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Awesome Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

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Useful Links

Legend: 💙 Official resource

  • 💙 🌎 Website - Official Tailwind CSS website.
  • 💙  54269⭐   2659🍴 Repository - Official Tailwind CSS repository.
  • 💙      ?⭐      ?🍴 Discussions - Official place to connect with other community members about Tailwind.
  • 💙 🌎 Tailwind UI - Component library made with Tailwind CSS.
  • 💙  13648⭐    497🍴 Headless UI - Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components.
  • 💙 🌎 Heroicons - Beautiful, hand-crafted SVG icons.
  • 💙 🌎 Play - Advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS.
  • 💙   2239⭐     35🍴 Just-in-time - Just-in-time compiler for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🌎 Tailwind Weekly - Weekly newsletter about all things Tailwind CSS.
  • 🌎 Built With Tailwind - Community-driven collection of awesome websites built with Tailwind CSS.

IDE Extensions

Legend: 💙 Official resource


Legend: 💙 Official plugin · 🎨 Theming · 💼 Utilities · 🧬 Variants · 🧩 Components · 🛑 Deprecated

  • 💙🧩   2716⭐    180🍴 Typography - Adds a prose class for beautiful typographic defaults.
  • 💙💼    619⭐     19🍴 Aspect Ratio - Adds composable aspect ratio utilities.
  • 💙💼    634⭐     13🍴 Line Clamp - Provides utilities for visually truncating text after a fixed number of lines.
  • 💙   2022⭐    105🍴 Forms - Adds better default styles to form elements.
  • 🎨🧬    418⭐     27🍴 Theming - Theming using CSS variables, with dark mode support.
  • 🎨🧬    122⭐      4🍴 Theme Variants - Adds theme variants based on media queries and/or CSS selectors.
  • 🎨🧬    402⭐     32🍴 Multi Theme - Adds theme variants based on a single theme property.
  • 🎨🧬    102⭐      9🍴 Theme Swapper - Theming using CSS variables, with media queries support.
  • 🎨🧬     20⭐      1🍴 Themeable - Adds multiple themes support for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🎨🧬      8⭐      1🍴 Themer - Adds theming support for Tailwind CSS with CSS variables and variants.
  • 💼🧬    232⭐      7🍴 Radix - Adds utilities and variants for styling Radix UI state.
  • 💼     65⭐      1🍴 Custom Native - Leverages Tailwind CSS's configuration to allow the creation of utilities.
  • 💼     64⭐      1🍴 Image Rendering - Adds image-rendering utilities.
  • 💼    126⭐      1🍴 Elevation - Adds 🌎 Material UI elevation utilities.
  • 💼     10⭐      0🍴 Writing Mode - Adds writing-mode utilities.
  • 💼     13⭐      0🍴 Hyphens - Adds hyphens utilities.
  • 💼    149⭐      4🍴 Border Gradients - Adds border-image gradient utilities.
  • 💼     34⭐      2🍴 RFS - Adds   2897⭐    192🍴 RFS utilities.
  • 💼      1⭐      0🍴 List Reset - Adds back the list-reset class that was removed prior to Tailwind CSS 1.0.
  • 💼    102⭐     11🍴 Fluid - Adds fluid sizing utilities.
  • 💼    249⭐      6🍴 Typography - Adds typography utilities.
