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100Devs Free Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp 2022 (Created by Leon Noel)

  1. Class 1:

    Slides: html the basics
    Class materials
    Poem motivation - Invictus
    Class Video Stream: Become A Software Engineer For Free 2022 (Class 01) - 100Devs


    Watch: How to study for exams - Evidence-based revision tips
    Watch: How to Study for Exams - Spaced Repetition | Evidence-based revision tips
    Complete learning how to learn course (Do not pay)
  2. Class 2:

    Slides: HTML - More Basics
    Class materials
    Poem motivation - Words for Life
    Class Video Stream: Learn HTML! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp (Class 02) - 100Devs


    Read: Learn to code HTML & CSS
    Build: HTML for BBC Website (What is in the attachted image
    Use: MDN web docs
  3. Class 3:

    Slides: HTML - Even More Basics
    Class materials
    Poem motivation - Have You Earned Your Tomorrow
    Class Video Stream: Learn More HTML! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp (Class 03) - #100Devs


    Read: Learn CSS Layout
    Build: HTML for Khan Academy and Tech Crunch (What is in the attachted image)
  4. Class 4:

    Slides: CSS - The Basics
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Learn CSS in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 04) - #100Devs


    Do: Typing test (Five Minute Test)
    Do: Practice Typing
    Build: Simple site lab (What is in the attachted image)
  5. Class 5:

    Slides: CSS - More Basics
    Class materials
    Video motivation - Navy Seal William McRaven: If You Want To Change The World, Make Your Bed!
    Class Video Stream: Learn CSS Layout in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 05) - #100Devs


    Build: Re-create the three layouts (last few slides)
  6. Class 6:

    Slides: CSS - Review & Responsive
    Class materials
    Video motivation - ERIC THOMAS | YOU OWE YOU | Motivational Speaker
    Class Video Stream: Let's Review HTML & CSS! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 06) - #100Devs
  7. Class 7:

    Slides: CSS - Responsive Basics
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Learn Responsive CSS in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 07) - #100Devs


    Read: A Complete Guide to Flexbox
    Do: FlexBox Froggy
    Watch the movie: Independence Day
    Do: Layout Assignment
  8. Class 8:

    Slides: CSS - Responsive Review
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Write Bad CSS in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 08) - #100Devs


    Do: The 3 layouts that were presented in class
    Do: The level Ground & Source layouts in the homework-layout-photos
    Do: Pushwork Homepage and add media queries to other layouts
  9. Class 9:

    Slides: Networking Night
    Class Video Stream: Networking Night! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 09) - #100Devs
  10. Class 10:

    Slides: CSS - Thuderdome
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Rant & Review! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 10) - #100Devs
  11. Class 11:

    Slides: CSS - Practice & Flexbox
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Learn CSS Layout & Flexbox in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 11) - #100Devs


    Read: CSS Flexbox tutorial with Flexbox Properties Cheat Sheet
    Watch: Flexbox CSS In 20 Minutes
    Play: Flexbox Zombies learning game
  12. Class 12:

    Slides: Javascript - The Basics
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Learn JavaScript in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 12) - #100Devs


    Do: Plan out your networking!
    Read: Variables + Tasks
    Read: Functions + Tasks
    Do: Delete the JS and do it again for all assignments
  13. Class 13:

    Slides: Javascript - More Basics
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Fun JavaScript Examples! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 13) - #100Devs
    Video motivation - Eric Thomas | What will You do with It? (Eric Thomas Motivation)


    Read: Function Expressions + Tasks
    Read: Arrow functions, the basics
    Read: TheJsWay
    Do: Delete the JS and do it again for all assignments
  14. Class 14:

    Slides: Javascript - More Basics AGAIN
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: JavaScript Functions For Beginners! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 14) - #100Devs
    Poem motivation - Don't Quit


    Comment out your JS
    Type it all out again without looking
    Peak if you have too
    Repeat until you do not have to peak
    delete your JS entirely
    and do it again
    then do it again but change something
  15. Class 15:

