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keitaiwanikani's Issues

Keyboard issues in Lessons mode

I've noticed that if you try to update Reading/Meaning notes in AlliCrab, at least, when you're doing new lessons, the keyboard often doesn't go away. I get stuck with it for the rest of the session and it obstructs the view for the whole time. If you get to the Quiz, you can't see the two options at the end (forgot what they are exactly, I just know one keeps you studying and the other starts the quiz). If you know to press the blue button on the keyboard ("Go", is it? - I can't remember), the quiz will start. Otherwise it'll look like you can't start the quiz.

Not sure if this happens outside of Lessons too. I think it probably does.

Is this something you are able to fix? (By the way, I'm on the iOS 10 beta if that makes any difference.)

Feature Request: Script descriptions

I'd like to request a short (1-2 sentences) description below each user script so that users know what the script does. It's not exactly obvious with the names sometimes, and it's a pain to click the forum topic and pull up a browser instance to see what it does.

"Disable Lesson Swipe" doesn't even have a forum topic, and I'm not 100% what it does.


Bug: incorrect lessons and reviews after IOS update

After downloading the latest IOS update I’ve noticed that the lessons and reviews are now inaccurate. It says I have 53 lessons available (I’ve had 0 for some time) and I have 8 reviews Available (I have none). When I get new reviews, the number increments and when I complete them it decrements, but it never goes below 8.

Text cursor blinking before field appears

Just a minor issue, but is it possible to clean up the UI during the loading of the review page? I'm seeing the cursor appear and blink before the page is fully displayed. I am also seeing it scroll down slightly on initial load, or when I close and reopen the app with the review page open. I understand that this will not be an issue after localized reviewing is done, but for now if it is a quick fix it may be worth it?

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Feature Request: Notification upon availability of more reviews

Current situation

Currently, notifications are sent only when I have no reviews queued and some reviews become available. E.g. at 13:59 I have 0 reviews, and 14:00 I would have 2 new reviews and receive a notification.


I think it would be nice to have some form of option to send notifications if I have reviews queued and new reviews become available. E.g. at 13:59 I still have 10 reviews not done, and at 14:00 there would be 2 additional reviews available adding it up to 12 reviews. Currently in such a situation, the badge counter is updated to 12, but there would not be any notification.


This is a minor addition, but it could be useful to people who require constant reminders that reviews are available before it starts to snowball. I often face a situation where I receive notifications that I have some reviews available but have to ignore it as I have to attend other matters. As there are no further notifications, I tend to forget that I have reviews and it continuously snowballs later that day.


In case such a feature already exists, I tried numerous times to see if I would receive notification upon having additional reviews while having reviews on the queue but I wouldn't receive it. These are the versions I am using:
AlliCrab version 3.0
iOS 12.3.1

2.0 iOS App Crashes on Start Up

iPhone 6 w/ iOS 9.3 Public Beta 3
iPhone 6 w/ iOS 9.2
iPad mini 3 w/ iOS 9.2

Crashes on start up. You can see a fraction of a second of updates and then it returns to the home screen. I have restarted all devices, and deleted and reinstalled the app on all devices. The login screen doesn't crash, but the moment you log in it crashes.

Notifications still work, but I'm not doing them via web instead of the app.

Bluetooth keyboard on iPad missing functionality

When using a bluetooth keyboard with the ipad, many of the hotkeys do not work like "f" and "spacebar".

When you get an item wrong, you can't just press the "enter" key, you have to manually tap the screen. Seems to be a focusing issue. Pressing "tab" or "shift+tab" does nothing to regain focus.

Persistent badge value of 1

Starting some time last week my app has had a persistent 1 badge using the current TestFlight. The same is true from master and removing/reinstalling master did not help. This might be a bug with the V2 API.

The dashboard and upcoming review screens both show one review waiting (see below). The WaniKani site does not show and reviews pending (also below). I pulled up the debugger and found a single Kanji in the local database with availableDate listing 2018-12-07 (in the past).

