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collaction_api's Issues

[Board] Add endpoint to fetch Posts for a specific Thread

We will require an endpoint to fetch posts given a Thread ID.

The endpoint should be paginated.
The endpoint should be owned by the Posts controller, an idea of how the endpoint could look:
v1/posts/:tid/ where tid is Thread ID

Implement the required Query if it doesn't already exist, eg. FetchPostsByThread. See list-crowdactions.query.ts for reference on how to implement pagination.

[Badges]/[CommitmentOptions]: Create CommitmentOption Entity and Interface

For the badges feature, we will refactor commitment options, which currently is just a hardcoded enumerator.

This ticket is responsible for creating the Entity and Interface,

  • Inside src/domain create a new folder commitmentoption
  • Inside the new folder, create entity and interface folders, as well as an index.ts file that will barrel the contents of these two folders.

The entity and interface should be created according to this:

CommitmentOption {
    id: string; // Mongoose ID
    label: string;
    description: string;
    points: number;
    blocks: CommitmentOption[];
    category: CrowdActionCategoryEnum; // Eg. food, sustainability,

All fields must be readonly, there are no optional fields.

Note: Remember to create index.ts files inside the entity and interface folder, and export the commitmentoption.entity.ts and the commitmentoption.interface.ts files so it can be imported by @domain/commitmentoption

[Board] CreateThreadForCrowdActionCommand

When a crowdaction is created, depending on the type of the crowdaction, an automatic thread needs to be created in the corresponding forum (Forum linekd to CrowdActionType).

If no forum exists with that CrowdActionType, then the CrowdAction will not be linked to a thread.

Make neccessary changes to CrowdAction to add threadId which is an optional (nullable) field.


  • Creates Thread with information about the CrowdAction, returns thread id

Thread Subject => CrowdAction Title
Thread Author => (We will create a bot user, yet to figure out the details!)
Thread Prefix => (Maybe we can have a Prefix for each CrowdActionType - Would look nice on the website at the end)

Thread Message:

[img]<CrowdAction Banner Image>[/img]
**<CrowdAction Title>**
Join ends at: <CrowdAction Join End At>
Starts at: <CrowdAction Start At>
Ends at <CrowdAction End At>

<CrowdAction Description>

Implement Upload Profile Image Validations

In the UploadProfileImageCommand we currently have no validations in place.

Don't spend too much time on this task, if some validations take too long, then simply skip them.


  • Image filesize must be less than 5 MB (Required)
  • MImetype must be an image (jpeg, png) (Required)
  • Image must be 1:1 Aspect Ratio (Optional)

Store user feedback in a MongoDB table

Instead of using an AWS lambda to send emails to the CollAction email account we can instead store this information in a table. This data can then be fetched to display the emails and not require us to send the emails to ourselves

Improvement in error response /v1/crowdactions/slug/{slug} and /v1/crowdactions/{id}

Regarding /v1/crowdactions/slug/{slug} endpoint:

When requesting a crowdaction by a slug that doesn't exist, there is a mismatch in the response between the Status of the response: 500 and the statusCode of the response body "statusCode": 400 could be confusing for the client. Would be better if both are 404 Not Found.

Regarding /v1/crowdactions/{id} endpoint:

When requesting a crowdaction by an id that doesn't exist, the Status of the response is 500. Would be more convenient if the response is 404 Not Found.

[Badges]/[CommitmentOptions]: Create CommitmentOptions Persistence

We need to create a persistence for the new CommitmentOption entity.

Inside src/infrastructure/mongo/persistence create a new file commitmentoption.persistence.ts.

Export a class decorated with @Schema({ _id: false, versionKey: false }) named CommitmentOptionPersistence.

See crowdaction.persistence.ts for a similar setup.

Must export the persistence class, the CommitmentOptionSchema, and the CommitmentOptionDocument.

