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emacs's Issues

Add documentation

Adding documentation in an emacs package is as simple as writing a INFO file and adding a docs directory. Emacs will automatically identify this INFO file and available as documentation. See modus-themes as inspiration

Org checked item shaded

It would be nice to see checked Org list items as shaded.

(Also, colored square brackets for the list check-space)

An example from doom-theme:


Catppuccin 0.2.0

Catppuccin Version 2


hope the best theme can update for emacs

Latte theme?


Any chance of the light edition of the theme for emacs (I believe it's the latte one)?


calendar-mode from emacs-calfw is not properly themed

The current view is unthemed, see below image
View of calendar-mode

Testing steps:

  1. Install calfw (package-install 'calfw) or enable calendar in the doomemacs init.el
  2. Open the calendar buffer with M-x cfw:open-calendar-buffer<RET>

The following faces are provided by calfw and needs to be themed


doesn't highlight quote blocks properly

the whole block should be dark. isn't a problem when working with source code blocks

can be changed by one line
(markdown-blockquote-face :extend t :background ,ctp-mantle :slant italic :foreground ,ctp-green)

Since org-quotes inherit from markdown-blockquote-face. Thus it will correspond with doom-themes config by making the block dark and slant italic.

highlight-indentation-mode and subtext1

The color subtext1 is quite dark compared to the background in the latte flavor (or quite light for other flavors) which is probably fine for most uses of that color, but it is also used for highlight-indentation-face and that is causing distracting vertical bars in highlight-indentation-mode:

This is how it looks with the default theme:

Conflictions with theming of other packages

I am using line-reminder and the default value of a modified line was essentially invisible in the latte theme. I made a PR for them and they suggested to upstream it here. I'm not really sure how to go about it so I figured I'd just open an issue.

Below is the PR from line-reminder.


Error when installed with Doom Emacs using package.el

x There was an unexpected runtime error
      Message: Error with packages
      Details: ("catppuccin-theme" (error "catppuccin-macchiato-theme.el:0:0: error: scan-error: (Unbalanced parentheses 205 27640)"))
        (signal doom-package-error ("catppuccin-theme" (error "catppuccin-ma...
        (condition-case e (let ((straight-use-package-pre-build-functions (c...
        (progn (if (file-directory-p (straight--repos-dir local-repo)) nil (...
        (let* ((--cl-rest-- (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe)) (recipe (...
        (cl-destructuring-bind (&key recipe package type local-repo &allow-o...
        (straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe ...
        (let ((recipe (car --dolist-tail--))) (straight--with-plist (append ...
        (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((recipe (car --dolist-tail--))) (straig...
        (let ((--dolist-tail-- recipes)) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((recip...
        (let* ((recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)) (built nil) (straight-us...
        (and t (let* ((recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)) (built nil) (stra...
        (let* ((built (and t (let* ((recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)) (bu...
      ! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/.emacs.d/.local/logs/cli.doom.221011163423.58523.error
    ! Script was abruptly aborted, leaving Doom in an incomplete state!


Wrong background color in Centaur tabs bar

As you can see in the following image, the Centaur tabs bar's background is white even though I loaded the Catppuccin Mocha theme:

Wrong Centaur tabs bar background

When using Doom One the bar's background is the same as other buffers, while this is not the case with Catppuccin Mocha.

I am totally ignorant about Emacs themes, so mine is only an hypothesis, but maybe there is a buffer type that is not correctly themed by Catppuccin.

Use of theme causes frame to immediately close

I downloaded the theme file to my .doom.d/themes/ directory and set up my config.el as instructed for Doom, but when I restarted the emacs server and tried to open a client frame, the frame only stayed open a few seconds before closing. This happened both when when opening a new client in the terminal and when opening a new gui client. I'm running Manjaro with kernel 5.10 with Doom Emacs. I have emacs running as a daemon via systemctl and connect to it with emacsclient.

No iedit faces specified (used by evil-multiedit)


Dracula and Catppuccin have similar colors for highlighted words. It is grey.
But unlike Catppuccin, Dracula changes its regions to a more noticeable color during evil-multiedit.

  • Catppuccin. It is very hard to find the matching words.


  • Dracula. It is very easy to spot the selected regions.


`catppuccin-set-color` doesn't work anymore

Setting a color to a custom value no longer works, making Emacs load the default theme with the following output:
custom-initialize-reset: Args out of range: "#ddd", 3, 5.
It happens with any hex value.

Running vanilla Emacs 29. Snippet to reproduce the issue:

(use-package catppuccin-theme
  (defun mn/deferred-load-theme ()
    (load-theme 'catppuccin t)
    (setq catppuccin-flavor 'mocha)
    (catppuccin-set-color 'base "#000000") ; Commenting this makes the theme load again.

