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stratagem's Introduction

(*                                                                   *)
(*                      STRATAGEM Version 1.1                        *)
(*              User documentation and demo examples                 *)
(*                                                                   *)
(*     (C) John Longley, University of Edinburgh, December 2001      *)
(*                      Version 1.1: June 2006                       *)
(*                                                                   *)
(*                                                                   *)
(* Walkthrough introduction to the STRATAGEM system, featuring some  *)
(* simple ML programs as examples. Tested on NJ-SML v. 110.0.7.      *)
(*                                                                   *)

STRATAGEM is a research prototype system illustrating some recent theoretical ideas in game semantics. Given an already compiled ML function or operation supplied by the user, STRATAGEM extracts the underlying "computation strategy" and allows it to be explored and manipulated in various ways. Possible applications include execution tracing, interactive execution, and program optimization.

The system makes essential use of explicit continuations, and only runs on the New Jersey SML compiler. (I have tested it on version 110.0.7 - please let me know if you have problems running it on other versions.)

The STRATAGEM system may be of interest to workers in the following areas:

  • Game semantics. The system provides a "workbench" for one version of game semantics, offers a convenient way of exploring the game strategy for ML programs, and may be useful as a teaching tool.
  • Program logics and verification. STRATAGEM offers a relatively programmer-friendly way of understanding some ideas from semantics that are likely to have applications to program logics in the near future.
  • Continuations. The system may be of interest as a non-trivial example of a program making essential use of continuations. It also seems to offer a helpful way of understanding much of what continuations do, without the need for explicit continuation types.
  • Execution tracing and debugging tools. STRATAGEM provides a kind of execution tracing facility for ML programs, with some unusual capabilities (e.g. interactive exploration of alternative execution paths) which may be useful for debugging ML programs. Another unusual feature is that the execution tracer runs within the same ML session as the user's program - perhaps there is some interesting way of exploiting this fact?
  • Program optimization. STRATAGEM supplies a "generic optimizer" for computation strategies. In some cases, this can lead to a genuine speed-up for the user's already compiled program.
  • Lazy and higher order programming. For programs involving lazy data structures and higher order functions, it can often be difficult to understand their run-time behaviour operationally - "what happens when". The execution tracing facilities of STRATAGEM may be useful for understanding such programs better.
  • Teaching ML. For newcomers to ML, STRATAGEM might be useful as a teaching tool - for example, for viewing the recursion unfoldings of a recursively defined function.

The current version (1.1) is intended as a concept demonstrator rather than a serious debugging tool - the full range of ML datatypes is not yet supported - but it suffices to illustrate all the basic ideas and allows the user to perform some complex and interesting experiments.

Getting started

To run STRATAGEM, you need the New Jersey implementation of ML, and the source file "stratagem.sml" which is available online at

Start up a New Jersey SML session from a directory containing the file "stratagem.sml". [On the Informatics machines in Edinburgh, this is done by typing "sml" to the Linux prompt.] Then type:

   use "stratagem-1.1.sml" ;

This builds the system.

You will see that a structure called Code_Gen has been opened, containing (among other things) a recursive datatype Type, for representing the syntax trees of (a class of) ML types. Values of type "Type" can be expressed in a form which mimics the ML syntax of types. For example,

  (Int Times Bool Arrow Unit) Arrow Int `List ;

represents the ML type (int * bool -> int) -> int list.

[NOTE: The precedence and binding rules are just as in ML syntax, except that only binary products are supported as primitive, so that

  Int Times Int Times Int

corresponds to (int * int) * int, rather than to int * int * int. Note also that has been declared as an infix, allowing us to write Int List instead of List Int.]

Usually one wants to use STRATAGEM in conjunction with an ML program of some type t determined by the user. To do this, one first needs to create a bunch of operations specific to the type t. As an example, suppose we wish to use STRATAGEM with a user program of type (int -> int) -> int. We first perform the following:

  generate_tools "foo" ((Int Arrow Int) Arrow Int) ;

This automatically generates a short source file "foo.sml" (overwriting any existing file of that name), and loads it in. (If you want to change the directory into which this file is written, use "chDir" first.) The file "foo.sml" declares a structure "foo" containing operations specific to the required type. To make use of this, first type:

  open foo ;

Note that not all ML datatypes are yet supported in this version - not even all those representable using Type. (In fact, the only types supported at present are equality types and types built up from them using ->.) The system will let you know if you try to run generate_tools on a type not yet supported. [There is no obstacle in principle to supporting all the (functional) datatypes of ML - I just haven't got round to it yet!]

