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libterm's Issues

Color in grep outout

When using grep to color the output, eg.

grep --color TestString */*

This should only color the TestString match in the lines, but it actually colors the whole line.

Is there a setting I can change so that only the matches are colored, not the whole line?


Build input files cannot be found

error: Build input files cannot be found: '/Users/xingyue/outcode/git/LibTerm/LibTerm/Commands/ios_system/pbpaste+pbcopy.swift', '/Users/xingyue/outcode/git/LibTerm/LibTerm/Commands/ios_system/python3.swift'

Python 3

import subprocess
...'netsh interface ipv4 set interface ""Wireless Network" metric=1', shell=True)
Idk why. When i use the code on the top always force close the program.can any one help me?

Python error after Django or Flask server running

When I run Django application or flask, and close it, if I launch python, I get this error :

Fatal Python error: _Py_InitializeCore_impl: no thread state found

Thread 0x000000016d57b000 (most recent call first):
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/1999D3C8-C607-4B47-B8A7-7307649AC7F4/", line 415 in select
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/1999D3C8-C607-4B47-B8A7-7307649AC7F4/", line 232 in serve_forever
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/servers/", line 216 in run
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/management/commands/", line 139 in inner_run
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/management/commands/", line 104 in run
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/management/commands/", line 95 in handle
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/management/", line 369 in execute
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/management/commands/", line 60 in execute
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/management/", line 328 in run_from_argv
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/management/", line 395 in execute
  File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8910A675-BC07-454C-8815-0DE97CB4F0A6/Documents/site-packages3/django/core/management/", line 401 in execute_from_command_line
  File "", line 17 in main
  File "", line 21 in <module>

Python fatal error on startup

I often get this error when starting Python:

Fatal Python error: _Py_InitializeCore_impl: no thread state found

Thread 0x000000016b39b000 (most recent call first):
  File "", line 24 in <module>

when I run ./ got this.

./ios_error.h:67:24: error: unknown type name 'pid_t'
extern int ios_killpid(pid_t pid, int sig); // kill the current running command
./ios_error.h:74:8: warning: 'const' type qualifier on return type has no effect [-Wignored-qualifiers]
extern const pthread_t ios_getLastThreadId(void);
1 warning and 1 error generated.
make: *** [src/bc/lex.o] Error 1

redirect (">>") dosn't work

Hi.I tried the following command, but the redirect ">>" does not seem to be recognized.

$ echo "aaa" > foo
$ echo "bbb" >> foo
$ ls
> foo
$ cat  foo

Carriage return (\r) does not work

Python 3.7.1 (default, Jun 23 2019, 10:58:12) 
[Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print("spam\reggs")

Maybe it would be possible to overwrite the same line by detecting a \r carriage return.
Tested on the latest Libterm version (5.1.3).

Siri Shortcuts Action

When I run commands through Shortcuts app, I can't access the normal Documents directory. When I set its current directory as ~, it goes to /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/078ACFAA-F951-4B67-9AC1-C74FFD2C2DC3. It should instead go to /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B666351D-5F34-4CE2-8A48-A2EF0991F819/Documents. I tried to manually type in that path for the cwd, but it says operation not permitted.

You should also add the ability to send data as stdin with this Shortcuts action, and you should also improve the action's description.

need a way to send ^C or ^D to a running command

I cannot figure out how to send ^C,^D etc. using logitech K380 keyboard, nor with ios soft keyboard. Believe me I tried every key combination. OpenTerm has a "Stop" on the input assistant suggestions bar, which sends ^C (I would usually prefer ^D, so that awk will run the END pattern). Here is a simple scenario reading stdin, the only way out that I can think of is to close the tab:
$ awk -- '{print NR, $0;}'
1 foo
2 bar
how to exit?
3 how to exit?
Edit: Actually, I'm not sure if closing the tab is sufficient, it seems to leave stdout in other tab messed up.


I want Libterm to support Curses in Python.

pbpaste redirection not working

Neither | nor > works with pbpaste. Maybe it is going to stderr instead of stdout?
A simple demo:
$ echo 'foo bar' > tmp
$ wc tmp
1 2 8 tmp
$ cat tmp | pbcopy
$ pbpaste
foo bar
$ pbpaste | wc
foo bar
0 0 0
$ pbpaste > tmp
foo bar
$ wc tmp
0 0 0 tmp

Sudo Alternative?

I’m wondering if there is a command similar to sudo. I want to cd into some of the system files in directories such as /etc or /bin but I can’t because I get an error saying that access is denied. Is there a way to get around this and get into these folders?

