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victory-fitness's Introduction

Victory Fitness

A website for a personal trainer, gym, and coaching center located in Tralee, Ireland.

Victory Fitness - Live Website

A healthy body is a healthy mind, and it is through exercise that we achieve both. However, even if the benefits of exercise are endless, it's something many struggle with due to hectic lifestyles nowadays. Between work, family, friends, and rest, it can be so difficult to find time to consistently exercise. This is where Victory Fitness comes in. Many people have this misconception that when you exercise, you need to allocate a significant amount of time to it, but the reality is that all you really need is 30-60 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. Victory Fitness puts you first and helps you find a work-out regime and time that suits you, no matter how busy your day-to-day life is. With sessions starting as early 6AM and ending as late as 9PM, there's a time that'll suit everyone. The coaches will help you stay motivated and on-track to your goals, helping you commit to a plan long enough to see real results.

AmIResponsive Mock-up Image

This is my first milestone project as part of Code Institute's Diploma in Software Development (E-commerce Applications).

After much contemplation, I decided to focus on Victory Fitness because of my passion for exercise and appreciation for the quality services provided by Ronan Kiely of Victory Fitness. Ronan, the founder and director, gave me full permission to base this project on his business. All logos, photos, and even some of the text content was provided to me expressly for the project. While there is an existing website, Ronan Kiely wanted to see my approach. He emphasised my use of some professional photography he provided.

No funds were exchanged, as this was agreed to be solely for the sake of this project. However, I treated Ronan Kiely as my client and discussed many aspects of the website with him to understand his preferences. I worked closely with him so as to make sure this website correctly represents Victory Fitness, its brand, and its ethos.

The website is fully responsive at all screen sizes, adapting well to smaller resolutions for tablets, phones, and even landscape view on the aforementioned. It also works as intended on all popular web browsers.

This website is a multi-page website that has a consistent design throughout all its pages, and is both simple and pleasing to navigate. All content present adheres to Victory Fitness's vision and only contains what is necessary. Content includes the different coaching services available, an about section detailing the history, a contact-form and details, links to the social media, a google-map showing the location, and a gallery showcasing the inside of the gym itself.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Goals
  2. User Experience
  3. User Interface
  4. Features
  5. Validation
  6. Testing
  7. Bugs
  8. Future Updates
  9. Deployment
  10. Technologies Used
  11. Credits
  12. Acknowledgements

Project Goals

The aim of this project is two-fold:

  • To demonstrate my knowledge of HTML and CSS languages and to document my experiences, difficulties, and solutions developed. No other languages or frameworks were used in the development of this project.
  • To adhere to the vision of Victory Fitness from a UI/UX perspective, creating a website that aptly represents this enterprise throughout all of the content and formatting. This will allow Ronan Kiely to further extend his reach online in promoting Victory Fitness to potential clientele.

User Goals

  • Find a personal trainer and/or gym located in County Kerry
  • Find a personal trainer and/or gym where you can consistently and reliably exercise
  • Find a personal trainer and/or gym where there's a clear sense of motivation and camaraderie
  • Find a personal trainer and/or gym that will help you achieve your fitness goals
  • Find the personal trainer’s location and contact details
  • Contact the personal trainer via the online form on the contact page
  • Read about the history of the personal trainer and/or gym
  • Check the coaching services provided

Site Owner Goals

  • Promote their coaching services and gym online
  • Provide their contact details for the users of the website
  • Provide an online form of contact, with a 7-day free trial
  • Show the available coaching services for existing and potential new customers
  • Provide links to the gym's social media
  • Make the website responsive for mobile devices, as over 50% of traffic comes from mobile users
  • Increase profits by gaining more clientele, allowing for enhancement of the gym

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User Experience

Target Audience

  • People who are looking to be the best version of themselves through fitness
  • People who lead busy lives, but are looking to find a compromise between their lifestyle and exercise
  • People who are looking for a high-quality personal trainer, gym, and bespoke plan
  • People who want to exercise in a quiet and clean gym environment
  • People who are looking for an extra motivational push to help them achieve their fitness goals

User Stories

First Time Visitors

  1. As a first-time visitor, I want to easily understand the main purpose and ethos of the gym.
  2. As a first-time visitor, I want to easily navigate the page to find all the recent information.
  3. As a first-time visitor, I want to learn about the gym and its history.
  4. As a first-time visitor, I want to learn where the gym is located.
  5. As a first-time visitor, I want to know when I can book my session.
  6. As a first-time visitor, I want to know how to best contact the gym.

