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ms4-kandl's Introduction


Kandl is an ecommerce website that allows users to purchase hand made natural candles and soaps, developed for Milestone 4 as part of the Code Institute - Diploma in Software Development (Full stack) course.

  • There are two types of users, and I have set up accounts for both
    • An admin(administrator) user account has been set up with username/password of rocoboco55/Primafirma100da
    • A regular(shopper) user account has been set up with username/password of testtest1/test2022
    • When making a payment as a regular user, a test credit card of 4242424242424242 has been set up for the card number
    • For the expiry date, cvc and postal code any series number(s) can be used(once they meet the mimimum values)

View the live site here

Responsive site example

Table of Contents

Project Overview

  • This project is a website made for Code Institute - Diploma in Software Development (Full stack) course - milestone project 4.
  • The website is deployed using Heroku pages at the following url: Kandl
  • The repository that contains the website source code: Code Repository
  • The website was built with a responsive look and feel for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.



Primary Goal

The primary goal of the website from site owners perspective is:

  • To add, edit and delete products on the website, with the relevant information (price, description, rating, image, sizes and category)
  • To allow a user make a purchase of the products on the website
  • To categorise sale items on the website

The primary goal of the website from site users perspective is:

  • View a list of products on the website
  • To register for an account on the website and receive an email after successful registration
  • To login or logout from the website
  • Search for a product by name or description and view the search results
  • Have a personalised user profile with my delivery, payment information and order history
  • View an individual product detail(price, description, rating, comments, image, sizes and category)
  • To add an item to a shopping bag, and select the quantity and size if applicable
  • Complete a purchase of items in a shopping bag
  • To sort the list of available products by rating, price and category


Website pages

  • I have structured the website into over 20 pages, each with clear, concise structure, information and purpose. I use the Bootstrap grid system throughout, which gave a consistent structure and responsive design "out of the box"
  • Below are the main page's/features functionality wise, there are some others for password reset/verification etc. that are described in the user story section
  • All pages have a common look and feel and a common header/footer. On a tablet/mobile the look and feel is slightly different with a burger menu
  • These pages are described in more detail in the user stories section
Page Description
Home The homepage consists of a background image and text about what we sell, and a button.
Products The products page displays the products(image, price, rating) in a paginated way.
Product Detail The product detail page displays the product image, description, price, add to bag buttons.
Product Management(Add Product) A product can be added to the website.
Product Management(Edit Product) A product can be edited to the website.
Product Management(Delete Product) A product can be deleted from the website.
My Profile The users profile(delivery information) and previous orders is displayed.
Log out A logout button is provided under the My Account link to logout.
Register A user can register an account on the site with a valid email address.
Log in A user can login with a valid username and password.
Bag A user can add products to a shopping bag which contains each item in the order and an overall price/delivery if applicable.
Checkout A user can enter their delivery details and credit card information to checkout an order.
Checkout success Once an order is successful, the user can view the checkout success.

Code Structure

The project is divided into a number of apps, and built using the Django Framework The project was built on the Boutique Ado project, that was part of the project content The apps are :

  • bag (part of Boutique Ado project): This app contains functionality regarding users shopping bag
  • checkout (part of Boutique Ado project): This app contains functionality regarding users checking out and payment of an order
  • home (part of Boutique Ado project): This app contains functionality regarding the users home page
  • products (part of Boutique Ado project): This app contains functionality regarding a product.
  • profiles (part of Boutique Ado project): This app contains functionality regarding users profile and order history

There are also:

  • Main python file for starting the website
  • Readme documentation
  • Procfile: To run the application
  • ms4_kandl: Containing and urls) for example
  • templates: Containing the base.html, about.html, allauth(django authentication) and includes html files
  • static: Base css and Javascript files(toast and send_email)
  • Requirements.txt: Containing the python libraries installed Note: Environment variable values are not exposed in the source code, they are stored locally in that is not checked in(and listed in .gitignore, and on Heroku in app settings


  • The website is a data-centric one with html, javascript, css used with the bootstrap(version 4) framework as a frontend
  • The backend consists of Python, with the Django framework and a database of Postgres for the deployed Heroku version.


