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dogwater's Issues

1.0.0 Release Notes


Dogwater 1.0.0 has better documentation, a cleaner interface, spiffier code, better tests, and a few new features.

Breaking Changes

  • Support for hapi 7 is dropped.
  • request.model has been renamed to request.collections to be more consistent with Waterline's terminology.
  • Obtaining the raw ORM by server.methods.getWaterline(cb) should be replaced by using the server decoration server.waterline.
  • The data option has been renamed to fixtures to be less ambiguous.
  • If models options are incorrectly specified as neither a string path nor an array, dogwater will throw rather than pass a soft error to the plugin's callback.
  • server.plugins.dogwater no longer exposes each Waterline collection. It is now an object containing the following:
    • collections
    • connections
    • schema
    • teardown(cb)

New Features

  • The fixtures option (formerly data) now alternately accepts an array directly specifying data fixtures in the format prescribed by waterline-fixtures (which can be seen in the readme's usage example).
  • Paths specified by the models option may now be relative or absolute. This is with rejoice manifests in mind.
  • The plugin exposes a teardown method (server.plugins.dogwater.teardown(cb)) which tears down every connection on every adapter. This is particularly useful when writing tests or when recovering from errors and re-instantiating Waterline.
  • The plugin's interface is cleaner, and in particular it's easier to access Waterline's connections and normalized schema objects.

Accessing postgresql view?

I understand, one can use request.collections.<table_name> to access underlying sql table. But if one needs to access a table view in a query how do we do that?

Waterline reports that 'connections' is no longer supported

When I run my project that uses dogwater, I get the following error logged:

Warning: `connections` is no longer supported.  Please use `datastores` instead.
I get what you mean, so I temporarily renamed it for you this time, but here is a stack trace
so you know where this is coming from in the code, and can change it to prevent future warnings:

    at Object.initialize (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/waterline/lib/waterline.js:143:12)
    at internals.initialize (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/dogwater/lib/index.js:118:15)
    at Items.serial (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:418:18)
    at iterate (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/items/lib/index.js:36:13)
    at Object.exports.serial (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/items/lib/index.js:39:9)
    at module.exports.internals.Server.internals.Server._invoke (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:415:11)
    at Items.parallel (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:272:14)
    at done (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/items/lib/index.js:63:25)
    at process.nextTick (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/hoek/lib/index.js:854:22)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:686:11)
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16)
    at bootstrap_node.js:608:3

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

I know waterline is .1 above the recommended version range from dogwater, but I figured if they're following semver then it should be fine (right? RIGHT?)

Make waterline peer dependency

Now waterline 0.11 and 0.12 are out– they are all supportable by dogwater, so users should make the choice themselves.

Small Example app

It would be really great if you could make a small example app showing how this works. It looks interesting and I would love to be able to use it but i'm sort of new to node/hapi/js so I can't quite piece it together.

Much appreciated,

instantiate global models setup

I ran into this issue the other day, for each controller i tend to use the same models to generally get information and perform queries, updates, and creates with waterline models. I was wondering if there was a way to declare the models globally so that they can be used without having to pull them from the request.server.model. Something along the lines of a var pet = getModel['pet'] at the top of the document. and then you can do pet.create(), pet.findOne, etc

Option to only load waterline-fixtures on first load

Right now, the fixtures seem to be loading every time the server starts, even if migrate: safe is set in the models. If there are no unique fields, then it duplicates the data. If there are unique fields, then the plugin fails on server startup. I'd like the option to just load the fixtures on a blank database only.

Dogwater hides configuration errors returned by Waterline.init

If waterline init returns an error with it's callback no errors are thrown, but Hapi will not handle any requests. I was seeing this with NODE_ENV=production without setting a migration strategy. Waterline returned an error that safe migrations must be used in production but it was swallowed during plugin registration.

Hapi v17 Support


If you are not aware yet, Hapi v17 is making the transition from callbacks to async/await, as well as deprecating some other rarely used functionality. This is a breaking change that may make your plugin no longer compatible with the Hapi API.


Draft release notes can be found here: hapijs/hapi#3658

Target Release

The target release date for v17 is the beginning of November.


