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cvxportfolio's Introduction

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Cvxportfolio is an object-oriented library for portfolio optimization and back-testing. It implements models described in the accompanying paper.

The documentation of the library is at


Since end of 2023 we're running daily example strategies using the development version (master branch); each day we commit target weights and initial holdings to the repository. All the code that runs them, including the cron script, is in the repository.


Cvxportolio is written in Python and can be easily installed in any Python environment by simple:

pip install -U cvxportfolio

You can see how this works on our Installation and Hello World youtube video. Anaconda installs are also supported.

Cvxportfolio's main dependencies are Cvxpy for interfacing with numerical solvers and Pandas for interfacing with databases. We don't require any specific version of our dependencies and test against all recent ones (up to a few years ago).


After installing you can run our unit test suite in you local environment by

python -m cvxportfolio.tests

We test against recent python versions (3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12) and recent versions of the main dependencies (from pandas 1.4, cvxpy 1.1, ..., up to the current versions) on all major operating systems. You can see the automated testing code.

Simple example

In the following example market data is downloaded by a public source (Yahoo finance) and the forecasts are computed iteratively, at each point in the backtest, from past data.

import cvxportfolio as cvx

gamma = 3       # risk aversion parameter (Chapter 4.2)
kappa = 0.05    # covariance forecast error risk parameter (Chapter 4.3)
objective = cvx.ReturnsForecast() - gamma * (
    cvx.FullCovariance() + kappa * cvx.RiskForecastError()
) - cvx.StocksTransactionCost()
constraints = [cvx.LeverageLimit(3)]

policy = cvx.MultiPeriodOptimization(objective, constraints, planning_horizon=2)

simulator = cvx.StockMarketSimulator(['AAPL', 'AMZN', 'TSLA', 'GM', 'CVX', 'NKE'])

result = simulator.backtest(policy, start_time='2020-01-01')

# print back-test result statistics

# plot back-test results

At each point in the back-test, the policy object only operates on past data, and thus the result you get is a realistic simulation of what the strategy would have performed in the market. Returns are forecasted as the historical mean returns and covariances as historical covariances (both ignoring np.nan’s). The simulator by default includes holding and transaction costs, using the models described in the paper, and default parameters that are typical for the US stock market.

Other examples

Many examples are shown in the documentation website, along with their output and comments.

Even more example scripts are available in the code repository.

The original examples from the paper are visible in a dedicated branch, and are being translated to run with the stable versions (1.0.0 and above) of the library. The translations are visible at this documentation page.

We show in the example on user-provided forecasters how the user can define custom classes to forecast the expected returns and covariances. These provide callbacks that are executed at each point in time during the back-test. The system enforces causality and safety against numerical errors. We recommend to always include the default forecasters that we provide in any analysis you may do, since they are very robust and well-tested.

We show in the examples on DOW30 components and wide assets-classes ETFs how a simple sweep over hyper-parameters, taking advantage of our sophisticated parallel backtest machinery, quickly provides results on the best strategy to apply to any given selection of assets.

Similar projects

There are many open-source projects for portfolio optimization and back-testing. Some notable ones in the Python ecosystem are Zipline, which implements a call-back model for back-testing very similar to the one we provide, Riskfolio-Lib which implements (many!) portfolio optimization models and also follows a modular approach like ours, VectorBT, a back-testing library well-suited for high frequency applications, PyPortfolioOpt, a simple yet powerful library for portfolio optimization that uses well-known models, YFinance, which is not a portfolio optimization library (it only provides a data interface to Yahoo Finance), but used to be one of our dependencies, and also CVXPY by itself, which is used by some of the above and has an extensive set of examples devoted to portfolio optimization (indeed, Cvxportfolio was born out of those).


We welcome contributors and you don't need to sign a CLA. If you don't have a Github account you may also send a git patch via email to the project maintainer.

Bug fixes, improvements in the documentations and examples, new constraints, new cost objects, ..., are good contributions and can be done even if you're not familiar with the low-level details on the library. For more advanced contributions we recommend reading the TODOs and roadmap file.


To set up a development environment locally you should clone the repository (or, fork on Github and then clone your fork)

git clone
cd cvxportfolio

Then, you should have a look at our Makefile and possibly change the PYTHON variable to match your system's python interpreter. Once you have done that,

make env
make test

This will replicate our development environment and run our test suite.

You activate the shell environment with one of scripts in env/bin (or env\Scripts on Windows), for example if you use bash on POSIX

source env/bin/activate

and from the environment you can run any of the scripts in the examples (the cvxportfolio package is installed in editable mode). Or, if you don't want to activate the environment, you can just run scripts directly using env/bin/python (or env\Scripts\python on Windows) like we do in the Makefile.

Additionally, to match our CI/CD pipeline, you may set the following git hooks

echo "make lint" > .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
echo "make test" > .git/hooks/pre-push
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push

Code style and quality

Cvxportfolio follows the PEP8 specification for code style. This is enforced by the Pylint automated linter, with options in the Pyproject configuration file. Pylint is also used to enforce code quality standards, along with some of its optional plugins. Docstrings are written in the Sphinx style, are also checked by Pylint, and are used to generate the documentation.

Versions and releases

Cvxportfolio follows the semantic versioning specification. No breaking change in its public API will be introduced until the next major version (2.0.0), which won't happen for some time. New features in the public API are introduced with minor versions (1.1.0, 1.2.0, ...), and only bug fixes at each revision.

The history of our releases (source distributions and wheels) is visible on our PyPI page.

Releases are also tagged in our git repository and include a short summary of changes in their commit messages.