Execution tracing

You may now write any ML program you like of type (int -> int) -> int. As a simple example, consider

  fun G f = if f 3 < 6 then f 1 else f (f 2 + 1) ;

When G is applied to a function f : int -> int, the resulting computation can be viewed as a kind of interaction or dialogue between G and f. The operation foo.trace allows us to see this dialogue unfolding, e.g.

  trace G (fn x => x+2) ;

  trace G (fn x => x*x) ;

What happens here is that "trace G" evaluates to an operation whose behaviour is identical to that of G, except that it outputs a lot of trace information showing the interactions between (the strategy for) G and the rest of the program context.

The form in which the dialogue is displayed may call for some explanation. First, the type in question (here, the type of G) is displayed, and under each occurrence of "->" we have a (numbered) column in which moves can occur. The idea is that for a function of any type t -> t', there are basically two kinds of interaction that may occur. Either the function may be interrogated for its value at a certain argument, or the function may return such a value: we think of these moves as questions (Q) of type t, or as answers (A) of type t'. Depending on the types, both questions or answers can be printable values of ground types (such as int), or unprintable values of function types displayed simply as -. In the latter case, t' will itself have the form u -> u', and so more information about the value represented by - can be given by questions and answers in some other column.

[ NOTE FOR SPECIALISTS: The above conventions are slightly different from the usual ones in most papers on game semantics, in which (a) the columns are headed by occurrences of ground types rather than occurrences of ->; and (b) questions are not allowed to carry values; there is just a single question "?" in each column. These differences reflect the way we have chosen to model ML's CALL-BY-VALUE evaluation mechanism: one cannot ask a question to a function without having a value to offer (operationally, either a ground-type value or a closure, i.e. a weak head normal form). Our approach to modelling call-by-value seems close to that of Abramsky and McCusker [see Proc. 11th CSL, 1998]. An alternative approach to game semantics for call-by-value languages, superficially less close to ours, has been proposed by Honda and Yoshida (see Proc. 25th ICALP, 1997). ]

Note that moves alternate between two participants: a player P, representing G itself, and an opponent O, representing the environment to G. In this case, O represents the function supplied as an argument to G, as well as the top-level request for the value of G when applied to this function.

Finally, the rightmost column displays what are known as JUSTIFICATION POINTERS. For every move except the first, the corresponding pointer indicates the earlier move to which the present move "refers". In the case of answer moves, the pointer indicates the question (in the same column) which the move answers. In the case of question moves, the pointer indicates the move which introduces the function (represented by -) to which the question is being posed. In the case of the initial question, there is no justification pointer - the function to which the question is posed is the function we are tracing (G in the above example).

Remarks on execution tracing

  1. For the above examples (and those to follow), you should satisfy yourself that the trace displayed corresponds to the evaluation behaviour you would intuitively expect from your ML program. We hope that in this way readers will be able to absorb many of the essential ideas of game semantics fairly easily.

  2. We hope that our execution tracing facility might (eventually) be useful for debugging programs, understanding their operational behaviour, and detecting sources of inefficiency.

    With respect to the last of these, however, there is a subtle limitation that we should point out. If an ML compiler is clever, it might (for all we know) be performing optimizations that take advantage of the fact that the user's program is free from side effects, e.g. it may eliminate some redundant function calls. However, if we now demand a trace for this program, the mere fact of requiring the system to output the trace information may be enough to block some of these optimizations! Thus, the trace we see when using "trace G" might not be a reliable indication of the evaluation behaviour of the pure version of G after compiler optimization. (In other words, the attempt to observe the behaviour of a program may itself affect the thing we are trying to observe!)

    [I do not know whether the above possibility can actually arise in the case of the New Jersey compiler.]

Interactive mode

The above shows how we can do execution tracing in "batch mode": we trace the entire evaluation of an ML expression. However, one can also step through the execution of a program in interactive mode: here the machine plays the function we are tracing (such as G), and the user plays its environment. In terms of the game, the machine is Player and the user is Opponent. To see this for the above program, type

  start_game G ;

To play the first move, we have to ask the initial question, demanding the final result of G. We do this by typing

  Q1 () ;

Here the Q means we are playing a question; the "1" means we are playing it in column 1; the () is there as a dummy to indicate that the question carries no printable value (it appears in the trace as Q-). The system responds by pretty-printing the trace of your move (labelled as O1) together with the machine's response (labelled as P1). In the case of the above G, the machine is posing the question Q 3 to the function - which we have notionally supplied.