[Followers] Lookup Phone Number

For the followers feature in the future the backend needs to be able to use a phone number from a users contacts to fetch userIds. We store the users phone number with Firebase Authentication. It seems the userId across the backend and Firebase is the same so assuming we can fetch users from Firebase using their phone number it should then be simple to do the rest in the backend with the findUserByIdOrFail function.

New fields for Badges

We need badges to store the information of the crowdaction that uses it. The information it needs to store is the crowdactions title and id.
We also need to add a new field called icon that is a type string. This will be used so user can upload their own images for badges. The field will be optional and we will default to a hardcoded image on the app side if no icon is provided.

Make diamond threshold customizable on badges

Make the diamond threshold value customizable and keep hardcoded values for the other tiers. We can pass this in through the crowdaction in the delegate-badges command. This means we will need to add a diamond threshold to the crowdaction persistence too since the badges are delegated by the CRON and not a call.
We could do this by adding a new BadgeConfig object inside the crowdactions. For now this would only store the diamond threshold value but we may add new things to it in the future.

[Badges]/[CommitmentOptions]: Create CommitmentOption Repository

Before we can start creating the endpoints and refactor the old commitment options, we need to setup the repository.

First, we must create the abstract interface that the repository will implement.

Inside src/domain/commitmentoption/interface create commitmentoption-repository.interface.ts.

The file will export:

  • CreateCommitmentOption which will be of type Omit<ICommitmentOption, 'id' | 'createdAt' | 'updatedAt'>
  • PatchCommitmentOption which will be of type Partial<ICommitmentOption>
  • QueryCommitmentOption which will be of type Partial<Pick<ICommitmentOption, 'id' | 'category'>>

For the new ICommitmentOptionRepository, implement IRepository using the above types:

export abstract class ICommitmentOptionRepository implements IRepository<CommitmentOption, CreateCommitmentOption, PatchCommitmentOption, QueryCommitmentOption>

Inside src/infrastructure/mongo/repository create commitmentoption.repository.ts.

The repository must be an @Injectable().

In the constructor, inject the created in #10, like this:

export class CommitmentOptionRepository implements ICommitmentOptionRepository {
    constructor(@InjectModel( private readonly documentModel: Model<CommitmentOptionDocument>) {}

For the repository method implementations, reference src/infrastructure/mongo/repository/crowdaction.repository.ts

Blocked by: #10 !

[Board] Add endpoint (authed) to make a post on a thread

This task is two-part, one is implementing the endpoint, and the other is implementing the command to create a Post.

The endpoint should be authenticated (FirebaseGuard).

The command should take these arguments:

  • The User (This will be the author)
  • Thread ID
  • Subject (This can be empty, in that case, it will be "RE: ${thread.subject"})
  • Message

Validation before creating the post in chronological order:

  1. Validate the user has permission to create posts in that forum
  2. Validate that the current last post in that thread was not also by the user, in that case, they should be told to edit their existing one

[Board] Add authed endpoint to create a Thread

We will need an endpoint to create threads, the endpoint must require authentication.

The endpoint will take (and of course have the user from the token):

  • Forum ID (Where to post the thread)
  • Prefix ID (Optional)
  • Subject
  • Message

The task also includes creating a command CreateThreadCommand, that will require these validations:

  1. Validate the user can create threads in the forum (fetch forum permission based on forumId and the users role)

The command should take the information received through the endpoint as arguments, and also require a User!

We will add support for creating polls etc. at a later point.

[Refactor] Commimentoptions and Crowdactions need to be updated

Initial comment:

We're going to decouple CrowdAction Type from CommitmentOptions. Meaning a CrowdAction will no longer inherit CommitmentOptions by the CrowdAction Type.

Instead when we create CommitmentOptions, they will still have a Type, but they will also have an additional List of Tags. When creating a CrowdAction, UI wise, we will allow to search and select commitmentoptions by these tags.
That means a CrowdAction will have to be created with commitmentOptions: [string] like previously done, where it's a list of ids of the desired commitmentoptions.