We maintain a document listing the planned changes and target releases.


If you use Cvxportfolio in work that leads to publication, you can cite the following:

    author    = "Busseti, Enzo and Diamond, Steven and Boyd, Stephen",
    title     = "Cvxportfolio",
    month    = "January",
    year     = "2017",
    note     = "Portfolio Optimization and Back--{T}esting",
    howpublished = {\url{}},

  author  = "Boyd, Stephen and Busseti, Enzo and Diamond, Steven and Kahn, Ron and Nystrup, Peter and Speth, Jan",
  journal = "Foundations and Trends in Optimization",
  title   = "Multi--{P}eriod Trading via Convex Optimization",
  month   = "August",
  year    = "2017",
  number  = "1",
  pages   = "1--76",
  volume  = "3",
  url     = {\url{}},

The latter is also the first chapter of this PhD thesis:

    author    = "Busseti, Enzo",
    title     = "Portfolio Management and Optimal Execution via Convex Optimization",
    school    = "Stanford University",
    address   = "Stanford, California, USA",
    month    = "May",
    year     = "2018",
    url     = {\url{}},


Cvxportfolio is licensed under the Apache 2.0 permissive open source license.

cvxportfolio's People


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cvxportfolio's Issues

Soft Constraints on Factor Neutral for MPO

I am trying to follow the paper to set up factor neutral soft constraint as objective cost in Multi-Period-Optimization. From the resulting trade schedule, you can see that for the first trade, factor neutral is achieved. However for the rest of period, factor is far from neutral.
Anyone has any insight on this?

The setup I have look like the following:
`class FactorNeutralSoftConstraintCost (BaseCost):
def init (self, factor_exposure, priority):
self.factor_exposure = factor_exposure
super(FactorNeutralSoftConstraintCost, self).init()

       def _estimate(self, t, w_plus, z, value):
              w_plus = w_plus[:-1]  # remove cash
              self.expression = time_matrix_locator(factor_exposure, t) * w_plus                   
               return cvx.norm(cvx.multiply(self.priority, self.expression), 1)`

Noticeable Speed Loss Per Discrete Time Interval With Minutely Data

I successfully ran your Jupyter notebook examples using the daily Quandl data and was impressed with the speed; however, when I insert e.g., minutely data, the speed per minute with minutely data is much, much slower than the speed per day with daily data. The difference is ca x20 times larger. How can this be rectified?

Propose to change the definition of Leverage in LeverageLimit constraint.

return cvx.norm(w_plus, 1) <= limit

Here we include cash when calculate leverage.

And Since the term leverage is overused and vague, I find the definition of gross exposure which is similar to leverage above except the weight of cash.

IMHO, the limit on gross exposure makes more sense than the leverage we used here. Consider a long-only and long-cash portfolio whose leverage is constant and gross exposure may vary. So I prefer to exclude weight of cash here.

Suggestion: return concise SimulationResult object

SimulationResult object contains policy and simulator objects. Both take a lot of spaces.
This is causing problem if we run parameter tuning codes because many SimulationResult object will be created and co-exist in memory. I suggest we add in an option to return concise version of SimulationResult object(remove policy and simulator objects and keep only the relevant simulation metrics).
Here is what I can think of:

In run_backtest and run_multiple_backtest function in
run_backtest(....., return_concise_results=False, ...)
if return_concise_results:
results = results.concise_version
return results

run_multiple_back_test(..., return_concise_results=False, ...)

Then in
def concise_version(self):
self.simulator = None
return self

cvxportfolio upgrade to 0.0.5 has enum34 clash

When attempting to upgrade cvxportfolio to 0.0.5 using the instructions, I ran into the following conflicts:

(base) 14:24:48 thisguy@mypc thisdir $ conda install -c cvxgrp cvxportfolio --dry-run
Solving environment: failed

UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
  - cvxportfolio
  - enum34
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.

I am using python 2.7 and had recently already done an update to anaconda. Do you have any suggestions or do I have to do a complete reinstall?


More questions, than anything.

[1] I'm struggling to find a good way to jumpstart a portfolio in a back test simulation. For example, other places may have things like "ignore turnover in first period" and I wondering how you would think about that in this framework.

[2] Max cash constraint so as to make sure the portfolio was fully invested. Or perhaps optimize to a cash target of say, 100bps, for example. Would you suggest I add in a MaxCash constraint similar to the LongCash constraint?


MultiPeriodOptimization.ipynb returns error when instantiate MPOREturnForecast

for i,t in enumerate(returns.index[:-1]):
all_return_estimates[(t,t)]= return_estimate.loc[t]

returns_forecast = cp.MPOReturnsForecast(all_return_estimates) #<-******* This one returns error
---- It returns error:
returns_forecast = cp.MPOReturnsForecast(all_return_estimates)
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class MPOReturnsForecast with abstract methods weight_expr

Suggestion on adding time-varying Factor Exposure support in FactorMaxLimit and FactorMinLimit

I suggest to add in support for time-varying factor exposure support in FactorMaxLimit and FactorMinLimit constraints.
By doing so, user can pass in factor exposures as Pandas panel data with time as item index. Then in the _weight_expr(self, t, w_plus, z, v) function. call time_matrix_locator(exposure, t) to extract the exposure data. Then everything would flow through.
Also, the factor limit can be pass in as a dataframe with time as index to support time varying limit as well.

This way, these two constraints would support both SinglePeriodOpt and MultiPeriodOpt.

Value error


I've installed the packages pip. That's the only way I could get this package installed.
Can this package be updated with working examples please.