  • 💼     20⭐      3🍴 Triangle After - Adds CSS triangles utilities.
  • 💼     33⭐      0🍴 Scrims - Adds scrims utilities.
  • 💼     89⭐      6🍴 Truncate Multiline - Adds utilities to truncate multi-line text elements.
  • 💼     18⭐      0🍴 CSS Logical Properties - Generate utilities for CSS Logical Properties.
  • 💼     31⭐      3🍴 Tooltip Arrows After - Adds CSS utilities for tooltip arrows with configurable border and background.
  • 💼    227⭐     23🍴 Bidirectional - Adds utilities for creating multilingual bidirectional layouts.
  • 💼      9⭐      0🍴 Bidirectional - Replace the core utilities to be bi-direction compatible.
  • 💼     14⭐      0🍴 Background SVG - Inject SVGs as background images with color variants.
  • 💼      3⭐      0🍴 Background Unsplash - Apply 🌎 images as background.
  • 💼     33⭐      4🍴 Brand Colors - Adds various brand colors for background, border and text.
  • 💼     89⭐      9🍴 Bootstrap Grid - Generates Bootstrap's style flexbox grid system.
  • 💼     39⭐      3🍴 Leading Trim - Adds utilities to trim text whitespace, using    780⭐     19🍴 Capsize.
  • 💼     42⭐      5🍴 Scrollbar Hide - Adds scrollbar-hide class for visual hide scrollbar.
  • 💼      1⭐      0🍴 Downwind CSS Easings - Extends transition-timing-function utilities.
  • 💼     87⭐      3🍴 Content Placeholder - Adds utilities for content placeholder images.
  • 💼      4⭐      0🍴 No Scrollbar - Exposes scrollbar-none to visually hide a scrollbar.
  • 💼     42⭐      1🍴 Fluid Type - Adds fluid type (font-size) utilities.
  • 🧬     36⭐      0🍴 Touch - Adds touch variants.
  • 🧬      7⭐      0🍴 Localized - Adds variants based on the HTML lang attribute, to use utilities only with certain languages.
  • 🧬     11⭐      0🍴 Padded Radius - Adds variants for matching nested border radii.
  • 🧬     23⭐      2🍴 Fluid - Generates fl: variants.
  • 🧬      ?⭐      ?🍴 Marker - Provides utilities for styling lists and <summary> markers.
  • 🧬     33⭐      0🍴 Pseudo selectors - Adds variants for the pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements that Tailwind CSS doesn't have by default.
  • 🧬     24⭐      2🍴 Container Queries - Adds CSS Container Query variants.
  • 🧩    313⭐      8🍴 Debug Screens - Adds a component that shows the currently active screen (responsive breakpoint).
  • 🧩    131⭐      7🍴 Heropatterns - Adds 🌎 Hero Patterns components.
  • 🧩     81⭐      5🍴 Responsive Embed - Adds a responsive-embed component.
  • 🧩     92⭐      8🍴 Bootstrap Tables - Adds table components based on Bootstrap's tables.
  • 🧩     32⭐      3🍴 Card - Adds card components.
  • 🧩     11⭐      0🍴 Skip link - Adds a Skip to main content accessible component.
  • 🧩     25⭐      2🍴 Colors to CSS Variables - Exports color configuration to CSS Custom Properties.
  • 🧩    127⭐     12🍴 CSS Variables - Exports configuration to CSS Custom Properties.
  • 🧩     44⭐      5🍴 CSS Variables - Exports custom CSS variables (Dark Mode supported).
  • 🧩     47⭐      2🍴 Perspective - Adds perspective utilities.

