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company-quickhelp's Issues

quickhelp "freezes" emacs when using alchemist package

With the delay set to 0.5, emacs became almost unresponsive, I had to hit C-g a bunch and wait and hope.

This is with emacs 25 (railwaymacs port) on OSX, trying company-quickhelp on an Elixir buffer (using the alchemist package).

Quickhelp works quite well in an elisp buffer.

This issue is known in alchemist: tonini/alchemist.el#210

work for Cask projects

This is a really nice feature, thank you!

In emacs-lisp-mode (I don't know what else you support) I noticed that it only works for items that have been loaded into the REPL. It would be good if it also worked for projects as defined by Cask definitions, in much the way that flycheck is able to check a project based on the Cask definition.

What do package writers need to do to support this?

This package looks cool, so I'd love to have support for it in company-coq. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work out of the box: using M-h yields:

Error running timer ‘company-quickhelp--show’: (wrong-type-argument stringp (#<buffer *company-coq: documentation*> . 34))

Hovering on candidates just shows the documentation buffer (company-coq displays the window by itself, so that's expected, but no pos-tip window is shown).

how to adjust the position of quickhelp


This package seems to locate its quickhelp in the right middle of its completion list like this.

screenshot from 2016-10-24 22-04-22

I'd like to adjust it up to the top right of its completion list like as eldoc in AC package.
Could you please let me know how to do it?

company-active-map not fully working when company-quickhelp-mode is active

I have a few custom keybinds I use for company mode:

(define-key company-active-map (kbd "C-j") 'company-select-next)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "C-k") 'company-select-previous)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "C-ü") 'helm-company)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "<tab>") 'company-complete-common-or-cycle)

If I activate company-quickhelp-mode the first two keybindings will no longer work and
instead execute their globally bound (evil-mode) actions instead. The latter two keybinds
continue working as inteded. I also tried using C-w, C-s and J, K as well.

The former was equally broken while the latter was working properly.

This issue only appeas if company-quickhelp-mode is active and the popup was visible. I'm able to use C-j and C-k to cycle though the completion candidates if no popup has yet appeared.

I'm using company version 0.9.0-cvs and the newest company-quickhelp installed from github via el-get.

Suggestion: bind company-quickhelp-manual-begin to company-active-map

First, let me say that I'm really glad I stumbled upon this package, because documentation pop-ups were the one thing I missed from auto-complete!

I've got a suggestion: bind the company-quickhelp-manual-begin command to company-active-map instead of company-quickhelp-mode-map. This way, the binding only applies when we are selecting company candidates, not all the time.

[feature request] make company-quickhelp popup doc manually.

company-quickhelp make navigation in company popup menu slow. I hope company-quickhelp doc popup can be triggered manually through a function keybinding.
Like this:

(setq company-quickhelp-delay 0.3) ; TODO: set to `nil' to trigger popup doc manually.
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "<f1>") 'company-show-doc-buffer)
(if (functionp 'company-quickhelp--show)
    ;; (define-key company-active-map (kbd "M-h") 'company-quickhelp--show)
    (define-key company-active-map (kbd "M-h") 'company-quickhelp--show)
  (define-key company-active-map (kbd "M-h") 'company-show-doc-buffer)

Disjointed documentation interface in OS X

Hi, I'm experiencing an issue on OS X, and other members of the /r/emacs subreddit are seeing it too. On the github homepage for company quickhelp it shows this image, in which the documentation panel is basically an extension of the company completion menu. What I get instead (on OS X) is a little more disjointed interface that looks like this. It looks like this might be a bug in pos-tip, company quickhelp, or potentially a setup issue. Are there settings I can change that will allow pos-tip to present documentation in a way that better integrates with the company completion menu? I've already left a note for @pitkali on the pos-tip page.

For reference I'm running Emacs 25.1.50 (9.0) on OS X Yosemite (version 10.10.5).

Cann't show quickhelp in golang!

It works in elisp-mode,but it didn't work in golang.
This is my emacs config:

(use-package company-quickhelp
  :ensure t
  (company-quickhelp-mode 1)
  (setq company-quickhelp-delay 0.2)
(provide 'init-company-quickhelp)

Thanks for your help!

problem in elixir-mode

I got the problem in elixir-mode.
Example: I type: Map. then a list candidates but i can't select any of them. This problem is only occurred in elixir mode. I also tried in emacs-lisp-mode then it works fine. Can you help me to fix that?

Limit the height of the quickhelp menu

Hello. Could it be possible to get a variable to set the max height of the quick help (for example, to 10 lines -- such as the max height of my Company menu)?

Thanks in advance!

Magit commits broken by company-quickhelp

When committing using Magit ("c c" from Magit main buffer), an error occurs and then commit message buffer appears. However, when the commit message is submitted ("C-c C-c" from Magit commit message buffer), nothing actually happens.

