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some-like-it-neat's Introduction

Some Like it Neat

A WordPress Theme Using _s, Bourbon + Neat and Theme Hook Alliance


Some Like it Neat is a Minimal Starter theme that is Responsive out of the box. It uses Sass along with Bourbon Neat for help with Responsive grids. It's based on _s and is pretty rad.

Donate (or submit a pull request)

Click here to lend your support to: Some Like it Neat, a WordPress Starter Theme and make a donation at !

What's Inside?

Bourbon provides a lightweight Sass library (similar to Compass).

Neat extends bourbon and provides a nice and lightweight grid framework as a base for this project. This theme now uses CSS Grid to manage layouts. I recommend that you use CSS Grid to build your layouts going forward. Support is pretty darn good for CSS Grid. Neat has been left here and it's used primarily for breakpoint variables. If you still wish to use Neat (and it is a great framework) you may do so. But we'll be looking to remove Neat here eventually (now I have to come up with a new name for this theme).

Bitters is baked-in, too! You get some basic nifty styles out of the gate.

  • Underscores (_s) based theme. There's smarter folks than me building great sh*t (

  • Sass. We're using it and to update this theme you should be cozy with it or get ready to learn how to use. If you don't know Sass, you should definitely jump in. The water's fine and you'll thank me later. I accept thanks in burritos, doritos, fritos and cheetos only.

  • Theme Hook Alliance — One of the things I learned to love about working with Frameworks were their hooks. Thematic and Genesis introduced me to the notion. Since them I've been using them like they're going out of style. When I set out to make my own starter theme I wanted to make something that had "just the right amount" of features for me. I knew I needed hooks. The THA project was intro'd to me by Brandon Dove, at the OCWP ( developer's day meetup. Thought it was super neat. So I bundled that hot mess right into this thing.

  • Gulpjs Task Automation — This has been a biggy! Lots of work done and yet to-do. Your gulpjs file will help automate nifty tasks such as autoprefixing, compiling and minifying Sass files; cleaning up your theme directory and even packaging/zipping your theme! Cool. Right?

  • Built for Accessibility

  • Flexnav Menu System and Hover Intent

  • TGM PLugin Activation

  • NPM for managing packages and dependencies

  • Infinite Scroll Support for Jetpack

  • Pull requests welcome...

Getting Started

There's a lot to this theme, but don't be intimidated, even if you're not an "advanced-level" developer, you got this! I'll be honest with you, I don't know how half the stuff here works, it just sorta does. =)

Bourbon and Neat are used for providing simple Sass mixins and leverages a simple grid system that let's you markup your theme how you want, while you use their math, unlike Bootstrap and Foundation, presently.

There are things you need to install before you hack away at things. There are three package managers to install: Node (which installs the NPM package manager). Each of these have dependencies that also need to be installed. Fortunately, this is all "fairly easy".

  • Prerequisites

    • You'll need to download and install Node
    • You will need to download and install Sass
    • You will need also need to download, install, and configure Composer
  • Getting and Installing the Theme

    • The first thing you’ll want to do is grab a copy of the theme — git clone git:// – or download it and then rename the directory to the name of your theme or website.
  • Install Composer and NPM Dependencies

    Once you have Node, Sass and the theme installed, the next step is simple enough.

    (note - you may have to run the following commands as admin or sudo)

    Open a command prompt/terminal and navigate to your theme's root directory. Run the following two commands:

    • composer install - Installs Composer and the dependencies needed for custom post meta management.

    • npm install - Installs all the necessary Gulp plugins to help with task automation such as Sass compiling and browser-sync! You'll need to run this step on each of your projects, going forward.

  • Set your project configuration in Gulpfile.js!!

Be sure to go into gulpfile.js and setup the project configuration variables.