Returning Visitors

  1. As a returning visitor, I want to quickly check the coaching services offered and the differences between them.
  2. As a returning visitor, I want to quickly access all of the social media to find any changes in opening times.
  3. As a returning visitor, I want to check if the 7-day free trial offer is still available.
  4. As a returning visitor, I want to see if there are any new promotions available.
  5. As a returning visitor, I want to easily find the location of the gym via the Google Maps section.
  6. As a returning visitor, I want to see if any professional photoshoots have been uploaded to the gallery since my last visit.

Site Owner

  1. As the site owner, I want to clearly showcase the different coaching services available and the differences between them.
  2. As the site owner, I want users to be able to navigate the website smoothly and easily.
  3. As the site owner, I want to provide photographs of the inside of the gym and the facilities available.
  4. As the site owner, I want to provide the gym’s contact details for users.
  5. As the site owner, I want to provide links to the gym's social media accounts.
  6. As the site owner, I want to provide users with a free and no commitment 7-day trial upon filling out the online form.

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User Interface

Design Philosophy

The design of this website began with this one image. As soon as I saw it, the design of the website began to take form in my mind's eye. My vision was to use this photograph as the centerpiece for the website. As such, it was fashioned into a full-screen hero image. It is cropped such that the V part of the logo at the top of the photograph redirect the user's attention to the text logo in the center, with the coaches on either side of it. It establishes the brand image quickly, simply, and cleanly. I darkened the hero-image via the use of a dark linear-gradient at 30% opacity to help enhance the contrast between the image and all text, including the navigation links as well as the text logo and address.

The Home page takes an approach where all of the content in the body occupies approximately 70% of the width available on the page. The ‘About’, ‘Coaching’, ‘Gallery’, and ‘Contact’ pages meanwhile take a different, albeit consistent approach with a much shorter hero image. This is to establish a sense of flow familiarity with the design of the website for new users. This is then further accompanied by a transparent navigation bar on wider resolutions, a black-background hamburger menu for smaller resolutions, and a light grey footer. The footer is the same throughout the entire website at all viewpoints. The ‘About’, ‘Coaching’, ‘Gallery’, and ‘Contact’ pages take a very similar approach to the Home page in the design of their bodies, using approximately 70% of the available width on larger resolutions. However, they differ in how images are displayed; background images always occupy 100% of the available width, whereas inline images only occupy the same width as the body. This is a conscious design decision to allow for the body text to sleekly wrap under any images present, resulting in a neat and tidy viewing experience.

On smaller viewports, the content expands to 80-100% of the width to reduce user scrolling burden and to allow for easier viewing.

The ‘404’ and ‘Thank You’ pages employ a similar design philosophy to that of the Home page in using a full-screen hero image, but where they differ is that the opacity of the dark gradient layer is increased from 30% to 50% to draw less focus to the images themselves. This provides more user focus on the message being delivered, as well as a button in how to return to the general browsing of the website.

You can find the images used for all pages below:

Home Hero image used for the Home Page
About, Coaching, Gallery, and Contact Hero image used for the About, Coaching, Gallery, and Contact pages
404 Hero image used for the Error 404 page
Thank You Hero image used for the Thank You page


No pre-set colour palettes were used in the designing of this website. My goal was to create a monochromatic look, focusing mostly using shades of black, white, and grey. My vision was to have the site feel simple, clean, and elegant. Color-Name was used to find slightly lighter and darker shade variations of the colours used for this project. The body content is primarily grey text on a white background with black titles, sometimes being inverted to white for sections that rely on background images.


