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knits-and-pieces's Introduction

Knits and Pieces

Mock up

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UX Design


Agile Planning

User stories (Issues) with acceptance criteria and tasks are each linked to an Epic (Milestone) and placed in an Iteration kanban board (Projects 1, 2 and 3). No dates have been included due to the tight timeline and the Christmas holiday in the middle of the project development. Each user story in the kanban board is labelled with a "must-have", "should-have", "could-have" or "won't have" label of different colours to show their prioritisation for the project. See the table of User Stories here.

Project Goal

The goal of the project is to create an online store for this developer's handmade items; primarily crocheted throws and blankets, knitted hats and cotton facemasks. This is a real-world application to create a store for this developer's products which have been custom-made and sold on a word-of-mouth basis over ten years. These customers have encouraged online sale of their purchases so this website is answering to that demand.

Target audience

  • People who like colourful, handmade, good quality items.
  • People who like knitted and crocheted items.
  • People who want to order custom made throws and blankets in colours of their choosing.
  • People looking for unique gifts in their choice of colours

Business Goals

  • To create a professional online store
  • To provide an easy and secure means to purchase items.
  • To increase the customer base of the existing business
  • To create a brand for the store and increase brand awareness

Customer Goals

  • To view the products available
  • To buy colourful, handmade items
  • To navigate easily through the website
  • To be able to pay securely for items
  • To be confident that the site is genuine and trustworthy

User Stories

Using the Agile approach Epics (Github Milestones) were created and broken down into User Stories (Github Issues). User Stories were fleshed out with Acceptance Criteria and Tasks assigned to each. Acceptance criteria were used in measuring testing outcomes (see ). Due to the time constraints and knowledge level of this developer it was not possible in every case to decide the tasks in advance of carrying out the work although this would be the ideal in a workplace environment. In some case these were completed during the development process.

User Stories were sorted into four priority levels with 1 as top priority and 4 as least prioritised. User Stories with Priority 1 were allocated a label of 'must-have', 2 as 'should-have', 3 as 'could-have'. These User Stories were divided into three Iterations (Github Projects). For the purposes of this project a timeframe was not assigned although in a real world environment it would be. Those User Stories allocated Priority 4 which would be 'won't have' were not placed in the kanban board but are included in Future Features. User stories in the kanban board which were not to be implemented are marked "F" for Future Feature in the table below. Several stories marked as 'could-have' were not completed due to time constraints (#5, #7, #29, #30) but remain in the Project board.