To play the second move, we now need to pretend we are some argument f : int -> int, whose behaviour we may make up as we go along. For instance, let us pretend we are the function (fn x => x+2). We therefore want to supply the answer 5 to the machine's question. To do this we type

  A0 5 ;

which means: play an answer in column 0, carrying the value 5. Once again, the system displays our move together with Player's response.

Suppose now that we now change our mind about our last move, or decide we would like to explore what would have happened if we had played differently. We can withdraw our last move by typing

  backup 1 ;

which means "backup by one step". The last-but-one pair of moves, namely O1 and P1, will now be re-displayed, reminding us of the game state we are now in. Let us now pretend we are the function (fn x => x*x). We can now play the alternative move

  A0 9 ;

EXERCISE: continue the game as if you were the playing the function (fn x => x*x). It will take you two more moves to conclude the game. You will see that the accumulated trace is the same as that obtained in batch mode by typing

  trace G (fn x => x*x) ;

Explicit justifiers

You will notice that in the above example it was not necessary to supply explicit justification pointers - the system was able to compute them automatically. Most of the time this works fine, since usually there is only one possible justifier for the given move in any case. In more complicated cases, however, there is a choice of possible justifiers, so it is sometimes necessary to supply the pointers explicitly. (An example will be given below.) For this purpose, the system provides primed variants A0',Q1' of the move-playing operations A0,Q1, which take as an extra argument a justification pointer - either (init) as a null pointer for the initial move, or (by n) as a pointer to the move Pn. (Note that Opponent moves, except the initial move, are always justified by Player moves.)

Thus, the above game could be replayed as follows if we insisted on supplying the pointers ourselves:

  start_game G ;
  Q1' () (init) ;
  A0' 9  (by 1) ;


If a "bad" pointer is supplied, the system will usually complain with an error report. [NOTE: at present the error trapping on pointers is not quite complete. Indeed, the system may sometimes appear to accept an invalid pointer but will "correct" it to a valid one. We hope these minor problems will be fixed in the next version!]

Remarks on interactive mode

  1. In the current version, only one interactive game play may be in progress at a time. An interactive game play is initiated by start_game; thereafter, the system maintains a stack of game states to enable "backup" to work. This stack is cleared the next time start_game is called.

  2. In the above example, the operations A0 and Q1 (and their primed variants) are declared in the structure foo. When the file foo.sml is generated, the system calculates the columns, types and Q/A attributes of all possible Opponent moves. If the user attempts to play a move which for some reason is illegal in the context, the system will (usually) respond with an error report.

  3. If in an interactive play the system asks us the same question twice, there is no reason why we have to supply the same answer both times. In other words, we might be pretending we are some argument with mutable internal state, whose behaviour can depend on this state. See also the remarks on program optimization and the example H below.

  4. For a similar reason, if the program we are tracing makes use of state, its behaviour may depend on the current contents of the state. We therefore cannot expect the "backup" facility always to work properly for such programs, since the state may have changed since we were last in a certain position in the game!

  5. It is worth reflecting on what the system is doing during interactive mode. In the above example, at each stage the system performs a bit of the computation of G applied to an argument. Whenever G requires information about this argument, the state of the whole computation is "frozen", and the system jumps out of it and returns to the top-level ML prompt. The user can then supply the required piece of information, at which point the frozen computation is resumed using this new information. It should be clear that explicit continuations are absolutely essential to achieve this effect of freezing computations and later resuming them.

Format controls

The structure Display.Format contains a few parameters which may be adjusted to vary the format of the displayed game trace (in both batch and interactive mode). For instance, to suppress the line of whitespace between consecutive pairs of moves, type

  open Display.Format ;
  blank_lines := false ;

The parameter Display.Format.column_width can be used to vary the spacing between columns. This might be useful if the values involved were not just integers but e.g. bool lists, in which case increasing the column width would stop the columns from running into each other and improve legibility. (If you require wide columns and lots of them, stretch your window horizontally!)

At the beginning of a (batch or interactive) trace, the system displays the type in question, together with the associated column numbers, according to the current format settings. To re-display this type at any stage, one may call the function "foo.show_type" :

  show_type () ;

(This is useful, for instance, during a long interactive game play when the type and column numbers have scrolled off the top of the screen.)

