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query-faq-toy's Introduction

Common performance optimizations

This repo includes a list of common performance pitfalls/optimizations. Some of these optimizations are automatically smoothed by Dolt. Some (like joins) occasionally require hand-tuning.

Every optimization has a companion benchmark implementation in this repo. Benchmarks were run with Dolt 0.75.3.

Table of Contents:

  1. Joins
    1. Join operators
    2. Join order
  2. Decorrelate Subqueries
  3. Indexscan vs TableScan
  4. Covering Index Lookup
  5. Pushdown
  6. Pruning
    1. Pruning Tablescans
    2. Pruning Joins
  7. Text vs Varchar


The most significant performance choices for joins are:

  • What strategy (physical operator) do we use to execute the join?
  • What order do we join tables?

The examples below show how even with two tables, operator and order explain 10x complexity differences for the same query. It is important to keep in mind that join complexity scales with the number of tables in the join tree. A 10x perf hit for each of 4 tables in a join explodes a 10-second query into a 30-minute query.

Join Operators

The five join physical operators below implement the same logically equivalent join between two 100-row tables with 0-99 integer entries. Not every physical operator is available for every join. It is often possible to add indexes to support a particular join strategy.

BenchmarkJoinOp/inner_join-opt-12         	                  63	    17367096 ns/op
BenchmarkJoinOp/exists_subquery-opt-12        	                 139	    9470630 ns/op
BenchmarkJoinOp/lookup_join-opt-12        	                3631	    321932 ns/op
BenchmarkJoinOp/hash_join-opt-12         	                5151	    195707 ns/op
BenchmarkJoinOp/merge_join-opt-12        	               10000	    112757 ns/op

The inner join is slowest because it forces us to read uv 100 times, once for each row in xy.

The exists subquery is similar to the inner join, where we will read uv 100 times for each xy row. The difference here is that we will stop as soon as we find a single match, rather than finishing scanning uv. On average we will stop after 50% of the table has been compared.

The lookup join is predictably fast, because we use an index to find the matching uv.u for a given xy.x without reading any non-matching rows.

The hash join is even faster because uv.u is small, and the cost of building a hash map in memory is less expensive than the lookup roundtrips to disk.

Performing two interleaved table scans on xy and uv is the fastest. The key here is to use the comparison direction on x = u to always increment the smaller cursor. A merge join requires neither index lookup machinery nor a hash map probe table. Lookups outperform merge joins when reading the entire right table is expensive.

Inner join:

 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ u:2!null
 ├─ Table
 │   ├─ name: xy
 │   └─ columns: [x y z w]
 └─ Table
     ├─ name: uv
     └─ columns: [u v r s]
 ├─ EXISTS Subquery
 │   ├─ cacheable: false
 │   └─ Filter
 │       ├─ (x = u)
 │       └─ Table
 │           └─ name: uv
 └─ Table
     ├─ name: xy
     └─ columns: [x y z w]  
 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ u:2!null
 ├─ Table
 │   ├─ name: xy
 │   └─ columns: [x y z w]
 └─ IndexedTableAccess(uv)
     ├─ index: [uv.u]
     └─ columns: [u v r s]
 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ u:2!null
 ├─ Table
 │   ├─ name: xy
 │   └─ columns: [x y z w]
 └─ HashLookup
     ├─ source: x:0!null
     ├─ target: u:0!null
     └─ CachedResults
         └─ Table
             ├─ name: uv
             └─ columns: [u v r s]
 ├─ cmp: Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ u:2!null
 ├─ IndexedTableAccess(xy)
 │   ├─ index: [xy.x]
 │   ├─ static: [{[NULL, ∞)}]
 │   └─ columns: [x y z w]
 └─ IndexedTableAccess(uv)
     ├─ index: [uv.u]
     ├─ static: [{[NULL, ∞)}]
     └─ columns: [u v r s]

Join Order

In the example below, the tables have sizes xy: 1_000, uv: 10_000.