🛑 - The plugins below offer functionalities that are now fully or partially implemented in Tailwind CSS.

  • 🛑💼      4⭐      0🍴 Caret Color - Adds caret color utilities.
  • 🛑💼     12⭐      4🍴 Caret Color - Adds caret color utilities.
  • 🛑💼    246⭐      9🍴 benface's gradients - Adds gradient utilities.
  • 🛑💼    272⭐     16🍴 lorisleiva's gradients - Adds background gradient utilities.
  • 🛑💼     15⭐      3🍴 Visually Hidden - Adds screen reader utilities.
  • 🛑💼      8⭐      0🍴 Object Fit - Adds object-fit utilities.
  • 🛑💼      1⭐      0🍴 Object Position - Adds object-position utilities.
  • 🛑💼     37⭐      0🍴 Accessibility - Adds screen reader utilities.
  • 🛑💼     17⭐      0🍴 Layout - Adds some layout utilities.
  • 🛑💼    120⭐     10🍴 Grid - Adds CSS grids utilities.
  • 🛑💼    101⭐      4🍴 Transforms - Adds transform utilities.
  • 🛑💼    197⭐      8🍴 benface's transitions - Adds configurable transition utilities, with or without CSS variables.
  • 🛑💼     36⭐      1🍴 webdna's transitions - Adds configurable transition utilities.
  • 🛑💼     87⭐      3🍴 glhd's transitions - Adds basic transition utilities.
  • 🛑💼      7⭐      0🍴 Cursor Extended - Extends cursor utilities.
  • 🛑💼      8⭐      1🍴 Font Variant Numeric - Adds font-variant-numeric utilities.
  • 🛑💼    163⭐      8🍴 Filters - Adds filter utilities.
  • 🛑💼     22⭐      2🍴 CSS Filters - Adds filter and backdrop-filter utilities with defaults.
  • 🛑💼     67⭐      0🍴 Blend Mode - Adds blend-mode utilities.
  • 🛑💼      9⭐      1🍴 Colorize - Adds filter utilities.
  • 🛑💼    172⭐      8🍴 Scroll Snap - Adds scroll-snap utilities.
  • 🛑💼      7⭐      1🍴 Scroll Behavior - Adds scroll-smooth and scroll-auto classes to control smooth scrolling.
  • 🛑💼      0⭐      0🍴 Accent Color - Adds accent color utilities.
  • 🛑💼     26⭐      2🍴 Text Indent - Adds text-indent utilities.
  • 🛑💼     11⭐      1🍴 Text Decoration Color - Adds text-decoration-color utilities.
  • 🛑💼      8⭐      1🍴 Downwind CSS Text Decoration - Adds composable text-decoration utilities.
  • 🛑💼      2⭐      0🍴 Capitalize first letter - Adds capitalize-first utilities.
  • 🛑💼    251⭐      9🍴 Aspect Ratio - Adds aspect-ratio utilities.
  • 🛑💼      9⭐      0🍴 Shadow Outline Colors - Adds box-shadow utilities based on configured colors.
  • 🛑💼     71⭐     13🍴 Alpha - Adds alpha color variant utilities.
  • 🛑🧬    206⭐     10🍴 Direction - Adds RTL and LTR variants.
  • 🛑🧬     42⭐      2🍴 Important - Adds an important variant.
  • 🛑🧬🎨     12⭐      5🍴 Prefers Dark Mode - Adds variants based on the prefers-color-scheme media query.
  • 🛑🧬🎨     16⭐      2🍴 Dark Mode - Adds dark variants based on CSS classes.
  • 🛑🧬🎨    653⭐     23🍴 Dark Mode - Adds dark variants based on the prefers-color-scheme media query.
  • 🛑🧬     21⭐      0🍴 CSS Alpha Colors - Adds opacity variants to existing colors.
  • 🛑🧬     38⭐      0🍴 Pseudo - Adds custom variants to Tailwind CSS's configuration.
  • 🛑🧩    172⭐      7🍴 Spinner - Adds a spinner component.
  • 🛑🧩     16⭐      2🍴 Spaced Items - Adds spaced components that add fixed margins to all container items.
  • 🛑🧩💙   1549⭐     75🍴 Custom Forms - Adds better default styles to form elements.


Legend: 🌍 Accessible online · 🔼 Conversion or upgrade tool · 🔧 Generator · 🅰 Typing/enforcement · 💼 Plugins/Tools/Extensions for external services · 🎨 Color-related · 🚀 Framework