  • The following models were created to represent the database model structure for the website
User Model
  • The User model contains information about the user. It is part of the Django allauth library
  • The model contains the following fields: username, password, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active, is_superuser, last_login, date_joined
UserProfile Model
  • The UserProfile model has a one-to-one relationship with User
  • The model contains the following fields: default_phone_number, default_street_address1, default_street_address2 default_town_or_city, default_county, default_postcode and default_country
Order Model
  • The Order model contains information about orders made on the website.
  • It contains UserProfile as a foreign-key.
  • The model contains the following fields: order_number, user_profile, full_name, email, phone_number, country, postcode, town_or_city, street_address1 , street_address2, county, date, delivery_cost, order_total, grand_total, original_bag, stripe_pid
OrderLineItem Model
  • The OrderLineItem model contains information about an entry in an order, for orders made on the website.
  • It contains Order and Product as foreign-keys.
  • The model contains the following fields: order, product, product_size, quantity, lineitem_total
Product Model
  • The Product Model represents a product and its details
  • It contains Category as a foreign-key
  • The model contains the following fields: name, category, price, colour, code, description, feature1, has_sizes, rating, image_url, image
  • The image field contains the product image
  • The image_url field contains the url to where the image file is physically stored, for example AWS S3 bucket
Category Model
  • The Category model contains a product category
  • The model contains the following fields: name, friendly_name


User Stories Customer

The user stories for the regular user eg: "shopper user" (a potential or existing customer) are described as follows:

  • User Story 1.1: As an admin/regular user the navigation bar is displayed on all pages with a search box, My account, and shopping bag icons on a desktop device
  • User Story 1.2: As an admin/regular user the navigation bar is displayed on all pages with a search box, My account, and shopping bag icons on a mobile/tablet device
  • User Story 1.3: As a regular user not logged in, I see a Register/Login link under the My Account dropdown
  • User Story 1.4: As a regular logged in, I am brought to the Favourites page if I click on the Favourites icon
  • User Story 1.5: As a regular user logged in/not logged in, I am brought to my shopping bag if I click on the Bag icon
  • User Story 1.6: As a regular/admin user logged in, I see a "My Profile"/Logout under the My Account dropdown
  • User Story 1.7: As a regular/admin user logged in, if I click on the My Profile under My Account I am brought to the My Profile page
  • User Story 1.8: As a regular/admin user I can view the Home link in the header, and clicking it will bring the user to the homepage
  • User Story 1.9: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "All Products" filter, click By Price, and will be brought to the Products page, with products price low to high displayed
  • User Story 1.10: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "All Products" filter, click By Rating, and will be brought to the Products page, with products rating high to low displayed
  • User Story 1.11: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "All Products" filter, click By Category, and will be brought to the Products page, with products category a-z displayed
  • User Story 1.12: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "Candles" filter, and filter by soy or beewax
  • User Story 1.13: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "Soaps" filter, and filter by solid or liquid
  • User Story 1.14: As a regular/admin user if I encounter an error on the site, I will be navigated to the 404 error page
  • User Story 2.1: As an admin/regular user four text messages are displayed with icons regarding delivery, packaging, dispatch and knowledge
  • User Story 2.2: As a regular user the footer is displayed with a logo, product links(Candles,Soaps), website links(About, All products)
  • User Story 3.1: As a regular user I can register on the website by providing an email address, email address(confirmation), username, password, password confirmation
  • User Story 3.1: As a regular user I will receive an email to verify my account after registering
  • User Story 3.1: As a regular user I can log in to my account once I click on the verification link in the email I receive regarding my registration
  • User Story 4.1: As an admin/regular user I can log in to the website using my username or email address and password. Both fields are mandatory. Once correct, I will be navigated to the homepage and a message displayed
  • User Story 5.1: As a regular user I can view the products page with product count and with each product image, title, category, price
  • User Story 5.2: As a regular user I can sort the products by Price(high to low, low to high), Rating(high to low, low to high), Name(A-Z, Z-A), Category(A-Z, Z-A)
  • User Story 5.3: As a regular user if I click on a product I will be navigated to the product detail page
  • User Story 5.4: As a regular user I can view the product image, description, colour, code, rating, category
  • User Story 5.5: As a regular user I can click on the Keep Shopping button on the product detail page, and it will navigate the user to the products page
  • User Story 5.6: As a regular user I can set the product quantity for a product (one plus/minus)
  • User Story 9.1: As a regular user I can view my order history(Order Number, Date, Items and Order Total)
  • User Story 9.2: As a regular user I can click on an order number to view the order information (Order number, Order date/time, Full Name, Street Address 1, Street Address 2, Town or City, County, State or Locality, Postal Code and Country, Phone Number, Order Total, Deliver, Grand Total)
  • User Story 10.1: As a regular user I can click on a product, set the size(if applicable) and quantity, click Add to Bag and the product will be added to my bag, a message displayed, and a toast will be displayed with the bag contents
  • User Story 10.2: As a regular user I can click on the bag icon, I will be brought to my bag. If there are no items in the bag, a message will be displayed
  • User Story 10.3: As a regular user I can click on the bag icon, I will be brought to my bag. If there are items, the product image, detail, price, quantity, subtotal will be displayed for the item. The bag total, delivery(if applicable), grand total would be displayed
  • User Story 10.4: As a regular user I can update the quantity or remove an item from my shopping bag
  • User Story 10.5: As a regular user I can click on the Secure Checkout button on the bag page or toast message, and I will be brought to the Checkout page
  • User Story 10.6: As a regular user on the checkout page I can set my details(Full Name, email address, both mandatory) and Delivery Information(Phone Number(mandatory), Street Address 1(mandatory), Street Address 2, Town or City(mandatory, County, State or Locality, Postal Code and Country(mandatory), which is populated from my profile if filled in
  • User Story 10.7: As a regular user on the checkout page if I click "Save this delivery information to my profile", the details entered will be saved on the users profile
  • User Story 10.8: As a regular user on the checkout page if I click the Complete Order button, and the transaction is not successful, a message will be displayed
  • User Story 10.9: As a regular user on the checkout page if I click the Complete Order button, and the transaction is successful, the user will be navigated to a checkout success page, and an email is sent to the user
  • User Story 10.10: As a regular user not logged in, I can add items to my bag and make a purchase

