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german-idiom-quiz's Introduction

German Idiom Quiz

Overview of project

The German Idiom Quiz is an interactive quiz testing the user's knowledge of commonly used German phrases (or 'idioms'). The target audience for this quiz are language learners who speak English and are learning German. The quiz asks the user to select the correct answer out of four possible options for the translation of a given German idiom.

The user has the option to see a literal English translation (which often does not provide many hints as to the meaning!) and to review the questions at the end of the quiz, providing an educational element to the quiz.

View the live site

User Experience (UX)

User Stories

  • As a user I would like to be able to quickly understand the purpose of the quiz and how to play.
  • As a user I would like to have my knowledge of German idioms tested.
  • As a user I would like to be able to review the asked questions so I can learn any phrases I did not already know.
  • As a user I would like to have different, randomised questions each time I play the quiz.
  • As a user I would like the navigation of the page to be clear and intuitive.
  • As a user I would like to know whether I have selected the correct answer but also see the correct answer if I answered incorrectly.
  • As a user, I would like to be able to see how long it took me to complete the quiz.
  • As a user, I would like to be able to view and save my score.
  • As a user, I would like to know if there is an English equivalent to some of the idioms.
  • As a user, I would like to see a consistent use of colour and style.

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Colour Scheme

The colour scheme for the quiz was heavily based around the colours of the German flag (red, yellow and back). An image of a distressed looking flag was used as the main background for all pages.

distressed flag

To complement the colours in the flag, accent colours were chosen and saved as root values, as shown below:

:root {
    /* Main colour scheme */
    --black: rgb(0,0,0);
    --white: rgb(255,255,255);
    --accent-red: rgb(221, 0, 0);
    --accent-gold: rgb(255, 206,0);
    --correct: rgb(140, 168, 145);
    --incorrect: rgb(231, 74, 57);

The bold, accent colours came from a "Germany" palette and the softer green for correct answers were picked from a "Germany minimalistic" palette. The softer red colour for incorrect answers was a manually picked colour.

The colour scheme is shown below as a coolors colour palette: coolers colour scheme

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A simple, clear typeface was chosen from Google Fonts. Only one font was used for this project to maintain consistency and readability but a variety of font weights were used to add visual interest.

Kanit typeface

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The following wireframes were created at the start of the project in order to guide the design and functionality of the website.

Welcome Page

Welcome page

Main quiz page

Main quiz page

How to play modal

How to play modal

High score board page

Highscore board page

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Existing Features

Style Features

  • Favicon
    A round german flag with a transparent background was used as a favicon for the site

  • High score page
    If there are not yet any highscores saved in local storage, the user will be invited to play the quiz. If there is at least one score in local storage, up to 5 scores will be displayed with the highest score at the top

Highscore page

  • Nav bar
    The nav bar allows the user to navigate back to the landing page (home) or open the "how to play" modal. The colours of these buttons were designed to complement the overall colour scheme, with an underline effect in the opposite colour appearing when hovered over

Nav bar

  • How to play modal
    The how to play modal explains the basic rules and navigation for the quiz. The modal can be closed by clicking the "x" button or anywhere else on the page

How to play modal

  • Buttons
  1. Start and highscore buttons
    • These allow the user to navigate from the landing page to the quiz or highscore pages
  2. Start quiz button on highscore page
    • This allows the user to directly start the quiz from the highscore page
  3. End of quiz option buttons
    • These buttons allow the user to save their score, play again (redirects to landing page or review the questions asked during the quiz)
  4. Quiz navigation buttons - next, end and start again
    • Allow the user to progress to the next question, the end of the quiz or back to the landing page, respectively


  • Question counter and progress bar
    The question counter and progress bar tell the user how many questions they have answered, how many questions are in the quiz and therefore what percentage through the quiz they are. The progress bar is coloured red with a black border to complement the overall colour scheme
    Question counter Progress bar

  • Timer
    The timer counts up from 0 and is displayed in a HH:MM:SS format

  • Score
    The score starts at 0 with 1 point being added with each correctly answered question, to a maximum of 12 points

  • Question
    The question is simply displayed in the centre of the screen. Each time the quiz is run, 12 questions are randomly selected from a large question bank

