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aws-etl-glue-python's Introduction

Building ETL Data Pipeline in Python on AWS

In this workshop we will build a complete pipeline of data pipeline and build a data lake from scratch in Amazon S3 and shall joining semi-structured and structured data. And we will do that by analysing YouTube video statistics data by cleaning, processing and finally analuzing the data in an automated and optimized way.

During this process we will learn the following AWS services and PySpark:

  1. Amazon S3
  2. AWS Glue
  3. AWS Glue Studio
  4. Amazon Athena
  5. Amazon Quicksight
  6. AWS SDK for Python

Download the dataset

Download the dataset from Kaggle Trending YouTube Video Statistics dataset

## Install kaggle cli [OPTIONAL]

pip install kaggle
mkdir ~/.kaggle
mv ~/Download/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

## Download the dataset 

kaggle datasets download -d datasnaek/youtube-new
unzip -d youtube-new

Creating an S3 bucket

This is the S3 location where we will store the RAW data,

  • Name of the Bucket : data-engg-etl-python
# S3 location = s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/YouTubeDataset/

aws s3 mb s3://data-engg-etl-python --region us-east-2

cd youtube-new
aws s3 cp CAvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=ca/
aws s3 cp DEvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=de/
aws s3 cp FRvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=fr/
aws s3 cp GBvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=gb/
aws s3 cp JJPvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=jp/
aws s3 cp KRvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=kr/
aws s3 cp MXvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=mx/
aws s3 cp RUvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=ru/
aws s3 cp USvideos.csv s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics/region=us/

aws s3 cp CA_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp DE_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp FR_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp GB_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp IN_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp JP_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp KR_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp MX_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp RU_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp US_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/

Create a AWS Glue Data Crawling

  1. Create an IAM Service role for AWS Glue
    • Role Name : etl-youtube-glue-service-role-01
    • Create an IAM Policy for Glue to access S3 bucket
    • Policy Name : etl-youtube-glue-policy-role-01

Img 1

  1. Create a crawler for the raw statistics reference data
    • Name : etl-youtube-glue-crawler-01
    • Database Name : db_youtube_raw

Img 2

  1. View data, and it will throw an error

Img 3

This is beacuse Athena is not able to read the data, and this is where we will learn about Serializer and Deserializer (JSON for ETL) and how we can clean the data

Build the ETL Pipeline to transform JSON to Parquet (Data Cleaning)

Tools that we are going to use to clean this data are:

  1. AWS Lambda
  2. AWS Data Wrangler
  3. Amazon S3

Img 4

  1. Create an S3 bucket In our case we will create a folder under an existing bucket

    • Bucket Name: s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/cleansed_statistics_reference_Data/
  2. Create an IAM Policy (This is will used by Lambda Role later)

    • Name of the Policy etl-youtube-kaggle-process-read-write-on-s3-policy
    • Have access to the raw dataset bucket and the newly created cleansed bucket
  3. Create Lambda function

    • Name of the Lambda function : etl-youtube-json-to-parquet-etl
    • Runtime : Python 3.8
  4. Once the lambda function is created, attached the previously created IAM Policy to this function

    • IAM Policy : etl-youtube-kaggle-process-read-write-on-s3-policy
    • IAM Policy : AWSGlueServiceRole (This is the default role)
  5. Set the following ENV variable for the lambda function

s3_cleansed_layer = s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/cleansed_statistics_reference_Data/
glue_catalog_db_name = db_youtube_cleansed
glue_catalog_table_name = cleansed_statistics_reference_data
write_data_operation = append
  1. Add a lambda layer to the Lambda Function Name of the Lambda Layer : AWSSDKPandas-Python38

  2. Create a Glue Table, as that is going to be used by AWS SDK for Pandas while cleaning the data and storing it to S3

    • Name of the table : db_youtube_cleansed

Here is the lambda function,

import awswrangler as wr
import pandas as pd
import urllib.parse
import os

# Temporary hard-coded AWS Settings; i.e. to be set as OS variable in Lambda
os_input_s3_cleansed_layer = os.environ['s3_cleansed_layer']
os_input_glue_catalog_db_name = os.environ['glue_catalog_db_name']
os_input_glue_catalog_table_name = os.environ['glue_catalog_table_name']
os_input_write_data_operation = os.environ['write_data_operation']