User Stories Website Owner

The user stories for the website owner(admin/administrator user) are described as follows: There is a lot of overlap between the two user types, the admin user has more administrative rights throughout but their roles and responsibilities are defined

  • User Story 1.1: As an admin/regular user the navigation bar is displayed with a logo on all pages with a search box, My account and shopping bag icons on a desktop device
  • User Story 1.2: As an admin/regular user the navigation bar is displayed on all pages with a search box, My account and shopping bag icons on a mobile/tablet device
  • User Story 1.8: As an admin user logged in, I see a Product Management/News Item Management/My Profile/Logout under the My Account dropdown
  • User Story 1.9: As a regular/admin user logged in, if I click on the My Profile under My Account I am brought to the My Profile page
  • User Story 1.10: As a regular/admin user logged in, if I click on the My Profile under My Account I am brought to the Logout page. If I click Logout I am Logged out. If I click cancel I am brought back to the homepage
  • User Story 1.11: As an admin user logged in, if I click on Product Management under My Account I am brought to the Product Management(Add Product) page
  • User Story 1.12: As an admin user logged in, if I click on News Item Management under My Account I am brought to the News Item Management page
  • User Story 1.13: As a regular/admin user I can view the Home link in the header, and clicking it will bring the user to the homepage
  • User Story 1.15: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "All Products" filter, click By Price, and will be brought to the Products page, with products price low to high displayed
  • User Story 1.16: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "All Products" filter, click By Rating, and will be brought to the Products page, with products rating high to low displayed
  • User Story 1.17: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "All Products" filter, click By Category, and will be brought to the Products page, with products category a-z displayed
  • User Story 1.18: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "Candles" filter, and filter by soy or beewax
  • User Story 1.19: As a regular/admin user I can click on the "Soaps" filter, and filter by solid or liquid
  • User Story 1.20: As a regular/admin user if I encounter an error on the site, I will be navigated to the 404 error page
  • User Story 2.1: As an admin/regular user four text messages are displayed with icons regarding delivery, packaging, dispatch and knowledge
  • User Story 2.2: As an admin user logged in the footer is displayed with a logo, product links(Candles and Soaps), website links(Product Management, About)
  • User Story 3.1: As an admin/regular user I can log in to the website using my username or email address and password. Both fields are mandatory. Once correct, I will be navigated to the homepage and a message displayed
  • User Story 3.2: As an admin/regular user I can request a new password if I forget my current password. I will receive an email to reset my password. Once I reset I can log in
  • User Story 4.1: As an admin user I can view the Add product page by clicking on the Product Management link.
  • User Story 4.2: As an admin user I can view the Edit product page by clicking on the Edit button on the product.
  • User Story 4.3: As an admin user I can click on a product, and I am navigated to the product detail page. I can edit or delete the product by clicking on the Edit or Delete links on the page
  • User Story 5.1: As an admin user I can add a product by clicking on the Product Management link in My Account. I must enter a name, category, price, colour, code, description, has Sizes(Unknown, Yes, No), Rating, Image url, upload an image and click the Add Product button. Clicking cancel navigates the user to the product page.
  • User Story 5.2: As an admin user I can edit a product by clicking on the Edit button on the Products page for the product. I can update the name, category, price, colour, code, description, feature (1-4), has Sizes(Unknown, Yes, No), Rating, Pre-sale price, Image url, update an image and click the Edit Product button. Clicking cancel navigates the user to the product page
  • User Story 5.3: As an admin user I can delete a product by clicking on the Delete button on the product. A modal will appearing asking to confirm, and a message displayed once I confirm.
  • User Story 6.1: As an admin user I can view users orders in the django admin page and can view order number, date, full name, order total, delivery cost, grand total
  • User Story 6.2: As an admin user I can view users orders in the django admin page and can search by order number, full name and filter by order number, full name and order date
  • User Story 6.3: As an admin user I can view products in the django admin page and can view a products code, name, category, has sizes, price, presale price, rating, image, image url
  • User Story 6.4: As an admin user I can view products in the django admin page and can view search and filter by code, category, name and price
  • User Story 6.5: As an admin user I can view users in the django admin page and can view their username, email address, first name, last name
  • User Story 6.6: As an admin user I can view categories in the django admin page and can view a category name and friendly name



