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dnsviz's Introduction


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DNSViz is a tool suite for analysis and visualization of Domain Name System (DNS) behavior, including its security extensions (DNSSEC). This tool suite powers the Web-based analysis available at


DNSViz is available in package repositories for popular operating systems, such as Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo, and FreeBSD. It is also available in the Extra Packages for Linux (EPEL) repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 and 9 and CentOS 8 and 9. (See notes for installation on RHEL and Centos.) In each case, it can be installed using the package installation commands typical for that operating system. DNSViz can also be installed on Mac OS X using Homebrew or MacPorts.

The remainer of this section covers other methods of installation, including a list of dependencies, installation to a virtual environment, and notes for installing on RHEL 8 or 9 or CentOS Stream 8 or 9,).

Instructions for running in a Docker container are also available later in this document.


Note that earlier versions of the software listed above might also work with DNSViz, but are not supported. For example, versions of cryptography as early as 2.6 seem to work. Also note that while DNSViz itself still works with Python 2.7, some versions of its software dependencies have moved on: pygraphviz 1.6 and dnspython 2.0.0 dropped support for Python 2.7.

Optional Software

  • OpenSSL GOST Engine -

    With OpenSSL version 1.1.0 and later, the OpenSSL GOST Engine is necessary to validate DNSSEC signatures with algorithm 12 (GOST R 34.10-2001) and create digests of type 3 (GOST R 34.11-94). M2Crypto is also needed for GOST support.

  • M2Crypto -

    While almost all of the cryptgraphic support for DNSViz is handled with the cryptography Python module, support for algorithm 12 (GOST R 34.10-2001) digest type 3 (GOST R 34.11-94) require the OpenSSL GOST Engine. That engine must be loaded dynamically, and there is no support for that with cryptography. Thus, if you need to support algorithm 12 or digest type 3, you must also install M2Crypto.

  • ISC BIND -

    When using DNSViz for pre-deployment testing by specifying zone files and/or alternate delegation information on the command line (i.e., with -N, -x, or -D), named(8) is invoked to serve one or more zones. ISC BIND is only needed in this case, and named(8) does not need to be running (i.e., as a server).

    Note that default AppArmor policies for Debian are known to cause issues when invoking named(8) from DNSViz for pre-deployment testing. AppArmor can be temporarily disabled for named(8) with the following:

    $ sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named

    After pre-deployment testing is finished, AppArmor for named(8) can be re-enabled with the following:

    $ sudo apparmor_parser /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named

Installation in a Virtual Environment

To install DNSViz to a virtual environment, first create and activate a virtual environment, and install the dependencies:

$ virtualenv ~/myenv
$ source ~/myenv/bin/activate
(myenv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that this installs the dependencies that are Python packages, but some of these packages have non-Python dependencies, such as Graphviz (required for pygraphviz) and OpenSSL (required for cryptography), that are not installed automatically.

Next download and install DNSViz from the Python Package Index (PyPI):

(myenv) $ pip install dnsviz

or locally, from a downloaded or cloned copy of DNSViz:

(myenv) $ pip install .

RHEL 8/9 or CentOS Stream 8/9 Notes

DNSViz can be installed on RHEL 8 or 9 or CentOS Stream 8 or 9 from the EPEL repository. Follow the instructions in this section to enable EPEL.

RHEL 8 and 9 only: Enable CodeReady Linux Builder and Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) with following:

$ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-$(vers)-$(arch)-rpms
$ sudo dnf install$(vers).noarch.rpm

(where $(vers) refers to version, either 8 or 9, and $(arch) refers to the architecture, e.g., x86_64 or aarch64. If you are unsure, run sudo subscription-manager repos --list to show available options.)

CentOS Stream 8 or 9 only: Enable PowerTools or CodeReady Linux Builder and EPEL with the following:

$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled $(tool)
$ sudo dnf install epel-release

(where $(tool) refers to the tool, either powertools for CentOS Stream 8 or crb for CentOS Stream 9.)

For both RHEL 8 or 9 and CentOS Stream 8 or 9, once EPEL is enabled, install DNSViz using dnf:

$ sudo dnf install dnsviz


DNSViz is invoked using the dnsviz command-line utility. dnsviz itself uses several subcommands: probe, grok, graph, print, and query. See the man pages associated with each subcommand, in the form of "dnsviz- (1)" (e.g., "man dnsviz-probe") for more detailed documentation and usage.

dnsviz probe

dnsviz probe takes one or more domain names as input and performs a series of queries to either recursive (default) or authoritative DNS servers, the results of which are serialized into JSON format.


