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#!/usr/bin/env perl

#   Copyright © 2018 Yang Bo
#   This file is part of RSLinux.
#   RSLinux is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   RSLinux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with RSLinux.  If not, see <>.

use App::rs 'sane',
    iautoload => ['App::rs',
		  ['Term::ANSIColor', [qw/colored c/]],
		  [qw/Cwd abs_path getcwd/],
		  [qw/File::Path make_path/],
		  [qw/Scalar::Util looks_like_number/],
		  ['List::Util', map { "&$_" } qw/reduce all first none pairmap/],
		  ['Fcntl', map { "&$_" } qw/S_IFMT S_IFLNK S_IFREG S_IFDIR/],
		  [qw/Config %Config/]];

	for my $c (qw/green cyan yellow magenta red/) {
		no strict 'refs';
		my $f = uc substr $c, 0, 1;
		*$f = sub () { [$c] };
		*{$f x 2} = sub () { ['bold', $c] };
sub set {
	my ($f, $m) = @_;
	# chown should be called before chmod to prevent setuid, setgid bit gets reset.
	chown @$m{qw/uid gid/}, $f and chmod $m->{mode} & 07777, $f and utimensat($f, $m->{mtime}) or die "$f: $!";
sub equiv {
	my ($p, $q) = @_;
	no warnings 'uninitialized';
	all { $p->{$_} eq $q->{$_} } qw/mode uid gid size mtime hl sl/;
sub elf {
	open my $fh, '<', shift or die $!;
	my $b;
	read($fh, $b, 4) == 4 and $b eq "\x7fELF";
sub strip {
	my ($f, $m, $root) = @_;
	my $s;
	if (/\.[ao]$/)						{ @$s{qw/strip archive/} = (1, 1) }
	elsif ((/\.so/ or $m->{mode} & 0111) and elf($f))	{ $s->{strip} = 1 }
	if ($s->{strip}) {
		xsh(0, 'strip', $s->{archive} ? '--strip-unneeded' : (), $f);
		say "strip on $f, st: $?.";
		if (not $?) {
			set($f, $m);
			$m->{size} = (stat $f)[7];
sub _diff {
	my ($cp, $vp) = @_;
	my ($db, $v) = ($vp->{db}, {});
	opendir(my $dh, $cp->{root} . $vp->{d}) or die $!;
	for (sort readdir $dh) {
		my $ign = $vp->{ign}{$_};
		# ignore leaf only.
		next if /^\.{1,2}$/ or $ign and not ref $ign;
		my ($r, $m) = ($vp->{d} . $_, {});
		my $f = $cp->{root} . $r;
		(my $i, @$m{qw/mode uid gid size mtime/}) = (lstat $f)[1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9];
		if ($cp->{ih}{$i})	{ $m->{hl} = $cp->{ih}{$i} }
		else			{ $cp->{ih}{$i} = $r }
		my $t = $m->{mode} & S_IFMT;
		if ($t == S_IFDIR)	{ delete $m->{size} }
		elsif ($t == S_IFLNK)	{ $m->{sl} = readlink $f or die $! }
		elsif ($t != S_IFREG)	{ die "unknown type $t of $f." }
		my $st = {};
		if (my $_m = $db->{$_}) {
			my $_t = $_m->{mode} & S_IFMT;
			if ($t == S_IFDIR xor $_t == S_IFDIR)	{ ... }
			elsif ($t == S_IFDIR)			{ $st->{dir} = 1 }
			else					{ $st->{mod} = 1 if not equiv($m, $_m) }
		} else {
			$st->{ne} = 1;
		if (%$st) {
			if ($t == S_IFDIR) {
				add(my $p = $db->{$_} ||= {c => {}}, %$m);
				my $c = _diff($cp, {db => $p->{c},
						    ign => $vp->{ign}{$_},
						    d => $r . '/'});
				if ($st->{ne} or %$c) {
					$v->{$_} = {%$m,
						    c => $c};
					$p->{owner}{$cp->{oid}} = $cp->{ts};
			} else {
				my $n = 1 if $t == S_IFREG and not $m->{hl};
				strip($f, $m) if $n and $cp->{wet};
				my $p = $db->{$_} = {%$m,
						     owner => $db->{$_}{owner}};
				$p->{owner}{current} = $cp->{oid}, $p->{owner}{record}{$cp->{oid}} = $cp->{ts};
				$v->{$_} = {%$m};
				$v->{$_}{c} = \$f if $n;
sub _patch {
	my ($cp, $vp) = @_;
	my ($db, $v) = @$vp{qw/db v/};
	for (sort keys %$v) {
		my ($r, $q) = ($vp->{d} . $_, $v->{$_});
		my $f = $cp->{root} . $r;
		# That's for historical reasons...
		my $t = $q->{sl} ? S_IFLNK : $q->{mode} & S_IFMT;
		if ($t == S_IFDIR) {
			if (not $db->{$_}) {
				mkdir $f or die "mkdir $f: $!" if $cp->{wet} and not -d $f;
				$db->{$_} = {%$q,
					     c => {}};
			my $p = $db->{$_};
			_patch($cp, {v => $q->{c},
				     db => $p->{c},
				     d => $r . '/'});
			set($f, $p) if not $p->{owner} and $cp->{wet};
			$p->{owner}{$cp->{oid}} = $cp->{ts};
		} else {
			if (-e $f) {
				say c(YY, "$f already exists.");
				unlink $f or die c(RR, "Failed to unlink $f.") if $cp->{wet};
			if ($cp->{wet}) {
				if ($t == S_IFREG) {
					if ($q->{hl}) {
						my $g = $cp->{root} . $q->{hl};
						link $g, $f or die "unable to hard link $f to $g: $!";
					} else {
						wf($f, delete $q->{c});
						set($f, $q);
				} else {
					# That's really nasty...
					symlink my $g = $q->{sl}, $f or die "unable to symlink $f to $q->{sl}: $!.";
					# symlink(7) explicitly says the permission of a symbolic link can't be changed(on Linux).
					lchown($f, @$q{qw/uid gid/}) and utimensat($f, $q->{mtime}) or die "$f: $!";
			# A new hash is required here and above since metadata varies for non-directory.
			my $p = $db->{$_} = {%$q,
					     owner => $db->{$_}{owner}};
			$p->{owner}{current} = $cp->{oid}, $p->{owner}{record}{$cp->{oid}} = $cp->{ts};
# merge two patch trees, the first one takes higher priority.
sub merge {
	my ($p, $q) = @_;
	for (keys %$q) {
		if (not $p->{$_}) {
			$p->{$_} = $q->{$_};
		} else {
			my ($t, $_t) = ($p->{$_}{mode} & S_IFMT, $q->{$_}{mode} & S_IFMT);
			if ($t == S_IFDIR xor $_t == S_IFDIR)	{ ... }
			elsif ($t == S_IFDIR)			{ merge($p->{$_}{c}, $q->{$_}{c}) }
# add path r from v to p.
sub grow {
	my ($p, $v, $r) = @_;
	my @d = split m|/|, $r;
	my $f = pop @d;
	for (@d) {
		$p->{$_} = {%{$v->{$_}},
			    c => {}} if not $p->{$_};
		$p = $p->{$_}{c}, $v = $v->{$_}{c};
	$p->{$f} = $v->{$f};
sub rm {
	my ($cp, $vp) = @_;
	my $db = $vp->{db};
	for (keys %$db) {
		my ($r, $p, $o) = ($vp->{d} . $_, $db->{$_}, $db->{$_}{owner});
		my $f = $cp->{root} . $r;
		if ($p->{c}) {
			if ($o->{$cp->{oid}}) {
				rm($cp, {db => $p->{c},
					 d => $r . '/'});
				delete $o->{$cp->{oid}};
				if (not %$o) {
					rmdir $f or warn "unable to rmdir $f: $!." if $cp->{hard};
					delete $db->{$_};
		} else {
			my $d = $o->{record};
			if (delete $d->{$cp->{oid}}) {
				if ($o->{current} eq $cp->{oid}) {
					unlink $f or warn "unable to unlink $f: $!." if $cp->{hard};
					if (%$d) {
						if ($cp->{hard}) {
							my $oid = reduce { $d->{$b} > $d->{$a} ? $b : $a } keys %$d;
							my $p = $cp->{patch}{$oid} ||= {v => rs_parse($cp->{pool} . $oid . '.rs'),
											p => {}};
							grow(@$p{qw/p v/}, $r);
						} else {
							# %$p{qw/owner mode/}.
							delete @$p{grep { !/owner|mode/ } keys %$p};
					} else {
						delete $db->{$_};
sub runas {
	my $u = shift;
	if ($u ne 'root') {
		my ($uid, $gid) = (getpwnam $u)[2, 3];
		($(, $)) = ($gid, "$gid $gid");
		($<, $>) = ($uid, $uid);
	} else {
		($<, $>) = (0, 0);
		($(, $)) = (0, '0 0');
sub _crowded {
	{subr => sub {
		my $o = shift;
		if ($o->{event} eq 'ent') {
			my $db = $o->{db};
			$db->{c} ? 1 : keys %{$db->{owner}{record}} > 1;
	 }, prophet => 0};
sub _tag {
	my $oid = shift;
	{subr => sub {
		my $o = shift;
		if ($o->{event} eq 'ent') {
			my $db = $o->{db};
			$db->{c} ? $db->{owner}{$oid} : $db->{owner}{record}{$oid};
	 }, prophet => 1};
sub _list {
	my $v = {};
	{subr => sub {
		my $o = shift;
		if ($o->{event} eq 'ent') {
			my $db = $o->{db};
			add($v, $db->{c} ? %{$db->{owner}} : %{$db->{owner}{record}});