With a simple join planner, we will always place the smallest table first, expecting a lookup join of uv X xy to cost ~1000 units of CPU, vs xy X uv to cost ~10_000 units.

But the filter on uv has a selectivity of 99.9999%, reducing the output cardinality of uv to 1 (a single row). So in reality, uv X xy costs ~1 unit of computation:

 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ u:2!null
 ├─ Table
 │   ├─ name: xy
 │   └─ columns: [x y z w]
 └─ Filter
     ├─ Eq
     │   ├─ u:0!null
     │   └─ 0 (bigint)
     └─ IndexedTableAccess(uv)
         ├─ index: [uv.u]
         └─ columns: [u v r s]
 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ u:0!null
 │   └─ x:2!null
 ├─ Filter
 │   ├─ Eq
 │   │   ├─ u:0!null
 │   │   └─ 0 (bigint)
 │   └─ Table
 │       ├─ name: uv
 │       └─ columns: [u v r s]
 └─ IndexedTableAccess(xy)
     ├─ index: [xy.x]
     └─ columns: [x y z w]

If we cost the join order using filter selectivity, the second query performs 1 iteration vs ~1000 for the default:

BenchmarkJoinOrder/lookup_join_order_pre-opt-12         	    2409	    419858 ns/op
BenchmarkJoinOrder/lookup_join_order_post-opt-12        	  200960	      5220 ns/op

Decorrelate Subqueries

Subqueries can either be cacheable or non-cacheable. The later are also called a "correlated" subquery, which run one whole execution for each row in the outer scope.

The first plan below executes the EXISTS subquery once for each xy row. It is not cacheable because its execution depends on xy.x; it is correlated to the outer scope. The second plan hoists the filter, freeing the subquery into a cacheable form:

 ├─ EXISTS Subquery
 │   ├─ cacheable: false
 │   └─ Filter
 │       ├─ (x = 0)
 │       └─ Table
 │           └─ name: uv
 └─ Table
     ├─ name: xy
     └─ columns: [x y z w]
 ├─ EXISTS Subquery
 │   ├─ cacheable: true
 │   └─ Table
 │       └─ name: uv
 └─ Filter
     ├─ Eq
     │   ├─ x:0!null
     │   └─ 0 (bigint)
     └─ Table
         ├─ name: xy
         └─ columns: [x y z w]

The cacheable form executes the subquery once, rather than 100 times:

BenchmarkDecorrelate/uncorrelated_subquery_pre-opt-12         	      46	  22258375 ns/op
BenchmarkDecorrelate/uncorrelated_subquery_post-opt-12        	    5415	    193153 ns/op

Indexscan vs Tablescan

It is common to push a permissive filter into a tablescan. The result is that we scan the entire table, just in a more expensive way.

The plans below compare a tablescan that will read every row with the index range scan machinery, versus reading every row as an unordered scan:

 ├─ columns: [x:0!null, y:1!null, z:2!null]
 └─ IndexedTableAccess(xy)
     ├─ index: [xy.y]
     ├─ static: [{(-1, ∞)}]
     └─ columns: [x y z w]
 ├─ columns: [x:0!null, y:1!null, z:2!null]
 └─ Table
     ├─ name: xy
     └─ columns: [x y z w]

Using the index range scan machinery introduces a non-negligible overhead:

BenchmarkIndexScan/index_scan_pre-opt-12         	     830	   1421220 ns/op
BenchmarkIndexScan/index_scan_post-opt-12        	    1239	    886823 ns/op

Covering Index Lookup

Different indexes can be used to read data from disk. A "covering" index scan is one that provides all columns projected from the scan. A "noncovering" scan has to read from the lookup index, and then do a second read into the primary key to fill out additional rows.

The first query uses the xy.y index to read (y): (x), (y is the secondary key, x is the primary key), but is still missing z. So the first query must do a lookup into the primary key to fetch the remaining field.

