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tidyversity's Introduction



πŸŽ“ Tidy tools for academics

*** This package is in very early development. Feedback is encouraged!!! ***


Install the development version from Github with:

## install devtools if not already
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
## install tidyversity from Github


Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)

Conduct an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis.

polcom %>%
  tidy_regression(pp_ideology ~ news_1 + ambiv_sexism_1 + pie_1) %>%
#> Model type   : ols regression
#> Model formula: pp_ideology ~ news_1 + ambiv_sexism_1 + pie_1
#> $fit
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#>   fit_stat     n    df estimate   p.value stars
#>   <chr>    <int> <int>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 F          243     3   17.2    3.60e-10 ***  
#> 2 R^2        243    NA    0.178 NA        ""   
#> 3 Adj R^2    243    NA    0.168 NA        ""   
#> 4 RMSE       243    NA    1.70  NA        ""   
#> 5 AIC        243    NA  955.    NA        ""   
#> 6 BIC        243    NA  972.    NA        ""   
#> $coef
#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#>   term           estimate   s.e.    p.value stars
#>   <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 (Intercept)      2.40   0.475   5.04  0.00000100 ***  
#> 2 news_1          -0.0219 0.0524 -0.417 0.677      ""   
#> 3 ambiv_sexism_1   0.594  0.0859  6.92  0.         ***  
#> 4 pie_1           -0.0843 0.0960 -0.878 0.381      ""

Logistic (dichotomous)

Conduct a logistic regression analysis for binary (dichotomous) outcomes.

polcom %>%
  tidy_regression(follow_trump ~ news_1 + ambiv_sexism_1 + pie_1, 
    type = "logistic") %>%
#> Model type   : logistic regression
#> Model formula: follow_trump ~ news_1 + ambiv_sexism_1 + pie_1
#> $fit
#> # A tibble: 7 x 6
#>   fit_stat           n    df estimate p.value stars
#>   <chr>          <int> <int>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Ο‡2               243   239 245.      0.383  ""   
#> 2 Δχ2              243     3   9.99    0.0186 *    
#> 3 Nagelkerke R^2   243    NA   0.0403 NA      ""   
#> 4 McFadden R^2     243    NA   0.0392 NA      ""   
#> 5 RMSE             243    NA   2.68   NA      ""   
#> 6 AIC              243    NA 253.     NA      ""   
#> 7 BIC              243    NA 267.     NA      ""   
#> $coef
#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#>   term           estimate   s.e. p.value stars
#>   <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 (Intercept)       1.72  0.672    2.56  0.0106 *    
#> 2 news_1            0.160 0.0739   2.17  0.0300 *    
#> 3 ambiv_sexism_1   -0.238 0.122   -1.96  0.0498 *    
#> 4 pie_1            -0.224 0.143   -1.57  0.117  ""

Poisson (count)

Conduct a poisson regression analysis for count data.

polcom %>%
  tidy_regression(news_1 ~ pp_ideology + ambiv_sexism_1 + pie_1, 
    type = "poisson") %>%
#> Model type   : poisson regression
#> Model formula: news_1 ~ pp_ideology + ambiv_sexism_1 + pie_1
#> $fit
#> # A tibble: 7 x 6
#>   fit_stat           n    df  estimate  p.value stars
#>   <chr>          <int> <int>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Ο‡2               243   239  209.      0.919   ""   
#> 2 Δχ2              243     3   15.3     0.00161 **   
#> 3 Nagelkerke R^2   243    NA    0.0608 NA       ""   
#> 4 McFadden R^2     243    NA    0.0680 NA       ""   
#> 5 RMSE             243    NA    0.364  NA       ""   
#> 6 AIC              243    NA 1082.     NA       ""   
#> 7 BIC              243    NA 1096.     NA       ""   
#> $coef
#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#>   term           estimate   s.e.  p.value stars
#>   <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 (Intercept)     1.59    0.105   15.1   0.       ***  
#> 2 pp_ideology    -0.00584 0.0155  -0.377 0.706    ""   
#> 3 ambiv_sexism_1 -0.0224  0.0225  -0.996 0.319    ""   
#> 4 pie_1           0.0795  0.0228   3.49  0.000482 ***

Negative binomial (overdispersed)

Conduct a negative binomial regression analysis for overdispersed count data.

polcom %>%
  mutate(polarize = abs(therm_1 - therm_2)) %>%
  tidy_regression(polarize ~ pp_ideology + news_4 + ambiv_sexism_1, 
    type = "negbinom") %>%
#> Model type   : negbinom regression
#> Model formula: polarize ~ pp_ideology + news_4 + ambiv_sexism_1
#> $fit
#> # A tibble: 7 x 6
#>   fit_stat           n    df  estimate  p.value stars
#>   <chr>          <int> <int>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Ο‡2               242   238  294.      0.00819 **   
#> 2 Δχ2              242     3   13.1     0.00450 **   
#> 3 Nagelkerke R^2   242    NA    0.0525 NA       ""   
#> 4 McFadden R^2     242    NA    0.0426 NA       ""   
#> 5 RMSE             242    NA    0.775  NA       ""   
#> 6 AIC              242    NA 2310.     NA       ""   
#> 7 BIC              242    NA 2327.     NA       ""   
#> $coef
#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#>   term           estimate   s.e. p.value stars
#>   <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 (Intercept)      3.99   0.196   20.4   0.     ***  
#> 2 pp_ideology     -0.0687 0.0402  -1.71  0.0874 +    
#> 3 news_4           0.0518 0.0275   1.88  0.0599 +    
#> 4 ambiv_sexism_1  -0.0775 0.0584  -1.33  0.185  ""


