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puppet-postfix's Introduction


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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with postfix
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module installs, configures and manages the Postfix service.

Module Description

This module handles installing, configuring and running Postfix across a range of operating systems and distributions.


What postfix affects

  • postfix package.
  • postfix configuration file.
  • postfix service.

Setup Requirements

Beginning with postfix

Install postfix with the default parameters (No configuration files will be changed).

    class { 'postfix': }

Install postfix with the recommended parameters.

    class { 'postfix':
      config_file_template => "postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix/",
      config_file_hash     => {
        'mailname' => {
          config_file_path   => '/etc/mailname',
          config_file_string => "${::fqdn}\n",


Update the postfix package.

    class { 'postfix':
      package_ensure => 'latest',

Remove the postfix package.

    class { 'postfix':
      package_ensure => 'absent',

Purge the postfix package (All configuration files will be removed).

    class { 'postfix':
      package_ensure => 'purged',

Deploy the configuration files from source directory.

    class { 'postfix':
      config_dir_source => "puppet:///modules/postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix",

Deploy the configuration files from source directory (Unmanaged configuration files will be removed).

    class { 'postfix':
      config_dir_purge  => true,
      config_dir_source => "puppet:///modules/postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix",

Deploy the configuration file from source.

    class { 'postfix':
      config_file_source => "puppet:///modules/postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix/",

Deploy the configuration file from string.

    class { 'postfix':
      config_file_string => '# THIS FILE IS MANAGED BY PUPPET',

Deploy the configuration file from template.

    class { 'postfix':
      config_file_template => "postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix/",

Deploy the configuration file from custom template (Additional parameters can be defined).

    class { 'postfix':
      config_file_template     => "postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix/",
      config_file_options_hash => {
        'key' => 'value',

Deploy additional configuration files from source, string or template.

    class { 'postfix':
      config_file_hash => {
        'postfix.2nd.conf' => {
          config_file_path   => '/etc/postfix/postfix.2nd.conf',
          config_file_source => "puppet:///modules/postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix/postfix.2nd.conf",
        'postfix.3rd.conf' => {
          config_file_path   => '/etc/postfix/postfix.3rd.conf',
          config_file_string => '# THIS FILE IS MANAGED BY PUPPET',
        'postfix.4th.conf' => {
          config_file_path     => '/etc/postfix/postfix.4th.conf',
          config_file_template => "postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix/postfix.4th.conf.erb",

Disable the postfix service.

    class { 'postfix':
      service_ensure => 'stopped',



Public Classes

  • postfix: Main class, includes all other classes.

Private Classes

  • postfix::install: Handles the packages.
  • postfix::config: Handles the configuration file.
  • postfix::service: Handles the service.



Determines if the package should be installed. Valid values are 'present', 'latest', 'absent' and 'purged'. Defaults to 'present'.


Determines the name of package to manage. Defaults to 'postfix'.


Determines if additional packages should be managed. Defaults to '['swaks']'.


Determines if the configuration directory should be present. Valid values are 'absent' and 'directory'. Defaults to 'directory'.


Determines if the configuration directory should be managed. Defaults to '/etc/postfix'


Determines if unmanaged configuration files should be removed. Valid values are 'true' and 'false'. Defaults to 'false'.


Determines if the configuration directory should be recursively managed. Valid values are 'true' and 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.


Determines the source of a configuration directory. Defaults to 'undef'.


Determines if the configuration file should be present. Valid values are 'absent' and 'present'. Defaults to 'present'.


Determines if the configuration file should be managed. Defaults to '/etc/postfix/'


Determines which user should own the configuration file. Defaults to 'root'.


Determines which group should own the configuration file. Defaults to 'root'.


Determines the desired permissions mode of the configuration file. Defaults to '0644'.


Determines the source of a configuration file. Defaults to 'undef'.


Determines the content of a configuration file. Defaults to 'undef'.


Determines the content of a configuration file. Defaults to 'undef'.


Determines if the service should be restarted after configuration changes. Defaults to 'Service[postfix]'.


Determines which package a configuration file depends on. Defaults to 'Package[postfix]'.


Determines which configuration files should be managed via postfix::define. Defaults to '{}'.


Determines which parameters should be passed to an ERB template. Defaults to '{}'.


Determines if the service should be running or not. Valid values are 'running' and 'stopped'. Defaults to 'running'.


Determines the name of service to manage. Defaults to 'postfix'.


Determines if the service should be enabled at boot. Valid values are 'true' and 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.


Determines the internet domain name of this mail system. Defaults to "$::fqdn".