In the Singleperiod example,

simulated_tcost = cp.TcostModel(half_spread=0.0005/2., nonlin_coeff=1., sigma=sigmas, volume=volumes)

I get a ValueError as follows:
ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

values_in_time breaks with a null value for tau

Not sure what is happening but I had to modify my values_in_time code to looks like the following to address the slicing with a null tau value (note the added "mi_slice" bit). Is anyone else noticing this?

    if hasattr(obj, '__call__'):
        return obj(t, tau)

    if isinstance(obj, pd.Series) or isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame):
            if isinstance(obj.index, pd.MultiIndex):
                mi_slice = (t, tau)
                if (tau is None) or pd.isnull(tau):
                    mi_slice = (t, )
                return obj.loc[mi_slice]
                return obj.loc[t]
        except KeyError:
            return obj

    return obj

Suggestion on returning a dictionary of enriched optimization out in SinglePeriodOpt and MultiPeriodOpt

In current SinglePeriodOpt and MultiPeriodOpt, both returns the dollar traded for first time period.
This is OK for SinglePeriodOpt. But for MultiPeriodOpt, users are often interested in the complete trade schedule for every leg. As the result, it would be better if the get_trades() function returns a dictionary with enriched information, for example:
return {'portfolio_value': value,
'trade_schedule': z_vars.
'trade_times': trade_times}

Should I assume this project is dead?

Hi all,

While it seems there was a small push about a year ago to update the project, there are far too many broken issues (benchmarks don't work, for example). Should I assume this project is dead/abandoned?


MultiPeriodOpt with lookahead_periods>2 fails

When lookahead_periods > 2, I get the following error:

File "PATH\cvxportfolio\", line 103, in weight_expr_ahead
    return self.alpha_data[(t, tau)].values.T * wplus
KeyError: (Timestamp('2012-01-03 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2012-01-05 00:00:00'))

HelloWorld.ipynb failing


I ran the HelloWorld jupyter notebook on both a Linux VM and a Mac (actual Mac, not VM), and got the same error. Pasted below is the code of the failing cell (the 7th cell) followed by the output of the cell:

market_sim=cp.MarketSimulator(returns, [tcost_model, hcost_model], cash_key='USDOLLAR') 
init_portfolio = pd.Series(index=returns.columns, data=250000.)
init_portfolio.USDOLLAR = 0
results = market_sim.run_multiple_backtest(init_portfolio,
                               start_time='2013-01-03',  end_time='2016-12-31',  
                               policies=[spo_policy, cp.Hold()])

RemoteTraceback Traceback (most recent call last)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/gperraul/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 121, in worker
result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
File "/home/gperraul/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 44, in mapstar
return list(map(*args))
File "/home/gperraul/PycharmProjects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 147, in _run_backtest
policy, loglevel=loglevel)
File "/home/gperraul/PycharmProjects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 116, in run_backtest
u = policy.get_trades(h, t)
File "/home/gperraul/PycharmProjects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 265, in get_trades
cost_expr, const_expr = cost.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
File "/home/gperraul/PycharmProjects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 58, in weight_expr
self.expression = self._estimate(t, w_plus - self.w_bench, z, value)
File "/home/gperraul/PycharmProjects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 105, in _estimate
wplus, values_in_time(self.Sigma, t))
File "/home/gperraul/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cvxpy/atoms/", line 215, in quad_form
raise Exception("Invalid dimensions for arguments.")
Exception: Invalid dimensions for arguments.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Exception Traceback (most recent call last)

4 results = market_sim.run_multiple_backtest(init_portfolio,
5 start_time='2013-01-03', end_time='2016-12-31',
----> 6 policies=[spo_policy, cp.Hold()])
7 results[0].summary()

~/PycharmProjects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in run_multiple_backtest(self, initial_portf, start_time, end_time, policies, loglevel, parallel)
150 if parallel:
151 workers = multiprocess.Pool(num_workers)
--> 152 results =, policies)
153 workers.close()
154 return results

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/ in map(self, func, iterable, chunksize)
266 in a list that is returned.
267 '''
--> 268 return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()
270 def starmap(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None):

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/ in get(self, timeout)
655 return self._value
656 else:
--> 657 raise self._value
659 def _set(self, i, obj):

Exception: Invalid dimensions for arguments.

Do you know what might explain this error?

I used the latest Anaconda (2019.10) to install cvxpy in both the linux VM and Mac (I had errors when trying to install cvxpy using pip). Not sure if it could somehow be related to that.. Perhaps I should use an older version of the multiprocess library?

Thanks in advance.

Exception: Invalid dimensions for arguments.

run "SinglePeriodOptimization.ipynb" and got the error:
ValueError: Cannot broadcast dimensions (60, 432) (432,)