  1. Home
  1. Products
  1. Products Detail
  1. Shopping Bag
  1. Checkout
  1. Sign Up
  1. Log In


Color Palette

I have gone for a simple and minimal design for the website, with predominately black, grey, white, and gold colours There are 4 colours in the color palette

  • Black and grey colour for the nav and footer on the website
  • White for background
  • Gold and grey for text

I believe the colours complement each other, and I choose those colours to give the website the feel of luxury.


The Cormorant Garamond font is the main font used throughout the whole website with Sans Serif as the fallback in case the Cormorant Garamond cannot be imported into the website correctly. This font is from the Google fonts library. Font


The website has 13 distinct features, and they are described below What is important to detail is what pages are accessible by the three types of users

  1. A customer user not logged into the site
  2. A customer user logged into the site
  3. An admin user The navigation buttons update depending on whether a user is logged in or not, and whether that user is the admin:
Nav Link Not logged in Logged in as regular user Logged in as admin
Product Detail
Product Management(Add Product)
Product Management(Edit Product)
Product Management(Delete Product)
My Profile
Order History
Log out
Log in
Checkout success

Existing Features

Feature 1 Navigation Bar and Homepage

Description feature 1

  • The homepage consists of a background image and text, a header/nav bar and footer
  • The header and footer is consistent across all pages
  • The navigation bar is displayed with a logo on all pages with a search box, My account, and shopping bag icons on a desktop device
    Homepage desktop
  • The navigation bar is displayed on all pages with a search box, My account, shopping bag icons on a mobile/tablet device
    Homepage tablet
    Homepage mobile
  • A regular user logged in, I see a "My Profile"/Logout under the My Account dropdown
  • An admin user logged in, I see a Product Management/My Profile/Logout under the My Account dropdown
    Homepage admin desktop
  • On a desktop device there is a number of filters described below: All Products, Candles , Soaps
    Homepage desktop filter price
  • If a user encounters an error, the relevant error page is displayed (400, 403, 404 or 500)

Feature 2 Footer

Description feature 2

  • A footer is displayed at the bottom of the page
  • The footer contains some text, social media icons(that open in a new tab)

Feature 3 Register

Description feature 3

  • A regular user can register for an account.
  • The user must provide a valid email address, email address(confirmation), username, password, password confirmation
  • These 5 fields are mandatory and a user cannot register the same details twice for an account
    Register error
  • A confirmation link is sent to the users email address, they must click on the verification link to verify the account.
    Email content
  • Once that is done they can sign in to the website with their username/email address and password

Feature 4 Login

Description feature 4

  • An admin/regular user can log in to the website using their username or email address and password
  • Both fields are mandatory
  • Once logged in the user will be navigated to the homepage
  • The user must have an account in the system, and they must enter the correct username or email address and password
  • If the user needs to request a password, they can click on the Forgot Password link
    Forgot Password
  • They enter their email address, and they are emailed reset their password. Once they do this they can log in

