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ms4_mc_vinyl's Introduction

MC Vinyl - Vinyl Records E-Commerce Site

4th Milestone Project

Full Stack Frameworks with Django

Code Institute 2021

The brief for this project was to build a full-stack website using the Django framework and which utilised a relational database such as MySQL or Postgres and provided some e-commerce functionality by using Stripe payments. MC Vinyl is a vinyl records store where users; staff or customers can interact with the site giving them full CRUD functionality over a Postgres database.

In the case of staff they can add, edit or delete products. They have a messaging app where they can converse with customers regarding problems with orders.

For customers they can purchase products. If they register to the site they can leave, edit, delete or upvote product reviews. They also have a wishlist which saves to their profile for convenient ordering of favourites. They can view past orders and contact the site owner regarding an order via the messaging function. User authentication is provided.

The design is based on user experience principles. Clean coding and a responsive mobile first method were employed. Bootstrap 4 was used to aid the responsiveness and front-end design.

See the image below for an example of the responsiveness of the site.

Click the image to be taken to a live demo of the site:



1. UX Design

2. Features and Functionality

3. Technologies Used

4. Testing

5. Deployment

6. Credits and Notes

1. UX Design


User Stories:

There are 2 types of users of the site: the site staff (including owner/administrator) or a customer user.

As the site owner/administrator:

  • I want the site layout to be a typical e-commerce with the expected features and smooth navigation between sections.
  • I want users to be able to register, login and change password.
  • I want customers to be able to search and sort products.
  • I want the site to be relatively secure for users.
  • I want customers to be able to purchase and pay for products.
  • I want customers to be able to save favourite items to a wishlist for later which is saved to their account.
  • I want customers to be able to save profile information to their account.
  • I want staff to be able to add, edit and delete products.
  • I want customers to be able to message staff and vice versa with a record kept of all conversations.
  • I want users to be able to make new reviews and edit or delete old reviews.
  • I want users to be able to rate products and i want the rating to be updated if reviews are adjusted or deleted.
  • I want users to be able to sort reviews.
  • I want users to be able to upvote/like other reviews.
  • I want the site to have a staff account with exclusive features, such as, crud of products, messaging, adding genres, view all orders.
  • I want any text inputs by users to be validated.
  • I want users to be able to see updates or news on the site through social media links.
  • I want a site that is not crashing with bugs and if there is an error, that it is managed in a good way for the user.

As a customer:

  • I want the site to be appealing and easy to use.
  • I want the site navigation between sections to be easy.
  • I want to be able to search and sort products easily.
  • I want to be able to purchase products and pay securely.
  • I want to be able to save profile information so i don't have to type the same information every time I order.
  • I want to be able to save products to a wishlist, which I may purchase at a later date.
  • I want to be able to see past orders and be easily able to contact the site owner in the event of a problem with an order.
  • I want be able to be able to read and sort reviews by other customers.
  • I want to be able to upvote other most useful reviews for other customers.
  • I want to be able to leave reviews myself and be able to edit, or delete those reviews.
  • I want to be able to rate products.
  • I want to be able to register and change my password.
  • I want to know that the site is secure and safe to use.
  • I want to be aware of updates or new features through social links.
  • I want a site that is not slow or full of bugs and if there is an error it is managed properly.


From researching other similar vinyl e-commerce sites it should be possible to provide a broadly similar experience.

Based on the results of the Strategy research the features to be included are:

  • Home: Landing page with large obvious CTA and the purpose of the site should be obvious.
  • Users can register, login and change password.
  • Passwords are validated and hashed.
  • Products can be searched by artist, title and genre.
  • Products can be sorted by price, rating or alphabetically.
  • A wishlist which saves to a user profile.
  • A payment system to purchase products using Stripe.
  • A user profile where customer shipping information and past orders and associated communication can be saved.
  • Sortable product reviews and ratings can be added, edited and deleted.
  • Staff can leave a comment underneath a review.
  • Reviews can be upvoted.
  • Staff messaging app for communicating with customers regarding orders.
  • Staff can view all orders and search by customer.
  • Staff can add, edit and delete products.
  • Staff can add new genre or promotion fields.
  • Footer: Links to social media.