User Story ID As A/An I want to be able to So that I can # Priority Iteration
EPIC Enable users to view and navigate the site
1 Viewing and Navigation
1.1 Shopper View a list of products Select some to purchase #1 1 1
1.2 Shopper View individual products with all relevant details See the price, description, material, product image and size #2 1 1
1.3 Shopper Easily identify special information about products eg discounts Take advantage of special information on products I'd like to purchase #3 3 1
1.4 Shopper Easily view the total of my purchases at any time Keep track of how much I am spending #4 2 2
1.5 Shopper Easily view the number of purchases in my basket at any time Know how many items I have already added to my basket #5 3 2
1.6 Shopper View more information about the store Increase my confidence that the store is genuine, trustworthy and reliable to purchase from #6 1 2
1.7 Shopper View reviews of a product decide whether the product is good enough to purchase #7 3 2
1.8 Shopper View store's social media pages View the site content in different places that I use #8 1 1
1.9 Shopper View the average rating of a product See how good the quality of the product and service is 3 2
1.1O Shopper View a list of FAQs Easily find the answer to common questions 4 F
1.11 Shopper View Blog posts Read interesting articles related to the products and the website 4 F
1.12 Registered Shopper Save my liked products to a wishlist in my profile Decide which of my liked products I will buy 4 F
EPIC Enable users to create and manage their account
2 Registration and User Accounts
2.1 Shopper Easily register for an account Have a personal account and be able to view my profile #9 1 1
2.2 Registered Shopper Easily login and logout Access my personal account information #10 1 1
2.3 Registered Shopper Easily recover my password if I forget it Recover access to my account #11 1 1
2.4 Registered Shopper Receive an email confirmation after registering Verify my account information/ registration was successful #12 1 1
2.5 Registered Shopper Have a personalised user profile View my personal order history and order confirmations and save my payment information #13 1 3
2.6 Shopper Social media registration Streamline registration for multiple accounts 3 F
EPIC Enable users to sort and search for products
3 Sorting and Searching
3.1 Shopper Sort the list of available products Easily identify the best rated, best priced and items sorted by category #14 1 2
3.2 Shopper Sort a specific category of items Find the best priced, best rated product in a specific category or sort the products in that category by name #15 1 2
3.3 Shopper Sort multiple categories of products simultaneously Find the best priced, best rated products across broad categories #16 1 2
3.4 Shopper Search for a product by name or description Find a specific product to purchase #17 1 2
3.5 Shopper Easily see what I have searched for and the number of results Quickly see how many products are available #18 2 2
EPIC Enable users to select and purchase products securely
4 Purchasing and Checkout
4.1 Shopper Easily select the quantity of a product when purchasing it Check that I am ordering the correct quantity that I intended #19 1 1
4.2 Shopper View items in my basket to be purchased See the total cost of my items and all the items I will receive #20 1 3
4.3 Shopper Adjust the quantity of individual items in my basket Easily make changes to my purchase before checkout #21 1 3
4.4 Shopper Easily enter my payment information Checkout quickly and easily #22 1 3
4.5 Shopper Feel that my personal and payment information is safe and secure Be confident in providing the necessary information to make a purchase #23 1 3
4.6 Shopper View an order confirmation after checkout Verify that the order is correct and as intended #24 1 2
4.7 Shopper Receive an email confirmation after checking out Have a record of my purchases #25 1 2
EPIC Set up adminstration to manage the site users and content
5 Admin and Store Management
5.1 Store Owner Add a product Add new items to my store #26 1 3
5.2 Store Owner Edit/Update a product Change product prices, descriptions, images and product criteria #27 1 3
5.3 Store Owner Delete a product Remove items that are no longer for sale #28 1 3
5.4 Store Owner Add a blog post Share articles related to my products to broaden interest in my site 4 F
5.5 Store Owner Edit/Update a blog post Control the blog content 4 F
5.6 Store Owner Delete a blog post/comment Remove content that is not appropraite 4 F
5.7 Store Owner Approve comments on blog posts Control the site content 4 F
EPIC Enable users to interact with the online store
6 User Interaction
1.8 Shopper Like a product Pick out and view the products that I like #29 3 3
6.1 Registered Shopper Review a product that I have bought So that I can share my opinion of my purchase on the website #30 3 3
6.2 Shopper Request a quote for a custom order Purchase an item that meets my needs #31 3 3
6.3 Shopper Easily contact the store owner with any queries about the products Find the answer to my questions #32 2 3
6.4 Shopper Feedback from the website when I perform an interaction confirm an interaction has taken place and if an error has occurred #33 1 1
Other Future Features
7.1 Shopper View the blog posts Find out more information about the products, the website and related topics 4 F
7.2 Shopper Comment on a blog post Interact with the site content 4 F
7.3 Registered Shopper Update/Delete my blog comments Control my own contribution to the site 4 F
7.4 Registered Shopper Update/Delete my reviews Control my own contribution to the site 3 3
4.8 Shopper Cancel orders that have not been shipped Change my mind about a purchase 4 F
5.8 Store Owner Keep account of current stock numbers and link to available stock for sale Only sell products which I can supply

SEO and Web Marketing

  • SEO

Research on short and long-tail keywords was conducted via google searches to find the search words and phrases that most related to a site like Knits and Pieces. "Handmade" was found to be particularly useful to a good search result when incorporated with the product categories ("hats", "throws", "facemasks") and craft type ("knitted", "crocheted"). Keywords were incorporated into the meta tags and headings where appropriate while not overloading the site content and maintaining the usefulness of the site.

  • Web Marketing

Paid web advertising is not currently within the scope of this project. However a newsletter link has been added to the website as an easy way for a small business such as Knits and Pieces to reach customers and keep them up to date with new products, special offers and to keep the ecommerce store fresh.