  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Tailwind Color Shades - Color shades generator for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Palette generator - Color palette generator that outputs Tailwind CSS configuration files.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Tailwind Colors - Color configuration generator for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Tailwind Color Explorer - Color explorer for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 TailwindInk - AI palette generator, trained with the Tailwind CSS palette.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Gradient Designer - Generate gradients for Tailwind 2.0+.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Grayscale Design - A Luminance-based color palette generator.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Hypercolor - Collection of pre-configured Tailwind CSS gradients with directional options.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Palettolithic - Generates harmonius color palettes based on one color.
  • 🎨🌍🔧 🌎 Tailwind Gradient Generator - Create perfect Tailwind CSS gradients with zero lines of code.
  • 🎨🌍💼 🌎 Tailwind CSS v2 colors - Figma library with Tailwind CSS v2 colors.
  • 🎨🔧💼      9⭐      1🍴 Colorkraken - Color shades generator for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🎨🔧💼      4⭐      0🍴 babel-plugin-tailwind-dark - A Babel plugin to add custom dark class when compiling your code using Babel.
  • 🌍🔧💼   2038⭐     46🍴 Twind - Compiler functions that turn Tailwind's classes into CSS at run, serve and build time.
  • 🌍🔧 🌎 GPT-3 Tailwind CSS code generator - OpenAI GPT-3 powered Tailwind CSS code generator.
  • 🌍🔧 🌎 Stitches - Template generator with Tailwind (online).
  • 🌍🔧 🌎 tail-animista - Configurable custom animation utilities generator for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🌍🔧 🌎 brands-tail-color - Configuration generator using various brands' colors.
  • 🌍🔧 🌎 Windframe - Tailwind CSS drag and drop builder to rapidly build and prototype websites.
  • 🌍 🌎 Typography Playground - Tool for trying different Google Fonts combinations with the Tailwind CSS Typography Plugin.
  • 🌍💙 🌎 Play - Advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🌍 🌎 - Advanced online no-code drag and drop editor for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🌍 🌎 - Tailwind CSS fiddle with built-time features (online).
  • 🌍 🌎 - Online playground for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🌍 🌎 Flowrift - Beautifully designed Tailwind CSS UI blocks.
  • 🔼🌍 🌎 Tailwind Automatic Prefix Applicator - Tailwind classes' prefixer tool.
  • 🔼🌍 🌎 CSS to Tailwind CSS Converter - Converts CSS to Tailwind CSS by suggesting classes that best match.
  • 🔼    843⭐     74🍴 Tailwindo - Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS converter.
  • 🔼      6⭐      1🍴 Tailupgrade - Conversion tool for upgrading HTML files from Tailwind CSS v0.x to v1.0.
  • 🔼    108⭐      5🍴 Tailwind Shift - Upgrade tool for upgrading from Tailwind CSS v0.7 to v1.0.
  • 🔼    211⭐     14🍴 RustyWind - CLI tool for sorting Tailwind CSS classes.