From the strategy table all the above features appear viable. Some basic features such as pagination and a contact form may be left out for now due to time constraints. A wishlist and the messaging app for use between staff and customers are more relevant to the project requirements and interesting features to have instead. A CSP strategy would be useful to boost security but may also be left aside for now due to time constraints.


  • A pretty typical e-commerce structure with all important pages accessible from any page from the Navbar at the top of the page, including the shopping cart.
  • Customer Wishlist link is in the Navbar.
  • User account features are accessible through a dropdown sub-menu in the Navbar along with staff features such as the messaging app.
  • Custom error page, for 404, 500 and CSRF errors so in the case of a broken internal link or where a CSRF form token has expired, a button is provided for the user to return to safety.


Wireframes made in Balsamiq Wireframes were used for basic layout. These can be viewed here:

Landing Page All Sizes

All Products Page All Sizes

Product Detail Page All Sizes

Add/Edit Product Page All Sizes

Add Product Tags Page All Sizes

All Orders Page All Sizes

Checkout Page All Sizes

Messaging Page All Sizes

Message Thread Page All Sizes

Order Detail Page All Sizes

Profile Page All Sizes

Wishlist Page All Sizes


Pixabay provided the free background image and the logo icon. The main font is a Google font called Monoton which conveniently matches the vinyl theme, with the secondary font being Montserrat. The main colors used were #F9F6F6 for the background contrasting with #451D1D for much of the text and the footer. #A20B0B is used for the banner announcing free delivery.


2. Features and Functionality

The site was designed with a mobile first approach. Customised Bootstrap was used to help with the responsiveness and layout of the site. In addition targeted media queries were used to assist with this. The site borrows much of the functionality of Stripe payments from the Boutique Ado project however modified to suit this application. Superuser staff do not have access to the admin backend of the site. There is a specific Staff setting to allow that.

The Crispy Forms add-on is used throughout the site to aid form formatting. Each form has a CSRF tag for added security.

Bootstrap toasts are used to provide feedback to the user regarding an action by utilising the Django message system levels and displaying the messages within the toasts.

Landing Page:

The landing page features a simple layout with a background image which assists in directing the user as to the purpose of the site and a large CTA to enter the shop. The navbar alternatively gives access to search the site directly or to log-in.

Authentication Pages:

Including Log-in, log-out, register, verification and change password are all handled using the Django-Allauth add-on which integrates seamlessly.

Products Page:

Here users can see all products presented in a randomised order. They can search and sort. The search input will search by artist or title or genre. Genres can be clicked directly or the dropdown sort allows sorting by price, rating or alphabetically. Product ratings are shown and additional edit and delete product buttons are shown to superusers.

Product Details Page:

Here users can see details of the product. The track listing makes use of the add-on Django-Better-Admin-Arrayfield. A Postgres relational database was used both locally and when deployed, as the sqlite3 or mysql versions will not handle the arrayfield.

If a user is logged in they can; add the product to their wishlist, add it to their cart, leave a review and rating. They can also sort reviews by most popular review, by latest review or highest/lowest rating. There is also a button to edit or delete their own review. Users can also upvote a review by clicking the thumbs-up symbol.

Superusers can again see the additional edit and delete buttons.

Product Review Page:

Here there's a form where users can edit or delete a past review and superusers can leave a comment beneath a review, which can be useful if it is a complaint. A modal is used to confirm a delete action.

Wishlist Page:

The wishlist allows users to make a list of up to 10 favourite products which they might like to purchase at some point in the future. For convenience there's are buttons to add each individual product to the cart or all items at once. This is one of the big advantages for a customer to sign up to the site as they cannot access or use the wishlist otherwise. If they click on the wishlist it will direct them to the sign-in page.

