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mars-colony-one's Introduction

Mars Colony One

Site Overview

This site is a demonstration of my front-end design skills in HTML and CSS.

The site is designed for a fictional company called StarSeed industries, who are a market leader in space exploration. The company is starting recruitment for civilian colonists to be part of StarSeeds Mars colony "Mars Colony One". The objective of the site is to capture the attention of possible colonists, provide details about the mission, and collect contact information from visitors that wish to apply. ​ Intro Page Main Page

Table of contents:

  1. Site Overview
  2. Planning stage
  3. Site-Wide Features
  4. Individual Page Content features
  5. Testing Phase
  6. Deployment
  7. Technology
  8. Future-Enhancements
  9. Credits

Planning Stage

Planning Overview:

I gave a lot of thought to producing a site that was an example of something a large company/corp would produce.

  • Sleek promotion of their project/mission
  • Captivate the user and sell the dream of living on Mars
  • Bold minimalist design
  • Highly responsive from ultra-wide desktops down to mobile phones

Target Audiences:

  • Users interested in space travel
  • Users interested in new work opportunities
  • Users interested in a new life challenge
  • Users not sure what to do with their life (adolescents)
  • Users previously involved in work within challenging environments
  • Users formally involved in space industry

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to quickly understand the purpose of the site and its core message
  • As a user, I want to navigate through content easily
  • As a user, I want to learn more about what opportunities there are for me on Mars
  • As a user, I want to learn about the technology the company uses
  • As a user, I want to easily submit my details so I can be contacted
  • As a user, I want to easily view the site with whatever device and browser I am using

Site Aims:

  • Core aim is to generate as much interest as possible in the mission and for users to provide their contact details for recruitment followup
  • To help the user understand the mission to colonize mars
  • To provide key details about what they can do on mars
  • To provide key details about the living conditions
  • To get contact information from the user for future recruitment


Wireframes were built in Balsamiq as a foundation and there has been an organic evolution of the design during construction of the site and testing across the different devices I had available.

Original wireframes in PDF here

Color Scheme:

My aims for the color scheme​.

  • High contrast
  • Complimentary colors
  • Dark/space/planet theme

I leveraged during the process.

I took inspiration for the core color from Mars itself and built out from that. I used a colour picker on the image of mars to pull out the hex of a color I like to start with.

Core Mars Color

In contrast to the rich orange of mars I have used pure black to match with the void of space.

Space Black Color

I've also used a light blue which I see as introducing a link to planets atmospheres and a connection to life, water, and hope. I feel the use brings balance to the overall feel of the site. Used in a graduated form across the header to keep that atmospheric theme across all pages.

Dark Blue Color

Used sparingly and with opacity, I have a plum colour. This was to add a little variation where it felt right.

Plum Color

Finally the core font color is pure white. This is not only for contract but also represents the pure white light of the sun.

White Color


​ I was aiming for a sci-fi look and feel without going overboard and alianting users.

After much searching I chose

I feel it strikes the right balance between readability and a modern futuristic look.

It's used with a bold weight of 800, which is unusual but it was a conscious design choice to have a chunky industry look across the entire site.

Sans-serif is used as a fallback.

Site-Wide Features

Site Logo

MCO Logo

  • The page logo embraces a simple sci-fi esthetic.
  • Using Exo 2 font to look modern/futurist while still highly readable.
  • The white text has a black drop shadow to add some depth.
  • Globe Icon is used in place of the 'O' in One
  • Simple 3d rotate on globe to be memorable but not annoyingly frequent
  • Size scales down for lower res screens

Navigation Bar

Across both mobile and desktop the header has at graduation from blue to transparent. This is to signify the transition from the surface of a planet to the atmosphere and allow a blend from the header into the body.


The desktop navigation is done via simple hyperlinks across the top right of the page.

  • Exo 2 Font
  • Font size increase for higher width screens
  • Small drop shadow to add depth
  • Double dash indicates active page

Navigation bar

When a user mouses over the links they change orange and have a white glow

Navigation bar2


On lower resolution screens the menu is hidden and replaced with a "burger" menu. I had played with other types of icons but felt they led to a confusing experience for the user.

Navigation mobile

Once clicked there is dropdown list

Navigation expand

Page Background

At first I used pure black as the background for all pages but it didn't have the right feel/depth

I tried different solid colors and images but they were either too flat or far too busy for my esthetic.

Finally I created a small image and and added random pixels, this image is repeated across x/y for a starfield background.

Star Maps


The absence of a footer is a deliberate design choice as I felt this type of site would not benefit from one.

I did plan one in my wireframes but it didn't feel right so I took it out.

