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deno_ast's Issues

update `swc_ecma_transforms_proposal` to `v0.167.15`

This version fixes swc-project/swc#8020, which currently causes incorrect ReferenceErrors in Deno:

// foo.ts

using foo = null

const bar = 1

console.log(baz()) // should log `1`

function baz() {
  return bar
$ deno run foo.ts
error: Uncaught ReferenceError: bar is not defined
  return bar
    at baz (file://.../foo.ts:8:3)
    at file://.../foo.ts:5:13

deno_graph tests fail with swc 0.99.9

---- ast::tests::test_analyze_dependencies_import_assertions stdout ----
thread 'ast::tests::test_analyze_dependencies_import_assertions' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `None`,
 right: `Some("json")`', src\
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

---- tests::test_create_graph_import_assertions stdout ----
thread 'tests::test_create_graph_import_assertions' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`

Diff < left / right > :
     "roots": Array([
     "modules": Array([
             "size": Number(
             "mediaType": String(
             "specifier": String(
             "size": Number(
             "mediaType": String(
             "specifier": String(
             "size": Number(
             "mediaType": String(
             "specifier": String(
             "size": Number(
             "mediaType": String(
             "specifier": String(
             "dependencies": Array([
                     "specifier": String(
                     "code": Object({
                         "specifier": String(
                         "span": Object({
                             "start": Object({
                                 "line": Number(
                                 "character": Number(
                             "end": Object({
                                 "line": Number(
                                 "character": Number(
                     "assertionType": String(
                     "specifier": String(
                     "code": Object({
                         "specifier": String(
                         "span": Object({
                             "start": Object({
                                 "line": Number(
                                 "character": Number(
                             "end": Object({
                                 "line": Number(
                                 "character": Number(
                     "isDynamic": Bool(
>                    "assertionType": String(
>                        "json",
>                    ),
                     "specifier": String(
                     "code": Object({
                         "specifier": String(
                         "span": Object({
                             "start": Object({
                                 "line": Number(
                                 "character": Number(
                             "end": Object({
                                 "line": Number(
                                 "character": Number(
                     "assertionType": String(
                     "specifier": String(
                     "code": Object({
                         "specifier": String(
                         "span": Object({
                             "start": Object({
                                 "line": Number(
                                 "character": Number(
                             "end": Object({
                                 "line": Number(
                                 "character": Number(
                     "isDynamic": Bool(
             "mediaType": String(
             "size": Number(
             "specifier": String(
     "redirects": Object({}),

', src\

---- tests::test_parse_module_import_assertions stdout ----
thread 'tests::test_parse_module_import_assertions' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`

Diff < left / right > :
     "dependencies": Array([
             "specifier": String(
             "code": Object({
                 "specifier": String(
                 "span": Object({
                     "start": Object({
                         "line": Number(
                         "character": Number(
                     "end": Object({
                         "line": Number(
                         "character": Number(
             "assertionType": String(
             "specifier": String(
             "code": Object({
                 "specifier": String(
                 "span": Object({
                     "start": Object({
                         "line": Number(
                         "character": Number(
                     "end": Object({
                         "line": Number(
                         "character": Number(
             "isDynamic": Bool(
>            "assertionType": String(
>                "json",
>            ),
     "mediaType": String(
     "size": Number(
     "specifier": String(

', src\


Add upgrading swc instructions

Make sure to highlight how all swc option structs should be analyzed for changes (because swc doesn't allow using a struct expr for some options--also SyntaxError codes should be updated because it uses non_exhaustive)

Enable JSX Namespace by default

I'm raising this here, as I've just discovered that this repo is where this issue could be fixed: denoland/deno#20345

throw_if_namespace: None,

I believe throw_if_namespace could just be set to Some(false) to solve this?

Unless you want to provide it as an option, but I don't think that's necessary. TypeScript doesn't make this restriction, so I don't know why swc should.

Using deno_ast in a project that contains swc_common -F concurrent breaks the build

I am trying to use deno_ast in my project which also uses swc_common.