Determines the list of domains that are delivered via the $local_transport mail delivery transport. Defaults to "${::fqdn}, localhost.${::domain}, localhost".


Determines which email address should be used for the redirecting. Defaults to "admin@${::domain}".


Determines which host should be used as relayhost for outgoing emails. Defaults to "smtp.${::domain}".


Determines which port should be used as relayhost for outgoing emails. Defaults to '25'.


Determines which user should be used for authentication with the relayhost. Defaults to 'undef'.


Determines which password should be used for authentication with the relayhost. Defaults to 'undef'.


This module has been tested on:

  • Debian 6/7/8
  • Ubuntu 12.04/14.04/16.04
  • Gentoo Base System release 2.2


Bug Report

If you find a bug, have trouble following the documentation or have a question about this module - please create an issue.

Pull Request

If you are able to patch the bug or add the feature yourself - please make a pull request.


The list of contributors can be found at:

puppet-postfix's People


dhoppe avatar rocco83 avatar


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puppet-postfix's Issues

additional mailalias support


It would be good to support additional mailalias.
The problem is the refresh of newaliases, that is missing for external definition.
Currently only the included mailalias is subscribed

The best would be to have a wrapper to define it, as we can define some template.
And/Or, the following may be added
Mailalias <| |> ~> Exec['postfix.newaliases']

I think the first is the best one, but comments are welcome.

Documentation Help -> SMTP relay (using sasl?)

I'm new to puppet and attempting to setup a VPS using postfix as a relay to sparkpost as per that link, the config should be

smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes 
smtp_sasl_password_maps = static:SMTP_Injection:<your API key>
relayhost = []:587
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous 
smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt
header_size_limit = 4096000

But I'm having trouble trying to work out how to set this up with your plugin. I searched through the source and I found where you have the template and I can see there's a section there about scope['::postfix::sasl_user'] but I don't understand how to override the bits I need to override.

I'm sure you're a very busy person so please just close this and I'll try and work it out, but any help would be really appreciated, and the README did say to open an issue about documentation! (I'd be happy to make a PR with a section on configuring the relay if you'd want it)


Calling postmap


Might have missed something, but is there a way to call postmap on a file with this module ?
Seems to fit our needs except for managing the transport file which need to be postmap'ed.

I defined, in hiera, the config like this :

    config_file_path: '/etc/postfix/'
    config_file_source: 'puppet:///modules/postfix/'
    config_file_path: '/etc/postfix/transport'
    config_file_source: 'puppet:///modules/postfix/transport'

Is there a way to define that transport should be postmap'ed ?
thanks !

PS : Sorry for the lot of edits but I really can't get used to github markdown.

masquerade_domains and canonical maps are not supported !

only wanted to mention, that these often used features are not supported.

My fix:

diff -upr puppet-postfix/manifests/config.pp puppet-postfix-new/manifests/config.pp
--- puppet-postfix/manifests/config.pp    2016-06-13 10:53:41.343218152 +0200
+++ puppet-postfix-new/manifests/config.pp    2016-06-13 09:08:46.344678602 +0200
@@ -62,4 +62,25 @@ class postfix::config {
       recipient => $::postfix::recipient,
+  if $::postfix::sender_canonical_maps {
+    exec { 'postfix.canonical.postmap':
+      command     => "/usr/sbin/postmap ${::postfix::config_dir_path}/sender_canonical",
+      refreshonly => true,
+      subscribe   => File['postfix.sender_canonical'],
+      require     => $::postfix::config_file_require,
+    }
+    file { 'postfix.sender_canonical':
+      ensure  => $::postfix::config_file_ensure,
+      path    => "${::postfix::config_dir_path}/sender_canonical",
+      owner   => $::postfix::config_file_owner,
+      group   => $::postfix::config_file_group,
+      mode    => '0600',
+      content => template('postfix/common/etc/postfix/sender_canonical.erb'),
+      notify  => $::postfix::config_file_notify,
+      require => $::postfix::config_file_require,
+    }
+  }
diff -upr puppet-postfix/manifests/init.pp puppet-postfix-new/manifests/init.pp
--- puppet-postfix/manifests/init.pp    2016-06-13 10:53:41.343218152 +0200
+++ puppet-postfix-new/manifests/init.pp    2016-06-13 09:14:10.431548196 +0200
@@ -29,12 +29,14 @@ class postfix (
   $service_enable           = true,

