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vespre's Introduction


Check out the deployed website here

Table of Contents


Created in 2019, Vespre is a tee-shirt store with designs reminiscent of sunsets. The word Vespre - Sunset in Catalan - serves as vehicle and inspiration for the designer and owner to create designs based on his main intetests. Ranging from world landmarks, inspiring settings and pop culture references, we're sure you will find something for you!


Objectives / goals

  • This store serves its admins/owners as a platform where to sell their t-shirts and designs, busines to consumer (B2C).
  • This store allows admins/owners to maintain various aspects of their business online, product creation, modification, deletion, creation and deletion of discounts and other admin tasks.
  • Users are presented the whole colection of products from which to make a purchase.

Vespre is an online store operating through print on demand. Customers can purchase their favourite designs and will receive their order as soon as it is printed and delivered by the partner. This reduces expenses for the business owner while on the growth state, not needing to care about logistics and warehousing.


This project's User Stories are distributed among 5 main Epics:

  • Accounts
  • Navigation
  • Advanced navigation
  • Cart and checkout
  • Admin

User Stories

Code As a I want to be able to so that I can
A1 User register for a new account have a user profile with my details
A2 User log in / out view my personal information
A3 User recover my password regain access to my account
A4 User save address information in my profile have faster checkouts with pre-filled information
A5 User access my profile view past orders and edit my default shipment information
A6 User review products let others know what I think of my purchases
A7 User keep a wishlist quickly review my favorites for future purchases
N1 Customer view all products decide which to purchase
N2 Customer view product details make an informed decision of what items to purchase
N3 Customer view product ratings have an understanding of other buyer's sentiment
N4 Customer clearly identify offers save on my purchases
N5 Customer always see my cart total have a good idea of how much I'm spending >even while browsing
Advanced Navigation
AN1 Customer sort the products page quickly identify the newest, most sold and best priced products
AN2 Customer filter by category only see products that I'm interested in seeing
AN3 Customer search products by name or description quickly find exactly what I'm looking for
Cart and Checkout
C1 Customer add products to cart with appropriate quantity and size purchase items
C2 Customer view the cart have an overview of what items I will purchase
C3 Customer edit the cart add or remove products before committing to the purchase
C4 Customer intuitively enter all my info at checkout be sure that I'm making the correct purchase with the correct details
C5 Customer understand the payment process and who is the provider feel secure >about the purchase
C6 Customer view a confirmation screen and email for the purchase be sure that the order was successful
C7 Customer use discounts save some money on my purchases
SA1 Store admin Create new products offer them to my customers online
SA2 Store admin Edit existing products correct mistakes, toggle publication status, create offers, etc.
SA3 Store admin Delete existing products keep my store with the most updated products
SA4 Store admin Create new discounts offer cart-wide discounts to my customers


  • Google font Assistant has been chosen as the font for this project as it helps transmit the same idea of calm and peace that the designs do
  • In terms of color I have opted for a basic configuration of white for most pages.
  • When background colors are present to highlight certain sections a subtle color gradient reminiscent of a sunset has been used, sparringly so as to not to over-saturate users.
  • Links and buttons use a shade of teal that helps deliver the main message of the store.


See low-fi wireframes for the following pages:



All products

All products

Product details

Product detail

Text pages

Text pages





Order confirmation

Order confirmation

Add review

Add review

Discount management

Discount management

User profile

User profile

Database Design

Quick overview of the design of all the database model for the different apps created for this store. Please note this is may not 1:1 to the actual models in the django app as project needs have evolved during development.


Field name Field type
sku models.CharField(max_length=254, null=True, blank=True)
name models.CharField(max_length=254)
description models.TextField()
price models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)
compare_at_price models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)
has_sizes models.BooleanField(default=False, null=True, blank=True)
image models.ImageField(null=True, blank=True)
imageURL models.URLField(max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True)
reviews models.ForeignKey(Reviews, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='reviews')
rating *1 models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True)


Field name Field type
user models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
phone models.CharField(max_length=20, null=True, blank=True)
email models.CharField(max_length=80, null=True, blank=True)
address_1 models.CharField(max_length=80, null=True, blank=True)
address_2 models.CharField(max_length=80, null=True, blank=True)
town_or_city models.CharField(max_length=40, null=True, blank=True)
county models.CharField(max_length=80, null=True, blank=True)
postcode models.CharField(max_length=20, null=True, blank=True)
country CountryField(blank_label='Country', null=True, blank=True)


Field name Field type
order_number models.CharField(max_length=32, null=False, editable=False)
user_profile models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='orders')
full_name models.CharField(max_length=50, null=False, blank=False)
email models.EmailField(max_length=254, null=False, blank=False)
phone_number models.CharField(max_length=20, null=False, blank=False)
country CountryField(blank_label='Country *', null=False, blank=False)
postcode models.CharField(max_length=20, null=True, blank=True)
town_or_city models.CharField(max_length=40, null=False, blank=False)
street_address1 models.CharField(max_length=80, null=False, blank=False)
street_address2 models.CharField(max_length=80, null=True, blank=True)
county models.CharField(max_length=80, null=True, blank=True)
date models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
delivery_cost models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0)
order_total models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0)
grand_total models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0)
original_cart models.TextField(null=False, blank=False, default='')
stripe_pid models.CharField(max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default='')

