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cs201-p1-nbody's Introduction

Project 1: NBody

This is the directions document for Project P1 NBody in CompSci 201 at Duke University, Fall 2022.



This assignment heavily borrows from Princeton and Berkeley Computer Science and the work of Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne and Josh Hug.

Context: In 1687, Isaac Newton formulated the principles governing the motion of two particles under the influence of their mutual gravitational attraction in his famous Principia. However, Newton was unable to solve the problem for three particles. Indeed, in general, solutions to systems of three or more particles must be approximated via numerical simulations. For a more complete understanding of the Physics you can reference this document.

In this assignment, you will write a program to simulate the motion of N objects in a plane, mutually affected by gravitational forces, and animate the results. Such methods are widely used in cosmology, semiconductors, and fluid dynamics to study complex physical systems. Ultimately, you will be creating a driver program that draws an animation of bodies moving in space interacting with each other subject to interacting and mutual gravitational forces. These bodies are modeled by the class that you'll implement and test independently of the simulation.

Below you can expand to see an animation of a completed project running with some planets in our solar system. The animation repeats after one earth year, your program continues until the simulation completes.

Example Simulation of Complete Project

Starter Code and Using Git

This document details the workflow for downloading the starter code for the project, updating your code on coursework using Git, and ultimately submitting to Gradescope for autograding.

Developing, Running, Testing Code

You're given the outline of a class CelestialBody with stub or missing methods and a constructor. You'll add code so that the class works as described below. This class represents a celestial body such as a planet or a sun.

Finally, you will create a class that drives a simulation between planets, suns, and celestial bodies interacting. This class will read a file of data that specifies the initial positions and masses of the bodies and then simulates their interaction over a set time period. The simulation will also animate the interactions between the bodies.

There are classes provided that help you test whether your constructor, getters, and interaction methods are correct. Running each TestX class will print PASS or FAIL messages to your terminal/console. You should only proceed to the next step when you've passed the current test. When these tests pass, there's a good chance your code is correct, but you may uncover additional errors when you run the NBody simulation.

CelestialBody Variables, Constructor, and Getter Methods

This section introduces the CelestialBody class and describes its instance variables, constructor, and getter methods, which you will need to implement.

CelestialBody Instance variables

The outline below shows the constructor, methods, and instance variables (or fields) of the CelestialBody class. All instance variables should be private. All methods should be public (if you write helper methods they should be private).

You'll have six instance variables: myXPos, myYPos, myXVel, myYVel, myMass, myFileName. The first five have type double, the last is a String.

CelestialBody Constructor

You'll have one constructor: it has six parameters, one for each instance variable. The signatures of is shown below.

CelestialBody Getter Methods You'll also write six so-called getter methods specified in the class. The body of each method is a single return statement, returning the value of the corresponding instance variable. These getter methods allow the values of `private` instance variables to be accessed outside the class. For example, the method `getXVel()` is shown below. These are getter methods because they do not allow client programs to set the values, only to get the values.

When you've implemented the constructor and the six getter methods you should be able to run the program in to see if your code is correct. When it reports that everything works you can proceed to the next step in implementing the CelestialBody class. The report from running TestBodyConstructorGetters indicates whether each getter method passes.

Additional CelestialBody Methods

Now that you have the constructor and getter methods for the CelestialBody class, this section details the additional methods you will need to implement.

The method CelestialBody.calcDistance

This method returns the distance between two CelestialBody objects. Use the standard distance formula to determine the distance between this body (using myXPos and myYPos or this.myXPos and this.myYPos) and the CelestialBody object specified by the parameter b. The distance is the value of $r$ in the formula below where

r^2=dx^2 + dy^2

where $dx$ is delta/difference between $x$-coordinates, similarly for $dy$. You can use the static method Math.sqrt to calculate the square root of a number.

The method CelestialBody.calcForceExertedBy

This method calculates and returns the force exerted on this body by the body specified as the parameter. You should calculate the force using the formula below. You can read about the physics of the formula in the NBody Physics document.

F = G\frac{m_1m_2}{r^2}

Here $m_1$ and $m_2$ are the masses of the two bodies, $G$ is the gravitational constant ($6.67 \cdot 10^{-11}\frac{N-m^2}{kg^2}$), and $r$ is the distance between the two objects. Call calcDistance to determine this distance. You can specify $G$ as $6.67 \cdot 10^{-11}$ (alternatively, 6.67*1e-11) using scientific notation in Java.

When you've implemented this method, test it by running

The methods CelestialBody.calcForceExertedByX and calcForceExertedByY

These two methods describe the force exerted in the X and Y directions, respectively. The signature of calcForceExertedByX is shown above; calcForceExertedByY has a similar signature.