This means we will also have to change/add this functionality (and the above):

  • CommitmentOption Create will have to take additional tags: [string] - without any validation!
  • The CommtimentOption Controller should expose an endpoint for searching (paginated) that takes one or more tags, and returns a paginated list of results of CommitmentOptions
  • The CommitmentOption Controller should expose an endpoint for listing all CommitmentOptions paginated, there should be an option to filter on Type. (This might be a good idea to consolidate with the lookup for tags, as that could also just be an optional filter)
  • The CommimtnetOption Controller should expose an endpoint to update a CommitmentOption
  • When updating a CommitmentOption, all CrowdActions which have this commitment option should have it reflected.

Link to Slack thread where discussion took place:

Add functionality to run specific code on server startup

Currently on server startup we need to schedule all crowdactions to run their CRONs so that crowdaction start and end at the correct time.

The work for scheduling crowdactions has already been done in SchedulerService. We simply need to call scheduleTasks from this new startup Service and the job should be done.

We should be able to use Lifecycle events to do this code. Based on a quick look using onModuleInit should be enough

If we can reuse this startup code for the future it could be useful too.

[Board] Add endpoint to fetch Threads for a specific Forum

We need an endpoint to fetch threads for a specific forum, the endpoint should be paginated and should have or use a Query, eg. list-threads.query.ts.

See list-crowdactions.query.ts to reference how to add pagination.

The endpoint should exist in the Thread Controller, and the endpoint could be:

Add Service for Contact

The contact controller so far only has one endpoint. The send form command. We should add an option to fetch a contact based on it's id. This will require adding a ContactService and fetching the contact using the ContactRepository findOne query.
There are plenty of examples from other controllers too if you need to see them.
After adding the endpoint make sure to update the SendFormCommand unit test.

Sort Crowdaction response based on date

Update all GET requests that return crowdactions so they return them in a sorted order based on the endAt value. The crowdactions list will be returned in a DESC order.

[Board] Create Thread in relevant forum on CrowdAction Created

We will use the board also to power the "comments" feature in the Mobile Application and link them together.

The business logic in itself will go according to which Forum is linked to which CrowdAction Type.


  • Only one Forum can own a specific CrowdAction Type eg. ENERGY, FOOD, etc. (Two forums that own eg. ENERGY cannot coexist - and this must be disallowed)
  • A command that will create a thread based on the CrowdAction - Find the Forum ID by CrowdAction Type.
  • Execute the command on CrowdAction creation

The command should function like this procedurally:

  1. Find Forum ID (where to create thread) by CrowdAction Type (Make a query for this)
  2. Create a thread using the CreateThreadCommand (Refer to #94)

For the thread creation:

  • Subject = CrowdAction Title
  • Message = CrowdAction Description
  • Author = To be defined

Note: This task is dependant on #94 - And we still have to define a clear method of authoring threads from one specific author (eg. CollAction Bot).

[Badges]/[CommitmentOptions]: Create CommitmentOption Controller

To be able to perform CRUD operations on the new CommitmentOption, we will set up a controller. For now, the controller will just have one endpoint that will return Hello World.

Inside src/api/rest create a new folder commitmentoptions and inside it create v1/controller/ folders.

In the controller folder create commitmentoption.controller.ts and index.ts

Export the class CommitmentOptionController which is decorated with @Controller('v1/commitmentoptions') and @ApiTags('CommitmentOption')

Create a Get endpoint that returns Hello World!

[Badges] Custom CRON to distribute badges after CrowdAction is finished

Currently we use a CRON to check every hour if a crowdaction is finished. If it is we then award the badges to all the participants of that crowdaction. Instead of this we should see if it's possible to create a custom CRON that will be triggered when the end date of the crowdaction is less than the current date. This way the badges are awarded the second the crowdaction is finished.

The NestJS documentation on task scheduling should be helpful for this:

Disallow patching of Phone Number & Return new Profile

Inside the ProfileController, the @Put() updateProfile method takes UpdateProfileDto which contains phone, we do not allow users to update their phone numbers, as it's part of Firebase Authentication. Thus we have to remove this and make sure it's not used by any other resource or controller.