Here is the error:

*ERROR*: Company: frontend company-quickhelp-frontend error "Symbol's function definition is void: pos-tip-hide" on command hide

If I disable company-quickhelp the error goes away.

An error occured in post-command

I am getting the following error and I do not know how to fix it:

Company: An error occurred in post-command                                                                                                                                                                
Company: Front-end company-quickhelp-frontend error "Symbol's function definition is void: pos-tip-hide" on command hide                                                                                  
Error in post-command-hook (company-post-command): (error "Company: Front-end company-quickhelp-frontend error \"Symbol's function definition is void: pos-tip-hide\" on command hide")   

Window system frame should be used

this is my Backtrace when i use quickhelp

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Window system frame should be used")
x-display-pixel-width(#<frame F1 0x102019f00>)
pos-tip-x-display-width(#<frame F1 0x102019f00>)
pos-tip-show("abort() -> does not return!\n\nAbort the interpreter immediately. This 'dumps core' or otherwise fails\nin the hardest way possible on the hosting operating system$
apply(company-quickhelp--show nil)
byte-code("r\301^H\302H^H\303H"\210)\301\207" [timer apply 5 6] 4)
timer-event-handler([t 0 0 500000 nil company-quickhelp--show nil idle 0])

I have no idea why

Error running timer on emacs 25

I'm getting an

Error running timer `company-quickhelp--show': (wrong-type-argument listp default:inherit)

twice in a row when waiting for a tooltip in company, and sometimes I'm getting an

Error while displaying tooltip: (wrong-type-argument listp default:inherit)

twice in a row in Messages buffer, but can't figure out when. And no tooltips at all.
GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.8), compiled from source.

how to customize the tip font?

Hi, thanks for this package.

the font of the tip shown on my machine is not like other part of emacs (which is manoco). do you know how to change it?

Doesn't work on Non-GUI system

It seems pos-tip only supports GUI system. Do you have any plan to support Non-GUI system, or move it to popup which supports both systems? Thanks!

feature request: toggle pos-tip on and off

Would it be worth adding a toggle on/off function? I was using the following because the overlay was blocking the dropdown on occasion

(defun company-quickhelp-toggle ()
  "Toggle pos-tip on and off."
  (or (x-hide-tip)
(define-key company-quickhelp-mode-map (kbd "M-h")

Screen flicker with daemon on initial startup

Emacs 25.1.1 on redhat 6.6
When I first open the window I get a flicker when the postips show up.
The redraw is not acting correctly.
I can immediately correct this by resizing the frame with my mouse. Then the flicker goes away.

This only happens in daemon mode (when I run 'emacs' I don't see the issue).

How to customize faces?

I've tried using M-x customize-group RET company-quickhelp RET to find out how to customize faces. I've done the same with pos-tip, and followed this advice. However, I'm still unable to change the faces.

Any hints on what may be happening?

Thanks for this great package!

Symbol's function definition is void

I cannot get it working.
It displays below error during initialization.

Error in post-command-hook (company-post-command):
(error "Company: Front-end company-quickhelp-frontend error
\"Symbol's function definition is void: pos-tip-hide\" on command hide")
  • OS X 10.10.2 (Yosemite)
  • GNU Emacs 24.4.1
  • company-quickhelp 20150322.451
  • pos-tip 20150318.813

No popup documentation using company-quickhelp

I am not getting any popup documentation using company for completion.

I have this in my init.el:

(company-quickhelp-mode 1)

I have tested with elisp in the scratch buffer and no popup :-(

I am using:
GNU Emacs
company 20150220.1432
company-quickhelp 20150215.250
on OSX Yosemite.

Help (mostly) not showing in Clojure buffer

I've got the quickhelp popup working fine in the cider-repl buffer. In Clojure buffers, on the other hand, I only get the help popup for 'def', no other text triggers it. I get the company completion popup as expected, for any valid prefixes, but as I move over the candidates, no help is shown - except it is for 'def'.

I'm on Windows 8.1 64 bit, Emacs 24.5.1

company-quickhelp doesn't work in terminal

I'm running emacs in terminal mode ( -nw ), version 24.5.1.

I noticed this really cool plugin and wanted to try it out. Unfortunately, when running company-quickhelp-manual-begin manually, I noticed the error:

Error running timer `company-quickhelp--show': 
(user-error "Company-quickhelp doesn't work in the terminal")

Please make this plugin work with emacs terminal mode.

Position of help popup overlaps or hides company popup

Position of company quickhelp pop has started overlapping and hiding the company popup. Typing more characters becomes difficult because one cannot see. I am on GNU Emacs 24.5.

