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amalia-lite's Introduction



AMALIA stands for Adaptive Modular Application framework for Large network simulations and Information Analysis. Lite edition v.1.0.0.

Initial Setup

After git cloning the project, in the working directory call

pip install -e amalia
mkdir output

To test the initial pipeline, simply run


To run the AMALIA pipeline with a custom configuration file, run



General Design

AMALIA is built using the architecture illustrated above. Data is loaded through the DataFrame and formatted using a standardized schema. From there the data is passed to the Achertypes module, which identifies and transforms fundamental patterns and representations (e.g. user-specific time series) within the data that can easily be utilized in the Features module. The Features module takes some set of archetypes and extracts features that can be implemented in a simulation (e.g. user-specific ARIMA time series predictions for some window). These features are loaded into the Simulation module, which utilizes these features in some defined environment to generate events (e.g. Agent-based simulation). These events are passed to the Output module which reformats the results into the required output form. Finally, there is a global tool module which provides utilities to all other modules. These utilities include caching and a MapReduce function.

AMALIA follows a top-down dependency flow, which means the required features are explicitly determined by the simulation, and the required archetypes are determined by the features in use. This simplifies user control over running simulations, ensuring that the majority of the dependencies are handled in-simulation, with the user having to define only the simulation type, data sources, and whatever module parameters exist. Archetypes and features are designed to be generalizable and resuable, in a many-to-one dependency mapping at every stage of AMALIA (i.e. every feature can depend on multiple archetypes, and every simulation can depend on multiple features).

Below are the descriptions of each module in AMALIA, explaining how they work and how to build additions.

The Configuration File

There is only one interface between the user and the simulations built within AMALIA: the config file.

After importing AMALIA, the user need only provide a path to a config file in order to run all available simulations. The config file is of YAML form, with a primary form of:

include: default.yaml
sim_type: SimlationType
  PrimaryPlatform: primary_data.csv
  start_date: '2018-01-01 00:00:00'
  end_date: '2018-04-01 23:59:59'

The sim_type is one of the two primary parameters, indicating the simulation that will run. Again, given AMALIA's top-down dependency flow, the archetypes and features will be called independently by the simulation upon runtime. All currently available simulations can be found in amalia/simulation/

The data_loader is the other primary parameter, pointing to the data set paths that will be used in the simulations. The data_loader parameter is embedded YAML, where the key is the name of the data set (usually the platform, like Twitter or YouTube), and the value is the actual path.

Any primary data set that is loaded in can have an arbitrary key (it is recommended this key identify the platform this data set belongs to, like Twitter), but the value must be pointed to a CSV file of the form nodeID,nodeUserID,parentID,rootID,actionType,nodeTime. See data/example.csv for an example of a primary dataset.

JSON files can also be loaded in as primary data through the data_loader. For example:

  PrimaryPlatform: primary_data.csv
  JsonData: path_to_json_data.json

The DataFrame module will automatically isolate this JSON data for retrieval. This is usually useful for mapping information to specific nodes, such as

    "nodeID_1": ["list", "of", "information"]

Simulation-specific details (such as simulation start time, simulation end time, etc) should be kept in the embedded YAML of limits. These parameters can be called from anywhere in the AMALIA architecture.

The include specifies the defaults for all parameters for all available features, archetypes, simulations, tools, and more.

When a new feature, archetype, or simulation is added, whatever new parameters should be added to the default config file in the form:

  example_archetype_parameter: 987

Any parameters defined within example_archetype should only be called within the archetype called ExampleArchetype.

A table outlining all current options available for the configuration file can be found below.

