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dark-mountain-26477's Introduction


Getting started

Welcome to your new Crowdbotics app.


After cloning the repo, install the dependencies locally with Yarn:

yarn install

Start your Metro server:

npx react-native start


npx react-native run-android


pod install --repo-update --project-directory=ios
npx react-native run-ios

Setup react-native-vector-icons

Follow instructions at their

Running with Fastlane

Fastlane makes testing, building, and deploying apps easier.

Install fastlane globally (npm i -g fastlane or yarn i -g fastlane). Android and iOS dependencies are the same as React Native CLI.

All fastlane commands are run from the platform directory. For example, Android commands must be run from android/. Fastlane should be executed using bundle exec to ensure dependencies are managed correctly.

The commands for Android and iOS are the same:

  • Run tests: bundle exec fastlane tests
  • Local build: bundle exec fastlane build
  • Build and upload a beta (requires signing): bundle exec fastlane beta
  • Build or promote a release: bundle exec fastlane deploy


Publish an Android app you must first create an app in the Play Console and manually upload an APK. After the first upload run bundle exec fastlane supply init from android/ to sync with the Play store. All future releases will be uploaded automatically.

Android uses tracks. A beta release will build the app and upload to the beta track. Deploying will promote from beta to production.


CB developers must follow fastlane's codesigning guide for using match. Match will automatically sign iOS builds.

New CB developers should get access to the codesigning repo and run bundle exec fastlane match development from ios/.

Not a CB developer? Create an Apple developer and follow the instructions on codesigning guide to setup your certificates.

React Native Web

It is to build and deploy your app as web platform which run on browser

Please follow the steps

  • please run yarn web-build
  • the web_build folder is generated and copied to backend/ automatically. please commit/push the web_build folder to git

dark-mountain-26477's People



dark-mountain-26477's Issues

Google Analytics

This feature analyzes the total number of users visiting the app on a daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis. It also helps keep track of sources of incoming traffic. To use it, integrate the app with Google Analytics and then configure it accordingly.

User Stories

As an app owner, I would like to know how many new users are signing in and using my app every month.

Refund Management

This feature is available for issuing a refund within the app. Access to this type of feature is available to a user who has the role and permissions of an admin account. The admin logs into the app using a login screen but has access to screen where they can view the log of any type of transaction in which a refund has to be provided. It contains one or more screen composed of a scrollable list with custom text, and buttons to take further actions.

Subscription Billing

This feature is used to generate the billing information of any subscription consumed by the user. It contains custom branding, input fields, and a button. The subscriber has to enter their details such as full name, email address, shipping address, and a verified payment.

User Stories

As a subscribed user, I would like to see my billing details before/after completing the payment.


This feature captures a user's input in one or multiline text expression. It contains a text input field and a submit button. This feature can be a complete new screen or a pop-up modal that can be connected with other features in the app. Typically, the reviews are also shown in a scrollable list within the app.

Advanced Workflows

This feature supports apps that require a large amount of complicated logic or advanced algorithms.

Phone Call

This feature allows a user to make phone calls using the standard calling feature from the device.

Photo Library

This feature is used to create or view photos in an app. It can contain a custom background, branding, and a scrollable view that displays a list of photos. Using the device's camera and gallery, a user can view each file or create a new one.

Advanced Search

This feature displays items or results based on the query provided. The screen contains an input field, an interface for to adding search filters, options for boolean expressions, and the ability to select keyboards displayed as a collected search terms.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to search for an item from the app by typing it in a field. As an app user, I should have one or many options available as filters such that I can narrow my search result.

Geo-location Reporting

This feature analyzes the number of users visiting from which location. A location is a country or a city.

Control User Roles and Permissions

This feature allows an administrator to specify what controls a user can see on the mobile device depending on their roles and responsibilities.


This feature allows a user to manage events within the app. The management of an event is done by either creating, updating, or deleting an event. Each event can be assigned a date by its creator. This date indicates when the event is going to happen. An event can also be shared among other users. The event creator can invite other users as participants by sending them an invite. The event management process includes a scrollable list of all events that are created in the past and the upcoming new events. The date of an event is generally assigned using a calendar pop-up where the creator can choose a specific date and time. The pop-up has a background and a foreground color, and both are customizable for branding.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to view and manage the events within the app. As the event creator, I would like to assign a date or time stamp for the event to happen in real time.

Multiple Currency Support

This feature allows the user to the view the pricing of a particular comodity in their local currency. This feature contains a drop-down menu that is selectable and further contains a scrollable list of different currencies supported within the app. Only of the currency listed in the item is selectable.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to see the option of the purchasing an item in my local currency.

Terms and Conditions

This feature displays a standard set of terms and conditions regarding the usage of the app. These terms can be customized as needed.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to review the terms and conditions governing my use of the app.