Analyze the domain name using your configured DNS resolvers (i.e., in /etc/resolv.conf) and store the queries and responses in the file named "":

$ dnsviz probe >

Same thing:

$ dnsviz probe -o

Analyze the domain name by querying its authoritative servers directly:

$ dnsviz probe -A -o

Analyze the domain name by querying explicitly-defined authoritative servers, rather than learning the servers through referrals from the IANA root servers:

$ dnsviz probe -A \
  -x,[2001:500:8c::53] \
  -x,[2001:500:8d::53] \

Same, but have dnsviz probe resolve the names:

$ dnsviz probe -A \
  -x, \

Analyze the domain name and its entire ancestry by querying authoritative servers and following delegations, starting at the root:

$ dnsviz probe -A -a . -o

Analyze multiple names in parallel (four threads) using explicit recursive resolvers (replace and 2001:db8::1 with legitimate resolver addresses):

$ dnsviz probe -s,[2001:db8::1] -t 4 -o multiple.json \

dnsviz grok

dnsviz grok takes serialized query results in JSON format (i.e., output from dnsviz probe) as input and assesses specified domain names based on their corresponding content in the input. The output is also serialized into JSON format.


Process the query/response output produced by dnsviz probe, and store the serialized results in a file named "":

$ dnsviz grok < >

Same thing:

$ dnsviz grok -r -o

Show only info-level information: descriptions, statuses, warnings, and errors:

$ dnsviz grok -l info -r -o

Show descriptions only if there are related warnings or errors:

$ dnsviz grok -l warning -r -o

Show descriptions only if there are related errors:

$ dnsviz grok -l error -r -o

Use root key as DNSSEC trust anchor, to additionally indicate authentication status of responses:

$ dig +noall +answer . dnskey | awk '$5 % 2 { print $0 }' > tk.txt
$ dnsviz grok -l info -t tk.txt -r -o

Pipe dnsviz probe output directly to dnsviz grok:

$ dnsviz probe | \
      dnsviz grok -l info -o

Same thing, but save the raw output (for re-use) along the way:

$ dnsviz probe | tee | \
      dnsviz grok -l info -o

Assess multiple names at once with error level:

$ dnsviz grok -l error -r multiple.json -o

dnsviz graph

dnsviz graph takes serialized query results in JSON format (i.e., output from dnsviz probe) as input and assesses specified domain names based on their corresponding content in the input. The output is an image file, a dot (directed graph) file, or an HTML file, depending on the options passed.


Process the query/response output produced by dnsviz probe, and produce a graph visually representing the results in a png file named "".

$ dnsviz graph -Tpng < >

Same thing:

$ dnsviz graph -Tpng -o <

Same thing, but produce interactive HTML format: interactive HTML output in a file named "":

$ dnsviz graph -Thtml < >

Same thing (filename is derived from domain name and output format):

$ dnsviz graph -Thtml -O -r

Use alternate DNSSEC trust anchor:

$ dig +noall +answer dnskey | awk '$5 % 2 { print $0 }' > tk.txt
$ dnsviz graph -Thtml -O -r -t tk.txt

Pipe dnsviz probe output directly to dnsviz graph:

$ dnsviz probe | \
      dnsviz graph -Thtml -O

Same thing, but save the raw output (for re-use) along the way:

$ dnsviz probe | tee | \
      dnsviz graph -Thtml -O

Process analysis of multiple domain names, creating an image for each name processed:

$ dnsviz graph -Thtml -O -r multiple.json

Process analysis of multiple domain names, creating a single image for all names.

$ dnsviz graph -Thtml -r multiple.json > multiple.html

dnsviz print

dnsviz print takes serialized query results in JSON format (i.e., output from dnsviz probe) as input and assesses specified domain names based on their corresponding content in the input. The output is textual output suitable for file or terminal display.


Process the query/response output produced by dnsviz probe, and output the results to the terminal:

$ dnsviz print <

Use alternate DNSSEC trust anchor:

$ dig +noall +answer dnskey | awk '$5 % 2 { print $0 }' > tk.txt
$ dnsviz print -r -t tk.txt

Pipe dnsviz probe output directly to dnsviz print:

$ dnsviz probe | \
      dnsviz print

Same thing, but save the raw output (for re-use) along the way:

$ dnsviz probe | tee | \
      dnsviz print

dnsviz query

dnsviz query is a wrapper that couples the functionality of dnsviz probe and dnsviz print into a tool with minimal dig-like usage, used to make analysis queries and return the textual output to terminal or file output in one go.


Analyze the domain name using the first of your configured DNS resolvers (i.e., in /etc/resolv.conf):

$ dnsviz query

Same, but specify an alternate trust anchor:

$ dnsviz query +trusted-key=tk.txt

Analyze through the recursive resolver at

$ dnsviz query @ +trusted-key=tk.txt

Pre-Deployment DNS Testing

The examples in this section demonstrate usage of DNSViz for pre-deployment testing.

Pre-Delegation Testing

The following examples involve issuing diagnostic queries for a zone before it is ever delegated.

Issue queries against a zone file on the local system ( named(8) is invoked to serve the file locally:

$ dnsviz probe -A -x

(Note the use of "+", which designates that the parent servers should not be queried for DS records.)