RemoteTraceback Traceback (most recent call last)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/che.guan/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 121, in worker
result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
File "/Users/che.guan/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 44, in mapstar
return list(map(args))
File "/Users/che.guan/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 147, in _run_backtest
policy, loglevel=loglevel)
File "/Users/che.guan/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 116, in run_backtest
u = policy.get_trades(h, t)
File "/Users/che.guan/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 266, in get_trades
cost_expr, const_expr = cost.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
File "/Users/che.guan/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 58, in weight_expr
self.expression = self._estimate(t, w_plus - self.w_bench, z, value)
File "/Users/che.guan/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 159, in _estimate
np.sqrt(values_in_time(self.idiosync, t)), wplus)) +
File "/Users/che.guan/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cvxpy/atoms/affine/", line 221, in init
super(multiply, self).init(lh_expr, rh_expr)
File "/Users/che.guan/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cvxpy/atoms/affine/", line 43, in init
super(BinaryOperator, self).init(lh_exp, rh_exp)
File "/Users/che.guan/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cvxpy/atoms/", line 45, in init
self._shape = self.shape_from_args()
File "/Users/che.guan/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cvxpy/atoms/affine/", line 258, in shape_from_args
return u.shape.sum_shapes([arg.shape for arg in self.args])
File "/Users/che.guan/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cvxpy/utilities/", line 49, in sum_shapes
" %s" % tuple(shapes))
ValueError: Cannot broadcast dimensions (60, 432) (432,)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
2 warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
3 results.update(dict(zip(policies.keys(), simulator.run_multiple_backtest(1E8*w_b, start_time=start_t,end_time=end_t,
----> 4 policies=policies.values(), parallel=True))))

~/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in run_multiple_backtest(self, initial_portf, start_time, end_time, policies, loglevel, parallel)
150 if parallel:
151 workers = multiprocess.Pool(num_workers)
--> 152 results =, policies)
153 workers.close()
154 return results

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/ in map(self, func, iterable, chunksize)
266 in a list that is returned.
267 '''
--> 268 return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()
270 def starmap(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None):

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/ in get(self, timeout)
655 return self._value
656 else:
--> 657 raise self._value
659 def _set(self, i, obj):

ValueError: Cannot broadcast dimensions (60, 432) (432,)

Helloworld issue

Hello, I installed the CVXPY and CVXPortfolio. When I run the Helloworld example, I got the following error message.

I am using windows 10, the CVXportfolio version is 0.0.12. Can someone know how to resolve this issue? Thanks!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\multiprocess\", line 121, in worker
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\multiprocess\", line 44, in mapstar
    return list(map(*args))
  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cvxportfolio\", line 147, in _run_backtest
    policy, loglevel=loglevel)
  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cvxportfolio\", line 116, in run_backtest
    u = policy.get_trades(h, t)
  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cvxportfolio\", line 266, in get_trades
    cost_expr, const_expr = cost.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cvxportfolio\", line 58, in weight_expr
    self.expression = self._estimate(t, w_plus - self.w_bench, z, value)
  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cvxportfolio\", line 105, in _estimate
    wplus, values_in_time(self.Sigma, t))
  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cvxpy\atoms\", line 218, in quad_form
    raise Exception("Invalid dimensions for arguments.")
Exception: Invalid dimensions for arguments.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-2-0cb7372edff0>", line 6, in <module>
    policies=[spo_policy, cp.Hold()])

  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cvxportfolio\", line 152, in run_multiple_backtest
    results =, policies)

  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\multiprocess\", line 268, in map
    return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()

  File "C:\Users\jxl128031\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\multiprocess\", line 657, in get
    raise self._value

Exception: Invalid dimensions for arguments.

Installation problem

I have tried all methods I know to install library, it usually comes with error or just running without result

share calculation in RealTimeOptimization

Correct me if I am wrong - but I felt there is a bug in the share calculation in this example. It makes more sense to use t-1 close price to calculate the shares instead of t (as shown in the example), in other words - prices.shift(1). Since your decision price is last close - and in the propagation the assumption is filled at previous close and propagated by close to close return.

Error message when running MultiPeriodOptimization example.

Continue getting error when trying to run the MultiPeriodOptimization example:

File "/home/xxx/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cvxportfolio/", line 116, in run_backtest
u = policy.get_trades(h, t)
File "/home/xxx/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cvxportfolio/", line 351, in get_trades
z = cvx.Variable(*w.size)
TypeError: ABCMeta object argument after * must be an iterable, not numpy.int64

Does this example even work?

Risk model for MPO


I am trying to run an mpo example and would like to use the FullSigma risk model. I am passing a prediction vector for each period created like all_return_estimates in the MultiPeriodOptimization example. I would like to pass an associated full sigma for each period. I am currently doing this using the same dictionary format as the return estimates. This does not seem to work. Is it possible to pass multiple sigmas, one for each period? If so, what format should be used? (In the code comments, there seems to be a reference to the obsolete pd.Panel format)


Error out on when running MPO example

When running MPO example, I got error message on this line in file:

z = cvx.Variable(*w.size) #----- Error Out
wplus = w + z

It looks like the line does not work for any cvxpy version > cvxpy1.0. Need to change it to
z = cvx.Variable(w.size) to make it work.

MPO backtest simulator does not work well with FactorModelSigma

Imagine FactorModelSigma is populated with actual T-1 Factor Exposure + Factor Risk information.
In MPO backtest simulation, say if lookahead period = 5, then when generating trading schedule at T=1, you are using the FactorExposure and Factor Risk information of T=2,3,4,5. So the trade schedule you generated has lookahead bias.

The proper way to do the backtest simulation for MPO may need put FactorModelSigma in simulator and for each trading times, get the prevailing FactorExposure and Factor Risk information and use it to generate the MPO trade schedule even though you only trade the first leg and then advance to next trade decision time, do the optimization using new Factor exposure and risk information again.

Hello World example


I went through the "Hello World" example via Jupyter notebook, but when defining SPO policy it does not recognize "return_forecast". After leaving this parameter out it says that the "alpha_model" needs to be given. I assumed that this is the same parameter as "return_forecast" and assigned "r_hat" to it, but this gives an AssertionError. Could you kindly tell me whether something has changed to the policy parameters?

NB - it seems the for the stand-alone module (v. 0.02 installed) differs from the on GitHub, which might be causing this issue.

