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ejkington-rimbo-beer-brewery_marresub's Introduction

Rimbo Beer Brewery events

Link to Live Website

GitHub Repo


Rimbo beer brewery is a business concept created for my MS4 project with Code Institute.

Rimbo beer brewery is a business dedicated to brewing the best craft beer in the north. Rimbo beer brewery offers both craft made beers and brewery tours
Currently they do not offer sales directly from the website. but they offer events created by the brewery

Rimbo beer brewery would need to have a website to tell users a little about the business, show potential clients what services they offer and showcase some of their current or existing work. Rimbo beer brewery is a small company with a small range of website needs. there is scope for the business to grow. As the business grows the website can be adapted to the growing business and additional features implemented. Events booking is added for user to book events created by the brewery. and registration is used to validate costumers to book events, this will in the future be used to have users book and order products from the site, and to store information about the user

User Experience (UX)


User Stories

Reasons a user may visit the website

  • A user looking for a craft made beer locally.
  • A user looking to ordering beer too their resturant or bar.
  • A user doing research on what we offer.
  • A user interested in beer and beer making.
  • A user wants to view and book an event held by the brewery

Reasons for the website

  • Increase clients
  • Showcase work
  • Provide a way for new and existing clients to contact us.
  • Getting customers to the events


What a user may expect

  • Easy to navigate website
  • Good presentation and visually appealing regardless of screen size.
  • Links and functions work as expected.
  • Information about what Rimbo beer brewery does.
  • A way to get in contact with Rimbo beer brewery.
  • New events that can be booked

What a user may want

  • To be able to find links to social media pages.
  • To see examples of previous work carried out.
  • Order products frome site
  • Write own rewiews and or rate products
  • How it works - from start to finish.

As a developer / business I expect

  • To provide information about Rimbo beer brewery.
  • To provide an easy to navigate website with links that work as expected.
  • To encourage clients to book events.
  • To see our products and to get interested in our products


The website will consist of 4 separate pages, not including the register/login and logout pages

  • A home page with the brewery moto and appealing pictures of beer styles.
  • A our beers page showing what kind of beers the brewery makes, and a rewiew of the beer
  • A events page and appealing pictures of the event
  • A events detail page, showing the details of the event clicked
  • A Form too book an event
  • login and signup, and if user is signed in a logout in the navbar










Features across all pages.

Navigation Bar


The navigation bar. The navigation links directs the user to the correct page of the website. When the rimbo beer brewery logo is clicked it takes the user to the main page. On larger screens the navigation bar is horizontal and too the left. on smaller screens it displays as a hamburger button with a list of all pages.


The page is scaled up and down for different screen resolutions to help the content stay neat. This has been done using of media queries.


All images and navigation have an alt attributes. This is to make the site easier to use for people with visual impairments by allowing them to navigate the site easily. There is high contrast used throughout the design. Header elements have been used in sequence so that the site makes semantic sense to screen readers. Links are consistent when hovered over. I have also set the font to rem so that if someone has their font settings higher for visibility the font size will increase accordingly.



The footer consists of social media links and will open in a new tab. as the company doesent exists the links goes to the main site of the logo clicked

Features specific to page


index1 index2

A image charrosel pictures from the brewery. The brewery motto. Text that shows the love for beer and beer making above footer

Our beers.

ourbeers1 ourbeers2 ourbeers3 ourbeers4

Showcasing pictures of the beers. The names of the different beers. and a taste review when clicked used jQuery.



Showing the current events that the brewery has and when clicked redirects user to a detailed page of the event. paginated by 6

Events Detail.


  • Showing the details of the event clicked.
  • If not logged in a text is displaying prompting the user to logg in or register.
  • Booking form if the user wants to book an event all fields is required.
  • Text diplaying "your booking is waiting approval if form is valid.
  • Submit button in the form


Logg in and Out

login logout signup

Login / Logout

Allauth is used to fast and easy rendering of user regristraion, login and logout Once registered a user can sign in and will have access to extra functionality, namely :

can book events

To sign in the user must provide a) a registered username and b) the password for the username

User Sign out

A signed in user can sign out by clicking on the Sign out link on the navigation bar. The user simply needs to confirm the action by clicking on the Sign out button on the page. and an message is displayed that the user has signed out.

