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susanmarie87-wild_boutique's Introduction

Wild Indigos E-commerce Store

Live Project

Live Site

Milestone Project 4



  • I created this site as a way for my daughter to sell her bracelets online and for myself to begin the process of building a like-minded community through wellness. This site will be tailored to suit all of ur customer's needs.

  • This project was built to showcase my abilites in designing and developing a full-stack web application using the django web framework, HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python.

  • The website I have built is a full stack ecommerce web application for a company that my daughter and I created called Wild Indigos. I built a basic front-end website for Wild Indigos for my MS1 but with my skills advancing, I decided to remake the website and add all of the commerce features.

  • The application I have developed uses E-commerce functionality, payments are made using Stripe, a blog section for customers to use to create SEO friendly blog posts to increase organic traffic to the site and a comments section for users to add comments for interactivity with the store and leave comments on blog posts, Only registered users can leave comments and leave reviews, review section so that users can voice their own opinion on specific products, Confirmation emails, CRUD functionality for admin users to add, update and delete products reviews and blog posts, comments, CRUD functionality for users to create read update and delete their own reviews in the reviews section and the ability to delete comments they have left on blog posts, admin have authorisation to do anything on the site.

  • For the assessor, the admin login details have been included in the comments section when submitting the project.

  • Please note that this website is solely for educational purposes so Please don't attempt to enter real credit card details when using the stripe functionality. use the below details for testing purposes.

    • stripe card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • Any card end date you wish
    • Anyy CVV number you wish

Table of contents

  1. UX

  2. Technologies Used

  3. Testing

  4. Deployment

  5. Credits

User Stories

  • I want to be able to quickly view the products that the site is selling.

  • I want to be able to easily navigate throughout the site.

  • I want to be able to find out more information about the company and see if they have a social media presence.

  • I want to be able to contact the company.

  • I would like to be able to search for a specific item using the search bar.

  • I want to be able to search the site based on the different categories.

  • I want to be able to see all product details before I choose to buy the item

  • I want to be able to sort the items based on their price.

  • I want to be able to see products price and sizes if they have any.

  • I want to be able to add items to my shopping bag

  • I would like to be notified when I add items to bag or interact with the site functionality.

  • I want to be able to edit my shopping bag.

  • I want the checkout process to be quick and painless.

  • I want to be able to leave a review of certain products.

  • I want to receive confirmation of my order.

  • I want to be able to see previous order details.

  • I want my details to be saved to my account for faster purchases in future.

  • I want to be able to login to my account with Facebook or Google.

Site Goals

  • I want to be able to add, edit and delete products, blog posts and the ability to delete comments from blog posts easily.

  • I want to be able to increase organic visitors to the site using SEO friendly blog posts.

  • I want an admin section of the site and to make administration tasks simpler.

  • I want customers to have a relaxed and trouble free time on the site.

  • I want the site to be fully mobile responsive.



Scope and Structure


  • Responsive Design
  • Informative Landing Page
  • Sticky top Nav Bar & Mobile Nav Bar
  • Relational database to store all uploaded data/content
  • CRUD functionality at varying levels for profiles and products
  • Authentication functionality
  • Profile page
  • Search functionality
  • Contact functionality
  • list functionality
  • E-Commerce functionality

Skeleton Structure

This application will be made up of multiple pages derived or based around 6 data models, product, cart, checkout, user profile, contact form and favorites.

The landing page will consist of a large hero image with a text introduction of the site's offering or purpose.

Login, registration, add/edit products/profile and contact pages will all consist of forms with varying inputs dependant on the purpose of the form.

The profile page will display user information derived from the form and past orders .

The favorite products page will display favorited items with options to remove them or view the product in detail.

The products page will display all products and can be sorted or filtered.

The product detail page will display the image and details with an option to purchase, favorite or update/delete for the admin user.

Interaction Design

The nav bar items will highlight on hover.

The user will be able to interact with the data on the application via the search bar, products will display below the search bar if found or a line of text with '0 products found' if not found. They can also filter and sort categories using a sort selector drop down.

All forms will validate and change colour/display messages to notify the user of errors.

Delete features will trigger warning modals and require confirmation before the action runs.

Successful actions and unsuccessful actions will be flagged with django messages to the user.

Authentication processes, placed orders and contact form submission will trigger emails sent to the users email address provided.


