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  • Block scope:
    • let: can be updated
    • const: immutable binding, properties of object can be updated
      • object.freeze(constInstance) will make properties not updatable
    • can'd re-declare multiple times
    • only available within block (if, loop, function, etc)
    • Uses:
      • Can replace Immediately-invoked Function Expression (IIFE) (function(){var ... = ...})(); with { let ... = .... }
      • for loop (eg: no longer setTimeout console.log(i) error)
      • prevents temporal dead zones (can't access before defined)
    • Ways to use:
  • Function scope:
    • var (old):
    • can be created/updated
    • if no function, becomes globally scoped to window


  • Arrow functions
    • Benefits

      • concise [50, 55, 25, 70].filter( speed => speed >= 50 )

      • implicit returns (for 1 line functions)

        • to return back object, use ({}) ["this", "is", "fun"].map( (word, i) => ({ word: word, position: i + 1 }) )
      • doesn't rebind this when used in other function

        • inherited from parent scope (eg: in event listener, doesn't bind to dom)
        const $dom = $(.selector)
        $dom.on('click', function () {
          setTimeout( {} => {
            // this object is the same as the this in scope directly outside setTimeout
          }, 500);
    • Use:

      • Uses fat arrow, don't need parenthesis when only 1 parameter, need parenthesis when no parameter

        // Old style function
        function test (name) {
          return `${name} is here`
        // Arrow function
        (name) => {
          return `${name} is here`
        // without parenthesis
        name => {
          return `${name} is here`
        // one liner
        name => `${name} is here`
        // one liner without parameter
        () => `name is here`
    • Always anonymous function so not good stack-trace, but can assign to const or variables

    • default values in functions now supported

      function testDefault(first, second = 'second', third = 'third'){
        return `${first} ${second} ${third}`
      // to skip variable, just pass in "undefined"
      testDefault(1, undefined, 3)
    • Don't use arrow functions when need access to function's this objects:

      • in event handler
      • as property of object
      const objectType = {
        count: 0,
        add() {
    • Don't add as prototype function

    • When need arguments object


  • Template Strings/Literals: uses backticks: `you are ${test}` will write test variable into string. Can run JavaScripts inside of ${}
  • multiline strings now possible with backticks as well
  • Can nest template string within template string: map, ternary
  • to make code more readable, don't nest too many functions inside of backticks, use helper function
function createLi (list) {
  return number => `<li> ${number} </li>` ).join('');

const template = `
${ createLi( [1, 2, 3, 4] ) }
  • tag template

    • function's first parameter is array of strings in template. Other parameters are the values of inserts for the template (1 less than length of array from first parameter)
    • can also pass in string, which will then get passed on as a value to the template tag to add custom tags around values, sanitize specific strings, etc
    function templateTag(strings, ...values) {
      let str = strings[0];
      values.forEach( (string, i) => {
        str += "these " + values[i] + strings[i + 1];
      return str;
    const first = "oranges";
    const second = "apples";
    const sentence = templateTag`Comparing ${first} to ${second}`;
    function templateTag(strings, ...values) {
      let str = strings[0];
      values.forEach( (string, i) => {
        str += "these " + DOMPurify.sanitize(values[i]) + strings[i + 1];
      return str;
    const first = "oranges";
    const second = "apples";
    const sentence = templateTag`Comparing ${first} to ${second}<script>alert("Running bad JavaScript");</script>`;

String Improvements

  • startsWith/endsWith: parameters: string to search for, optionally how many characters to ignore at the beginning
  • includes
  • repeat: can create left pad function, will repeat string however much specified