Navigation Flow

The journey for the user should be a linear trip through each page on the site bar the FAQ.

The text within the page has links that lead the user towards the next page in the flow towards the sign-up.

An example from the mars page.

nav flow example

Individual Page Content features

Intro Page Content

I used index.html as an intro page to capture the users attention and generate a "wow" factor about Mars

  • Animations fade in and out thought provoking text
  • Animation simulate approaching Mars from afar
  • Core site logo is introduced on a grand scale
  • Link to skip to mission page for return visitors

Desktop @1080p Example

MCO intro page

Mobile Example

MCO intro page mobile

Mission Page Content

The mission page gets right to the point and explains to the user what this site is about and how they can play a part

  • Animations bring content in from off screen left/right
  • Colonist image was edited with circular transparency to allow a drop shadow filter. This is the blend the imagery of plant mars and its outer halo with the concept of exploration,
  • The StarSeed logo relates to the company that is running this mission and brings the credibility of a well known brand. Again circular framing of the logo continues the theme
  • The founder Stranto Marlini is a household name so his image and quote bring further credibility to the importance of the mission
  • The founders image is also cut circular to allow a transparent background, a drop shadow filter is applied to the image to give it more impact.
  • At lower mobile resolutions the layout is changed and font sizes are reduced

Desktop @1080p Example

Main mission page desktop

Mobile Example

Main mission page mobile

Mars Page Content

  • This page centers around the key activities that will take place
  • Design is anchored to the mars image with 4 quadrants
  • Short and pithy content that takes seconds to digest
  • Icons are used to compliment the areas of focus
  • Animations are limited to the full page fade in
  • Reduced sizing keeps the layout with tweaks to font sizing

Desktop @1080p Example

Mars page desktop

Mobile Example

Mars page mobile

Ship Page Content

  • This page describes both vessels that will be used and their incredible technology
  • Stock image of rocket was edited with MCO icons added
  • Jagger I image was created in
  • Mobile/tablet resolutions change to a different layout and sizing

Desktop @1080p Example

ship page desktop

Mobile Example

ship page desktop

Trip Page Content

  • The trip page gives high level details on the journey
  • Gives users confidence in how easy it would be to go
  • Earth and Mars images play a crucial visual role
  • Animation of the trip is done with a scanner blip showing moving from Earth to Mars
  • Mobile/tablet resolutions change to a different layout and sizing

Desktop @1080p Example

trip page desktop

Mobile Example

trip page mobile

FAQ Page Content

  • The FAQ page is not part of the core navigation flow
  • Its a demonstration and its content is a nod at dark sci-fi humor
  • Q&A are positioned over an image of somebody on Mars
  • Mobile/tablet resolutions have changes to sizing and image position

Desktop @1080p Example

faq page desktop

Mobile Example

faq page mobile

Sign-up Page Content

  • This is the page where users can submit their contact details for future followup.
  • Simple form layout with styles tweaked to match the rest of the site.
  • Stock suit image edited with MCO icon to be really aspirational.
  • Entices users to submit and be the next person with their name on a suit.

Desktop @1080p Example

Sign-up page desktop

Mobile Example

Sign-up page desktop

Testing Phase

Testing was performed throughout development of the site and led to a design evolution as I gained deeper understanding of what was possible and how it looked. Chrome was the main environment I worked in along with its Devtools.

I was somewhat obsessive about making the page scale from ultra-wide screens right down to mobiles.

Thankfully with a relatively simple website such as this the testing isn't too complex and boils down to things looking like they should and links working. The biggest issue is cross browser compatibility and responsiveness.

I am learning more about testing and how to implement a structured test approach for future projects to be far more specific in my test plans.

All tests were performed across Chrome(Windows), Firefox(Windows), Edge(windows), Safari(IpadOS), Chrome(Android) and Samsung Internet(Android) Hardware included a Windows 10 PC, Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, and an Apple Ipad Pro.