Issue queries to a server that is serving the zone:

$ dnsviz probe -A -x

(Note that this server doesn't need to be a server in the NS RRset for

Issue queries to the servers in the authoritative NS RRset, specified by name and/or address:

$ dnsviz probe -A \
      -x \
      -x,[2001:db8::1] \

Specify the names and addresses corresponding to the future delegation NS records and (as appropriate) A/AAAA glue records in the parent zone (com):

$ dnsviz probe -A \
      -N \
      -N,[2001:db8::1] \

Also supply future DS records:

$ dnsviz probe -A \
      -N \
      -N,[2001:db8::1] \
      -D \

Pre-Deployment Testing of Authoritative Zone Changes

The following examples involve issuing diagnostic queries for a delegated zone before changes are deployed.

Issue diagnostic queries for a new zone file that has been created but not yet been deployed (i.e., with changes to DNSKEY or other records):

$ dnsviz probe -A -x

(Note the absence of "+", which designates that the parent servers will be queried for DS records.)

Issue queries to a server that is serving the new version of the zone:

$ dnsviz probe -A -x

(Note that this server doesn't need to be a server in the NS RRset for

Pre-Deployment Testing of Delegation Changes

The following examples involve issuing diagnostic queries for a delegated zone before changes are deployed to the delegation, glue, or DS records for that zone.

Specify the names and addresses corresponding to the new delegation NS records and (as appropriate) A/AAAA glue records in the parent zone (com):

$ dnsviz probe -A \
      -N \
      -N,[2001:db8::1] \

Also supply the replacement DS records:

$ dnsviz probe -A \
      -N \
      -N,[2001:db8::1] \
      -D \

Docker Container

A ready-to-use docker container is available for use.

docker pull dnsviz/dnsviz

This section only covers Docker-related examples, for more information see the Usage section.

Simple Usage

$ docker run dnsviz/dnsviz help
$ docker run dnsviz/dnsviz query

Working with Files

It might be useful to mount a local working directory into the container, especially when combining multiple commands or working with zone files.

$ docker run -v "$PWD:/data:rw" dnsviz/dnsviz probe > probe.json
$ docker run -v "$PWD:/data:rw" dnsviz/dnsviz graph -r probe.json -T png -O

Using a Host Network

When running authoritative queries, a host network is recommended.

$ docker run --network host dnsviz/dnsviz probe -4 -A > example.json

Otherwise, you're likely to encounter the following error: dnsviz.query.SourceAddressBindError: Unable to bind to local address (EADDRNOTAVAIL)

Interactive Mode

When performing complex analyses, where you need to combine multiple DNSViz commands, use bash redirection, etc., it might be useful to run the container interactively:

$ docker run --network host -v "$PWD:/data:rw" --entrypoint /bin/sh -ti dnsviz/dnsviz
/data # dnsviz --help

dnsviz's People


cdeccio avatar edmonds avatar fcelda avatar jelu avatar jsoref avatar julianbrost avatar multiflexi avatar nicki-krizek avatar pemensik avatar yiyuandao avatar


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dnsviz's Issues

pip installing into a python 3 environment throws error


I can't find the offending line in the source so perhaps Pypi needs to be updated?

python version: 3.6.0
pip version: 9.0.1
virtualenv version: 15.0.3

Additionally tried the --no-cache-dir option with pip in case it was a cached bad build from building the source earlier, but same result.

DNSVIZ don't enforce rfc5155#section-7.1 "Each empty non-terminal MUST have a corresponding NSEC3 RR"

Here is looks like dnsviz checks the "Closest Encloser hash" is covered by the NSEC3, whereas i believe the RFC requires to check the the label that is being requested in order to comply with

o Each empty non-terminal MUST have a corresponding NSEC3 RR, unless
the empty non-terminal is only derived from an insecure delegation
covered by an Opt-Out NSEC3 RR.

so for example


yy is a signed tld covered by an NSEC3 record
xx is a "empty non-terminal", so is not delegated (no ns records), so as per the rfc it requires an NSEC3 record, however in this example it doesn't have a NSEC

example.xx.yy is an unsigned delegation

Currently this scenario passes in dnsviz, however i think it is a false positive.

NSID support for servers

It would be great if dnsviz could add an NSID EDNS option to queries, and include that information in the "/responses/" tab. By that way, we can identify node issues in anycasted servers.
Thanks a lot, it's a wonderful tool!

NSEC coverage clarification

Be more specific about why an NSEC record doesn't cover. Specifically, show a different error if the problem is that a name in the NSEC record is a subdomain of the name being covered (e.g., ENT).

0x20 testing

PowerDNS auth 4.0.0-4.0.3 (fixed in 4.0.4) would mess up NSEC records for 0x20 (random casing) queries. We've had trouble getting people to upgrade because 'dnsviz is happy'. Could dnsviz perhaps (additionally?) randomise case in its queries to detect this failure? I'm pretty sure we're not the only one to have done broken things in this area.

dnsviz grok crashing

Version: dnsviz 0.8.2 on FreeBSD
When I generate report like this:
dnsviz probe -d 0 -o report.json -A
and then I try to analyze it like this:
dnsviz grok -r report.json
then this second step crashes for some reports every time and works for others.
Here is
I can send failing report, if requested.

pygraphviz version check

On this system (Debian Wheezy 7), easy_install pulled in pygraphviz no problem, but upon trying to execute dnsviz, it seems the version checking might be a bit off:

pygraphviz version >= 1.1 is required, but version 1.3rc2 is installed.