Feature 5 Products and Product Detail Pages

Description feature 5

  • A user view the products page with product count and with each product image, title, category, price
    Products Desktop
    Products Mobile
  • The user can sort the products by Price(high to low, low to high), Rating(high to low, low to high), Name(A-Z, Z-A), Category(A-Z, Z-A)
  • A product detail page displays all the product information (image, description, colour, code, rating, category, description, features and reviews(the latest first))
    Products Detail

Feature 6 Profile Page

Description feature 6

  • A regular user can update their default delivery information as per the user stories below
  • A user must be logged in to see their profile page
  • This is the information that is displayed when the user is checking out an order
  • A user can view and update their Default delivery information
    Default delivery information
  • The user can also view their past orders and click on an order to view the order details

Feature 7 Product Management

Description feature 7

  • An admin user can add, edit and delete products
  • To add a product the user can click on the Product Management link in My Account
  • They must enter a name, category, price, colour, code, description, has Sizes(Unknown, Yes, No), Rating, Image url, upload an image
    Add Product
  • The product is then added and visible on the products page, and by clicking on the product itself
  • The image is stored in the AWS S3 bucket
  • An admin user can edit a product, by updating the relevant field(s)
    Edit Product
  • An admin user can delete a product, by clicking on the delete link on the product detail page or the delete button on the products page

Feature 8 Bag and Checkout

Description feature 8

  • A user can add items to a bag, if the bag is empty a message is displayed
  • A user can update the quantity or remove an item from their shopping bag
    Bag Empty
    Bag Desktop
    Bag Mobile
  • The user can "checkout" and their details will be displayed.
  • The fields are: (Full Name, email address, both mandatory) and Delivery Information: Phone Number(mandatory), Street Address 1(mandatory), Street Address 2, Town or City(mandatory, County, State or Locality, Postal Code and Country(mandatory)), which is populated from my profile if filled in
    Checkout mobile
  • The user receives a confirmation and also email to their email address supplied
    Order Success
  • The order is available on the user profile page, and they can click on the order itself
    User profile
  • A regular user not logged in, I can add items to the bag and make a purchase

Feature 13 Admin

Description feature 13

  • As per the user stories below there are a number of admin views that have been configured at
  • They give excellent CRUD operations to the data in the Postgres database as well as search and filter options
  • They are as follows:
  • Order
  • Products
  • Users
  • Categories

Features Left to Implement

  • I am content with what was implemented, however, here are some additional "nice to have" features and updates that could be added to the project
Number Update
1 Add reviews by customers and comments
2 A newsletter section
3 Improved searching and filtering on the products page, a side panel filter
4 Integration with a Continuous Integration application, for example: Travis CI or Semaphore CI
5 Improved pagination look/feel on products page
6 The functionality to add and display multiple images per product

Technologies Used


  • HTML (
    • The project uses html to build the relevant pages
  • CSS (
    • The project uses CSS to style the relevant pages
  • Javascript (
    • Javascript was used for all scripting on the site
  • Django (
  • Python v3.9 (
    • Python was used for server side coding on the project, a number of libraries were also used(The requirements.txt file contains this list):
      • asgiref==3.4.1 (Support for Python asynchronous web apps and servers to communicate with each other)
      • boto3==1.18.47 (Python SDK for AWS)
      • botocore==1.21.47 (Python SDK for AWS)
      • dj-database-url==0.5.0 (Support for DATABASE_URL environment variable)
      • Django==3.2.7 (Web framework)
      • django-allauth==0.41.0 (Web framework authentication)
      • django-countries==7.2.1 (ISO 3166 countries list)
      • django-crispy-forms==1.12.0 (Django rendering of forms)
      • django-storages==1.11.1 (Django storage backend for AWS S3)
      • gunicorn==20.1.0 (Python WSGI Http server)
      • jmespath==0.10.0 (Full suite of data driven testcase)
      • oauthlib==3.1.1 (Framework for oauth1 and oauth2)
      • Pillow==8.3.2 (Imaging library)
      • psycopg2-binary==2.9.1 (Postgres adapter)
      • python3-openid==3.2.0 (Support for the OpenID decentralized identity system)
      • pytz==2021.1 (Interface to the IANA database, which uses ASCII name)
      • requests-oauthlib==1.3.0 (Authentication support for Requests)
      • s3transfer==0.5.0 (Python library for managing Amazon S3 transfers)
      • sqlparse==0.4.1 (Non-validating SQL parser for Python)
      • stripe==2.60.0 (SDK for processing payments)

Libraries and other resources


HTML Validation

I used W3C Markup Validation Service to validate the HTML code.