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Get the object from the event and show its content type
    bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
    key = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'], encoding='utf-8')

        # Creating DF from content
        df_raw = wr.s3.read_json('s3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, key))

        # Extract required columns:
        df_step_1 = pd.json_normalize(df_raw['items'])

        # Write to S3
        wr_response = wr.s3.to_parquet(

        return wr_response
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error getting object {} from bucket {}. Make sure they exist and your bucket is in the same region as this function.'.format(key, bucket))
        raise e

Change the Lambda time out to 3 mins from 3 seconds

Img 5

  1. Add the S3 trigger:
    • Name of the bucket : etl-youtube-json-to-parquet-etl
    • Key Prefix : dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/
    • Type : PUT
  2. Now we can trigger the Lambda function by copying the file on S3
aws s3 cp CA_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp DE_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp FR_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp GB_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp IN_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp JP_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp KR_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp MX_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp RU_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp US_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/

  1. Check the cleansed data on S3

Img 6

  1. Query using Athena
SELECT * FROM "db_youtube_cleansed"."cleansed_statistics_reference_data" limit 10;
SELECT id, snippet_channelid FROM "db_youtube_cleansed"."cleansed_statistics_reference_data" limit 10;

Analyze the historical data (BATCH Processing)

  1. Create a crawler

    • Name : etl-youtube-glue-crawler-raw-stat-01
  2. Delete the old crawler which we created first which failed due to serializer

  3. Now we can analyze the data

FROM "AwsDataCatalog"."db_youtube_raw"."raw_statistics" 
WHERE region='ca'
  1. Now we can explore the DDL which the crawler created unfer the hood to create the metastore. And you will see that this data has a seperate column called region which is not present in the raw CSV file in S3
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `raw_statistics`(
  `video_id` string, 
  `trending_date` string, 
  `title` string, 
  `channel_title` string, 
  `category_id` bigint, 
  `publish_time` string, 
  `tags` string, 
  `views` bigint, 
  `likes` bigint, 
  `dislikes` bigint, 
  `comment_count` bigint, 
  `thumbnail_link` string, 
  `comments_disabled` boolean, 
  `ratings_disabled` boolean, 
  `video_error_or_removed` boolean, 
  `description` string)
  `region` string)

Configure AWS Glue Studio for data processing (ETL Job)

In this step we will convert the CSV data to parquet so that later on we can make some JOIN call between the raw_statistics and cleansed_statistics_reference_data

  1. Open AWS Glue Studio and Create a New Job

    • Job Name : myETL-job-CVS-Parquet

    • Data Source S3 Bucket : Data Catalog table

    • Change the output schema definition (long โ†’ bigint)

    • Database : db_youtube_raw

    • Table : raw_statistics

    • Target S3 Bucket : s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/cleansed_raw_statistics/ (Create this folder before, cleansed_raw_statistics)

    • Job Details:

      • IAM Role : etl-youtube-glue-service-role-01
      • S3 Localtion : s3://data-engg-etl-python/code/ (Create this folder before, code)
  2. Here is the PySpark script for the ETL job

import sys
from awsglue.transforms import *
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job

args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ["JOB_NAME"])
sc = SparkContext()
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session
job = Job(glueContext)
job.init(args["JOB_NAME"], args)

# Script generated for node S3 bucket
# S3bucket_node1 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
#     database="db_youtube_raw",
#     table_name="raw_statistics",
#     transformation_ctx="S3bucket_node1",
# )

predicate_pushdown = "region in ('ca','gb','us')"
S3bucket_node1 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
    database = "db_youtube_raw", 
    table_name = "raw_statistics", 
    transformation_ctx = "S3bucket_node1", 
    push_down_predicate = predicate_pushdown)