You can obtain the $x$- and $y$-components from the total force using the formulas below, where $F$ is the value returned by calcForceExertedBy, $r$ is the distance between two bodies, and $F_x$ and $F_y$ are the values to be returned by calcForceExertedByX and calcForceExertedByY, respectively. Note that $dx$ and $dy$ in the formula the differences between $x$ and $y$ coordinates respectively between the original body (this, the object on which the method is called) and the exerting body (the argument to the method).

F_x = F\frac{dx}{r}\\~\\
F_y = F\frac{dy}{r}

Note: Be careful with the signs! In particular, be aware that $dx$ and $dy$ are signed (positive or negative). By convention, we define the positive $x$-direction as towards the right of the screen, and the positive $y$-direction as towards the top.

Also note: While mathematically F/r * dx is the same as F*dx/r, because of roundoff error these may not be the same computationally. You should use F*dx/r in your method.

You can test them using the program in

The method CelestialBody.calcNetForceExertedByX and calcNetForceExertedByY

This method returns the total/net force exerted on this body by all the bodies in the array parameter. The principle of superposition (see Physics) says that the net force acting on a CelestialBody object by many other bodies is the sum of the pairwise forces acting on the CelestialBody by each body. So you'll need to sum the forces returned by calcForceExertedByX (or Y) in calculating the value to return.

You must make sure NOT to include the force exerted by a body on itself! The universe might collapse (Infinite/NaN error) if an object attracted itself. If you loop over each element in array bodies, you'll need to check explicitly with code that looks something like the following.

You can test your code by running the program in

The method CelestialBody.update

This method is a so-called mutator. It doesn't return a value, but updates the state/instance variables of the CelestialBody object on which it's called.

This method will be called during the simulation to update the body's position and velocity with small time steps (the value of the first parameter, deltaT). The values of parameter xforce and yforce are the net forces exerted on this body by all other bodies in the simulation. When code calls the update method from, you will determine the values of the arguments passed as these two parameters by calling calcNetForceExertedByX (or Y). In the formulas below the parameter xforce is $F_x$ and yforce is $F_y$.

This update method updates the instance variables myXPos, myYPos, myXVel, and myYVel in four steps.

  1. First, calculate the acceleration using Newton's second law of motion where $m$ is the mass of the CelestialBody. This creates two variables for acceleration in the $x$ and $y$ directions.
a_x = \frac{F_x}{m}\\~\\
a_y = \frac{F_y}{m}
  1. You'll then calculate values for new myXVel and myYVel, we'll call these nvx and nvy where the $n$ is for new, using the relationship between acceleration and velocity, e.g., nvx = myXVel + deltaT*ax.

  2. You'll use nvx (and a corresponding nvy) to calculate new values for myXPos and myYPos using the relationship between position and velocity, e.g., nx = myXPos + deltaT*nvx.

  3. After you've calculated nx,ny,nvx, and nvy, you'll assign these to the instance variables myXPos, myYPos, myXVel, and myYVel, respectively.

These steps will update the position and velocity of the body making the simulation possible. You can test this method using

The method CelestialBody.draw

This void method is described below in the section for NBody that describes where to call the CelestialBody.draw method. This method is already written, you don't need to write or edit it.

After developing, implementing, testing, and debugging these CelestialBody methods you're ready to move to the simulation code.

The NBody Class

The NBody class will use CelestialBody objects to run the simulation.

Details on the CelestialBody class

This class consists only of static methods, including the main method that runs the simulation. Your task will be to implement the three static methods that have been outlined for you in the starter code. That code has // TODO comments indicating where you need to make edits.

Details on Data Format

The data for planets, suns, and celestial bodies in general is in the format shown below. All files in the folder data are in this format. This is the file planets.txt:

The first value is an integer n, the number of bodies for which data is given in the file. The next value is a double, the radius of the universe for the simulation. This value is used to set the scale for the animation.

There are n lines, one line for each CelestialBody. Each line contains six values as shown above. The first five values are doubles: the first two are initial x and y coordinates; the next two are initial x and y velocities; the next is the mass of the CelestialBody. The last value on a line is a String specifying the file in the images folder used for the animation of the simulation.

NBody Methods

This section describes the details of each of the three static methods you need to implement for the NBody class.

The method NBody.readRadius

Given a file name, this method should return a double corresponding to the radius of the universe in that file, e.g. readRadius("./data/planets.txt") should return $2.50 \cdot 10 ^{11}$ (alternatively, 2.50e+11). You'll need to read the int value that's the number of bodies, then read the double value for the radius using the Scanner already created in the starter code. Use s.nextInt() and s.nextDouble() for the Scanner variable s to read an int and double value, respectively. Your code in readRadius must read both values, but only the radius is returned. The number of bodies (first value in a data file) is ignored.

