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milestone-project-3-impala's Introduction

Milestone Project 3: Impala


View the live project here.



The purpose of Impala is bringing Runners together and easily keep track of who is running with who, when and where. So what if there was an application that determines your user level and makes it easy to find other runners in a certain area? The idea of Impala was born.

Site Goals

  • Make it easy for runners to find other runners whether or not from the same level;
  • Provide an overview of runs in a certain area;
  • Provide an overview of participants for each run.

User stories:

  • First time Visitor Goals
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to register for Impala;
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to login to Impala;
    • As a first time visitor, I want to fill out my profile and have my level determined;
    • As a first time visitor, I want to get an overview of the scheduled runs in my area on a map on tablet and desktop, and a list overview on mobile;
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to set my attendance for a run;
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to schedule or create a run;
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to make changes or edit a run scheduled by me;
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to remove or delete a run scheduled by me.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to search for runs in a certain area.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to logout.
  • Returning Visitor Goals
    • As a returning visitor, I obviously want the same application experience as a first time visitor;
    • As a returning visitor, I want to be able to edit or remove my profile;
  • Frequent User Goals
    • As a frequent user of this application, I want to same user experience as a returning visitor.


Planned Features:

  • Responsive design;
  • Navigation menu (Site Wide);
  • MongoDB databases to store run and user/profile information;
  • CRUD functionality;
  • Registered user run creation and management.
  • Map to provide an overview of the runs and searchable to all users;
  • Profile page which can be editted;
  • Login functionality;
  • Logout functionality.


User Story:

As a first time visitor, I want to be able to register for Impala.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Landing page of Impala gives the possibility to register.


  • A registration form will be displayed on the registration page.

As a first time visitor, I want to be able to login to Impala.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Landing page or registration page of Impala displays the possibility to easily switch to login page.


  • Login button will be displayed on the landing page in case a user has already registered. Once clicked the user is presented with a login form to entered his registered credentials.

As a first time visitor, I want to fill out my profile and have my level determined.

Acceptance critera:

  • After logging in the first time the user is being redirected to his an edit profile page he needs to fill out once for an optimal application experience.


  • When the user has succesfully registered, he or she will be redirected directly to the edit profile page where he can fill out a form. Required info is the user's first name, last name, age (but this will be derived from his or her date of birth), gender, location he or she finds him/herself and finally his best time on 10 km. Based on his or hers age and best time on 10 km the user will be assigned a running level.

As a first time visitor, I want to get an overview of the scheduled runs in my area on a map on tablet and desktop, and a list overview on mobile.

Acceptance critera:

  • Once the required form is filled out, the user will be redirected to an overview of upcoming runs located in his or her area. On tablet and desktop the runs will be displayed on a map with a list overview in a pane populated with cards on the left side of the screen. The cards will display the date, time, level, planned distance and number of participants. On mobile the overview a list will be displayed with expandable cards to see the details of each run.


  • Leaflet will be used for implementation of the map. To suit the rest of the interface a Mapbox tilelayer theme was used called dark-v10. To render the runs on the map the coordinates of the meeting point adresses where necessary. Google maps module was imported into python to make use of its geocode functionality. The details of the runs will be displayed as a popup on the desktop and tablet version, on mobile the details will show by tapping on the card.

As a first time visitor, I want to be able to set my attendance for a run.

Acceptance critera:

  • A user should be able to set his or hers attendance for a particular run when he has seen all the details.


  • On tablet and desktop views, the popup will display a button where a user can set his or hers attendance to that particular run. The application will check whether the user is already participating or not and based on that outcome the button will display to join or to leave the run. Needless to say based on this action the user will be added or removed from the participantlist.

As a first time visitor, I want to be able to schedule or create a run.

Acceptance critera:

  • As a registered user, it should be straight forward to add a run to the database.


  • In the navigationbar a button will be displayed to add a run. Once clicked, a form will be displayed so the user can fill out the details of the run. Date, time, meetingpoint and planned distance can be written to the database by filling out this form. The application will automatically set the level of the run to the organisers run level. Additionally the user can restrict users with another running level to join the run.

As a first time visitor, I want to be able to make changes or edit a run scheduled by me.

Acceptance critera:

  • It should be straight forward to identify the runs created by the active user and make changes to the ones he or she has created.


