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talonone.cs's Introduction

TalonOne - the C# library for the Talon.One API

Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns:

Determining the base URL of the endpoints

The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you are reading this page at, the URL for the updateCustomerSession endpoint is{Id}

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • SDK version: 4.0.2
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen

Frameworks supported

  • .NET Core >=1.0
  • .NET Framework >=4.6
  • Mono/Xamarin >=vNext


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Generate the DLL using your preferred tool (e.g. dotnet build)

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using TalonOne.Api;
using TalonOne.Client;
using TalonOne.Model;

Getting Started

Integration API

Note: The Integration API's V1 Update customer session and Update customer profile endpoints are now deprecated. Use their V2 instead. See Migrating to V2 for more information.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using TalonOne.Api;
using TalonOne.Client;
using TalonOne.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void main()
            // Configure BasePath & API key authorization: api_key_v1
            var integrationConfig = new Configuration {
                BasePath = "",
                ApiKey = new Dictionary<string, string> {
                    { "Authorization", "e18149e88f42205432281c9d3d0e711111302722577ad60dcebc86c43aabfe70" }
                ApiKeyPrefix = new Dictionary<string, string> {
                    { "Authorization", "ApiKey-v1" }

            // ************************************************
            // Integration API example to send a session update
            // ************************************************

            // When using the default approach, the next initiation of `IntegrationApi`
            // could be using the empty constructor
            var integrationApi = new IntegrationApi(integrationConfig);
            var customerSessionId = "my_unique_session_integration_id_2";  // string | The custom identifier for this session, must be unique within the account.

            // Preparing a NewCustomerSessionV2 object
            NewCustomerSessionV2 customerSession = new NewCustomerSessionV2 {
                ProfileId = "PROFILE_ID",
                CouponCodes = new List<string> {
                CartItems = new List<CartItem> {
                    new CartItem(
                        "Hummus Tahini", // Name
                        "hum-t", // Sku
                        1, // Quantity
                        (decimal)5.5, // Price
                        "Food" // Category
                    new CartItem(
                        "Iced Mint Lemonade", // Name
                        "ice-mn-lemon", // Sku
                        1, // Quantity
                        (decimal)3.5, // Price
                        "Beverages" // Category

            // Instantiating an IntegrationRequest object
            IntegrationRequest body = new IntegrationRequest(
                // Optional list of requested information to be present on the response.
                // See src/TalonOne/Model/IntegrationRequest#ResponseContentEnum for full list of supported values
                // new List<IntegrationRequest.ResponseContentEnum> {
                //     IntegrationRequest.ResponseContentEnum.CustomerSession,
                //     IntegrationRequest.ResponseContentEnum.CustomerProfile
                // }

                // Create/update a customer session using `UpdateCustomerSessionV2` function
                IntegrationStateV2 response = integrationApi.UpdateCustomerSessionV2(customerSessionId, body);

                // Parsing the returned effects list, please consult for the full list of effects and their corresponding properties
                foreach (Effect effect in response.Effects) {
                    switch(effect.EffectType) {
                        case "setDiscount":
                            // Initiating right props instance according to the effect type
                            SetDiscountEffectProps setDiscountEffectProps = (SetDiscountEffectProps) Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(effect.Props.ToString(), typeof(SetDiscountEffectProps));

                            // Access the specific effect's properties
                            Debug.WriteLine("Set a discount '{0}' of {1:00.000}", setDiscountEffectProps.Name, setDiscountEffectProps.Value);
                        // case "acceptCoupon":
                            // AcceptCouponEffectProps acceptCouponEffectProps = (AcceptCouponEffectProps) Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(effect.Props.ToString(), typeof(AcceptCouponEffectProps));

                            // Work with AcceptCouponEffectProps' properties
                            // ...
                            // break;
                            Debug.WriteLine("Encounter unknown effect type: {0}", effect.EffectType);
            catch (ApiException e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling IntegrationApi.UpdateCustomerSessionV2: " + e.Message );

Management API

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using TalonOne.Api;
using TalonOne.Client;
using TalonOne.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void Main()
            // Configure BasePath
            var managementConfig = new Configuration {
                BasePath = ""

            // ****************************************************
            // Management API example to load application with id 7
            // ****************************************************

            // When using the default approach, the next initiation of `ManagementApi`
            // could be using the empty constructor
            var managementApi = new ManagementApi(managementConfig);

                // Obtain session token
                var loginParams = new LoginParams("[email protected]", "");
                var session = managementApi.CreateSession(loginParams);