  • Object

    • Easily set object properties as variables
    • Nice for extracting nested data or returning multiple values from a function (by returning object and destructuring immediately)
    • Can also set default for destructuring
    const nanook = {
      type: 'cat',
      likes: 'flopping over',
      sound: 'purring',
      hates: 'collars',
      from: {
        city: 'SF',
        state: 'CA',
        country: 'USA'
      contact: {
        email: '[email protected]',
        twitter: '@roarnookie'
    const { type, sound, testDefault = 'test' } = nanook; // saves as type and sound and uses default test for testDefault
    const { city:cy, state:st } = nanook.from; // saves as cy and st
    // Function where you don't need to worry about order of parameters
    function noWorries({ worry = 'nothing', name = 'me', amount = 100 }) {
      return `${name} is worried about ${worry} by ${amount}%`;
    noWorries({ worry: "No money", amount: 110 });
    noWorries({ });
  • Array

    • ignores extra elements
    • rest operator gives array of rest
    // 'extra element...' is ignored and not saved
    [name, type, likes] = ['Nanook', 'cat', 'purring', 'extra element not needed'];
    // feather, string, cat tree are saved as elements in toys array
    [officialName,] = ['Nanook the Awesome', 'feather', 'string', 'cat tree'];
  • Reassignment: creates array and reassign to variables, no need for tmp variable

    • to switch 2 values: [firstValue, secondValue] = [secondValue, firstValue]

For of loop

  • Loop over any iterable: arguments, array, string, map, generator, set, dom collection, etc -- anything with Symbol.iterator

  • Old loops

    • for loop -- strange syntax
    • forEach -- can't use break or continue
    • for in -- only passes on index values, but also includes prototype functions and the array's direct properties
  • Benefits:

    • Allows use of break or continue
    • Can iterate through generators (eg: array.entries())
    • Can loop over lots of stuff that aren't array like arguments or dom collections (though new dom elements have forEach function now)
    • ES2017 has Object.entries(), available through polyfill. However, for now, use Object.keys(objectInstance) or for in
    // Use const so that val is scoped for each loop
    for (const val of arrayInstance) {
    for (const [i, val] of arrayInstance.entries()) {

Array improvements

  • from Array.from( domList ) Array.from( domList, dom => dom.textContent )
  • of
    • Creates array from items passed in
    • Array.of(1, 2, 3, 4) returns [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • find (just first instance)
    • argument is callback that returns true or false for each item in elements arrayInstance.find(item => item.attribute === 'desired item')
  • findIndex (just first instance)
    • good for finding idx for deleting, etc arrayInstance.findIndex(item => item.attribute === 'desired item')
  • Useful old methods that return true/false
    • some arrayInstance.some(item => item.attribute === 'desired item')
    • every arrayInstance.every(item => item.attribute === 'desired item')

Spread/Rest Operator

  • Rest: use ... to store all values as array assigned to variable
    • Can be used to put all iterable into 1 array function multipleVariable( first, second, ) { CODE }
    • Deconstruct to array [name, type,] = ['Nanook', 'cat', 'feather', 'ball', 'cat tree']
  • Spread: puts each iterable into element of array
    • String: [...'nanook'] turns into ['n', 'a', 'n', 'o', 'o', 'k']
    • Array: [...['test', 1], 'another', ...['oh', 'good']] turns into ['test', 1, 'another', ''oh', 'good']
    • Uses:
      • Used instead of concatting array
      • Can be used to copy array
      • Alternative to Array.from (probably not preferred) [...document.getElementsByTagName('p')].map( el => el.textContent )
      • Slice out element from array (common with react) [...arrayInstance.slice(0, 5), ...arrayInstance.slice(6)]
      • Spread into function
        • [1, 2].push(...[3, 4]) instead of [1, 2].push.apply([1, 2], [3, 4])

Object Literal Improvements

  • if key and value are same name, don't need to specify both
    • eg: { name, race, test: 'test string' } is the same as { name: name, race: race, test: 'test string' }
  • Shorthand for creating object functions (see functions section)
  • Assign template as property names
const key = 'nanook';
const value = 'tabby';

  [key]: value, // always able to do
  [`${key}2`]: value, // new ability to compute key in ES6



  • fetch
const requestPromise = fetch('');

  .then(data => data.json())
  .then(data => {console.log(data)})
  .catch(err => {console.log(err)});
  • Build custom promises to run something async
let err = true
const requestPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  if (err) {
    reject(Error('custom error parameter'))
  } else {
    resolve('custom parameter');
  // if this returned a promise, would be able to find chain another .then statement