Parsing of resolv.conf should be more robust

% dnsget > ../    
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./bin/dnsget", line 37, in <module>
    from dnsviz.analysis import Analyst, DomainNameAnalysis, get_client_addresses, NetworkConnectivityException, _resolver
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 137, in <module>
    _resolver = Resolver.Resolver.from_file('/etc/resolv.conf', StandardRecursiveQueryCD)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 99, in from_file
    if words[0] == 'nameserver':
IndexError: list index out of range

Just because there was an empty line in resolv.conf. When deleting it, it worked fine.

CAA record support

Hi there,

Recently, Ballot 125 of the CA/Browser Forum was passed, which means every CA will need to check for CAA records somewhere in the future.

Some CA's do this already, like Let's Encrypt. Unfortunately, some users have troubles regarding CAA records.

The dnsviz site, which is build upon this software, is a very helpful tool for this, as many times DNSSEC errors or other troublesome circumstances are the reason for this.

Unfortunately, at the moment it isn't possible to explicit select CAA records on the site (the "Advanced" methods of the site has helped me in the past) and as far as I could tell from the source code of this repo, there isn't CAA record support yet.

The CAA record was added to dnspython in version 1.13.0.

Therefore my request to add CAA record support 🙂

Related issue for the dnsviz site: dnsviz/dnsvizwww#2

Thank you! (Not an issue)

Thank you for this wonderful project! It helped me determine that was in compliance 4 months ago, but not in compliance today. More! More! Where do I donate?

probe: using -t may cause deadlock with Python3


When using the -t options to run dnsviz probe in multiple threads, it seems some data can cause deadlock. As of 2019-01-14, the following query deadlocks:

$ time dnsviz probe -t 2 > /dev/null
Analyzing com
Analyzing .

real    7m45.040s
user    0m0.861s
sys     0m0.117s

Interestingly enough, without the -t option, the domain is analyzed just fine.

$ time dnsviz probe > /dev/null
Analyzing com
Analyzing .

real    0m1.211s
user    0m0.528s
sys     0m0.061s


  • latest dnsviz - master (82aa568)
  • python: 3.7.2
  • dnspython: 1.16.0
  • m2crypto: 0.30.1
  • pygraphviz: 1.5

Additional info

The probe command works fine when using dnsviz 0.6.7 and Python 2

UDP Errors with root servers

I have seen quite a few errors of this nature recently.

./DNSKEY: No response was received from the server over UDP (tried 4 times). (, UDP_0_EDNS0_32768_512)

how reliable is it for those using DNSSEC if G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET and possibly others have faults like these?

test for non-compliance of Empty Non-Terminals

This only applies to zones that have "deep" labels like.

in this case _tcp is a empty non-terminal i.e. no records exist at it
Right answer for is "empty answer"
wrong answer includes Time-out, NXDomain, Refused, SERVFAIL

sometimes hard to detect when there is a wild card so check with multiple RRtypes
after support for the RRtype's has been established

-O 'Derive the filename(s) from domain name(s)' for graph and print does not encode the output filename

For example, given an input domain name of "d/" (from RFC 2317 'Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation'), dnsviz print and graph both fail when called with -O:

$ dnsviz probe -o probed d/
Analyzing d/
Analyzing arpa
Analyzing .
$ dnsviz print -O -r probed d/
No such file or directory: "d/"

The name generated by -O could be encoded in some format - for example, BIND9's dnssec-keygen tool uses URL-like percent-encoding, where '/' becomes '%2F'.

Support CDNSKEY and CDS records

Feature request:

Now that CDNSKEY and CDS support has been deployed by one or two registries and some DNS services, it would be neat if DNSViz supported it too.

Simple option:

  • Query for and display CDNSKEY and CDS by default.

More complicated:

  • Warn if they don't match the current DS records?

  • Error if applying them would produce DS records that would make the zone bogus.

No licence?

When installing the software:

% sudo python install
running install_data
creating /usr/local/share/doc/dnsviz
copying README -> /usr/local/share/doc/dnsviz
error: can't copy 'COPYING': doesn't exist or not a regular file

warn about obsolete DNSSEC algorithms

Just recently Fedora 33 has forbidden use of SHA1 for signature verification, which effectively breaks DNSSEC on some domains.

Besides this practical consequence, bunch of DNSSEC algorithms should not be use and I believe it would be beneficial to flag these as warnings. I propose to warn about algorithms involving MD5, SHA1, DSA, and GOST. and give nice tables with not recommended or outright banned algorithms.

Unfortunately I'm not able to find head and tail in DNSViz code base so I'm not able to write patch, sorry and thank you for your time!