		} elsif ($o->{event} eq 'ret') {
			$v = [map { [$_, ''.localtime $v->{$_} ] } sort { $v->{$b} <=> $v->{$a} } keys %$v];
	 }, prophet => 0};
sub filter {
	my ($cp, $vp) = @_;
	my ($v, $f, $db, $d) = ({}, $cp->{f}{subr}, @$vp{qw/db d/});
	say {$cp->{sink}} $d if $cp->{f}{prophet};
	for (sort keys %$db) {
		my ($p, $r) = ($db->{$_}, $d . $_);
		if ($f->({event => 'ent',
			  ent => $_,
			  db => $p})) {
			say {$cp->{sink}} $r unless $p->{c};
			if ($p->{c}) {
				my $c = filter($cp, {db => $p->{c},
						     d => $r . '/'});
				$v->{$_} = {%$p,
					    c => $c} if %$c or $cp->{f}{prophet};
			} else {
				$v->{$_} = $p;
	$f->({event => 'ret'}) or $v;
sub confirm ($) {
	state $s = c(GG, 'yes') . ' or ' .
	    c(RR, 'no') . ': ';
	print shift, ', ', $s;
	while (1) {
		chomp(my $a = <STDIN>);
		return 1 if $a eq 'yes';
		return 0 if $a eq 'no';
		print "Please answer $s";
sub rs_unparse_wrap {
	my $o = shift;
	print c(YY, "Writing $o->{d}"), ': ';
	rs_unparse(@$o{qw/v fd/});
	say c(GG, 'done'), '.';
sub depdiff {
	my ($p, $q) = @_;
	my %h = map { $_->{module} => 1 } @$q;
	grep { not $h{$_} } map { $_->{module} } @$p;
sub Nrev {
	my $n = shift;
	$n =~ s/-/::/g or $n =~ s/::/-/g;
{ local $| = 1;
  my $s;
  { my $H = $ENV{HOME};
    my $P = "$H/.rs";
    $s = {db => "$P/",
	  root => "$H/CPAN/",
	  pool => "$P/pool/",
	  refdb => "$P/refdb.json",
	  'compile-in' => getcwd()};
    my $cmdline = arg_parse();
    my $profile = do($cmdline->{profile} || "$H/.rs.profile") || {};
    add($s, %$profile, %$cmdline);
    s|(?<=[^/])$|/|	for $s->{pool}, $s->{root};
    s|/$||		for $s->{prefix} ||= $s->{root} }
  print 'run-time config: ', jw($s);
  { my $p = $s->{https} ? 'https' : 'http';
    sub Rmodinfo {
	    purl({method => 'GET',
		  json => 1,
		  url => "$p://" . Nrev(shift)});
    sub Vmodinfo {
	    purl({method => 'POST',
		  json => 1,
		  url => "$p://",
		  'post-data' => jw({query => {term => {provides => shift}},
				     filter => {term => {status => 'latest'}}})});
    } }
  # mod tells us whether the database is modified.
  my ($db, $mod) = -f $s->{db} ? rs_parse($s->{db}) : {};
  sub diff {
	  my $oid = shift;
	  make_path($s->{pool}) unless -d $s->{pool};
	  my ($p, $_v) = $s->{pool} . $oid . '.rs';
	  if (-e $p and not $s->{dry}) {
		  say "$p exists, will merge with newly generated patch tree.";
		  $_v = rs_parse($p);
	  my $v = _diff({ih => {},
			 root => $s->{root},
			 oid => $oid,
			 wet => !$s->{dry},
			 ts => time}, {db => $db,
				       ign => $s->{ign} ? do $s->{ign} || die "$s->{ign} is bad.\n" : undef,
				       d => ''});
	  if ($s->{dry}) {
	  } else {
		  $mod = 1;
		  merge($v, $_v) if $_v;
		  rs_unparse_wrap({v => $v,
				   fd => fileno wf($p),
				   d => "compiled package $p"});
  sub patch {
	  for my $f (@_) {
		  #   v is the parsed value of the patch, and can be cut using subtree switch,
		  # the final patch to apply is stored in p.
		  my $v = my $p = rs_parse($f);
		  if (exists $s->{subtree}) {
			  die c(RR, 'You cannot use subtree with multiple patches.') if @_ > 1;
			  $p = {};
			  grow($p, $v, $_) for flatten($s->{subtree});
		  my ($oid) = $f =~ m|([^/]*).rs$|;
		  print c(YY, "Patching $f, oid of which is $oid: ");
		  _patch({root => $s->{root},
			  oid => $oid,
			  wet => !$s->{dry},
			  ts => time}, {v => $p,
					db => $db,
					d => ''});
		  say c(GG, 'done'), '.';
		  $mod = 1 unless $s->{dry};
  sub remove {
	  my $oid = shift;
	  rm({root => $s->{root},
	      oid => $oid,
	      hard => !$s->{soft},
	      pool => $s->{pool},
	      patch => my $p = {}}, {db => $db,
				     d => ''});
	  $mod = 1;
	  my $ts = time;
	  for (keys %$p) {
		  $s->{soft} and die;
		  _patch({root => $s->{root},
			  oid => $_,
			  ts => $ts}, {v => $p->{$_}{p},
				       db => $db,
				       d => ''});
  sub compile {
	  my $root;
	  if ($root = not $>) {
		  # drop root privilege before compile, as suggested by many packages.
		  my $u = $s->{'compile-as'} || $ENV{USER};
		  if ($u eq 'root') {
			  say c(RR, 'You are compiling as root!');
			  $root = 0;
		  } else {
	  my ($p, $o, $oid, $pkg, $d) = (abs_path(shift), getcwd());
	  chdir $s->{'compile-in'} or die $!;
	  if (-d $p) {
		  $oid = shift;
		  if ($s->{prepared}) {
			  $d = $p;
		  } else {
			  mkdir $d = $oid or die $!;
			  xsh(0, qw/git clone --shared/, '--branch=' . ($s->{branch} || $oid),
			      $p, $d);
	  } else {
		  ($oid) = $p =~ m{([^/]*).(tar.\w+|tgz)$};
		  ($d) = (xsh(1, qw/tar -xvf/, $p))[0] =~ m|([^/\n]*)| or die 'bad tarball.';
	  ($pkg) = $s->{package} || $oid =~ m|(.*)-|;
	  chdir $d or die "chdir $d: $!.";
	  my $b = do {
		  if ($s->{cpan}) {
			  if (-f 'Makefile.PL') {
				  {'pre-configure' => "perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=$s->{prefix} NO_PERLLOCAL=1 NO_PACKLIST=1",
				   'no-configure' => 1,
				   'post-make' => 'make test'};
			  } elsif (-f 'Build.PL') {
				  {'pre-configure' => "perl Build.PL",
				       'no-configure' => 1,
				       'post-configure' => './Build',
				       'no-make' => 1,
				       'post-make' => './Build test',
				       'no-make-install' => 1,
				       'post-make-install' => "./Build install --install_base=$s->{prefix}"};
			  } else {
				  die c(RR, 'Neither Makefile.PL nor Build.PL found.');
		  } else {
			  my ($b, $v) = (do $s->{build}, $pkg);
			  $b = $b->($s) if ref $b eq 'CODE';
			  $v = $b->{$v} until ref $v or not $v;
	  xsh({'feed-stdin' => 1}, $b->{'pre-configure'}, 'bash') or die 'pre-configure failed.' if $b->{'pre-configure'};
	  unless ($b->{'no-configure'}) {
		  local %ENV = %ENV;
		  xsh(0, qw/autoreconf -iv/) or die 'autoreconf failed.' unless -e 'configure';
		  my @p;
		  if ($s->{bootstrap}) {
			  $ENV{CPPFLAGS} = "-I$s->{prefix}/include" unless $b->{'no-cppflags'};
			  $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-L$s->{prefix}/lib -Wl,-I" . linker($s);
		  push @p, "--prefix=$s->{prefix}";
		  my $e = $b->{environment};
		  $ENV{$_} = $e->{$_} for keys %$e;
		  xsh(0, './configure', @{$b->{switch}}, @p,
		      {to => *STDERR,
		       from => *STDOUT,
		       mode => '>'}, qw/| less --quit-on-intr --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS/) or die 'configure failed.';
	  } elsif ($s->{cpan}) {
		  my $p = jr(rf('MYMETA.json'))->{prereqs};
		  my @d = map { pairmap { {phase => $_,
					   relationship => 'requires',
					   module => $a,
					   version => our $b} } %{$p->{$_}{requires} || {}} } qw/build test runtime/;
		  _install($_) for @d;
		  push our @D, +@d;
	  xsh({'feed-stdin' => 1}, $b->{'post-configure'}, 'bash') or die 'post-configure failed.' if $b->{'post-configure'};
	  xsh(0, 'make', $s->{jobs} ? "--jobs=$s->{jobs}" : (), @{$b->{'make-parameter'}}) or die 'make failed.' unless $b->{'no-make'};
	  xsh({'feed-stdin' => 1}, $b->{'post-make'}, 'bash') or die 'post-make failed.' if $b->{'post-make'};
	  # since the following is installation process we need to switch back to root.