Conduct an analysis of variance.

polcom %>%
  dplyr::mutate(sex = ifelse(sex == 1, "Male", "Female"),
  vote_choice = dplyr::case_when(
    vote_2016_choice == 1 ~ "Clinton",
    vote_2016_choice == 2 ~ "Trump",
    TRUE ~ "Other")) %>%
  tidy_anova(pp_ideology ~ sex * vote_choice) %>%
#> $fit
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#>   fit_stat     n    df estimate   p.value stars
#>   <chr>    <int> <int>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 F          243     5   30.8    3.98e-24 ***  
#> 2 R^2        243    NA    0.394 NA        ""   
#> 3 Adj R^2    243    NA    0.381 NA        ""   
#> 4 RMSE       243    NA    1.47  NA        ""   
#> 5 AIC        243    NA  884.    NA        ""   
#> 6 BIC        243    NA  909.    NA        ""   
#> $coef
#> # A tibble: 4 x 7
#>   term            estimate   s.e. statistic p.value stars
#>   <chr>              <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 sex                   1.   8.64   8.64     4.00   0.0466 *    
#> 2 vote_choice           2. 321.   160.      74.3    0.     ***  
#> 3 sex:vote_choice       2.   3.60   1.80     0.834  0.436  ""   
#> 4 Residuals           237. 511.     2.16    NA     NA      ""

Data sets

Comes with one data set.


Consists of survey responses to demographic, background, and likert-type attitudinal items about political communication.

print(tibble::as_tibble(polcom), n = 5)
#> # A tibble: 244 x 63
#>   follow_trump news_1 news_2 news_3 news_4 news_5 news_6 ambiv_sexism_1
#> * <lgl>         <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>          <int>
#> 1 TRUE              8      1      1      1      1      6              3
#> 2 TRUE              1      1      1      1      1      1              5
#> 3 TRUE              8      1      1      1      8      1              5
#> 4 TRUE              8      1      1      1      1      6              2
#> 5 TRUE              6      1      2      1      1      3              4
#> # ... with 239 more rows, and 55 more variables: ambiv_sexism_2 <int>,
#> #   ambiv_sexism_3 <int>, ambiv_sexism_4 <int>, ambiv_sexism_5 <int>,
#> #   ambiv_sexism_6 <int>, img1_hrc_1 <int>, img1_hrc_2 <dbl>,
#> #   img1_hrc_3 <int>, img1_hrc_4 <dbl>, img1_hrc_5 <int>,
#> #   img1_hrc_6 <int>, img1_hrc_7 <int>, img1_hrc_8 <int>,
#> #   img1_hrc_9 <int>, img2_hrc_10 <int>, img2_hrc_11 <int>,
#> #   img2_hrc_12 <dbl>, img2_hrc_13 <int>, img2_hrc_14 <int>,
#> #   img2_hrc_15 <dbl>, img1_djt_1 <int>, img1_djt_2 <dbl>,
#> #   img1_djt_3 <int>, img1_djt_4 <dbl>, img1_djt_5 <int>,
#> #   img1_djt_6 <int>, img1_djt_7 <int>, img1_djt_8 <int>,
#> #   img1_djt_9 <int>, img2_djt_10 <int>, img2_djt_11 <int>,
#> #   img2_djt_12 <dbl>, img2_djt_13 <int>, img2_djt_14 <int>,
#> #   img2_djt_15 <dbl>, pie_1 <int>, pie_2 <int>, pie_3 <int>, pie_4 <int>,
#> #   vote_2016 <int>, vote_2016_choice <int>, pp_ideology <int>,
#> #   pp_party <int>, pp_party_lean <int>, therm_1 <int>, therm_2 <int>,
#> #   therm_3 <int>, therm_4 <int>, therm_5 <int>, age <int>, sex <int>,
#> #   gender <int>, race <int>, edu <int>, hhinc <int>

Descriptive statistics

Return summary statistics in the form of a data frame (not yet added).

## summary stats for social media use (numeric) variables
summarize_numeric(polcom_survey, smuse1:smuse3)

## summary stats for respondent sex and race (categorical) variables
summarize_categorical(polcom_survey, sex, race)

Estimate Cronbach’s alpha for a set of variables.

## reliability of social media use items
cronbachs_alpha(polcom, ambiv_sexism_1:ambiv_sexism_6)
#>                           items    alpha alpha.std
#> 1 ambiv_sexism_1:ambiv_sexism_6 0.904609  0.904600
#> 2               -ambiv_sexism_1 0.882322  0.882225
#> 3               -ambiv_sexism_2 0.884272  0.884121
#> 4               -ambiv_sexism_3 0.896061  0.896218
#> 5               -ambiv_sexism_4 0.897127  0.897411
#> 6               -ambiv_sexism_5 0.883554  0.883420
#> 7               -ambiv_sexism_6 0.881595  0.881855

tidyversity's People


mkearney avatar


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