Many thanks & best regards,

Mike Kraus

Remove Quandl

@enzobusseti Quandl is used within HelloWorld.ipynb, RealTimeOptimization.ipynb and DataEstimatesRiskModel.ipynb
Quandl performs communication with a remote server whose internals cannot be inspected and audited (essential properties for financial management software). I proposed you a powerful addon for hyperparameter optimization which consists of about 100 lines of open source code to make API requests to a remote solver (Quandl performs similar requests to its remote server). You classified it as a closed code and mentioned that inserting components with closed source is contrary to the philosophy of this work, make it less attractive to users, and less trustworthy. Therefore, in order to be consistent with your previous assessment, Quandl should be removed.

Error reading `risk_model.h5` in MultiPeriodOptimization Example notebook


I've encountered this error when trying to run the MultiPeriodOptimization.ipynb example notebook:

I'm using pandas 1.0.5 with pytables 3.6.1 in python 3.7.7.

import pandas as pd

risk_data = pd.HDFStore(datadir+'risk_model.h5', mode='r')

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _create_storer(self, group, format, value, encoding, errors)
   1587             try:
-> 1588                 cls = _STORER_MAP[pt]
   1589             except KeyError:

KeyError: 'wide'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-d64174533a2a> in <module>
----> 1 risk_data.get('factor_sigma')

/usr/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in get(self, key)
    745         if group is None:
    746             raise KeyError(f"No object named {key} in the file")
--> 747         return self._read_group(group)
    749     def select(

/usr/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _read_group(self, group)
   1715     def _read_group(self, group: "Node"):
-> 1716         s = self._create_storer(group)
   1717         s.infer_axes()
   1718         return

/usr/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _create_storer(self, group, format, value, encoding, errors)
   1588                 cls = _STORER_MAP[pt]
   1589             except KeyError:
-> 1590                 raise error("_STORER_MAP")
   1591             return cls(self, group, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)

TypeError: cannot properly create the storer for: [_STORER_MAP] [group->/factor_sigma (Group) '',value-><class 'NoneType'>,format->None

I can successfully read idyos key in risk_model.h5 but not factor_sigma or exposures...

Any ideas folks? Am I missing something obvious here?


error msg MPOReturnsForecast about in MultiPeriodOptimization.ipynb

TypeErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
in ()
8 all_return_estimates[(t,tp1)]=return_estimate.loc[tp1]
---> 10 returns_forecast = cp.MPOReturnsForecast(all_return_estimates)
11 results_MPO={}

TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class MPOReturnsForecast with abstract methods weight_expr

Issue while reading the risk_model.h5

I am getting this error

TypeError: cannot properly create the storer for: [_STORER_MAP] [group->/exposures (Group) '',value-><class 

while reading the file

Is it a known problem?

MPO example failing since cvxportfolio is incompatible with pandas >= 0.25

When running the MPO example it fails when trying to access the data loaded into risk_data:

In[3]: risk_data.exposures
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/xxx/envs/cvxportfolio/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 1423, in _create_storer return globals()[_STORER_MAP[pt]](self, group, **kwargs) KeyError: 'wide'

I assume this is due to a wrong version of pandas. I am using pandas 0.25.1 and python 3.6, but read in thread #44 that some people use pandas 0.20.3. Could someone provide a complete list of the packages compatible with cvxportfolio?

null_checker requires extra np.any()

I'm wondering if it's perhaps a result of new pandas behaviour, but I had to change the null_checker (line 29 in to read as:

if np.any( np.any(np.any(pd.isnull(obj))) ):

for the HelloWorld example to run. Seems to be an issue in that it spits out a series of "False" values and it requires a single bool value. Can anyone confirm? I'm on Pandas 0.20.3.

Multiprocess error in HelloWorld

When running the HelloWorld example on macOS Catalina with a fresh download from the current repo with versions of the relevant libraries numpy=1.18.1, pandas=1.0.3, cvxpy=1.0.31, and python=3.7.7 on the cell

init_portfolio = pd.Series(index=returns.columns, data=250000.)
init_portfolio.USDOLLAR = 0
results = market_sim.run_multiple_backtest(init_portfolio,
                               start_time='2013-01-03',  end_time='2016-12-31',  
                               policies=[spo_policy, cp.Hold()])

I get the following error

<ipython-input-15-817c8501f3a4> in <module>
      4 results = market_sim.run_multiple_backtest(init_portfolio,
      5                                start_time='2013-01-03',  end_time='2016-12-31',
----> 6                                policies=[spo_policy, cp.Hold()])
      7 results[0].summary()

~/Desktop/cvxportfolio-master/cvxportfolio/ in run_multiple_backtest(self, initial_portf, start_time, end_time, policies, loglevel, parallel)
    150         if parallel:
    151             workers = multiprocess.Pool(num_workers)
--> 152             results =, policies)
    153             workers.close()
    154             return results

~/anaconda3/envs/quantopt/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/ in map(self, func, iterable, chunksize)
    266         in a list that is returned.
    267         '''
--> 268         return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()
    270     def starmap(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None):

~/anaconda3/envs/quantopt/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/ in get(self, timeout)
    655             return self._value
    656         else:
--> 657             raise self._value
    659     def _set(self, i, obj):

Exception: Invalid dimensions for arguments.