* This is important for using Browser-Sync with your project. Make sure in gulpfile.js that you set the `project` variable to the appropriate name for your project URL. Default is ""
  • Generating your styles

    • In pre 1.1.11 builds of Some Like it Neat, Style.scss would process/compile all of your changes to the various Sass files. This has changed in 1.1.11. We have added rtl support using a set of mixins from the Bi-App-Sass view project which helps us generate styles for RTL configurations. All LTR styles are output to style.css and RTL styles are output to rtl.css.
  • Gulp Tasks

There are a couple of tasks built into Some Like it Neat to help get you going.

  • gulp This command simply starts up Gulp and watches your scss, js and php filder for changes, writes them out and refreshes the browser for you.
  • gulp build This command removes unneccessary files and packs up the required files into a nice and neat, installable, zip package. Honestly, this is here because I was uploading my theme to the uploader so many times... Epitome of the laze.

Each task such as 'js', 'images' or 'browser-sync' may be started individually. Although, the only one of them you'd do that with is the 'images' task since that's not auto-optimizing at the moment.

  • Theme Development, Minification and You

When developing your theme note that the output style.css file and production.js file are in expanded (readable) format if WP_DEBUG is set to true in wp-config.php. If WP_DEBUG is NOT set to true, then style.css and production.js are minified for you. While developing your theme, I recommend that WP_DEBUG is set to true. Just a good practice anyway.

  • A Note About Javascript Files - If you have JS files that are not managed by NPM, you can place those files inside the assets/js/app folder. Why? Gulp runs a task that concatenates js files in that directory and checks them for errors, which is pretty nifty. You can modify Gulp task behavior to suit your tastes, of course. However, note that those scripts will load on all pages.

  • Extra Note! If you've set WP Debug true, the concatenated file is unminified and if set to false, then the concatenated file is minified. If you don't intend to use this functionality, you should comment-out or remove the lines referring to development.js and production-min.js.

Theme Hook Alliance

What is Theme Hook Alliance? It's a pretty rad project - I'm a big fan of hooks, personally. They provide a means to keep things within the theme cleaner and easier to maintain.

"The Theme Hook Alliance is a community-driven effort to agree on a set of third-party action hooks that THA themes pledge to implement in order to give that desired consistency."

Infinite Scroll and Jetpack

Infinite Scroll is now supported. Requires that you have Jetpack installed and have configured the plugin to use Infinite Scroll. Additionally, you'll need to go into the Customizer to add theme support. Why? While redundant, didn't really want code running that wasn't in use... Aaand seemed like a nice use of the Customizer. If you hate it, open an issue. =)

Bourbon and Neat

Why use these in this project? It's a philosophical thing. I've used Foundation and Bootstrap before. I like them; they're both great, great projects run by smarter people than myself. So what's the philosophical bit? To achieve the responsiveness required of various projects, I would have to tear up my HTML, input my own selector classes and what have you, in addition to changing my css. I didn't like it. I heard about Neat ( and really liked their approach to a grid framework. You keep your HTML structure the way you like and all of the styling in your Sass files

Use as a Parent Theme?

I don't see why not. I haven't done it yet. ( I'm using a child theme on ) But with the addition of Theme Hook Alliance, I'd say 'Some Like it Neat' would make for a good Parent Theme for your project and certainly more ideal if you're going to make significant edits (and why wouldn't you? By default it looks like pooh!).

What I recommend is that you generate your child theme, setup your child theme folder, style.css file. Additionally, I think it's just easier to copy the 'library' folder from the parent and place it into the child theme. I'm gonna recommend you [have a look at this issue here] (#58) for details on how to go about this.

Folder Structure

I haven't listed out every single file here; but I have listed out the files that you'll most likely work with during a project.

