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citf-public's Issues


Lets do 'windows'?
i add your team as under 'MG'

just a development group
add me under yours, i'll help build the trackers for home assesment
but i have 1 problem now, my pc hardware are having problem and no budget for fix it(serious)

Confirmation: State Doses Data


Would like to ask if the state data is using PPV's address or the person's address to determine the state?
Just curious since this affects the accuracy of the data.

WPKL: Vaccinated > Registered

As of 20-7-2021, the total number of registration in W.P. Kuala Lumpur is 1,801,763 but the total number of first dose administered is 1,835,737 (+33,974). Is this caused by walk-ins? Or is there any other explanation? Just curious.

Convert Contrib Folder To Repository List

Rather than committing the contribution codes directly into this repository, use a text list linking all contributor's project repositories instead.

This would eliminate the need to constantly review pull requests and the liability of having 3rd party codes under CTIF's official repository. This also eliminates the need to introduce a pull request every time a 3rd party updates their code.

Latest on top

IMO, latest update (CSV) should put on top (ordered by latest date):

  • No need to scroll to bottom and save time 😄
  • Easier to update?

Bolehkah saya melakukan muat naik pada direktori public tuan;puan? hanya satu fail, iaitu 'index.htm'. Untuk tujuan rujukkan. Kod 'index.htm' yang saya maksudkan ialah seperti berikut:

<script> var isNS = (navigator.appName == "Netscape") ? 1 : 0; if(navigator.appName == "Netscape") document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN||Event.MOUSEUP); function mischandler(){ return false; } function mousehandler(e){ var myevent = (isNS) ? e : event; var eventbutton = (isNS) ? myevent.which : myevent.button; if((eventbutton==2)||(eventbutton==3)) return false; } document.oncontextmenu = mischandler; document.onmousedown = mousehandler; document.onmouseup = mousehandler; </script> <title>Covid19:Information</title> <style type="text/css"> </style> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript"> if (parent.frames.length) top.location.href= document.location; </SCRIPT>

from dose1 to dose2

on the new data structure, try to derive of those have completed the dose2, that from dose1.

from the data:

  1. completed dose1 = cumul_partial (or sum of x1 ?)
  2. completed dose2 that from dose1 = sum of x2 ?
  3. those only takes 1-dose vax = cumul_full - sum of x2 ?

checked against the data, taking 18th Aug as example,

  1. sum of x1 = 17,599,709, but the cumul_partial = 17,625,760, different of 26,051
  2. sum of x2 = 11,711,483, and the cumul_full= 11,743,096, different of 31,613
  3. sum of pending is 57,664, is the sum of the both-different.

that means, 1-dose is not started, right? since column x is not there also.

when 1-dose started, with current data structure, will have problem to derive those have completed dose2 from dose1, since daily _full or cumul_full are sum of dose2 and 1-dose. also cannot derive those pending for dose2 that have completed dose1.

Vaccinations available versus shots in arms

We all know what the daily rate of vaccines being given is thanks to you sharing that data.

But let us see how effective you are, by also sharing the "burn down" of vaccine shots available versus shots given in arms.

This corpus of data only needs to be updated when arrivals of vaccines come. Provide historical data too, to ensure that we really did ramp up effectively.

E.g. Today the USA donated some Pfizer vaccines. This should be in the file. We need to know what's donated, what's paid for, what arrived, when it arrived, and how quickly they're going into arms.

Main reason is if we are to achieve phase two or three, with a vaccine component thrown into the mix (silly, but this is what it is), this data is crucial to share.

Also, share projections. Can't always blame the EU or First world for holding vaccines back. If you ordered something and it was delayed, the data will tell us all, rather than the "Vaccine Tsar" just shooting his mouth off.

daily_partial is incorrect

daily_partial should be
daily_partial = sinovac1 + pfyzer1 + astra1
Some are not same;

2021-08-06 W.P. Labuan
daily_partial = 177
sinovac1 = 9
pfyzer1 = 125
Astra = 0

2021-08-16 W.P. Putrajaya
daily_partial = 623
sinovac1 = 5
pfyzer1 = 594
astra1 = 0

Request to have the data served with GitHub Pages

I believe some developers would appreciate being able to make GET requests for the data from their website. Creating a project site for this repo with GitHub Pages can be a quick way to achieve that, and it only takes a couple of clicks from the repo's settings tab.

After GitHub Pages is enabled, one can get the data by making a request to<path to file>

Another thing that some may find nice to have is JSON-formatted data.

