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d3-hsv's Introduction


This module implements the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space.

For example, to recreate R’s terrain.colors:

var i0 = d3.interpolateHsvLong(d3.hsv(120, 1, 0.65), d3.hsv(60, 1, 0.90)),
    i1 = d3.interpolateHsvLong(d3.hsv(60, 1, 0.90), d3.hsv(0, 0, 0.95));

function interpolateTerrain(t) {
  return t < 0.5 ? i0(t * 2) : i1((t - 0.5) * 2);


If you use NPM, npm install d3-hsv. Otherwise, download the latest release. You can also load directly from as a standalone library. AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments are supported. In vanilla, a d3 global is exported:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

var yellow = d3.hsv("yellow"); // {h: 60, s: 1, v: 1, opacity: 1}


Try d3-hsv in your browser.

API Reference

# d3.hsv(h, s, v[, opacity]) <>
# d3.hsv(specifier)
# d3.hsv(color)

Constructs a new HSV color. The channel values are exposed as h, s and v properties on the returned instance.

If h, s and v are specified, these represent the channel values of the returned color; an opacity may also be specified. If a CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string is specified, it is parsed and then converted to the HSV color space. See d3.color for examples. If a color instance is specified, it is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb and then converted to HSV.

# d3.interpolateHsv(a, b) <>

Returns an HSV color space interpolator between the two colors a and b. The colors a and b need not be in HSV; they will be converted to HSV using d3.hsv. If either color’s hue or chroma is NaN, the opposing color’s channel value is used. The shortest path between hues is used. The return value of the interpolator is an RGB string.

# d3.interpolateHsvLong(a, b) <>

Like interpolateHsv, but does not use the shortest path between hues.

d3-hsv's People


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Ben avatar Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 avatar  avatar Keany Vy KHUN avatar Sawyer Click avatar jsonkao avatar  avatar Ed avatar Tarun Chaudhry avatar Torb Lunde Miranda avatar kai avatar Markus Hsi-Yang Fritz avatar Kai avatar jcrashkit avatar Tyrone DeSilva avatar zacklocx avatar Jac avatar  avatar  avatar Alex Feinstein avatar Jonathan Barratt avatar Ger Hobbelt avatar Dan Zheng avatar N. Darville avatar Ekta Verma avatar Fabian Morón Zirfas avatar Athan avatar


 avatar  avatar James Cloos avatar Sam Petulla avatar Dave E avatar  avatar Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 avatar  avatar

d3-hsv's Issues

Update to d3-color 3.1.0

Hi @Fil ,

Since there are two high vulnerabilities found in the current version used of [d3-color]( , could you update this package as well? Thank you in advance!

Include standard HSV range in documentation

I think it would be really helpful to include the standard domain for h, s, and v. This is something the main d3-color package already does for hcl etc, seems like it'd be good to do here as well.

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