Path type Description Default
cache_path str Folder to store cached results in. ./.cache/
dask.local_directory str The path that Dask worker info will be stored in "default"
dask.memory_limit str Maximum bytes of memory any one Dask worker should use "8GB"
dask.n_workers int Number Dask workers to use for Map Reduce
data_loader dict Dictionary of {platform_name: path_to_data.csv}
debug.trim_rows int Limit to n rows of input data to reduce compute time for testing. If not specified does not do any trimming None
enable_cache bool Use caching system true
limits.end_date iso8601 string Time to stop the simulation
limits.start_date iso8601 string Time to start the simulation
limits.time_delta pandas Timedelta string Specify the maximum resolution for discreet archetypes and features. For example "1d"
output.destination Path The directory in which to place the output
output.header.identifier str The name of the model, used to prefix the identifier in the header, as well as determine file names for the output.
output.id_sep str String used to separate multiple information ids when concatenated to one string $$$
output.include_config_hash bool Include a summary hash of the entire config (all includes) in the header true
output.include_git_hash bool Include the hash of the most resent commit in the AMAILIA git repository false
output.lines bool Write the output as newline delimited JSON instead of a large JSON array true
output.write_config bool Include the config file when writing output true
response_type_archetype.response_types { platform:[action_type] } Tells the response type which action types are considered responses. Is a dictionary where keys are the platform names, and values are lists of strings containing action types
sim_type str Name of the simulation type to use
time_series_archetype.base_actions { platform: action_type} Tell the time_series_archetype what action types are considered base actions. Is a dictionary where the keys are platforms and the values are action_types
poisson_simulation.generate_replies bool Generate replies using simple cascade model. true
parallel_poisson_simulation.generate_replies bool Generate replies using simple cascade model. true
parallel_poisson_simulation.nodes_per_thread int Number of baseline nodes to be equally distributed to Dask workers during Map Reduce 100
use_last_cache bool Use the cache from the last run. Only enable if you have long-running upstream Features and Archetypes that don't change between runs. false

The Achetype Module

The distinction between archetypes and featues is a bit vague. However, the general consensus is that an archetype represents the most basic transformations of the raw data loaded from the data sets. For example, given a data set, an archetype would be the transformation of that data set into user-specific, baseline-only time series representations. A feature would be a step up from that transformation, generating something from that transformation that would be directly used in the simulation. For example, given user-specific, baseline-only time series representations, a feature would be an ARIMA model that predicts future baseline events that would actually be fed into the simulation. The primary reasoning behind the division between archetypes and features is the utilization of the caching utility. The more steps between data loading and simulation, the more steps that can be cached, which is extremely beneficial to runtime regardless of tweaking between runs.

To generate a new archetype, follow the form

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__.split('.')[-1])

class ExampleArchetype:

    Include a general overview of your example archetype here.


    example_archetype_parameter : int (default : 123)
        Include a detailed explanation of your parameters here.


    Include a detailed explanation of the output here.


    Add notes here.

    def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.example_archetype_parameter = cfg.get('example_archetype.example_archetype_parameter', default=123)
        self.cfg = cfg

    def compute(self, dfs):'Example archetype running here.')
        data = dfs.get_df('PrimaryPlatform')
        return data

This should be saved in amalia/archetypes/.

Each archetype is represented by a class, where the two required class methods is __init__(self, cfg) and compute(self, dfs). It is important to note that cfg must be passed through all initialization functions, and dfs must be passed through all compute functions. cfg calls the ConfigHandler module, which interfaces with the user-provided config file, which can be seen as it calls the example_parameter parameter, with a default specified if the call fails. Parameters are handled directly by the ConfigHandler, and should be invariant of the dependency flow of AMALIA (i.e. don't pass parameters down from simulation, to feature to archetype; instead call the required parameter directly from the ConfigHandler at whatever stage it is required). Refer to amalia/tools/ for available functionality.

dfs calls the DataFrame module, which interfaces with the data sets loaded in at runtime. An example is presented when the data variable is defined, calling the PrimaryPlatform data set mentioned in previous section. The function get_df() returns a Pandas DataFrame (if the key being called points to a CSV file) or a dictionary (if the key being called points to a JSON file). Refer to amalia/dataframe/ for available functionality.

Logging is required for every module in AMALIA. Ensure to include a message at the top of the archetype compute function. Make sure to keep log ordering in mind in the following features and simulation.

Whatever is returned by the compute function is passed forward to any Feature modules that call this specific archetype.

The Feature Module

The Feature module takes some set of dependent archetypes and extracts a less-generalized representation of the data that can be used directly in a simulation as a feature. Any computation-heavy processes that are specific to some individual component of the simulation (like predicting baseline event time series or assembling a user-response graph) should be done here.

To generate a new feature, follow the form

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__.split('.')[-1])

from archetypes.ExampleArchetype import ExampleArchetype

class ExampleFeature:

    Include a general overview of your example feature here.


    example_feature_parameter : int (default : 321)
        Include a detailed explanation of your parameters here.


    Include a detailed explanation of the output here.