We also currently return Identifiable and in the @ApiResponse decorator we declare the type as IdentifiableResponse, instead we should fetch and return the new and updated Profile.

The fetching of the Profile should be done in the UpdateProfileCommand and the command should return the updated Profile.

Use the ProfileResponseDto as the response from thic ticket: #1

Acceptance Criteria

  • The response example value (@ApiResponse) is correct
  • Users cannot update their phone numbers

Change Commitments Icon from enum to string

Currently we use the CommitmentIconEnum to choose an image that out commitments will display. We will be replacing this with a string so users can provide their own images for commitments.
We will also be deleting the CommitmentIconEnum.
I believe this will also require a migration for all existing commitments so we can remove the enum and replace it with a string url pointing to the correct image.

[Badges] Improve how we award badges

Currently to award a badge to participants we use a 3 for loop nested structure. This is bad for performance. We should find some way to improve this so it won't take as long for badges to be awarded.

Update Readme about AWS Secrets

As I have implemented AWS S3 in the project, and we use this to upload images, it needs to be defined in the readme what endpoints won't work without them. And how to get the secrets if needed.

[Board] Models & Persistence

In preparation for the board, we will create PRs that will cover all the needed entities, interfaces, and enumerations for the project.

This includes:

  • Creating entities for mentioned models
  • Creating enumerations mentioned
  • Creating interfaces for entities
  • Creating required DTOs
  • Creating persistence for all datastructures

Required Models:

  • Forum
  • ForumPermissions
  • Threads
  • ThreadPrefixes
  • Posts
  • Polls
  • ReportedPosts
  • PostInfo
  • UserInfo
  • LastPostInfo

Required Enums:

  • ForumTypeEnum
  • ReportStatusEnum
  • PollStatusEnum

PRs can be made in bunches or in one big PR, reminder of abstraction location:

  • Persistence in infrastructure/mongo/persistence/<entity>.persistence.ts
  • DTOs in infrastructure/<entity>/dto/<entity>.dto.ts
  • Entities in domain/<entity>/entity/<entity>.entity.ts
  • Enums in domain/<entity>/enum/<enum>.enum.ts
  • Interfaces in domain/<entity>/interface/<interface>.interface.ts

Naming conventions can be found in Confluence.

[Integration Tests]

Integrations tests should verify the entire flow from an endpoint. Thus, we should have an integration test for each of the following components:

  • [ Profiles] Integration test 1
  • [CrowdActions] Integration test 2
  • [Participations] Integration test 3
  • [Contact] Integration test 4
  • [CommitmentOptions] Integration test 5
  • [Auth] Integration test 6

Create ProfileResponseDto

Currently, we use the ProfileDto in the @ApiResponse decorator inside the ProfileController, this is not relevant. This DTO is used for incoming requests only, we should instead implement a ProfileResponseDto instead.

For Swagger to show this response, the fields must be decorated with proper @ApiProperty decorators.

Acceptance Criteria

  • In the @ApiResponse decorator for getProfile and getAuthedProfile use ProfileResponseDto so that it correctly displays the response in Swagger UI
  • Example Value for the Response in Swagger must show the correctly returned object.

Sample Response

  "id": "628cdea92e19fd912f0d520e",
  "userId": "O9pbPDY3s5e5XwzgwKZtZTDPvLS2",
  "phone": "+4530249838",
  "location": {
    "code": "NL",
    "name": "Netherlands"
  "firstName": "Mathias",
  "lastName": "M",
  "bio": "I am a cool guy aye"

Current Response Example Value

  "phone": "+31612345678",
  "country": "string",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "bio": "I am a cool guy"

Show user at top of Participant List after participating in CrowdAction

Precondition: User participates in a CrowdAction

When user clicks on participant list, it should see itself at the top of the list to make clear he/she participates in the CrowdAction, regardless of the order of the list (whether it's sorted alphabetically, on date, or anything else).

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