Cart Page:

As with any e-commerce site the cart shows the products added for purchase and a total to be paid including delivery.

Checkout Page:

The checkout page shows details of the intended purchases including a delivery cost if total is less than the free delivery threshold. Stripe credit card payments input are integrated into the template.

My Profile Page:

From here customers can save address details to make checkout quicker and easier. The can also view past orders and start a conversation with the site owners regarding a particular order. When they receive a message back they will also get an email notification to let them know they have a new message. A users username and email address are fixed and are the ones they signed up with.

Superuser Features:

Messaging App:

From the messaging app main page site admin with superuser status can view all message threads both open and closed. They can choose to view open or closed separately and they can refresh messages or delete whole threads for maintenence purposes. Unread messages are in bold print and the user is informed if they've replied to a thread. Message threads are started by customers if they have an issue with an order. When the customer sends a message the site admin gets an email notification. The unique order number is used as a reference number for each message thread and messages are displayed by grouping them by ref. number and ordering by date.

Message Thread Page:

On this page the site admin can see a summary of the order in question and can reply to the customer. They can also open or close the thread.

All Orders Page:

From here the site admin can view all customer orders. They can search by username or by "no account" for anonymous users.

Add & Edit Product Page:

Allows a site admin to add a new product or edit an existing one. A check is performed to make sure that the new SKU product identifier does not already exist in the database. The customised Django Better Arrayfield makes it an easy task to add album track listings.

Product Tags Admin Page:

Allows a site admin to add a new product genres or promotion tags. Both programatical and reader friendly names are required. The programatical name is validated and does not allow spaces or special characters. Repetition is also checked.

Custom Error Pages:

Custom error pages are included for http 400, 403, 403CSRF and 500 errors.

Other features of the backend of the site:

Project File Structure: The project is structured and folders named as per the Django documentation and recommendations. Styling and javascript are split out to the various apps where appropriate. A separate utils folder for helper functions was created for the send email function as it is used across various apps.

Defensive Programming: As mentioned previously defensive programming was a key consideration. Potential errors are considered where they could possibly arise so that they could be handled appropriately. The @login_required decorator is used throughout to aid security of the site by preventing unauthorised users accessing functions through URL's. All URL's have been manually checked in the browser address bar to ensure expected functionality and security. Functions that require it have checks to see if the user is a superuser and authorised to access it. Validation on inputs is used where necessary. In all instances where the database is modified POST requests are used for some additional security.

There are no known outstanding bugs in the site.

Additional Security Considerations:

Django has in-built security through its middleware in settings and Django templates protects against the majority of XSS attacks.

In addition:

  • All sensitive variables are stored in environment variables.
  • The session cookie and CSRF cookie are set to secure.
  • The SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS value is set, which means SecurityMiddleware will set the “Strict-Transport-Security” header. This reduces exposure to some SSL-stripping man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.
  • SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS is set to true, which means SecurityMiddleware will add the includeSubDomains directive to the Strict-Transport-Security header.
  • The session cookie is set to time-out after 3 hours.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks are dealt with by using the CSRF Token tag inside any form {% csrf_token %}.

Potential Future Features:

There are a number of things that given more time would make the site more usable:

  • Add separate billing and delivery addresses in the order model.
  • Extend the messaging app to include a contact message form for anonymous users.
  • Pagination of all relevant pages using the Paginator Class.

Postgres Database Collections Schema:


A Postgres relational database set up in Heroku for convenience and linked to in environmental variables, was used in development as well as the deployed version, as the sqlite3 or mysql database options would not handle the arrayfield used for track listings. The development version was set up using the instruction from this page and using the Gitpod Postgres image found here This results in a locally accessible Postgres database saved to the Gitpod workspace. The database consists of 10 models with some common relationships to each other as marked on the diagram above:

User Model

  • This model is supplied by Django Allauth and contains the key user authentication information, including username, email and password.

