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documentation's Introduction

CUBA Platform Documentation


The documentation is written in AsciiDoc format. Source files, images and includes are located in the content directory in the following subdirectories:

  • manual - Developer's Manual
  • polymer - Polymer UI Tutorial
  • release_notes - latest release notes
  • other subdirectories contain documentation on platform addons.

Most of the documents have English and Russian versions in the corresponding subdirectories (en and ru).

Released documentation is available at CUBA website.

Building from Source


In order to produce HTML from AsciiDoc, we use Asciidoctor. It can be installed as follows:

  1. Install Ruby (tested on version 2.1).

  2. Install Asciidoctor:

     gem install asciidoctor -v 1.5.2
  3. Install coderay for code highlighting:

     gem install coderay
  4. If you want to generate PDF, install Asciidoctor PDF:

     gem install asciidoctor-pdf -v 1.5.2

This is enough to build the documentation with the existing visual theme. If you want to change the theme, see the Building Theme section below.

Build Tasks

Gradle is used as a build tool. Build task names have the following structure: {purpose}{doc}{lang}.

{purpose} can be one of the following:

  • build - build single-HTML document.
  • chop - build multi-page document.
  • war - build a WAR file. The resulting WAR file will have a name corresponding to the document name and a version which is set by the ext.docVersion property defined in build.gradle, for example manual-7.0.war.
  • deploy - deploy WAR to Tomcat (installed by the setupTomcat task, see below).
  • pdf - generate PDF.

{doc} is the document name (Manual, Bpm, etc.)

{lang} can be either En or Ru.

For example, to build and deploy the English manual, use the following command:

./gradlew deployManualEn

Before running the deploy task, install the local Tomcat server by executing the following task:

./gradlew setupTomcat

By default, Tomcat is installed into ./deploy/tomcat and configured to listen on port 6080.

Building Theme

The CSS file containing the theme is located in the styles directory. Don't change this file - it must be built by the AsciiDoc theme builder. The theme builder is located in the tools/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory directory (it is a copy of the asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory project).

The theme source code is contained in two files: sass/cuba.scss and sass/settings/_cuba.scss. After making changes in these files, execute the buildCubaTheme Gradle task. As a result, a new cuba.css will be written to the styles directory.

The buildCubaTheme task requires the following Ruby gems:

gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri sass -v 3.4.22
gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri compass
gem install zurb-foundation

If you get an error like

C:/Program Files/Ruby21-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/lib/compass/core/sass_extensions/functions/urls.rb:5:in `has?': undefined method `has?' for Sass::Util:Module (NoMethodError)
        from C:/Program Files/Ruby21-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/lib/compass/core/sass_extensions/functions/urls.rb:9:in `included'
        from C:/Program Files/Ruby21-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/sass-3.5.0.pre.rc.1/lib/sass/script/functions.rb:632:in `include'

then try to uninstall gem sass-3.5.0.pre.rc.1 and install 3.4.22. Perhaps you should also reinstall all the other gems.

Notes on PDF Generation

The PDF generation is based on the Asciidoctor PDF.

Due to the issue asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf#830 images in table cells should have pdfwidth=xxin attribute.

Viewing Documentation Locally

After installing Tomcat and deploying a document as described above, start the server:


If you build, for example, manual for version 7.1, it will be available at http://localhost:6080/manual-7.1.

documentation's People


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documentation's Issues

Production settings

Relates to
See also

Document the recommended production settings:

  • Tomcat ( etc),
  • production mode ON for vaadin in web.xml
  • production mode ON for REST API
  • unset auto-filled default login and password
  • (optional) if app is running under nginx, the correct version of proxy http and certain headers should be set, otherwise, websockets will not start up, and vaadin will fall into long polling (this can be detected in JS console)

The real question from a client: We want to deploy the portal app on a separate tomcat instance on a different physical server. What config needs to be set for it to know the location of the core app?