Booked events list

When a user books an event the information of the event is displayed with time and title


Admin page

admin adminevent adminbookings

  • This page is for the admin to manage the bookings made by user and to create and manage events
  • Can be used to approve and disapprov bookings and send out emails to guests approved
  • Can be used to see how many users that have regristred too the site

Left to implent / Possible implentations

  • A way for the user to rate beer and write own rewiews
  • A way for the user to view their old bookings and booked events
  • A way for user to order the beer directly from the brewery, (or as it is in sweden to Systembolaget)

Technologies Used

  • HTML5 - Mark-up language using semantic structure.
  • CCS3 - Cascading style sheet used to style.
  • jQuery - To get logic in the our beers page
  • Django/Python - For easy and fast development
  • - for writing the code. Using the command line for committing and pushing to Git Hub
  • GitHub - Used to host repository
  • Heroku - Too host the page
  • GIT - for version control of the project.

Design, Librarys, Frameworks

  • Google fonts - For styling the typography
  • Font Awesome - for social media icons
  • Beautifer - Allowing me beautify my code.
  • Bootstrap - For fast and easy css styling
  • jQuery - For easy and nice looking animation
  • Django - Framework
  • Gunicorn - was used as the Web Server to run Django on Heroku
  • Dj database - library used to allow database urls to connect to the postgres db
  • Psycopg2 - database adapter used to support the connection to the postgres db
  • Cloudinary - used to store the images used by the application
  • Django-summernote - used to provide WYSIWYG editing on the event editing screen
  • Django-Allauth - used for account registration and authentication
  • Crispy-Forms - used to simplify form rendering
  • Jquery - used to fade out alert messages and adding text in ourbeers page when image is clicked


Validator Testing


  • HTML Validating
  • As this project uses Django templates the html has been validated by manually clicking through the application pages, copying the source of the rendered pages and then validating this version of the html using the W3C Validator. HTML for the Django admin site pages was not edited so has not been validated here.

event details










  • CSS Validating CSS-validation



  • JavaScript/jQuery Validation CSS-validation



  • Python Validation python1
  • python2
  • python3


  • There are no know bugs

Bugs when developing

  • Mainly due to misspelled code or forgeting correct syntax
  • bug when the form dident send information to database, this was solved due too that i had code conflicting the form

Browser Compatibility

  • Chrome DevTools was used to test the responsiveness of the application on different screen sizes. In addition, testing has been carried out on the following browsers : Google Chrome version 9.0.4606.81 (64-bit) Firefox version 93.0 (64-bit) Microsoft Edge 94.0.992.38 (64-bit)

Manual Testing Test Cases and Results


Test Test action Expected outcome Test outcome
Navigation links Clicking the links Directed to the right page PASS
Text under ourbeers images Clicking the images the right text shows and dissapers when clicked again PASS
Social media links Clicking the links Taken to social media in a new tab PASS
Form Filling in form Required fields popup if not done correctly PASS
Form Filling in form Sends data passed to database PASS
Adminpage login loggs in to admins page PASS
Add event adding event from admins page adds event rendered on page PASS
Delete event delete event events gets deleted and removed from page PASS
User signup Regrister new user user gets data saved to database and user gets logged in PASS
User login Filling in username and password if correct data user gets signed in PASS
User logout logout user user gets loged out PASS
Admin booked admin approve users request to book event users request is approved PASS

Adding and commiting files

To add files to the repository take the following steps

In the command line type - git add .
git commit -m "This is being committed" git push

To add all new files or modified file use " ." - To add a single file use the pathway to the file eg .index.html or assets/css/style.css When committing make sure your comments are clear about what changes have been made. Pushing will send your work to the repository


Deployment Detailed below are instructions on how to clone this project repository and the steps to configure and deploy the application.