UserProfile Model

  • Contains user editable information such as shipping/billing address and phone number. It has a one-to-one relationaship with User.

UserMessage Model

  • For user messages. Contains fields such as message body, message date, message read, message topic closed. User messages are associated with a certain order by setting the ref. number equal to the particular order number. The mandatory fields are the ref. number, message text (user_message), message_date and two boolean status fields (read and closed). It includes the optional User as a foreign-key. By using a ref. number to link a message to an order, rather than have Order as a foreign-key, this model is set up to be re-used with a website contact form for anonymous users (future feature). Another optional contact name field could be added if necessary.

Order Model

  • For user e-commerce orders. Contains fields such as the order number, order date, shipping/billing details (which could be different from those in UserProfile), original cart items, delivery cost and totals. It includes UserProfile as a foreign-key.

OrderLineItem Model

  • Represents a line in an order, product price * quantity with the lineitem_total field holding the result. It includes Order and Product as foreign-keys.

Wishlist Model

  • Contains a many-to-many field of Products. It has a one-to-one relationaship with User.

Product Model

  • Represents a single products details. It includes fields such as artist, title, sku, rating and price. The image field contains a path to the product image. The track list field uses an ArrayField to store the album track list. Includes Genre and Promotion many-to-many fields.

Genre Model

  • Represents a music genre tag. It includes a programatical name and a friendly name.

Promotion Model

  • Represents an e-commerce promotions tag. It includes a programatical name and a friendly name.

ProductReview Model

  • Represents a user review of a product. Includes the fields; review body, review date, review rating, upvote count and an admin comment field, where the site admin can respond to a complaint. It features User and Product foreign-keys and upvote_list which is a User linked many-to-many field, the length of which can be used to give the upvote count field value. A choices array is supplied for the review rating IntegerField.

3. Technologies Used

IDE and Languages:

  • Gitpod - IDE used.
  • HTML - Base structural language.
  • CSS - Language used for styling.
  • JavaScript - for application functionality and DOM manipulation.
  • Python - for backend functionality.
  • Django templating language in Django template renders.

Libraries, frameworks and Add-ons:

  • Django 3.2.3 - is a Python-based free and open-source web framework that follows the model–template–views architectural pattern.
  • Django-allauth 0.44.0 - Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management.
  • Django-better-admin-arrayfield 1.4.2 - Formats model ArrayFields into separate inputs rather than a comma separated list.
  • Django-crispy-forms 1.11.2 - Formats form renders in templates.
  • Bootstrap 4.6.0 - Used to help with grid layout, screen size responsiveness and other features such as buttons and toasts.
  • JavaScript, Popper.js, and jQuery as part of Bootstrap.
  • Font Awesome for icons.
  • Google Fonts for Monoton and Montserrat fonts.
  • Stripe - for processing credit card payments.
  • dj-database-url - The dj_database_url.config method returns a Django database connection dictionary, populated with all the data specified in your URL.
  • Psycopg2-binary - is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language.
  • boto3 - AWS SDK for Python to create, configure, and manage AWS services, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
  • Django-storages - a collection of custom storage backends for Django. Used in combination with boto3.
  • Coverage - for generating interactive html automatic testing reports.


  • Postgres - Relational Database.

Hosting and Version Control:

  • GitHub - Holding repository.
  • Git - Version control.
  • Heroku - for hosting the site.

Other Tools:

  • Balsamiq - For wireframes.
  • Microsoft Paint 3D - For editing images.
  • Browserstack - To check base compatibility.
  • - to format html files.
  • - to reduce image file size.
  • Autoprefixer - used to automatically add browser compatibility prefixes.
  • w3c - for HTML and CSS validation.
  • jshint - for JavaScript validation.
  • pylint - for python validation.
  • Chrome Development Tools - for checking performance and accessibility.
  • quickDBD - for the database schema.