Thread safety of Configuration Interfaces

Configuration interfaces may be used as middleware beans' attributes, for example:

class MyBean {

    protected  MyConfiguration myConfig;

    public void init() {
        myConfig = configuration.getConfig(MyConfiguration.class);

    public void doSomething() {
        if (myConfig.isSomePropertyEnabled()) {


  • ConfigPersisterImpl is thead-safe,
  • Server implementation does not cache values, so it always read the newest values from ConfigStorage.

Multi-threading considerations for BackgroundTask#run() implementation

Add examples of safe multi-threading.

The run() method runs in a separate thread, not in the UI thread. It must be considered in case:

  • you need to pass parameters to the task,
  • call UI components from the task,
  • use changeable variables, also used from UI thread, from the task.

Main rules:

  • Changing UI components and datasources state from run() is a bad practice that can result in mystic Vaadin and Swing errors.
  • Read and update operations for any changeable state from run() (including datasources, components, and added fields of screen controllers) must be synchronized,
  • The best practice for background tasks would be to avoid synchronization at all with the help of Platform means.

These means are:

The task is coded in functional style divided into 3 parts:

  1. Prepare task parameters - in UI thread before running the task,
  2. run() performing a continuous action in a separate thread. It uses only prepared parameters and prepares some result which serves as a class-task parameter. Multiple results can be wrapped in POJO.
  3. The task result is applied to the interface and saved in some cache-fields, performed in done(), handleException(), handleTimeout().

Passing parameters via the task constructor seems to be more type-safe than by getParams().

Example №2:

// Here:
// parameter - String searchString
// result - List<AddressSuggestion>
// state - addresses and components

protected TextField searchStringField;
private CustomDatasource<GuiSuggestion> addressDs;
private Label searchProgressBar;

protected List<AddressSuggestion> addresses;
protected BackgroundTaskWrapper<Void, List<AddressSuggestion>> backgroundTaskWrapper = new BackgroundTaskWrapper<>();

protected class AddressSearchTask extends BackgroundTask<Void, List<AddressSuggestion>> {
    private String searchString;

    public AddressSearchTask(String searchString) {
        this.searchString = searchString;

    public List<AddressSuggestion> run(TaskLifeCycle<Void> taskLifeCycle) {
        List<AddressSuggestion> matches =;
        return matches;

    public void canceled() {
        addresses = Collections.emptyList();

    public void done(List<AddressSuggestion> result) {
        addresses = result;

protected void setInSearch(boolean inSearch) {

// call
String searchString = searchStringField.getValue();
backgroundTaskWrapper.restart(new AddressSearchTask(searchString));

Example №2

// Пример №2
// Расчёт цены заказа в фоновом потоке
// для сложного объекта-заказа, который редактируется на форме

// Т.к. во время выполнения задачи заказ может изменяться через компоненты редактирования
//  - то нельзя передавать в задачу объект, хранящийся в датасорсе.
//  Перед запуском задачи нужно создать объект-копию заказа, для которого и будет идти расчет

    protected Datasource<Order> orderDs;
    protected ProgressBar progressBar;
    protected Label priceLabel;

    private class PriceCalcTask extends BackgroundTask<Void, Price> {
        private Order orderCopy;

        public PriceCalcTask(Order orderCopy) {
            super(60, frame);
            this.orderCopy = orderCopy;

        public Price run(TaskLifeCycle<Void> taskLifeCycle) {
            return priceService.calculatePrice(orderCopy);

        public void done(Price result) {
            assignPriceToOrder(orderCopy, result);

        public boolean handleException(Exception ex) {
            showNotification("Failed to calculate price", NotificationType.WARNING);
            return true;

// вызов
Order orderClone = deepClone(orderDs.getItem());
priceTaskWrapper.restart(new PriceCalcTask(orderClone));

JS Slider does not set values to state on `valueChanged` from Client

SliderServerComponent should have the following constructor:

    public SliderServerComponent() {
        addFunction("valueChanged", arguments -> {
            JsonArray array = arguments.getArray(0);
            double[] values = new double[2];
            values[0] = array.getNumber(0);
            values[1] = array.getNumber(1);

            getState(false).values = values;


Also we have to override the following method:

    protected SliderState getState(boolean markAsDirty) {
        return (SliderState) super.getState(markAsDirty);

Entity states and em.merge

All newbie developers and many experienced ones don't understand the meaning of managed entity state and purpose of em.merge. For them em.merge call is "save entity changes to DB", like
Existing documentation pages (1, 2) are not enough. Too brief, people just don't get the sense without real code.

