal, I'm getting the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/angrysearch", line 19, in
import scandir
File "/opt/angrysearch/", line 577, in
scandir_helper = _scandir.scandir_helper
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'scandir_helper'

No change after reinstalling. I haven't actually run it since the last update, and I can't downgrade, because Arch. I tried messing around a tiny bit with, trying to force an exception that looked like it might help, but to no avail.

how to exclude multiple directories from search

Hi, from explanation of the parameters in the config file:
"directories_excluded By default empty. Which directories to be ignored. ..."

How to exclude multiple directories from search?
I tried to add other directories in the config file by separating the additional paths by space, semicolon, comma, newline (with directories excluded copied to the next line). None seems to be working.

Could you write a short explanation to clarify please. Thanks and keep up the great work.!

Drag and drop feature

Hi, you've done a marvelous job.

Any chance of adding drag and drop feature to the result listing? I sometimes use Everything to create playlists and this feature is quite useful.

Error Installing ANGRYsearch from AUR

I use manjaro and when I tried to install angrysearch I got this:

Packages (2) pyqt5-common-5.6-1  python-pyqt5-5.6-1

Total Download Size:    3.61 MiB
Total Installed Size:  27.07 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
 pyqt5-common-5.6-1-x...     6.3 KiB  45.1K/s 00:00 [##########################] 100%
 python-pyqt5-5.6-1-x...     6.3 KiB  43.9K/s 00:00 [##########################] 100%
(2/2) checking keys in keyring                      [##########################] 100%
(2/2) checking package integrity                    [##########################] 100%
error: pyqt5-common: signature from "Felix Yan <[email protected]>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/pyqt5-common-5.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] y
error: python-pyqt5: signature from "Felix Yan <[email protected]>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/python-pyqt5-5.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] y
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Can you fix it ?

Feature Request: Include instead of Exclude

Been playing around with ANGRYsearch, loving it so far and glad to see some development on a tool like this so thank you!

I read over the documentation and couldn't find where or how to specify which directories to index. Exclude is an option, but not include? So maybe this is a support request or a feature request.

Feature request: search for file extensions . .

. . without the arcania of regular expressions. Or at least something on the information page - here on Github - about how to search by extension via regular expressions.

Thansk for reading this and I apologise if I have overlooked something.

On Linux Mint, progam opens only via the commandline

On my Linux Mint 18 x64 Cinnamon, clicking ANGRYsearch's icon in my application menu does nothing. Running the command associated with that icon produces this:

python3 /usr/share/angrysearch/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/angrysearch/", line 10, in <module>
    import PyQt5.QtCore as Qc
ImportError: No module named 'PyQt5'

This error is discussed (with reference to programs other than ANGRYsearch) at several places on the web but I did not attempt any of the mooted fixes, for fear of messing up my Python and, thus, my operating system. Please advise! Thanks.
The only way the program will run is via

Also, the applet icon (which appears on my system when I run ANGRYsearch via the commandline) is rather dark against most of my panel backgrounds. Moreover, I see no way to disable the applet / stop this icon appearing.

ANGRYsearch does not start up

I'm on arch and installed the package through AUR,
when I want to start the program from my menu it instantly closes

when running in terminal it gives me:

using qt5ct plugin
autodetected file manager: thunar
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/angrysearch/", line 1435, in paint
Qw.QStyle.SE_ItemViewItemText, options)
TypeError: subElementRect(self, QStyle.SubElement, QStyleOption, QWidget): not enough arguments

Two suggestions

(1) Exclude the mnt folder by default, so as to avoid index removable media and network-drives,
(2) When user presses 'update', check if the file containing the exclusion list has been modified and, if it has, reload it.

Thanks again for your excellent program - a program that makes me a little less angry.

How to search additional drives

Hello! Thanks for the great software! Maybe I'm not looking in the right place, but I cannot figure out how to index & search all the drives connected to my machine. Only the system drive is accessible. I have 5 drives installed and would like to index them all. My OS is Ubuntu 16.04.Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Opening files does not seem to work on Mint

I've tried for PNG, TXT, PDF and DOCX. Trying to open those files via ANGRY - either by double-clicking the file name, or by right-clicking and selecting 'open' - just opens the folders the files are in.

Both ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and ~/.config/mimeapps.list exist and are populated on my system. Perhaps there is something wrong with those files.

I have the package, and I reinstalled it to no effect.

My angrysearch.conf file:

directories_excluded=Systemback tmp

'Disk image is malformed' error

$ angrysearch
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/angrysearch", line 1688, in <module>
    ui = Gui_MainWindow()
  File "/usr/bin/angrysearch", line 663, in __init__
  File "/usr/bin/angrysearch", line 894, in init_GUI
  File "/usr/bin/angrysearch", line 1170, in show_first_500
sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed

Mint 18.1 x64 Cinnamon. Latest Git version of AngrySearch.

But - ah - I could fix the error by deleting the database - thus: rm ~/.cache/angrysearch/angry_database.db.

Upon next run, AngrySearch let me recreate that database by pressing the 'update' button. Still, I thought I'd leave this report here, in case it is of help to any other user.

Can't open text files from ANGRYsearch results

Thanks for this wonderful app. I could install it without problems on my ubuntu 16.04 64bits system (mini.iso)
I have been testing and I can open mp3, jpg or pdf files from the results in ANGRYsearch (double click or right click -Open)
But it doesn't do anything when the file is text/plain.
Can you give me any advice on this?
Thanks in advance.

Commenting "require_version('Gtk', '3.0')" makes notifications work in KDE neon (based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)

Python3 fails at notification check, even though the libraries for having this working are installed:

    from gi import require_version
    require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
    require_version('Notify', '0.7')
    from gi.repository import Notify, GdkPixbuf

I solved the issue by:

  1. Installing libnotify-dev (and its dependency gir1.2-notify-0.7, which were not installed in my system)
  2. Commenting out the requirement for Gtk 3, as it was given me the following error:
require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/", line 106, in require_version
    (namespace, version))
ValueError: Namespace Gtk not available for version 3.0
    from gi import require_version
    # require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
    require_version('Notify', '0.7')
    from gi.repository import Notify, GdkPixbuf

Once these two things are considered, notifications appear nicely in Plasma 5. It is likely that these issues also apply to other Ubuntu- (and perhaps Debian-) based distributions.

No config file?

I can't find the config file in the location specified in docs ~/.config/angrysearch/angrysearch.conf under Manjaro/Arch Linux. In fact, there is no file containing the string "angry" at all in my ~/ directory.

Here are the files created at installation (from /var/lib/pacman/local/angrysearch-1.0.1-1/files):


add proper ``

hi I think it would be nice to add a to allow easy distribution of this software.


add options: filter search result options

An option to have the table filtered by folder,or type,or pictures, or video would be immensely valuable.
Something like what is available in catfish.
I have been trying to edit some of the code or table but the PyQt5 for GUI .ui file is not available.

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