A mock-up of how the site will be laid out is available here via Wire Frames.

Database Structure

Data Models

Product & Categories
  • The product model creates objects containing individual product information, such as name, description, price, image and sku.
  • The unique ID is auto generated.
  • The product objects will be used for the order model and favorites model.
  • The product model is lonked to the categories model which divides the products into subsections.
User Profile & User
  • The User model is created by django All Auth on registration, it stores the name, email and password of a user.
  • The User Profile model creates and instance of the user information in the database, similar to above as an object.
  • The User Profile is linked to the User model.
  • The user Profile stores shipping and contact information.
Order Model & Order Line Item
  • The order model is connected to the user profile, feeding in the shipping and contact information.
  • The order model creates an instance of an order on the data base with billing information, date and time of placement and by whom.
  • The order model is linked to the Order Line Item model which holds the product information for the order placed.
  • The Order Line Item model is linked to products.
Favorites and favorited Items
  • The favorites creates a 'container' for users to store favorited products.
  • The favorited items model creates instances of these favorite products in the container.
  • This model is linked to the user and to the poduct model.
  • The contact model stores users queries in the backend for the admin user to view.


Sensitive data such as SECRET_KEYS were stored on heroku using config variables to prevent unwanted connections to the database.

Django allauth was used to set up user authentication and built in decorators allowed restricted access to certain features on the website.

Color Scheme

Colors are brand colors that have been adopted for their strong visual contrast in an attempt to make all content as easily consumable and suitable for visually impared users as possible.

  • There are two main colors used throughout the project and they are listed below.
    • #FFFFFF - this is the color used in the header and footer as well as border colors fonts etc.
    • #000- this is just your standard black that will be used as the
    • #c197D2 - this is the off-white color used in the modal, forms, all auth etc. I wanted to have a nice easy to read white color and this was my preferred choice.


Google Fonts will be the main font for all content.



Existing Features

  1. Responsive to different screen sizes.

  2. Supported by Chrome, Opera, and Firefox browsers.

  3. Adapted for users with special accessibility requirements where possible.

  4. There will be multiple pages: Landing page, all products page, product detail page, shopping bag, checkout page, successfull check out page, profile page, login page, sign up page, delete/edit product page, contact form page, favorites page, 404 error and 500 error page.

     - Each page will have a navigation header
     - Each page will have a footer
     - Each page will have a favicon on the browser tab
  5. Each page will have a 'sticky' navbar

     - High contrast between text and background.
     - Text logo on the left, or removed on smaller screens
     - A central search bar
     - Menu options in the center or to the left on mobile
     - The logo will route back to the home page
     - Menu options will change to color on hover & envoke a pointer
     - On mobile devices, the menu items will switch to a toggle button and slide down the page when button is clicked
     - The mobile nav will not have 'on-hover' styling
     - Anon users will see my account(signup/register), search bar, shopping cart total, all products, contact page, equipment and classes page 
     - Registered users will see the above mentioned with an additional profile tab and log out option under the 'my account' nav item
  6. The home page will have:

    - A hero image.
    - Informative text.
  7. The login/register page will have:

     - A form requesting user information (name, username & password) and a submission button
     - Toast messages displaying successfull/unsuccessfulsubmission of information
  8. The profile page will have:

     - An area displaying the users information
     - An area displaying orders the user has purchased
     - There will be an option to edit information
     - Toast messages displaying successfull/unsuccessful update of information
  9. The all products page will have:

     - A sort by category bar
     - A section displaying existing products
     - Each product will have an image, label and a link to review its details
     - To an admin user there will be a link to edit/delete
  10. The product detail page will have:

    - An image of the product
    - Descriptive text
    - Price
    - favorite icon
    - Quantity selector
    - Add to cart button
    - Go back button
    - Edit/Delete link for the admin user only
    - Toast messages displaying successfull/unsuccessful addition of products to the shopping bag
  11. The shopping bag page will have:

    - Images and descriptions of products
    - Option to edit quantity or remove products
    - Grand total calculation
    - Keep shopping button
    - Continue to checkout button
    - Toast messages displaying successfull/unsuccessful removal of products
  12. The check out page will have:

    - A form requesting/prepopulating order details
    - An order summary
    - A stripe payment option
    - A check box to save info to a profile
    - A grand total
    - Messages to convey successful or unsuccessful check out
  13. The contact form page will have a form with fields for:

    - Name
    - Email
    - Drop down menu for the subject title
    - Text box
    - Submission button
    - Toast messages to convey successful or unsuccessful submission of the form.
  14. All users interactions will either be confirmed or notified of an error either via on screen messages, orders, contact forms and profile set up will be also confirmed via email.