TODO: add examples, recommended scenarios, explanations of side effects.

What can be added:

  • explanation of what exactly em.merge is doing under the hood. Side effects: optimistic lock checking. When we need to use em.merge and when we don't need it. Code example of justified em.merge usage.
  • code example of em.reload usage.
  • code example for this sentence:

Any changes of the instance in Managed state will be saved to the database when the transaction that the EntityManager belongs to is committed.

How to customize validation notification in Window

Relates to
At the moment, it is implemented in com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.WebWindow#showValidationErrors and cannot be changed.


New configuration property: cuba.gui.validationNotificationType
Default value: TRAY

Valid value: one of com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Frame.NotificationType (TRAY, TRAY_HTML, HUMANIZED, HUMANIZED_HTML, WARNING, WARNING_HTML, ERROR, ERROR_HTML)

You can override default behaviour for concrete Window/Frame in showValidationErrors() method:

    public void showValidationErrors(ValidationErrors errors) {

Hot deploy settings

Document how HD works:

  • Help -> Hot Deploy settings in Studio
  • Help -> Instant Hot deploy setting in Studio
  • Run ->Hot deploy conf

If Instant Hot deploy is deactivated, one can run Run ->Hot deploy conf:

If Instant Hot deploy is active:

  • Help->Instant Hot deploy settings are applied
  • files in global module are not hot deployed at all (waiting for the fix)
  • changes in services are hot deployed only from implementations, interface changes (in global) cannot be hot deployed
  • Groovy beans cannot be hot deployed (ticket)

Help -> Settings, ->Context help

The 'Instant hot deploy' checkbox allows you to turn off hot deploy.
If hot deployment is enabled, Studio dynamically updates the UI of your deployed web application as you apply or save changes to views, screens, messages or the main menu. На самом деле Instant hot deploy работает не только для UI (see above)

Run ->Hot deploy conf

Hot deploy conf runs the deployConf Gradle task which by default copies all sources of the web module into the application server's configuration directory.
The task can be configured in build.gradle if necessary. This command is usually excessive because Studio can instantly deploy changed source files of the web module if the Instant hot deploy for Web Client checkbox in the Screens section is set.

In fact: not only Web module and not all sources.

Instant hot deploy for Web Client checkbox in the Screens section - should be clarified.


  1. What works:
    XML descriptors and screen controllers (including static methods), located in web and gui modules
    Middleware service implementations, located in core module

  2. What doesn't work:
    Any classes of the global module, including middleware service interfaces

  3. Other UI and middleware classes and beans, including their static methods, hot deployed ONLY IF some class from item 1 has also been changed. The reason for this is that class reloading is started by some signal: for screen controllers it is the screen reopening, for services - Studio generates special trigger file that is recognized by server and used to reload particular service class and all its dependencies.

See also

How to replace Service implementation completely

Without inheritance from base service from app component

At the moment, we have to annotate new service implementation with @service annotation and exclude this class from component-scan:

<context:component-scan base-package="com.haulmont.cuba">
    <context:exclude-filter type="regex" expression="com\.haulmont\.cuba\.web\.sys\.CustomMyServiceBean"/>

Fix integration test examples

  1. Get rid of:
  • new Customer() - creation of entities with new is dangerous and we show warning inspection in Idea
  • new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( - verbose, use simple Arrays.asList(
  1. There is no example of file, usually it contains important options:
  1. Specify full package name for,, since new projects always have files inside of root package

Time Frame description for cron scheduling type

Time frame – if Start date is specified, Time frame defines the time window in seconds, during which the task will be launched after startDate + period * N time expires. If Time frame is not specified explicitly, it is equal to period / 2.
If Start date is not specified, Time frame is ignored, i.e. the task will be launched at any time after Period since the previous execution of the task expires.

Describe also cron scheduling with time frame

Recommend Projects

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  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

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