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mainnet's Issues

dialing peers failed


This issue haven't solved yet...
Please help me...

I do only these process

git clone
git checkout ...
make install
gaiad init hoge --chain-id cosmoshub-3
wget .../genesis.json
cp genesis.json ~/.gaiad/config.json
vi ~/.gaiad/config/config.toml # writing seeds
gaiad start

Unable to start using snapshot

4:19AM INF minted coins from module account amount=4441595uatom from=mint module=x/bank
4:19AM INF Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}}
4:19AM INF executed block height=7101748 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=0
4:19AM INF commit synced commit=436F6D6D697449447B5B383920373920313931203632203939203137352039312032303320323237203837203137342038322039392031393320313036203138342032313520323535203136332032343120323232203936203139352032313120313936203131203132302036312038382031353020313638203230375D3A3643354433347D
4:19AM INF committed state app_hash=594FBF3E63AF5BCBE357AE5263C16AB8D7FFA3F1DE60C3D3C40B783D5896A8CF height=7101748 module=state num_txs=0
4:19AM INF indexed block height=7101748 module=txindex
panic: Failed to process committed block (7101749:E7DD096817E61F6055A7DEB736C5C9B7ABAA98AB412EC3DC723A03C7B8175228): wrong Block.Header.AppHash.  Expected 594FBF3E63AF5BCBE357AE5263C16AB8D7FFA3F1DE60C3D3C40B783D5896A8CF, got 92A724670AA0DC59EFECA3F8205D9215DAF9AB6C035682DBEF4B67ADE50175CD

goroutine 99 [running]:*BlockchainReactor).poolRoutine(0xc000d9ae00, 0x0)[email protected]/blockchain/v0/reactor.go:401 +0x15bf
created by*BlockchainReactor).OnStart[email protected]/blockchain/v0/reactor.go:110 +0x8c

@okwme pelase help me

Refactor this repo to better display information for each hub upgrade

Currently this repo has old information about previous chains. Doesn't show the information for the last hub. My suggestion is to revamp this repo with a structure that can accommodate both historical information for previous hubs and the current one. All of the upgrade share the same template and this would be really helpful for people to spin up nodes and join the hub.

One idea is to re-write the main and explain the structure of the repo. Then have folders for each upgrage (e.g. cosmoshub-1, cosmoshub-3, etc). Then in each folder have a README with information specific to that upgrade. We could also hyperlink the historical archives hub data on each one (e.g.

More customizable gentx.json creation

There have been lots of questions about how to add identity, website, and details to one's own validator genTx pull request. Through trial and error I've come up with the following, which passes Certus One's validation bot. I propose adding this to the readme to assist validators for the next 21 hours and 20 minutes.

genTx Process

Create unsignedTx.json:

gaiacli tx staking create-validator \
  --amount=20000000000uatom \
  --pubkey=$(gaiad tendermint show-validator) \
  --moniker="nylira" \
  --identity="6A0D65E29A4CBC8E" \
  --website="" \
  --details="Nylira is a Cosmos validator service run by Peng Zhong @zcpeng" \
  --from=$ACCOUNT \
  --commission-rate="0.1" \
  --commission-max-rate="1.0" \
  --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
  --min-self-delegation 1000000 \
  --generate-only > unsignedTx.json

Create signedTx.json:

gaiacli tx sign unsignedTx.json --offline --ledger --chain-id="cosmoshub-1" --indent > signedTx.json

Then with the signedTx.json in hand, fork this repository and place it in ./launch/gentx/, and rename it to be the same as your moniker.

What is a uatom?

Note: 1uatom is equal to 1/1,000,000th of an atom. So however many atoms you wish to delegate to your validator, multiple by one million for the uatom value.

Where can I get an identity value?

The identity is a 16 character long hexadecimal value that you can generate with Keybase. It's a PGP public key. Here's mine for example.

tag versions in this repo

Hi I propose we tag versions in this repo like, v7-theta, v8-rho, so that we can differentiate the genesis/binaries/instructions for different upgrades.
This can:

  1. allow people to start to sync from older version.
  2. avoid mis-communication when we lagged behind updating this repo. people would not use the older version as the newest.