As per industry practice and to reduce the number of small commits on the master branch, separate branches were created and used for features (where appropriate) and for the readme file as they were developed. These were squashed, merged and deleted after use.

4. Testing

Final manual and automated testing of links, responsiveness and Live Website test cases can be found in the final testing document here.

5. Deployment

5a. Deployment to Heroku

The live site is deployed to Heroku, a cloud application platform. The deployment procedure for this was as follows:

  1. Make a Heroku account and create a new App.


  2. Give it a name and choose the appropriate region.


  3. Under the Resources tab search for postgres in the addons input and install.

  4. Next enter the environmental variables (config vars in Heroku) for the project and create a secret key. Then copy the database URL.

Back in the IDE:

  1. The repository for the site was generated in Github based on the Code Institute Full Template.

  2. The copied database URL and secret key can be saved in the local environmental variables.

  3. Install both dj-database-url and psycopg2-binary. The dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')) method is used in settings to connect to the databse URL in environmental variables.

  4. Install gunicorn.

  5. In the IDE CLI make a requirements file containing all installed dependencies using the following command:

    • pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
  6. Again in the IDE CLI make a Procfile using command:

    • echo web: gunicorn mc_vinyl.wsgi:application > Procfile
  7. Debug must be set to False for production.

  8. Add 'localhost' and '' to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list in

  9. Migrate the new database with the command:

    • python3 migrate
  10. Create a superuser:

    • python3 createsuperuser
  11. Commit and push to the Github repository.

  12. From the CLI login to Heroku. Connect to the Heroku remote for the app.

    • heroku git:remote -a ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store
  13. Temporarily disable collectstatic in Heroku before pushing. Using the CLI as below, or setting it in heroku environment variables.

    • heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 -a ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store
  14. Then push to the heroku remote.

    • git push heroku master
  15. This should deploy the application to Heroku however, the next steps connect the app to the Github repository for automatic deployments.

Back in Heroku:

  1. Select Deploy and click connect to Github. Type the repository name in the search box and press search. Just below that, this should find the repository. Click Connect. Heroku is now connected to the Github repository. Select the correct branch and then Automatic or manual deployment can be used as preferred.


Setting up Amazon AWS:

a). Setting up S3:

  1. Sign in to AWS account and search for S3.

  2. Click Create Bucket. Name it "ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store".

  3. Uncheck Block Public Access and click Create Bucket.

  4. Once created, click on the new bucket to adjust settings.

  5. Under the Properties tab scroll down to Static Website Hosting and click Edit.

  6. Select Enable and select Host Static Website. Enter index.html and error.html as indicated and click Save Changes.

  7. Under the Permissions tab, scroll down to CORS Configuration and click Edit.

  8. Enter the following CORS Configuration and Save changes:

             "AllowedHeaders": [
             "AllowedMethods": [
             "AllowedOrigins": [
             "ExposeHeaders": []
  9. Next, again under the Permissions tab scroll to Bucket Policy and click Edit.

  10. Click Policy Generator. This will open a new browser tab for Policy Generator. Select S3 Bucket Policy as Policy Type. Under Add Statements, click Enable for Effect, enter * for Principal, select GetObject for Actions. For the ARN input, paste the Bucket ARN copied from the Edit Bucket Policy Page. Click Add Statement followed by Generate Policy.

  11. Copy the policy and paste it under the Edit Bucket Policy page. Because we want to allow access to all resources under this bucket, add /* to the end of the Resources key and Save Changes.

  12. Next, again under the Permissions tab scroll to Access Control List(ACL) and click Edit. Tick List access under the Everyone (public access) section and Save changes.

b). Setting up IAM:

  1. Create a new group named "manage-ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store" and save.

  2. Click Policies under Access Management and click Create Policy.

  3. Click the JSON tab. Click Import Managed Policy. Search for s3. Tick AmazonS3FullAccess and Import.

  4. Use the ARN from the Bucket Policy earlier to replace the Resource key so the Resource item looks as follows:

         "Resource": [
  5. Click Next and enter a name "ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store-policy" and description for the policy and finally click Create Policy.