  • Reply to this to acknowledge that you are actively maintaining this module and are willing to update it
  • Update plugin to be fully async/await compatible using the v17 branch from Hapi for testing

    Possible dev flow for updating

    • Clone Hapi
    • npm link within the Hapi repo
    • npm link hapi within your plugin repo
    • Your plugin will now be using v17 of Hapi branch for tests
  • Release new major version of your plugin on npm. Please use a major version increment as this will be a breaking change and it would be terrible for it to sneak into current versions of Hapi.


  • Support is being dropped for all versions of Node <8.0.0.
  • Hapi v16 will continue to be supported for as long as there exists a Node LTS actively being supported that is not compatible with v17.
  • Targeted release date is November 1st, 2017. Please try to have your plugin updated before then.
  • This issue is being opened because your plugin is listed on the official hapi website

Drop ability to register function-wrapped model definition

This will be made obsolete by #37– the plugin will have waterline in context, so the models will (can) as well. Additionally, it turns out it's usually not necessary to pass waterline to the collections because it is available as this.waterline within collection methods.

Associations Setup

I have the following 2 models defined:

'user strict';

module.exports = {
  identity: 'user',
  connection: 'dbCSQA',
  tableName: 'User',
  migrate: 'safe',
  autoPK: false,
  autoCreatedAt: false,
  autoUpdatedAt: false,
  attributes: {
    userId: {
      type: 'integer',
      primaryKey: true,
      autoIncrement: true,
      unique: true
    name: {
      type : 'string',
      required : true,
      unique: true,
      maxLength: 100
    organisationId: {
      type : 'integer',
      required : false
    positionId: {
      type : 'integer',
      required : false
    authId: {
      type : 'string',
      required : false


'user strict';

module.exports = {
  identity: 'organisation',
  connection: 'dbCSQA',
  tableName: 'Organisation',
  migrate: 'safe',
  autoPK: false,
  autoCreatedAt: false,
  autoUpdatedAt: false,
  attributes: {
    organisationId: {
      type: 'integer',
      primaryKey: true,
      autoIncrement: true,
      unique: true
    name: {
      type : 'string',
      required : true,
      unique: true,
      maxLength: 50
    users: {
      collection: 'user',
      via: 'organisationId'

The payload for /api/organisations/1 returns all the fields, as specified in the organisation model, but the users field is an empty array.

Have I missed something with the association config?

PS: I'm using [email protected]

Drop support for waterline-fixtures

The waterline-fixtures module needs some love and some tests. It's just not up to snuff! Maybe provide info/example of how it can still be used with dogwater in docs.

Dogwater plugins

I want to put forth the idea of a very simple plugin-like structure for dogwater. There are cases in which one may want to modularize different areas of their model/configurations, and I would like dogwater to cater to that.

I would also like plugins to be able to consume non-standard Waterline model and attribute properties in a safe way so that dogwater plugins may extend the functionality of Waterline as it lives in the hapi ecosystem.

I'm taking suggestions here as to how to implement this, and spec out a working first-draft API. I'd like to see this as the main feature of 1.2.0 or 2.0.0.

2.0.0 Release Notes


The changes in dogwater 2.0.0 focus around the ability to define and use models on a per-plugin basis. It has also been brought into the world of node.js v4+, now taking advantage of ES6 features in line with the current hapi style guide. You should also find improved docs, tests, code, and a leaner, meaner API.

Breaking Changes

  • Drops supports for hapi pre-v10 and node.js pre-v4. #39
  • server.plugins.dogwater no longer exposes collections, connections, the schema, and a teardown method. Instead just access these goodies on server.waterline. #44
  • Waterline is now a peer dependency, so you'll have to include it in your root project. Dogwater is compatible with Waterline v0.10.x through v0.12.x at the time of writing. #38
  • Waterline is initialized during server initialization (consistent with onPreStart server extension and server.dependency(deps, after) callback) rather than during plugin registration. #37
  • Support for fixtures has been dropped. If you'd like to continue using fixtures, work waterline-fixtures or equivalent into your server initialization cycle. #40
  • request.collections should be replaced with request.collections([all]). Pass all as true to obtain access to every collection registered with dogwater, or omit all to obtain access only to the collections defined within the same plugin/realm as request.route. #37
  • Model definitions no longer may be specified as functions in order to access the ORM. Instead use server.dogwater() with server.waterline in scope or reference the ORM within collection lifecycle callbacks and methods as this.waterline. #43