Email Notifications

This feature sends emails to the user to notify them of key events. This feature displays pop-up messages on a user's device. These messages are touchable and when pressed take a user to view the email. To use email notifications, integrate your app with Sendgrid and then configure the sequence of email messages to send them separately from Sendgrid's service.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to enable or disable receiving email notifications.

Privacy Policy

This feature displays a standard privacy policy that informs users of their data rights while using the app. The text can be customized as needed.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to understand my privacy rights while using the app.

Automatic Renewals

This feature renews subscriptions automatically within the app. This feature is generallty found in the settings screen where a switch button is provided for the app user to enable or disable the automatic renewals. It contains custom text and a button.

User Stories

As a subscribed user, I would like to enable/disable automatic renewals.

Text (SMS) Notifications

This feature is used to display pop-up messages on a user's device in form of SMS. To use an SMS notification, integrate the app with Twilio and then configure the sequence of text messages to send them separately from Twilio's service.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to enable or disable receiving Text (SMS) notifications.


This feature displays results based on the query provided by the user. The result is often based on the data sets based in the app.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to enter a search query and see results drawn from data stored within the app.

Apple Sign Up

This feature is used to allow end users to register themselves with the application using their Apple account. It contains a button to navigate and verify that a user agrees to use their Facebook account to sign up with the app.

User Stories

As a new user, I would like to use my Apple account to register with the app.

Premium Plan Comparison

This feature displays comparison between different plans available within the app. These plans are available either to purchase or subscribe to a service within the app. It contains a scrollable list of different cards where each card is composed of custom branding, text, buttons, and images.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to view all the plans and compare them.

Item Availability

This feature tracks and displays if an item is available for purchase or not. Usually, this type of feature is used in ecommerce apps. It typically contains a piece of information in a text format.


This feature allows a user to keep track of their published work in one place. It contains a header, a background that is customizable for branding, and a scrollable list of content items. Each item may be represented by an avatar image, text description, and more.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to keep track of all of my published work in one place. I would like to add/remove items from the screen. As a user, I would like to view details of each item by clicking on them from the list.

Proposal Generation

This feature allows a user to send digital proposals to clients within the app. This feature is typically used within the app itself. It contains a rich text editor or a drawing board, images, and a full screen background with custom background options.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to generate proposals within the app. As a user, I would like to save proposals for future use either in the app or as a downloadable document. As a client, I would like to view the proposal.

Advanced Design

This feature gives the app a full set of custom screens designed from the ground up to deliver an excellent user experience.

Barcodes Scanner

This feature allows a user to scan barcodes within the app. It uses the built-in camera from the device to scan the barcodes and retrieve the data encoded. Information encoded often includes web addresses, geographical coordinates, and small pieces of text, in addition to commercial product codes.


This feature captures user input in form of single or multiple choice polling questions in the app. A polling question is composed of a text prompt and clickable events that are used to collect user input. This type of feature is typically used in an app such as a social media app.

Archive Content

This feature allows a user to view the content that is archived within the app. It contains a scrollable list and card items to view the content. Each card item is arranged in chronological orde. A typical use case for archiving content is in a social media app where a user can view their post history.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to view all of my previous posts in a chronological order on a separate screen.

Split Payments

This feature allows one or users to split a total amount in different parts. An ideal use case for this kind of feature is for frequently sharing expenses with someone like a colleague or a roomate. It keeps a record of the total amount of who owes who what. When one of the users is ready to pay, they are navigated to another screen to verify their payment.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to view the list of all other users who owe me a total amount. As an app user, I would like to view the list of whom I owe with the total amount.

Google Calendar Sync

This feature uses data from a Google Calendar and then modifications made within the app. It updates the Google Calendar with the user's in-app modifications. To use it, integrate the app with the Google Calendar service and then configure it to fetch a user's details.

Payment Admin

This feature allows a user to be assigned to a role of an admin. This user can verify the payment transactions that happen within the app.


This feature allows a user to share a certain post published or created by another user. The shared post is then displayed in the user's Activity feed screen.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to share other user's post in my activity feed screen.

Activity Log

This feature allows a user to view logs of past activity in an app. The user must have roles and permissions to visit this screen anytime. The amount of activity logged depends on certain aspects. The screen contains a scrollable list of events that are logged to help and resolve if there are any unwanted behaviors or crashes while using the app. Each item in the list is an invidual logged activity that contains a descriptive title and a timestamp field.

User Stories

As an admin, I would like to view all the activities logged in a screen in form of a scrollable list.

In-App Sounds/Vibration

In-app sounds and vibrations create audio cues or physical feedback when specific events occur within the app. Typically, sounds and vibrations are triggered by user inputs. The app's sound and vibration options can be configured by the user in the app's settings.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to set the vibration level within the app. As a user, I would like to modify the level of in-app sounds.

Traffic Sources

This feature analyzes the total number of users visiting the app on daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis based on their sources. A source can be a webiste, a blog, or social media platform or an RSS feed.