  • 🔼 🌎 Windy - Browser extension to convert HTML elements to Tailwind CSS.
  • 🅰    522⭐     34🍴 react-native-tailwindcss - React Native typing system.
  • 🅰    390⭐     11🍴 typed-tailwind - TypeScript typings for Tailwind CSS.
  • 💼     43⭐      3🍴 Gatsby Plugin - Tailwind CSS integration for Gatsby.
  • 💼    106⭐     15🍴 Gridsome Plugin - Tailwind CSS integration for Gridsome.
  • 💼     99⭐      4🍴 Alfred Workflow - Fast Tailwind CSS documentation search application.
  • 💼    203⭐     22🍴 ng-tailwindcss - CLI tool for integrating Tailwind CSS into Angular-CLI projects.
  • 💼    192⭐      9🍴 vue-cli-plugin-tailwind - Vue CLI plugin that adds Tailwind CSS to a project.
  • 💼    679⭐     31🍴 Tailwind CSS Figma Kit - Figma Kit for Tailwind CSS.
  • 💼 🌎 Tailwind CSS Figma UI Design Kit - Figma UI Design Kit for Tailwind CSS.
  • 💼    230⭐      8🍴 Tailwind CSS Figma Plugin - Figma plugin that integrates Tailwind CSS.
  • 💼    864⭐     95🍴 @nuxtjs/tailwindcss - Tailwind CSS module for NuxtJS with PurgeCSS and modern CSS (preset env 1).
  • 💼     30⭐      4🍴 preact-cli-tailwind - Tailwind CSS integration for Preact.
  • 💼     18⭐      3🍴 tailwind-classes-sorter - NPM library which provides a utility to sort Tailwind CSS classes.
  • 💼    413⭐     24🍴 prettier-plugin-tailwind - Prettier plugin that sorts class lists.
  • 💼    971⭐     97🍴 tailwindcss-rails - Gem for using Tailwind CSS with Rails' asset pipeline.
  • 💼🔧 🌎 Zeplin Config & Class generator - Zeplin extension that generates Tailwind configurations.
  • 💼🔧    325⭐      7🍴 @tailwindcssinjs/macro - Babel macro that transforms Tailwind CSS classes into objects for CSS-in-JS libraries.
  • 💼🔧   5451⭐    132🍴 twin.macro - Use Tailwind classes within any CSS-in-JS library.
  • 💼🔧   1251⭐     61🍴 Tailwind Config Viewer - Local UI tool for visualizing your Tailwind CSS configuration file.
  • 💼🔧    530⭐     58🍴 Laravel Form Components - Blade form components using Tailwind CSS Custom Forms.
  • 💼    584⭐     41🍴 @ngneat/tailwind - Tailwind CSS integration for Angular.
  • 💼 🌎 Gust - Drag and drop page builder for WordPress.
  • 💼     49⭐      2🍴 clb - clb (class list builder) is a utility function that builds a class list based on a 🌎 Stitches like API.
  • 💼🌍 🌎 Inspect Flow - The complete developer tool for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🔧    117⭐      2🍴 re-tailwind - ReasonML utility that generates Tailwind classes.
  • 🔧 🌎 Protoship Codegen - Code generator that creates Tailwind CSS based HTML & CSS from Sketch designs.
  • 🔧     13⭐      0🍴 create-tailwind-plugin - Plugin scaffolder for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🚀 🌎 Maizzle - Framework for rapid email prototyping with Tailwind CSS.
  • 🌍 🌎 Tailwind Cheat Sheet - Tailwind CSS class names cheat sheet.
  • 🌍      ?⭐      ?🍴 Tailwind Cheat Sheet - Tailwind CSS class names in one single file.
  • 🌍 🌎 Tailwind Cheat Sheet - Tailwind CSS class names, variants and directives cheat sheet.
  • 🌍 🌎 Tailwind Cheat Sheet - Tailwind CSS class names in a searchable page.
  • 🌍 🌎 Tailwind Cheat Sheet - Tailwind CSS utility class names in a searchable interface.