New Features

  • Dogwater may be registered multiple times, and should be registered in any plugin that would like to use any of its features.
  • server.dogwater(config) allows plugins to define adapters, connections, and their own models. See the readme for more detailed info.
  • server.collections([all]) provides sandboxed (or not sandboxed) access to the collections defined in the active plugin/realm.
  • request.collections([all]) provides sandboxed (or not sandboxed) access to the collections defined in the realm/plugin of request.route.
  • The teardownOnStop registration option may be used to specify whether or not Waterline connections should be torn-down when the server stops. Defaults true.

Inconvenient usage of Waterline attribute methods

To be specific, Dogwater requires unextended Waterline collections, and this is not properly bound. Therefore, models like this will not work (highly simplified to show the point):

module.exports = {
  attributes: {
    firstName: 'string',
    lastName: 'string',
    getFullName: function() { return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName; }

This may be difficult fix without major API changes, however, so this may be of use for future releases only.

Fixtures Associations

hey, would you be kind enough to provide an example where the fixtures populate an associaltions,

i know this is not a dog-water issue, but please bare your example on the readme is good and understandable, but after that, there is very little documentation on the internet on how to make associaltions in fixtures, 1:m,m:m,m:1 and any more

this is very usefull for any user who intends to use dogwater for a project, can you refrence any examples on ho i can do associations in fixtures?

im getting this err

Debug: internal, implementation, error 
    Error: Uncaught error: Encountered unexpected error while building join instructions for `.populate("users")`
[Error: In `.populate("users")`, attempting to populate an attribute that doesn't exist]

when trying to follow waterlines docs , please consider this :-)

problem with Dogwater using Nes with JWT-authentication

Hello guys,

I have some troubles using NES with jwt authentication using Waterline/Dogwater.

here is my server.js:

'use strict'
const Hapi = require('hapi')
const Hoek = require('hoek')
const hapiAuthJWT = require('hapi-auth-jwt2')
const Dogwater = require('dogwater')
const sailsmysql = require('sails-mysql')
const Nes = require('nes')

// load models

const config = require('./configs/test_credentials')
const router = require('./routes/router').router
const validate = require('./lib/validate').validate

const server = new Hapi.Server()
server.connection({ port: 8000, routes: { cors: true } })

server.register(require('inert'), (err) => {
  Hoek.assert(!err, err)

  register: Dogwater,
  options: {
    adapters: {
      dndDisk: sailsmysql
    connections: {
      dndDB: .....................
}, (err) => {
  Hoek.assert(!err, err)

server.register(hapiAuthJWT, (err) => {
  Hoek.assert(!err, err)

server.auth.strategy('jwt', 'jwt',
  { key: config.jwtsecret,
    validateFunc: validate,
    verifyOptions: { ignoreExpiration: true },
    headerKey: 'authentication-token'

server.register(Nes, (err) => {
  Hoek.assert(!err, err)


server.dogwater([ CreditCard, Passenger, FavoriteLocation, Trip, Driver, TripRoute, PaymentLog, Promotion, DriverRating, PassengerRating, Administrator, Country, CountryPrice, LatestDriverLocation, Language ])


server.start((err) => {
  Hoek.assert(!err, err)
  console.log('Server started at:',

My route for the socket is:

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/ws',
    config: {
      id: 'hello',
      auth: 'jwt',
      handler: function (request, reply) {

                return reply('world!');

validate function is:

function validate (decoded, request, callback) {
  const passenger = request.collections().passenger
    .then((passenger) => {
      if ((decoded.username) === (passenger.username)) {
        return callback(null, true)
      } else {
        return callback(null, false)

and client is:

var Nes = require('nes')
var client = new Nes.Client('ws://localhost:8000')

client.connect({auth: {headers: {'Authentication-Token': 'token'}}}, (err) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err)
  client.request('hello', (err, payload) => {
    if (err) return console.log('err is ' + err)

when I run the client, using valid token (I am testing it with other routes) it gives the following error:

{ Error: An internal server error occurred
at new NesError (/Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/nes/lib/client.js:77:19)
at parse (/Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/nes/lib/client.js:616:25)
at parse (/Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/nes/lib/client.js:48:16)
at Client._onMessage (/Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/nes/lib/client.js:603:9)
at (/Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/nes/lib/client.js:261:25)
at WebSocket.onMessage (/Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/ws/lib/WebSocket.js:442:14)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at WebSocket.emit (events.js:191:7)
at Receiver.ontext (/Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/ws/lib/WebSocket.js:841:10)
at /Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/ws/lib/Receiver.js:536:18
type: 'server',
statusCode: 401,
{ error: 'Unauthorized',
message: 'An internal server error occurred' },
headers: undefined,
path: undefined }

and the server error is:

Debug: internal, implementation, error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'findOne' of undefined
at Object.validate [as validateFunc] (/Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/lib/validate.js:4:12)
at /Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/hapi-auth-jwt2/lib/index.js:87:23
at /Users/vgenev/Projects/dnd-server/node_modules/jsonwebtoken/verify.js:27:18
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:122:9)

What I have seen is that actually the passenger is not created by: const passenger = request.collections().passenger in the validate function, although the token is correctly decoded.

After I posted the question in Nes repo, they adviced me to use request.collections(true).passenger and it fixed the problem. But is it a good practice and how can be avoided?

Referencing models from other plugins

Apologies for the newbie question, just learning hapi / dogwater / waterline.

All crud methods are working fine for me, except when I mixed models in different plugins.

I have a plugin called Facebook and a plugin called Person and I'd like to be able to reference Person from Facebook in order to find or create a person based on whether they exist in some form in the Facebook table.

So in Facebook I'm using:

const Person = request.collections(true).person;
console.log('person identity: ' + Person.identity);
// it prints, so it seems to work?
// person identity: person

However, if I try and call .create on that Person collection, it does nothing / doesn't throw an error and then if I try and print the result it says:

const zePerson = yield Person.create({
    firstName: firstName,
    lastName: lastName,
    email: email
console.log('zePerson: ' + zePerson);

zePerson: TypeError: request.collections is not a function

What am I missing here? Thanks for the help!

Waterline reports that 'loadCollection' has been renamed to 'registerModel'.

When I run my project that uses dogwater, I get the following message on the console:

Warning: As of Waterline 0.13, `loadCollection()` is now `registerModel()`.  Please call that instead.
I get what you mean, so I temporarily renamed it for you this time, but here is a stack trace
so you know where this is coming from in the code, and can change it to prevent future warnings:

    at Object.heyThatsDeprecated [as loadCollection] (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/waterline/lib/waterline.js:92:8)
    at Object.keys.forEach (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/dogwater/lib/index.js:108:19)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at internals.initialize (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/dogwater/lib/index.js:104:35)
    at Items.serial (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:418:18)
    at iterate (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/items/lib/index.js:36:13)
    at Object.exports.serial (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/items/lib/index.js:39:9)
    at module.exports.internals.Server.internals.Server._invoke (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:415:11)
    at Items.parallel (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:272:14)
    at done (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/items/lib/index.js:63:25)
    at process.nextTick (/home/chbr1/Projects/cuca-service/node_modules/hoek/lib/index.js:854:22)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:686:11)
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16)
    at bootstrap_node.js:608:3

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

I know waterline is .1 above the recommended version range from dogwater, but I figured if they're following semver then it should be fine (right? RIGHT?)

(PS: I opened two tickets for this issue even though they are both related to updating waterline, because they are technically independent of one another and can be fixed separately)

How to return multiple collections on reply

Hi guys,
I want to combine few collections and return to the reply interface. But below code doesn't stringify the object right -

(request, reply) => {

      get the current filters
      get the current effects
      get the trigger categories
    const response = {
      triggers: {
        categories: []

    const user = {};
    const promise = Promise.promisify(ConfigurationAPI(request.server).getCategoriesAPI)(user).then((categories) => {

      response.triggers.categories = categories;
      return response;
    return reply(promise);

Prints below -

  triggers: { 
   categories: [ [Object] ] 


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