Force Push Incident: Post Mortem

Hi Folks,

We made a mistake earlier today in a vesting configuration. For some reason, I tried to fix the mistake with a force push. I realized immediately this was wrong and force pushed the old commit back (thank heavens for the git reflog, Am-I-Right?!). The vesting mistake is fixed with revert commits that were pushed on top instead. Won't happen again!

Apologies for any confusion or concern. No further action is required.

panic when trying to start gaiad

After having followed instructions on the hub, trying to start gaiad just gives an obscure panic

$ gaiad start
I[2021-03-02|01:54:08.974] starting ABCI with Tendermint                module=main 
panic: JSON encoding of interfaces require non-empty type field.

goroutine 1 [running]:*Codec).MustUnmarshalJSON(0xc000dba0e0, 0xc0020a6000, 0x1bd2c44, 0x1bd4000, 0x4ed6c80, 0xc001026180)[email protected]/amino.go:445 +0x98, 0xc000141c20, 0x5439b78, 0xc00047f970, 0x5460c18, 0xc000141c20, 0x545d9c0, 0xc000141c20, 0x5439b78, 0xc00047f9e0, ...)[email protected]/x/auth/module.go:120 +0xa4*Manager).InitGenesis(0xc000dbaaf0, 0x5449e48, 0xc0000de008, 0x545b710, 0xc00059aa80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)[email protected]/types/module/module.go:267 +0x305*GaiaApp).InitChainer(0xc000dc3c00, 0x5449e48, 0xc0000de008, 0x545b710, 0xc00059aa80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...) +0x15b*BaseApp).InitChain(0xc000449cc0, 0x0, 0xed5830c36, 0x0, 0xc00019e130, 0xb, 0xc00059a9c0, 0xc000e9e000, 0x7d, 0x7d, ...)[email protected]/baseapp/abci.go:40 +0x2f8*localClient).InitChainSync(0xc00001cd80, 0x0, 0xed5830c36, 0x0, 0xc00019e130, 0xb, 0xc00059a9c0, 0xc000e9e000, 0x7d, 0x7d, ...)[email protected]/abci/client/local_client.go:223 +0x115*appConnConsensus).InitChainSync(0xc000467880, 0x0, 0xed5830c36, 0x0, 0xc00019e130, 0xb, 0xc00059a9c0, 0xc000e9e000, 0x7d, 0x7d, ...)[email protected]/proxy/app_conn.go:65 +0x75*Handshaker).ReplayBlocks(0xc000eb2f50, 0xa, 0x0, 0xc000dc8250, 0x6, 0xc000dc8270, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)[email protected]/consensus/replay.go:319 +0x696*Handshaker).Handshake(0xc000eb2f50, 0x545db40, 0xc0002ac180, 0x80, 0x80)[email protected]/consensus/replay.go:269 +0x4bc, 0xc000010490, 0xa, 0x0, 0xc000dc8250, 0x6, 0xc000dc8270, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, ...)[email protected]/node/node.go:283 +0x19b, 0x5444a00, 0xc000459860, 0xc00047ff30, 0x5427060, 0xc00002cc00, 0xc0010140f0, 0x52b1918, 0xc001014100, 0x544a890, ...)[email protected]/node/node.go:606 +0x3b6, 0x52b3070, 0x1d, 0x0)[email protected]/server/start.go:169 +0x4cc, 0x5cceea8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)[email protected]/server/start.go:75 +0xb6*Command).execute(0xc000e84b00, 0x5cceea8, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000e84b00, 0x5cceea8)[email protected]/command.go:842 +0x472*Command).ExecuteC(0xc000103080, 0xc000e839a0, 0x5140e8e, 0xc00071fe28)[email protected]/command.go:950 +0x37e*Command).Execute(...)[email protected]/command.go:887, 0x52b34f8, 0x5121608, 0x10)[email protected]/libs/cli/setup.go:89 +0x3c
main.main() +0x7d0

I need to be able to start gaiad to profile it and figure out a few things, hence this issue is a blocker. I had raised it with @okwme and @ethanfrey as well as reported on the Cosmos Discord. Thank you.

shasum discrepancy for genesis.json

The latest readme seems to have a discrepancy, regarding the shasum of the recommended genesis file.