Theme Root
    │    ├── assets
    │    │   ├── css
    │    │   |    ├── layouts
    |    |   |    |   ├── navigation-offcanvas.css
    │    │   |    └── vendor
    |    |   |    |   ├── flexnav.css
    |    |   |    ├── style-min.css
    |    |   |    └── style.css
    │    |   └──  js
    │    │   |    ├── app
    │    │   |    └── vendor
    │    |   |    |   ├── flexnav
    │    |   |    |   ├── hoverintent
    │    |   |    |   ├── modernizr
    │    |   |    |   └── selectivizr
    │    │   |    ├── custom-offcanvas.js
    │    │   |    ├── production-min.js
    │    │   |    └── development.js
    │    |   └── maps
    │    │   ├── sass
    │    │   |   └── abstracts
    │    |   |    |   ├── __abstracts.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _accessibility.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _typography.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _variables.scss
    │    │   |    └── base
    │    |   |    |   ├── __base_dir.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _normalize.scss
    │    │   |    └── components
    │    |   |    |   ├── __components-dir.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _buttons.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _infinite-scroll.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _media.scss
    │    │   |    └── layouts
    │    |   |    |   ├── __layouts-dir.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _content.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _footer.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _header.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _navigation.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _sidebar.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _structure.scss
    │    |   |    |   └── navigation-offcanvas.scss
    │    │   |    └── templates
    │    |   |    |   ├── __templates-dir.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _template-2col-l-sidebar.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _template-2col-r-sidebar.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _template-full-width.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _template-landing-page.scss
    │    │   |    └── vendor
    │    |   |    |   ├── __vendor-dir.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _base.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _buttons.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _dashicons.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _grid-settings.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _layout.scss
    │    |   |    |   ├── _lists.scss
    │    |   |    |   └── _media.scss
    │    |   |    |   └── _tables.scss
    │    |   |    |   └── _typography.scss
    │    |   |    |   └── _variables.scss
    │    |   |    |   └── flexnav.scss
    │    |   ├── _app.scss
    │    |   ├── _grid-settings.scss
    │    |   └── style.scss
    ├── library
    │   └── languages
    │   │   ├── some_like_it_neat.pot
    │   └── vendors
    │   │   ├── cmb2
    │   │   ├── customizer
    │   │   ├── tgm-plugin-activation
    │   │   ├── theme-hook-alliance
    │   │   └── custom-header.php
    │   │   └── extras.php
    │   │   └── jetpack.php
    │   │   └── meta.php
    │   │   └── template-tags.php
    │   ├── assets.php
    │   ├── customizer-frontend-settings.php
    │   ├── extras.php
    │   ├── theme-setup.php
    │   ├── vendor.php
    │   ├── widgets.php
    ├── page-templates
    │     └── template-parts
    |     |   ├── content-aside.php
    |     |   ├── content-audio.php
    |     |   ├── content-chat.php
    |     |   ├── content-gallery.php
    |     |   ├── content-image.php
    |     |   ├── content-link.php
    |     |   ├── content-none.php
    |     |   ├── content-page.php
    |     |   ├── content-quote.php
    |     |   ├── content-single.php
    |     |   ├── content-status.php
    |     |   ├── content-video.php
    |     |   └── content.php
    |     ├── template-full-width.php
    |     ├── template-left-col.php
    |     └── template-right-col.php
	|     └── template-landing-page.php
    ├── 404.php
    ├── archive.php
    ├── comments.php
    ├── footer.php
    ├── functions.php
    ├── gulpfile.js
    ├── header.php
    ├── index.php
    ├── license.txt
    ├── package.json
    ├── page.php
    ├── rtl.css
    ├── search.png
    ├── searchform.php
    ├── sidebar.php
    ├── single.php
    └── style.css

How to Contribute to This Project

Your generous pull requests are welcome! Have a look at our contribution guide for details: Contribution Guide

Road Map

  • Firm up i18n for RTL and language support. Looking for contributors here
  • Ensure Accessibility has been properly and thoroughly addressed

General Credits and Thanks

A special thanks to all the folks who inspire me on a daily basis to "do more" with what I know and what I can contribute.