  • Literal translation toggle
    The literal translation can be displayed by clicking the "+ Show/hide translation" toggle. Once opened, the "+" changed to a "-" to indicate the toggle is open. Once closed, it returns to its orignial "+" state Literal translation toggle

  • 4 possible answers
    The 4 randomised possible answers are displayed in yellow boxes. If the question is correctly answered, the box is highlighted in green and a check mark is shown. If the incorrect answer is chosed, the chosen answer is highliged in red with a cross mark and the correct answer is highlighted in green with a check mark so the user has the opportunity to see the correct answer
    Possible answers

  • Review questions table
    At the end of the quiz, the user has the option to view a table summarising the 12 asked questions, their literal translation and correct meaning. If the question was answered correctly, it is highlighted in green. Otherwise, it is highlighted in red
    Summary table

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Javascript Functions

The implemented JavaScript functionality is sumarised below:

  • pop-up box (modal) to see how to play the game
  • option to return to the main page at any time
  • option to view high score board
  • question list with large bank of questions
  • randomisation function which shuffles the question bank and selects 12 questions. This allows replayability of the quiz and ensures the same question is not asked more than once in the same play
  • question number and progress bar displayed so user knows how many questions will be asked and which question they are currently answering
  • The user is able to view the literal translation of the German phrase in English, if they wish. This allows the user to set their own difficulty level for a given question
  • A count-up timer records how long the quiz attempt has taken
  • Under each question are 4 possible answers for the user to choose between. They can simply click the answer to select it. If the correct answer is selected, the answer button turns green and a check mark appears. If the incorrect answer is selected, the chosen answer button turns red and a cross is shown (and the button for the correct answer turns green with a check mark to iundicate the correct answer)
  • The score is updated by adding 1 for each correctly answered question, to a maximum of 12
  • If there is an English Equivalent to the idiom, this is displayed once an answer has been chosen
  • At the end of the quiz, the user has the option to submit their name to the high score board
  • they also have the option to see a table of all questions asked in the quiz, their literal translations and their correct answers

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Detailed descriptions of each implemented JavaScript function can be read below:


  • adds event listener for start button which when clicked hides start page and unhides quiz page, calls startGame() and starts timer
  • adds event listener for Highscore button which when clicked hides start page, unhides highscore page and calls getHighScores()
  • adds event listener for home button which reloads the page
  • adds event listener for how to play button which opens the how to play modal
  • adds event listener for the close button on the how to play modal
  • adds event listener for a click outside the modal window
  • both the close button and click outside event listeners close the how to play modal


  • sets starting values of question counter and score to 0
  • retrieves the questions list from question.js
  • calls the shuffle() function
  • calls the selectQuizQuestions() function
  • calls the getNewQuestion() function


  • shuffles an array
  • picks a random element from the array and swaps it with the current element
  • This method is used to shuffle both the list of questions from the large question bank and the 4 possible answers for each question
  • returns the full shuffled question list to the startGame() function and the answers to the getNewQuestion() function


  • takes the first 12 questions from the shuffled list
  • returns these 12 Qs to the startGame() function


  • retrieves the current UNIX time and saves as starting time
  • sets the interval as 1000 milliseconds (1 second) so that the time is returned once per second


  • retrieves the current UNIX time
  • calculates the difference between the current UNIX time and the starting UNIX time, rounds down and divides by 1000 to give the timer in whole seconds
  • formats the time to HH:MM:SS format
  • adds event listener for end button to call the stopTimer() function, update the end timer and saves the end value to local storage


  • clears the time interval


  • increases the question counter each time a new quesiton is displayed
  • updates the progress counter (question x of y)
  • updates the progress bar
  • if there are no questions remaining on the quizQuestions list, add an end button event listener, which when clicked calls the endGame() function


  • calls scoring() function to update progress
  • determines the current question and selects it from the list of 12 quiz questions
  • updates the question text in the html file
  • displays the literal translation (but awaits the user requesting it)
  • shuffles the 4 possible answers by calling the shuffle() function again
  • displays the 4 possible answers in the html file and adds event listeners to each
  • if there is an English equivalent to the current idiom, it is displayed once an answer has been selected
  • if there is exactly one question remaining, hide the 'next' button and display the 'end' button instead.
  • once an answer is selected, unhides the 'next' button and determines if it is correct or incorrect and applies the following changes:

if answer is correct:

  • applies the 'correct' class to the selected answer for CSS styling (green colour)
  • increases the quiz score by 1 point
  • adds a check mark to the correct answer for accessibility
  • changes the value of the "correct" key in the question object to "true" to indicate the user answered correctly

if answer is incorrect:

  • applies the 'incorrect' class to the selected answer for CSS styling (red colour)
  • also applies the 'correct' class to the correct answer for CSS styling (green colour)
  • adds a cross to the chosen answer and a tick to the correct answer for accessibility


  • hides the next button until the next time an answer is chosen
  • also resets the plus/minus button for the literal translation back to its default "+" state


  • triggered if the user clicks the "see translation" button
  • toggles the literal english translation of the question so it can be seen or hidden
  • the '+' sign is changed to a '-' sign if clicked, then changed back to a '+' sign if clicked again, so the user can easily see if the translation is toggled on or off


  • resets answers by removing 'correct' and/or 'incorrect' classes from answers
  • hide literal translation
  • calls the getNewQuestion() function


  • increases the global variable "score" by the POINT_VALUE value (in this case 1, but this is changable if desired)
  • updates the text for the score in the html


  • generates a summary table of the questions asked
  • takes the list of 12 random questions as an argument
  • inserts as many rows of html as there are in the random question list (12, but this is changable, if desired)
  • adds one each for the idiom, literal translation and correct meaning
  • the row is coloured depending on whether the user got the answer correct (green) or incorrect (red)
  • the rows are then injected into the html table


  • tidies up the screen at the end of the game
  • hides the container that displays the questions
  • unhides the end/summary page with score displayed
  • displays a button with an event listener for users to click if they wish to review their answers and one for navigating back to the home page
  • calls the insertTable() function and passes in the questions from the quiz


  • creates a dictionary from the locally stored items - mostRecentScore, username and mostRecentTime
  • add newest score to the end of the highScores array
  • sorts scores based on their values
  • takes the first 5 scores from the array
  • saves these scores as highScores into local storage


  • maps the highscores to the highscore list and adds a list item for each value in the array
  • if there are no high scores recorded yet, displays a button to directly start the quiz with an event listener

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Event Listeners

  • homeButton
    • refreshes the page so the user can navigate to the starting page from anywhere on the site
  • howToPlayButton
    • opens a modal which explains the features of the game to the user
  • closeModal
    • allows the user to close the modal by clicking the "x"
  • window
    • allows the user to close the modal by clicking anywhere outside the modal
  • startButton
    • allows the user to initiate the quiz
  • highScoreButton
    • allows the user to view the current highscore list
  • translateButton
    • allows the user to toggle the literal translation on and off
  • options
    • display the 4 possible answers and allow the user to select one
  • nextButton
    • allows the user to navigate to the next question
  • endButton
    • stops the timer and saves the time to local storage
    • saves the score to local storage
    • ends the game
  • reviewButton
    • allows the user the option to review the questions asked during the quiz with their answers
  • playAgainBtn
    • reloads the page, allowing the user to play again, if desired
  • username field
    • allows the user to enter a nickname for the leaderboard, if desired
  • saveScoreBtn
    • allows the user to save their score, if desired

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Features Left to Implement

  • Reversed language (German to English) option.
    • This would require a different question list to be made with the English equivalent (where present) to be set as the question and four possible answers to be created. Then, depending on which language is selected (by a button), one or the other list can be used for the game.
  • Ability to play against other players
    • This could be achieved by saving the names, scores, etc to a database.
  • Store the most recently asked Qs into local storage
    • This could be achieved by storing the IDs of each question from the question list into the local storage and would enable the review table to be viewed later (until a new game is played). This would mean that the user can view the leaderboard or otherwise navigate around the site, and then revisit the summary table to see how they could improve next time.
  • Add a "Are you sure you want to leave the page?" modal when home button clicked
    • This would give the user the choice to stay on the current page to prevent users from accidently navigating to the home page during the the quiz and losing their score.
    • This could be achieved by setting an activeGame variable which is set to true when the game is started and end when the game is ended. The user is prompted to select "yes" or "no" to renavigate which could change the boolean value to false if "yes" is chosen or kept at true if "no" is chosen.