	  runas('root') if $root;
	  xsh(0, qw/make install/, @{$b->{'make-install-parameter'}}) or die 'make install failed.' unless $b->{'no-make-install'};
	  xsh({'feed-stdin' => 1}, $b->{'post-make-install'}, 'bash') or die 'post-make failed.' if $b->{'post-make-install'};
	  # do some cleaning.
	  unless ($s->{prepared} or $s->{'no-rm'}) {
		  my $cwd = getcwd();
		  xsh(0, qw/rm -rf/, "../$d") if $s->{rm} or confirm "'rm -rf ../$d' on $cwd";
	  # return to where we started.
	  chdir $o or die "chdir $o: $!.";
	  # the next steps.
	  tag($oid) unless $s->{cpan};
  sub group {
	  my $group = do $s->{group} or die $@ || $!;
	  for ($group->{+shift}($s)) {
		  print 'Searching for ', c(Y, $_), ' in pool: ';
		  my @pkg = glob "$s->{pool}$_*rs";
		  die c(RR, 'not found'), "!\n" unless @pkg;
		  if (@pkg > 1) {
			  say c(YY, 'there are multiple choices'), '.';
			  my $i;
			  do {
				  say join "\n", map { "$_: $pkg[$_]" } 0..$#pkg;
				  chomp($i = <STDIN>);
			  } until looks_like_number($i) and $i >= 0 and $i < @pkg;
			  say 'using ', c(YY, $pkg[$i]), '.';
		  } else {
			  say 'found ', c(GG, $pkg[0]), '.';
  sub _which {
	  my $r = shift;
	  if ($r =~ m{^/}) {
		  die c(RR, "Absolute path $r not prefixed by $s->{root}"), ".\n" unless 0 == index $r, $s->{root};
		  $r = substr $r, length $s->{root};
	  my ($d, @p) = (0, split m{/}, $r);
	  {subr => sub {
		  my $o = shift;
		  if ($o->{event} eq 'ent') {
			  my $u = $d >= @p || $o->{ent} eq $p[$d];
			  $d += 1 if $u and $o->{db}{c};
		  } elsif ($o->{event} eq 'ret') {
			  $d -= 1, 0;
	   }, prophet => 1};
  for my $f (qw/tag crowded list which/) {
	  no strict 'refs';
	  *$f = sub {
		  my $pid;
		  local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
		  { pipe my $r, my $w or die $!;
		    $pid = xsh({asynchronous => 1},
			       qw/less -R/, {to => *STDIN,
					     from => $r,
					     mode => '<'});
		    close $r;
		    print $w jw(filter({sink => $w,
					f => &{$::{"_$f"}}}, {db => $db,
							      d => ''})) }
		  # we must wait here or we will lose control-terminal.
		  waitpid $pid, 0;
  { my $refdb;
    sub _RR () { $refdb = -f $s->{refdb} ? jr(rf($s->{refdb})) : {} }
    sub _RW () {
	    print c(YY, "Writing reference counting database $s->{refdb}", ': ');
	    wf($s->{refdb}, jw($refdb));
	    say c(GG, 'done'), '.';
    sub _install {
	    my $o = shift;
	    print "Satisfying: ", jw($o);
	    my $q = $refdb->{$o->{module}} ||= {};
	    my ($A, $L) = ($q->{current},
	    if ($A)	{ return if not $L and vcmp($A->{version}, $o->{version}) >= 0 }
	    # no update on CORE module even when latest is required.
	    else	{ return if vsat(@$o{qw/module version/}) }
	    my ($t, $B, $j, $V) = first {
		    vcmp($_->{version}, $o->{version}) >= 0
	    } @{$q->{available} ||= []};
	    if (not $L and $t) {
		    $B = $t;
		    print "Available: ", jw($B);
	    } else {
		    say 'Getting module info from metacpan...';
		    $j = Rmodinfo($o->{module});
		    if (eval { $j->{code} == 404 }) {
			    $j = Vmodinfo($o->{module});
			    my @r = map { $_->{_source} } @{$j->{hits}{hits}};
			    if (@r < 1)		{ die c(RR, "Nothing provides $o->{module}.") }
			    elsif (@r > 1)	{ say c(YY, "Multiple modules provides $o->{module}: ",
							join ', ', map { $_->{distribution} } @r) }
			    my $k = $r[0];
			    say c(YY, "Using $k->{name} for $o->{module}.");
			    my $v = $k->{version};
			    $j = {name => Nrev($o->{module}) . "-$v",
				  version => $v,
				  dependency => [{module => Nrev($k->{distribution}),
						  version => $v,
						  phase => 'configure',
						  relationship => 'requires'}]};
			    $V = 1;
		    say "Latest version: $j->{version}.";
		    return if $A and $A->{version} eq $j->{version};
		    $q->{dependency}{$j->{version}} = [grep { $_->{phase} eq 'configure' and $_->{relationship} eq 'requires' }
		    $B = {slice($j, qw/name version/)};
	    local *D = $q->{dependency}{$B->{version}};
	    _install($_) for our @D;
	    remove($A->{name}) if $A;
	    if (-f(my $f = "$s->{pool}$B->{name}.rs")) {
		    say c(YY, "Reusing compiled package $f.");
	    } elsif (not $V) {
		    if (-f($f = "$s->{'compile-in'}/$j->{archive}")) {
			    say c(YY, "Reusing source archive $f.");
		    } else {
			    $j->{download_url} =~ s|(?<=^http)s(?=://)|| unless $s->{https};
			    say "Downloading $j->{download_url} @ $j->{date}...";
			    purl({method => 'GET',
				  url => $j->{download_url},
				  save => $f});
		    unshift @{$q->{available}}, $B;
	    if ($A) {
		    _uninstall({to => $_,
				from => $o->{module}}) for depdiff($q->{dependency}{$A->{version}},
	    $q->{current} = $B;
	    $refdb->{$_->{module}}{referent}{$o->{module}} = $_->{version} for @D;
    { my $l;
      sub _lib () {
	      my @p = split ':', $ENV{PERL5LIB} || '';
	      my $b = "$s->{prefix}/lib/perl5";
	      if (none { $b eq s|/$||r } @p) {
		      $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $l = join ':', @p, $b;
		      say 'PERL5LIB set to: ', c(YY, $l), '.';
      sub install {
	      @$s{qw/cpan rm/} = (1, 1);
	      _install({module => my $module = shift,
			version => $s->{version} || 0,
			phase => 'runtime',
			relationship => 'requires'});
	      $refdb->{$module}{direct} = 1;
	      say 'Please set your PERL5LIB environment to ',
		  c(CC, $l), ' to use the installed modules.' if $l;
      } }
    sub _uninstall {
	    my $o = shift;
	    my $q = $refdb->{$o->{to}};
	    delete $q->{referent}{$o->{from}};
	    return unless $q->{current};
	    unless (%{$q->{referent}} or $q->{direct}) {
		    for (@{$q->{dependency}{$q->{current}{version}}}) {
			    _uninstall({to => $_->{module},
					from => $o->{to}});
		    delete $q->{current};
    sub uninstall {
	    my $q = $refdb->{my $module = shift};
	    die c(RR, "$module not installed or directly referenced by you."),
		unless $q->{current} and $q->{direct};
	    delete $q->{direct};
	    _uninstall({to => $module,
			from => ''});
    sub direct {
	    print jw([map { [$_, $refdb->{$_}{current}{version}] }
		      grep { $refdb->{$_}{direct} } keys %$refdb]);
    sub _orphan {
	    [grep { my $q = $refdb->{$_};
		    my $r = $q->{referent};
		    not ($q->{direct} or $r and %$r) } keys %$refdb];
    sub orphan { print jw(_orphan()) }
    sub adopt {
	    for (@{_orphan()}) {
		    my $q = $refdb->{$_};
		    my $A = $q->{available} ||= [];
		    say 'There are ', c(YY, 0+@$A), " available versions of orphan $_.";
		    for (@$A) {
			    $_ = "$s->{pool}$_->{name}.rs";
			    if (-f) {
				    if (unlink)	{ say c(GG, "$_ removed.") }
				    else	{ say c(RR, "removing $_ failed.") }
			    } else {
				    say c(M, "$_ doesn't exist.");
		    delete $refdb->{$_};
    } }
  { my $cmd = shift;
    $::{$cmd}(@ARGV) }
  if ($mod)	{ rs_unparse_wrap({v => $db,
				   fd => fileno wf($s->{db}),
				   d => "database $s->{db}"}) }
  else		{ say c(G, 'Database not touched'), '.' } }