QR Code Scanner

This feature allows a user to scan QR codes within the app. It uses the built-in camera from the device to scan the QR codes and retrieve the data encoded. Information encoded often includes web addresses, geographical coordinates, etc.


This feature displays a scrollable list of articles that the app's users can browse. It also includes optional detail pages that provide further information about the articles.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to browse a list of articles. As a new user, I would like to learn more about an article by tapping on its featured image.

Paid Content

This feature allows a user to publish content in the app that is viewable to a certain set of users. The users who view the paid content are charged either monthly or yearly. The paid content is hidden from the non-paying user. The post owner has the option to mark the post as paid or not when publishing it using a checkbox. The information of payment collection and a list of paid users is shown in a different screen.

User Stories

As as post owner, I would like to view the users who are currently paying to view my content. As a post owner, I would like to have the option to post a paid or a free content from the same interface.

Push Notifications

This feature is used to display pop-up messages on a user's device. These messages are touchable and when pressed takes a user to desired screen or further event in the application. This feature supports push notifications. To use a push notifcation, integrate the app with OneSignal and then configure the sequence of notifications to send them separately using OneSignal's service.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to enable or disable receiving push notifications.

Collect Transaction Fees

This feature allows the user to view and confirm any transaction fee applied. It contains a pre-defined template with text fields, a complete list of applicable fees and amount due, a full screen background, a header, and a footer with custom colors.

User Stories

As a buyer, I would like to view the transaction fee applicable on the product I am interested in purchasing before making the final payment.

Save Payment Details

This feature allows a user to save their payment details in the app. This type of information is usually filled in using different input fields from the settings screen. This feature is useful so that a user does not have to fill in their payment details every time they are generating a new order. It can contain one or more text input fields on a separate screen that is used to edit specific detail.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to save my payment details for future use. As a user, I would like the option of editing or updating already saved payment details.


This feature is used to view the contents of a gallery in an app. It can contain a custom background, branding, and a scrollable view that displays the contents of the gallery. A user can select one or multiple items from the gallery to use in the app.

14-Day Subscription Trial

This feature allows the app user to use the subscription based feature for 14 days. After the trial period is over, there is a control to check for payments.


This feature displays a map that lists locations as a user scrolls the map view. Locations can be shown based on the user's location or predetermined points of interest. Live location updates can be configured within the map view.

User Stories

As a user, I would like to see locations of interest near me. As a user, I would like to see my own location relative to other points on the map.


This feature captures user input in form of single or multiple choice questions. This feature is composed of a text-based question and a few answers to choose from which are selectable. It contains text, buttons, and radio buttons.

Login and Signup

This feature is used to allow end users to register themselves with the application using their email address and password and then login with those credentials. It contains text input fields and a checkbox to capture a user's credentials and their consent. Each input field includes placeholder text and a custom icon. A background screen with custom screen colors is used for branding.

User Stories

As a new user, I would like to enter my full name, email address, and password. As a new user, I would like to register with my credentials with the app by pressing a button. As an app user, I would like to login with my credentials with the app by pressing a button. As a returning user, I should be able to navigate back to the sign in screen. As a new user, my consent should be asked using a checkbox that I have read all terms and conditions of the application and I agree to them.


This feature allows one or many users in an app to share further information on a specific topic in the form of a discussion. The information is usually posted in form of comments. Each comment is posted using a text area which has a rich text editor. The layout of forum contains a scrollable list of messages posted, with each message tied to the user who posted to the message and a text input field to capture any further response by the user. The avatar or the username can be clickable and may redirect to the respective user's profile.

Location-Based Alerts

This feature is used to display pop-up messages on a user's device based on the device's location. This feature requires a user's permission to share their current location, enabled in the app. Depending on the amount of information required about the user's location, the feature could require limited access or full access.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to know what permissions are required and that I am agreeing to use location-based alerts in the app.

User Profile

This feature displays user information like a profile picture, profile stats, action buttons, and images. This information is captured using input fields and the screen has a background that is customizable for branding. It also includes a second screen to modify these values later, from the settings page.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to edit the personal information I entered while registering for the app. As an app user, I would like to view the information I edited/uploaded in the app.

Google Sign Up

This feature is used to allow end users to register themselves with the application using their Google account. It contains a button to navigate and verify that a user agrees to use their Google account to sign up with the app.

User Stories

As a new user, I would like to use my Google account to register with the app.

Help Center

This feature allows the app owner to share information in the form of knowledge base articles. These articles are either links to other pages or sections of different texts. Providing such a screen in the app can help app users to find solutions or give them a way to contact you when the answer isn’t available. A typical help center can be a section list that is scrollable and contains a customizable header for branding. Each section in this list is viewable to the app user only if they click to open that section.

User Stories

As an app user, I would like to see the information within the app under a separate section where common FAQs are listed.

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