    Add notes here.

    def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.example_feature_parameter = cfg.get('example_feature.example_feature_parameter', default=321)
        self.cfg = cfg

    def compute(self, dfs):
        data = ExampleArchetype(self.cfg).compute(dfs) # Call archetype first'Example feature running here.') # Report log after archetype has successfully run
        return data

This should be saved in amalia/features/.

Note how this feature depends on the ExampleArchetype discussed in the previous section. To call the functionality of this archetype, import it and then call compute(), passing dfs through the compute function and passing cfg through as an initialization parameter. After the feature has computed upon the required archetypes, return the results in compute to pass them forward to a simulation.

The Simulation Module

The simulation pulls multiple features and utilizes them iteratively in order to generate events of the output schema: nodeID,nodeUserID,parentID,rootID,actionType,nodeTime,platform. Event generation of this form should happen explicitly within the simulation stage.

To generate a new simulation, follow the form:

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__.split('.')[-1])

from features.ExampleFeature import ExampleFeature
from features.SecondExampleFeature import SecondExampleFeature

class ExampleSimulation:

    Include a general overview of your example simulation here.


    start_date : datetime 
        Begin date of the example simulation

    end_date : datetime
        End date of the example simulation


    Include a detailed explanation of the output here.


    Add notes here.

    def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.start_date = cfg.get("limits.start_date", type=convert_date)
        self.end_date = cfg.get("limits.end_date", type=convert_date)
        self.cfg = cfg

    def compute(self, dfs):
        a = ExampleFeature(self.cfg).compute(dfs)
        b = SecondExampleFeature(self.cfg).compute(dfs)'Example feature running here.') # Report log after all features have successfully run

        results = []
        for c in (a + b):
            results.append({'nodeID': 'a', 'nodeUserID': 'b', 
                        'parentID': 'c','rootID': 'd', 'actionType': 'e', 
                        'nodeTime': 'f', 'informationID': 'g', 
                        'platform': 'PrimaryPlatform', 'has_URL': 0, 
                        'links_to_external': 0})

        return results

A list of dictionaries following this format should be returned at the end of the compute function. This will be passed to the OutputWriter module which will reformat it and save it.

In order to be able to call this simulation from a config file, this simulation must be loaded into the SimulationFactory. This can be done by editing the get_simulation_map() function from within amalia/simulation/

def get_simulation_map():
    from simulation.ExampleSimulation import ExampleSimulation

    return {
        'ExampleSimulation': ExampleSimulation

Calling "sim_type": "ExampleSimulation" in the config file at runtime will trigger the ExampleSimulation and all of its cascading dependencies.


Currently there are four primary tools available that can be accessed across all stages of AMALIA:

  1. Caching
  2. MapReduce
  3. Utilities
  4. Report Generator

These tools primarily exist to speed up and enhance computation, as well as standardize common methods between modules.


Caching is represented by a decorator that stores the results of a function to disk. If that same cached function is stored to disk without any change in parameters, the cached result is pulled up in its place, saving computation time by skipping the contained processes altogether. To use caching, run:

import tools.Cache as Cache

def compute(self, dfs):
    # insert functionality here...
    return data

By adding the decorator to the compute function, the content of data as it is returned will be cached. The styling of AMALIA dictates that the caching decorator should only be applied to the compute function of archetype, fucntion, and simulation modules.


It is recommended that for the majority of computations within AMALIA, using numpy compute-over-array is the best method. However, in the event a for loop over independent elements is required, MapReduce can be used. In order to enable MapReduce, within the config file the dask key must be added to include

  n_workers: 2
  memory_limit: 8GB
  local_directory: default

When n_workers is greater than 1, Dask is enabled, with worker info stored at the local_directory path. Increasing the number of workers increases the number of available Dask workers that can run partitions of the data that will be scattered. Ensure that the partition map is tuned to accomondate the number of available workers.