  15. All products page and the cart page will have a scroll to top button.

Information Architecture

Data Storage

User Table

Title Key In Database Form Validation Data Type
Account id _id No Validation Primary Key
First Name first_name max length 20 CharField
Last Name last_name hashed min length CharField
Email email Must have @ &.com Email
Street Address default_street_adress_1 max length 120 CharField
Street Address 2 default_street_adress_1 max length 120 CharField
City or Town default_city_town max length 120 CharField
County/State default_county_state max length 72 CharField
Postal Code default_postcode_zip max length 120 CharField
Postal Code default_postcode_zip max length 120 CharField
Contact Number max
Number default_phone_number length 20 CharField
Country country pycountry select Option

Products Table

Title Key In Database Form Validation Data Type
Product Id _id No Validation Primary Key
Product Name name max length 254 CharField
Price price max digits 6 DecimalField
description description No validation CharField
sale_type sale_type max length 20 DecimalField
image image Null True Blank True ImageField

Orders Table

Title Key In Database Form Validation Data Type
Order Number order_number No Validation Primary Key
User Profile user_profile text Foreign Key
First Name first_name max length 100 CharField
Last Name last_name max length 100 CharField
email email max length 120 CharField
Phone number phone_number max length 20 CharField
Street Address 1 default_street_adress_1 max length 120 CharField
Street Address 2 default_street_adress_1 max length 120 CharField
City or Town default_city_town max length 120 CharField
County/State default_county_state max length 72 CharField
Postal Code default_postcode_zip max length 120 CharField
Country country pycountry select Option
Contact Number max
Number default_telephone_number length 20 CharField
Order Date order_date DateField
Total Order total_order max digits 10 DecimalField
Delivery Charge delivery_charge max digits 5 DecimalField
Grand Total grand_total max digits 10 DecimaField

Technology Used






Bug 1

Problem: Trying to render a basic hello function. returns this error:

Page not found (404) Request Method: GET Request URL: http://localhost:8000/ Using the URLconf defined in wild_indigos.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

admin/ hello/ [name='hello'] The empty path didn’t match any of these.

Cause: This error was being returned because I did not have function mapped to the home url in my root

Solution: Django needs to define the url with an empty string. Once I removed hello from the string, the test function properly rendered to the page.

Bug 2

Problem: On the first test run to check my index.html, an error kept returning:

'module' object is not callable.

Cause: It turns out that I had improperly imported os in the wrong file.

Solution: By removing the improperly imported os placement I was able to open my project.

Bug 3

When landing page is throttled at 150% or 125% on mid-tier and low-end mobiles, the nav and footer get huge and cover the content on the hero image.

Bug 4

Problem: When wiring up my item-detail folder into, I was met whith an invalid syntax error.

Cause: This error occurred because when I created the path, I forgot to add the commas at the end of both paths which led to the invalid syntax error.

Solution: This was solved by of course adding a ), to the end of the path.

Bug 5

Problem: When setting up the view for product details. I had Context = { ‘product’: products, }

This returned a templating error and would not render the individual product once clicked.

Cause: Invalid Syntax.

Solution: This issue was solved by changing ‘products’ to ‘product’

Bug 6

Problem: When trying to implement the logic for adding the quantity times the price total, I receive a TypeError for an integer and a string Total +=

Cause: Wrong model field reference in the Product file.

Solution: The bug was fixed by changing the price string to a DecimalField and running migrations. After the models were properly migrated the cart was able to render the prices of the items.

Bug 7

Problem: Scott helped me with this one. I am using Bootstrap 5 and because of this, when I went to add the Toasts to my project, it was not working.

Cause: This was because Bootstrap 5 stopped using JQuery and are instead using Vanilla JS. The initialization step is different. In Bootstrap 4 the JavaScript Initialization is:

<script type=”text/javascript”> $(.toast).toast(‘show’); </script>

In Bootstrap 5 it is quite different:

var toastElList = []'.toast')) var toastList = (toastEl) { return new bootstrap.Toast(toastEl, option) })

Solution: Scott was able to make a loop that cycled through the toasts: For (let x = 0; x < toastList.length; x++) { toastList[x].show(); } This solved the issue and my website started returning the Toast messages successfully.