The readme states:

The recommended genesis file is genesis.json. It has the
following SHA256 hash:

$ shasum -a 256 genesis.json 
73a866b21723ecbc28b6d15951b2eb3aa2f2443650ff6df489bf55ac5edceefa  genesis.json
$ b2sum genesis.json 
8c90b58efe9e0959953fe27ba431137c24c514e357b8025f5252c85ea7401247a909fac9531>3b907bb48579c6e389b4bbf06df626bff19aae554028964fa189d  genesis.json

But I am seeing:

$ curl -o genesis.json
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 60.1M  100 60.1M    0     0  46.2M      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 46.2M
$ shasum -a 256 genesis.json
5c2e311745a4cd3cfb4eaa7a7dace4cc116500ee65395b583444add9e72e1d1a  genesis.json

However, when I follow the instructions for regenerating the genesis file, I do get the same shasum as that shown in the readme.

Edit validator Error Insufficient funds to pay for fees on node without fees


gaiacli tx staking edit-validator --moniker="moniker_name" --website="http://......" --identity="xxxx" --details="xxxxx" --chain-id=cosmoshub-1 --from=key_alias --commission-rate="0.15" --node="" --generate-only > editValidatorUnsignedTx.json

gaiacli tx sign editValidatorUnsignedTx.json --offline --ledger --chain-id="cosmoshub-1" --indent --from=key_alias > editValidatorSignedTx.json

gaiacli tx broadcast editValidatorSignedTx.json --from=key_alias --chain-id="cosmoshub-1" --node=""


ERROR: {"codespace":"sdk","code":5,"message":"insufficient funds to pay for fees; < 5000uatom"}


--node is one of our sentries that run without fees
gaia.toml :
minimum_fees = ""
minimum-gas-prices = ""

gaiacli version --long (installed from scratch)
cosmos-sdk: 0.33.0
git commit: 7b4104aced52aa5b59a96c28b5ebeea7877fc4f0
vendor hash:
build tags: netgo ledger
go version go1.11.5 darwin/amd64

*if needed i can provide generated json files and full cli commands

Error with 'gaiad start'

I am using gaiad version 0.34, and genesis.JSON for cosmoshub-2. When doing "gaiad start", saw the following error. Any help is appreciated.

gaiad start
I[2019-04-26|19:03:48.415] Starting ABCI with Tendermint module=main
ERROR: Error during handshake: Error on replay: Validator set is nil in genesis and still empty after InitChain

docs update

We should update

Gaia nodes on cosmoshub-4 take about 45 min to startup. The development team are evaluating solutions.

It now takes a few minutes with the recent upgrades in the sdk.

It has been out of sync since it synced to `14099412`.

I ran gaiad successfully before and it managed to catch up with the latest blocks and worked fine for a while, but after syncing to 14099412, it never updated.

start command:

$ gaiad start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants

this is my log:

9:06AM ERR dialing failed (attempts: 16): dial tcp [2a05:d014:c32:e844:a05a:87dd:11df:6818]:26656: connect: network is unreachable addr={"id":"ed0af999aa878a22664df1d6a44b6f03679bffd3","ip":"2a05:d014:c32:e844:a05a:87dd:11df:6818","port":26656} module=pex
9:06AM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"b212d5740b2e11e54f56b072dc13b6134650cfb5","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
9:06AM INF Starting Peer service impl="Peer{MConn{} b212d5740b2e11e54f56b072dc13b6134650cfb5 out}" module=p2p peer={"id":"b212d5740b2e11e54f56b072dc13b6134650cfb5","ip":"","port":26656}
9:06AM INF Starting MConnection service impl=MConn{} module=p2p peer={"id":"b212d5740b2e11e54f56b072dc13b6134650cfb5","ip":"","port":26656}
9:06AM INF Added peer module=p2p peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}}
9:06AM INF Connection is closed @ recvRoutine (likely by the other side) conn={"Logger":{}} module=p2p peer={"id":"b212d5740b2e11e54f56b072dc13b6134650cfb5","ip":"","port":26656}
9:06AM INF Stopping MConnection service impl={"Logger":{}} module=p2p peer={"id":"b212d5740b2e11e54f56b072dc13b6134650cfb5","ip":"","port":26656}
9:06AM ERR Stopping peer for error err=EOF module=p2p peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}}
9:06AM INF Stopping Peer service impl={"Data":{},"Logger":{}} module=p2p peer={"id":"b212d5740b2e11e54f56b072dc13b6134650cfb5","ip":"","port":26656}
9:06AM INF Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}}
9:06AM INF Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}}
9:06AM ERR dialing failed (attempts: 4): dial tcp i/o timeout addr={"id":"9580defe29ada666aaebbfca7afca8b3c410c5a4","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM INF Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}}
9:07AM INF Saving AddrBook to file book=/home/ubuntu/.gaia/config/addrbook.json module=p2p size=1266
9:07AM INF Ensure peers module=pex numDialing=0 numInPeers=0 numOutPeers=6 numToDial=4
9:07AM INF Will dial address addr={"id":"567cf65a2d0ebe0c5000e93c17654b853341f27a","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM INF Will dial address addr={"id":"d42c4fde62f7fa4f6fa12f956ec870720b5392bc","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM INF Will dial address addr={"id":"010b10cc504e7cc51ac54027c84dcd08af301b8b","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM INF Will dial address addr={"id":"6a5ddbf82f1ec9c9946216503a673f374673c4ea","ip":"","port":30919} module=pex
9:07AM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"6a5ddbf82f1ec9c9946216503a673f374673c4ea","ip":"","port":30919} module=p2p
9:07AM ERR dialing failed (attempts: 7): dial tcp i/o timeout addr={"id":"6a5ddbf82f1ec9c9946216503a673f374673c4ea","ip":"","port":30919} module=pex
9:07AM INF Ensure peers module=pex numDialing=0 numInPeers=0 numOutPeers=6 numToDial=4
9:07AM INF Will dial address addr={"id":"d1cc3e64ce9aed5bac49cca44ffccd3f435ccc7d","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM INF Will dial address addr={"id":"7b00038929f03218debda7c7abcfbd3db493d0c1","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM INF Will dial address addr={"id":"de3a50a3b8edbc5e7f0420049b8fb73097d2656d","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM INF Will dial address addr={"id":"77462a1d7953bf31d65d8fc9e5b40354dbe2ad96","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"77462a1d7953bf31d65d8fc9e5b40354dbe2ad96","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
9:07AM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"7b00038929f03218debda7c7abcfbd3db493d0c1","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
9:07AM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"d1cc3e64ce9aed5bac49cca44ffccd3f435ccc7d","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
9:07AM ERR dialing failed (attempts: 4): dial tcp i/o timeout addr={"id":"7b00038929f03218debda7c7abcfbd3db493d0c1","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM ERR dialing failed (attempts: 7): dial tcp i/o timeout addr={"id":"d1cc3e64ce9aed5bac49cca44ffccd3f435ccc7d","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex
9:07AM ERR dialing failed (attempts: 11): dial tcp i/o timeout addr={"id":"77462a1d7953bf31d65d8fc9e5b40354dbe2ad96","ip":"","port":26656} module=pex

and this is my gaiad status:

$ gaiad status



How to edit validator details without fees

Steps for OFFLINE method:
*if your validator address is on a ledger device on step 3 add --ledger flag in order to sign the transaction from it

  1. run a full node with minimum-gas-prices = ""

  2. gaiacli tx staking edit-validator --moniker="<moniker_name>" --website="<website>" --identity="<>" --details="<validator_description> --chain-id=cosmoshub-1 --from=<key_alias> --commission-rate="<new_commision_value>" --node="<ip_of_the_node_from_step_1>:26657" --generate-only > editValidatorUnsignedTx.json

  3. gaiacli tx sign editValidatorUnsignedTx.json --offline --chain-id="cosmoshub-1" --indent --from=<key_alias> > editValidatorSignedTx.json

  4. gaiacli tx broadcast editValidatorSignedTx.json --from=<key_alias> --chain-id="cosmoshub-1" --node="<ip_of_the_node_from_step_1>:26657"

*if you need more details you can contact me at riot :

Can withdraw's fee be deducted from the reward pool?