You can test your method using the provided program.

The method NBody.readBodies

This method returns an array of CelestialBody objects using the data read from the file. For example, readBodies("./data/planets.txt") should return an array of 5 CelestialBody objects. You will use the number of bodies (first value in data file) to create a CelestialBody [] array of the correct size to return. When created, each value in the array will be null, but you will read the values on each line and use these as parameters when you call new and create a CelestialBody object with the parameters on each line of the file.

As you iterate through the information for each of the CelestialBody objects in the file, you will find the nextInt(), nextDouble(), and next() methods in the Scanner useful in reading int, double, and String values, respectively. Note that next() returns a String.

You can test this method using the supplied class.

The method NBody.main

You'll see four TODO comments in the loop of the main method. Completing these will make your simulation run correctly and provide an animation of the simulation. The four TODOs are:

  1. Create an xForces array and yForces array. Each should have the same size as the number of bodies in the simulation.
  2. Calculate the net x and y forces for each body, storing these in the xForces and yForces arrays respectively. You can use the CelestialBody methods you wrote previously to do this.
  3. Call update on each body, using dt and the corresponding elements of these arrays as parameters.
  4. Call draw on each body.

Note on Running the Simulation

When the simulation is over your code prints out the final state of the universe in the same format as the input, you can expand below for an example.

Example Simulation Output
1.4631e+09 1.4943e+11 -2.9831e+04 4.0749e+02 5.9740e+24 earth.gif
-1.1174e+11 -1.9803e+11 2.0989e+04 -1.1953e+04 6.4190e+23 mars.gif
2.4125e+10 5.2103e+10 -4.3685e+04 2.0627e+04 3.3020e+23 mercury.gif
5.6664e+05 7.0808e+06 1.0861e-01 1.0639e-01 1.9890e+30 sun.gif
1.0555e+11 2.3363e+10 -7.5708e+03 3.4204e+04 4.8690e+24 venus.gif

The code for printing is given to you in the you start with. This code isn't all that exciting (which is why we've provided a solution), but we'll need this method to work correctly to autograde your assignment. You should NOT print anything other than the final printing shown here. This printing is done after your simulation completes. If you use debugging print statements, be sure to remove them before testing in Gradescope.

When the simulation finishes, you'll need to close/quit the graphics window to be able to run another simulation. Use the red X button in the upper left of the graphics window to dismiss the window.

Analysis Questions

Answer the following questions in your analysis. You'll submit your analysis as a separate PDF as a separate assignment to Gradescope.

Question 1

The data files used for this assignment start by stating the number of CelestialBody objects in the data file. Suppose this were not the case; could you still run the simulation if all other data were present? Briefly explain how you could still create an array of CelestialBody objects of the same size when reading the file.

Question 2

If there are $n$ CelestialBody objects, how many many total times will the code have to execute the calcForceExertedByX method per time step (that is, per iteration of the outer loop of the main method) of the simulation? Your answer should be in terms of $n$. Briefly explain your answer.

Question 3

In terms of totalTime and dt, how many total time steps (that is, iterations of the outer loop of the main method) will there be in the simulation? Briefly explain your ansswer. Based on this, would increasing the value of dt increase, decrease, or have no impact on computational resources necessary to run a complete simulation?

Question 4

dtwas initially set to 25000.0. Change this value to 1000000.0 (one million) and run the simulation again. You should see behavior inconsistent with what is expected for the simulation. Briefly explain why increasing the value of dt could cause this behavior.

Submitting, Reflect, and Grading

You will submit the assignment on Gradescope. You can access Gradescope through the tab on Sakai. The project workflow writeup explains the how to submit your project in detail. In particular, you cannot submit unless all your code has been pushed to your Git repository on coursework. Be sure to push changes often and be sure your final program is in your Git repository before you submit it for autograding on Gradescope. Please take note that changes/commits on GitLab are NOT automatically synced to Gradescope. You are welcome to submit as many times as you like, only the most recent submission will count for a grade.

Don't forget to upload a PDF for the analysis part of this assignment and mark where you answer each question. This is a separate submission in Gradescope.

After submitting, fill out the reflect form here.


The autograder will check all your CelestialBody methods and the NBody methods as well. You'll be able to see the results of running the tests when you submit to gradescope.

Points Grading Criteria
16 Autograded constructor and methods for CelestialBody and code in NBody
4 Answers to analysis questions

cs201-p1-nbody's People


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