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kevinfaaa-kevins-pp4_aprresub's Introduction

Kevs Place

Description: Code Institute Student Project Portfolio 4: Full-Stack Toolkit

A restaurant website capable of reserving a table, canceling a reservations and viewing your resrvations.
It showcases my ability to use the Python Django Framework.

The deployed web application can be found here.

Kevs Place

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

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This is my first web application using the Django Framework. It is part of my project portfolio required in the Full-Stack Software Development Diploma I am currently undertaking. Django is a Python-based free and open-source web framework that follows the model–template–views architectural pattern.
The aim of the project is to create a restaurant reservations website. The website should allow the user to book one or more guests into the restaurant at a time and date of the users choice. The site owner will have a ability to take online bookings for their restaurant.

The main features consist of:

  1. The ability to register on the website to access the reservations page.
  2. The ability to login to the website once registered to view/make or cancel the users booking.
  3. The ability to logout from the website once the user has viewed/made or canceled their booking.
  4. The ability to view the menu page, opening times and where the restaurant is located.


Running a restaurant is a huge task that comes with a never-ending to-do-list. Most operators probably don’t like the idea of adding another assignment but there is one that is very important – a website. According to a Constant Contact/Single Platform survey, “75% of consumers surveyed often choose a restaurant to dine at based on search results”.
If a restaurant doesn’t have a website, they’re missing out on a massive audience. Online visibility is huge for restaurants and can ultimately determine whether customers come to at that restaurant or not. Some reasons to have a website for a restaurant are:

  • Brand Image
  • Convenience
  • Improves Trust and Loyalty
  • Keep Guests Informed
  • Promote Other Services

2. How to use

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When the user first opens the web application they will be able to view:

  1. The landing page
  2. The menu page
  3. The login page
  4. The register page

The user will need to create an account to view:

  1. The reservations page
  2. The booking page

Walk Through

The following walkthrough with images shows the web application functionality:

Unregistered Users

Landing Page

Landing page Landing page footer

When the user first opens the web application they are greeted with a landing image and and the navbar.
The landing image indicates to the user that they will need to Login/Register to make a reservation.
The navbar allows the user to visit our menu page and also provides direction the both the login and register pages.
The footer informs the user of:

  1. The location of the restaurant (As this is a college project, the restaurant location is made up. the Show on Google Maps link is actaully the location of the National Gallery of Ireland).
  2. Contact Details.
  3. Opening Hours.
  4. Links to Social media pages (As this is a college project, the social media links Facebook Instagram direct the user to the social media sign up pages).


Register page

The register page is a form that requests the following details:

  1. E-mail address
  2. Password
  3. Password confirmation

Onces the user provides these details, they can then access the web application and view/make or cancel a reservation.
If a user accesses the register page that is already registered there a link to the sign in page.


Login page

The login page is a form that requests the following details:

  1. E-mail address
  2. Password

Onces the user provides these details, they can then access the web application and view/make or cancel a reservation.
If the user accesses the login page that has not already registered there is a link to the register page.


Menu page

The menu page contains the menu available at the restaurant.

Registered Users

Landing page Landing page footer

Landing Page

When the user registers they are greeted with a similar landing image and and the navbar with a few additional changes.
The landing image indicates to the user that they can reserve a table if they wish
The navbar allows the user to visit our menu page and also the reservation page and view mybooking page
The footer is unchanged from the unregistered view


Landing page

The Reservations page is a form that requests the following details:

  1. Title
  2. Number of Guests
  3. Date
  4. Time

Onces the user provides these details, they can reserve a table on a particalar date at a perticalar time.
Once the user submits the form they will be redirected to the my bookings page.

My Bookings

Landing page

The My Bookings page shows the users bookings.
If there are no bookings made it will say "No Reservations made"
If there is a booking the user has the ability to edit or delete an existing booking and create a new booking if they wish.


The edit function on the My Booking page when clicked allows the user to edit there existing bookings on the reservations page.


Delete booking page

The delete function on the My Booking page allows the user to cancel their booking, once clicked the user will be asked "Are you sure you want to cancel this reservation" The title of the booking is also provided.
Their is also a "Go Back" link if the user changes their mind or clicked delete by mistake which brings the user back to the My Bookings page.

Create a new Booking

The create a new booking function allows the user to create a new booking by directing the the user to the reservations page once clicked on.


Logout page

The logout page allows the user to logout.

3. Frameworks and Technologies

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Django Framework Diagram

This web application was created using the Django Framework.
Django is a Python-based free and open-source web application framework for the backend development of web applications and websites.
It follows the Model View Template (MVT) architectural pattern. It separates the code into three distinct parts – Model, View and Templates. The developers just have to code what should be displayed to the user and Django will take care of all the background details.
Maintained by the Django Software Foundation, the primary goal of Django is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites.
The Python web framework Django emphasizes the following core areas:

  • Reusability
  • Pluggability of components
  • Less code
  • Low coupling
  • Rapid development

Django Allauth

Django Allauth is an integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.