NOTE I ended up switching back to Bootstrap4 due to design complications.

Bug 9

Problem: When trying to add CRUD into the project for the store owner, I was met with a disturbing error during the test phase. I added the new item, saw that it was processed properly and headed to the Django admin to delete the product. When I did this, an error came back with:

Page not found (404) Request Method: GET Request URL: http://localhost:8000/ Raised by: home.views.index Using the URLconf defined in wild_boutique.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order: admin/ accounts/ [name='home'] The empty path matched the last one. You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.

Cause: There was an issue with the session cookie and this was solved by taking the following steps:

Solution: Open up Dev Tools, go to the Application tab, select Storage from the sidebar, then click the "Clear Site Data" button, it will fix the issue for you by emptying your cart (see image below).

Bug 10

Problem: When clicking the secure checkout button an error occurred with crispy forms.

Cause: This was due to a gitpod corruption.

Solution: I had to run a command of:

curl > .gitpod.dockerfile

Then I had to copy and paste the original requirements.txt contents into

Next, I copied the code returned from, into my requirements.txt file.

Commit everything.

Go to Github, click the green button and create a new workspace.

Run the command of pip3 install -r requirements.txt, to reinstall all the dependencies.

I created a new instance of my project a new and reinstalled all dependencies to it. As I had manually loaded my categories and products fixtures files into the Django admin, I was left to completely redo the products section.

Bug 11

Problem: Requirements.txt file was corrupted a second time.

Cause: Unsure of how the file was corrupted a second time.

Solution: Followed the same exact steps as the first time.

Bug 12

Problem: I was unable to make migrations after the new install

Cause: A corrupted value inside the migration file which was spotted by Kevin on tutor support.

Solution: Kevin gave it a valid value and I was able to run the migrations.

Bug 13

Problem: The Aws crisis. Images not displaying on Heroku. Cause: A backslash, /, generated in the AWS IAM secret convig variable. The backslash that is automaticcally generated in some AWS keys cause major issues in Heroku and this happened to me. Because of the slash in the key, it Solution: Scott and James had a student who had previously had these problems. I generated a new user key and added them to the Heroku config vars and the images displayed on Heroku.

BUG 14

Problem: Details about products like price and CSS not picking up. Cause: Somehow the product details were not picked up in AWS. Solution: Correcting the CSS files in AWS.

User Story Testing

  • USER STORY: "I want to be able to quickly view the products sold on the site." In order to meet this user story, a button was placed directly on the landing page for an obvious link to the products. There is also a product link located on the navbar.

  • TEST: The button style was adapted from Boutique Ado and so of course it functions perfectly and breaks down perfectly across all screen sizes across all browsers. alt text

  • Result: There is now a button on the landing page.

  • Verdict: The button being the first thing a user notices immediately entices them to click the link and get to shopping right away.

  • USER STORY: "I want to be able to easily navigate throughout the site."
  • Test: Is less really more?
  • Result: In keeping the site minimal without a lot of bells and whistles, users will easily be able to navigate the site.
  • Verdict: The verdict is still out.

  • USER STORY: "I want to be able to find out more information about the company and see if they have a social media presence." "I want to be able to contact the company."
  • Test: There is a contact page with social media links.
  • Result: The contact page did not turn out the way I wanted it to.
  • Verdict: The contact page needs more work in order to make social media links stand out and possibly used more throughout the site.

  • USER STORY: "I would like to be able to search for a specific item using the search bar." "I want to be able to search the site based on the different categories."
  • Test: A searchbar was added into the products section.
  • Result: This searchbar works across all browsers but the words have to be specific.
  • Verdict: The searchbar function is a nice addition and provides a good user experience. User stories satisfied.

  • USER STORY: "I want to be able to see all product details before I choose to buy the item"
  • Test: Product details were added in so the user could see better details before purchasing.
  • Result: Originally, there were product details. During the AWS crisis of my project my product details were there. The product details have now vanished into thin code air and I have no clue what has happened to them nor the time or brain power left to even attempt figuring that out before the deadline.
  • Verdict: Products without details are worthless and will absolutely drive users away. Very poor user experience and mucy be addressed immediately. User stories were satisfied but not now when it counts.