I am using it via swc_common = { version = "=0.33.18", features = ["concurrent"] }

With the concurrent feature enabled, the compiler throws:

error[E0277]: `Rc<RefCell<Vec<swc_common::errors::Diagnostic>>>` cannot be sent between threads safely
   --> /home/dalsh/.local/rust/cargo/registry/src/
280 | impl crate::swc::common::errors::Emitter for DiagnosticCollector {
    |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Rc<RefCell<Vec<swc_common::errors::Diagnostic>>>` cannot be sent between threads safely
    = help: within `DiagnosticCollector`, the trait `Send` is not implemented for `Rc<RefCell<Vec<swc_common::errors::Diagnostic>>>`
note: required because it appears within the type `DiagnosticCollector`
   --> /home/dalsh/.local/rust/cargo/registry/src/
266 | struct DiagnosticCollector {
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: required by a bound in `swc_common::errors::Emitter`
   --> /home/dalsh/.local/rust/cargo/registry/src/
39  | pub trait Emitter: crate::sync::Send {
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `Emitter` 

Is there any way around this?

CommonJS analysis gets confused for a bundled file

Reported in: denoland/deno#23265 (reply in thread)

Our CJS analysis gets confused by code like this:

/***/ "uuid":
  !*** external "uuid" ***!
/***/ ((module) => {

module.exports = require("uuid");

/***/ }),

/***/ "stream":
  !*** external "stream" ***!
/***/ ((module) => {

module.exports = require("stream");

/***/ }),

/***/ "zlib":
  !*** external "zlib" ***!
/***/ ((module) => {

module.exports = require("zlib");

/***/ })

The CJS analysis in this case tells that zlib is a reexport (but not "uuid" or "stream"). I think this is completely wrong as it's not a reexport of the actual file, because it's inside a closure that provides module variable.

Complete file:

Reproduction in Deno:

import * as dicomStream from "@exini/dicom-streams-js";
$ deno run script.js

We can no longer start files with `BytePos(0)`

After swc-project/swc#4616 we can no longer start files at BytePos(0) and therefore now have to offset all our node byte positions. This is a very unfortunate change because byte positions of nodes no longer align with byte positions in the text.

I think we should deprecate using swc's BytePos and instead start using an opaque type that you can perform operations on, but need to provide a parsed source to get the index in the file.

deno-ast 0.15 does not compile

My guess is there are some swc feature flags that deno-ast is depending on implicitly, but I have not debugged yet.

$ rustc --version    
rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)

I created a new cargo project and added the following dependency:

deno_ast = "0.15.0"

The body of the code is:

use deno_ast::parse_module;
use deno_ast::MediaType;
use deno_ast::ParseParams;
use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo;
use std::sync::Arc;

fn main() {
    let source_text = Arc::new("class MyClass {}");
    let text_info = SourceTextInfo::new(source_text);
    let parsed_source = parse_module(ParseParams {
      specifier: "file:///my_file.ts".to_string(),
      media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
      capture_tokens: true,
      maybe_syntax: None,
      scope_analysis: false,
    }).expect("should parse");
    // returns the comments
    // returns the tokens if captured
    // returns the module (AST)
    // returns the `SourceTextInfo`


   Compiling swc_ecma_parser v0.104.2
error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
323 |             span: span!(self, expr.span_lo()),
    |                                    ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
  --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
96 |             let start = left.span_lo();
   |                              ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
215 |             span: Span::new(left.span_lo(), right.span_hi(), Default::default()),
    |                                  ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
215 |             span: Span::new(left.span_lo(), right.span_hi(), Default::default()),
    |                                                   ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
256 |             let span = Span::new(start, arg.span_hi(), Default::default());
    |                                             ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
314 |                 span: Span::new(start, arg.span_hi(), Default::default()),
    |                                            ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
347 |                 span: span!(self, expr.span_lo()),
    |                                        ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
  --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
22 |         let start = expr.span_lo();
   |                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
220 |             let span = Span::new(start, alt.span_hi(), Default::default());
    |                                             ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for reference `&Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
918 |                     exprs.first().unwrap().span_lo(),
    |                                            ^^^^^^^ method not found in `&Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for reference `&Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
919 |                     exprs.last().unwrap().span_hi(),
    |                                           ^^^^^^^ method not found in `&Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
   --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
960 |         let tagged_tpl_start = tag.span_lo();
    |                                    ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::Callee` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
1171 |             let span = Span::new(obj.span_lo(), self.input.last_pos(), Default::default());
     |                                      ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Callee`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::Callee` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
1172 |             debug_assert_eq!(obj.span_lo(), span.lo());
     |                                  ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Callee`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::Callee` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
1293 |             let span = span!(self, obj.span_lo());
     |                                        ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Callee`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::Callee` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
1294 |             debug_assert_eq!(obj.span_lo(), span.lo());
     |                                  ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Callee`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
1295 |             debug_assert_eq!(prop.span_hi(), span.hi());
     |                                   ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
1634 | ...                   span: Span::new(start, alt.span_hi(), Default::default()),
     |                                                  ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for reference `&swc_ecma_ast::Expr` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
1841 |         Ok(self.state.potential_arrow_start == Some(expr.span_lo())
     |                                                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `&swc_ecma_ast::Expr`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::TsType>` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
2152 |                     span: span!(self, ty.span_lo()),
     |                                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::TsType>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::TsType>` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
2159 |                     span: span!(self, ty.span_lo()),
     |                                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::TsType>`