  .then(data => {console.log(data)})
  .catch(err => {console.log(err)});

// can accept multiple promises and run them both at once
// Waits for all promises to finish before running "then" callback
  .all([requestPromise, otherPromise])
  .then(responses => {
    [requestPromiseResult, otherPromiseResult] = responses;

// If the two requests return json objects, need another promise
  .all([requestPromise, otherPromise])
  .then(responses => {
    return Promise.all( res => res.json() ));
  .then(responses => {
    [requestPromiseResult, otherPromiseResult] = responses;

Symbols (New 7th Primitive Types)

  • In addition to current number, string, object, boolean, null, undefined primitive types

  • Is unique identifier, no naming collision

  • Uses:

    • Unique keys within objects
    const itinerary = {
      [Symbol('Spain')]: new Date('10/10/2016'),
      [Symbol('France')]: new Date('10/12/2016'),
      [Symbol('Italy')]: new Date('10/14/2016'),
      [Symbol('Spain')]: new Date('10/15/2016'),
    // To get data from itinerary, need to get symbol using getOwnPropertySymbols
    const symbolArray = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(itinerary);
    const data = key => itinerary[key] );
    • Store classified data because not loopable with for in loop


  • New way to write prototype inheritance
  • Declaration
class Animal {
  // Runs whenever new Animal is called
  constructor (name, species) { = name;
    this.species = species;

  // Prototype method
  makeNoise() {

  // Class method
  static makeTons () {
    console.log("SO MANY ANIMALS!");

  // Setters/getters
  set treat (type) {
    this.treat = type;
  get treat () {
    console.log(`${} loves to eat ${this.type}`);

// Can extend classes -- don't go beyond 2 - 3
// Can also extend built-in like Arrays
class Cat extends Animal {
  constructor (name, type) {
    super(name, 'cat');
    this.type = 'fluffy';
  • Expression
const Animal = class {

  • Requires:
    • constructor property function


  • Function that can start/stop and pause
// Indicate generator with *
function* getPrime(numberPrimes = 10) {
  let curr = 2;
  while (numberPrimes > 0) {
    if (isPrime(curr)) {
      // yield stops the code when .next is called
      yield curr;

  function isPrime(num) {
    for (let i = 2; i < num; i++) {
      if (num % i === 0) {
        return false;
    return true;

// Can loop through
for (const primeNum of getPrime()) {
  • Uses:

    • Can be iterated through with for of loop
    • Waterfall dependent ajax requests without nesting them
    // What happens
    function getNext(url, data) {
        url: url,
        data: data,
        type: 'POST',
      .fail(function (resp) {
      .success(function(resp) {
        // resp will get passed on and stored as result of yield getNext();
    // Generator function
    function* ajaxRequests() {
      const sendEmail = yield getNext('');
      const getStatus = yield getNext('', sendEmail);
    // Code which is initially run
    const waterfall = ajaxRequests();; // start process


  • Overwrites default behavior of object
  • accepts target and handle as parameters
// The object we're going to write proxy for
const cat = {
  sound: 'purring',
  treat: 'salmon',
  hates: 'trains'

// Proxy that will trap default operations for Object
const catProxy = new Proxy(cat, {
  // Overwrites cat[key]
  get(target, name) {
    console.log("This would have returned ${ target [name] }");
  // Overwrites cat[key] = value
  set(target, name, value){
    if (typeof value === "string") {
      target[name] = `Better String For ${ value.toUpperCase() }`;
  • Uses:
    • Cleanup values for object (eg: phone numbers)
    • Warn if try to overwrite existing key or use improperly formatted key


  • Set

    • unique array that can't access item individually through index
    const usernames = new Set(['test']);
    usernames.has('test'); // true
    // can't add repeat
    usernames.size(); // 4
    // deletes without needing index
    // returns generator -- can use usernames in for of loop
    const a = usernames.values();
    usernames.keys(); // same as .values
    usernames.entries(); // returns back nested arrays with duplicate first/second element; // remove test
    usernames.add("ppp") // adds ppp to both a and usernames
    a // now has administrator, user1, user2, and ppp
    // clears all values
  • Weakset