To use MapReduce run:

# Required for MapReduce functionality
from dask import delayed
from tools.MapReduce import map_reduce, reduce_list, partition_nodes

def compute(self, dfs): # public function
    # Get the list of unique nodes for the specified platform from the DataFrame module
    node_map = dfs.get_node_map('PrimaryPlatform')

    # Partition all indepdendent elements into bins (partition map)
    # Each Dask worker will recieve one bin and run only the ids within that bin
    nodes = partition_nodes(len(independent_data), nodes_per_thread)

    # Define kwargs to scatter and pass to worker function
    scatter_data_kwargs = {'data_to_scatter': independent_data}
    map_function_kwargs = {'parameters_to_pass_to_map_function': 123}

    # Run MapReduce
    results = map_reduce(nodes, # map specifying what elements in independent_data are run for each worker
                    delayed(_map_function), # map function
                    delayed(reduce_list), # reduce function
                    scatter_data_kwargs=scatter_data_kwargs, # data to scatter to worker function
                    map_function_kwargs=map_function_kwargs).compute() # parameters to pass to map function

    return results

def _map_function(nodes, data_to_scatter, parameters_to_pass_to_map_function): 
    # First use the worker's specific partition to pull only the data alloted to this specific worker
    worker_partition_of_data = data_to_scatter[nodes]
    # Functionality to run on the partition of independent_data as specified by nodes...
    return things

First a list of binned nodes (the partition map) must be generated to associated partitions of the scattered data to each Dask worker. This can be done through partition_nodes(). The variable representing the partition map should be the first parameter in the map function and be used to pull only the partition's associated allotment of data that has been scattered. After this, the data that will be scattered to the map functions must be specified in scatter_data_kwargs. These parameters will be the second proceeding parameters in the map function. Next define map_function_kwargs, the parameters to pass directly to each map function. These parameters will be the final proceeding parameters in the map function.

After all of these components have been specified, implement them in the map_reduce() function, and then call .compute(). To view the progress each map and reduce function is making as the workers run through the partition data, visit http://localhost:8787/status.


The utilities code contains any functionality that is consistently used across archetypes, features, and simulations.

Report Generator

The report generator can be used to compare the output of a simulation with ground truth, initialization data, or other simulation output. However, unlike previous utilities, this tool is separate from the rest of the AMALIA pipeline, and is controlled using a different configuration file that inherits from the simulation configuration file. Calling this report configuration file from <PATH_TO_REPORT_CONFIG_FILE> will generate an HTML report that can be opened in any standard web browser. The content of the generated report varies depending on the type of report functionality that in called within the report configuration file. See config/compare.yaml for an example on how the report configuration file should be set up. The required functionality is packaged within report classes found in amalia/reports/.

Following are instructions on how to write a report configuration file, followed by instructions on how to generate new report classes for additional functionality.

Writing a report config file

  1. The most elementary report config file contains three elements: an output specification, the config files to compare, and the types of reports to generate
  2. The output specification is just a path to an html file placed under output in config file.
  3. In order for the report to be useful, you must be able to compare the results of multiple simulations. To do this, write a simulation config file for each parameter set you want to compare, this can simply change tuning parameters, or use entirely different simulation types. Once these are writen, place there paths in an array called configs in your comparison config file. (n.b. These paths are relative to your current directory, not the compare.yaml file. ) The output for these config files is automatically generated by the reporting system, and is written using the output settings specified by each config file.
  4. Next you must specify which types of reports to generate. Place the class names in an array called reports.
  5. Run your report config file by calling it with

Plotting initialization data

Initialization data can be plotted by adding a path to it using the key source. This data should be in the same form as the simulator outputs. The data can be cropped using source_limits.start_date and source_limits.end_date and source_limits.end_date. This data is feed into each report class just like your simulation results.

Creating a new Report

  1. Create a new python file in the amalia/reports directory. For example
  2. Create a class in that file with the exact same name
    class ExampleReport:
  3. This class's __init__ should take a ConfigHandler and Dictionary of configName:DataFame.
    def __init__(self, cfg: ConfigHandler, results: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]):
        super().__init__(cfg, results)
  4. The class should have a write method that takes a ReportWriter as an argument
    def write(self, report: ReportWriter):
  5. Call methods on this object.
    • section creates a heading with optional level
    • p creates a paragraph of text
    • table writes a pandas dataframe as an html table
    • savefig places the current matplotlib figure as an embedded image
  6. Place the name of the class under reports in your report config file (see compare.yaml for an example) and run this file.

Style Guide

Refer to for tips on adhering to the overall design style of AMALIA.


A huge thank you goes out to Omar Malik, Fred Buchanan, and Sam Cohen, who helped design multiple aspects of AMALIA's codebase and helped implement some of its functionality.

amalia-lite's People


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