Recursive Resolver on different port

I have a recursive resolver listening on that works with dig as expected:

$ dig @ -p 5350 proofofconcept
;proofofconcept.                        IN      A

proofofconcept.         19466   IN      A

;; Query time: 95 msec

But when passing this to dnsviz probe with -s, it only uses (the default port, not the one passed in arg).

For this to be tested, I've opened port 5350 on my VM and will keep it open for now.

# dig works as expected and returns A record
dig @ -p 5350 proofofconcept

# dnsviz tries to access port 53 of that IP and fails
dnsviz probe -s proofofconcept

ImportError: No module named config

I've just installed dnsviz into a python virtualenv on my MacOSX laptop. Here's the list of installed modules:

$ pip list
Package    Version
---------- -------
appdirs    1.4.3  
dnspython  1.15.0 
dnsviz     0.6.5  
M2Crypto   0.26.0 
packaging  16.8   
pip        9.0.1  
pygraphviz 1.3.1  
pyparsing  2.2.0  
setuptools 34.3.3 
six        1.10.0 
typing     3.6.1  
wheel      0.29.0 

When I try to run any command, I get:

$ dnsviz probe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/dnsviz/bin/dnsviz", line 92, in <module>
  File "/tmp/dnsviz/bin/dnsviz", line 74, in main
    mod = importlib.import_module('dnsviz.commands.%s' % command)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.13/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/importlib/", line 37, in import_module
  File "/tmp/dnsviz/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/commands/", line 63, in <module>
    from dnsviz.analysis import WILDCARD_EXPLICIT_DELEGATION, PrivateAnalyst, PrivateRecursiveAnalyst, OnlineDomainNameAnalysis, NetworkConnectivityException, DNS_RAW_VERSION
  File "/tmp/dnsviz/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1, in <module>
    from .online import WILDCARD_EXPLICIT_DELEGATION, Analyst, OnlineDomainNameAnalysis, PrivateAnalyst, RecursiveAnalyst, PrivateRecursiveAnalyst, NetworkConnectivityException, DNS_RAW_VERSION
  File "/tmp/dnsviz/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 50, in <module>
    import dnsviz.query as Q
  File "/tmp/dnsviz/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 54, in <module>
    from .response import *
  File "/tmp/dnsviz/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 54, in <module>
    from .util import tuple_to_dict
  File "/tmp/dnsviz/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 37, in <module>
    from .config import DNSVIZ_SHARE_PATH
ImportError: No module named config

Looks like dnsviz is trying to load stuff from a module file called "config", but there's no such file in the dnsviz directory.

testing for NSEC records denying things which should exist

I recently came across a couple of authorative nameservers which somehow presented an NSEC record which declared that the whole zone it was authorative for was empty (denying the existance of itself, being in-bailiwick!). Combined with knot-resolver's aggressive caching using DNSSEC-records, lookups of records at the domains that these nameservers were supposed to be authorative for could not be resolved.

I'm not that familiar with DNSSEC and found help from I could see in logs from knot-resolver that it could not find any NS with an address (what I did not react to at the time was the NSEC sname: covered by: -> -- that was probably a great clue!)

Eventually @vcunat found NSEC, and I could contact the admin who corrected the problem.

Could dnsviz highlight these kind of problems?

As @pspacek said in the discussion:

It would be also useful to test for other contradictory answers, e.g. server answering Abut providing proof-of-nonexistence for query TXT which states that A does not exist etc.
In general proofs from NSEC records must not contradict existence of other data which were obtained during the test.

Inaccurate display for KSK algorithm rollover

Hi, I did a KSK algorithm rollover for the zone My DNS server (knot) does this automatically and follows RFC6781 4.1.4 for KSK algorithm rollovers. After the new KSK was introduced it looked like it only signed itself:

When in reality the new KSK signed all DNSKEYs in the zone (as it should). This only became visible after the parent introduced the new algorithm DS:

I would have expected that the signature from the new KSK over the whole DNSKEY set would be visible even before the DS change.

AttributeError: can't set attribute

I often get the following error. It is completely random. When I run the same test again, no error is reported.

/usr/local/bin/dnsviz probe -p -A -R 'NS' -o '/data/web/tmp/tmpGfXmVqzWt9SmF5em.json' '' 2>&1
Analyzing cz (stub)
Error analyzing
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/commands/", line 166, in _analyze
    return a.analyze()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1513, in analyze
    return self._analyze(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1652, in _analyze
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1686, in _analyze_name
    yxdomain = self._analyze_delegation(name_obj)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1895, in _analyze_delegation
    query.execute(tm=self.transport_manager, th_factories=self.th_factories)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 1589, in _func
    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 1599, in execute
    self.execute_queries(self, ignore_queryid=ignore_queryid, tm=tm, th_factories=th_factories)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 1497, in execute_queries
    response = qh.handle_response(qtm.res, response, response_time, qtm.src,
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 811, in handle_response
    retry_action = handler.handle(response_wire, response, response_time)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 378, in handle
    self._request.payload = self._reduced_payload
AttributeError: can't set attribute

broken insecure delegation not detected - this name is currently considered bogus by Unbound, PowerDNS, Knot, and Google Public DNS. Querying for 'DS' indeed does not yield a correct proof of insecurity for the child zone - instead it returns this:

;; ANSWER SECTION:	300	IN	CNAME	300	IN	RRSIG	CNAME 13 3 300 20171123000000 20171102000000 45942 DfZytI5utWG3CXAsoFj4Uq35ZN7Zpl3FvSwL6XMaN5vFYfbhCZBeUcBG oZ7K6jaYRw0w/r6B7TUxsxOTfwQoGg==

Perhaps the CNAME 'at apex' is confusing DNSViz?