I poked around in the fsCachedData and found the JSON response form the v2 API (as far as I can tell). I think this would be the assignment in question:

         "data_updated_at" : "2018-11-23T19:25:06.331631Z",
         "url" : "",
         "data" : {
            "hidden" : false,
            "srs_stage_name" : "Guru II",
            "subject_id" : 587,
            "burned_at" : null,
            "srs_stage" : 6,
            "resurrected_at" : null,
            "created_at" : "2018-10-06T23:25:16.782919Z",
            "available_at" : "2018-12-07T18:00:00.000000Z",
            "resurrected" : false,
            "unlocked_at" : "2018-10-06T23:25:16.776976Z",
            "subject_type" : "kanji",
            "started_at" : "2018-11-12T23:39:45.495231Z",
            "passed" : true,
            "passed_at" : "2018-11-16T16:43:22.167262Z"
         "id" : 116309529,
         "object" : "assignment"

Given the authorization model for WaniKani you can't see the assignment directly, I'm sure. Maybe I have misunderstood the data model but it seems like this is bad data from the V2 API. Does that data seem correct to you? If you agree that assignment seems wrong I'm happy to submit something to WaniKani instead. If I misunderstood the data model point me in the right direction and I'll hunt this down and make a PR.


Upcoming Reviews
WaniKani WebView

Estimation on leveling up is not right anymore

The WK guys have modified their SRS. FWIW, I started a topic on this issue on the WK forum (see here).

The bottom line is that, as done by @rfindley in his WaniKani API Key Haiku page, we now have: 2h, 4h, 8h, 23h (guru), 167h, 335h (master), 719h (enlighten) and 2879h (burned) up to level 2 and 4h, 8h, 23h, 47h (guru), 167h, 335h (master), 719h (enlighten) and 2879h (burned) for the remaining levels. However, there are some 'short' levels (levels 46-47 and 49-60) which are now down to 3d10h (from 4d10h) while 'normal' levels last 6d20h.

Kanji progress crashing

Version: 3.0 (72) from Testflight
Device: iPad Pro 9.7 on iOS 9.3.3

Whenever I open the Kanji progress and scroll down to the "Complete" section, the app crashes. This doesn't happen to me on the Radical progress screen.

Criticial error when loading data

It appears as though a recent API change has broken the app in that the data will not load.


If the app is still distributable through testflight or other medium, this should be fixed.

"Current Level Time" incorrect after reset

Resetting my level back to level 2 now displays the "current level time" from the date/time I originally got to the level and not when I had gotten to the level again. This may be on WK API's side for all I know...


Side note: I'm really looking forward to the v3 release! #15 is pretty annoying sometimes.

Fr: Next button without keyboard.

Would love a "next" or ">" button located on the bottom right of the screen when the keyboard is not present (eg, after submitting an answer).

Crash after Resuming

Often when the user launches the app after using it previously, the splash screen with hang for a few seconds, and then quit. After this the app launches normally.

Device: iPhone X, 11.3

Keyboard Auto Closing on 11.3

After updating to iOS 11.3, the keyboard closes after each entry, requiring the user to tap on the text field each time.

Request to support Markdown Notes and Hide Mnemonic scripts

Hi Chris,

Love your app - it's my favorite of the ones I've tried. I guess there's only two now for iOS, but there used to be three.

There are two scripts that I really hope you consider adding, if it's possible. The first is:

WaniKani Markdown Notes

I like to make my own mnemonics for radicals, kanji, and vocabulary. Sometimes I write an entirely new one, or sometimes I just re-word the default one. But re-writing or coming up with my own really helps make it stick into my mind better. Of course, when you make your own mnemonics via the notes, by default WaniKani doesn't let you use the helpful colors for radicals (blue), kanji (pink), vocabulary meaning (purple), vocabulary reading (white text on a black background). This script makes that possible. It also enables users to use bold and italic formatting, and add links and even images. (I think images are a bit overkill, but everything else is helpful.) I don't see myself adding markdown from an iOS app, but I would like to see my markdown that I did on the desktop rendered in the iOS app, and currently no app supports the script, so all my markdown just shows up as unrendered text, which makes it difficult to read. (So I can't really use the app to study, but just do reviews.)

The other script I wanted to suggest adding support for is:

WaniKani hide mnemonics

This one lets you hide the default mnemonics so you can focus on the ones you've written. Without the script, everything shows, and it's just a lot more information coming at you, and a lot more messy looking.

You can envision what this page might look like in the iOS apps without these two scripts:

In this screenshot, I turned on both scripts, so you see that I've hidden the two default mnemonics, and you can see my own custom mnemonic (I usually just do one for "reading" and include the meaning the same one, to help "tie things together"), which is showing with the proper custom colors (via the first script).