  :hook (after-init . mn/deferred-load-theme)

  :straight `(catppuccin-theme :type git
                               :host github
                               :repo "catppuccin/emacs"
                               :branch "main"))

Capitalise E in the repo's name.

I have noticed that the E in Emacs in this repository's name is not capitalized. As I do not have the needed permissions could someone who can change this?

Follow new styleguide

With the new editor style guide merged, we should make sure the emacs port is properly following it

Background is base when using "peek implementations" of lsp-mode

Thanks for bringing this awesome theme to Emacs! Please take my notes kindly. I really like this theme and my worries are for the best :)

Recently on default theme some changes made it really strange to use. It was a major changer for me :(

I think most came from this commit:

On swiper I now have a huge red bar hurting my eyes all over my monitor whenever I use it:

It used to be:

On counsel git grep:

it used to be:

Now this red really contrasts (imho for no reason, since the blue bar was the color for matchings (bg, fg, inverted) and now it looks like a stack of bars trying to get for attention):

Now a major issue:

While using it with lsp-mode it is almost impossible to "peek implementations".

Example with gotham, you should be able to see the implementation like this:

Same with atom-one-dark:

But with my favorite theme catppuccin, I cannot distinguish backgrounds:
on old bluish:

on now redish:

It looked like a blueish catppuccin, now its a redish catppuccin. I feel like I lost my cat :( please don't make swipe red bar default.

Doom-Emacs: "Symbol's variable is void: catppuccin-bg"


Symbol's variable is void: catppuccin-bg

Commenting line 853 and 855 of catppuccin-theme.el fixes the issue but introduces error

Symbol's variable is void: bg2

Commenting line 854 fixes the issue and theme loads

Sync the dev and main branches

Currently, there's a few changes that are exclusive to each branch, like lsp-mode breadcrumbs in the dev branch and dired+magit only in the main branch.

Basically, the two branches have now diverged and should be rebased against each other.

Properties having weird background color

Great job on the themes, like them a lot. I ran though into some minor issues with :PROPERTIES: in an org-document. They all have some likely unintented background. This is in in all variants except when loading only the 'cattpuccin theme.

Can I fix this myself somehow?

Contrast issue on company-mode / Selection invisible on magit log

Hello there!
Thanks again for this awesome theme!

I'd like to file a few issues:

When using company-mode for auto-completing it is really hard to see the "green" while selected.

If I load a log on magit with M-x magit RET l l RET (lower case L's) and then I try to select the commit text, the color of the selection is the same as the background (that is also highlighted).

LaTeX mode not following the palette?

As you can see in my screenshot, the red of the double backslash is a bit too bright, and it stands out a lot, this color doesn't exist in the catppuccin palette, is this intentional?

Screenshot from 2022-04-16 16-12-38

`current` background too close to `base` in latte flavor

Here's what the highlight face currently looks like in latte flavor. The background is ctp-current.

At least on my screen, the highlight is impossible to distinguish because the background color for that face is too close the the background color for the rest of the window.

The current algorithm to lighten by 5% works very well for the dark variants of the themes.

For latte specifically, darkening the base color by 5% could be a good starting place for ctp-current. Here's what it looks like:

face for `trailing-whitespace` should use background

Currently face trailing-whitespace is inheriting from the face warning where it is set as (warning :foreground ,ctp-yellow). However, since whitespaces are spaces, they do not use foreground but background instead. My suggestion is to set trailing-whitespace to (trailing-whitespace :background ,ctp-yellow)

Bad contrast in `counsel-find-file`


The selected item has pink foreground color which is hard to read on the green background for the search

Note: the install is a clean emacs instance in which I

  1. added melpa
  2. installed catppuccin and counsel
  3. (load-theme 'catppuccin)
  4. M-x counsel-find-file

Macchiato unsupports dashboard colored icons

When on dashboard, if the Macchiato flavor is selected, all icons from all-the-icons become grey like this

The meaningful configuration is as follow

(use-package dashboard
  :config (progn (dashboard-setup-startup-hook)
                 (setq dashboard-set-file-icons t
                       dashboard-set-heading-icons t)))
(use-package all-the-icons
  :if (display-graphic-p))

(use-package catppuccin-theme
  :config (load-theme 'catppuccin-macchiato t)
  :ensure autothemer)

centaur-tabs icons are unaffected. Also the issue is not present on Mocha as you can see


Centaur edited buffer color

In centaur-tabs, when a buffer is edited, its font color gets changed.

This feature is still unsupported.