Backtrace when /etc/resolv.conf is missing

dnspython 2 needs /etc/resolv.conf , and openSUSE has 'eradicated' that. The result is rather odd here

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dnsviz/commands/", line 153, in _analyze
    return a.analyze()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1513, in analyze
    return self._analyze(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 2368, in _analyze
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 2403, in _analyze_name
    servers =
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_auth_or_designated_servers'

Debugging it a bit

$ ./bin/dnsviz probe
Error analyzing
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jayvdb/projects/dns/dnsviz/dnsviz/commands/", line 159, in _analyze
    return a.analyze()
  File "/home/jayvdb/projects/dns/dnsviz/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1514, in analyze
    return self._analyze(
  File "/home/jayvdb/projects/dns/dnsviz/dnsviz/analysis/", line 2374, in _analyze
  File "/home/jayvdb/projects/dns/dnsviz/dnsviz/analysis/", line 2409, in _analyze_name
    assert, name_obj

And is_zone() is False, so .zone is .parent which is the None we see above.

When I move /usr/etc/resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf it magically works.

While this is probably a problem for dnspython to improve, very likely dnsviz can better detect that dnspython is broken and fail in a more user-friendly way.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rdata'

This happens on dnsviz==0.9.0, but not on 0.8.2 so something has changed between these tags.

>>> graph.main(['graph', '-Thtml', '-O', '-r', '/tmp/probe_out.json'])                                                                                                 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/rithvik/.pyenv/versions/HSEnv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnsviz/commands/", line 464, in main
    name_obj.populate_status(arghelper.trusted_keys, supported_algs=arghelper.args.algorithms, supported_digest_algs=arghelper.args.digest_algorithms, validate_prohibited_algs=arghelper.args.validate_prohibited_algs)
  File "/home/rithvik/.pyenv/versions/HSEnv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 863, in populate_status
    self._populate_status(trusted_keys, supported_algs, supported_digest_algs, is_dlv, None, follow_mx)
  File "/home/rithvik/.pyenv/versions/HSEnv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 837, in _populate_status
  File "/home/rithvik/.pyenv/versions/HSEnv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 2402, in _populate_nxdomain_status
  File "/home/rithvik/.pyenv/versions/HSEnv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 2279, in _populate_negative_response_status
    self._populate_rrsig_status(query, soa_rrset_info, self.get_name(soa_owner_name), supported_algs, populate_response_errors=False)
  File "/home/rithvik/.pyenv/versions/HSEnv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1580, in _populate_rrsig_status
    rrsig_status = Status.RRSIGStatus(rrset_info, rrsig, None, zone_name, fmt.datetime_to_timestamp(self.analysis_end), supported_algs)
  File "/home/rithvik/.pyenv/versions/HSEnv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 230, in __init__
    if self.dnskey.rdata.algorithm in DNSKEY_ALGS_VALIDATION_PROHIBITED:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rdata'

Trying to trace the code, I think it's this commit (lines selected): 992baac#diff-1e33847313500796d7f40588ef54bc13df321fbae972af733d9da7bd00fbf76fR228-R229

If self.dnskey is None, (as passed by dnsviz/analysis/, line 1580), then a few lines later, self.dnskey.rdata.algorithm must not be accessed.

Where does the build instal to ?

I'm always wary of running any kind of 'sudo' without knowing what files it plans on touching.

yes, i could read the guts of the, but is there a summary of where all this will get placed when you run the install.

or - another way to ask the question: can dnsviz be run from the build folder without installing it ?
is there a way to test the the build worked without error ?

(If i try to run './bin/dnsviz probe' i get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "./bin/dnsviz", line 80, in <module> main() File "./bin/dnsviz", line 58, in main import dnsviz.commands

./DNSKEY: No response was received from the server over UDP


I get following errors; I could not manage the solve what cause this errors.