Order Line Item

Field name Field type
order models.ForeignKey(Order, null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='lineitems')
product models.ForeignKey(Product, null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
product_size models.CharField(max_length=2, null=True, blank=True)
quantity models.IntegerField(null=False, blank=False, default=0)
lineitem_total models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, blank=False, editable=False)

Review (new model)

Field name Field type
rating models.IntegerField(max_digits=1, null=False, blank=False, default=0)
product models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="reviews")
note models.CharField(null=False, blank=False)
customer models.ForeignKey(Customer, null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE

Discount(new model)

Field name Field type
code *1 models.CharField(max_length=32, null=False, editable=False)
min_order_value models.IntegerField(max_digits=6, null=False, blank=False, editable=False, default=0)
amount models.IntegerField(max_digits=6, null=False, blank=False, editable=False, default=10)

Wishlist(new model)

Field name Field type
user_profile models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name="wishlist")
products models.ManyToManyField(Product, related_name='products')


  • Designed with HTML5, CSS3, Python, Django, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
  • Always present navbar allows users and admins to quickly go from one page to another.
  • Sections are used throughout the site (home and cart for example) so at all times products are being displayed to users.
  • Products can be sorted and filtered.
  • Users can view and create product reviews.
  • Internal messaging system alerts users of certain actions.
  • Profile creation allows users to save orders and keep a wishlist.
  • Admins can create, modify and delete products straight from the site.
  • Admins can create, and delete discounts.
  • Checkout powered by Stripe.

Tech stack



  • Django - Python Framework / backend used to quickly create web apps
  • Bootstrap - CSS framework to provide base styles and row/column layouts
  • PostgreSQL - External Database
  • FontAwesome - Icons used throughout the website
  • Google Fonts - Font Assistant used throughout the project
  • jQuery - JavaScript Library to speed up some aspects of the front-end coding
  • Stripe - Payment gateway integrated (test mode)
  • AWS - Amazon Web Services (S3) has been used to hold static files like CSS and media files like images
  • Crispy Forms - A Django extension that allows for consistent and fast styling for forms throughout the application
  • Allauth - A Django extension used to handle all authorisation needs consistently


  • Gitpod - IDE, browser version of VSCode that integrates nicely with Github
  • Git - Version Control
  • GitHub - Repo storage
  • Heroku - Website deployment


Selected SEO Keywords

  • Meta description and keywords added to the HTML to boost SEO.
  • Media files named after SEO best practices.
  • Semantic HTML used throughout the project to help improve store quality.
  • Site title tag carefully selected to boost specific keywords.
  • A sitemap.xml file has been created and added to the root directory using xml-sitemaps.
  • Created robots.txt and disallow some folders from being crawled.

Social Media

Both accounts exist as part of Vespre's social media strategy previous to this project. A new social strategy is being implemented after learning about keyword searching. Facebook will be used mainly as a point of contact and selling platform. Instagram will be used as a promo and engagement tool. At this stage there are no plans for using TikTok.

Facebook account

Instagram account


Lighthouse report

I am aware of certain practices that are impacting negatively the accessibility of the store.

  • I have ignored contrast ratio warnings from lighthouse as have been using Contrast Checker, which is a more in-depth tool that takes into account not just background and foreground colors but also font wieghts, and tests are conclusive.
  • Contrast ratio for some sections have been improved with shadows, which Lighthouse does not seem to pick up, so the actual Accessibility is higher than what the LH report states.

All rendered html pages have been validated through W3C Markup Validation Service

HTML Comments Status
Global Ignored Duplicate Id messages as once show on mobile and the others on medium and up as per CI initual design for Boutique Ado
Ignore js does not require type attribute I like having it there for consistency
All products
About us
Create discount
Create product Ignored warning about crispyform formatting
User profile
Product detail Changed class button from anchor element
Fixed bad value for empty style attributes
Changed review parent from span to div
Changed cellpadding deprecated attribute to CSS style for sizing table
About us
Order confirmation Ignore empty header warning

All CSS was passed through W3C CSS Validator - Jigsaw

CSS Comments Status

All JS was validated through JSHint

JS Comments Status
cart Fixed end of line semicolon issues
add_discount Fixed end of line semicolon issues
add_review Fixed end of line semicolon issues and specifically declare variables

All Python files were validated through VSCode linter and Pep8 Online

In the interest of brevity and to avoid duplications, main pep8 issues have been listed below:

Python Comments Status
All files Classes created for the project have docstrings (django defaults have been left as they are)
Relevant classes have docstrings
2 blank lines before classes
Long lines have been split
All blank lines have beeb checked so as to not have blank spaces
Files end with extra line without blank space
Ignored long line errors only when there was absolutely no way around it (eg.


Manual testing was selected for this project.

