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sharingcitiesdashboard's Introduction

Analytics: wercker status Frontend: CircleCI

Sharing Cities Dashboard


What is sharing cities?

Sharing Cities, the European Commission funded Horizon 2020 project, seeks to create a better, common approach to making smart cities a reality. By fostering international collaboration between industry and cities, the project seeks to develop affordable, integrated, commercial-scale smart city solutions with a high market potential. For more information on the project click here.

What is this tool?

This tool, provides an interface to city managers for visualising and monitoring the performance of smart city measures such as those relating to housing retrofit, integrated energy management, shared eMobility and smart lampposts. Different combinations of these 'measures' have been deployed in Greenwich, Lisbon and Milan and so this dashboard caters for each location specifically.

To supply data to the dashboard, each city is hosting an Urban Sharing Platform (USP), which makes data from the Sharing Cities smart city measures available through APIs. In some cases, the dashboards also integrate information from other locally relevant APIs such as weather.

What is our vision?

Users of this dashboard will have expertise from a broad range of domains. This includes city managers, heads of service in energy, transport and the environment and potentially even the public. As a result, when investigating data from the measures, the needs of each individual are very different meaning that we cannot custom-build a tool for all needs.

To circumvent this challenge, we have developed a tool that enables users to create interactive visualisations tailored to their needs. The users will be able to:

  • Explore the data available to them through the USP in their city
  • Perform forecasting on data from specific sensors or specific time-series
  • Create visualisations that they want on their dashboard
  • Create thresholds on specific attributes that can trigger 'alerts' in the dashboard

This repo holds the code, deployment configuration and instructions on how to use the SharingCities dashboard. The implementation of the dashboard consists of three parts:

  • Importers
    • Importers are used to source open or propriety data from different APIs and providers. Examples incluse data related to air quality, traffic counts, parking spots etc.
  • Backend architecture
    • A Flask based backend server and database structure.
  • Frontend
    • A frontend implementation based on React

Table of Contents:


SharingCities Dashboard has the following requirements:


This will specify the installation steps needed to get SharingCities Dashboard up and running on a local machine. For production deployment refer to deployment.

All commands are Ubuntu specific, but should be easily adaptable to whichever platform you are using (MacOS/Windows/Linux).

Step 1: Clone the repository from Github

$ cd && git clone

Step 2: Install Postgres Database

The Postgres DB needs to be installed and initialised. There are two ways to do this, using an Ubuntu specific script or running the commands manually:

Option 1. Run the setub_db script

$ ~/SharingCitiesDashboard/Analytics/

You’ll be prompted for the SuperUser credentials


Option 2. Run the commands manually:

Check if postgres is installed:

$ which psql

If nothing is returned, install postgres:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
$ sudo apt-get install postgis

Create SharingCities DB user

$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER sharingcities WITH PASSWORD 'sharingcities'"

Create analytics DB

$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE analytics"

Grant privileges to SharingCities user

$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE analytics to sharingcities"

Create postgis extension

$ sudo -u postgres psql -d analytics -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis"

Step 3: Install Python dependencies

Move to Analytics directory:

$ cd ~/SharingCitiesDashboard/Analytics

Install python requirements:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Setup DB structure

This will create the relevant DB structure for SharingCities

$ python3

You will need to create a SuperUser account:

$ python3 add_superuser

By running the above you’ll be prompted for the SuperUser credentials


Step 5: Install Frontend components

The Frontend/UI is written in React JS and is built and served with Node Package Manager. Check if Node is installed:

$ npm -v

Install Node if not installed

$ curl -sL | sudo bash -
$ sudo apt install nodejs

Make sure you're in the correct directory

$ cd ~/SharingCitiesDashboard/Frontend

Install all dependencies

$ npm i --save

Update the value in SharingCitiesDashboard/Frontend/src/api/urls.js export const LOCAL_URL = ‘http://<api-address>/’

to: export const LOCAL_URL = ‘http://<ip-address>/api/’ Change the value in SharingCitiesDashboard/fcc.config.js: apiRoot: "http://<api-address>/",

to: apiRoot: "http://<ip-address>/api/",

Set node environment mode to Production:

$ npm run build

Install serve package:

$ sudo npm install -g serve

Serve the UI on port 8080:

$ sudo serve -s build -l 8080

The UI can then be accessed at: http://localhost:8080/
NB: The URL that points to the API has to be set in the following files:

  • SharingCitiesDashboard/Frontend/src/api/urls.js
  • SharingCitiesDashboard/Frontend/fcc.config.js

Step 6: Configure the backend

The Backend/API is written in Flask. To set up all the components:

  • Install asynchronous forecasting requirements In order to enforce Celery's asynchronous functionality the following steps need to be followed:
$ sudo apt install redis-server
$ sudo systemctl start redis
  • In the Analytics directory, the following command has to be executed in order to create a Celery worker:
$ celery -A manage.celery_task worker -l info

When a GET request that contains the 'prediction' argument set to true is made to the /data endpoiint, the get_prediction method in /resources/ will be executed asynchronously by the spawned Celery worker. A task_id will be contained in the response to this request. The following GET request can then be used to retrieve the result of the get_prediction method:

/pred_status?task_id=<task_id returned by /data endpoint>

  • Change values in host='<host-value>'

to: host=''

  • Start serving:
$ python3 runserver

Alternatively you can start serving using gunicorn

$ python3 gunicorn

The URL and PORT can be set inside the file

Change: def __init__(self, host='<host-value>', port=5000, workers=4):

to: def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=5000, workers=4):

Please note that the backend relies to a valid config.env.yml file for importer API endpoints and specifications, celery, redis, flask, gunicorn, jwt, postgres and sendgrid configuration. An example is located to /Analytics/settings/config.env.example.yml. Edit this file and rename it to config.env.yml

The API can then be accessed at: http://localhost:5000/

Quick start

Navigate to the Analytics folder and go to the python shell / REPL.

#Setup database tables
from app import create_app
a = create_app()

The code above will setup the database tables. Next, make sure you populate the Unit, Theme, SubTheme tables. This is currently necessary for importers to run as they make use of values from these tables.

There are two ways to do it. They can be directly populated in the table using insert statements (not recommended) or they can be entered using python model classes. To use the python model classes navigate to your Analytics folder and open the python shell / REPL:

# Using Model classes to add data to tables
from app import create_app
a = create_app()
from db import db

# Creating an example Unit
from models.unit import Unit
unit = Unit('kg', 'Kilogram')

# Creating and eaxample Theme and SubTheme
from models.theme import Theme, SubTheme
theme = Theme('Environment')

# Using Theme id as foreign key in SubTheme
s_theme = SubTheme(, 'Airquality')


As you can see from the example the API is consistent across models and has the same names for saving and retrieving data. Now that you have instantiated, set up and populated the database, we can run importers.

How to run importers

There are two ways to run an importer

  1. Use the file

    • This file can be run from the command line with

    python add -gd True.

    It will return a list of importers that can be imported from the command line. Next,

    python add -ad <Name-of-the-datasource>

will run the importer and add the datasource to the database. It will not override the previous data but append it, if the data already exists then it will ignore it.

  1. Using the python shell to add the datasource/run importer

    • Navigate to the Analytics folder and enter into python shell by typing python
    # Example of importing a datasource
    from app import create_app
    a = create_app()
    from importers.air_quality import KCLAirQuality
    k = KCLAirQuality()

The code provided above is generic to all importers. The API is designed with keeping consistency in mind when running importers.

How to run the scheduler

The scheduler is responsible for getting the data periodically from the API's using Importers.

The Scheduler makes use of config.env.yml file to retrieve data about importer classes and as every importer follows the same structure it initialises classes at runtime and calls their _create_datasource() method.

For every importer, the Scheduler initiates a process and then goes to sleep for 24 hours, those subprocess in turn are responsible for running the importers and once and importer has run, the process goes to sleep for the specific time mentioned in the config.env.yml file under property refresh_time.

To run the scheduler, navigate to the Analytics folder and start the scheduler by running


In the frontend, the user can monitor the health of importers by clicking on the importers tab under Admin tools.

Using the dashboard


Having installed all components and set up the application, you can navigate to the endpoint of the app. You will be promted to enter your email address and password if you are an admin user or register to use the app.

The Forgot password service uses sendgrid email client. The Sendgrid API key has to be set in the OS environment variables in order for the forgot password email to be sent. Use the commands below in the terminal:

echo "export SENDGRID_API_KEY='YOUR_API_KEY'" > sendgrid.env
source ./sendgrid.env

Clicking Sign in will take you to the Dashboard page of the app.


In the Dashboard view of the app you can view all pre-created widgets, or create new ones. The configuration and placement of the widgets is saved for each user, and is preloaded every time a new session starts up.

In the data tools page you can browse the imported data. The attributes are categorised by theme/subtheme (in the example below theme is Environment and Subtheme is Airquality). Multiple attributes can be selected and displayed as tabs in the main panel. Clicking on the attribute headers you can sort them by value or date. The data can be exported to different formats by clicking on export data. Finally, you can create widgets by clicking on Create Widgets button.

In the Admin tools section of the app you can view all registered users of the dashboard, add new ones or delete already existing ones. In the Importers section you can monitor the health of exosting importers and browser log error in case of importer failure. You can also force restart an importer.

Dashboard Data tools Admin tools

Creating widgets

Widgets can be created either in the Dashboard or Data tools section of the app. There are four types of available widgets: plot, map, forecast and alert.

Plot widget

A plot widget can be used to visualise a selected attribute or group of attributes. It is a wrapper around Vega plotting library, and offers a similar workflow to data visualisation. Clicking on the icon will bring up the Widget Editor. Here, you can change the title of the plot, you can add a description, change the width and height of the widget as well as choose to anchor the plot on the dashboard layout.

The Plot Options section of Widget Editor allows you to define the details of the plot. The Mark section allows you to choose different plotting options (point, line, area, bar etc.). The Encoding Channels section of the editor allows you to define the variables that will be plotted against the x (eg. the timestamp) and y axis (eg. the values or an aggregated function of the values) of the plot. The third encoding channel allows you to define a third variable to use in the plot (eg. color, size etc.).