The second query is keyed on (x, z) : (), and already has the fields needed to satisfy the x,z projection

 ├─ columns: [x:0!null, z:1!null]
 └─ IndexedTableAccess(xy)
     ├─ index: [xy.y]
     ├─ static: [{(0, ∞)}]
     └─ columns: [x z]
 ├─ columns: [x:0!null, z:1!null]
 └─ IndexedTableAccess(xy)
     ├─ index: [xy.x,xy.z]
     ├─ static: [{(0, ∞), [NULL, ∞)}]
     └─ columns: [x z]

The second is about twice as fast, because it performs half as many index lookups:

BenchmarkCovering/covering_lookup_pre-opt-12         	   13773	     92543 ns/op
BenchmarkCovering/covering_lookup_post-opt-12        	   23208	     44561 ns/op


"Pushing" filters moves row elimination lower in the tree. The most extreme form of this moves a filter from the execution tree, transforming a table scan into a point lookup:

 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ 0 (bigint)
 └─ Table
     ├─ name: xy
     └─ columns: [x y]
 ├─ index: [xy.x]
 ├─ static: [{[0, 0]}]
 └─ columns: [x y]

The first query reads the entire table from disk, and then removes all but one. The second only reads rows from disk where xy.x = 0:

BenchmarkPushdown/pushdown_filter_pre-opt-12         	   87451	     13173 ns/op
BenchmarkPushdown/pushdown_filter_post-opt-12        	  520180	      2663 ns/op

Pruning Projections

Pruning Tablescan

Projection pruning is the process of limiting the number of rows returned by a child relation.

The first benchmark removes a projection by pushing the field selection into a table scan. Rather than reading four fields from disk, we will read one:

 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ 1 (bigint)
 └─ Project
     ├─ columns: [x:0!null]
     └─ Table
         ├─ name: xy
         └─ columns: [x y z w]
 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ 1 (bigint)
 └─ Table
     ├─ name: xy
     └─ columns: [x]

The benefit is small, but adds up for tables with many columns or deep joins that pass a lot of data:

BenchmarkPrune/prune_projection_pre-opt-12         	    3462	    298673 ns/op
BenchmarkPrune/prune_projection_post-opt-12        	    5977	    258016 ns/op

Pruning Join

The second benchmark performs the same optimization on a join, selecting only xy.x and uv.u before the join:

 ├─ columns: [x:0!null, u:3!null]
 └─ InnerJoin
     ├─ Eq
     │   ├─ x:0!null
     │   └─ u:3!null
     ├─ Table
     │   ├─ name: xy
     │   └─ columns: [x y z w]
     └─ Table
         ├─ name: uv
         └─ columns: [u v r s]
 ├─ Eq
 │   ├─ x:0!null
 │   └─ u:1!null
 ├─ Table
 │   ├─ name: xy
 │   └─ columns: [x]
 └─ Table
     ├─ name: uv
     └─ columns: [u]

The second selects fewer rows from disk, builds smaller join intermediates, and removes a projection function call:

BenchmarkPrune/pruned_join_pre-opt-12              	      60	  24666361 ns/op
BenchmarkPrune/pruned_join_post-opt-12             	      68	  19723276 ns/op

Text vs Varchar

Here we have identical tables, but xy has TEXT types while uv has VARCHAR types:

create table xy (
    x int primary key,
    y text,
    z text,
    w text
create table uv (
    u int primary key,
    v varchar(100),
    r varchar(100),
    s varchar(100)

TEXT types are stored as BLOBs out of band, and are considerably more expensive to read and write.

BenchmarkText/text_vs_varchar_pre-opt-12         	    2734	    365846 ns/op
BenchmarkText/text_vs_varchar_post-opt-12        	    4256	    254042 ns/op

Plans below:

 ├─ name: xy
 └─ columns: [x y z w]
 ├─ name: uv
 └─ columns: [u v r s]

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