Any insight into what may be causing this would be much appreciated. Thank you!

null_checer(obj) function in returns error

When I ran the MultipPeriodOPtimization example, the volumes is loaded from csv.gz file and passed as a dataframe to the TCostModel setup.

simulated_tcost = cp.TcostModel(half_spread=0.0005/2., nonlin_coeff=1., sigma=sigmas, volume=volumes)

The error happens on the following line:
def null_checker(obj):
"""Check if obj contains NaN."""
if (isinstance(obj, pd.Panel) or
isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame) or
isinstance(obj, pd.Series)):
if np.any(pd.isnull(obj)): # this line spit error
raise ValueError('Data object contains NaN values', obj)
elif np.isscalar(obj):
if np.isnan(obj):
raise ValueError('Data object contains NaN values', obj)
raise TypeError('Data object can only be scalar or Pandas.')
---- I got the following error:
alueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

by changing it to np.any(pd.isnull(obj)).any() seems to fix the problem

MPO with monotonic trade direction

I have a question. If we use MPO in liquidation context with alpha estimation. Say
if my initial position is: long symbol A and short symbol B, and I have some short-term alpha estimate.
I want o liquidate this portfolio without buying extra A or selling B in the interim period. Basically I want the trade in A going monotonic --- keep selling A, and the trade in B going monotonic --- keeping buying B, in each of the interim period until I fully liquidate the portfolio.
How can I set up constraint?

Incorrect Constraint In Both Single and Multiperiod Optimization

Both the single period and multiperiod optimization policies include the self-financing condition as a constraint. However, the self-financing condition in the program is only $\sum_i u_t^i = 0$, but should include the costs as well: $\sum_i u_t^i + \phi(u_t)= 0$.

FactorMaxLimit error

I am getting an exception when trying to use FactorMaxLimit and FactorMinLimit.

This is the minimal reproducible code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import cvxportfolio as cp


# spoof a factor loadings matrix with 100 stocks and 6 factors (e.g., think sectors)
factor_loadings = pd.get_dummies(pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,6,100)))

# create the expected returns DataFrame
r_hat_s = pd.Series(np.random.random(100))
r_hat = pd.DataFrame(r_hat_s, columns=[pd.Timestamp('2017-01-03')]).T

# create the prices DataFrame
prices_s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(20, 75, 100))
prices_noUSD = pd.DataFrame(prices_s, columns=[pd.Timestamp('2017-01-03')]).T
prices = pd.DataFrame(prices_s, columns=[pd.Timestamp('2017-01-03')]).T

# set up the optimization policy
spo_policy = cp.SinglePeriodOpt(
        cp.FactorMaxLimit(factor_loadings, 0.2),
        cp.FactorMinLimit(factor_loadings, -0.2)        

# setup empty starting portfolio
current_portfolio = pd.Series(index=r_hat.columns, data=0)

# run the single period optimization
shares_to_trade = spo_policy.get_rounded_trades(

If I eliminate the lines

        cp.FactorMaxLimit(factor_loadings, 0.2),
        cp.FactorMinLimit(factor_loadings, -0.2) 

then the code runs fine and produces the optimal trade list.

With the FactorMaxLimit, I get the following exception:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-542a0a7449e6> in <module>()
     36     current_portfolio,
     37     prices,
---> 38     t=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-04')
     39 )

/Users/jonathan/devwork/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/policies.pyc in get_rounded_trades(self, portfolio, prices, t)
     52         """Get trades vector as number of shares, rounded to integers."""
     53         return np.round(self.get_trades(portfolio,
---> 54                                         t) / time_locator(prices, t))[:-1]

/Users/jonathan/devwork/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/policies.pyc in get_trades(self, portfolio, t)
    270         constraints += [item for item in (con.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
--> 271                                           for con in self.constraints)]
    273         for el in costs:

/Users/jonathan/devwork/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/policies.pyc in <genexpr>((con,))
    270         constraints += [item for item in (con.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
--> 271                                           for con in self.constraints)]
    273         for el in costs:

/Users/jonathan/devwork/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in weight_expr(self, t, w_plus, z, v)
     46         if w_plus is None:
     47             return self._weight_expr(t, None, z, v)
---> 48         return self._weight_expr(t, w_plus - self.w_bench, z, v)
     50     @abstractmethod

/Users/jonathan/devwork/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in _weight_expr(self, t, w_plus, z, v)
    224         """
    225         #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
--> 226         if isinstance(self.limit, pd.Series):
    227             limit = self.limit.loc[t]
    228         else:

/anaconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ops.pyc in f(self, other, axis, level, fill_value)
   1265                 self = self.fillna(fill_value)
-> 1267             return self._combine_const(other, na_op)
   1269     f.__name__ = name

/anaconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc in _combine_const(self, other, func, errors, try_cast)
   3985         new_data = self._data.eval(func=func, other=other,
   3986                                    errors=errors,
-> 3987                                    try_cast=try_cast)
   3988         return self._constructor(new_data)

/anaconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.pyc in eval(self, **kwargs)
   3434     def eval(self, **kwargs):
-> 3435         return self.apply('eval', **kwargs)
   3437     def quantile(self, **kwargs):

/anaconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.pyc in apply(self, f, axes, filter, do_integrity_check, consolidate, **kwargs)
   3328             kwargs['mgr'] = self
-> 3329             applied = getattr(b, f)(**kwargs)
   3330             result_blocks = _extend_blocks(applied, result_blocks)

/anaconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.pyc in eval(self, func, other, errors, try_cast, mgr)
   1321             return block.eval(func, orig_other,
   1322                               errors=errors,
-> 1323                               try_cast=try_cast, mgr=mgr)
   1325         # get the result, may need to transpose the other

/anaconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.pyc in eval(self, func, other, errors, try_cast, mgr)
   1397                 raise TypeError('Could not compare [%s] with block values' %
-> 1398                                 repr(other))
   1400         # transpose if needed

TypeError: Could not compare [Expression(AFFINE, UNKNOWN, (100,))] with block values

This is failing on this line in

self.factor_exposure.T * w_plus[:-1] <= limit

I've tried to debug with no success. Any ideas on this?