The Data set section Widget Editor allows you to add additional attributes in the plot or change the existing attribute. Note that the defined settings will propagate to all selected attributes.

General options Plot options Data set

Map widget

A map widget can be used to display a selected attribute on a map. In terms of available plotting options, General options allows definition of the title and description of the map, Map options allow the user to choose a different tileset as well as the marker color and opacity. Data tools allow adding more attributes on the map. Note that the marker size on the map is proportional to the values of the attribute.

General options Map options Data set

Forecast widget

A forecast widget can be used to generate univariate forecasts on an attribute. The Widget Editor of this widget, allows you to choose a title and description for the widget, as well as the attribute to be forecasted and the time steps in the future (this depends on the temporal resolution of the data). This univariate time series forecast feature is generic, and hence makes some assumptions about the data. We provide an indication of the confidence you can place in the forecast values. More accurate forecasts will likely come from a bespoke analysis.

General options Forecast options

Alert widget

An alert widget allows the user to generate alerts in case an attribute reaches a maximum or minimum value. An email is sent to the user with a notification stating that the selected attribute has exceeded the threshold value set.

General options Alert options

An example of the dashboard with all four widgets can be seen below.

sharingcitiesdashboard's People


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sharingcitiesdashboard's Issues

Rebuild API client based on test code

Look at all the code created to gather data from various APIs, find a common ground and create an infrastructure to add them to, and any new ones.

Create notification mechanism

For completed analytics runs and when new data is gathered though the API client. Rely on push notifications (EventSource or similar).

Create an Api endpoint - Analytics

Create an api endpoint that accepts:

i) Column name for dependent variables
ii) Table names for dependent variables
iii) Column name for Independent Variable
iv) Table name for Independent Variable
v) Operation to be performed on dataset
vi) Requestor Id
vii) A flag to indicate whether the data is timeseries data or not.
viii) If null flag to indicate what to do with the null rows
ix) Range of data

API credentials / token expiry

We want the users / cities to have their own API credentials that are used to access the data from each API. We're currently using our development credentials and shouldn't expose these. Ideally we need to:

  1. Enable the user to provide their own (and tell them where to get / sign up)
  2. Deal with the expiry of tokens through time
  3. Make rate limiting / fair use transparent

Forecasting / Modeling should have defaults where possible.

Depending on the selected operation, defaults should be supplied:

E.g. Default
missingValues = forward fill.

Referring to below:

"columnsX": {
	"table1": ["col1", "col2", "col3"],
	"table2": ["col4", "col5", "col6"]
"columnY": "ycola",
"tableY": "table3",
"operation": "classification",
"requestor_id": 456,
"timeseries": "True",
"missingValues": "mean",
"dataRange": "12-03-2018 00:00:00.12-03-2018 00:00:00"

Filter Data

Give user an option in the api to send values on which data can be filtered, e.g if user just want to predict NO2, then user should be able to send these in the post request

Make a schema for metadata used by the front end

To be used by the front end globally and including:

  • data type
  • data update frequency
  • Unit type
  • human-readable column name ("label")
  • whether data is mappable
  • default ordering (column and direction)
  • total number of records

Adopt Milan APIs

Based on existing test code and new API client infrastructure.

Run Analytics Tasks on Thread

Once the request is verified launch a new thread to run the analytics request, the new thread should have access to task_id, user_id and api address to which it needs to send the data. The thread should also have access to database to save the computed data

README for backend

Should explain the structure of the code, how to extend it (add new APIs) and how to run tests where appropriate.

Create visualisations having the same temporal span

It would be good if the users can view data with different temporal frequency in a common temporal extent. This would require resampling of one versus the other

eg. variable x temporal frequency is in minutes
variable y temporal frequency is in days

User should be able to combine fields from different data sources if they overlap in time

Users may want to plot temperature vs bikes available at a particular site. For this to happen, time has to be normalised between the two. Approaches to this have been discussed and investigated (e.g. forward filling and back filling).

Recommendation for first implementation: only allow for the combination of two fields from two different data sources - no more.

Update Documentation

Documentation has incorrect date range in the request section, update the documentation to reflect the current method

Setup Repo

Setup Repo with disabling users to directly merge into master or without code review

Analytics - Return response - in error

i) Error message defining what is actually missing and what caused the error while accepting the request.
ii) Request id (need to give more thought on it, is it even required)

Add data summary

Include a summary of the data that are included in the app.

  • Break down by city
  • Document date of update
  • Link to documentation where possible

Processing Analytics - Check for saved model

For every request first check if there is already an existing model, if there is

return the prediction with request id

if no, check if data is under default limit
if yes, create model and send the predictions, if no start processing and send the request id

Identify likely space requirements for 2-year deployment

The application / DB will grow through time. Need to decide the following:

  1. How much data should we keep for each metric (e.g. max 1 year for each metric)
  2. How big will the DB get given this and given a quadrupling of the number of metrics?
  3. How much storage will the machine require to account for this?

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