Results here: HTML

CSS Validation

I used W3C CSS Validation Service to validate the CSS code.

Result here: CSS


I used Google Lighthouse to check performance of the website and it passes with scores between 90 and 100 on all pages on all 4 criterias Performance/ Accesibility/ Best Practices/ SEO. However on my maschine, I had a problem with the lighthouse app wich didn't displayed one of the criteria properly. I contacted tutors, they said that from theyr part everything is ok and it's not a problem of coding, and I got this photo from them.

Results here: Lighthouse Tutor

Performed tests on:

  • HP Envy
  • Iphone SE
  • Samsung Galaxy A52
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S6
Tests performed:
  1. Page links and icons redirect the user to the corect place on both desktop and mobile versions.
  2. The pages scrollable in mobile and tablet views.
  3. Nav bar links are able to redirect users to the correct page and there are no broken links.
  4. In the case of an incorrect URL, the user is redirected to a 404 page wich will direct them back to the home page.
  5. The login page works correctly.
  6. The register page works correctly.
  7. All the buttons function correctly.
  • All the devices passed all tests.

Browser compatibility

  • Google Chrome: Website and user stories work as expected.
  • Safari: Website and user stories work as expected.
  • Microsoft Edge: Website and user stories work as expected.
  • Firefox: Website and user stories work as expected.

APIs and configuration

The project also uses a number of API's and configuration, below are the steps to configure the API in your environment

Google emails

To set up the project to send emails and to use a Google account as an SMTP server, the following steps are required

  1. Create an email account at, login, navigate to Settings in your gmail account and then click on Other Google Account Settings
  2. Turn on 2-step verification and follow the steps to enable
  3. Click on app passwords, select Other as the app and give the password a name, for example Django
  4. Click create and a 16 digit password will be generated, note the password down
  5. In the file, create an environment variable called EMAIL_HOST_PASS with the 16 digit password
  6. In the file, create an environment variable called EMAIL_HOST_USER with the email address of the gmail account
  7. Set and confirm the following values in the file to successfully send emails
    EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
    EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
    EMAIL_PORT = 587
    EMAIL_HOST = ''
    EMAIL_HOST_USER = os.environ.get('EMAIL_HOST_USER')
    DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = os.environ.get('EMAIL_HOST_USER')
  8. You will also need to set the variables EMAIL_HOST_PASS and EMAIL_HOST_USER in your production instance, for example Heroku


  1. Register for an account at
  2. Click on the Developers section of your account once logged in
  3. Under Developers, click on the API keys section
  4. Note the values for the publishable and secret keys
  5. In your local environment( and heroku, create environment variables STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY with the publishable and secret key values
    os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY', 'YOUR_VALUE_GOES_HERE')
    os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_SECRET_KEY', 'YOUR_VALUE_GOES_HERE')
  6. Back in the Developers section of your stripe account click on Webhooks
  7. Create a webhook with the url of your website /checkout/wh/, for example:
  8. Select the payment_intent.payment_failed and payment_intent.succeeded as events to send
  9. Note the key created for this webhook
  10. In your local environment( and heroku, create environment variable STRIPE_WH_SECRET with the secret values os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_WH_SECRET', 'YOUR_VALUE_GOES_HERE')
  11. Feel free to test out the webhook and note the success/fail attempts for troubleshooting


There are a number of applications that need to be configured to run this application locally or on a cloud based service, for example Heroku