Lastly, thank you for a great package!


trying the hello world program - python errors

Hi !
Really love the framework and planning to get involved.
was wanting to expand for a masters project.
i am trying to run the hello world program and getting the following -

risk_model = cp.FullSigma(Sigma_hat)
gamma_risk, gamma_trade, gamma_hold = 5., 1., 1.
leverage_limit = cp.LeverageLimit(3)

spo_policy = cp.SinglePeriodOpt(return_forecast=r_hat,
costs=[gamma_riskrisk_model, gamma_tradetcost_model, gamma_holdhcost_model],
risk_model = cp.FullSigma(Sigma_hat)
gamma_risk, gamma_trade, gamma_hold = 5., 1., 1.
leverage_limit = cp.LeverageLimit(3)

spo_policy = cp.SinglePeriodOpt(return_forecast=r_hat,
risk_model, gamma_tradetcost_model, gamma_holdhcost_model],

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
5 spo_policy = cp.SinglePeriodOpt(return_forecast=r_hat,
6 costs=[gamma_riskrisk_model, gamma_tradetcost_model, gamma_hold*hcost_model],
----> 7 constraints=[leverage_limit])

~/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in init(self, return_forecast, costs, constraints, solver, solver_opts)
218 if not isinstance(return_forecast, BaseReturnsModel):
--> 219 null_checker(return_forecast)
220 self.return_forecast = return_forecast

~/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/utils/ in null_checker(obj)
27 isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame) or
28 isinstance(obj, pd.Series)):
---> 29 if np.any(pd.isnull(obj)):
30 raise ValueError('Data object contains NaN values', obj)
31 elif np.isscalar(obj):

~/tutorial-env2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in nonzero(self)
1571 raise ValueError("The truth value of a {0} is ambiguous. "
1572 "Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()."
-> 1573 .format(
1575 bool = nonzero

ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

was wondering if you could assist.

Pandas Panel replacement.

The current cvxportfolio uses Pandas.Panel data structure. According to Pandas development, Panel is deprecated and will be removed in future version. I do not know what this means. But for cvxportfolio, is there a plan to replace Panel data structure in future release?

Question on long-only constraint

The definition of long-only constraint in source code includes last cash term, i.e. the weight of cash should be non-negative.

return w_plus >= 0

On the other side, I notice there is a inconsistency in the paper with respect to this constraint.

Def 1:
In page 7 line 8, it says "The portfolio is long-only when the asset holdings are all nonnegative, i.e.,(h_t)_i ≥ 0 for i = 1, . . . ,n" This definition ignores the cash, which is n+1 th term of h_t

Def 2:
While in page33, Long only. "This constraint requires that only long asset positions are
held, wt + zt ≥ 0." which requires cash to be nonnegative.

I personally perfer the 1st definition, IMO it is more intuitive and one can combine this long-only constraint with the long-cash constraint to compose the current long-only constraint.

nosetests errors ("ERROR:root:The solver ECOS failed. Defaulting to no trades")


I've installed cvxportfolio following the instructions here:

When I run the nosetests, I get many errors saying the following:

INFO:root:Getting trades at time 2014-01-17 00:00:00
ERROR:root:The solver ECOS failed. Defaulting to no trades"

(with varying dates)

Despite the errors, the nosetests claim to have passed at the end:

Ran 18 tests in 33.872s


The error sounds ominous though. Am I right to assume something has gone wrong?

Thanks in advance.

NotImplementedError: only the default get_loc method is currently supported for MultiIndex

I have this error when I run the HelloWorld example.
Can anybody tell me how to fix it? Thank you.

market_sim=cp.MarketSimulator(returns, [tcost_model, hcost_model], cash_key='USDOLLAR') 
init_portfolio = pd.Series(index=returns.columns, data=0.)
init_portfolio.USDOLLAR = 100
result = market_sim.run_backtest(init_portfolio,
                               start_time='2013-01-03',  end_time='2016-12-31',  

NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-b229f1c1f6b4> in <module>()
      4 result = market_sim.run_backtest(init_portfolio,
      5                                start_time='2013-01-03',  end_time='2016-12-31',
----> 6                                policy=spo_policy)
      8 result.summary()

/home/weiwu/projects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in run_backtest(self, initial_portfolio, start_time, end_time, policy, loglevel)
    114             start = time.time()
    115             try:
--> 116                 u = policy.get_trades(h, t)
    117             except cvx.SolverError:
    118                 logging.warning(

/home/weiwu/projects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in get_trades(self, portfolio, t)
    223         for cost in self.costs:
--> 224             cost_expr, const_expr = cost.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
    225             costs.append(cost_expr)
    226             constraints += const_expr

/home/weiwu/projects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in weight_expr(self, t, w_plus, z, value)
     44     def weight_expr(self, t, w_plus, z, value):
---> 45         self.expression = self._estimate(t, w_plus - self.w_bench, z, value)
     46         return self.gamma * self.expression, []

/home/weiwu/projects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in _estimate(self, t, wplus, z, value)
     81     def _estimate(self, t, wplus, z, value):
     82         try:
---> 83             self.expression = cvx.quad_form(wplus, locator(self.Sigma, t))
     84         except TypeError:
     85             self.expression = cvx.quad_form(