  • Facebook Business Page

A Facebook business page was set up for the purposes of this project. This is another method for a small business to reach new customers and retain existing customers. The site is viewable whether or not a user has an account with Facebook. Since the business is not currently live this site may have been taken down. Screenshots are provided in case the link is no longer valid. Link to Facebook business page

View of Facebook business page to site owner with Facebook account:

Facebook Business Page Owner's View

View of Facebook Business page to prospective customer without Facebook account:

Facebook Business Page Customer's view

  • In future a feature such a craft blog would be a useful addition to this type of website which would increase the site's usefulness to customers with links to videos on interesting stitches and patterns. This would evoke a positive emotional response in customers and in turn build trust and loyalty to the business. It would also provide a means to keep the site up to date, relevant and fresh in customers' minds.

  • Privacy Policy

A privacy policy is a legal requirement because of GDPR legislation. This also benefits the website as it looks professional and more importantly inspires trust in the website user. A link to the privacy policy page is included in the footer.



  • Requirements

The approach taken was to create a minimum viable product to create a functioning ecommerce store with the ability to view and purchase a product via a seamless payment facility (in this case Stripe).

The User Stories were prioritised as described above and shown in the table with functional requirements prioritised as 1

  • Constraints

The time frame for this project was extremely short and broken up with Christmas holidays. In addition, the time to learn and become familiar with the languages and tools necessary to have a good understanding of the development process was short. As a result there are many improvements to be made in the future but a basic and functioning ecommerce store has been created which fulfils the requirements.


The website consists of fourteen main pages:

  • A Home page welcoming the user to the site
  • An About page with more information about the business
  • An Order page where the user can custom order a product from specified options
  • The main Shop page which shows all products
  • The Product detail page which has the detailed information of the selected product
  • A Contact page where the user can send a message to the Knits and Pieces business
  • A Profile page where the logged in user can view their delivery details and order history
  • The Accounts pages for Login/Logout and Register forms
  • The Add and Edit Product pages where the business administrator can add and edit products to the store
  • A Basket page where products selected for purchase can be stored and viewed
  • A Checkout Page where delivery and payment information is entered


For this project the PostgreSql database was used from the outset. Since fixtures were not being used and the number of products was relatively small this meant the products could be added to the deployed database from the beginning and so saving some time.


There are eight models in this project (excluding those which are automatically created by Django). Four custom models have been specifically designed and implemented for the purposes of this ecommerce store: Product, Tag, ContactForm and CustomOrder

  • Products App Models

In the Products app there are three models: Product, Category and Tag. The Product model is specifically designed for this project with customised fields specific to handmade products. The tag model was developed to display special information relating to several products but not all. The Product model links to the Category and Tag model by a Foreign Key. The product model initially had two more image fields (highlighted in the model screenshot) as the intention was for a more detailed product template showing the product in different situations. However due to the time involved in creating and sizing professional photos the model was scaled back for this initial version of the ecommerce store and the fields were then removed. Also a likes field (highlighted was included initially to add to a function where the user would like a product and add to a wishlist. Again due to time constraints this was removed as a feature for this version of the store.

Product Model

Category Model

Tag Model

  • Checkout App

In the Checkout app there are two models. The Order and OrderLineItem contain the information for the user to create a purchase order. The Order model links to the user profile model in the Profiles App by a foreign key. The OrderLineItem model refers to each specific product in the order and links to the Order and Products models by a foreign key.

Order Model

OrderLineItem Model

  • Profiles App

In the Profiles app there is a UserProfile model which uses the Django default User model.

User Profile Model

  • Contact App

In the Contact App there is a custom Contact model for the customer to send a message to the Knits and Pieces store.

Contact Model

  • Custom App

The Custom App has a specifically customised CustomOrder model for a customer to request a quote to have a particular product (Blanket) made to order in a choice of colours, sizes and patterns. It was originally intended to link this to the Product model but in as this was being added later in development it was not possible as some of the fields should have been separate models from the beginning and linked via foreign keys. Due to time constraints and lack of expertise in the planning stage this was not foreseen and could not have been undertaken in the later stages of the project.

Custom Order Model



  • The wireframes can be seen here


Overall Design Choice

  • The emphasis is to look professional and modern and to showcase the high quality artisan goods for sale. Research on websites selling similar handmade goods often have either a very traditional and amateur look or a very cluttered look. The more upmarket sites have a clean, elegant look with a plain background to highlight the colorful products. Minimal colours are used in keeping with this clean and fresh look and make the site attractive to draw user's eye. For this project minimal colours were used to highlight the colourful products against a plain background. Image backgrounds were removed to focus on the products and to look professionally created.