  • A font awesome icon will be displayed in the top right corner of each run card. That way it is fairly easy for users to spot which runs are theirs and once clicked they will be once again presented with a form to make changes for that particular run. The application fills in the details of each run automatically by reading the database. Changes can be made to this data and written to the database by clicking the save button

As a first time visitor, I want to be able to remove or delete a run scheduled by me.

Acceptance critera:

  • It should be straight forward to delete runs created by the active user.


  • Apart from making changes in the edit menu, the user is also able to remove the run by clicking the delete button which is also displayed in the bottom of the edit menu. Once clicked the user will have to confirm to delete the run permenantly.

As a first time visitor, I want to be able to search for runs in a certain area.

Acceptance critera:

  • It should be fairly easy to search the database for runs in a particular region or city, in a certain time frame, and based on the planned distance.


  • Next to the upcoming runs title a search button has been displayed, once clicked the application provides the user with a form to fill out his or hers search criteria, by clicking the search button in the bottom of this menu the application will launch a query based on the details that were entered in the form. The result of this query will be displayed in the pane on the left side of the screen and also the map will adjust to the location that was entered by the user.

As a first time visitor, I want to be able to logout.

Acceptance critera:

  • It should be fairly easy for a user to log out.


  • Apart from the add and upcoming runs button in the navigation, there is also a user section, where the user profile can be viewed, but it will also give the user the possibility to log out.


Below the wireframes:

  • Desktop wireframe - View
  • Tablet wireframe - View
  • Mobile wireframe - View

Datebase Design

MongoDB Object format examples:

Collection genders:
_id: ObjectId("6097fa2bc2c2f86442acab77")
gender: "M"

Collection levels:
_id: ObjectId("60672683f9934b0f30267805")
level: "Beginner"

Collection runs:
_id: ObjectId("60b604946c1f8bdd033318a4")
level: "Elite"
formrundate: "2021-06-08"
date: "08-06-2021"
time: "09:00"
hour: "09"
minute: "00"
timestamp: 2021-06-08T09:00:00.000+00:00
location: "Korte Vanruusbroecstraat 6"
city: "Antwerpen"
runcitylat: 51.2194475
runcitylng: 4.4024643
meetingpointlat: 51.2087416
meetingpointlng: 4.4251334
distance: "10 km"
intdistance: 10
levelrestriction: "off"
createdby: "[email protected]"
createdon: "31/05/2021, 12:37:38"
participants: Array
0: Object
      _id: ObjectId("60b5f9d66c1f8bdd0333189e")
      email: "[email protected]"
      firstname: "Nico"
      initials: "NP"
      lastname: "Pauwels"

Collection users:
_id: ObejctId("60b5f9d66c1f8bdd0333189e")
email: "[email protected]"
password: "pbkdf2:sha256:150000$NHbjcXlN$98b5651996d76f6306870057425a17689cf1722b..."
membersince: "31/05/2021"
besttime: "00:40:00"
birthday: "31"
birthmonth: "08"
birthyear: "1987"
dateofbirth: "31/08/1988"
firstname: "Nico"
gender: "M"
hours: "00"
initials: "NP"
lastname: "Pauwels"
location: "Antwerpen"
minutes: "40"
seconds: "00"
userlevel: "Elite"
userlocationlat: 50.8686544
userlocationlng: 5.868221999999999


Database connection details are set up in for development, for security reasons this is not uploaded to GitHub so that database and connectiondetails are not visible to users. In production these are stored in Heroku.


  • Colour scheme

    • I chose to keep Impala quite dark with green accents; some colours used:
      • for backgrounds:
        • #12171E;
        • #293340;
        • #222730;
      • for text and elements that needed contrast:
        • #EAEDF0;
        • #4D5765;
  • Typography

    • The main fonts used are Heebo and Hind Siliguri.


Existing Features

  • User registration
  • User login
  • Overview of runs (map on larger screens, list on mobile)
  • Create a run (with or without levelrestriction)
  • Edit a run
  • Remove a run
  • Participate in a run
  • User profile page
  • Edit profile page

Features left to implement

I believe a lot is possible with this application. I have tried to set up Impala like this so that additional features can be build quite fluently upon this basis.