  6. Next, click User Groups under Access Management. Click on the "manage-ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store" group.

  7. Under the Permissions tab click Add Permissions and then Attach Policies and select the "ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store-policy" policy and click Add Permission.

  8. Next, click Users under Access Management. Click Add Users.

  9. Give the user a name "mc-vinyl-static-files-user" and give them Programmatic Access and click Next.

  10. Under Add User to Group select "manage-ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store". The policy is already attached.

  11. Click Next repeatedly and then Create User. Download the csv file as prompted. The values in this file are needed later.

  12. Back in the IDE, install boto3 and django-storages: pip3 install boto3 django-storages

  13. Add 'storages' to apps in

  14. Add the following code to

    if 'USE_AWS' in os.environ:
        # Cache control
            'Expires': 'Thu, 31 Dec 2099 20:00:00 GMT',
            'CacheControl': 'max-age=94608000',
        # Bucket Config
        AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store'
        AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = 'eu-west-1'
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID')
        # Static and media files
        STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.StaticStorage'
        STATICFILES_LOCATION = 'static'
        DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage'
        MEDIAFILES_LOCATION = 'media'
        # Override static and media URLs in production
  15. Now add AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY into Heroku environmental variables, the values of these taken from the csv files downloaded earlier.

  16. Then add USE_AWS = True and remove DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC = 1.

  17. Back in the IDE create a new file called with the following code:

    from django.conf import settings
    from storages.backends.s3boto3 import S3Boto3Storage
    class StaticStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
        location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION
    class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
        location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION
  18. Commit the changes and push.

  19. Back in Amazon S3 Buckets click on "ms4-mc-vinyl-record-store" bucket. There is now a static folder. Create a new folder called "media". Upload all site images to this folder and grant public read access.

  20. Finally add the Stripe environmental variables to Heroku (settings and click on Reveal Config Vars), so the list of Heroku environmental variables looks like:

  21. The deployed Heroku site should now be functioning correctly.

5b. Deployment Locally

For this website to be run locally it can downloaded as a ZIP file or it can be cloned, however it needs access to a Postgres database as highlighted in the earlier section:

  • To download ZIP copy:

    1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
    2. Above the list of files, click Code.
    3. Click Download ZIP.
    4. Navigate to the local Downloads folder and un-zip the project_one-master folder.
  • To Clone using Command Line:

    1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.

    2. Above the list of files, click Code.

    3. To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "Clone with HTTPS", copy the URL. To clone the repository using an SSH key, including a certificate issued by your organization's SSH certificate authority, click Use SSH, then copy the URL.

    4. Open Git Bash.

    5. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.

    6. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier:

      git clone url-copied-earlier

    7. Press Enter to create your local clone.

  • To Clone using GitHub Desktop:

    1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
    2. Above the list of files, click Code.
    3. Click "Open with GitHub Desktop" to clone and open the repository with GitHub Desktop.
    4. Follow the prompts in GitHub Desktop to complete the clone.

Once the local project directory is in place, create a virtual python environment. Of course the environment variables will need to be set-up locally.

Install the required packages with:

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run the app:

  • python3 runserver

The website should be available at localhost.

6. Credits and Notes

  • All code in this project is completely the authors unless otherwise indicated in the code.

  • Free background image and records brand icon supplied from and is free to use without attribution.

  • All album images are the property and copyright of the artists.

  • Trash Can icon used under Font Awesome Licence

  • Star rating CSS provided by:

  • My Mentor for their time and advice.

  • Friends and family who tested the site.


  • This website is for educational purposes only.

ms4_mc_vinyl's People


robot5000-design avatar



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