Colours for the site were chosen by colour picking a main colour from a product image (maroon throw) using Coolors. The main colour selected was crimson and shades of grey chosen to contrast with beige for the footer. However during development contrast issues arose so the shades of colours used were adjusted to fix the issues without changing colours completely. The main colour was also used to design the logo and the favicon.

Main colours

Buttons were red and grey to match the overall colour scheme. On hover the buttons darken a shade.

Red and Grey buttons

Green was used to highlight edit or update buttons with red for remove/delete

Red and Green buttons

  • The palettes were created using Coolors

  • The crimson colour was used for the main titles on pages.

  • Charcoal was used for the main font colour as it is less harsh on a white background than black - #3a3a3a


  • Cinzel was used for Titles and special text where the intention was to highlight the Knits and Pieces brand. This font is fancy, elegant and commanding. It looks clean and contemporary although classical in design.

  • Roboto was used for the body font as it has a clean, simple and slightly curvy look which is pleasant to read.


  • The images used for the website were all taken and edited by this developer as the products used are all the developer's own. The approach was to create transparent backgrounds to highlight the products and their colours in isolation and against a plain white background. This was a learning experience and proved more time-consuming than anticipated. As a result some images could still be improved given more time but are satisfactory for the purposes of this project. Paint 3D was used to remove the backgrounds, crop and resize the images. Removebg was also used where the size reduction did not compromise the quality.


Existing Features

Features on All Pages:


  • Logo: the logo is a ball of wool in the crimson brand colour, chosen to be instantly recognisable to site users. The logo links to the home page and is positioned on the left as this is where the user expects it to be.

  • Page Links: On large screens the main page links are on the left: Home, Shop, About and Order pages. On medium screens and smaller the main page links are compressed into a burger menu icon on the right which opens into a dropdown menu on the left.

  • The Shop page link features a dropdown menu. Users can choose to view all products or to sort or filter products by price, name or category. Categories which can be chosen from the menu are grouped together into broad categories that a customer would choose to see together: throws and blankets, hats and gloves, cushion covers and facemasks. When a category is selected the specific category badges appear above the products listing to enable the customer to further sort by category.

  • Search Box - On large screens a search box appears to the right of the top menu. Users can enter a single word to search within the title or description of a product. Users can click enter or the magnifying glass icon to enter the search. The products list is then filtered by the search term and resulting products are displayed with the number of results displayed above. If no products are found '0 products found' is displayed. On smaller screens the search box is contained in the burger dropdown menu.

  • Profile Icon: On large screens the profile icon is to the right of the search box. This contains a dropdown menu which opens when clicked. For a user who is not logged in the options in the dropdown are links to the Register page and the Login page. For a user who is logged in the dropdown options are Add a Product, My Profile and Logout. On smaller screens the profile icon appears centrally to the right of the shopping basket. The User profile page can only be accessed by the currently logged in user.

  • Shopping Basket: On large screens the shopping basket appears on the top right of the menu. The basket is coloured red in keeping with the brand colur and to make it stand out in the menu. When clicked the icon opens up the current basket page. Beside the basket is an indicator of the total cost of the items currently in the basket, also coloured red to match the basket. On smaller screens the basket icon is positioned centrally to the left of the profile icon.

  • When the navigation page menu links are hovered over their colours are inverted to grey background and white font colour.

  • The Header with the navbar sticks to the top of the screen as the user scolls on larger screens but not on smaller screens where space is less so the header does not obstruct the user's view.

  • A banner is at the top of each page under the navbar, coloured in the crimson brand colour to draw attention to special information - the free delivery threshold and an embedded link to special offers/special items tagged items


  • The footer is divided into three sections: Shop links to the shop products by category or tag, Quick Links to the main shop pages and a contact page, and a section with the social media icon links, a contact icon and a newsletter subscribe link.

  • When the user clicks on the Contact page link or the envelope icon the Contact page form opens. The two links to the contact page are only found in the footer as this is where the user expects to find them.

  • The social media links include a direct link to FB business page while the other social media links do not currently link directly to business pagea as the business is not currently live.