Some possibilities:

  • Better level determination: for now manual user input is used to determine user levels, the application would definitely benefit from data input from applications that keep track of sporting efforts such as Strava;
  • More restrictions: I have implemented a same user level restriction when a run event is being created but this feature easily can be translated to ie. same gender only restriction;
  • Crew or private Runs: creating user groups to organize crew runs, only members of the crew can view that particular run.
  • Better view on participantslist: For now I have chosen to display the initials of users, but in a future versions profile pictures can be used and the lists become expandable so you can see the name of the users who registered to participate in that particular run.
  • Linkage of runcards and map markers: clicking on a runcard in the left pane resulting in only displaying that particular marker on the map.
  • Underlying data for better location determination.


  • HTML5
    • This project uses HTML as the main language used to complete the structure of the website.
  • CSS3
    • This project uses custom written CSS to style the website.
  • Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap was mainly used for button and dropdown menu functionality.
  • Font Awesome
    • Font Awesome was used to import some icons.
  • Google Fonts
    • Google fonts was used to import some fonts.
  • Javascript
    • A few lines of Javascript were used for the slider used in the forms.
  • jQuery
    • Supports bootstrap functionality
  • Leaflet
    • Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Weighing just about 39 KB of JS, it has all the mapping features most developers ever need.
  • Mapbox
    • Mapbox provides performant and customizable maps that suited the needs of this project.
  • Blender
    • Blender was used to design the markers for the map.
  • Python
    • This projects core was created using Python, the back-end logic and the means to run/view the website.
    • Python modules used (these can be found in requirements.txt project file):
      • certifi==2020.12.5
      • chardet==4.0.0
      • click==7.1.2
      • dnspython==2.1.0
      • Flask==1.1.2
      • Flask-PyMongo==2.3.0
      • googlemaps==4.4.5
      • idna==2.10
      • itsdangerous==1.1.0
      • Jinja2==2.11.3
      • MarkupSafe==1.1.1
      • pymongo==3.11.3
      • requests==2.25.1
      • urllib3==1.26.4
      • Werkzeug==1.0.1
  • MongoDB
    • MongoDB was used to create the document based databases (collections) used as data storage for this project.
  • Heroku
    • Heroku was used to deploy the live website.
  • Git
    • Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and Push to Github.
  • Github
    • GitHub is used to store the projects code after being pushed from Git.
  • Balsamiq
    • Balsamiq was used to create the wireframes during the design process.
  • Google Chrome Developer Tools
    • Google chromes built in developer tools were constantly used throughout the development process to inspect page elements.
  • Visual Studio Code
    • All code was written in Visual Studio Code.


  • W3C Markup Validator:

    All html templates were manually entered in the HTML checker and inspected individually.
    Some errors were caused by the Jinja syntax but besides that no errors or warnings were found.

  • W3C CSS Validator

    No errors were found in the CSS.


    No errors were found in the script.js.

  • PEP8 Validator

    The check resulted in a a few errors.
    All of them said "line too long", as some of them were a bit longer than 79 characters, none of them exceeded the limit with 30 characters.