/home/weiwu/projects/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/ in locator(obj, t)
     30     """Picks last element before t."""
     31     try:
---> 32         return obj.iloc[obj.axes[0].get_loc(t, method='pad')]
     33     except AttributeError:  # obj not pandas
     34         return obj

/home/weiwu/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-4.4.0/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method)
   1946         """
   1947         if method is not None:
-> 1948             raise NotImplementedError('only the default get_loc method is '
   1949                                       'currently supported for MultiIndex')

NotImplementedError: only the default get_loc method is currently supported for MultiIndex

MultiPeriodOptimization example problem


When I run your MultiPeriodOptimization example, in the first part of MPO Coarse search, I get the error:
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'alpha_model'. Then, I delete "alpha_model =" characters and keep everything else unchanged. However, I still get error saying
init() got multiple values for argument 'trading_times'.

Could you tell me how I can fix it?

Problems when portfolio value approaches negative

In my experience, when a portfolio becomes infeasible, Policy.get_trades "defaults to no-trades" (usually because it has become close to zero value, and the single leverage limit constraint turns infeasible), the logger built into the Result classes calls

    def log_policy(self, t, exec_time):
        self.log_data("policy_time", t, exec_time)
        # TODO mpo policy requires changes in the optimization_log methods
        if not isinstance(self.policy, MultiPeriodOpt):
            for cost in self.policy.costs:
                self.log_data("policy_" + cost.__class__.__name__,
                                  t, cost.optimization_log(t))

However, the various Costs (HcostModel at least), if the problem is infeasible, will have a self.expression that is None. Thus the following throws a NoneType has no attribute 'A1' error.

    def optimization_log(self, t):
        return self.expression.value.A1

I have modified log_policy so that if this occurs, the value that is logged is simply np.NaN. Otherwise, the entire simulation halts.

What is A1, and what value should be logged if Cost.expression.value is None?

Also, sometimes the portfolio value drops below zero. For instance, losses on short positions are not bounded. In such cases, this assertion in MultiPeriodOpt fails:

class MultiPeriodOpt(SinglePeriodOpt):
        def get_trades(self, portfolio,
            value = sum(portfolio)
            assert (value > 0.) # This assumption can actually break.

What should occur here?

Also, when the value becomes negative, the nonlinear "second_term" produces a complex number and breaks the optimization.

class TcostModel(BaseCost):

    def _estimate(self, t, w_plus, z, value):
        # omitting lots of code
        second_term = time_locator(self.nonlin_coeff, t) * \
            time_locator(self.sigma, t) * \
            (value / time_locator(self.volume, t))**(self.power - 1) 
        # If value becomes negative, this produces a complex number.

And then when the portfolio becomes negative, it continues trading.

Maybe there is a simpler solution that retrofitting all the code to accept negative value?


P.S. I've been a long-time lurker to this project

fix some minor bugs in source code/examples/tests

hello @enzobusseti @SteveDiamond @jonathanng

thank you for providing this great framework for portfolio optimization. I am wondering would you mind spent a little time fixing some minor bugs in source code and in examples/tests.

Some bugs likes:
(1) Can't instantiate abstract class MPOReturnsForecast with abstract methods weight_expr.

(2) ValueError: Incompatible dimensions (430, 1) (431, 1)

(3) parameter name mistake, like returns_forecast and alpha_model.

(4) the first argument of SPO policy in SPO examples.

thanks for your time and have a good day.

Error while running ValueError: Cannot broadcast dimensions (562, 5) (5,)

I have debugged the code and found out the root cause, cvx.multiply at cvxportfolio/ line number 257.
is causing this issue. How should I resolve this?


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/", line 1438, in _exec
pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script
File "/Applications/", line 18, in execfile
exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
File "/Users/ankitaggarwal/Applications/cvxportfolio/examples/", line 92, in
policies=[spo_policy, cp.Hold()])
File "/Users/ankitaggarwal/Applications/cvxportfolio/cvxportfolio/", line 152, in run_multiple_backtest
results =, policies)
File "/Users/ankitaggarwal/Applications/cvxportfolio/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 268, in map
return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()
File "/Users/ankitaggarwal/Applications/cvxportfolio/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 657, in get
raise self._value
ValueError: Cannot broadcast dimensions (562, 5) (5,)

MPO example is introducing future data

it looks like the MPO example is using the future return data, since it's impossible to know the exact return estimate for time t+1 at time t. This may make the comparison between SPO and MPO unfair.



Can not set attribute Error in get_trades when adding terminal_weights constraint in MPO example

The terminal_weights setup in MultiPeriodOpt example seems to fail when calling run_backtest function.
python 3.6 + cvxportfolio 0.05 + cvxpy 1.0.25 + numpy 1.17.1 + pandas 0.22.0.

terminal_weights = pd.Series(index=returns.columns, data=0)
terminal_weights['USDOLLAR'] = 1

policy = \
                        costs=[gamma_risk*risk_model, gamma_tcost*simulated_tcost, optimization_hcost],
result = simulator.run_backtest(w_b*1e8, start_time = start_t, end_time=end_t, policy=policy)

It error out in file:

if self.terminal_weights is not None:
            prob_arr[-1].constraints += [wplus == self.terminal_weights.values]  # <-- Error Out

The error message is:

File "/home/kec/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cvxportfolio/", line 374, in get_trades
    prob_arr[-1].constraints += [wplus == self.terminal_weights.values]
AttributeError: can't set attribute

anyone knows how to fix this problem?

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    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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