=head1 NAME

App::rs - The package manager for RSLinux and the first reference counting CPAN client


    # compile, install, and generate package.
    rs compile <tarball>
    rs compile <git-directory> <oid>
    rs --prepared compile <source-directory> <oid>

    # generate package after manual installation.
    rs diff <oid>

    # install a previously compiled package.
    rs patch <path/to/>

    # remove a package.
    rs remove <oid>

    # display the package tagged as oid.
    rs tag <oid>

    # show relative entry in database
    rs which <path>

    # print a list of installed packages
    rs list

    # find places where multiple packages tried to install
    rs crowded

    # install CPAN module A::B::C recursively (i.e. including dependency)
    rs install A::B::C

    # uninstall CPAN module A::B::C recursively (i.e. including dependency)
    rs uninstall A::B::C

    # print a list of installed modules directly from you (i.e. not dependency)
    rs direct

    # show a list of modules that are orphaned (i.e. not referenced by anybody)
    rs orphan

    # adopt all the orphans and you will never be able to see them again.
    rs adopt


(Please see the section L</CPAN> and
L<my TPF proposal|>
for my ongoing effort to marry C<App::rs> and CPAN.)

RSLinux was born out of desire for freedom. Back in 2012, I was using
ArchLinux, as with many distributions at that time, it's switching to
systemd, and I would be forced to switch to it if I chose to update. It
frustrated me deeply, as I always seek freedom, from a very young age, and I
knew from my own experience that no matter how wonderful a thing is, it
will become a demon that haunts me once I'm being forced to do it. I made
up my mind to create something of my own so that I have complete freedom
to choose how it would be.

At first, I got my hand dirty with LFS, succeeded and got pretty satisfied
with it. Later in 2013, I made it again without following the LFS book, I
tried a different bootstrapping process with what I thought was right and
necessary, and it fits my mind much better. I typically rebuild my system
on an annual basis, after I did it in 2014 I gradually realized its problem,
without a package manager, thus an easy way to remove installed package,
I tended to dislike denpendency, and prefer a minimalist system, which
prevented me to explore since I knew I would have no easy way to clean up the mess
after I installed a lot of things, experimented with them a bit, and then
decided that I don't want them anymore.

I knew it was bad, and something to be dealt with. In the end of 2015, I
was working on something that's recursive, and it inspired me to
write a simple and elegant package manager B<rs>, since directory and files,
which a package manager deals everyday, recursiveness is in their nature.

B<rs> keeps a database of the metadata of every file/directory that you didn't ask
it to ignore, you will typically ask it to ignore something like C</tmp>,
C</proc>, etc., if you're using it to manage system wide packages. With
B<rs> you compile and install a package from source as usual, and when the
installation process is done, you run C<rs diff oid>, B<rs> then starts
a scan of the root directory into which you just installed your package,
and during the scan process, it compares what's actually there with the
database, calculate the difference between them as well as updating the
database, and when the scan process ends, the difference is then tagged
as C<oid> in the database, serialized and stored as C<>, and the
database is saved as well.

This serialized difference is what B<rs> considers as a package, and it could
be transferred across machines and installed using C<rs patch>, it's very
much like a tarball, but I could not just use a tarball since I need to maintain
all these metadata in the database when patching, instead of parsing a tarball
I thought I might just use a trivial binary format that integrates well with
B<rs> and suits my need.