Program optimization

Another feature of STRATAGEM is that it allows the user's programs to be automatically "optimized" (in a certain sense) after they have been compiled. (This application was suggested to us by Mike Fourman.) For example, consider the program

  fun H f = f 3 + f (f 3) ;

When H is applied to some function f : int -> int, the call f 3 will normally be performed twice. We can see this by typing e.g.

  trace H (fn x => x*2) ;

Suppose, however, we define

  val H' = optimize H ;

Then H' has the same functional behaviour as H, but the underlying strategy has been "optimized" to eliminate redundancies. To see this, do

  trace H' (fn x => x*2) ;

Note that the second call to f 3 has been omitted, and the computation proceeds as if it yielded the same value as the first call to f 3. The effect is even more marked if we perform

  trace H  (fn x => x*2-3) ;
  trace H' (fn x => x*2-3) ;

Here, three calls to f 3 are collapsed to a single call. This shows that the optimization is in some sense happening dynamically - in this example, it is reminiscent of memoization. Below we will see examples involving more complex types - in these cases one can perhaps think of "optimize" as performing some kind of very generic "blanket memoization" at all possible levels.

Remarks on optimization

  1. Note that this kind of optimization will not in general work if there is internal state around. If f is an "object" with some internal state that may be updated when f is called, there is no guarantee that the value of f 3 for the second time of asking will be the same as for the first, so H f and H' f may yield different results.

    The general point is that if we assume certain constraints on the kind of computation involved, this allows us to perform certain kinds of optimization. It seems that there are other instances of this phenomenon awaiting exploring - what we have done is only a first step in this direction.

  2. The reader is warned that the above is only "optimizing" H in the limited sense of minimizing calls to f. The process of computing H' from H is quite complex and involves a significant overhead. It will not, in the above example, result in a genuine speed-up, although of course it would give a genuine improvement in performance in cases where calls to f were sufficiently costly to compute.

  3. Our optimization is not exactly memoization in the usual sense, since (in the above example) our H' does not actually involve any persistent internal state. Thus, for instance, if we perform

        trace H' (fn x => x*2) ;

twice, we still need to ask for f 3 and f 6 the second time. See below for an example of execution tracing for a genuine memoization operation.

More examples

We now present some slightly more complex examples, which serve to illustrate a few additional points. Just work your way through these until you get bored ;>)

  1. An example involving a slightly more complicated type. Perform the following:
       val ty1 = Int Arrow Int ;
       generate_tools "bar" (ty1 Arrow ty1) ;
       open bar ;

The following program illustrates Ulam's famous 3n+1 problem. The function "chase" takes a function f : int -> int and a starting value; it iterates f until the value 1 is reached, and returns the number of iterations required. The function "ulam" performs a single step of the iteration involved in the problem: if the number is even, halve it, otherwise treble it and add 1.

	    fun chase' k f n =
	        if n = 1 then k
	        else chase' (k+1) f (f n)
	    val chase = chase' 0
        end ;

       fun ulam n =
       if n mod 2 = 0
       then n div 2 else n*3+1 ;

A famous open problem in mathematics is whether chase ulam n terminates for all integers n>=1.

To get an execution trace for this program, type e.g.

       trace chase ;
       it ulam ;
       it 5 ;

This illustrates an important point about the behaviour of (curried) functions of several arguments in ML. In principle, a bit of computation happens each time an argument is supplied - it is not all delayed until a result of ground type is required. (After all, it is possible in ML to write a function F : (int->int)->(int->int) such that F ulam diverges!)

For a more spectacular example, try

   trace chase ulam 27 ;

EXERCISE: Play through the computation of chase ulam 5 in interactive mode.

  1. A simple example involving ground types other than int: an instance of the map operation for lists.
        generate_tools "map"
           ((Int Arrow Bool) Arrow Int `List Arrow Bool `List) ;
        open map ;

        Display.Format.column_width := 20 ;
        trace (fn x => x<=5) [3,8,5] ;

EXERCISE: Play through this game in interactive mode.