   $myhostname               = $::fqdn,
+  $masquerade_domains       = undef,
   $mydestination            = "${::fqdn}, localhost.${::domain}, localhost",
   $recipient                = "admin@${::domain}",
   $relayhost                = "smtp.${::domain}",
   $relayport                = 25,
   $sasl_user                = undef,
   $sasl_pass                = undef,
+  $sender_canonical_maps    = undef,
 ) inherits ::postfix::params {
   validate_re($package_ensure, '^(absent|latest|present|purged)$')
@@ -59,6 +61,8 @@ class postfix (

+  if $sender_canonical_maps { validate_hash($sender_canonical_maps) }
   validate_re($service_ensure, '^(running|stopped)$')
diff -upr puppet-postfix/metadata.json puppet-postfix-new/metadata.json
--- puppet-postfix/metadata.json    2016-06-13 10:53:41.343218152 +0200
+++ puppet-postfix-new/metadata.json    2016-02-16 22:20:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -8,11 +8,9 @@
   "project_page": "",
   "issues_url": "",
   "dependencies": [
-    {
-      "name": "puppetlabs/stdlib",
-      "version_requirement": ">= 4.5.0 < 5.0.0"
-    }
+    {"name":"puppetlabs/stdlib","version_requirement":">= 4.5.0 < 5.0.0"}
+  "data_provider": null,
   "operatingsystem_support": [
       "operatingsystem": "Debian",
Only in puppet-postfix: .rspec
Only in puppet-postfix: .rubocop.yml
Only in puppet-postfix-new/templates/common/etc/postfix: sender_canonical.erb
diff -upr puppet-postfix/templates/Debian/etc/postfix/ puppet-postfix-new/templates/Debian/etc/postfix/
--- puppet-postfix/templates/Debian/etc/postfix/    2016-06-13 10:53:41.343218152 +0200
+++ puppet-postfix-new/templates/Debian/etc/postfix/    2016-06-13 09:50:05.405681722 +0200
@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes
 smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

 <% end -%>
+<% if scope['::postfix::sender_canonical_maps'] -%>
+sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical
+<% end -%>
 # TLS parameters
@@ -44,6 +50,7 @@ smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:
 # information on enabling SSL in the smtp client.

 myhostname = <%= scope['::postfix::myhostname'] %>
+masquerade_domains = <%= scope['::postfix::masquerade_domains'] %>
 alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
 alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
 myorigin = /etc/mailname
diff -upr puppet-postfix/templates/Ubuntu/etc/postfix/ puppet-postfix-new/templates/Ubuntu/etc/postfix/
--- puppet-postfix/templates/Ubuntu/etc/postfix/    2016-06-13 10:53:41.343218152 +0200
+++ puppet-postfix-new/templates/Ubuntu/etc/postfix/    2016-06-13 09:48:10.340096281 +0200
@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes
 smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

 <% end -%>
+<% if scope['::postfix::sender_canonical_maps'] -%>
+sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical
+<% end -%>
 # TLS parameters

The erb template: (templates/common/etc/postfix/sender_canonical.erb)

# <%= file %>

<% if scope['::postfix::sender_canonical_maps'] -%>
<% scope['::postfix::sender_canonical_maps'].each do |key,value| -%>
<%= value['username'] %> <%= value['email'] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>

Example class snippet:

$users = {
  "root" => {
            "username" => "root",
            "email" => "root-${::hostname}"
  "postmaster" => {
            "username" => "postmaster",
            "email" => "postmaster-${::hostname}"

class { 'postfix':
    recipient => "postmaster",
    relayhost => "",
    relayport => "25",
    sasl_user => "relay",
    sasl_pass => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    masquerade_domains => "${::domain}",
    sender_canonical_maps => $users,
    config_file_template => "postfix/${::operatingsystem}/etc/postfix/"



Set empty relayhost?

Wondering how to set an empty relayhost (" relayhost = " in
Hiera complains with:
Could not find data item host in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /.../puppet/modules/postfix/manifests/init.pp:56 on node xxx

I've tried using "", undef, etc.


hard-coded hiera settings?

Hi, if I read your code correctly, there are hardcoded values from hiera in templates... omg this is so wrong.... what if I need to define for example hostrelay in puppet class?

for example having customized hiera config:

custom::postfix::package_ensure: 'latest'
custom::postfix::relayhost: ''

and defined class for it:

class custom::postfix ($package_ensure, $relayhost) {
    class { 'postfix':
            package_ensure => $package_ensure,
            relayhost      => '',

but this doesn't work because your module expects only one exact hiera structure and even it uses class parameters with it's default values it never uses them in erb templates! this could be quite nice, almost dependency free module, but this really sucks :-(
Please, make it more flexible by using internal variables which you already have defined.

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