    Slides: Intro to freelancing
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: How To Start Freelancing in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 15) - #100Devs
    Video motivation - Mike Monteiro: F*ck You, Pay Me


    Do: Setup your portfolio
    Do: Draft your proposal/contract
  16. Class 16:

    Slides: Javascript - Review & Loops
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Learn JavaScript Loops! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 16) - #100Devs
    Poem motivation - Thinking


    Read: 3,2,1...Code! through Write Functions
    Read: Chapters 1 - 3
    Do: Codecademy - Learn Javascript 1-6 (Do not pay)
    Watch: Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners
    Read: Git from the Bottom Up
  17. Class 17:

    Remo Networking
  18. Class 18:

    More Remo Networking


    Do: Draft your portfolio
    Do: Draft of your proposal/ contract
  19. Super Review:

    Slides: HTML, CSS, JS - Review
    Super Review
    Super Review Video Stream: Frontend Crash Course in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (SUPER REVIEW) - #100Devs
  20. Class 19:

    Slides: Javascript - Arrays
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Learn JavaScript Arrays! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 19) - #100Devs
    Poem motivation - Desiderata


    Read: TheJSway Arrays
    Read: Array methods
    Read: TheJSway Objects
    Read: Data Structures: Objects and Arrays
    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Do: Day 04 Array Cardio
  21. Class 20:

    Slides: Javascript - Arrays & Objects
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Practice JavaScript Arrays! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 20) - #100Devs
    Poem motivation - Dreams


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  22. Class 21:

    Slides: Javascript - Objects
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Learn JavaScript Objects! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 21) - #100Devs
    Poem motivation - Desiderata


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Read: Array methods
    Read/Do: Javascript - Objects
    Do: Day 04 Array Cardio (Do it again)
  23. Class 22:

    Slides: More Javascript - Objects
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Practice JavaScript Objects! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 22) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Watch/ Do: Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript: Made Super Simple | Mosh
    Watch: Github Tutorial For Beginners - Github Basics for Mac or Windows & Source Control Basics
    Do: Intro to GitHub Microsoft
    Read/ Do: Pillars of OOP
    Read/ Do: Whole Chapter - Objects: the basics
    Complete and Submit this project: Calculator Project
  24. Class 23:

    Slides: Javascript - Objects Fun
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: JavaScript APIs For Beginners! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 23) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  25. Class 24:

    Slides: Intro to Git & Github
    Class Video Stream: Git And Github For Beginners in 2022! Sponsored By Microsoft! (class 24) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  26. Class 25:

    Class Video Stream: Fix Your Resume So You Get Tech Interviews! (class 25) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Complete: Professional Checklist
  27. Class 26:

    Slides: Javascript API Fun
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Build A Simple App Using APIs! Beginner Friendly! (class 26) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Do: Make the cocktailDB api work with spaces between the names!
    Do: Find three API's and build three simple apps using those API's
    Do: Make a rotating list of drinks (an automatic carousel) from the cocktailDB
    Do: Make the NASA API handle all the data types including video
    Do: Add an API to your portfolio website
    Do: A 7kyu kata Codewars
  28. Class 27:

    Slides: Javascript - More API Review
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Get Data From NASA! Simple Javascript API! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 27) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  29. Class 28:

    Slides: Javascript - Another API Review
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: JavaScript API Practice For Beginners! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 28) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Do: Catch Up
    Do: Intro JS Course (30 hours Don't pay)
  30. Class 29:

    Slides: Javascript - Back From Break
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Review The Basics Of JavaScript! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 29) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Read/ Do: Understand object-oriented programming Chapter 09
    Do: 7 Codewars
    Read/ Do: Eloquent JS Chapter 06
  31. Class 30:

    Slides: Javascript - OOP
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: OOP But It Actually Makes Sense! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 30) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  32. Class 31:

    Slides: Javascript - OOP Part 2
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: What Is Inheritance & Polymorphism? (JavaScript) Free Bootcamp! (class 31) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Do: Please review, play, and break the code that was gone over during class. Get lost in it.
    Do: Get a paid client, volunteer, or Contribute to free software
    Do: Codewars Array ladder (Search array problems) - 8kyu, 7kyu, 6kyu, 7kyu, 8kyu
  33. Class 32:

    Slides: Javascript - OOP Bring it Home
    Class materials
    Class Video Stream: Object Oriented Programming w/ JS Review! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 32) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Do: Codewars String ladder (Search string problems) - 8kyu, 7kyu, 6kyu, 7kyu, 8kyu
  34. Class 33:

    Slides: Interview Prep (The Hunt)
    Class Video Stream: Why You Are Not Getting Interviews! Secrets To Landing Your First Tech Job (Class 33) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Read/ Do: How to use promises
    Watch/ Do: The Async Await Episode 1 Promised
    Do: Promises, async/await
    Do: Start prepping THE BANK
    Do: Complete your professional links
    Read: Modern Javascript for Dinosaurs
    Watch: Node.js Crash course
  35. Class 34:

    Slides: Interview Prep (The Hunt - Part 2)
    Class Video Stream: Crush Your Technical Interviews! Secrets To Landing Your First Tech Job (Class 34) - #100Devs
    Video: Crafting Your Story


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  36. Super Review JS:

    Slides: JS - Review
    Class Video Stream: JavaScript Crash Course in 2022! Free Coding Bootcamp! #100Devs
    Class materials


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  37. Class 35:

    Slides: Promises, Async, Node
    Class Video Stream: JavaScript Crash Course in 2022! Free Coding Bootcamp! #100Devs
    Class materials
    The Bank: Interview questions (Behavioral/ Technical)


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Do: Start prepping THE BANK
    Do: Make node-backend-simple-json more readable
    Do: Make a coinflip game where the randomization happens server side
    Watch: Let's Install Node.js and Do Cool Stuff With It! #100Devs
  38. Class 36:

    Slides: Fancy JS terms & Node
    Class Video Stream: JavaScript Event Loop For Beginners! (Class 36) - #100Devs
    Class materials


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Watch: Jake Archibald on the web browser event loop, setTimeout, micro tasks, requestAnimationFrame
    Watch: What the heck is the event loop anyway? | Philip Roberts | JSConf EU
    Do: Building a Simple CRUD app with Node, Express, and MongoDB
  39. Class 37:

    Class Video Stream: No Express! Fullstack App Just Node! (class 37) - #100Devs
    Class materials


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  40. Class 38:

    Slides: Node & Express
    Class Video Stream: Build Your Own API HOSTED On Heroku! (class 38) - #100Devs
    Class materials


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
    Create: Heroku, Mongo Atlas, and Postman Accounts
    Read: Node.js and Express (Fullstack open)
    Do: Make your own API and push to Heroku
  41. Class 39:

    Slides: Node & Express Again
    Class Video Stream: CRUD APIs For Beginners! (class 39) - #100Devs


    Do: A minimum of 1, 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it before looking at the solution!
  42. Class 40:

    Slides: Express & CRUD
    Class Video Stream: What is MongoDB? CRUD Apps For Beginners! (class 40) - #100Devs


    Do: Make your own App and push to Heroku
  43. Class 41:

    Slides: Express & CRUD & YOU
    Class Video Stream: Build A Simple CRUD App With Express, MongoDB, & EJS! (class 41) - #100Devs
    Code for the class: rap-names-express
  44. Class 42:

    Slides: Fresh It's our turn


    Do: Write comments explaining what the code is doing in this app todo-list-express
  45. Class 43:

    Slides: Todo List CRUD Express


    Do: Make your own App and push to Heroku Simple-express-app-submission
    Watch: Node.js App From Scratch | Express, MongoDB & Google OAuth
  46. Class 44:

    Slides: Todo List CRUD Express take 2
    Class Video Stream: How To Build Fullstack Apps With Javascript! Easy To Understand! (class 44/45) - #100Devs


    Watch: What is programming MVC? [Detailed Explanation]
    Peek: todo-mvc-auth-local
  47. Class 45:

    Slides: Todo List CRUD Express take 2
    Class Video Stream: How To Build Fullstack Apps With Javascript! Easy To Understand! (class 44/45) - #100Devs
  48. Class 46:

    Class Video Stream: Build A Node.js MVC App! Complete Easy Walkthrough! (class 46/47) - #100Devs
    Code for the class: todo-mvc


    Do: Build a MVC leature
  49. Class 47:

    Class Video Stream: Build A Node.js MVC App! Complete Easy Walkthrough! (class 46/47) - #100Devs
  50. Class 48:

    Slides: The Hunt Begins
    Class Video Stream: How To Prepare For #THEHUNT - (class48) #100devs


    Make 3 connections a week
    Read: Essential JavaScript String Methods
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as strings)
    Start working on your 100 hours project
  51. Class 49:

    Class Video Stream: Easily Add Authentication To Your Node Apps! Email Logins with Passport (class 49-52) #100devs
  52. Class 50:

    Slides: Auth & Project Night
    Class Video Stream: Easily Add Authentication To Your Node Apps! Email Logins with Passport (class 49-52) #100devs


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as strings)
  53. Class 51:

    Slides: Auth & Project Night 2
    Class Video Stream: Easily Add Authentication To Your Node Apps! Email Logins with Passport (class 49-52) #100devs
    Replit template to make it easier to work together: todo-mvc-auth-local


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as strings)
  54. Class 52:

    Class Video Stream: Easily Add Authentication To Your Node Apps! Email Logins with Passport (class 49-52) #100devs
    Code for the class: todo-mvc


    Make 3 connections a week
    Watch: 8 Must Know JavaScript Array Methods
    Read: Array methods
    Read: A brief introduction to array destructuring in ES6
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Arrays)
  55. Class 53:

    Class Video Stream: Let's Build A Social Network with Node, Express, MongoDB, & Cloudinary! (class 53-55) #100devs
    Code for the class: rap-names-review


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Arrays)
  56. Class 54:

    Class Video Stream: Let's Build A Social Network with Node, Express, MongoDB, & Cloudinary! (class 53-55) #100devs


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Arrays)
  57. Class 55:

    Class Video Stream: Let's Build A Social Network with Node, Express, MongoDB, & Cloudinary! (class 53-55) #100devs


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Arrays)
    Read: React Docs (Main Concepts)
    Do: Mentally break your favorite website down into reuseable components
  58. Class 56:


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Arrays)
    Do: Mentally break your favorite website down into reuseable components
  59. Class 57:


    Make 3 connections a week
    Research the following string methods: chatAt, charCodeAt, concat
    includes, indexOf
    repeat, replace
    search, slice, split, substr
    toLowerCase, toUpperCase, trim
    Give a short description of what the method does, how it works, it's time complexity, and give three examples of it in action.
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Strings)
  60. Class 58:

    Class Video Stream: Let's Explore the Basics of React! #100Devs


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Strings)
    Watch/ Do: React JS Crash Course
    Do: The Beginner's Guide to React
  61. Class 59:

    Class Video Stream: Let's Explore the Basics of React - PART 2! #100Devs


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Strings)
  62. Class 60:

    Slides: See React Together


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: 5 Codewars (tagged as Strings)
  63. Class 61 & Class 62:

    Slides: Interview Secrets


    Make 3 connections a week
    Do: The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms Courses
  64. Class 63 - Class 68:


    Do: A Practical Guide to Algorithms with JavaScript
  65. Super Review Backend JS

    Class Video Stream: JavaScript Backend Web Development Tutorial (with Node)

100devsbootcamp's People


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