Being someone who came from LFS, I knew this is a game changer, it gave me a
complete new experience, besides the ability to explore without any hesitation,
I could easily upgrade, or switch between multiple versions of package;
I could now compile once on desktop, and then install the compiled package
on laptop, or vps; I could select a few packages, patch them, and then make
a bootable usb disk or cdrom, or a complete environment that's suitable to
put into a container and run web service. I sincerely believe anyone who
likes LFS will like it, and anyone who likes the freedom of LFS but hated
the inconvenience will like it also, since B<rs> eliminates ninety percent
of the inconvenience yet without sacrificing even a tiny bit of the freedom.

RSLinux is a Linux distribution, but not necessarily so, it's a way of doing
things more. You do not need to take a full commitment using it as a
distribution, there're almost always packages that you care about more and
want to follow closely, while other people haven't packaged it for you,
B<rs> is a perfect choice for this, you could use B<rs> to properly manage
packages somewhere inside your home directory while still using your
favorite distribution.

Till this day, I still haven't tried systemd once, I don't know one single
objective reason why I don't use it, but it's true enough that it's the
very first motivation that got all these things started. I guess that's just
how the world is, few things are objective while basically everything is
subjective. Nevertheless, the goal of B<rs> is to avoid all these subjective
feelings and views on how a distribution should be made, which init system
should be used, what configure switches, compiling flags should be passed,
whether stable version should be preferred over bleeding edge version or the
other way around, how a filesystem hierarchy should be laid out. Whatever
you feel is right, you just go for it, and what B<rs> does is to make this
process easier. Since the packaging by C<diff> method is general, it works
with every single package with no exception, you don't need any tweak for
an individual package, thus most packages need zero configuration, and all
the build instructions I used to build a distribution that I use everyday
are only literally one hundred lines long.

Still, RSLinux will never be easier than a classic distribution where other
people do everything for you, but there're still many things to do and
improve, and I do think in the long run the effort will be negligible
and the reword will be immense. If you never tried LFS or something like
it before, I suggest you use B<rs> to manage a couple of packages user wide
while retain your distribution untouched, once you get your way around it,
then maybe consider to jump on the ship, there's nothing to be afraid of.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item * --root=<dir>

Specify the directory in which B<rs> will operate, it will scan this
directory for newly installed files during a C<diff> operation, and
will put or remove files under it during a C<patch>, C<remove> operation

=item * --db=<file>

Specify the database where all the metadata of the files and directories
in C<root> is stored. If it doesn't exist yet B<rs> will create an empty
one for you. But you should always specifiy it since it's used by
all of the commands.

=item * --pool=<dir>

The direcory where a generated package will be stored during a C<diff>
command. It's also occasionally used when you C<remove> a package, see
the L</remove> command for more detail.

=item * --prefix=<dir>

Definitely the most used compiling option, all packages use it somewhere
somehow during the compiling process. Defaults to the directory specified
by C<--root>.

=item * --compile-as=<user>

Typically you need to run as root if you want to install a package globally
into the system directory, however most packages recommend compiling as
a non-privileged user and few even make it mandatory. If you specify this
option, and you're running as root, B<rs> will switch to the user specified
when compiling.

=item * --compile-in=<dir>

The directory to change into when compiling, if you use it with C<--compile-as>
make sure the directory is writable by that user.

=item * --build=<file>

Building instructions, see L</build>.

=item * --ign=<file>

This is the file that specifies which directory/file should be ignored when doing
a C<diff>, see L</ignore>.

=item * --profile=<file>

Since many options are used everytime, it would be really tedious to type them
out each time you run B<rs>, a profile allows you to collect these options
into a file so that you do not have to do it everytime, and you could easily
switch between multiple profiles. See L</profile>.

Not surprisingly, options in the command line take precedence over the
ones in a profile.

=item * --package=<package name>

B<rs> will try to use the build instructions associated with this package
name. Normally you don't have to specifiy this, since it's automatically
calculated from C<oid>, for example, if you use C<perl-v5.22.3> as C<oid>,
the package name will be C<perl>. Nontheless sometimes it could come in

=item * --subtree=<relative path>

Typically when you install a package using C<rs patch> everything inside
it will be installed, this option allows you install only some part of it.
You could pass this option multiple times.

=item * --prepared

If you pass a directory as arugument to C<rs compile>, B<rs> will assume
that it's a git directory, use this option if it's a prepared source
directory instead.

=item * --branch=<branch or tag>

Checkout this branch or tag when compiling from a git directory. By default
B<rs> will try to use the C<oid> you specified as the branch or tag to checkout.

=item * --bootstrap

Let B<rs> know that you're bootstrapping the toolchain, additional flags to
set include path, library path, and dynamic interpreter will be passed to
related compiling process, so that the final toolchain is self-contained.

=item * --jobs=<number>

How many parallel jobs should be used during C<make>.

=item * --no-rm

By default B<rs> will ask you if you want to remove the temporary build
directory if you're compiling from a tarball or a git directory, if you
toggle this option it will not try to remove the build directory.

=item * --dry

Tell the C<diff> command to only show the difference, neither gernerate
package nor update the database.

=item * --soft

Used with C<remove>, such that no file/directory will be removed, but
the entries in the database will be removed as usual, it's used to
do arbitrary L<amending|/AMEND>.

=item * --refdb=<file>

The database that connects all the packages together, it's the core data structure
used for managing CPAN modules. Currently it uses JSON as its format.

=item * --latest

This option applies to the C<install> command, so that it will check the
CPAN module to be installed and all its recursive dependency for updating.

=item * --version=<version>

Specify the minimum version requirement for the CPAN module to be installed so that it will
be updated if it's already installed but failed to satisfy the requirement.


Note that all options should be specified before any command.

In the following text sometimes I refer to the value of an option as
the name of the option with the preceding C<--> removed, like C<pool>
to mean the value of the option C<--pool>.


=over 4

=item diff

The C<diff> command takes one argument, C<oid>, it traverses the root
directory and tag the difference between the content there and what's
recorded in C<db> as C<oid>, and serializes it as C<> in C<pool>.

You can choose anything you want as C<oid>, usually you want to use
something meaningful like the package name with the package version appended,
such as C<gcc-6.4.0>.

If the C<> already exists in C<pool>, the new difference will be merged with
the old, this way the C<diff> command could do limited amending, that's most
useful when you forgot to install something, like documentation, you could
always install it later and merge with the content you installed previously.
See L</AMEND> for why amending using C<diff> is limited and how to do
arbitrary amending.

If the option C<dry> is given, the difference will only be displayed, that's
handy to check if your system is consistent with what's recorded in the database,
the difference should be empty if you didn't do a mannual installation, or you
can have a preview of what's installed if you did do that.

=item compile

The C<compile> command integrates the C<diff> and C<tag> commands to make
it easier for you to install a package from source, it automatically
compiles and installs a package, then does a C<diff> command followed
by a C<tag> command.

The compiling instructions are taken from the L</build> configuration file
with the entry associated with the package name. The package name could
be set explicitly by the C<--package> option, or more commonly it's derived
from C<oid> by using the longest prefix of it before the C<-> character,
for example, with C<man-pages-4.15> as oid the package name will default to
C<man-pages>, and with C<perl-v5.22.3> it will be C<perl>.

There're three types of compile commands, compile from a tarball, a git directory,
or a prepared source tree.

=over 4

=item * compile <tarball>

B<rs> will extract, compile, then install the tarball in the direcory
C<compile-in>, or the current directory if it's not specified.
The filename of the tarball, with the extension name like C<.tar.gz>,
C<.tar.xz>, etc. stripped, is used as C<oid> to the C<diff> command. For
example, if the tarball is C<man-pages-4.15.tar.xz>, the C<oid> will be
derived as C<man-pages-4.15>, just C<mv> the tarball if you want to change
the C<oid> to something different.

=item * [--branch=<branch>] compile <git-directory> <oid>

B<rs> will do a C<git clone> from the specified git directory, checkout branch
or tag specified by the C<--branch> option or C<oid> if absent, in C<compile-in>,
and then compile and install the package.