Page Action Pass / Fail
Global navigation Loads
Links to Users
Links to Cart
Links to Home
Links to Sorted and filtered collections
Links About us
Home Loads
Links to collection of filtered products by discounted price
Links to About us
Footer Loads
Links to all policy pages
Register form completes (expected to just display modal)
Product card Loads
Can add to wishlist
Can remove from wishlist
Shows price and compare at price if they are different
Shows average of reviews if there are any
Links to product details page
All products Loads
Product cards keep functionality throughout
Product details Loads
Shows product info
Allows to select size
Allows to increment / decrement quantity
Allows to add to cart
Shows general info for tees
Shows Size Chart
Shows review average if available
Shows reviews if available
Links to view reviews if available
Links to create review
Reviews Loads
Reviews added automatically change a product's average rating
Review username is required
Review username defaults to anonymous
Review body is not required
Product title and image are displayed
A rating from 0-5 can be selected
All fields are saved and processed on form submit
Cart Loads
Quantity can be incremented or decremented via cart
Line item can be removed
Continue shopping links to home
Discounts can be added
Discounts object is saved into memory when a discount code matches an existing one
Discount applies to order total and the percentage type shows total savings in amount
Checkout links to checkout page
Checkout Loads
Verbose errors when a required field is not filled in on form subission
Correct order total amount is displayed
Correct order total amount is sent to Stripe
Email is sent on successful checkout
Order object is saved on successful checkout if the user is registered and authenticated
Checkout is successful when a discount is added
Checkout is successful when a discount is notf added
Order confirmation Loads
Shows correct order details
Shows correct order total and subtotals
Shows discount info if one is used
Wishlist Loads
Shows product cards
Can remove products
Account management Loads
Shows past orders
Past orders link to order confirmations
Form form returns verbose errors when form is not completed correctly
Shows wishlisted products as cards
Store management Loads
Product can be added
Product form returns verbose erros when required fields are not filled in
Product form returns verbose errors when form is not completed correctly
Product can be modified
Product can be deleted with a security modal
Discounts can be viewed
Discounts can be created
Discounts form returns verbose erros when required fields are not filled in
Discounts form returns verbose errors when form is not completed correctly
Discounts can be deleted

Future plans

Future plans for this website include:

  • Register to newsletter works with actual email addresses and sends confirmation emails.
  • Installation of Facebook pixel for tracking.
  • Installation of Google Analytics for tracking.
  • Integration of Printful API for easier order management.
  • Creating a system to add different types of products with a separate set of templates.



  • The project's repository can be found at gh - khalanar/vespre
  • Register for a Stripe account and get your keys.
  • Register for a free AWS account and add a new S3 bucket for this project.

Deploy and run through Heroku

  • Log into Heroku and create a new app by clicking on the 'New' button and selecting 'Create new app'.
  • Type the name for your app and select a region that's closer to your actual location.
  • Go to the Resources tab and create a new free PostgreSQL database
  • Add the following Config Vars into Heroku's Settings tab
  • Add the Heroku project url to the list of ALLOWED_HOSTS in the project's
  • Back in Heroky, go to the Deploy tab.
  • Select Github under Deployment method and enter your GH username.
  • Search for the relevant repo.
  • Select Automatic deploys from the main branch or click 'Deploy Branch'.
  • Heroku will then clone and host the selected Github repo.
  • Once this is done click Open app.


Run locally with Gitpod

To clone this project into your IDE you will need:

  • A GitHub account. Create one here.
  • Google Chrome browser.

Follow these steps:

  1. Install the Gitpod Browser Extentions for Chrome.
  2. Restart the browser once completed.
  3. Log into Gitpod with your Github account.
  4. Navigate to the Project GitHub repository.
  5. Click the green Gitpod button in the top right corner of the repo.
  6. On the terminal, install Django:
    pip3 install django
  7. Install project dependencies by running the command:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  8. Add the below environment variables to run the project. Note, you can create these under a new file at the project level. Git has been set up to ignore this file to avoid potential secrets being exposed into Github:
  9. Create project models and database by running the following commands:
    python3 makemigrations
    python3 migrate
  10. Run server locally with the following command:
    python3 runserver

Run locally with IDE of choice

  1. Open the project's repository.
  2. Click Code and copy the url shown under HTTPS
  3. In the directory where you want to download this project, open the terminal and type git clone followed by the copied url from step 2, then paste the URL of the project.
  4. On the terminal, install Django with the follow command:
    pip3 install django
  5. Install project dependencies by running the command:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  6. Add the below environment variables to run the project. Note, you can create these under a new file at the project level. Git has been set up to ignore this file to avoid potential secrets being exposed into Github:
  7. Create project models and database by running the following commands:
    python3 makemigrations
    python3 migrate
  8. Run server locally with the following command:
    python3 runserver



  • All product images were created by me
  • All designs including the logo were created by me
  • All icons as rendered were provided Font Awesome's free plan


  • All text was created by me
  • Policies have been created by Printful and Shopify's free policy generator, as found on my real store that this project is based upon, Vespre


I would like to thank:

  • Anto, my Mentor for guidance and counsel.
  • CI Tutors for helping and guiding through deployment issues especially during P4.
  • Slack Community a great resource of information and bugtracking.

vespre's People


khalanar avatar

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