Example on doom-theme for unedited buffer:


Example on doom-theme for edited buffer:


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)

I've just tried to give catppuccin-theme a try but it errors on startup for me using the current Emacs master version (GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 11, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.37, cairo version 1.17.8) of 2023-04-17).

That's the recipe in my .emacs:

(use-package catppuccin-theme
  :ensure t
  :custom (catppuccin-flavor 'catppuccin-latte)
  (load-theme 'catppuccin t)

With emacs --debug-init I get this error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
  substring(nil 1 3)
  (string-to-number (substring color i (+ i 2)) 16)
  (closure ((color)) (i) (string-to-number (substring color i (+ i 2)) 16))(1)
  mapcar((closure ((color)) (i) (string-to-number (substring color i (+ i 2)) 16)) (1 3 5))
  (closure (t) (color) (mapcar #'(lambda (i) (string-to-number (substring color i (+ i 2)) 16)) '(1 3 5)))(nil)
  funcall((closure (t) (color) (mapcar #'(lambda (i) (string-to-number (substring color i (+ i 2)) 16)) '(1 3 5))) nil)
  (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (funcall rnd (min 255 (+ (* (- 255 v) factor) v)))) (funcall hex-to-rgb color))
  (apply rgb-to-hex (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (funcall rnd (min 255 (+ (* ... factor) v)))) (funcall hex-to-rgb color)))
  (let* ((factor (/ value 100.0))) (apply rgb-to-hex (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (funcall rnd (min 255 (+ ... v)))) (funcall hex-to-rgb color))))
  catppuccin-lighten(nil 5)
  (if (eq catppuccin-flavor 'latte) (catppuccin-darken (catppuccin-get-color 'base) 5) (catppuccin-lighten (catppuccin-get-color 'base) 5))
  (let ((ctp-current (if (eq catppuccin-flavor 'latte) (catppuccin-darken (catppuccin-get-color 'base) 5) (catppuccin-lighten (catppuccin-get-color 'base) 5))) (ctp-crust (catppuccin-get-color 'crust)) (ctp-mantle (catppuccin-get-color 'mantle)) (ctp-base (catppuccin-get-color 'base)) (ctp-surface0 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface0)) (ctp-surface1 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface1)) (ctp-surface2 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface2)) (ctp-overlay0 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay0)) (ctp-overlay1 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay1)) (ctp-overlay2 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay2)) (ctp-subtext0 (catppuccin-get-color 'subtext0)) (ctp-subtext1 (catppuccin-get-color 'subtext1)) (ctp-text (catppuccin-get-color 'text)) (ctp-lavender (catppuccin-get-color 'lavender)) (ctp-blue (catppuccin-get-color 'blue)) (ctp-sapphire (catppuccin-get-color 'sapphire)) (ctp-sky (catppuccin-get-color 'sky)) (ctp-teal (catppuccin-get-color 'teal)) (ctp-green (catppuccin-get-color 'green)) (ctp-yellow (catppuccin-get-color 'yellow)) (ctp-peach (catppuccin-get-color 'peach)) (ctp-maroon (catppuccin-get-color 'maroon)) (ctp-red (catppuccin-get-color 'red)) (ctp-mauve (catppuccin-get-color 'mauve)) (ctp-pink (catppuccin-get-color 'pink)) (ctp-flamingo (catppuccin-get-color 'flamingo)) (ctp-rosewater (catppuccin-get-color 'rosewater)) (undef "#ff00ff")) (backquote (:background ,ctp-rosewater)))
  eval((let ((ctp-current (if (eq catppuccin-flavor 'latte) (catppuccin-darken (catppuccin-get-color 'base) 5) (catppuccin-lighten (catppuccin-get-color 'base) 5))) (ctp-crust (catppuccin-get-color 'crust)) (ctp-mantle (catppuccin-get-color 'mantle)) (ctp-base (catppuccin-get-color 'base)) (ctp-surface0 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface0)) (ctp-surface1 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface1)) (ctp-surface2 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface2)) (ctp-overlay0 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay0)) (ctp-overlay1 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay1)) (ctp-overlay2 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay2)) (ctp-subtext0 (catppuccin-get-color 'subtext0)) (ctp-subtext1 (catppuccin-get-color 'subtext1)) (ctp-text (catppuccin-get-color 'text)) (ctp-lavender (catppuccin-get-color 'lavender)) (ctp-blue (catppuccin-get-color 'blue)) (ctp-sapphire (catppuccin-get-color 'sapphire)) (ctp-sky (catppuccin-get-color 'sky)) (ctp-teal (catppuccin-get-color 'teal)) (ctp-green (catppuccin-get-color 'green)) (ctp-yellow (catppuccin-get-color 'yellow)) (ctp-peach (catppuccin-get-color 'peach)) (ctp-maroon (catppuccin-get-color 'maroon)) (ctp-red (catppuccin-get-color 'red)) (ctp-mauve (catppuccin-get-color 'mauve)) (ctp-pink (catppuccin-get-color 'pink)) (ctp-flamingo (catppuccin-get-color 'flamingo)) (ctp-rosewater (catppuccin-get-color 'rosewater)) (undef "#ff00ff")) (backquote (:background ,ctp-rosewater))))
  (let (reduced-color-list) (let ((tail colors)) (while tail (let ((col (car tail))) (setq reduced-color-list (cons (list (car col) (funcall func col)) reduced-color-list)) (setq tail (cdr tail)))) reduced-color-list) (eval (list 'let reduced-color-list (list 'backquote spec))))