=item * --prepared compile <source-directory> <oid>

B<rs> will C<chdir> into the prepared source directory and start the compiling
process, thus the C<compile-in> directory is ignored in this case. It's
useful when you need more complex preparations of the source like applying some
patches, or initializing git submodules, etc.


The C<compile> command really covers ninety percent of the case, but it may
not be flexible enough to compile every package in the wild, but that's
actually okay, since you could always do a manual installation followed
by a C<diff> command.

=item patch

C<patch> takes one argument, a compiled package file <path/to/>, which
is produced by a previous C<diff> command, it then installs the package into
C<root> and tag it as C<oid>.

Optionally, one or more C<--subtree> could be provided so that only part of
the package is installed, for example, C<--subtree=bin/> will instruct B<rs>
to only install anything under the C<bin> directory of the package. It's
also particularly handy to let a file be from a specific package, if there're
multiple packages that contain it.

=item remove

C<remove> takes one argument, the C<oid> of the package to be removed.
B<rs> will remove both the content of the package under C<root> and
its metadata in the database.

Sometimes, different packages install files into the same location. B<rs>
takes care of that by recording a list of owners associated with a file,
along with the timestamps when ther're installed, that's why you are seeing
all the C<oid>s floating around the manual, it means I<owner's id>. And
when you remove a package, a file is removed if and only if this package
is the most recent owner of it, and if it's not, nothing will happen,
only the entry in the owner recording list will be removed. On the other hand, if
you're removing a package that's indeed the most recent owner of a file,
but this file has multiple owners, then the file will be restored
to the version of the second most recent owner. That's why I said earlier
that the C<--pool> option is used not only when diffing, but also removing
sometimes. Suppose the second most recent owner is C<oid>, then B<rs> will
try to parse the compiled package C<> in C<pool>, and restore the file
according to it.

=item tag

C<tag> takes one argument C<oid> and displays a list of files which are
owned by it, followed by the detailed metadata about them in the database
as JSON.

=item which

Takes an absolute path or a path that's relative to the C<root>, display
its entry in the database, useful to find out to which package a file belongs.

=item list

Print a full list of installed packages, sorted from the most recent to the least.

=item crowded

Find out the crowded places, where more than one package likes to reside, that's
useful if you want a file from a specific package, and also to discover
accidental overwrite.



(Note I intentionally blur the difference between things like a hash and a hash
reference in the following text, since it's easier to type, and also to comprehend
for non-Perl speakers, Perl speakers should always know what I'm talking

All configuration files are evaluated using Perl's C<do> statement and
a hash is expected as the return value, with the exception
that the L</build> configuration could also return a subroutine.

You don't necessarily have to know Perl to write the configuration files,
you could just write them in JSON with the C<:> separator substituted
as C<< => >>. That being said knowing a bit of Perl surely will help
you use B<rs> to its best potential, and you don't have to be a Perl
expert to write it, so don't be afraid.

See also the released VM image to have a look at some sane configuration
files and get you started.

=over 4

=item profile

This is a configuration file which collects options that you always need
to specifiy. The keys of the hash are option names while the values are,
well, corresponding values. A typical profile looks like:

    {db => '<file>',
     build => '<file>',
     ign => '<file>',
     pool => '<dir>',
     'compile-as' => '<user>',
     'compile-in' => '<dir>',
     root => '<dir>',
     jobs => <number>}

=item build

This file specifies the building instructions, it's only used by the
C<compile> command, the keys are package names while the values are
hashes that detail the instructions on how the build process
should be done. In the following text that explains the build process,
you'll often see I<the value of something>, or I<if something exists>,
it's talking about this hash.

For many packages the build instruction is exactly the same, you could
alias the build instruction of a package to another one by setting it
to the name of the other package.

As previous mentioned, instead of a hash, the C<build> file
could also return a subroutine which will be called with a collection
of the options, you could then return the building instructions differently,
depending on whether you're bootstrapping or not, for an example.

The build process is divided into several steps:

=over 4

=item 1. pre-configure

If C<pre-configure> exists, the value of it should be a string and
B<rs> will try to evaluate it with C<bash>, before running the
C<configure> script.

Usually something like C<> or C<bootstrap> is run in this step.

=item 2. configure

Unless there's a true value in the C<no-configure> slot, B<rs> will
try to run the <configure> script, if it doesn't exist B<rs> will
run C<autoreconf> to make one. A C<--prefix> switch is always passed,
using the value of the C<prefix> option, along with the value of
C<switch> slot, which if exists, should be an array of configure options
that should be passed to the C<configure> script.

B<rs> will pipe the output of C<configure> to the pager C<less>,
since C<configure> usually outputs important information about whether
a package is properly configured, you should briefly scroll over the
outputs, and exit the pager normally using the C<q> key to start C<make>,
after the C<configure> script stopped procuding output, you don't want
to start C<make> before C<configure> finishes.  If you find something
wrong in the C<configure> outputs, you should type C<Ctrl-C> to abort
the compile process.

=item 3. post-configure

Like C<pre-configure>, C<post-configure> should contain a string to
be evaluated by C<bash>, it will be run after the C<configure> script.
It's usually coupled with C<no-configure> to build packages that
don't use a C<configure> script.

=item 4. make

Unless C<no-make> is true, B<rs> will run C<make> to build the package,
C<make-parameter> could be an array of parameters that should
be passed to make, the command line option C<jobs> tells how many parallel
processes to use.

=item 5. post-make

The value of C<post-make> should be a string to be evaluated by C<bash> if
exists, it's run after C<make> is finished, most commonly something
like C<make check> or C<make tests> happens here.

=item 6. make install

B<rs> will run C<make install> to install the compiled package, the value of
C<make-install-parameter> could be an array of parameters to be passed to C<make>.

=item 7. post-make-install

The value of C<post-make-install>, if exists, should be a string to be evaluated by
C<bash>, it's run after C<make install>, if you want to make some symbolic links,
remove some undesired files after installation, that's the place to go.


An example C<build> file:

    {gmp => {'post-make' => 'make check'},
     mpfr => 'gmp',
     'man-pages' => {'no-configure' => 1,
		     'no-make' => 1},
     ncurses => {switch => [qw/--with-shared --without-debug/]},
     'XML-Parser' => {'no-configure' => 1,
		      'post-configure' => 'perl Makefile.PL',
		      'post-make' => 'make test'},
     git => {'make-parameter' => [qw/all doc/],
	     'make-install-parameter' => [qw/install-doc install-html/]}}

=item ignore

This is typically used when you're installing into a system-wide location,
you certainly would not want to include the content of C</proc>, C</sys>
into your package during a C<diff> command, and this file is where to
put it.

If you want to ignore a file/directory completely, at the top level,
add a hash entry with the name as the key and C<1> as the value. For
a directory, you may want to be more specific, like ignore only part
of it while care for the rest, then you should make the value a hash
to specify what should be ignored under this directory, and if some
of sub-directories should also be partially ignored then you nest a
hash inside again. So yeah, it's recursive and like a tree, naturally.

Suppose you want to ignore C</proc> and C</sys> completely,
C<resolv.conf> and C<hosts> inside C</etc> but not the others, you
could write:

    {proc => 1,
     sys => 1,
     etc => {'resolv.conf' => 1,
	     hosts => 1}}



=head2 AMEND

You may find that you forgot to install something, or you installed more than
you should from a package, the process of fixing all that up is called I<amend>.