                // Save token in the configuration for future management API calls
                managementConfig.AddApiKey("Authorization", session.Token);
                managementConfig.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
                managementApi = new ManagementApi(managementConfig); // re-instantiate an api instance for the token to take effect

                // Calling `GetApplication` function with the desired id (7)
                Application app = managementApi.GetApplication(7);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplication: " + e.Message );
                Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
IntegrationApi CreateAudienceV2 POST /v2/audiences Create audience
IntegrationApi CreateCouponReservation POST /v1/coupon_reservations/{couponValue} Create coupon reservation
IntegrationApi CreateReferral POST /v1/referrals Create referral code for an advocate
IntegrationApi CreateReferralsForMultipleAdvocates POST /v1/referrals_for_multiple_advocates Create referral codes for multiple advocates
IntegrationApi DeleteAudienceMembershipsV2 DELETE /v2/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships Delete audience memberships
IntegrationApi DeleteAudienceV2 DELETE /v2/audiences/{audienceId} Delete audience
IntegrationApi DeleteCouponReservation DELETE /v1/coupon_reservations/{couponValue} Delete coupon reservations
IntegrationApi DeleteCustomerData DELETE /v1/customer_data/{integrationId} Delete the personal data of a customer
IntegrationApi GetCustomerInventory GET /v1/customer_profiles/{integrationId}/inventory List data associated with a specific customer profile
IntegrationApi GetReservedCustomers GET /v1/coupon_reservations/customerprofiles/{couponValue} List users that have this coupon reserved
IntegrationApi TrackEvent POST /v1/events Track an Event
IntegrationApi UpdateAudienceCustomersAttributes PUT /v2/audience_customers/{audienceId}/attributes Update profile attributes for all customers in audience
IntegrationApi UpdateAudienceV2 PUT /v2/audiences/{audienceId} Update audience
IntegrationApi UpdateCustomerProfileAudiences POST /v2/customer_audiences Update multiple customer profiles' audiences
IntegrationApi UpdateCustomerProfileV2 PUT /v2/customer_profiles/{integrationId} Update customer profile
IntegrationApi UpdateCustomerProfilesV2 PUT /v2/customer_profiles Update multiple customer profiles
IntegrationApi UpdateCustomerSessionV2 PUT /v2/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId} Update customer session
ManagementApi AddLoyaltyPoints PUT /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/profile/{integrationID}/add_points Add points in loyalty program for given customer
ManagementApi CopyCampaignToApplications POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/copy Copy the campaign into every specified application
ManagementApi CreateAdditionalCost POST /v1/additional_costs Define a new additional cost
ManagementApi CreateAttribute POST /v1/attributes Create custom attribute
ManagementApi CreateCampaign POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns Create campaign
ManagementApi CreateCoupons POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons Create coupons
ManagementApi CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_with_recipients Create coupons for multiple recipients
ManagementApi CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail POST /v1/password_recovery_emails Request a password reset
ManagementApi CreateRuleset POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets Create ruleset
ManagementApi CreateSession POST /v1/sessions Create session
ManagementApi DeleteCampaign DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} Delete campaign
ManagementApi DeleteCoupon DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} Delete coupon
ManagementApi DeleteCoupons DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons Delete coupons
ManagementApi DeleteReferral DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} Delete referral
ManagementApi DestroySession DELETE /v1/sessions Destroy session
ManagementApi ExportCoupons GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_coupons Export coupons to CSV file
ManagementApi ExportCustomerSessions GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_customer_sessions Export customer sessions to CSV file
ManagementApi ExportEffects GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_effects Export triggered effects to CSV file
ManagementApi ExportLoyaltyBalance GET /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/export_customer_balance Export customer loyalty balance to a CSV file
ManagementApi ExportLoyaltyLedger GET /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/profile/{integrationID}/export_log Export a customer's loyalty ledger log to CSV file
ManagementApi ExportReferrals GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_referrals Export referrals to CSV file
ManagementApi GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/access_logs/no_total Get access logs for Application
ManagementApi GetAccount GET /v1/accounts/{accountId} Get account details
ManagementApi GetAccountAnalytics GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/analytics Get account analytics
ManagementApi GetAdditionalCost GET /v1/additional_costs/{additionalCostId} Get an additional cost
ManagementApi GetAdditionalCosts GET /v1/additional_costs List additional costs
ManagementApi GetAllAccessLogs GET /v1/access_logs List access logs
ManagementApi GetAllRoles GET /v1/roles List roles
ManagementApi GetApplication GET /v1/applications/{applicationId} Get Application
ManagementApi GetApplicationApiHealth GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/health_report Get report of health of application API
ManagementApi GetApplicationCustomer GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId} Get application's customer
ManagementApi GetApplicationCustomerFriends GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/profile/{integrationId}/friends List friends referred by customer profile