Exiting python crashes LibTerm

When I exit the python command, LibTerm crashes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open LibTerm
  2. Type "python" then return
  3. Type "quit()" then return
  4. Type "import sys; sys.exit()" then return

Actual behaviour:

LibTerm exits immediately.

Expected behaviour:

python exits, but LibTerm does not.

Diagnostic steps:

The following commands do not crash:

The "Stop" autocompletion above the keyboard in LibTerm when python is open.

Further information:

I am using LibTerm 3.0.1 (3) on iOS 12.1 on an iPad Mini.

Command in single quotes is not correctly parsed

The following command works in OpenTerm:
nslookup localhost | awk '/Name/ {getline;print $0}'

But in LibTerm I get this error:
awk: syntax error at source line 1
context is
>>> ' <<< /Name/ {getline
missing }
awk: bailing out at source line 1
print: command not found

Python module youtube-dL does not work

Youtube-dL does not work because if it is run with arguments, then you always get sigabrt signal. Perhaps this problem occurs because of the presence of c code. If so, could you implement this module into the app?

Line break after usage statement for the open command

When I run open without arguments, the usage statement does not have a line break at the end:

Dull Bananas $ open
open [Items to share ...]Dull Bananas $ 

It should look like this instead:

Dull Bananas $ open
open [Items to share ...]
Dull Bananas $ 

Syntax error when using pip

When I try to use pip (python -m pip), there is a syntax error (line 57):

BUNDLED_MODULES = ['appdirs'. 'chardet', 'colorama', 'python-dateutil', 'distlib', 'distro', 'future', 'idna', 'ipaddress', 'lockfile', 'progress', 'pytoml', 'pytz', 'requests', 'six', 'urllib3', 'webencodings']

As you can see, there is supposed to be a comma after appdirs, instead of a full-stop. Here is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/756DDAF8-7B2B-4140-995F-604E486BDAB9/", line 183, in _run_module_as_main
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/756DDAF8-7B2B-4140-995F-604E486BDAB9/", line 153, in _get_module_details
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 860, in get_code
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 791, in source_to_code
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/756DDAF8-7B2B-4140-995F-604E486BDAB9/", line 57
    BUNDLED_MODULES = ['appdirs'. 'chardet', 'colorama', 'python-dateutil', 'distlib', 'distro', 'future', 'idna', 'ipaddress', 'lockfile', 'progress', 'pytoml', 'pytz', 'requests', 'six', 'urllib3', 'webencodings']
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

frtree assert in awk

The actual message is "awk: can't happen: unknown type 0 in freetr".

You might be interested in OpenTerm Issue #163, also opened by me, which may or may not be related. Mr. Holzschuch made a partial fix there.
awk dies trying to access NF #163

Below is a simple script and data to reproduce the error. I would not pay attention to the source line number. In another script I saw the same assert in an END pattern, and it seems to occur on whatever source line happens to be the last one. The sample also produced another intermittent error for me, whereby it printed #oo 1# instead of # foo 1#. It's a little weird, especially because I can't reproduce it consistently. Anyway one bug at a time. Maybe if this one gets fixed the other one will resolve itself.
$ cat s1null.awk
$1 = "";
print "#" $0 "#";
$ cat s1null-data.txt
1 foo 1
2 bar 2
3 baz 3
$ awk -f s1null.awk s1null-data.txt
# foo 1# (edit : escape the BOL # characters)
# bar 2#
# baz 3#
awk: can't happen: unknown type 0 in freetr
input record number 3, file s1null-data.txt
source line number 3

Suggestion bar covers text when using external keyboard

LibTerm version 5.1.4 (2)

  • start with suggestion bar enabled, bluetooth keyboard turned off, and onscreen keyboard visible
  • turn on bluetooth keyboard
  • onscreen keyboard will disappear and text area will expand to the bottom of the screen, but the suggestion bar will still be visible, covering a couple lines of text
  • tap the down arrow to hide suggestion bar
  • tap the text area to show suggestion bar
  • now the text area slides up to remain visible

Would git be possible on LibTerm

I am wondering if there are any plans to add git to LibTerm. Would it be added in an app update? Or would someone have to make a git command in python?

Pafy error

Hi i have installed Pafy module in libterm and when executing a python script from file (2.7 and 3.7) the first time it works but when i execute it the second time it gives me error. If i kill the app and reopen it, script first works and second time it fails. It seems like python does’t close properly after executing the script.