  • USER STORY: "I want to be able to sort the items based on their price.""I want to be able to see products price and sizes if they have any."

  • Verdict: I did not add these user stories to the project.

  • USER STORY: "I want to be able to add items to my shopping bag." "I would like to be notified when I add items to bag or interact with the site functionality." "I want to be able to edit my shopping bag."
  • TEST: The add and edit bag functions in the bag app along with Bootstrap toast messages were implemented to satisfy these user stories.
  • RESULT: The users can add and edit their bag flawlessly across all browsers. These features work properly and add a nice UX feature to the site
  • VERDICT: The user stories were satisfied.

  • USER STORY: "I want the checkout process to be quick and painless."
  • TEST: Stripe was implemented into the project.
  • RESULT: Stripe is only in test phase for this proejct but the it work perfectly throughout all browsers.
  • VERDICT: The stripe addition satisfies this user story.

  • USER STORY: "I want to be able to leave a review of certain products." "I want to receive confirmation of my order."

  • VERDICT: These user stories were not imlpemented.

USER STORY: "I want to be able to see previous order details." "I want my details to be saved to my account for faster purchases in future."

  • TEST: Create a profile to obtain and save order history and personal information.
  • RESULT: As far as my testing went, the order details and customer information was saved.
  • VERDICT: These user stories were satisfied.

USER STORY: "I want to be able to see previous order details." "I want my details to be saved to my account for faster purchases in future."

  • TEST: Create a profile to obtain and save order history and personal information.
  • RESULT: As far as my testing went, the order details and customer information was saved.
  • VERDICT: These user stories were satisfied.

USER STORY: " I want to be able to signup or login to my account with Facebook or Google."

  • TEST: There was an attempt to add Social Media functionality.
  • RESULT: Bugs and time constraints prevented me from implementing these features all the way.
  • VERDICT: These user stories were not satisfied.


Product detail CSS not picking up. Out of nowhere they have just disappeared and my brain is shutting down. It cannot process anything else before the deadline what-so-ever.

Remaining Design Issues

The desktop version of the navbar is awful but I could not figure out what was blocking me from being able to get the account and cart to sit on the right side. The mobile and nav version look akay.

The button on the products search bar broke on me a few days back and I have not been able to figure out what I did to break that.

Remaining Flake8 errors

  • The linter is not figuring out the inherited model. An attempt to remedy this error was made by adding pylint Django module as an argument to Flake8 in Settings but was unsuccessful.

  • The automatically generated Django files came with a ton of errors but those have been ignored as they may effect efficiency.

  • Import env and unused django.contrib import admin have errors almost driven me to drink. I have left it be. When I remove it, the project breaks. When I leave it, I get an error.

  • The Products app in has a "Missing Module Docstring" error on line 1, but there is a module docstring so that's python styling for you.

  • Profiles app has a few errors in the file: "Instance of 'OneToOneField' has no 'username' member" "UserProfile' has no 'objects' member

  • Several errors in the Checkout app file in regards to profiles and objects that I was unable to solve. All relating to the products having no objects or not existing even though it seems like they exist because they work. An attempt was made to remedy these errors but were ultimately left ignored.

  • Warnings in contact file but when arguments are removed the website breaks

HTML Validation Errors

I could not find the tags they were speaking of. I went through every template and could not find them so there are unfortunately four html validation errors.


Below is an example of how to deploy this site locally based on using Gitpod IDE, deploying to Heroku using Amazon S3 for hosting of static and media files. This will allow the site to deploy automatically with commits to the master branch. The code can also be run locally.

Deployment Requirements

  • Gitpod IDE Local development tool
  • python Documentation is based on Python v3.8
  • PIP package installer
  • Stripe Payment infrastructure

Deploying Locally

  1. Clone a copy of the repository by clicking code at the top of the page and selecting 'Download Zip' when this has downloaded, extract the files to your folder of choice. Alternatively if you have git installed on your client you can run the following command from the terminal.
  git clone
  1. Open us your local IDE (For this example we will be using Gitpod as linked in the requirements) and open the working folder.

  2. Ideally you will want to work within a virtual environment to allow all packages to be kept within the project, this can be installed using the following command (please note some IDE's require pip3 instead of pip, please check with the documentation for your chosen IDE)

pip3 install pipenv
  1. In your root dir, create a new folder called .venv (ensure you have the .)