./DNSKEY: No response was received from the server over UDP (tried 12 times). (, UDP_0_EDNS0_32768_57)

./DNSKEY: No response was received from the server over UDP (tried 4 times). (, UDP_0_EDNS0_32768_512)

com/DS (alg 8, id 30909): No response was received until the UDP payload size was decreased, indicating that the server might be attempting to send a payload that exceeds the path maximum transmission unit (PMTU) size. (, UDP_0_EDNS0_32768_4096)

com/DS (alg 8, id 30909): No response was received until the UDP payload size was decreased, indicating that the server might be attempting to send a payload that exceeds the path maximum transmission unit (PMTU) size. (, UDP_0_EDNS0_32768_4096)

root@server:~# dig @ +short txt
"Tested at 2017-03-08 19:19:02 UTC"
" sent EDNS buffer size 512"
" DNS reply size limit is at least 490"
root@server:~# dig +short txt
" DNS reply size limit is at least 4090"
" sent EDNS buffer size 4096"
"Tested at 2017-03-08 19:20:26 UTC"


Can't graph broken DNSSEC test sites

I've tried to probe (recursive querying) and graph the following labels using 0.4.0 release: is OK but and aren't.
Here's the output for [1], yields similar output.

The local resolver is working OK [2], as well as dnsviz grok [3].

If nobody else can reproduce, I can upload the probe and grok results.

Bug or pebkac? :-)

test# dnsviz probe -s | dnsviz graph -R a -Thtml -O
Analyzing org
Analyzing .
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/dnsviz", line 68, in
File "/usr/bin/dnsviz", line 65, in main
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/commands/", line 288, in main
finish_graph(G, [name_obj], rdtypes, trusted_keys, fmt, '%s.%s' % (name, fmt))
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/commands/", line 79, in finish_graph
js_img = G.draw('js')
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/viz/", line 263, in draw
img = self.to_raphael()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/viz/", line 250, in to_raphael
svg = self.G.draw(format='svg', prog='dot')
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pygraphviz/", line 1474, in draw
data = self._run_prog(prog, args)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pygraphviz/", line 1335, in _run_prog
raise IOError(b"".join(errors))
IOError: dot: mincross.c:1314: flat_reorder: Assertion `constraining_flat_edge(g,v,e) == 0' failed.

test# dig @ a +dnssec

; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-18.el7_1.5 <<>> @ a +dnssec
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 63152
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096
; IN A

;; Query time: 84 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Oct 13 20:45:56 CEST 2015
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 50

test# dnsviz probe -s | dnsviz grok -o /tmp/
Analyzing org
Analyzing .
test# ls -ahl !$
ls -ahl /tmp/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16K Oct 13 20:48 /tmp/
test# jq . !$ &>/dev/null && echo $?
jq . /tmp/ &>/dev/null && echo $?

Check key/signature lenghts

In, a leading zero was missing from the second number in a public ECDSA key, yielding a 760 bit key. For algos such as 13 and 14, we can always know the right key length, and perhaps we can point out that this key is really broken.

The same thing goes for sigs - they tend to have a fixed size and when we see a sig (that we might even consider valid!) with the wrong size, it might be nice to point that out.

Clarify NODATA error for DS record lookup

When dnsviz performs a DS record lookup against a server that doesn't support DNSSEC (and therefore gets a referral), dnsviz reports:

The Authoritative Answer (AA) flag was not set in the response.
No SOA RR was returned with the NODATA response.

This is confusing, as the server is not returning a NODATA response. dnsviz should instead have text that indicates a referral was received rather than a NODATA response.

Requirements in

Would be nice to have some requirements information in terms of python modules that need to be installed, and python version.

I'm fumbling through setting this up, and will eventually guess the right requirements (and may submit a proposed merge to

~/dev/dnsviz$ python2.7 ./ 
usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
   or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
   or: --help-commands
   or: cmd --help

error: no commands supplied

~/dev/dnsviz$ sudo python2.7 ./ 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 54, in <module>
    'dnspython (==1.11)',
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 112, in setup
    _setup_distribution = dist = klass(attrs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 259, in __init__
    getattr(self.metadata, "set_" + key)(val)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 1218, in set_requires
    import distutils.versionpredicate
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 5, in <module>
    import operator
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

Should test prerequisites

It would be better to have an explicit test (may be in, in order to produce a better error message:

% dnsget > ../
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/local/bin/dnsget", line 37, in <module>
    from dnsviz.analysis import Analyst, DomainNameAnalysis, get_client_addresses, NetworkConnectivityException, _resolver
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 43, in <module>
    import crypto
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dnsviz/", line 33, in <module>
    from M2Crypto import DSA, EC, Engine, EVP, m2, RSA
ImportError: No module named M2Crypto

Problem with verification on a domain

Hi folks, thanks for the great tool which is such an essential tool for me.

I seem to have a problem with a new domain I purchased
I first of all had problems trying to add the DS keys at GoDaddy for 2 weeks due to a timeout between GoDaddy and the .hosting registry.

I eventually managed to add the DS keys today and within a few minutes picked it up and flagged everything as OK.

Yet is still showing me errors and I've been trying throughout the day by forcing DNSVIZ to update.

Is this a problem with the .hosting registry itself or perhaps that DNSVIZ is not seeing the update DNS records yet?

Testing the "downgrade" of DS hashing algorithms

RFC 4509 section 3 says "Validator implementations SHOULD ignore DS RRs containing SHA-1
digests if DS RRs with SHA-256 digests are present in the DS RRset." (to avoid downgrade attacks). I find no such rule for SHA-384 but it seems to me that the spirit of RFC 4509 would be to do the same (ignoring weak hashing algorithms when a DS with a stronger one is present). Resolver Unbound rejects such weak DS when its "harden-algo-downgrade" option is set to yes. (In some versions, Unbound also rejects them even without this option.)