# Script generated for node ApplyMapping
ApplyMapping_node2 = ApplyMapping.apply(
        ("video_id", "string", "video_id", "string"),
        ("trending_date", "string", "trending_date", "string"),
        ("title", "string", "title", "string"),
        ("channel_title", "string", "channel_title", "string"),
        ("category_id", "long", "category_id", "long"),
        ("publish_time", "string", "publish_time", "string"),
        ("tags", "string", "tags", "string"),
        ("views", "long", "views", "bigint"),
        ("likes", "long", "likes", "bigint"),
        ("dislikes", "long", "dislikes", "bigint"),
        ("comment_count", "long", "comment_count", "bigint"),
        ("thumbnail_link", "string", "thumbnail_link", "string"),
        ("comments_disabled", "boolean", "comments_disabled", "boolean"),
        ("ratings_disabled", "boolean", "ratings_disabled", "boolean"),
        ("video_error_or_removed", "boolean", "video_error_or_removed", "boolean"),
        ("description", "string", "description", "string"),
        ("region", "string", "region", "string"),

# Script generated for node S3 bucket
S3bucket_node3 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(
        "path": "s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/cleansed_raw_statistics/",
        "partitionKeys": ["region"],
    format_options={"compression": "snappy"},

  1. Submit the Job

Create a Glue Crawler

  1. Now create a AWS Glue crawler to crawl this newly transformed cleansed_raw_statistics data

    • Name of the crawler : etl-youtube-glue-crawler-raw-data-cleased-01
    • S3 Bucket : s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/cleansed_raw_statistics
    • Database : db_youtube_cleansed
  2. Analyze the data using Athena

 FROM "db_youtube_cleansed"."cleansed_raw_statistics" 
 LIMIT 10;

Change the schema of db_youtube_cleansed.cleansed_statistics_reference_data

Since we need to make JOIN query on the catagory_id and id in the tables cleansed_raw_statistics and cleansed_statistics_reference_data respectively, the type of these two files should be same.

Img 9

But now, at this point the the id column of db_youtube_cleansed.cleansed_statistics_reference_data table is string we need to change it to bigint

Img 8

Now to fix this, we need to do this.

  1. Change the data type change in the data catalouge (in Glue) to bigint
  2. Trigger the Lambda function by copying the file on S3 again
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/AWS-ETL-Glue-Python/youtube-new

aws s3 rm --recursive s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/
aws s3 rm --recursive s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/cleansed_statistics_reference_Data/

aws s3 cp CA_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp DE_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp FR_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp GB_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp IN_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp JP_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp KR_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp MX_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp RU_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/ 
aws s3 cp US_category_id.json s3://data-engg-etl-python/dataset/raw_statistics_reference_Data/
  1. Now we can run the JOIN query and analyse the data
SELECT * FROM "db_youtube_cleansed"."cleansed_raw_statistics" limit 10;

SELECT * FROM "db_youtube_cleansed"."cleansed_statistics_reference_data" limit 10;

SELECT ref.snippet_title, stats.*
    FROM "db_youtube_cleansed"."cleansed_raw_statistics" stats
        INNER JOIN "db_youtube_cleansed"."cleansed_statistics_reference_data" ref on (stats.category_id =
        WHERE = 1
    LIMIT 10;

Create a materalised view of the data using AWS Glue Studio for Dashboarding

  1. Open AWS Glue Studio and Create a New Job

    • Job Name : myETL-job-materialised

    • Data Source S3 Bucket : Data Catalog table

    • 2 sources:

      • db_youtube_cleansed.cleansed_statistics_reference_data
      • db_youtube_cleansed.cleansed_raw_statistics
    • Database : db_youtube_analytics (create this table before in Glue)

    • Table : youtube_stat_catagories

    • Target S3 Bucket : s3://data-engg-etl-python/reporting/ (Create this folder before, reporting)

    • Job Details:

      • IAM Role : etl-youtube-glue-service-role-01
      • S3 Localtion : s3://data-engg-etl-python/code/
      • Script Name :
  2. Here is the PySpark script for the ETL job

Img 10

  1. Now you can analyze the data WITHOUT the join query
SELECT * FROM "db_youtube_analytics"."youtube_stat_catagories" limit 10;

Quicksight Dashboard

  1. Go to quicksight
  2. Create a new dataset
    • Name: youtube_stat_catagories
    • Database : db_youtube_analytics
    • Table : youtube_stat_catagories

Img 11

aws-etl-glue-python's People


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