This is the script:

import pafy
urlyoutube = ('')
video =
print (video.title)

And here you can see the error:

LibTerm version 4.3 (1), 14 Jan 2019 at 20:40
Last login: 19 Jan 2019 at 15:31
iPhone $ python
Danny Ocean - Me Rehúso (Official Audio)
iPhone $ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in
video =
File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/477FB538-0FA2-452F-82A9-275A79C028E8/Documents/site-packages3/pafy/", line 124, in new
return Pafy(url, basic, gdata, size, callback, ydl_opts)
File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/477FB538-0FA2-452F-82A9-275A79C028E8/Documents/site-packages3/pafy/", line 29, in init
super(YtdlPafy, self).init(*args, **kwargs)
File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/477FB538-0FA2-452F-82A9-275A79C028E8/Documents/site-packages3/pafy/", line 96, in init
File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/477FB538-0FA2-452F-82A9-275A79C028E8/Documents/site-packages3/pafy/", line 38, in _fetch_basic
self._ydl_info = ydl.extract_info(self.videoid, download=False)
File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/477FB538-0FA2-452F-82A9-275A79C028E8/Documents/site-packages3/youtube_dl/", line 793, in extract_info
ie_result = ie.extract(url)
File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/477FB538-0FA2-452F-82A9-275A79C028E8/Documents/site-packages3/youtube_dl/extractor/", line 508, in extract
ie_result = self._real_extract(url)
File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/477FB538-0FA2-452F-82A9-275A79C028E8/Documents/site-packages3/youtube_dl/extractor/", line 2026, in _real_extract
upload_date = unified_strdate(upload_date)
File "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/477FB538-0FA2-452F-82A9-275A79C028E8/Documents/site-packages3/youtube_dl/", line 1249, in unified_strdate
upload_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, expression).strftime('%Y%m%d')
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Files in ~/Library/bin appear in ~/Documents

After restarting Libterm a few times, all files in ~/Library/bin are moved to ~/Documents. Even after a reinstall, this happens again. The ~/Library/bin folder also disappears. The value of $PATH is:

$ echo $PATH 

Files previously accessible in ~/Documents cannot be found from Libterm anymore (although still appear in Libterm’s Documents folder in the Files app.)

EDIT: Current workaround is to use the File button in Libterm and select Libterm’s Document storage.

LibTerm pulled from AppStore?

Apparently, when I tried to access the LibTerm app here (in Singapore) within Apple’s appstore, there was no search results. Also, when the appstore link in Github is accessed, the App Store claims that the app does not exist in this region.
I hope that this app does not get pulled from the App Store like OpenTerm. It, as well as Libterm was a great app.

Python frozen after pip install of exif

$ python -m pip install exif
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "", line 983, in _find_and_load
File "", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "", line 668, in _load_unlocked
File "", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible
File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/6CD9ECDD-99F5-4DE6-87A3-8F97C0C26C45/", line 9, in
File "", line 983, in _find_and_load
File "", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "", line 668, in _load_unlocked
File "", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible
File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/6CD9ECDD-99F5-4DE6-87A3-8F97C0C26C45/", line 5, in
File "", line 983, in _find_and_load
File "", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "", line 668, in _load_unlocked
File "", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible
File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/6CD9ECDD-99F5-4DE6-87A3-8F97C0C26C45/", line 11, in
File "", line 983, in _find_and_load
File "", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "", line 668, in _load_unlocked
File "", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible
File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/6CD9ECDD-99F5-4DE6-87A3-8F97C0C26C45/", line 33, in
File "", line 983, in _find_and_load
File "", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "", line 668, in _load_unlocked
File "", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible
File "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/6CD9ECDD-99F5-4DE6-87A3-8F97C0C26C45/", line 143, in
AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute getattr

Feature Request: Add an arguements field for the LibTerm iOS shortcuts action

In the shortcuts app, the LibTerm action is kind of useful. In order for it to be truly useful, then please add an arguments field for this action. For example, python commands could be run with different input to do different things such as inputting a url from a YouTube video into YouTube-dl so that the video can be downloaded.

Python 3

Would you be opposed to embedding Python 3 instead of Python 2? Python 2 is going to be dead next year, and I don't think a lot of people still want to stick to Python 2 for any new scripts. See also the discussion at blinksh/blink#555 (comment)

Support adding/deleting text at arbitrary cursor position in a command line


LibTerm does not seem to support line-editing features, such as editing in the middle of a command. For example, if you have typed echo some long string to be displayed and realized that you want to insert very between some and long to make the command echo some very long string to be displayed, you would have to delete all the text up to some and insert very, which is very annoying.