Today, DNSviz does not report this issue, not even as a warning. See

Gost absence-from-OpenSSL handling fails to handle absence

OpenSSL 1.1.0 no longer ships with GOST; it's in an external engine.

The attempts to handle this absence in dnsviz are failing, see below. Further, these failed before trying OpenSSL 1.1.0, with however Ubuntu Xenial is configuring their OpensSL 1.0.2g, and failed identically.

With brutal surgery to dnsviz/ to remove all gost-handling functions and methods, and change both validate_ds_digest() and validate_rrsig() to raise Exception() if they're somehow called on gost data anyway, I can now run dnsviz probe and have it work instead of failing out on me.

% dnsviz probe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/bin/dnsviz", line 106, in <module>
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/bin/dnsviz", line 88, in main
    mod = importlib.import_module('dnsviz.commands.%s' % command)
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/lib/python3.6/importlib/", line 126, in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 994, in _gcd_import
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 971, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 665, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 678, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnsviz/commands/", line 63, in <module>
    from dnsviz.analysis import WILDCARD_EXPLICIT_DELEGATION, PrivateAnalyst, PrivateRecursiveAnalyst, OnlineDomainNameAnalysis, NetworkConnectivityException, DNS_RAW_VERSION
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1, in <module>
    from .online import WILDCARD_EXPLICIT_DELEGATION, Analyst, OnlineDomainNameAnalysis, PrivateAnalyst, RecursiveAnalyst, PrivateRecursiveAnalyst, NetworkConnectivityException, DNS_RAW_VERSION
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 50, in <module>
    import dnsviz.query as Q
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 54, in <module>
    from .response import *
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 51, in <module>
    from . import crypto
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 163, in <module>
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 98, in _check_gost_support
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 135, in _gost_init
    gost = Engine.Engine(b'gost')
  File "/home/dnsviz/.pyenv/versions/dnsviz-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/M2Crypto-0.29.0-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg/M2Crypto/", line 32, in __init__
    self._ptr = m2.engine_by_id(id)
TypeError: in method 'engine_by_id', argument 1 of type 'char const *'

support DS

For pre DNSSEC delegation purposes it would be a neat feature if you provide a DS and test if it would match the DNSKEY in the zone.

Find the ID

Hello folks,

I want to know if it´s possible to know the id, using the tool dnsviz, ex:

dnsviz probe

From the gui interface the search: return a DNSKEY =id 28345.

Thanks in advance,

-A broken in docker for mac

[root@23beedbfd2bf dnsviz]# /usr/bin/dnsviz probe -A -d 3 -4
Error analyzing
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/commands/", line 146, in _analyze
a = cls(name, dlv_domain=dlv_domain, try_ipv4=try_ipv4, try_ipv6=try_ipv6, client_ipv4=client_ipv4, client_ipv6=client_ipv6, query_class_mixin=query_class_mixin, ceiling=c, edns_diagnostics=edns_diagnostics, explicit_delegations=explicit_delegations, stop_at_explicit=stop_at_explicit, odd_ports=odd_ports, extra_rdtypes=extra_rdtypes, explicit_only=explicit_only, analysis_cache=cache, cache_level=cache_level, analysis_cache_lock=cache_lock, transport_manager=tm, th_factories=th_factories, resolver=resolver)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1072, in init
self.local_ceiling = self._detect_ceiling(ceiling)[0]
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/analysis/", line 1163, in _detect_ceiling
ans = self.resolver.query_for_answer(ceiling, dns.rdatatype.NS, dns.rdataclass.IN)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 423, in query_for_answer
response, server = self.query(qname, rdtype, rdclass)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 411, in query
l = self._query(qname, rdtype, rdclass, 0, self.SRC_NONAUTH_ANS)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 551, in _query
a_rrset = self._query(ns_name, a_rdtype, dns.rdataclass.IN, level + 1, self.SRC_ADDITIONAL, starting_domain=sd)[-2]
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 564, in _query
q.execute(tm=self._transport_manager, th_factories=self._th_factories)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 1468, in _func
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 1478, in execute
self.execute_queries(self, ignore_queryid=ignore_queryid, tm=tm, th_factories=th_factories)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnsviz/", line 1427, in execute_queries
raise SourceAddressBindError('Unable to bind to local address (%s)' % (errno.errorcode[errno1]))
SourceAddressBindError: Unable to bind to local address (EADDRNOTAVAIL)

I tested the same docker container on docker on centos 7 host and there I did not have this issue. The container itself is the official docker centos 7 from dockerhub. I tested to run bind and httpd in the same container and they had no problems binding to a port. Please advise.

(I have no issue on docker for mac when I do not use the -A option)

Docker for mac version:
Version 17.12.0-ce-mac49 (21995)


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