I did not observe this issue earlier, although I had quickhelp enabled. Maybe some recent change caused this?

screenshot from 2015-07-03 22-57-50

the popup dialogue appears in random places

Here is the situation: the popup dialogue of doc info is not besides the candidate list, but appears quite randomly, as shown below. (sometime, quite less frequently, it works well.) The worst case is like the last picture. It is my first time use company-quickhelp. Any ideas? Many thanks!


(require 'company)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
(company-quickhelp-mode 1)


  • company-20170112.200 (the stable version on ELPA is the same)
  • company-quickhelp-20170119.2217
  • emacs-
  • pos-tip-20150318.813

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 14 29 32

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 14 29 40

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 14 30 01

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 14 30 14

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 14 30 25

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 14 36 59

Suggest a different binding than `M-h`

On OSX by default, M-h will hide the current window, so emacs will just "disappear". In addition, if I try ESC h instead, I just trigger emacs' default M-h behavior. Maybe suggest C-c h or something similar?

freezes the startup of emacs daemon

I have installed company-quickhelp version 20150611.2305 from Melpa with these dependencies:

  • company-0.8.9
  • pos-tip-0.4.6

I started experiencing a weird bug today, the initialization of emacs daemon was freeze exactly on the line (company-quickhelp-mode 1) in my Emacs configuration. I've been using company-quickhelp for about two weeks or so but this is the first time it presents a critical issue like this one.

Starting a non-daemon session of emacs don't get freeze during initialization.

Line breaks are not being respected

First of all, thanks for the great plugin!

screen shot 2016-03-18 at 23 18 37

This screenshot is from emacs-fsharp-mode. It looks as if company-quickhelp doesn't respect line breaks that appear in the output.

I can understand the text wrapping, but I think that line breaks should be respected because it makes the popup quite difficult to read otherwise.

Help popup goes blank momentarily after initial display

I'm using Emacs 24.5.1 on Windows 10 64 bit, with the latest packages from Melpa as of 4/22/2016.

After quickhelp pops up initially for a symbol, it blanks out for a fraction of a second and then re-displays the content. Is this a known issue or is there some parameter that could be causing this?


Allow for custom text colors

I think it would be nice to be able to color certain elements in the text just like syntax highlighting. this would be possible with 'pos-tip-show-no-propertize' instead of 'pos-tip-show'. Let me know what you think.

company-quickhelp hijacks existing help buffers

To reproduce:

  • Open a help buffer with C-h f
  • In the scratch buffer, start typing. Navigating candidates will update the contents of the help buffer in addition to displaying the quickhelp pos-tip.

too slow

"GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (i686-pc-mingw32) of 2015-04-11 on LEG570"
Windows 7

It slows down most company operations. It hangs all the time for a few seconds.

Tested with elpy-mode (a python) mode and emacs-lisp-mode


- timer-event-handler                                             966  92%
 - byte-code                                                      966  92%
  - apply                                                         966  92%
   - company-quickhelp--show                                      965  92%
    - pos-tip-show                                                962  91%
     - pos-tip-show-no-propertize                                 962  91%
      - x-show-tip                                                950  90%
       - face-set-after-frame-default                             629  60%
        - byte-code                                               629  60%
         - face-spec-recalc                                       627  59%
          + face-spec-set-2                                       309  29%
          - make-face-x-resource-internal                         302  28%
           - set-face-attributes-from-resources                   300  28%
            - set-face-attribute-from-resource                    297  28%
             + face-name                                           26   2%
          + face-spec-reset-face                                   12   1%
            face-spec-choose                                        1   0%
       - frame-set-background-mode                                320  30%
        - face-spec-recalc                                        308  29%
         - make-face-x-resource-internal                          290  27%
          - set-face-attributes-from-resources                    287  27%
           - set-face-attribute-from-resource                     284  27%
            - face-name                                            14   1%
             + check-face                                          13   1%
         + face-spec-reset-face                                    16   1%
         + face-spec-set-2                                          1   0%
           face-spec-choose                                         1   0%
        + face-attr-match-p                                        12   1%
      + pos-tip-compute-pixel-position                              3   0%
    + company-quickhelp--doc                                        3   0%
   + company-idle-begin                                             1   0%
+ ...                                                              68   6%
+ command-execute                                                  12   1%
  tooltip-hide                                                      2   0%

First doc popup takes too long to show

So as I'm typing something in a Clojure buffer, company's completion box appears. After ~3.5 seconds (delay is consistent, I measure it a few times) a help window shows up. If I then start switching between completion candidates, the delay before help appears is the expected 0.5 seconds. Any ideas where the initial delay comes from?

Env: the very latest CIDER, cider-nrepl, company and company-quickhelp.

Company Quickhelp and Alchemist

When using company quickhelp and Alchemist (Elixir completion server) often Emacs will hang and use 100% CPU. The only solution seems to be to restart Emacs by force-quitting it.
The author of Alchemist seems to think this is caused by an incompatibility between company quickhelp and the asynchronous way Alchemist returns documentation.

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