How to Clone the Repository Create Application and Postgres DB on Heroku Configure Cloudinary to host images used by the application Connect the Heroku app to the GitHub repository Executing automated tests Final Deployment steps How to Clone the Repository Go to the repository on GitHub

Click the "Code" button to the right of the screen, click HTTPs and copy the link there

Open a GitBash terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to locate the clone

On the command line, type "git clone" then paste in the copied url and press the Enter key to begin the clone process

To install the packages required by the application use the command : pip install -r requirements.txt

When developing and running the application locally set DEBUG=True in the file

Changes made to the local clone can be pushed back to the repository using the following commands :

git add filenames (or "." to add all changed files) git commit -m "text message describing changes" git push N.B. Any changes pushed to the master branch will take effect on the live project once the application is re-deployed from Heroku

Create Application and Postgres DB on Heroku Log in to Heroku at - create an account if needed.

From the Heroku dashboard, click the Create new app button. For a new account an icon will be visible on screen to allow you to Create an app, otherwise a link to this function is located under the New dropdown menu at the top right of the screen.

On the Create New App page, enter a unique name for the application and select region. Then click Create app.

On the Application Configuration page for the new app, click on the Resources tab.

In the Add-ons search bar enter "Postgres" and select "Heroku Postgres" from the list - click the "Submit Order Form" button on the pop-up dialog.

Next, click on Settings on the Application Configuration page and click on the "Reveal Config Vars" button - check the DATABASE_URL has been automatically set up.

Add a new Config Var called DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC and assign it a value of 1.

Add a new Config Var called SECRET_KEY and assign it a value - any random string of letters, digits and symbols.

The file should be updated to use the DATABASE_URL and SECRET_KEY environment variable values as follows :

DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'))}

SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY')

In Gitpod, in the project terminal window, to initialize the data model in the postgres database, run the command : python3 migrate

Make sure the project requirements.txt file is up to date with all necessary supporting files by entering the command : pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

Commit and push any local changes to GitHub.

In order to be able to run the application on localhost, add SECRECT_KEY and DATABASE_URL and their values to

Configure Cloudinary to host images used by the application Log in to Cloudinary - create an account if needed. To create the account provide your name, email and set up a password. For "primary interest" you can choose "Programmable Media for image and video API". Click "Create Account" and you will be sent an email to verify your account and bring you to the dashboard. From the dashboard, copy the "API Environment variable" value by clicking on the "Copy to clipboard" link. Log in to Heroku and go to the Application Configuration page for the application. Click on Settings and click on the "Reveal Config Vars" button. Add a new Config Var called CLOUDINARY_URL and assign it the value copied from the Cloudinary dashboard, but remove the "CLOUDINARY_URL=" at the beginning of the string. In order to be able to run the application on localhost, also add the CLOUDINARY_URL environment variable and value to Connect the Heroku app to the GitHub repository Go to the Application Configuration page for the application on Heroku and click on the Deploy tab. Select GitHub as the Deployment Method and if prompted, confirm that you want to connect to GitHub. Enter the name of the github repository (the one used for this project is ( and click on Connect to link up the Heroku app to the GitHub repository code. Scroll down the page and choose to either Automatically Deploy each time changes are pushed to GitHub, or Manually deploy - for this project Manual Deploy was selected. The application can be run from the Application Configuration page by clicking on the Open App button. The live link for this project is (#HEROKU)

Final Deployment steps

Once code changes have been completed and tested on localhost, the application can be prepared for Heroku deployment as follows :

Set DEBUG flag to False in Ensure this line exists in to make summernote work on the deployed environment (CORS security feature): X_FRAME_OPTIONS = 'SAMEORIGIN' Ensure requirements.txt is up to date using the command : pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt Push files to GitHub In the Heroku Config Vars for the application delete this environment variable : DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC On the Heroku dashboard go to the Deploy tab for the application and click on deploy branch


  • The text for the Home page was writen by the developer
  • The text for the tast of the beer was taken from
  • the page is made up and not a real brewery.



Code Much of the coding and testing relies heavily on information in the "Hello Django" and "I Think Therefore I Blog" walkthroughs in the Code Institue Full Stack Frameworks module.

[] - Information on how to implement charosel images [] - Information about just about anything coding related [] - easy and fast styling [] The Slack comunity Tutor support Brian macharia - my mentor Google - What would i do without it


All pictures for the site was taken from [] The logo in the nav bar was created on []


  • Thank you to my mentor Brian Macharia for his continuing help and feedback. His advice and tips have been very beneficial.
  • My friends and family that suports me the best they can

ejkington-rimbo-beer-brewery_marresub's People


ejkington avatar

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