The fonts I chose for this project are Lato and Railway. Lato is the font for the general content, whereas Railway is used for title content. They complement each other well and they were chosen because they were recommended by this website. I also considered a combination of Montserrat and Source Sans Pro, which evoke a similar sense of simplicity and elegance. However, I ultimately chose to go with Lato and Railway due to how well Railway works with letter spacing. It is a modern and clean approach, which I believe works well for almost any website.

Font-weights of 300, 400, and 700 were chosen for both fonts. 300 was used as the default for both. 400 was used for a bit more weight and clarity, and 700 was used in rare cases where a bold or strong element was required for the text.

Normally, one would associate big and powerful fonts and font-weights with gyms and working out. However, I wanted to adhere to my initial vision in designing a clean and elegant website. This represents my core values better as well as reinforcing the idea that the gym is clean and well-maintained, and the coaches are elegant and well-spoken.


The conceptualisation of the layout used in this project began with simple pen and paper sketches, which were then transformed into wireframes via Balsamiq. Everything shown here is a rough beta of the layout, some of which has changed during development.

This is the prototype of the project, which changes over the course of project development.

Home Wireframe of the Home page
About Wireframe of the About page
Coaching Wireframe of the Coaching page
Gallery Wireframe of the Gallery page
Contact Wireframe of the Contact page
Thank You Wireframe of the Thank You page
404 Wireframe of the 404 page

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Navigation Bar

Navigation Bar

Every single page on the website has this Navigation Bar at the very top. Due to the darker hero-images behind it, it is easy to see even if the bar itself is fully transparent. It is very simple and intuitive, focusing primarily on the function of allowing users to effectively navigate the website. The current page is highlighted in a white brighter than the rest of the links, which are displayed in a more grey colour. The Victory Fitness logo is a link that re-directs the user to the Home page. For smaller viewports, a hamburger menu appears with a black background, to make the links easier to see and interact with. This makes it fully responsive across all viewports.

Hero Image - Home

This hero image is the foundation upon which the entire website was built. It perfectly encapsulates the brand and vision of Victory Fitness in a single image. It is the very first thing new users see, and ultimately is the deciding factor in whether new users will continue to interact and explore or click off the website. First impressions hold a lot of power and that's why a good first impression is incredibly important. This is a crop of a full image that puts focus on the white letter "V" with the red logo V itself, which draws the user's attention towards the middle of the screen. This is further enhanced by the two coaches standing side by side, making sure the user's eyes do not stray from where they are visually directed. That brings the user to the Victory Fitness text logo, and subsequently, the address of the gym. With just one look, in a matter of seconds, the brand and reputation of the gym is established. This allows the user to form an impression, as well as understand where the gym is located. Further, a ‘Call to Action’ button is located under the address, which brings them to the Contact page, where they can avail of a 7-Day Free Trial.

Home Page - First Half

The first half of the Home page is a relatively simple section as it offers the user a bit more information about the gym, its ethos, and the services being offered. The full-width image is used to great effect in creating contrast between the white sections above and below. This also helps to break up the text-only content. A button is also present, which inverts its colour schemes upon interaction, giving the user a direct means of accessing the coaching page.

Home Page - Second Half

The second half of the Home page continues the brief introductory content of the first half, providing reasons as to why this gym is worth choosing. This was a direct request from Ronan Kiely, who believes in selling what makes your gym and services special. He dislikes transformation pictures as they tend to convey to the user that the only thing that matters is the end results. However, Ronan feels that there is so much more to it than that – for instance, the journey, the starting point, and the struggles. For this reason, there's no section showing transformations or successes. They may bring great business, but this brand prefers to focus on other aspects of their clients’ fitness journeys.

Below that, there is another section with a full-width background image that helps to break up the text whilst simultaneously showcasing the gym. This section informs the user of a 7-day no commitment free trial, with a ‘Call to Action’ button below that brings them to the Contact page where they can learn more.