Testing user stories discussed earlier

  • First time Visitor Goals
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to register for Impala;
      • When a user lands on the Impala root he is presented with a form to register consisting out of a field for his or hers e-mail address, and two fields to choose a password. The second is used to check whether the chosen passwords match.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to login to Impala;
      • If a user already has an account, he or she can easily swich from the register page to the login page with a button displayed on top of the screen or a text link below the form. Once on the login page the user can insert his credentials and login.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to fill out my profile and have my level determined;
      • If a user registers, he or she is redirected to the edit profile page with a notification request to fill out his or her profile. The application determines the users running level based on his or her age (derived from date of birth) and best time on 10 km.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to get an overview of the scheduled runs in my area on a map on tablet and desktop, and a list overview on mobile;
      • Once the profile has been filled out, the user is redirected to the main overview. Also on desktop and tablet a message is displayed to inform the user that his profile was succesfully updated.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to set my attendance for a run;
      • Details of a run can be checked by clicking the markers on the map, depending on whether a user is already participating or not, the popup displays a button to join or leave the run. When clicked the user is notified with a message to inform him or her on his attendance.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to schedule or create a run;
      • In the navigationbar the add run button is displayed. Once clicked a form will popup asking the user to fill in the details of the run he or she wants to schedule. The user is requested to fill out the date, time, meetingpoint, planned distance and a checkbox for the levelrestriction functionality. On the bottom of the form two buttons are displayed namely a button to add the run which creates the run in the database and a button to cancel which redirects the user to the main overview without writing any data to the database. When a user decides to save the run he or she will be notified with a notification that the run was added succesfully.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to make changes or edit a run scheduled by me;
      • Runs created by the active user are easily to spot cause of the font awesome icon in the top right corner of the runcard. When clicked the user will once again be presented with a form similar to the add run form. The application reads the data of the corresponding run and fills out the form automatically, changes can be made to the run in this form. On the bottom of the form, 3 buttons are displayed: one to save the changes, one to delete the run and one to cancel all changes. When a user decides to save the changes, he or she will be notified with a message that the run was succesfully edited. If he or she decides to cancel all changes are lost, nothing will be adjusted in the database and the user will be redirected once again to the main overview.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to remove or delete a run scheduled by me.
      • Already mentioned above, I have chosen to treat deletion as an extent of the edit functionality. In the edit form a button delete run can be found. Once clicked the user will have to confirm whether to permanently delete the run from the database or not. When he or she confirm the run will be permanently removed from the database and the user is notified with a message confirming this.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to search for runs in a certain area.
      • Next to the upcoming runs title in the pane of the left, a search button is implemented. Once clicked, the user will be once again displayed with a form to insert his or hers search criteria. Users can search based on location, give up a date range and set limits to the planned distance of the search results. On the bottom of the search form, once again two buttons are displayed, one to actually search based on the criteria and one to cancel the search. When a user chooses to search based on the criteria, the application will return the result of the search: only runs matching the provided criteria will be displayed in the upcoming run section and the map automatically relocates to the location the users search criteria.
    • As a first time visitor, I want to be able to logout.
      • In the navigation bar, a user icon is displayed. When clicked, the user is presented with a dropdown menu consisting out of two list elements: my profile, to visit his or her profile page and log out. Clicking the latter will logout the active user and the user will be redirected to the login page.
  • Returning Visitor Goals
    • As a returning visitor, I obviously want the same application experience as a first time visitor;
    • As a returning visitor, I want to be able to edit or remove my profile;
      • As mentioned above, a user section can be found by clicking the usericon in the navigation bar. If my profile is clicked, the user will be redirected to the profile page. From there on out he has the option to edit or remove his profile.

Further Testing

  • The website was tested on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers.
  • The website was viewed on a variety of devices such as desktops, laptops, iPhone 8 and some android devices.
  • The website was viewed in google chrome dev tools to check overall responsiveness.
  • Friends and family members were asked to review the game to point out any bugs and/or user experience issues.

Deployment to Heroku

Create application:

  1. Navigate to and login.
  2. Click on the new button.
  3. Select create new app.
  4. Enter the app name.
  5. Select region.

Set up connection to Github Repository:

  1. Click the deploy tab and select GitHub - Connect to GitHub.
  2. A prompt to find a github repository to connect to will then be displayed.
  3. Enter the repository name for the project and click search.
  4. Once the repo has been found, click the connect button.

Set environment variables:

Click the settings tab and then click the Reveal Config Vars button and add the following:

  1. key: IP, value:
  2. key: PORT, value: 5000
  3. key: MONGO_DBNAME, value: (database name you want to connect to)
  4. key: MONGO_URI, value: (mongo uri - This can be found in MongoDB by going to clusters > connect > connect to your application and substituting the password and dbname that you set up in the link).
  5. key: SECRET_KEY, value: (This is a custom secret key set up for configuration to keep client-side sessions secure).

Enable automatic deployment:

  1. Click the Deploy tab
  2. In the Automatic deploys section, choose the branch you want to deploy from then click Enable Automation Deploys.



Sources and documentation used

  • Various issues were solved based on answers on Stackoverflow and W3Schools
  • MongoDB documentation was constantly used throughout the project.
  • Flask documentation was constantly used throughout the project.
  • Python documentation was constantly used throughout the project.


  • Antonio Rodriguez, my mentor for the continuous support and helpful feedback;
  • Kevin Loughrey, Code Institute tutor, for showing me the way on how to properly work with chronotimes;
  • John Traas, Code Institute tutor, for the continuous support and helpful feedback;
  • Sean Murphy, Code Institute tutor , for the continuous support an helpful feedback;
  • Daisy McGirr, Code Institue mentor, for the continous support and helpful feedback.

milestone-project-3-impala's People


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