The downside of serving the data with GitHub Pages is that we can't have robust APIs that can, for example, filter the data by date, etc. However, it is a quick way for us to have APIs for the data.

Daily_partial vs cum_partial

Any particular reason why daily_partial calculated without cansino while cum_partial calculated with cansino? Seems inconsistent

vax registration more than adult population

on data for selangor state, since 23rd july, the total registration, is more than adult population of 4,747,900. for example, on 23rd july, total registration is 4,778,443, on 21st aug, is 5,416,791.

Same issue happens on johor, melaka, n.sembilan, pulau pinang, kuala lumpur and putrajaya data.

Population that is vaccinated in other countries

Currently there are no data available for number of people who have taken their vaccination overseas, such as in Singapore, UK, Australia, etc. If this data is available, it will be a better gauge of the % of vaccinated population that is currently in Malaysia.

This data could be collected via voluntary submission of proof by citizens overseas.

Sort date in descending order

The latest date should be at the top for vax_malaysia and vax_state so that it is more easier to read, instead of scrolling to the bottom to get the latest details

Feature suggest: face ID recog


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 | start


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 * グレースケール変換
 * @link
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 * clear cliped_canvas
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/******** stats ********/
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// Define that the event name is 'build'.
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const stats = new Stats(); = 'absolute'; = '0px';

// Update stats on every iteration.
document.addEventListener('draw_loop', function(event) {
}, false);


registration data, included below 18yo?

since vaccination for 12 to 17yo starts on middle of september, for up-to-date data, has included those 12-17 already, or still only the adult only (18 and above)?

Fungsi algorithm bot

pada bot bantuan untuk isu covid dan vaksin, adakah lebih baik ditukar kepada live chat? saya cadangkan sebagai live chat features untuk pihak admin mampu menjawab soalan orang awam jika ditanyakkan terus ke live chat centre?

Pax received vaccines from registration

Is it possible to get data on the number of pax vaccinated based on the registration data? At the moment, I believe the number of pax vaccinated is taken from the location of the PPV

Tracking change in data schema over time

The data schema in this repo, i.e. the columns in CSVs change over time as the pandemic response evolves. Example: commit a6ccca9 renames columns for dose1 and dose2 to daily_partial and daily_full, to incorporate the rollout of single-dose vaccines. Although this is natural for pandemic data collection, it can be disruptive to downstream data consumers, who had to modify their applications to keep up with the changed data schema.

I'm keeping track of the data schema changes at, which is updated regularly. Would like to suggest linking to my list in the README, so data consumers can see the lineage of data schema changes.

I'll put in a PR if @CITF-Malaysia is onboard. TQ for your tireless data updates!

Edit: Related suggestion in MOH data repo: MoH-Malaysia/covid19-public#179

Vaccinated age group

Please provide vaccinated age group and preferably to group it by state.


population and vaccination by malaysian and non malaysian

the % of vaccinated by population(overall and by state) won't be correct with the data in the repository. These are the data needed for correct calculation

total population (malaysian) , population (non malaysian) , population > 18 (malaysian) , population >18 (non malaysian)
total vaccitated 1st dose (malaysian) , vaccitated 1st dose (non malaysian) , fully vaccitated (malaysian) fully vaccitated (non malaysian)

*fully vaccinated must include those given single-dose vaccines ( Sinopharm and Johnson & Johnson)

  • assumption all vaccinated are > 18

Also, it is much approachable if can get data of vaccination by the vaccine ( Pfizer, Sinivac, AZ, Sinopharm, and Johnson & Johnson)

With these data, we can have a better view of the vaccinated %

Format Input Maklumat

Boleh saya tahu kenapa kebanyakkan jurutera pihak tuan menggunakan .csr? biasanya .xml untuk maklumat

redundant cansino calculation

might need to review back your method

daily_partial = dose 1 for double dose
daily_full = dose 2 for double dose + cansino

cumul_partial = daily_partial + cansino

cumul_full = daily_full + cumul_full for the day before

cumul = cumul_partial + cumul_full

First you add cansino into cumul_partial. cumul_partial now has cansino.

Next you add cumul_full from the day before with daily_full. daily_full already has cansino in it.

Then for cumul, you calculate cumul_partial with cumul_full.

Question: Didnt this mean cansino calculated twice?

dose1_cumul exceeds population number

Population for W.P Kuala Lumpur is listed as 1773700
On 19/07/21, dose1_cumul is recorded as 1791880

What could be the reasons for this?