  • Brandon Dove
  • Nikhil @techvoltz
  • Jon Brown
  • Udit Desai
  • Jeffrey Zinn
  • Steve Zehngut
  • Chris Lema
  • Se Reed
  • Natalie MacLees
  • Ryan Cowles
  • Nathan Tyler
  • Dave Jesch
  • Devin Walker
  • Blair Williams
  • Robert Neu
  • Rachel Cherry (Roll tide, roll)
  • And a fuckload lot more that I'm missing here.


This theme is based on Underscores, (C) 2012-2013 Automattic, Inc.

CMB2 - Source: - License: GNU GPL, Version 2 (or later) - License URI: license.txt

Flexnav, Copyright 2014 Jason Weaver.

TGM Plugin Activation, Copyright 2014 Thomas Griffin Media, Inc.

Theme Hook Alliance




Hover Intent

some-like-it-neat's People


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some-like-it-neat's Issues

plugin scripts

Do plugin scripts become merged into one file with the current theme setup?

or would they be a way to set this up?

Double Check Phpcs auto-fixing via phpcbf

So, if you're gonna go and do all this work to help out, you're going to become an official collaborator too, so I can assign you issues, haha. =)

What do you think of leveraging Phpcbf in the Gulp Watch task to autofix fixable issues? Also, let me know if Dev looks okay. I'm thinking of merging into master.

Double Checking What PHPCS is looking in

Just need to verify we're looking at php files in root theme directory, page-templates and that's really it; I don't think we should be checking anything else.


Customizer - Example Panel

The Customizer includes a section that is there but it does not apply to this theme, therefore it should be removed or commented if theme wants to show examples.

Location of style.css

Currently style.css is being compiled in /css/. Should it be moved to the root directory of the theme? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Script in footer instead of header

You should always try to add custom JavaScript to the footer rather than the header. The dg_add_flexnav() function is hooked to wp_head. Go with wp_footer if possible.

Project variable needs clarification or changes


It's not clear from the comment in gulpfile.js that "project" is the URL used for browsersync.

Hence, I put in my theme name 9seeds2014. So browser sync was looking for

Worse. .dev is hard coded. So, whereas mine is actually, it's just all wrong.

Personally can just change this in my fork, no biggie. However... I think it's worth discussing options and at minimum


Just like #29, functions prefixes should also be unique and theme-based as well. some-like-it-neat_ instead of digistarter_


Since the production.js is combination of several different scripts, text domain production-js would need to reflect theme name as well. If this was a third-party script, this would not apply.

Also keep the consistency with the rest and use - instead of _ for digistarter_customizer.

style.css - Description

All credit links should be within readme or similar.

Description: A simple yet advanced Starter Theme built using _S, Bourbon and Neat (,, Please refer to the file for basic usage instructions and prerequisites. You can always grab the latest version over at

The latest version should be one hosted in directory. (highly recommended)

Full width columns

Whats the best way to make a three column container full width? So that the three columns take up the full width of screen (no margins between each column).


Unnecessary else statement

The digistarter_optional_scripts() function is unnecessarily complex with an if and else check. Instead, do a simple if check and drop the else.

if ( '' != get_theme_mod( 'digistarter_add_link_color' ) ) {

Text can't be translated

I'm just going to keep a list of text I notice that isn't currently internationalized. These should be updated.

  • In content.php: Last modified: <?php the_modified_date(); ?>
  • In customizer.php: Any setting default that's text should be translatable.

"Proudly powered" footer text

In footer.php, you have this text:

<?php printf( __( 'Proudly powered by <span class="genericon genericon-wordpress"></span> %s', 'digistarter' ), 'WordPress' ); ?>

There are a couple of issues worth thinking about with this. 1) Always avoid HTML in translations if possible (things can get messed up). 2) It's OK to allow "WordPress" to be translated.

There are a couple of options to consider. The first is my preference:

<?php printf( __( 'Proudly powered by %s WordPress', 'digistarter' ), '<span class="genericon genericon-wordpress"></span>' ); ?>

<?php _e( 'Proudly powered by <span class="genericon genericon-wordpress"></span> WordPress', 'digistarter' ); ?>

feature request: editorconfig file

Hey Alex.
I might end up contributing code back.