  • At the bottom is copyright information and a link to the developer's GitHub page.

  • On medium and large screens the shop links are on the left, quick links on the right and social media, newsletter, copyright in the middle section. On smaller screens the Shop links are at the top, followed by newsletter and social media, then Quick Links and copyright at the bottom.

  • The footer also features the brand logo image in the center which links to the home page.

  • The Subscribe section contains an embedded mailchimp signup form with CTA Subscribe button and an input box to enter the user's email address

  • A Page title features prominently on all pages in the title font and the brand colour.

Home Page

  • Under the title is a carousel featuring images of three main product categories with links in the image title to the relevant category page

  • Under the carousel is some introductory text about the store and an embedded link to the Order page where Users can order a custom item
  • Below the text are two CTA buttons one to the main Shop page and the other to the About page with more information about the store.

About Page

  • Features a photograph of the store owner with information about the history of the store.
  • CTA button to the Shop page
  • On larger screens the photo and text appear side by side which collapses to one underneath the other on smaller screens

Shop Page/ All Products

  • When all products is selected in the navigation menu the product are listed in rows of four on extra-large screens, three on large screens, two on medium and one on small screens

  • Above the products list on the left on medium screens and up is text specifying the number of products.

  • Above the products list on the right is a sort selector box to sort products by category, price, name

  • The number of products text and sort selector box appear in the centre above the products list on smaller screens

  • Each product image in the product list links to its product detail page

  • When products listed have been selected by category in the navigation menu, category badges are seen from where the user can further sort the products

  • Edit/delete buttons are visible to superuser/administrator under the product price but not to a non-admin user

Product Detail Page

  • Each product detail page features a large image of the product
  • Product details - name, price, description, colours(1-4), material, size, machine washable, designer
  • If the item is available to be custom ordered (currently only the various blankets), this is viewable in the description with a link to the custom order page

  • The Category label can be clicked to view all the products in this category

  • Edit/delete buttons are visible to superuser/administrator under the product name

  • A quantity selector box with + - selector to increase/decrease quantity of item. Users can also enter a whole number or use arrows inside box to increase/decrease the quantity of the item

  • Two CTA buttons - one to return to the main Shop page and one to add the item(s) to shopping basket

  • On larger screens the photo appears on the left and description to the right which collapses vertically into two coloumns on smaller screens

Order Page - Custom Order

  • This page features a form for the user to request a quote to custom order a throw or blanket to their size and colour specifications
  • At the top of the page is a carousel of pattern images from which customer can select the design they wish to order in the form
  • Below the carousel is a form for the user to input the name, email, choice of sizes/material/up to four colour choices and a design. Default options are set for size and material and a default of 'mix' for design if the user has no preference. Name, email and main colour are required fields for the user to input. Further details can also be entered in a message box.
  • A request quote button clearly indicates the purpose of the form and submits the form.

Add a Product Page

  • The Add Product page can only be accessed by the administrator/superuser and is only visible in the navbar Profile dropdown menu if the user is logged in as administrator or superuser.

  • This page features a form for the administrator/superuser to add a product with fields from the product model: category options, name, size options, description, optional tag, price, material (with default acrylic), machine wash checkbox with default checked, image selection box, up to four colour selction boxes with at least one required, pattern name, deigner and whether the item can be custom ordered with no as default.
  • The form to edit a product can be accessed only by the administrator from the products or product detail page. This is the same form as to add a product with the fields auto completed which can be changed by the administrator.

My Profile Page

  • The link to this page can only be seen if a user is logged in.

  • On the left the default delivery information is displayed if the user has selected save my information during the checkout process.

  • The user can change the default information by entering information into the fields
  • An update information button is below the delivery information form which can be clicked to submit and save changed information
  • On the right the user's order history is displayed in a table with order number, date of order, items ordered and the order total. The Order number is truncated but on hover the full number can be viewed. On click the full past order confirmation is displayed

Contact Page

  • This page is accessed from the envelope icon in footer and the Contact link in Quick Links in footer

  • Features a form with input fields: name, subject, email address and text box for a message

  • All fields are required so that site owner has the necessary information to reply
  • At the bottom of the form is a Send button to submit the message

Register Page

  • Features a form with input boxes for email and email confirmation, username, password and password confirmation