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Technologies used

  • HTML5 for providing the core structure of the website pages
  • CSS3 for styling the HTML documents
  • JavaScript for providing the functionality and interactivity of the site
  • Gitpod as a developer platform
  • Github as a code hosting platform
  • Git for source code management
  • Balsamiq for creating wireframes at the start of the project to help guide HTML and CSS coding
  • CSS grid for positioning elements and improved responsiveness within the style.css file
  • root values in the style.css file for consistency and ease of alteration of colours and fonts
  • Convertio image converter for converting the background image to a webp file format
  • for converting an image file into a 16x16 favicon

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Validator tests

  • HTML Validation
    The site passed W3C HTML testing with no errors or warnings HTML W3C testing

  • CSS validation
    The CSS code was pasted into the W3C Validation Service and passed with no errors. CSS Validation

Valid CSS!

  • JS Linter (JSHint) Both JS files were passed through JSHint Both passed with no issues other than the undefined/unused variable of 'questions' due to them being seperate JS files

  • script.js jshint script.js

  • questions.js jshint questions.js

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Responsiveness testing

The quiz was tested with am-i-responsive and performs on all tested screen sizes am i respoonsive?

Each page was compared at three standard screen sizes - mobile (375px), tablet (768px) and large laptop/desktop (1440px)

  • Home page Home page responsiveness

  • How to play modal How to play modal responsiveness

  • Main quiz page Main quiz responsiveness

  • Quiz end page Quiz end responsiveness

  • Summary table Summary table responsiveness

  • Highscore page High score page responsiveness

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Lighthouse testing

Lighthouse tests were performed using the built in lighthouse tool in Google Chrome Developer Tools. The aim of running Lighthouse tests is to improve site performance, accessibility and usability. The tests also measure the site crawlability and how highly it is displayed in search results in a search engine (SEO score). Scores over 90 are deemed to be very good.

The lighthouse test results for desktop and mobile are shown below:

Lighthouse testing results

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Accessibility testing

An Eightshapes contrast grid was created to check the contrast between the colours used on the page. The red text on black background received a score of 4 which makes it only suitable for large text. This combination was only used for the nav bar "home" button which is large text. All othe colour combinations used on the site produced a result of at least 5.1 (pass, AA rating), indicating they are suitable and readable.

Eightshapes contrast grid

The WAVE web accessibility evaluation tool was used to test accessibility.

The tool identified a lack of contrast of main title with background image when it was white, so this was changed to black. It also identified a missing form label for the username input, which was consequently added and some skipped heading levels throughout the site, which were amended.

After fixing the suggested accessibility issues, the WAVE report was as follows, with 0 errors or alerts: WAVE Report

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Browser compatibility

  • Chrome
    All code was designed and tested throughout the development process on Chrome. All screenshots throughout the README were taken using the Chrome browser. All design features and functionality work as expected using Chrome (except those detailed in the Remaining bugs section)

  • Firefox
    The firefox rendering of the page styling is quite different to in Chrome. The buttons have a grey border which contrasts strongly with the dark buttons, in contrast to the black/dark-grey borders presented in Chrome. Other than that, the quiz looks as expected.

  • Start page in Firefox
    Firefox start page

  • Quiz page in Firefox
    Firefox quiz page

  • End page in Firefox
    Firefox end page

In terms of functionality, most of the functions of the quiz work as expected, however the user cannot use the same name to save their high score to local storage as they have used before. This is in contrast to Chrome where the same name can be saved multiple times to local storage with different score and times.

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Resolved bugs

  • Bug 1: question counter and progress bar bug
    A bug was created during the early phases of development due to the getNextQuestion() function being too large and meaning that on each iteration of the function, the event listener for the next button was being triggered one additional time (once for the first question, twice for the second question, etc.) causing the question counter and progress bar to increment by more than one each time. This bug was solved by taking the event listener for the next button outside of the getNextQuestion() function and creating a new nextQuestion() function.