Like the Navigation Bar, the Footer is present across all pages. It is fully responsive across all viewports and houses three icons that provide links to Victory Fitness's social media accounts and email. These buttons change colour upon interaction, and the links all open in a new page so the user isn't forced to leave the website and can continue exploring. Below these icons is a line of text that describes Victory Fitness as the copyright holder for this website.

Hero Image - Other

As mentioned earlier, the About, Coaching, Gallery, and Contact pages utilise a much shorter hero image. This is to bring the user to the page content quickly and to make navigation more fluid, as having to navigate a full-height viewport image when loading each page can be cumbersome. This section also serves as a darker backdrop for the transparent navigation bar and houses location title text within, informing the user of the section.


The About page provides the user with a detailed history of Victory Fitness, a more in-depth dive into their ethos as a gym and coaching service, which is supported by a photograph of the two coaches in the gym. The text content here uses the same amount of width as the image, providing a very fluid reading experience.


The Coaching page delves into greater depth regarding the coaching services offered. It's broken up into three sections: 1) Premium Coaching, 2) Semi-private Coaching, and 3) Online Coaching. Each of these sections has a photograph accompanying them. This helps to break up the text and prevents information overload. Consistent with the About page, the width of the text content never exceeds the width used by the images.


The Gallery page is dedicated to showcasing the gym and all of the available equipment and facilities, allowing the users to see the gym for themselves through the professional photographs. The images are displayed in two columns and are fully responsive across all viewports, shrinking down to one column as the viewport grows narrower.

Contact - Form

The Contact page allows users to get in touch with Victory Fitness directly via filling out the online form. Users are also educated about the free trial and can avail of it through the form. The form has both labels and placeholder text in place, ensuring both accessibility and clarity. A line of text below the form-fields informs the user that all fields are required to be filled for the form to be successfully submitted. The details submitted are not stored, as the user is simply redirected to the Thank You page.

Contact - Map

The Google Maps section of the Contact page informs users of where the gym is located, should they want to see it first-hand. Photographs are beneficial but seeing the location in person is preferred. A face-to-face conversation with one of the coaches is also a possibility, which tend to be a bit more personal, warmer, and more comfortable than online correspondence. The embed for this maps section is provided by Google itself. Unfortunately, the Google Maps section didn't make it into the final build. It was instead replaced by a static image of the location due to major performance issues.

Thank You

After successful completion of the form on the Contact page, the user is redirected to this page. This contains a simple ‘Thank You’ message that lets them know their message was received successfully and someone will be in touch with them shortly. Any details submitted are not stored. This page employs the same sort of approach as the Home page, using a full-screen hero image with text overlayed on top of it. It differs in that the opacity is increased to 50% to bring the viewer's attention to the message.

Error 404

Should the user navigate to a page that doesn't exist, an HTTP 404 error will occur. Upon doing so, the 404 Page will be loaded, informing the user that this page does not exist. All the usual means of navigation are present in the Navigation Bar and the Footer, but with the addition of a button to take them home. This is located under the error text. This page employs the same approach as both the Home and Thank You pages, using a full-screen hero image with text overlayed on top of it.


As with all websites, this one also has a favicon that is displayed beside the title of the page. A user can discern what pages they have opened or are currently viewing by simply glancing at the tabs and titles.

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HTML Validation

W3C Markup Validation Service was used to validate HTML code. No errors were found. Please see the summaries below for the results.

Home Validation of Home page
About Validation of About page
Coaching Validation of Coaching page
Gallery Validation of Gallery page
Contact Validation of Contact page
Thank You Validation of Thank You page
404 Validation of 404 page

CSS Validation

W3C CSS Validation Service was used to validate CSS code. No errors were found.

Style Page Validation of the CSS Style page

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WAVE WebAIM was used to validate CSS code. One error was found, and this related to the hamburger menu having an empty label. This was fixed and is covered in the bugs section. Otherwise, there were some contrast errors that came up and they were simply fixed by increasing the colour of the fonts used. One such example was changing #777 to #575757, which now passes all accessibility checks.