    • can only contain objects
    • cannot loop over it
    • no clear method because once reference to item in set disappears, the item disappears from set -- less memory leak
    let user1 = {
      name: "administrator",
      gender: "F"
    let user2 = {
      name: "trial",
      gender: "F"
    const cleanList = new WeakSet([user1, user2]);
    // Let's delete the trial user
    user2 = null;
    // After a few seconds, user2 will disappear from cleanList -- takes long time on chrome

Maps/Weak Maps

  • Map

    • Similar to sets, but with key/values
    • Can use object or dom element as key of map -- sort of as metadata dictionary
    • Has size attribute
    const usernames = new Map();
    usernames.set('administrator', 0);
    usernames.add('user1', 1);
    usernames.add('user2', 2);
    usernames.has('administrator'); // true
    usernames.get('user1'); // 1
    // deletes without needing index
    username.forEach(( id, name ) => console.log(name, id));
    for (const [name, id] of usernames) {
      console.log(name, id);
    // clear info
  • Weak Map

    • no size, not enumerable, but is garbage collected (similar to set)


Linting: ESLint

  • Install ESLint to monitor code for js error -- by default all checks are off, but should enable either eslint:recommended or airbnb -- airbnb more strict than eslint:recommended

  • Good to read the ESLint explanation for the error -- might not want to turn off

  • global eslint config in ~/.eslintrc if there's no eslintrc file within parent directories

  • To set globals within file:

    /* globals ga */
  • To turn off lint feature

    /* eslint-disable no-extend-native */
    no-extend-native is DISABLED here
    /* eslint-enable no-extend-native */
    no-extend-native linting is ENABLED again
  • Plugins available for linting within different environments (eg: html or markdown)

  • eslint *.html or eslint --ext html will lint all html files

  • eslint --fix will fix specified file -- only works for .js files currently

  • ESLint git hooks :)

    • Prevents user from committing to repo unless they pass linting
    • Add file within the repo's .git > hooks folder.
    files=$(git diff --cached --name-only | grep '\.jsx\?$')
    # Prevent ESLint help message if no files matched
    if [[ $files = "" ]] ; then
      exit 0
    for file in ${files}; do
      git show :$file | eslint $file
      if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
    if [[ $failed != 0 ]] ; then
      echo "๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšซ ESLint failed, git commit denied!"
      exit $failed

Javascript Modules (old technology, but really prevalent in ES6)

  • import JavaScript modules rather than using scrip tags -- currently not really supported by modern browsers yet
  • Need package.json + webpack to bundle js to make ES6 modules work
  • To create app:
    • have main js file
    • npm init to create package.json to save references to npm installed packages (like jquery from npm install jquery) -- pretty much all packages are available through npm install
    • npm install webpack@beta --save-dev to work with modules
    • npm install babel-core babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015-native-modules --save-dev to convert from ES6 to ES5 but supporting modules
    • Create webpack.config.js file
    • Define 'build' within package.json > scripts
    • build with npm run build -- will run as long as running code
    • Alternatives:
      • systemJS (quickly makes app works -- no need to npm install -- just include script and run through server) with jspm
      • Browserify

Set up ES6 for all browsers

  • To babelify (syntax to ES5)
    • npm install babel-cli babel-preset-es2015 --save
    • Create .babelrc file or define babel within package.json
    • define 'babel' within package.json > scripts
  • To polyfill (functions to ES6)
    • Provide all polyfills: import "babel-polyfill"
    • Provide polyfill specific to user agent:
  • Custom modules
    • variables are scoped within the module
    • to use outside module, need to export variables
      • default export (main function) -- can be imported as any name
      • named export -- export as specific name -- import surrounded with curly braces


  • console
    • console.table(object) - will display .map(function) in table along with object
  • terminal
    • ll shows detailed list of items in folder's People


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