  2. To activate the virtual environment navigate to the below dir and run activate.bat


If you're using Linux or Mac use the below command

source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Next we need to install all modules required by the project to run, use the follow
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a new folder within the root dir called Within this file add the following lines to set up the environmental variables.
import os

os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "[Your Secret Key]"
os.environ["DEV"] = "1"
os.environ["HOSTNAME"] = ""
os.environ["STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY"] = "[Your Stripe Key]"
os.environ["STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"] = "[Your Stripe Secret Key]"
os.environ["DATABASE_URL"] = "[Your DB URL]"

Database setup

  1. To set up your database you will first need to run the following command
python3 migrate
  1. To create a super user to allow you to access the admin panel run the following command in your terminal and complete the required information as prompted
python3 createsuperuser
  1. From there you should now be able to run the server using the following command
python3 runserver
  1. If everything has been correctly configure you should not get a message giving you a link to your locally hosted site usually at

  2. Next close the server in your terminal using ctrl+c (cmd+c on mac) and run the following commands to populate the database

python3 loaddata store/fixtures/categories.json
python3 loaddata store/fixtures/products.json
python3 loaddata clients/fixtures/clients.json

Deploying to Heroku

To run this application in an online environment you will need to deploy the code to Heroku. Before moving on to this section please ensure you have followed the instructions for local deployment and this has been successful

  1. Either create an account at Heroku or log in to your account
  2. Set up a new app under a unique name
  3. In the resources section, in the addons field type the below command and select the free cost option
heroku Postgres
  1. in the settings tab select Reveal Config Vars and copy the pre populated DATABASE_URL into your file in your project
  2. in the Config Vars in Heroku you will need to populate with the following keys
Key Value
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID [your value]
SECRET_KEY [your value]
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY [your value]
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY [your value]
  1. Now this has been configured you will now migrate the local database to the cloud database using the migrate command as below
python3 migrate
  1. Next you will need to create a super user and populate the database as described in the database set up section
  2. When the migrations and data has been loaded, in your Heroku dashboard select the Deploy tab
  3. From here select the Github option and connect the repository from GitHub and select the branch (Master) to deploy from.
  4. It is advised to select automatic deployment to ensure for each push to Github the hosted version is up to date.
  5. When this has deployed select open app from the top bar of the Heroku App.


The inspiration for this project and much of the code functions and styling came from Code Institute and their project, Boutique Ado


Make today amazing

3 bracelets image

Pain tincture

Tincture Guy


Pain Tincture

Good Vibes tincture

Super Good vibes

Glowing text

Glass Morphism


The TUTORS All of them. The tutor support was invaluable for me. As someone who literally hadn't been on a computer since 2008 and has absolutely zero tech skills, I would have never been able to figure out the AWS key was breaking my images when deployed to Heroku. I would have never known that my requirements.txt file had been corrupted. The tutors practically dragged me through this course. They all had impeccable patience and manners. I know I would have wanted to get snarky with me after some of the things I have put them through. I am not a fan of social platforms and especially when I have never felt so just dumb in my life. The thought of putting that on full display for strangers to see was mortifying to me. For others, Slack is invaluable, but for me, it was terrifying. I am beyond thankful I had this resource and though it may not seem like it, I learned so much from my sessions. A note would probably be to increase the tutor support option and really promote it as that sets Code Institute apart from the rest.

Code Institute

When I started this journey, I had no idea how badly life was getting ready to test me. Between our newly started business being forced to shut down, economic insecurity, Social distance learning for two kids who were locked inside of a house. Losing 8 people in my family and social circle to cancer during the course, to helping my husband start two other businesses. Being everything to everyone at home while trying to learn HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, cloud based IDE's, JavaScript, Python, Mongo, Flask, Django, Heroku Balsamiq, Dev Tools and everything in-between, was a daunting task to say the least and Code Institute went above and beyond to accomodate any and all needs. My brain may feel assaulted by these languages and frameworks but the Code Institute staff was nothing short of incredible and helped ease the blows. The course and content itself are cutting-edge and incredibly informative. I am so thankful my coding journey brought me here and not the UCSD bootcamp I had originally applied to. Thank you Code Institute for this very wild journey.

susanmarie87-wild_boutique's People


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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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