Additionally, the address below the text-logo as well as the button on the Home page are flagged as contrast errors. This also concerns any text on an image-background on other pages. However, attempting to follow the suggestions provided by the tool seemed to impact actual accessibility negatively, despite satisfying the actual tool. Please find a screenshot example of the colour suggestion for said area. As such, these contrast errors will be disregarded as they are not picked up by Lighthouse.

Contrast Error Example Contrast error via the WAVE tool colour suggestion

Below are the results for every page, with no errors present (aside from the disregarded contrast ones):

Home Accessibility of Home page
About Accessibility of About page
Coaching Accessibility of Coaching page
Gallery Accessibility of Gallery page
Contact Accessibility of Contact page
Thank You Accessibility of Thank You page
404 Accessibility of 404 page


Google Lighthouse was used to assess the performance of all webpages. All pages have a score of 100 Accessibility, 100 Best Practices, and 100 SEO across all devices. However, Performance seems to fluctuate between 72-95 for all pages. Multiple browsers have been used incognito to disable any extensions that could be potentially hindering performance. I investigated this, finding that webpages that had scores of 100 Performance also seemed to produce different results when I tested the websites on my end. Regardless, all webpages have been optimised for load speed and performance, netting in 85-92 scores across the board without any cherry-picking.

The results can be seen below.

Home Performance of Home page
About Performance of About page
Coaching Performance of Coaching page
Gallery Performance of Gallery page
Contact Performance of Contact page
Thank You Performance of Thank You page
404 Performance of 404 page

Device Testing

The website was tested on many different devices, such as:

  • Samsung Galaxy S10
  • Samsung Galaxy S21
  • MSI GE72 6QF Apache Pro
  • iPhone 10
  • iPhone 12
  • iPad Mini (Landscape and Portrait)
  • iPad (Landscape and Portrait)
  • Vivo S1 Pro

Browser Compatibility

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

Testing User Stories

  1. As a first-time visitor, I want to easily understand the main purpose and ethos of the gym.

    • Upon navigating to the website, the user is automatically greeted with a clean and easily readable Navigation Bar to go to their page of choice. The Hero Image and ‘Call to Action’ button draws the user's attention and starts to establish the gym's brand and purpose.
    • At this point, users can navigate to another page, in this case About, or scroll down, both of which will delve into the ethos of the gym.
  2. As a first-time visitor, I want to easily navigate the page to find all the relevant information.

    • The website was designed to be easy to navigate and fluid. The top of each page has a Navigation Bar, with clearly described links so the user has an idea of where they'll end up upon interaction.
    • There are ‘Call to Action’ buttons present throughout the website that help with funnelling the user into any topic they might be interested in.
    • Upon successful submitting of the form on the Contact page, the user is brough to a Thank You page. They then have the option to interact with the links on the Navigation Bar or the button below the thank you text.
  3. As a first-time visitor, I want to learn about the gym and its history.

    • Upon reading the "Strive for Greatness" section on the home page, or even after they finish reading the home page, they can then navigate to the About page via the navigation links. Here, they can find more information on the gym, its ethos, and its history.
  4. As a first-time visitor, I want to learn where the gym is located.

    • The user is instantly introduced to where the gym is located based on the title text present on under the Victory Fitness text logo on the home page.
    • Furthermore, there is a detailed Google map on the Contact page, allowing a solid understanding of the location.
  5. As a first-time visitor, I want to know when I can book my session.

    • Due to the fluidic nature of the home page, the user will arrive at the Why Choose Us section which will provide details for session booking.
    • Additionally, through the About and Coaching pages, information is laid out in a way that makes the user understand that clients are put first and a time that suits them can be agreed upon.
  6. As a first-time visitor, I want to know how to best contact the gym.