  1. Execution tracing for the standard memoization operation. Shows the different call behaviour the second time we ask for some value. Uses the same type as example 1 above.
        val ty1 = Int Arrow Int ;
        generate_tools "bar" (ty1 Arrow ty1) ;
        open bar ;

        (* Usual implementation of memoization for functions int -> int *)
	    datatype 'a option = None | Some of 'a
	    fun lookup x [] = None
	     | lookup x ((y,z)::rest) =
	       if x=y then Some z else lookup x rest
	    fun memo f =
	       let val cache = ref [] in
		   fn x =>
		   (case lookup x (!cache) of
			Some z => z
		      | None =>
			    case f x of z =>
				(cache := (x,z)::(!cache) ; z))
        end ;

        Display.Format.column_width := 10 ;
        val sq = trace memo (fn x => x * x) ;
        sq 5 ;
        sq 5 ;
  1. A more complex example: tracing the recursive call structure for the (slow) Fibonacci function.
        val ty1 = Int Arrow Int ;
        generate_tools "zog" ((ty1 Arrow ty1) Arrow ty1) ;
        open zog ;

To watch the unfoldings of a recursively defined function of type int -> int, we cannot quite use the already compiled version of the function, since what we wish to observe are the interactions between the fixed point operator and the "body" of the function definition. In this case, we therefore need to edit our source code a little. In the case of the Fibonacci function, instead of

       fun f 0 = 0
         | f 1 = 1
         | f n = f(n-2) + f(n-1) ;

we need to declare

       fun Y F x = F (Y F) x ;
       fun F f 0 = 0
	 | F f 1 = 1
	 | F f n = f(n-2) + f(n-1) ;

Clearly Y F n yields the nth Fibonacci number. Now try:

       trace Y F 2 ;

Satisfy yourself that the displayed trace is what it should be, and shows the recursive unwindings of F. If you like, play through the ten moves of the game in interactive mode.

The length of the game for Y F n grows exponentially with n. For instance, try:

       trace Y F 10 ;

However, here we can use our optimizer to good effect. Try:

       val Y' = optimize Y ;
       trace Y' F 10 ;

This brings the length of the game down to something linear in n. [Of course, the total run-time of Y' F n is still exponential in n - it is only the number of interactions between Y' and F that is linear! Even so, this example shows that our optimizer is achieving something; perhaps the main interest lies in the fact that such a "generic" optimizer as ours can achieve these results.]

  1. An example showing how the use of exceptions and references can give rise to games with interesting features.
        generate_tools "sr" (((Unit Arrow Unit) Arrow Unit) Arrow Bool) ;
        open sr ;

Let top, bot : unit -> unit be the functions defined by

       fun top () = () and bot () = bot () ;

Consider the function F of the above type, specified by

    (*  F g = true   if g top = (), but g bot diverges;
        F g = false  if g bot = ();
        F g diverges otherwise.                         *)

[This is my favourite simple example of a SEQUENTIALLY REALIZABLE function. For more information, see the ML source file: "When is a functional program not a functional program: a walkthrough introduction to the sequentially realizable functionals" available from my home page.]

This function may be implemented in ML in various ways. First, using a local reference:

       fun F1 g =
	   let val r = ref false in
	       (g (fn () => r:=true) ; !r)
	   end ;

       trace F1 (fn x => ()) ;
       trace F1 (fn x => x()) ;

We can see here that Player's final move is sensitive to what has gone on between the question and answer in column 1. In game semantics terms, this is an example of non-innocent behaviour - something generally associated with the presence of state in computations.

Play through the above computations interactively if you like. Rather surprisingly perhaps, "backup" works nicely here and seems to restore the previous contents of the local register r:

       start_game F1 ;
       Q2 () ;
       Q0 () ;
       backup 1 ;
       A1 () ;

(This is something I didn't know about the semantics of continuations. It certainly doesn't work like this if you use a global register!)

Now another implementation of F using exceptions.

       fun F2 g =
	   let exception e in
	       (g (fn () => raise e) ; false)
	       handle e => (g (fn () => ()) ; true)
           end ;

Although F2 computes the same function as F1, the underlying computation strategy is different, as can be seen by trying

       trace F2 (fn x => x()) ;

This example is of interest because the questions P1 and O2 are left "dangling" and never answered. In fact, this is an example of a non-well-bracketed computation, since the final move P4 does NOT match the most recent unanswered question. This is a characteristic generally associated with programs involving control features, such as exceptions and continuations.

[For the record, there's also an implementation of F using continuations; its underlying strategy is the same as that of F2.]