This may be considered a bug, since the shell prompt should behave mostly like edit, which allows editing at any cursor position, but this is more like a feature request since one would be to detect whether the cursor position is "legal" (somewhere in the current command line and not in the shell prompt hostname $ or in previous commands)

The discontinued OpenTerm does support such editing feature. One can try it out by building it from source (no longer available from the App Store though). Furthermore, on a normal bash session on a computer you can use the arrow keys and insert some text in the middle assuming one have GNU readline enabled (by default on an interactive shell). I know iOS do not have cursor keys in its built in on screen keyboard but there are still plenty ways to change the cursor position without using an external keyboard.
Moving the cursor is possible by clicking at a position in the command line or deep pressing the on screen keyboard and move your finger to move the cursor.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open LibTerm
  2. Enter a long line, such as echo some long string to be displayed
  3. Move the cursor to anywhere except at the end of the command line in a way described above
  4. Enter text, notice that nothing you type is displayed (typing have no effect)

Expected Behavior

The characters typed are inserted in the command line at the cursor position.

Actual Behavior

One can move the cursor, but typing have no effect unless the cursor is at the end of the command line.

Editing command line can hang shell

Just two keystrokes can cause the shell to become unusable.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a LibTerm shell.
  2. Type ls or another command, but do not execute it.
  3. Press ⌃a to jump to the beginning of the line.
  4. Press ⌃k to kill the remaining text on the line.

Expected result

The cursor moving to the l in ls and then ls deleted, allowing a new command to be typed.

Actual result

The cursor jumps to column 0 (at the beginning of the shell prompt) after ⌃a:
The cursor at the leftmost column of a line reading Trey Harris’s iPad Pro $ ls

and then after typing ⌃k to kill the remaining text on the line, the shell prompt is deleted:

The prompt Trey Harris’s iPad Pro $ disappears
At this point, typing ls ⏎ has no effect. ⌃c, ⌃d or ⌃z also have no effect. It appears the shell is totally hung.


This issue bears superficial similarity to #27 but is different:

  • At least with version LibTerm version 5.1.4 (2), Nov 11, 2019 at 08:30, I do not have the issue described. For instance, if I type
    Prompt reading Trey Harris’s iPad Pro $ echo this could be a long line I can hit as many times as necessary to get to this point:
    Same as before, but with cursor on the l in long and then can type very␣ to get:
    Same as before, but with very  inserted and now, if I press , I get:
    The output, this could be a very long line, followed by another awaiting prompt. — note that the output includes long line, so pressing mid-line did not truncate the remainder.
  • This issue has to do with being able to edit the prompt text, not the command-line after the prompt.

Python 3.7 doesn't work.

I made Python 3.7 an In App Purchase. But the purchase doesn't work. Also, people that downloaded the app when Python 3.7 was free should not have to purchase it. I submitted a new update fixing that.

install ios_system

Could you tell me how to install ios_system plz:( ? I read their documents but i can't install

$TERM variable is incorrect

The TERM environment variable in LibTerm is set to xterm. It should actually be xterm-color (or maybe xterm-256color) because the terminal appears to support ANSI colors.

This issue is causing an issue with my Python implementation of the Git CLI, since it's causing Click to think that colors are not supported and therefore removing ANSI colors.

Consider adding jq

Please consider adding jq. The code is very portable so hopefully it would not be too difficult.

id crashes LibTerm

When I use the id command, LibTerm crashes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open LibTerm
  2. Type "id" then return

Actual behaviour:

LibTerm exits immediately.

Expected behaviour:

id output appears in the shell window.

Diagnostic steps:

The following commands do not crash:

  • id -h
  • id foo
  • id -F
  • id (any other argument given by id -h)

The following commands do crash:

  • id
  • id 501
  • id 0

Further information:

I am using LibTerm 2.0 on iOS 12.1 on an iPad Mini.

Is it possible to change current working directory to iCloud Drive root?


Currently, it is not possible to access any files that is not stored in any sub-folder of iCloud Drive (that is, stored directly under the root of iCloud Drive or any other storage providers such as Dropbox or Google Drive)


I know that LibTerm can change working directory to folders created under the iCloud Drive by the little folder icon on the top-right corner, but that only allows viewing files created under a directory, not in the root of the storage location

Furthermore, it might not be possible due to iOS's restrictions on what directories an app can browse, but I wondered why Apple allow apps to read and even modify the contents under any sub-folders of a storage location, (iCloud Drive, Google Drive, etc.) but not directly under the drive root. (except for the native Files app, of course)

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