    • Once the user has read any page, they will find icons in the footer that link to the gym's social media accounts and email.
    • Additionally, if the user has navigated to the Contact page via the navigation links or the ‘Call to Action’ button on the Home page, they can find a form to fill out for a 7-day free trial.
  7. As a returning visitor, I want to quickly check the coaching services offered and the differences between them.

    • Upon returning to the website, this information can be found via a ‘Call to Action’ button on the Home page, which directs the user to the Coaching page.
    • Here, the user is told about all the coaching services provided in great detail.
  8. As a returning visitor, I want to quickly access all of the social media to find any changes in opening times.

    • This is made very easy by the inclusion of the Footer, which is present across all pages.
    • Here, the user may find links to the gym's Instagram and Facebook, which are their main social media accounts.
  9. As a returning visitor, I want to check if the 7-day free trial offer is still available.

    • Returning to the website, all the user has to do is interact with the "Join Now" button on the Hero Image of the Home page, scroll down to see the Contact section which lists the current offer, or navigate to the Contact page which has the full details regarding the current ongoing offer.
  10. As a returning visitor, I want to see if there are any new promotions available.

    • The newest promotions are always linked to with the ‘Call to Action’ button on the Hero Image of the Home page.
    • Alternatively, users are incentivised to contact the gym via the form on the Contact page. As such, there is always an offer present there to encourage this.
  11. As a returning visitor, I want to easily find the location of the gym via the Google Map section.

    • This can be accomplished by navigating to the Contact page via the ‘Call to Action’ button portion of the Free Trial section on the Home page, or by interacting with the Contact navigation link.
    • Here, the user can find a detailed Google Map detailing where the gym is located.
  12. As a returning visitor, I want to see if any professional photoshoots have been uploaded to the gallery since my last visit.

    • All new professional competitions and photoshoots will be uploaded to the Gallery page, which the user can easily navigate to using the links on the Navigation Bar.
  13. As the site owner, I want to clearly showcase the different coaching services available and the differences between them.

    • This is easily accomplished by the Coaching page, which can be quickly accessed via ‘Call to Action’ button under the Coaching section, or simply navigated to using the Navigation Bar links.
  14. As the site owner, I want users to navigate the website smoothly and easily.

    • The website has a very clear Navigation Bar, with easily seen links due to the contrast of the background and the colour of the links. This allows for a smooth navigation experience.
    • Each section is built to be fluidic and flow in a coherent manner where the user learns relevant information as they go through each section of each page.
  15. As the site owner, I want to provide photographs of the inside of the gym and the facilities available.

    • The Gallery page accomplishes this, allowing the site owner to display whichever photos they may like to their userbase.
    • The Gallery page is also easily accessible due to the easy-to-use navigation links.
  16. As the site owner, I want to provide contact details for users.

    • Users can find contact details through the address on the Home page, the social media accounts in the icons in the footer, and an online form on the Contact page.
    • Additionally, a Google Map is also present should the users want to make a trip to the gym in person.
  17. As the site owner, I want to provide links to the gym's social media accounts.

    • The links to the gym's social media accounts are easily found and accessed through the footer, which is present throughout every page on the website.
    • No matter where the user is, they are always just a short scroll away from accessing the social media accounts.
  18. As the site owner, I want to provide users with a free, no commitment, 7-day trial upon filling out the online form.

    • Often it can be difficult to convince users to fill out forms as other communication can be easier and more readily available. However, a free trial is sufficient incentive for this.
    • This free trial can be viewed via the Home page in one of two ways: it can be accessed via the ‘Call to Action’ Join Now button on top of the Hero Image and/or it can be found in the Free Trial section, which also has its own ‘Call to Action’ button.
    • Lastly, the users can navigate to the Contact page via the Navigation Bar links, where they can find all the details regarding the free trial and the form.

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  1. Accessibility Error - Empty Label detected as part of the hamburger navigation menu.