Here's another screenshot, which shows the same page without either script activated. You can see the default mnemonics now, and my custom colors are just a bunch of messy markup. You can imagine what this page would look like in your app, which has even less screen real estate since it's being viewed on a smaller device:

It's just much longer and there's so much more information to process. I like keeping things simple.

Thank you for your consideration!

Background app refresh should update review total badge icon?


  1. I get 30 reviews to do so the app badge says "30"
  2. I do them on a web browser instead.
  3. (app immediately still says 30, which is expected)
  4. An hour later, I get 5 more reviews
  5. Notification and app badge says 35, but there are really only 5 reviews.

Is it possible to have the background app refresh handler pull the current (potentially updated) reviews info, update the badge icon to the actual current value if it is different, and reschedule the notifications with the recalculated totals?

Feature Request: iOS 13 Dark Mode

I was going to originally request this as a new feature within the app itself, but with Apple announcing system-wide dark mode for iOS 13 at WWDC 2019 I guess that would no longer be needed but there may need to be some changes to make sure the app supports it properly.

I'm adding this item as a reminder to test the app on iOS 13 dark mode to ensure that everything is displayed cleanly.

Here's some of the articles from apple if you haven't gone through them yet.

Feature Request: Anonymous Session

As I have seen the reason why AlliCrab was rejected by app store, I would like to propose a potential solution. Similarly how Spotify has a subscription model with anonymous support (i.e. listen to songs for free with added features like ads), AlliCrab could provide a similar solution. When a user downloads AlliCrab, on first open it will create an anonymous session unique to the phone, which will allow the user to use AlliCrab similar to a free user.

The anonymous session would have the following characteristic:

  1. It will behave like a free user that cannot be logged into through, it can only be logged in through the phone that it created.
  2. The log in button would be displayed on the regular UI to allow the users to go through the normal log in flow.
  3. If the user logs out, it will auto log in the user back into the anonymous session, allowing the user to continue using it.

Unfortunately, this will require Wanikani API to provide a solution for account creation, which from my quick look, doesn't appear to exist. This will need to be a secure API that will prevent any unauthorized users from mass creating accounts.

Keyboard goes away after each answer

TestFlight Version 3.0(83)
iOS version: 12.2
iPhone 7+

Keyboard disappears and you have to tap on the input field after each answer.

Looks like you fixed a similar issue for iOS 11.3 about 10 months ago.

But in the latest beta, the fix doesn’t appear to work.

Review timeline filter/display options do not stick?

This may be as designed, but the UI/UX makes it seem like these are settings that are meant to stick when leaving and coming back to the review timeline. Maybe it would be cleaner to have it stick until the app is closed rather than until the review timeline is closed?

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New Features request

-wanikani statistics ( to track progress on goyo, jlpt, etc)
-search for kanji or radicals
-search for words in english
-view current items status in srs items distribution ( be able to view Guru, Apprentice items, like in the webpage)


Long vocabulary splits into multiple lines


If the vocabulary is sufficiently long (seems to be roughly more than 4 characters), the vocabulary continues into the next line. This may cause the UI to feel slightly more cluttered.



Perhaps a smaller font for the characters can be used when such long vocabulary appears in the review queue?


AlliCrab version 3.0
iOS 12.3.1
On an iPhone XR

Active Scripts

Wanikani Improve
Wanikani Override
Disable Lesson Swipe

I'm not sure whether this is caused by the use of the app or simply because I'm doing reviews on mobile. I understand that only a minority of the vocabulary would cause this to happen, but I thought it would be a nice minor enhancement to make the UI neater if such a vocabulary appears.

Feature Request: Add ability to see individual SRS stage totals

I'd like to request the ability to see a breakdown of the apprentice levels (1-4) and guru levels (5-6) totals.

There are a lot of scripts currently that allow users to see this information.

I can try implementing this, but I wanted to get your opinions before jumping into it as it might take a while. I looked briefly into how you are getting these totals now, and I see that it would require tweaking the SQLite query to return each individual stage total and then adding them for the SRS name totals afterwards rather than in the query itself... Also on the UI side, maybe doing something like a expandable cell for apprentice and guru that displays a sub-table?


Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 2 51 56 PM

API Key Text Field not Visible with Larger Text Sizes

When the user has a larger text size set in Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Larger Text the field to enter the API key is under the keyboard and it isn't possible to scroll the view so that the field is above the keyboard.

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