Test Type Chrome(Windows) Firefox(Windows) Edge(windows) Safari(IpadOS) Chrome(Android) Samsung Internet(Android)
Text Displays Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Text Correct Size Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Images Display Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Images Maintain Aspect Ratio Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Links Work Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Responsive Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Animations Work Pass Pass Pass P Fail Pass P Fail
Form Works Pass Pass EPass Pass Pass Pass

The 2 partial fails are covered in the defects section


HTML Validator

To save screen space I've summarized the results

File Result Comments
index.html Pass N\A
main.html 1 Error Div inside Label
mars.html 1 Error Div inside Label
ship.html 1 Error Div inside Label
trip.html 1 Error Div inside Label
faq.html 1 Error Div inside Label
sign-up.html 1 Error Div inside Label

The only error I had was due to using a div within a label. This was part of the code I built from an example. I had done extensive site testing before using the validator, my attempts at correcting error resulted in layout errors, so I have left it. Running validators will be 1st stage testing for all my sites in the future

CSS Validator

File Result Comments
intro.css 1 Warning Warning about color & background being set the same but this was intentional and part of fading in text
style-main.css Pass N\A
style-mars.css Pass N\A
style-ship.css Pass N\A
style-trip.css 1 Error Property scale doesn't exist
style-faq.css Text N\A
style-sign-up.css Text N\A

The error in style-trip.css had me scratching my head. It was part of the page animation and I could see it working as intended (except in 1 browser). I did some research and found that quite often the validators are behind and are not aware of newer properties. Detail on the property can be found here

Lighthouse Results

The call-out on lighthouse results is I got hit for image cache policy and also for contrast on the form, but I have hover/active styles that change the input boxes when user is typing so black on white should be full contrast


Lighthouse desktop 1 result Lighthouse desktop 2 result Lighthouse desktop 3 result Lighthouse desktop 4 result Lighthouse desktop 5 result Lighthouse desktop 6 result Lighthouse desktop 7 result


Lighthouse mobile 1 result Lighthouse mobile 2 result Lighthouse mobile 3 result Lighthouse mobile 4 result Lighthouse mobile 5 result Lighthouse mobile 6 result Lighthouse mobile 7 result


Being a basic HTML/CSS site there were not many true bugs/defects from my testing phase. I chalked most of my issues down to the learning process during development so didn't document them all.


All issues I encountered during development were resolved



  • Odd animation glitch is seen in the top left of any page when it loads
  • Clears up in a second and has no further impact to user experience
  • No other browsers have this issue, it wasn't happening in Safari at first, not sure of the cause but I'll keep investigating


Samsung Internet


I deployed the page on GitHub pages via the following the standard procedure: - ​

  1. From the project's repository, go to the Settings tab.
  2. From the left-hand menu, select the Pages tab.
  3. Under the Source section, select the Main branch from the drop-down menu and click Save.
  4. A message will be displayed to indicate a successful deployment to GitHub pages and provide the live link. ​ You can find the live site via the following URL - live webpage

Deployment to another host is also possible

  1. From the project's repository, click Code.
  2. Under the local tab click Download Zip.
  3. Extract the files and copy them over to a webserver of your choice.


​ These are the technologies used for this project.

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript (Only for fontawesome)
  • Powerpoint (Initial Logo Creation)
  • Balsamiq for wireframes
  • (Image editing/sizing/compression)
  • Github for version control and deployment
  • Gitpod for development
  • FontAwesome for Icons


I know there is always room for improvement and there are a number of things I would enhance. I was very much learning as I built and avoided copying code from examples (one exception noted in credits) so this did result in a lot of trial and error and superfluous css code.

User Enhancements

  • It woulds be great to implement full user account creation so users can see if/when they will be contacted.
  • Expanded user data collection to get more details on the applicant so that and automated review process can be implemented as a first pass screening
  • A fully interactive 3d version fo the colony ship 'Jaggar I' would be a great addition to the site. I had started some basic work in Blender on a model but the complexities of that and the javascript to display it left it beyond the scope for this initial project.

Internal Enhancements

  • I would do major code refactoring to make it as 'DRY' as possible. This would improve the ability for other developers to maintain it and also reduce bandwidth due to decreased file sizes. I appreciate that my knowledge evolved greatly during the first project and I will focus on structure and optimization right from the start going forward.
  • Load smaller more compressed images at lower resolutions. This is another area I appreciate more now, in a heavily used production site every KB counts and not only means users see the content faster but also that costly bandwidth usage minimized


Honorable mentions

​ Thanks to my mentor Richard who provided valuable input and direction! I look forward to melting his mind during the next projects.

Thanks to my partner Emma who is always so supportive! (she is still laughing at anyone naming something GIT, yes I did show her the GitHub site, it didn't help that the comedian Phil Wang has done a promo for them!) ​


​ I used code from example 1 This was used as a starting point for the advanced animations but I made extensive changes to make the menu fit my sites style.


​ Outside of the below, media was self produced.

I used a number of images from and

Source Image Detail URL
NASA Concept art for person on mars
NASA Mars Photo
NASA Rocket Lift Off
Unsplash Space Suit
Unsplash Headshot
Unsplash Person on sand
Unsplash Planet Earth

mars-colony-one's People


will-griffiths-ireland avatar

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