I've forked and I'll basically be modifying the project to match my favoured settiings for a project starter.
However I'm basically using the per-language defaults of my editor - gnu emacs.
I swear, if you want to pull any of my changes in, you are going to be annoyed that many of the files will be exactly the same except for indentation.

If you haven't seen editorconfig before:

404.php Additions

I think it would be awesome if we added some neat features to the 404.php. A custom background or something like that. Any ideas what to add?

Pluggable functions

I don't recommend pluggable functions unless there's no good way to unhook or unregister the functionality. This encourages others to bypass the core APIs to modify functionality. Plus, there's both backward and forward compatibility concerns.

For example, the digistarter_widgets_init() function is pluggable but doesn't need to be. Child theme devs can easily unhook this or unregister the sidebars (preferable).


Are there any big ideas for default designs? I know it's just a starter theme, but a few extra default styles would be cool.

SASS / CSS Directory Structure

The current folder structure with /css/ and /scss/ seems like it can be improved. No, I don't have a solution... but I thought it might be worthwhile getting the discussion started.

So, how can we better handle the directory structure?

CSS map


I can't seem to get my minified CSS files to map out to the correspondent SCSS files, even when I'm debug mode in WP. Am I missing something in gulpfile.js?


jsHint Support in Gulp

I see there are tasks defined for jsHint in Gulpfile.js here. but when I un-comment them, it tries to evaluate the JS files from vendor i.e., third party JS files that are included in the theme. We do not want to find errors in others' code. At least I would prefer that.

We could separate out jsHint tasks from the concatenation task. So that we just pass our JS files to jsHint for evaluation. Also with that, a common directory can be defined let's say app or frontend which will hold theme's JS files. So we can pass that particular directory only to jsHint. So other JS files from third party libraries won't come into picture.

I've this fixed here eb60d17. I could send a PR if it is appropriate to merge and useful to others.

Note: We are also thinking to integrate PHP Code Sniffer with the theme and other Dev tools. I'll be working on those tasks in the forked repo. We are also following SMACSS in development which suits the theme.

Any thoughts / suggestions ?

browsersync: 'localhost:3000' shows apache default page.

Great that there's a wp starter theme with bourbon. Saves me from building one myself!

When I run 'gulp' the browsersync task starts to run.
If I navigate to 'localhost:3000' I get the "Apache Debian Default Page". It looks like I've navigated to an unconfigured vhost.

Navigating to 'localhost:3001' takes me to the options page for browsersync. So I know that browsersync is actually working.

I can see that browsersync has conf options for working with pre-existing servers using something called "proxy-mode", but I can't see how to integrate those options with gulp config bundled with somelikeitneat.

Should the browsersync/gulp config bundled with somelikeitneat work out of the box? Or am I missing something in the installation process?

Build Error

Getting an error when running gulp build.

Don't think this is a theme issue, just hoping someone has come across it and has a solution. Think it maybe some kind of permission issue but not sure.

More designer than developer and never used these build tools before, so please forgive me if i've missed the obvious.

C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\retro-events-SLiN\wp-content\themes\retroevents>gulp
[17:19:10] Using gulpfile C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\retro-events-SLiN\wp-conten
[17:19:10] Starting 'build'... has been deprecated. Use task dependencies or task trigger
ing instead.
[17:19:10] Starting 'cleanup'...

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: EPERM, unlink 'C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\retro-events-SLiN\wp-content\th
at Error (native)

Thanks Anthony

CSS: UL and OL lists

<ul> and <ol> lists with multiple levels should have their bottom margins removed beyond the first level It creates a gap between list items.

Be sure to test with mixed and nested <ul> and <ol>.


I would recommend to avoid using wp- for anything within the theme. This prefix usually applies for core only.