  • It supports multiple authentication schemes (e.g. login by user name, or by e-mail), as well as multiple strategies for account verification (ranging from none to e-mail verification).
  • All access tokens are consistently stored so that you can publish wall updates etc.

4. Testing

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Google Develop Tools

Google Developer Tools is used test bug fixes on the fly.
Google Developer Tools was really important when making the website responsive.

The W3C Markup validation Service

I used W3C Markup Validator to check for any errors within my HTML pages.

The W3C CSS validation Service

I used W3C CSS Validator to check for any errors within my CSS page.

PEP8 Validation Testing

I used the PEP8 online validator to check my python code for errors.

Kevs Place

I used Am I Responsive to view how my website is displayed on different media viewports. The results suggust that the webisite is responsive for the follwoing devices:

  • Widescreen desktop.
  • Laptop.
  • Ipad.
  • Mobile Phone (iPhone X).

Manual Testing

Landing Page

Navigation Bar

Kevs Place
  • When “Kevs Place” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the Landing page. It worked as expected.
  • When “Home” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the Landing page. It worked as expected.
  • When “Menu” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Menu" webpage. It worked as expected.
  • When “Login” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Login" webpage. It worked as expected.
  • When “Reservations” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Reservations" webpage. It worked as expected.
My Bookings
  • When “My Bookings” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "My Bookings" webpage. It worked as expected.
  • When “Register” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Register" webpage. It worked as expected.
  • When “Logout” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Logout" webpage. It worked as expected.

Landing image link

  • When “Login/Register” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Login/Register" webpage. It worked as expected.
Reserve a Table
  • When “Reserve a Table” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Login/Register" webpage. It worked as expected.


Show on Google Maps
  • When “Show on Google Maps” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Google Maps" webpage. It worked as expected.
Facebook Icon
  • When “Facebook Icon” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Facebook" webpage. It worked as expected.
Instagram Icon
  • When “Instagram Icon ” is left clicked with the mouse, the browser sends the user to the "Instagram" webpage. It worked as expected.

Register Page

Form Section

  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
Password conformation
  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
Sign Up
  • Once the user enters a valid email and a password that contains at least 8 characters a new user is created and they can access the web application

Login Page

Form Section

  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
Sign In
  • Once the user enters their email and password they registered with they can access the web application.

Reservations Page

Form Section

  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
Number og guests
  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.
  • can add text to the input tag, It works as expected.

The inofrmation that is submited is posted to a Heroku Postgress database. It Submits as expected.

My Bookings Page


Edit Booking
  • When “Edit” is left clicked with the mouse, the user is able to edit their booking. It worked as expected.
Delete Booking
  • When “Delete” is left clicked with the mouse, the user is able to cancel their booking. It worked as expected.
Create a new Booking
  • When “Create a new Booking” is left clicked with the mouse, the user is able to create a new booking. It worked as expected.

Logout Page

  • When “Sign Out ” is left clicked with the mouse, the user is logged out of the web application. It worked as expected.

5. Bugs

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  1. Django [Errno 111] connection refused error when running the server

  • Fix: Database details missing from file, received assistance from my Code Institute Mentor and StackOverflow to resolve the issue.
  1. Django.db.utils.Intrety Error: could not create unique index "restaurant-reservations_title_key"

Detail: Key(title)=(1) is duplicated

  • Fix: The Heroku Postgres Database needed to be reset with the help of Code Institute Tutor Support
  1. Issue with Django-allauth. Once a user is registered they can access the web application, when the user then logs out there is a problem where the registered user cannot log back in with with the credentails they used to register. When the user trys to log back in they "The e-mail address and/or password you specified are not correct" but they are correct. This means that if the user wants to make a booking they have to re-register with new register details.

Fix: Inunstalled Django 4.0 and installed Django==3.2 gunicorn which resolved this issue
  1. On the My Bookings page I created a For Loop to show the users reservations and if there were no reservations it would say "No reservations made":

`{% for reservations in bookings %}`
`{% empty %}`

No Reservations Made

`{% endfor %}`
However it seems to return all the reservations.

I've also tried using an If statement and that only returns "No reservations made" even when I have a reservations made:
`{% if reservations.user == request.user %}`
`{% else %}`

No Reservations Made

`{% endif %}`

Fix: resolved through update to the BookingsList class view which then did not require an if statment in the bookings_list html file, the for loop works as expected and only the users bookings can be viewed instead off all bookings.
  1. The Date format on the reservations page only accepts yyyy-mm-dd format wich can cause confussion for users that are more familiar with dd/mm/yyyy.