UI Libraries, Components & Templates

Legend: 💙 Official resource · 📚 Library · 🧩 Components · 📁 Templates

  • 💙🧩 🌎 Tailwind UI - Component library made with Tailwind CSS.
  • 💙📚  13648⭐    497🍴 Headless UI - Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components.
  • 📚   1748⭐    121🍴 VueTailwind - Vue.js UI library using Tailwind CSS.
  • 📚 🌎 Tailwind Elements - Huge collection of free components, mobile-friendly thanks to Bootstrap 5.
  • 📚 🌎 Vechai UI - High-quality accessible React components with the built-in dark mode using Tailwind CSS.
  • 📚 🌎 Flowbite - Open-source component library built with Tailwind CSS.
  • 📚 🌎 a17t - Atomic design toolkit built to extend Tailwind CSS.
  • 📚    177⭐     11🍴 tails-ui - React UI library using Tailwind CSS.
  • 📚    624⭐    372🍴 tails - Hand-crafted templates and components using Tailwind CSS.
  • 📚    460⭐     19🍴 Svelte Headless UI - Unofficial Svelte port of Headless UI.
  • 🧩 🌎 TailBlocks - 60+ different ready to use Tailwind CSS blocks.
  • 🧩 🌎 Tailwind Components - Community-driven Tailwind CSS component repository.
  • 🧩 🌎 Tailwind Toolbox - Templates, components and resources.
  • 🧩 🌎 Meraki UI Components - Beautiful Tailwind CSS components that support RTL languages.
  • 🧩    365⭐     44🍴 Tailwind Cards - Growing collection of text/image cards.
  • 🧩📁 🌎 Tailwind Templates - Collection of templates and components.
  • 🧩📁 🌎 Treact - React UI templates and components built using Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩📁    107⭐     13🍴 Jakarta LTE - Admin template using Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩📁 🌎 - Handcrafted, free and premium Tailwind CSS themes and components.
  • 🧩 🌎 Kutty - Accessible and reusable components that are commonly used in web applications.
  • 🧩 🌎 Sail UI - Collection of basic UI components built on Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩 🌎 jQuery Toggler - Switches using jQuery and Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩 🌎 Tailwind Kit - Framework-agnostic, Vue.js, React and Angular components.
  • 🧩 🌎 lofi ui - Low-fidelity Tailwind CSS components.
  • 🧩 🌎 Gust UI - Sleek Tailwind CSS components for web applications in React and HTML.
  • 🧩 🌎 Windstrap - Tailwind CSS with Bootstrap JS.
  • 🧩 🌎 WickedBlocks - Collection of more than 120 layout blocks and components built with Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩   9226⭐    356🍴 Daisy UI - UI Components for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩 🌎 Kometa UI Kit - Free multi-purpose UI kit, built with Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩 🌎 Mamba UI - Free Tailwind CSS components, sections and templates.
  • 🧩    227⭐     38🍴 Litepie Date picker - A date range picker component for Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩     74⭐      6🍴 Tailwind Datepicker - Adds a datepicker component built with Tailwind CSS and vanilla JavaScript.
  • 🧩     10⭐      2🍴 Tailwind Typeahead - Typeahead/Autocomplete component built with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩 🌎 Material Tailwind - Easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design.
  • 🧩 🌎 Layouts for Tailwind - Layouts and UI Patterns for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩 🌎 HyperUI - Open source marketing and ecommerce Tailwind CSS components.
  • 🧩 🌎 Snippets - Open source collection of animation snippets made for Tailwind CSS.
  • 🧩 🌎 Fancy Tailwind - Large collection of Tailwind CSS UI components (700+).
  • 🧩 🌎 Myna UI - Open source UI Components and Marketing Elements made with Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁 🌎 Vue Notus - Open-source Tailwind CSS and Vue.js UI kit.
  • 📁 🌎 Red Pixel Themes - Paid, developer-friendly templates made with Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁 🌎 EasyTailwind - Freemium, easily customizable templates made with Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁 🌎 Windmill Dashboard - Multi theme, completely accessible dashboard template.
  • 📁    368⭐     75🍴 Tailwind Admin - Administration panel template with Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁 🌎 Landing Gradients - Landing page template using gradients (1.7+).
  • 📁     24⭐      5🍴 Resume - Simple resume with Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁     54⭐     13🍴 Resume - A stylized resume template built with Tailwind CSS, featuring a nifty hero-pattern background and custom font.
  • 📁   1257⭐    876🍴 Simple Light - Free landing page template built with React & Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁    673⭐    152🍴 V-Dashboard - Dashboard starter template built with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁     21⭐      3🍴 Petra - Free landing page template built with Nuxt.js & Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁     32⭐      5🍴 Tailmin - Admin dashboard built with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.
  • 📁    104⭐     11🍴 OhMySMTP Templates - Set of Transactional HTML Email Templates, built with Maizzle
  • 📁 🌎 Material Tailwind Kit React - Free Tailwind CSS and React UI kit.
  • 📁 🌎 Material Tailwind Dashboard React - Free Tailwind CSS and React admin template.
  • 📁    404⭐     80🍴 Admin One Vue 3 - Free Vue.js 3 Tailwind CSS admin template with Vite & Vue CLI support.
  • 📁 🌎 Cruip - Beautifully designed HTML, React, and Vue.js templates.

Starters & Themes

Legend: 💼 Package · 📟 Command line tool/generator · 🚀 Cloneable

Open-Source Projects

  •   1757⭐    561🍴 Goodwork - Project Management & Collaboration tool.
  •   2617⭐    186🍴 Statusfy - Status page system using Tailwind CSS.
  •    133⭐     25🍴 Todolist - To-do list application using Tailwind CSS.
  •    256⭐     36🍴 LeagueStats - Statistics website for League of Legends players.
  •    600⭐    111🍴 SapperCommerce - E-commerce storefront using Svelte & Tailwind CSS.
  •     13⭐      1🍴 Misiki Books - Book shop using Vue + Moltin + Tailwind CSS.
  •   2181⭐    296🍴 Ubuntu 20.04 - An Ubuntu desktop using React.js + Tailwind CSS.


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