    • Fix: Add with text inside the label, and attach a CSS class to this span that uses "display: none;".
    • This satisfies the error as the label is no longer empty, even if the content is never displayed.
  2. Font Awesome Icons Displayed Incorrectly on Mobile - Icons seem to have been nudged slightly to the right and downwards. This is a very minor visual bug. This issue only exists on mobile, specifically the Samsung Galaxy S10. I have been unable to recreate it with other mobile phones. This could have something to do with the OS of the S10. This display issue is the same with FA icons on all websites.

    • Fix: None. I have researched the Internet extensively and there is no documentation of this issue or any similar issues.
    • Here is a link to a screenshot of the issue. The icons are slightly off-center.

Otherwise, all bugs were due to my own code and were usually fixed as soon as identified due to the fact that they originated from my own mistake. No pervasive bugs, aside from the accessibility error described above.

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Future Updates

  1. Sticky Navigation Bar - This was part of my vision for the website but I was unable to find a solution to this without relying on JavaScript. My vision is as follows: I wanted the Navigation Bar to be transparent when it was resting above the Hero Images, but once it left those regions, it would become an opaque black colour as it follows the user down the page.

  2. Fullscreen Hamburger Menu - This is very difficult to accomplish without JavaScript and I found myself struggling with the current hamburger menu as is. My vision for this was to have the entire screen to be covered in white with links in black structured in a column appearing the middle.

  3. Coaching Pricing Plan Comparisons - This was part of the plan for the website but I found myself not having the time necessary to bring this idea to light. Hence, I plan to work on it in the future and put it at the top of Coaching page, so users are available to compare plans with just a single glance.

  4. Google Map - This was originally a part of the website but it caused major performance issues and hence was removed and instead replaced by an image.

  5. Testimonials - This was originally a part of the plan for this project but unfortunately, Google Reviews aren't too easy to embed without having to pay for the service. The alternatives are well over my head but it's definitely something I'd like to look into in the future.

I'd like to revisit this project in the future after having learned more about JavaScript, especially if Ronan Kiely of Victory Fitness would be interested in using this website.


This project was deployed to GitHub Pages using the following steps:

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the repository: Victory Fitness.
  2. Locate the Settings button, and then click it.
  3. Scroll down to the Pages section, which is found under "Code and automation".
  4. Under "Source", click the dropdown called "None" and select "Master Branch".
  5. The page will then automatically refresh.
  6. Scroll back to the top of the page to locate the now published website link.

It can also be forked via the following steps:

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the repository again, as described above.
  2. At the top right corner of the repository, you will see a "Fork" button. Click on it.
  3. You will then be asked where you want to save it, so choose a location.
  4. You now should have a copy of this repository in your own GitHub account.

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Technologies Used


  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3

Frameworks & Tools


  1. Victory Fitness - This project was only possible due to Ronan Kiely letting me base this website on his business. He helped provide me with information, text, photographs, logos, advice, and direxction. All of the content belongs to Victory Fitness.
  2. Code Institute Template - This project was first based off the repository created by Code Institute. This template made it very easy to work with in GitPod.
  3. Alvaro Trigo - This codepen is what my own hamburger menu was based on due to me running into so many issues with trying to do it alone. Their code helped me understand how animations function with smaller icons in CSS, as well as how to use media queries to manipulate the navigation bar. The code has partially modified but otherwise the idea is taken from this codepen.
  4. Stack Overflow & W3Schools - These two website were instrumental in me furthering my understanding of HTML and CSS.
  5. Code Institute - Last but certainly not least, this project wouldn't have been possible without the course and material presented there.


  • Akshat Garg - Akshat is an absolutely amazing mentor that's friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. He's been super helpful in providing me with suggestions and advice.
  • My family and friends, who have been incredibly supportive and have been instrumental in keeping me motivated throughout this project. Thank you all so much! All of you who helped proofread, test, provide feedback on the UI, code, and etc... I couldn't have done it without you all!
  • The Code Institute community on Slack - Easy, straightforward, and always willing to help and provide advice.
  • Love Running - Ultimately, it wasn't until we went through this project that I realised that this was something I could do. A lot of the website is loosely based on it, too.

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  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.