In the description of the C<diff> command a brief introduction to amending
is included, but it's limited and you could only add or overwrite things.
So why is that? You may get the impression now that B<rs> acts more like a
version control system than a traditional package manager, while that's true,
it's also not a version control system, it expects the packages that it manage
to be independent to an extent, i.e. during the installation of a package
a file/directory of another package will not suddenly be removed, that's really
normal for a vcs since a patch in a vcs is always applied to a previous state,
but a patch in B<rs> could always be applied to nothing, much like you could
always extract a tarball into an empty directory, in the terminology of C<git>,
that is, a patch in B<rs> doesn't have a parent.

In fact, I never encountered any package that removes files during a
C<make install>, it overwrites files at worst, and B<rs> will handle that

But there're indeed sometimes you installed more than you should and you
want to remove things you don't want from a package, well, first you should
C<remove> this package completely, then C<patch> it using a temporary C<root>
and C<db>, do whatever you want with this temporary C<root> using shell
commands, file mangager, emacs or whatever you want and then do a C<diff>
with the same C<root>, an empty C<db> and a temporary C<pool>, after that
you should move the newly generated B<rs> package into your normal C<pool>
and C<patch> that with your usual configuration. Yeah, that maybe a little
bit complicated, but it rarely happens, just know it could be done and
refer to this section again when you find yourself in this kind of situation.

=head3 Amend by soft C<remove>

In comparison with amending by C<diff>, where you could only add or overwrite
things, this method allows you do arbitrary amending.

First, you do a soft C<remove> with the package you want to amend, then
you delete or overwrite anything of this package or add things to it,
after that remove the compiled package in C<pool>, finally you run C<diff>
to generate the new modified package.

Since it relies on the filesystem to generate package, if some of its files
are overwritten by others, then they're lost, it may very well be what you
want, or not, you could always do the C<patch diff patch> method mentioned

=head2 UPGRADE

If a package is not essential to build itself it's really easy to upgrade
it, just C<remove> it and then install it again, so while it's trivial to upgrade
wget or curl, you need more consideration to upgrade glibc.

The problem is that usually C<make install> uses the command C<install> to
do the installation, and the C<install> command overwrites a file instead
of removing it and create a new one with same name.  That's actually
pretty different, since overwrite a file while there're still other
process accessing it will cause undefined results, but remove a file
and create a new one with the same name will not influence any other
process that's still accessing the removed file in any way since they're
two different files.

So, you have to make sure that no other process is accessing a file when
when you overwrite it, which is impossible for C<make> itself, to say the
least, and any program C<make install> launched when you're overwriting it.
Or you have to remove it before C<make install> but you certainly cannot
remove C<make> since you need C<make> to do C<make install>. That's the
reason not to throw your toolchain away when you are done bootstrapping,
the toolchain resides in a different path and you don't have to worry about
it getting overwritten, and it provides a complete environment for building
so you could safely remove any package even glibc, while using this
environment to build a new one.

In summary, always remove a package before install a new version of it by
compiling from source, usually you don't want to overwrite files unless
you're absolutely sure no one is using them. And use the toolchain to
build the package if the package requires itself to do C<make install>.


=over 4

=item 1. No installation at all

With the advancing with various namespaces, this kind of installation
actually makes perfect sense, you could boot and live with your favorite
distribution while entering RSLinux in isolated namespaces for
exploration. Since VM images are used for release it's very easy to
do so by mounting the image directly.

=item 2. Live replace

You could do installation by simply swap directories under your current
root and the ones under your newly prepared system, what you need is
a third environment to do the actual swap, so that you are safe since
everything under the main system will be unavailable during moving.

The third environment doesn't need to be large, just C<bash> and C<coreutils>
could be enough for the swapping task, C<patch> a few more packages to help
you if you feel unsafe. Then you enter this container with the root directory
bind mounted somewhere under it, and start moving things around, also pray
that electricity won't be cut while you're doing it.

This method is the best option to install RSLinux on a system that's already
running Linux, and probably the only option to install it on a OpenVZ based VPS.

=item 3. Bootable media

If a system is not running Linux already, you cannot use the live replace
method to install RSLinux, you have to use a bootable media like USB disk

A USB disk is handy to do installation locally while a CDROM image is
suitable to install remotely on a KVM based VPS. For both situations
the most important utilities to include are probably the ones to do
disk partition and filesystem formatting, for remote installation, it's
best to make the CDROM image as small as possible and transfer all the
packages to be installed via network at some later point since it's much easier
to re-upload the image if you forgot to C<patch> some vital packages into it,
so be sure to include something like C<socat> or C<rsync> or C<openssh>
for C<scp> depending on your mood or taste, and of course the C<iproute2>
package and necessary kernel modules to bring up the network.


=head3 A faithful recording of live replace installation on a OpenVZ based VPS

I now have a complete RSLinux system inside a directory on my VPS, I have
already entered it several times and I'm confident that it's good, and the
next step is to swap it with the current distribution.

Since it's a VPS I must login remotely, so in addition to C<bash> and
C<coreutils> I will C<patch openssh> in the third sanctuary as well,
so that's the list of things I want directly. Now the dependencies,
well, definitely C<base> since it setups the directories that a sane
person will always want, and needless to say C<glibc>, since I always
compile C<bash> with curses so C<ncurses> as well, and C<openssl> since
that's what C<openssh> is built upon. So the complete list is
C<base glibc ncurses bash coreutils openssl openssh>. Now I'm going to try and see
how it works out.

Well, apparently C<openssh> needs C<zlib> as well, that's the only thing I
forgot, after C<patch zlib> I successfully entered this sanctuary with the
root directory bind mounted somewhere under it and launched C<sshd> on a
different port, confirmed that I could login through it. Then I did the
actual swap, moved everything under root to a backup directory, well,
except the usually mounted C</proc /sys /dev>, since it's meaningless to
C<umount> them and then C<mount> later, after that I moved all the directories
of the already prepared RSLinux into root, then I entered this fresh root,
played around a little bit, launched C<sshd> and ended the session with
the C<sshd> of the sanctuary.

Finally, I did a login through the C<sshd> of RSLinux I just launched, cleaned
up all the applications of the old system and sanctuary that're still running,
and mountpoints related to them. After that I did a C<rm -rf> on the backup
directory and the sanctuary to celebrate, the installation is done!

So yeah, the previously mentioned eight packages are guaranteed to do a
successful live replacing installation, and I'm sure you can reduce the
number even more if you want. It surely is an exicting, adventurous, and
fruitful journey for me, and it's not that hard, so don't hesitate to give
it a try.

=head3 A faithful recording of CDROM installation on a KVM based VPS

The first step is of course making a list of the packages that I need,
since this is a KVM based VPS I need to do disk partition, so C<fdisk>
from C<util-linux> is absolutely necessary, and needless to say the
C<mount> command from it, and in order to C<mount> I have to format it
first, so C<e2fsprogs> as well, and I like C<syslinux> as the bootloader
so include that too. The next thing to consider is how to transfer the
compiled packages, I never include them in the iso image since I don't
want to upload a big iso file again if I made a mistake, instead they're
transferred using network, this immediately implies that C<iproute2>
is required, while there may be some circumstances that you don't need a
encrypted connection, but I think I'll just stick to C<scp> of C<openssh>,
for good practice, and the additional benefit to login via C<ssh> if
the installation is complicated, so add C<openssh> to list.  Also, I
definitely want to pack things into a tarball, so put C<tar> on the list
so that I could unpack them later.  Finally, C<bash> and C<coreutils>
of course, they're essential for the commandline.

That's everything I need directly, but since it's expected to boot from
this environment, a init system, kernel modules, C<eudev>, C<kmod> are
also required, I always use my one-liner Perl script as the init system
so I will patch C<perl> as well.

Now the dependencies, C<openssl zlib> are required for C<openssh>,
C<ncurses> is required for C<bash>, and C<glibc> is required by
everybody, and C<base> for a sane person, so the final list is C<base
glibc ncurses bash coreutils util-linux e2fsprogs syslinux openssl zlib
openssh iproute2 perl eudev kmod tar>, now I'am going to C<patch> them into a
temporary directory and make a bootable iso out of it and see how things
are going.