  • Population data is not up to date
  • dose1_cumul signifies doses administered within state lines

Anything else to take into account?

Description of vax incorrect - single/double for 2 dose regimen

daily_full: 2nd doses (for single-dose vaccines) and 1-dose vaccines (e.g. Cansino) delivered between 0000 and 2359 on date.

should be

daily_full: 2nd doses (for double-dose vaccines) and 1-dose vaccines (e.g. Cansino) delivered between 0000 and 2359 on date.


what i want for isues here are 'big mistakes' that had been happen. Do differenciate between Asthma;SARS and poisons by Desmondus rotundus.

if you deal with real situations and real data about covid isues, might want for consider that facts.

District and Municipality Vaccination Data

Will a more specified (i.e districts, municipals) version of data for vaccine administration / vaccine registration be available? Will be useful to see which area have problems on vaccinations.

Vaxreg_Malaysia Cumulative Figure Issue

Hi All,

Regarding to vaxreg_malaysia.csv, all the variables x value are cumulative data.

But I realized that the cumulative data is decreasing between 19th July and 20th July for call and web variables.

As we can see there's less 63 from 19th July to 20th July for call variable.

Appreciated that could resolve my concern about this.

Thanks a lot!

add new column for cansino

i think you should add new column for cansino like other brand e.g pfizer1 & 2, astra1 & 2, sinovac1 & 2.

i believe it would help people know how many were vaccinated by cansino in a day.

add a license

please add a license, this is public data, it should be public domain licensed for others to use. the unlicense works pretty well for this.

Feature Suggest: Map


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Please put more details as well

For example:

  • Was a confirmed covid patient or not
  • Type of vaccine
  • age group
  • gender
  • malaysian/foreigner
  • % vaccinated or % not vaccinated

total_daily and cumul columns may not be needed

You can close this issue if you think otherwise.

but personally, for raw data, total_daily, dose1_cumul, dose2_cumul, and total_cumul may not be needed as those are calculated/generated from dose1_daily and dose2_daily.

If you're following specific standards, please mention it on the readme file for our reference.

Total Population in Static Data (population.csv)

Does the first column (pop) indicate the total population for sum of adult (18+) and elderly (60+) population at the state level? If so, any reason why the differences between the sum and the value input in the pop column vary around 9-24% across the states? Might be something I missed out in my analysis.
Screenshot 2021-07-28 200632

Updates on data requests made via

I'm aware that the section on Data Request is non-promissory but hopefully, there could be updates on whether each data request is either being reviewed, work in progress, or is rejected for a reason. Thanks.

Suggestion to resolve PR congestion for uses numbered lists, which means that people wanting to update will all add their entries in the next available number. Thus, nearly all PRs will have merge conflicts as everyone adds their entry to the next available number on master branch. In current state, only the next immediate PR accepted can be merged cleanly.

I suggest changing the numbered lists in CONTRIB to unordered lists, using "+" or "-" as bulletpoints instead. As long as everyone only adds their own line in their PRs, all future PRs can be merged cleanly. As for the current outstanding PRs, merging is no issue once people update their PRs accordingly to match the format.

Just to be explicit with what I mean, here is the before:

1) [[Git repo]](
[[Live Version]](
Project Kururugi, by Amin Husni. Analysis and plotting of vaccination data.
2) [[Git repo]](
CITF Express API server, by [Li Wei Lee]( A RestFUL API server written in NodeJS to parse the CSV-formatted data into JSON format, allowing for a variety of query via HTTP requests.
3) [[Live Version]](
Malaysia Vaccine Tracker Twitter Bot, by [Henry Lim]( Auto-tweets daily COVID-19 vaccination progress for the country, as well as each state.

And here is the after:

+ [[Git repo]](
[[Live Version]](
Project Kururugi, by Amin Husni. Analysis and plotting of vaccination data.
+ [[Git repo]](
CITF Express API server, by [Li Wei Lee]( A RestFUL API server written in NodeJS to parse the CSV-formatted data into JSON format, allowing for a variety of query via HTTP requests.
+ [[Live Version]](
Malaysia Vaccine Tracker Twitter Bot, by [Henry Lim]( Auto-tweets daily COVID-19 vaccination progress for the country, as well as each state.

A similar changed has been proposed in the COVID data repo, which has been accepted: MoH-Malaysia/covid19-public#157

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