Bug not fixed
  1. Deployed issue, when deploying to heroku the web application fails to pick up the static folders in cloudinary. when running the web application locally there is no issue with the static files. I have used <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> to hard code the css to my deployed project but have not been able to do the same the images, not sure hard coding is the correct solution. when running the project locally I remove the hard cooded link and replace it with <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/style.css' %}"> and all styling and images appear as they should.

Fix: I updated the urls for the images and removed ` from the base html file and this resolved the issue, application now deploys as expected.

6. Future Updates

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  1. Fix Bugs

7. Contribution Links

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8. Deployment to Heroku

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4 Stages

  1. Create the Heroku app
  2. Attach the database
  3. Prepare our environment and file
  4. Get our static and media files stored on Cloudinary.

Create the Heroku App

In Heroku:

Step 1

Create new Heroku App

Step 2

Add Database to AppResources

Step 3


Attach the Database:

In gitpod

Step 4

Create new file on top level directory


Step 5

Import os library

Step 6

Set environment variables

Step 7

Add in secret key


Step 8

Add Secret Key to Config Vars

Prepare our environment and file:


Step 9


Step 10

Remove the insecure secret key and replace - links to the secret key variable on Heroku

Step 11

Replace DATABASES Section(Comment out the old DataBases Section) - links to the DATATBASE_URL variable on Heroku

In the Terminal

Step 12

Make Migrations

Get our static and media files stored on Cloudinary:

In Cloudinary:

Step 13

Copy your CLOUDINARY_URL e.g. API Environment Variable


Add Cloudinary URL to - be sure to paste in the correct section of the link

In Heroku:

Step 14

Add Cloudinary URL to Heroku Config Vars - be sure to paste in the correct section of the link

Step 15

Add DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC to Heroku Config Vars (temporary step for the moment, must be removed before deployment)


Step 16

Add Cloudinary Libraries to installed apps

Step 17

Tell Django to use Cloudinary to store media and static files Place under the Static files Note

Step 18

Link file to the templates directory in Heroku Place under the BASE_DIR line

Step 19

Change the templates directory to TEMPLATES_DIR Place within the TEMPLATES array

Step 20

Add Heroku Hostname to ALLOWED_HOSTS

Step 21

In Gitpod:

Create 3 new folders on top level directory

Step 22

Create procfile on the top level directory

In Procfile

Step 23

Add code

In the Terminal:

Step 24

Add, Commit and Push

In Heroku:

Deploy Content manually through heroku/

9. Design Phase

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The design phase helped me set and end goal and provided clarity at an early stage of what I wanted the appliication to be. The following steps outlines how I designed my web application.

Step 1 Models

Before I created my models I used excel to design a model I beleieved would best suit me application

Reservations Model

Once I was happy with the design I incorporated it into project.

Step 2 Functionality

Once my models were created I then had to think what functionality I wanted, I decided to make a list of what was required:

  1. The user needed to be able to make a booking.
  2. The user needed to be able to edit there booking.
  3. The user needed to be able to delete there booking.

Step 3 Front End Design

Once I had my models and knew what functionality I wanted to include, I decided that my next step was to design my front end and user experience. My initial landing page wireframe was a little different to what I finally decided on:

Initial Landing Page

The intial landing page looks quite different to the final landing page which can be seen in the wireframes chapther below. The initial landing page had a landing image that took up a third of the page, while a details section and map section took up another third leaving the remaining third comprised of the navigation bar and footer. When looking at this I felt that their was to much going on and that the user should be more focused, so I decided to create a div in the middle of the image and add a sign up button which I felt was more inviting to the user, I also made the landing image bigger and added the details section and map link to the footer so the user would be more focused on signing up. The final landing page can be seen in the wireframes chapther below.
The menu page I decided to have an opaque dark image with bright text that popped for the user.
For the reservations form I decided that the form should be centered and clear cut.
For the my bookings page I wanted to design a page that enabled the user to use the applications CRUD functionality. So I felt that when designing it, first it should be simple to use and two, the user should understand immediately how to use it. The design I implemented I beleive does this as the buttons to edit and delete are in line with the reservatiosn title so it's clear to the user what booking he/she is about to edit or delete.

Booking Table

10. Wireframes

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Landing Page

Landing Page

Menu Page

Menu Page

Reservations Page

Reservations Page

My Bookings Page

My Bookings Page

iPad Landing and Menu Page

iPad Landing and Menu Page

iPad Reservations and Bookings Page

iPad Reservations and Bookings Page

iPhone Landing and Menu Page

iPhone Landing and Menu Page

iPhone Reservations and Bookings Page

iPhone Reservations and Bookings Page

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