error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `swc_ecma_ast::Ident` in the current scope
    --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
2262 |         let start = expr.span_lo();
     |                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Ident`

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
error: could not compile `swc_ecma_parser` due to 22 previous errors

Suggestion: Move transpiling and bundling to deno_ast?

I think it would be beneficial to:

  1. Move all transpiling and bundling out of the CLI and to deno_ast. It would be in a feature flag. Obviously this would be bundling without deno_graph so there would be some adapter that deno_graph would be plugged into.
  2. Add a ton of bundling and transpiling tests in here.
  3. Pin all swc deps to a specific patch version so everything upstream gets tested on the same swc deps (might be good to do this anyway)

I think this would allow us to:

  1. Ensure everything is in a good state before we upgrade all the upstream crates. (We don't find something is wrong after integrating into the cli).
  2. Help us refactor out Deno.emit to a Wasm module that could connect this with deno_graph.

@kitsonk thoughts? I think this would be quick to do. I could start soon if you agree.

Map file extension to content type

denoland/deno#17172 adds --ext to deno, eg.

deno run --ext js mod

--ext needs to map file extensions to mime types

The mapping function in deno is incomplete and temporary.

deno_ast's MediaType already maps module specifiers and mime types to MediaType. I think this is a good place to map

  • file extensions to MediaType
  • MediaType to mime types

Develop script to update all repos locally and run tests

It is very painful to find an swc regression in the CLI after releasing all the crates. It would be good to mitigate this occurrence and automate crate updating. This would be a deno script similar to the release scripts.

Here's my current thoughts...


  • All repos exist as sibling directories of each other.

Phase 1 - Setup

  1. Ensure all repos are on main or switch to it if no local changes. Error if there are local changes.
  2. Update the local main to the latest upstream remote main.
  3. Bump swc versions to the latest version in both dprint-swc-ecma-ast-view and deno_ast.
  4. Update all repos to refer to local versions of each other.

Phase 2 - Cargo Build

  1. Run cargo build in each repo.

At this point, any breaking changes between repos can be resolved.

Phase 3 - Testing

  1. Prompt to run cargo test in each repo (based on dependency tree) until a confirmation is given.
  2. Once a confirmation is given run cargo test in the remainding repos.

At this point, any testing issues can be manually resolved.

Phase 4 - Accepting Changes—Open PRs

  1. A prompt will be given asking to bump each repo's major, minor, or patch.
  2. Reverts all the local path changes.
  3. Updates all the versions in every repo, creates a branch, commits, and pushes a branch for every repo.

At this point, the developer would have to manually open PRs for each branch one after the other based on dependency order, which is still somewhat painful, but not as bad.

Example does not compile

While trying to run the example:

use deno_ast::parse_module;
use deno_ast::MediaType;
use deno_ast::ParseParams;
use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo;
use std::sync::Arc;

let source_text = Arc::new("class MyClass {}");
let text_info = SourceTextInfo::new(source_text);
let parsed_source = parse_module(ParseParams {
  specifier: "file:///my_file.ts".to_string(),
  media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
  capture_tokens: true,
  maybe_syntax: None,
  scope_analysis: false,
}).expect("should parse");

// returns the comments
// returns the tokens if captured
// returns the module (AST)
// returns the `SourceTextInfo`

I get an error saying:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/parsers/javascript/
32 |         let text_info = SourceTextInfo::new(source_text);
   |                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `str`, found `&str`

I've tried casting the string, but I can only ever get it to be a &str. Any help is appreciated, I'm not sure what I'm going wrong.

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