  • Two buttons, signup and back to login page

Login Page

  • Features a form with input boxes for required fields username and password

  • Two buttons are featured at the bottom of the form for home and sign in

Logout Page

  • Features a form with input boxes for required fields username and password

  • Features a button to click at the bottom of the form to sign out

Basket Page

  • Features summary information of products added to the shopping basket: image of products, title, size, price, delivery cost and total

  • A quantity selector box can be used to changed the quantity of basket items

  • Two CTA buttons are at the bottom of the form for users to return to the shop or checkout

  • Two buttons are visible to update quantity total and remove items in one go from the basket

Checkout Page

  • The Checkout page features input boxes for the necessary payment information inputs: name, email, phone number, street address, town or city, country, post code, country

  • At the bottom is the box for card payment information for Stripe. For testing purposes the number 4242 4242 4242 4242 is used
  • Two selectors are at the bottom to return to adjust the basket or complete order buttons to complete the payment process
  • After checking out a success message and order confirmation are displayed with a button to redirect user to Don't Miss tagged items (Specials)

404 page

A 404 page was created to handle users' navigational errors and to direct them back to the website. The navigation menu and logo are visible on the page

500 page

A 500 server error page was created to handle internal server errors


  • Feedback messages are shown whenever the user interacts with the site.

  • to generate an error message, when logged in but not as admin, type for example products/add to the end of the url

Future Features

  • A craft blog with users able to comment
  • User reviews of products and with CRUD function
  • Likes/favourites and a wishlist in the user profile
  • Link product availablility to stock levels/inventory would be required for a real-world business
  • Postage calculations specific to country of destination and limiting country destinations
  • FAQs section

Languages and Technologies


  • HTML5 was used to build the front-end website
  • CSS was used to style the HTML and add responsiveness
  • JavaScript (no custom JS) was used with Bootstrap to provide interaction on the front-end
  • Bootstrap 4.6 was used to style the website, add responsiveness and interactivity
  • Python was used to code the back end of the project
  • PyPI to install the python packages
  • boto3 was used to connect the project to AWS


  • Django 3.2.8
  • Django supporting libraries:
    • allauth for authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication
    • crispy-forms to style the forms
    • gunicorn as the server for Heroku
    • psycopg2 as an adaptor for Python and PostgreSQL databases
    • dj-database to parse the database URL from the environment variables in Heroku
    • django-storages was used for backend storage with AWS
    • django-countries was used to provide a country field for the Order model
    • Pillow was used to manage images for Python


Other Technologies


Please see separate file here


Heroku Deployment

1. Create your Heroku app

  • Navigate to the Heroku website
  • In the Heroku browser window, create an account by entering your email address and a password
  • Activate the account through the authentication email sent to your email account
  • Click the new button and select create a new app from the dropdown menu
  • Enter a name for the application which must be unique, in this case the app name is 'knits-and-pieces'
  • Select a region, in this case Europe
  • Click create app
  • Install psycopg2 and djdatabase in the IDE and add to requirements
  • Add postgres database to app resources in heroku and copy db url

3. Create the Database

  • Install psycopg2 and djdatabase in the workspace with the command pip3 install dj_database_url psycopg2 and add to requirements.txt
  • In the Heroku dashboard click on the Resources tab
  • Scroll down to Add-Ons, search for and select 'Heroku Postgres'
  • In the Settings tab, scroll down to 'Reveal Config Vars' and copy the text in the box beside DATABASE_URL.

4. Set up Environment Variables

  • In Gitpod create a new file in the top level directory
  • Add to the .gitignore file
  • In import the os library
  • In add os.environ["DATABASE_URL"] = "Paste in the text link copied above from Heroku DATABASE_URL" from step 3
  • In add os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "Make up your own random secret key"
  • In Heroku Settings tab Config Vars enter the same secret key created in by entering 'SECRET_KEY' in the box for 'KEY' and your randomly created secret key in the 'value' box.
  • Make sure is referenced in
from pathlib import Path
import os
import dj_database_url

if os.path.isfile(""):
    import env
  • Reference Django SECRET_KEY in
SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY')
  • DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC = 1 should be set until AWS is set up to host media and static then the DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC variable should be removed in config vars