Question counter and progress bar bug
Originally the code was within the getNextQuestion() function...
Code for question counter and progress bar bug ... but was moved outside to an event listener calling a new function nextQuestion(): Question counter and progress bar bug fixed

  • Bug 2: saveHighScore() function being called twice
    Each time the user entered a name to save their score, the scoreboard was saving each entry twice. The source of this bug was found using debugger mode to see that the saveHighScore() function was being called twice - once from the JS file and once from the HTML file. The HTML call was removed and the bug was solved

Saving twice bug

  • Bug 3: When creating the scoring() function, the current score was erroneously being stored to the local storage when the question counter was on the last question, rather than when the end button was clicked (after the user has answered the final question). This was leading to the score being out by one if the user answered the final question correctly. To fix this bug, the localStorage.setItem() call was simply moved inside the event listener statement for the end button, as shown below. Question counter bug

  • Bug 4: Whilst styling the page, the background image was assigned to main which created some overflow-x property issues on the main page which were overcome by setting the overflow-x property to hidden. This has the downstream effect of creating an internal scroll bar when the summary table was displayed, as shown in the screenshot below. This bug was overcome by instead assigning the background properties to the body and removing the overflow-x: hidden; property which was no longer required. This fixed the internal scroll bar issue.

Internal scroll bug

  • Bug 5: When styling the table, CSS flex was used to improve positioning of the table element. display: flex; was added to the CSS for the table, however this caused the hidden class to be ignored and thus the table was always being shown, rather than only after the user clicks the 'review questions' button. This was fixed by moving the display: flex; property to its own add-flex class and only being added to the table if the user clicks the review button.

Table not hidden correctly

  • Bug 6: Page redirects after submitting high score This was caused by the use of a form for submitting the high score. The form was removed and replaced simply with an input field. The corresponding classes and ids were updated from form-container and form-submitted to save-score and score-submitted.

Page redirect bug

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Outstanding bugs

There are no remaining bugs that I am aware of.

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Deployment with GitHub Pages

The site was deployed to GitHub Pages by taking the following steps:

Click on the "Settings" tab in the Github respository for the project Find and click on the "Pages" subsection on the left-hand menu bar Under "Source", select "Branch: main" and click save After a few miunutes, the site should be successfully deployed and the link may be found on the same page or under "Environments" on the right hand side of the repository page. From here, the "View Deployment" button leads directly to the deployed site.

Github pages
Github environments
View deployment

Forking someone else's repository

To create your own copy of this project on another computer, the following steps may be followed, which allow you to make a copy onto your own GitHub account, without changing the original code that you are copying:

Locate the repository of the project you would like to copy In the top-right corner of the repository click on the "fork" button Navigate to your fork of the project and start coding!

Forking a page

Creating a local clone of a project

Following these steps will allow you to clone a repository and open it in your local IDE, for example Visual Studio Code, Eclipse or NetBeans:

Locate the repository of the project you would like to copy Click the green "Code" button to access a drop down menu Ensuring that HTTPS is selected, select the copy button (as shown in the screenshot below) to copy the URL of the repository of interest Open your local IDE and change the current working directory in GitBash to the desired location for the new repository In the command line, type 'git clone' and paste the URL obtained earlier from GitHub.

Local IDE clone

Alternatively, you can create a local copy of this repository, by typing the follow into your IDE terminal:

  • git clone

Or, if using Gitpod, you can click below to create your own workspace using this repository.

Open in Gitpod

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A number of reference sources and tutorials were utilised for this project. The main quiz structure, progress bar and score tracking were based on the YouTube tutorial by Brian Design with reference to this Web Dev Simplified quiz tutorial.

This Stack Overflow answer was helpful for learning how to shuffle a list of objects using JavaScript.

This Stack Overflow answer was helpful for implementing a count up timer.

This YouTube video by Dylan Israel helped to implement a table whose values are updated using JavaScript.

Some of the German Idioms used in the quiz were found in these FluentU and Chatterbug blog posts.

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Strong Germany palette
Soft Germany palette
Distressed German flag German flag favicon image

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I would like to thank my Mentor Tim Nelson for all his advice, encouragement and enthusiasm during the development of this quiz. Thank you for helping me to fix many bugs and giving useful ideas and helpful hints!

I would also like to thank my husband who contributed many of the idioms for the quiz and the Code Institute community on Slack, particularly Dave Horrocks who helped with my question counter bug and the class of May 2022 who provide support and enthusiasm for the course.

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