When the user send or delegate, it is easy for the account to have no balance. At this time, the whithdraw operation can not be executed. Can the handling fee of the whithdraw operation be deducted from the reward?


很久之前lunc钱包,密码设置了8位。现在打开station后,无论是mainnets 还是classic的网络,用8位密码修改密码都提示成功(新密码限制至少10位了),实际上没成功。 签名时,旧短密码,一直提示失败。钱包里的钱提不出来了。

Readme needs update

Readme still reflects the pre-Stargate Hub; if we're going to use this repo, it should be updated with the current hub status.

README needs updating.

Currently the has 2 options:

  1. Sync from scratch
  2. Sync from state

The scratch starts at version 4 and brings it over to version 6, but right now we are in version 8; can this be updated to include those steps? Also, can we sync from scratch from a different version?

Also, if we upgrade from State, the genesis file being pointed is wrong (the URL doesn't exist), but more importantly the process doesn't work. I just tried it and it fails and enters an error state and stops syncing.

Error trying to do state syncing

:43PM INF Starting state sync module=statesync
6:43PM INF Downloading trusted light block using options module=light
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"202c5f5103cb9fbdc4f2e9de0f34d1c14a795135","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"4c46d32cbc4777c59a91a53fdadf8a3fa362036e","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"69726390a827b77795210fcbc5b3a772997067be","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"f5f8b96406a165d486be243723bfa7291db1cf62","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"aca1c801e7f9483451b6eb3da8c1ca12b41b6cc8","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"cfd785a4224c7940e9a10f6c1ab24c343e923bec","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"29cdf00b74acb77f063549ea5afad63cdacf4782","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"6111aa16a8907c1ef66a8320e23d54a0064a3a60","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"c22eaef0687c507ccd951d8229a25f1f485a2976","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"bc0eeeabdc558cdb39f4a8148b5022ba537512b4","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF service start impl="Peer{MConn{} f5f8b96406a165d486be243723bfa7291db1cf62 out}" module=p2p msg={} peer={"id":"f5f8b96406a165d486be243723bfa7291db1cf62","ip":"","port":26656}
6:43PM INF service start impl=MConn{} module=p2p msg={} peer={"id":"f5f8b96406a165d486be243723bfa7291db1cf62","ip":"","port":26656}
6:43PM INF Added peer module=p2p peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}}
6:43PM INF Dialing peer address={"id":"5b4ed476e01c49b23851258d867cc0cfc0c10e58","ip":"","port":26656} module=p2p
6:43PM INF error from light block request from primary, removing... error="error unmarshalling: invalid character 'S' looking for beginning of value" height=14107106 module=light primary={}
6:43PM ERR error on light block request from witness, removing... error="error unmarshalling: invalid character 'S' looking for beginning of value" module=light primary={}
6:43PM ERR failed to remove witnesses err="no witnesses connected. please reset light client" module=light witnessesToRemove=[0]

so my question would be, can the state sync be tested and corrected for version 8?

Implementation of 5% Slashing

In the launch document it mentions this:

ATOMs staked during genesis will be at risk of 5% slashing if your validator double signs.

Previously, my understanding was that the slashing penalty would be 20%. Does this mean this parameter has been changed to 5% in general? i.e. both validators' own ATOMs and delegations would be slashed by that amount? And atoms staked after genesis would also be subject to this potential penalty? (It would seem strange to me if atoms staked after genesis or delegated would be subject to different slashing penalties.)

For what it's worth, I think 5% is a very reasonable starting value and having governance adjust that later if needed is the right way to go.

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