Amazon WebServices

  1. Create an account at
  2. Open the S3 application and create an S3 bucket named "ci-ms4-rugby-shop"
  3. Uncheck the "Block All Public access setting"
  4. In the Properties section, navigate to the "Static Website Hosting" section and click edit
  5. Enable the setting, and set the index.html and the error.html values
  6. In the Permissions section, click edit on the CORS configuration and set the below configuration
  7. In the permissions section, click edit on the bucket policy and generate and set the below configuration(or similar to your settings)
  8. In the permissions section, click edit on the Access control list(ACL)
  9. Set Read access for the Bucket ACL for Everyone(Public Access)
  10. The bucket is created, the next step is to open the IAM application to set up access
  11. Create a new user group named "ci-ms4-rugby-shop"
  12. Add the "AmazonS3FullAccess" policy permission for the user group
  13. Go to "Policies" and click "Create New Policy"
  14. Click "Import Managed Policy" and select "AmazonS3FullAccess" > Click 'Import'.
  15. In the JSON editor, update the policy "Resource"
  16. Give the policy a name and click "Create Policy"
  17. Add the newly created policy to the user group
  18. Go to Users and create a new user
  19. Add the user to the user group
  20. Select "Programmatic access" for the access type
  21. Note the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID variables, they are used in other parts of this README for local deployment and Heroku setup
  22. The user is now created with the correct user group and policy
  23. Note the AWS code in Note an environment variable called USE_AWS must be set to use these settings, otherwise it will use local storage
  24. These settings set up a cache policy, set the bucket name, and the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY that you set in your aws account
  25. The configuration also requires the media/static folders that must be setup in the AWS S3 bucket to store the media and static files

Local Deployment

To run this project locally, you will need to clone the repository

  1. Login to GitHub (

  2. Select the repository robertdavid1205/ms4-kandl

  3. Click the Code button and copy the HTTPS url, for example:

  4. In your IDE, open a terminal and run the git clone command, for example

    git clone

  5. The repository will now be cloned in your workspace

  6. Create an file(do not commit this file to source control) in the root folder in your project, and add in the following code with the relevant key, value pairs, and ensure you enter the correct key values

    import os
    os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_WH_SECRET", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("EMAIL_HOST_USER", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("EMAIL_HOST_PASS", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("USE_AWS", TO BE ADDED BY USER)
    os.environ.setdefault("DATABASE_URL", TO BE ADDED BY USER)

  7. Some values for the environment variables above are described in different sections of this readme

  8. Install the relevant packages as per the requirements.txt file

  9. In the ensure the connection is set to either the Heroku postgres database or the local sqllite database

  10. Ensure debug is set to true in the file for local development

  11. Add localhost/ to the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable in

  12. Run "python3 showmigrations" to check the status of the migrations

  13. Run "python3 migrate" to migrate the database

  14. Run "python3 createsuperuser" to create a super/admin user

  15. Run "python3 loaddata categories.json" on the categories file in products/fixtures to create the categories

  16. Run "python3 loaddata products.json" on the products file in products/fixtures to create the products

  17. Run "python3 loaddata news.json" on the news file in news/fixtures to create the news items(optional)

  18. Start the application by running python3 runserver

  19. Open the application in a web browser, for example:

Heroku and Postgres Database

To deploy this application to Heroku, run the following steps.

  1. Create an account at
  2. Create an app, give it a name for example ms4-kandl, and select a region
  3. Under resources search for postgres, and add a Postgres database to the app
  4. Note the DATABASE_URL, this can be set as an environment variable in Heroku and your local deployment(
  5. Install the plugins dj-database-url and psycopg2-binary.
  6. Run pip3 freeze > requirements.txt so both are added to the requirements.txt file
  7. Create a Procfile with the text: web: gunicorn rugby_shop.wsgi:application for example
  8. In the ensure the connection is to the Heroku postgres database
  9. Ensure debug is set to false in the file
  10. Add localhost/, and to the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable in
  11. Run "python3 showmigrations" to check the status of the migrations
  12. Run "python3 migrate" to migrate the database
  13. Run "python3 createsuperuser" to create a super/admin user
  14. Run "python3 loaddata categories.json" on the categories file in products/fixtures to create the categories
  15. Run "python3 loaddata products.json" on the products file in products/fixtures to create the products
  16. Install gunicorn and add it to the requirements.tx file using the command pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  17. From the CLI login to Heroku using the command heroku git:remote -a ci-ms4-loverugby
  18. Disable collectstatic in Heroku before any code is pushed using the command heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 -a ci-ms4-loverugby
  19. Push the code to Heroku using the command git push heroku master
  20. Connect the app to GitHub, and enable automatic deploys from main
  21. Click deploy to deploy your application to Heroku for the first time
  22. Click on the link provided to access the application
  23. If you encounter any issues accessing the build logs is a good way to troubleshoot the issue





  • I would like to thank to all the tutors who helped me with the problems I had during the process, and my mentor Mo Shami for his input, help and feedback.

ms4-kandl's People


robertdavid1205 avatar

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