So I C<patch>ed all the packages, copied the kernel and its modules, along with
relative C<isolinux> file and configuration, setup the script to boot, and
finally generated the iso using C<mkisofs>. After that I launched to C<qemu>
to test it, well, I forgot that C<agetty> will launch the C<login> program
which is from C<shadow-utils>, and the C<ip> command will link against
C<libmnl> if available, but that's fine, I C<patch>ed them and regenerated
the iso, did extensive testing on it and became pretty confident that it's solid.

And with all these preparations done the rest was really easy and smooth, I
uploaded the iso file and booted the VPS, did disk partition first, formatted
the filesystems after that, and then installed the bootloader, finally tranferred
the root filesystem tarball using C<scp> and extracted it. I rebooted the
VPS and saw a login prompt as a indication of success, the installation is done!


B<rs> is actually pretty efficient, all the serializations routines are
written in C<C>, the first C<diff> operation will probably take some
noticeable time if you're not using a SSD since all the metadata is not
yet cached, that's just like the first C<git status> command inside a
repository, but the succesives ones take negligible time. Also note that
the C<diff> operation is only needed on the machine that does the actual
compilation, which will usually be the most powerful one you can get your
hands on, if you only install pre-compiled packages on a machine that's
really just like extracting a tarball, performance is not an issue there.


Try it! Download the VM image and play around with it, share your thoughts,
make suggestions or reporting bugs. Spread the word around if you find it
good or useful.

At some later point you may want to have a look at the guts of B<rs>, try
to add a new functionality or fix an existing problem, I'll always be
glad to see a new quality pull request.

You can also contribute by hiring me or help getting me hired,
if you find me appropriate for a job, a stable living for the author
is surely inevitable for a healthy project.

Support me during the TPF granting process, it will find me the necessary
time and resource to work on C<App::rs> and make it better.

=head1 VM image

A VM image to be used with C<qemu> in raw format is released on
as a demostration of RSLinux, it contains all the neccessary packages
to build itself, as well as some basic utilities.

You should first decompress the image using C<xz -d>, then launch it via:

    # qemu-system-x86_64 -machine accel=kvm -hda vm.img -m 512M -net nic -net user,hostfwd=::2222-:2222

A C<sshd> will be running in the guest and you could login through it using
C<ssh -p 2222 user@localhost>, the password for root is C<rslinux>, there's
also a non-privileged user C<somebody> with the same password in case you
do not like wandering around with root. You could also forget about C<ssh>
all together and use the GUI of C<qemu> if you happen to like it.

For simplicity, I used a Perl one liner as the init system, it's a poor
man's init but it does the job, it starts twelve virtual consoles from
C<tty1> to C<tty12> but it doesn't restart them, so don't be confused
if you logged out but a new login prompt is not displayed, just restart
the VT mannually using C<setsid /sbin/agetty ttyX>. Feel free to change the
init system to whatever you like, the whole point of RSLinux is to go
for it instead of doing meaningless arguing with others.

The B<rs> profile is already properly written under the home of C<root>, it's
highly recommended to login as C<root> first, and have a look at how all the
configuration files are chained together, and play around a little bit to
get familiar with B<rs>. There're two source tarballs, one of C<emacs> and
another of C<vim>, try compile your favorite editor using C<rs compile tarball>
and see how a package is generated using B<rs>. The C<rs> directory is the
git repository of B<rs>, and the B<pkg> directory contains the compiled
packages and database for the VM image. Happy hacking, and remember C<man rs>
is your friend.

You could also mount the image directly using:

    # mount -o offset=$((2048*512)) vm.img mountpoint

And then enter the mountpoint and use it without C<qemu>, by entering
I mean all the methods from C<unshare> to a full fledged container utility
and to a plain C<chroot>, pick the one you like best.


Just follow the usual idiom to build a Perl module:

    # perl Makefile.PL
    # make
    # make install

That will install B<rs> to your system directory and it's recommended since
you do not have to mess around with the PATH or PERL5LIB environment. You could
also install to a custom directory by using:

    # perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/path/to/prefix

The executable will reside in the C<bin> direcory under prefix and the Perl
modules will be in C<lib/perl5>. Adjust your
PATH and PERL5LIB accordingly.

Note that since C<App::rs> is used to bootstrap both RSLinux and CPAN, it's
explicitly designed to have no dependency other than the core Perl modules.

=head1 CPAN

I recently extended C<App::rs> to be the first reference counting CPAN client,
by adding a reference counting database to connect each package together.

By default, modules will be installed into the C<CPAN> directory under
your home, and C<.rs> directory will be used to store metadata about those
installed modules. Compilation will happen under the current directory,
the build directory of individual module will be removed automatically,
but the downloaded source tarballs will be preserved since they may be
useful for futher reference. You could use C<App::rs> without any configuration,
but of course all these settings could be customized, if
you want to do customization reading the full mannual is highly suggested,
it will be worth your while.

The only thing you have to do is setting your C<PERL5LIB> environment to include
C<< <HOME>/CPAN/lib/perl5 >>,
assuming you're using the default configuration,
you don't have to do this before doing installation using B<rs> since B<rs> will automatically
add them and print a helpful reminder if they're missing during the installation
process. Here's some quick usage introduction:

    # CPAN module A::B::C will be installed along with all its dependency.
    $ rs install A::B::C

    # CPAN module A::B::C will be uninstalled along with all its dependency,
    # so that the rs-cpan directory will be completely empty.
    $ rs uninstall A::B::C

    # CPAN module A::B::C will be immediately restored from the binary packages
    # generated during the first install.
    $ rs install A::B::C

Please see my TPF proposal for more information on the current state, plans,
caveats, etc., I will merge it back here once the granting process finishes.


=over 4

=item install

C<install> accepts the name of a CPAN module (A::B::C) as parameter and installs
this module and all its recursive dependency. No installation will be done if this
module is already installed, but the C<direct> flag will always be set
in the database.

=item uninstall

C<uninstall> takes one argument, the name of the module to be uninstalled,
it must be directly installed by you, i.e. not only as a dependency pulled
in, if it's still being referenced by another module no uninstallation
will be done, but the C<direct> flag will still be cleared in the
database, otherwise this module will be removed along with its dependency,
potentially its dependency's dependency, etc.

=item direct

Print a list of modules that're directly installed by you, in comparison to
the C<list> command where every installed module will be printed.

=item orphan

Show which module has become an orphan, i.e. a module that's neither directly
installed by you nor a dependency of another module. For example, if you only
installed one module using B<rs> and later uninstalled it, this module and
all of its recursive dependency will become orphans, they're removed from the
directory into which CPAN modules are installed, but binary packages of them and
their entries in the reference counting database are not deleted, since
it allows instant restoration if you later decide to re-install this module,
or if you are installing a module that shares dependency with this module.

=item adopt

Adopt all the orphans, binary packages of them and their entries in the
reference counting database will all be removed, there will be no sign
that they ever existed once this command finishes. A typical pattern would be:

    # Module A::B::C looks interesting, install it and have a try.
    $ rs install A::B::C

    # Don't want it anymore.
    $ rs uninstall A::B::C

    # There will be absolutely no sign that module A::B::C is ever installed.
    $ rs adopt


The not CPAN specific commands L</tag> L</which> L</list> L</crowded>
are still very useful when using B<rs> as a CPAN client, please see
their description for more information.

=head1 SEE ALSO

A short L<video|> introduction
to App::rs as CPAN client.

=head1 LICENSE

The package manager B<rs> as well as the RSLinux VM image are released
under GPLv3.

=head1 AUTHOR

Yang Bo <[email protected]>


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