Yoda conditions

There are places in the theme that should use Yoda conditions. Reference:

Basically, you need to flip your if statement checks around. For example:

if( get_theme_mod( 'digistarter_mobile_hide_arrow' ) == 0 ) { ?>

Should be:

 if ( 0 == get_theme_mod( 'digistarter_mobile_hide_arrow' ) ) { ?>

I'll link to the ones I catch, but it's worth going through the code to make sure we're not missing any.

Bundled Plugins

Themes should not bundle plugins such as

Error on gulp command - bower repsonsible?

Thought id got everyhting working, then ran 'gulp'. It watfhes the file then crashes out with:

gulp-ruby-sass: directory
[22:17:05] Plumber found unhandled error:
Error in plugin 'gulp-ruby-sass'
error rtl.scss (Line 1: File to import not found or unreadable: ../../assets/bower_components/bi-app-sass/bi-app/bi-app-rtl.

Had a look back at my bower install command and see this:
bower invalid-meta bi-app-sass is missing "main" entry in bower.json
bower invalid-meta bi-app-sass is missing "ignore" entry in bower.json

Have no idea whats going on or why its so messy

Any ideas?

Separate scripts should go in separate files

While it does make some sense to combine all JavaScript into a single file in one way, it also makes it extremely hard to do anything else. The problems with combination are twofold:

  • Child theme users can't dequeue or replace a specific script.
  • It doesn't play nicely with other plugins (e.g., plugin + theme loading Flex Nav).

Also, there are plugins available to concatenate and generally speed things up.

Child theme

Could you give a couple of pointers to create a child theme for it. Do you @import the minified css file of the parent? A quick run through would be appreciated. Thanks

Unhandled 'error' event

Not sure if this is something I'm doing (or not doing)... But with the newer template (with bower and composer), terminal is throwing up an error. All is fine if updating styles, but the moment I update the page template I get this error in my terminal...

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: write EPIPE
at errnoException (net.js:904:11)
at Object.afterWrite (net.js:720:19)

It then stops updating my styles from here or in.... I have to shut down terminal and reload

Any ideas?



Since the theme does not require plugins, nor it should, I would recommend renaming the following to either plugins or recommended-plugins, along with its file itself: require_once( get_template_directory() . '/library/vendors/tgm-plugin-activation/required-plugins.php'

CSS: Link borders

The theme gives a bottom border to links in the content area. This border affects images and the audio/video player built into WP. Things like the player time rail and volume changer get borders, which looks odd.

Use get_stylesheet_uri()

The primary stylesheet URI for the theme should utilize the get_stylesheet_uri() function. Some plugins (and even child themes) might rely on the get_stylesheet_uri filter hook.

If, for some reason, you don't want the style.css file to load, you can filter get_stylesheet_uri to return a file of your choice. The important part is that the hook is executed.

Text Domains

To avoid possible conflicts, themes are highly recommended to use unique, theme-based text domains. For instance some-like-it-neat instead of digistarter

Missing default mobile menu width

In header.php, make sure to add a default for this code:

get_theme_mod( 'digistarter_mobile_min_width' )

Otherwise, nothing is output.

module.js errors

Hi there,

tried the theme on a new install. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong, but I have node and sass installed, in my theme root I use 'nmp install'.

But when I use gulp watch it tells me there is an error
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'browserify''

So I install browserify and then it does the same for 'watchify', then 'vinyl-source-stream'. Having installed those I get this:

[14:17:59] Using gulpfile ~/Desktop/local-test-sites/_/__/*_*******/gulpfile.js
[14:17:59] Task 'watch' is not in your gulpfile
[14:17:59] Please check the documentation for proper gulpfile formatting
Bareface-iMac-4:nursery johnmillist$

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


Unhandled throw error on gulp default task run


Upon downloading the latest repository, I installed everything and ran the default gulp task.

However this threw an error at me.

throw er;

//Unhandled throw error;

Sorry there isn't much information here, I can add more if needs be, I just only remembered to submit this issue and I am away from my computer atm.

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