  1. An example in which explicit justification pointers are necessary. One needs to go up to a fourth-order ML function for this to happen (though morally, the following example lives at call-by-name type 3).
        generate_tools "four"
          ((((Unit Arrow Unit) Arrow Unit) Arrow Unit) Arrow Unit) ;
        open four ;

        fun Phi F = F (fn t => t()) ;

        fun F1 g = g (fn () => g (fn () => ())) ;
        fun F2 g = g (fn () =>
		     let exception e in
			 (g (fn ()=>raise e)) handle e => ()
		     end) ;

Now try

        trace Phi F1 ;
        trace Phi F2 ;

Note that the two plays are identical up to move O4, and this move differs only in its choice of justification pointer. Suppose we try:

       start_game Phi ;

and play the game interactively until we reach this point. We then have a genuine choice whether to play A0' () (by 3) or A0' () (by 2); the system will accept either of these and play the strategy for Phi accordingly. Note that if we simply enter A0 (), the system will by default select the MOST RECENT of the possible justifying moves. This will usually be the one we want if we are playing a PCF-style strategy (i.e. one corresponding to a purely functional ML program).

Even within the world of PCF-style computations, there are cases when a genuine choice of pointer is necessary, but one needs to go to a fifth-order ML function to see this!

Rules of the game

So far we have not been very precise about the rules applying to games in our setting - e.g., what constitutes a "legal move" in an interactive play - but have been relying mainly on ML programmer intuition. For advanced experiments, however, one needs to understand the rules more precisely. For the record, here are the rules for Opponent moves (i.e. the user's moves), in a rather terse form.

Opponent moves may be of three kinds:

  • The initial move. This must be a question, and must appear in the column corresponding to the top-level occurrence of -> in the type in question. The justification pointer must be null, i.e. "init".
  • Non-initial questions. These must appear in a column corresponding to a non-top-level occurrence x of ->, and must be justified by a player question in the column corresponding to the occurrence of -> directly above x in the syntax tree of the type.
  • Answers. These can appear in any column, and must be justified by a player question in the same column.

Moreover, the justifying move for a non-initial move must be VISIBLE at the current point in the game. That is, the justifying move for the move O(n+1) (where n>=1) must appear in the O-view of the sequence O1,P1,...,On,Pn. The O-view of a justified sequence of moves may be defined inductively as follows:

    O-view () = ()
    O-view (O1,P1,...,Om)    = O-view (O1,...,P(m-1)) . Om
    O-view (O1,P1,...,Om,Pm) = O-view (O1,...,P(k-1)) . Ok . Pm,
                               where Ok is the justifier of Pm.

Our game protocol therefore coincides with the most liberal of the four protocols studied in Abramsky and McCusker, "Game semantics" (Proc. 1995 Marktoberdorf Workshop); see also McCusker's thesis.

How it works (very brief note for specialists!)

The theory underpinning our system is closely concerned with the corresponding category in the Abramsky/McCusker framework. The key observation is that in this category (or at least a closely related one), there is a universal type, namely

       datatype forest = forest of nat -> (nat * forest)

We can think of this as the type of strategies for the "generic game", in which two participants take turns to play elements of nat. The core of our system is the module Forest, which implements the operations that make the type forest into a reflexive object. Once this is done, it is not hard to represent all other types t as computable retracts of forest; the embedding half of the retraction will then be an operation which extracts the underlying computation strategy of a given operation.

There's a lot more to say here - the full story will be told in detail in a forthcoming research paper!

Final tips

  1. Two common mistakes (in my experience!) which can lead to very bizarre results are:

    • Forgetting that you haven't opened an automatically generated structure such as bar. This can mean that e.g. when playing an interactive game, you are inadvertently using operations belonging to a different structure, such as foo. The results can be most puzzling!
    • Forgetting that you haven't actually initiated an interactive game play, Once again, you may find yourself working on a state left over from some previous game play.
  2. It is possible (though rare in practice) that if you stop the execution of some operation using a keyboard interrupt (usually, because it appears to be diverging), the system will be left in an inconsistent state, which may manifest itself in bizarre outcomes to future experiments. If you are worried that this may have happened, type

        reset () ;

to restore the system to a consistent state.

  1. If you are unscrupulous, and don't have much use for the arithmetical minus operation, you may perform the following:
        nonfix - ;
        val - = () ;

This means that in interactive mode you can play moves with non-printable values by typing things like Q1 - ; instead of Q1 () ;. This gives the system a somewhat more user-friendly feel.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.