ManagementApi GetApplicationCustomers GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers List application's customers
ManagementApi GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_search List application customers matching the given attributes
ManagementApi GetApplicationEventTypes GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/event_types List Applications event types
ManagementApi GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/events/no_total List Applications events
ManagementApi GetApplicationSession GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/sessions/{sessionId} Get Application session
ManagementApi GetApplicationSessions GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/sessions List Application sessions
ManagementApi GetApplications GET /v1/applications List Applications
ManagementApi GetAttribute GET /v1/attributes/{attributeId} Get a custom attribute
ManagementApi GetAttributes GET /v1/attributes List custom attributes
ManagementApi GetAudiences GET /v1/audiences List audiences
ManagementApi GetCampaign GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} Get campaign
ManagementApi GetCampaignAnalytics GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/analytics Get analytics of campaigns
ManagementApi GetCampaignByAttributes POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns_search List campaigns that match the given attributes
ManagementApi GetCampaigns GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns List campaigns
ManagementApi GetChanges GET /v1/changes Get audit log for an account
ManagementApi GetCouponsByAttributes POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_search List coupons that match the given attributes
ManagementApi GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/no_total List coupons
ManagementApi GetCustomerActivityReport GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/{customerId} Get customer's activity report
ManagementApi GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/no_total Get Activity Reports for Application Customers
ManagementApi GetCustomerAnalytics GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId}/analytics Get customer's analytics report
ManagementApi GetCustomerProfile GET /v1/customers/{customerId} Get customer profile
ManagementApi GetCustomerProfiles GET /v1/customers/no_total List customer profiles
ManagementApi GetCustomersByAttributes POST /v1/customer_search/no_total List customer profiles matching the given attributes
ManagementApi GetEventTypes GET /v1/event_types List Event Types
ManagementApi GetExports GET /v1/exports Get Exports
ManagementApi GetLoyaltyPoints GET /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/profile/{integrationID} Get the Loyalty Ledger for this integrationID
ManagementApi GetLoyaltyProgram GET /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID} Get loyalty program
ManagementApi GetLoyaltyPrograms GET /v1/loyalty_programs List loyalty programs
ManagementApi GetLoyaltyStatistics GET /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/statistics Get loyalty program statistics by loyalty program ID
ManagementApi GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/no_total List referrals
ManagementApi GetRole GET /v1/roles/{roleId} Get role
ManagementApi GetRuleset GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets/{rulesetId} Get ruleset
ManagementApi GetRulesets GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets List campaign rulesets
ManagementApi GetUser GET /v1/users/{userId} Get a single user
ManagementApi GetUsers GET /v1/users List users in account
ManagementApi GetWebhook GET /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} Get Webhook
ManagementApi GetWebhookActivationLogs GET /v1/webhook_activation_logs List webhook activation log entries
ManagementApi GetWebhookLogs GET /v1/webhook_logs List webhook log entries
ManagementApi GetWebhooks GET /v1/webhooks List webhooks
ManagementApi ImportCollection POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/import Import collection via CSV file
ManagementApi ImportCoupons POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/import_coupons Import coupons via CSV file
ManagementApi ImportLoyaltyPoints POST /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/import_points Import loyalty points via CSV file
ManagementApi ImportPoolGiveaways POST /v1/giveaways/pools/{poolId}/import Import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool
ManagementApi ImportReferrals POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/import_referrals Import referrals via CSV file
ManagementApi RemoveLoyaltyPoints PUT /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/profile/{integrationID}/deduct_points Deduct points in loyalty program for given customer
ManagementApi ResetPassword POST /v1/reset_password Reset password
ManagementApi SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/coupons_search_advanced/no_total List coupons that match the given attributes in all active campaigns of an application
ManagementApi SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_search_advanced/no_total List coupons that match the given attributes
ManagementApi UpdateAdditionalCost PUT /v1/additional_costs/{additionalCostId} Update an additional cost
ManagementApi UpdateAttribute PUT /v1/attributes/{attributeId} Update a custom attribute
ManagementApi UpdateCampaign PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} Update campaign
ManagementApi UpdateCoupon PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} Update coupon
ManagementApi UpdateCouponBatch PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons Update a batch of coupons
ManagementApi UpdateReferral PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} Update referral
ManagementApi UpdateRuleset PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets/{rulesetId} Update ruleset

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header

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