5. Connect the workspace to the Postgres Database

  • Point to postgres db in by commenting out the DATABASES section in and replace with:
  • Make migrations to postgres db
  • Install gunicorn in the workspace and add to requirements with the command pip3 install django gunicorn
  • Create Procfile with the following content: web: gunicorn knits_and_pieces.wsgi:application
  • Add Heroku hostname to allowed_hosts in and local host so gitpod will still work
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost']

Deploy from Heroku:

  • Click Deploy tab in Heroku
  • In the 'Deployment method' section select 'Github' and click the 'connect to Github' button to confirm.
  • In the 'search' box enter the Github repository name for the project: knits-and-pieces:
  • In the IDE when development is complete change the debug setting to: DEBUG = False in
  • Click deploy branch

Connect AWS

AWS has been used in this project to host the static and media files. Sign up for a free account and then follow these steps to set up a unique S3 bucket for the website.

  • From the S3 buckets section of the management console select create bucket
  • Select name to match Heroku app name, region and allow public access
  • Permissions - CORS configuration should be set to the following:
        "AllowedHeaders": [
        "AllowedMethods": [
        "AllowedOrigins": [
        "ExposeHeaders": []
  • Create a Bucket Policy using the Policy Generator and add to the bucket. Permissions - Bucket Policy should be set to the following with the last line reflecting the name of your AWS Bucket ARN details and /* at the end:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "Policy1641040295032",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1641040291820",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::knits-and-pieces/*"
  • Navigate to the IAM section of AWS
    • Create a New Group and select your current S3 Bucket details to attach.
    • Create a New Policy and a New User in the IAM section and then attach these to the Group just created.
  • Allow access to all resources in this bucket
  • In the Access Control List allow access to everyone
  • Download the csv file with access key and secret key and add to Heroku config vars and add the variable USE_AWS = True
  • Remove the variable DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC from the config vars
  • Connect Django to AWS by installing boto3 and django-storages with the following command
pip3 install boto3 django-storages``` and add to the installed apps section of
  • Create file to tell django where to collect static files in production
from django.conf import settings
from storages.backends.s3boto3 import S3Boto3Storage

class StaticStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
    location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION

class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
    location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION
  • Add the following lines to to connect the bucket: if 'USE_AWS' in os.environ:
        'Expires': 'Thu, 31 Dec 2099 20:00:00 GMT',
        'CacheControl': 'max-age=94608000',
    AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'knits-and-pieces'
    AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = 'eu-west-1'
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID')
  • In for Static and media files add the following:
    STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.StaticStorage'
    DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage'
  • To override static and media URLs in production add the following to
  • Push to GitHub and deploy branch from Heroku and static files should now be collected in the AWS bucket
  • In AWS S3 bucket create media folder. Inside the media folder click upload and select files to upload


At final deployment stage the requirements.txt file contains the following:


You can install these requirements by typing python3 install -r requirements.txt

At final deployment stage the heroku config vars file contains the following:

Config Vars

The live site link is

Local Deployment: Forking and Cloning

Forking the Repository

  • To fork the project navigate to the knits and pieces repository at
  • Above the list of files click the dropdown code menu.
  • Select the https option and copy the link.
  • Open the terminal.
  • Change the current working directory to the desired destination location.
  • Click the 'Fork' button at the top right of the page. A forked copy of the repository will appear in your Repositories page.

Cloning the Repository

  • On Github navigate to the main page of Knits and Pieces at
  • Above the list of files click the Code dropdown code menu.
  • Select the https option and copy the link.
  • Open the terminal.
  • Change the current working directory to the desired destination location.
  • Type the git clone command with the copied URL: git clone
  • Press enter to create the local clone.
  • For the project to run an file must be created as detailed above. As this is not stored in Github it will not be cloned with the rest of the files.


  • Boutique Ado was relied on heavily for the basis of the project with customisation as much as possible and custom models
  • The Logo was created from Free Logo Design
  • The favicon was created from
  • Stack Overflow and Slack were used for general queries and bug fixing
  • geeksforgeeks was used for coding and styling issues
  • OrdinaryCoders was used for general coding and styling issues


I would like to thank my mentor Tim Nelson for his endless time, patience and encouragement throughout the course.

knits-and-pieces's People


siobhanlgorman avatar

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