  (closure ((colors (undef "#ff00ff" "#ff00ff") (ctp-rosewater (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-flamingo (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-pink (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-mauve (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-red (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-maroon (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-peach (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-yellow (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-green (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-teal (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-sky (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-sapphire (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-blue (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-lavender (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-text (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-subtext1 (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-subtext0 (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-overlay2 (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-overlay1 (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-overlay0 (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-surface2 (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-surface1 (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-surface0 (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-base (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-mantle (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-crust (catppuccin-get-color ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)) (ctp-current (if ... ... ...) (catppuccin-quantize-color ...)))) (func spec) (let (reduced-color-list) (let ((tail colors)) (while tail (let ... ... ...)) reduced-color-list) (eval (list 'let reduced-color-list (list ... spec)))))(cadr (:background ,ctp-rosewater))
  funcall((closure ((colors (undef "#ff00ff" "#ff00ff") (ctp-rosewater (catppuccin-get-color 'rosewater) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'rosewater))) (ctp-flamingo (catppuccin-get-color 'flamingo) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'flamingo))) (ctp-pink (catppuccin-get-color 'pink) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'pink))) (ctp-mauve (catppuccin-get-color 'mauve) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'mauve))) (ctp-red (catppuccin-get-color 'red) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'red))) (ctp-maroon (catppuccin-get-color 'maroon) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'maroon))) (ctp-peach (catppuccin-get-color 'peach) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'peach))) (ctp-yellow (catppuccin-get-color 'yellow) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'yellow))) (ctp-green (catppuccin-get-color 'green) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'green))) (ctp-teal (catppuccin-get-color 'teal) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'teal))) (ctp-sky (catppuccin-get-color 'sky) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'sky))) (ctp-sapphire (catppuccin-get-color 'sapphire) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'sapphire))) (ctp-blue (catppuccin-get-color 'blue) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'blue))) (ctp-lavender (catppuccin-get-color 'lavender) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'lavender))) (ctp-text (catppuccin-get-color 'text) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'text))) (ctp-subtext1 (catppuccin-get-color 'subtext1) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'subtext1))) (ctp-subtext0 (catppuccin-get-color 'subtext0) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'subtext0))) (ctp-overlay2 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay2) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay2))) (ctp-overlay1 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay1) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay1))) (ctp-overlay0 (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay0) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'overlay0))) (ctp-surface2 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface2) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'surface2))) (ctp-surface1 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface1) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'surface1))) (ctp-surface0 (catppuccin-get-color 'surface0) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'surface0))) (ctp-base (catppuccin-get-color 'base) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'base))) (ctp-mantle (catppuccin-get-color 'mantle) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'mantle))) (ctp-crust (catppuccin-get-color 'crust) (catppuccin-quantize-color (catppuccin-get-color 'crust))) (ctp-current (if (eq catppuccin-flavor 'latte) (catppuccin-darken (catppuccin-get-color ...) 5) (catppuccin-lighten (catppuccin-get-color ...) 5)) (catppuccin-quantize-color (if (eq catppuccin-flavor ...) (catppuccin-darken ... 5) (catppuccin-lighten ... 5)))))) (func spec) (let (reduced-color-list) (let ((tail colors)) (while tail (let ((col ...)) (setq reduced-color-list (cons ... reduced-color-list)) (setq tail (cdr tail)))) reduced-color-list) (eval (list 'let reduced-color-list (list 'backquote spec))))) cadr (:background ,ctp-rosewater))
  (list '((min-colors 16777216)) (funcall expand-with-func 'cadr spec))
  (list (list '((min-colors 16777216)) (funcall expand-with-func 'cadr spec)) (list t (funcall expand-with-func '(lambda (v) (cadr (cdr v))) spec)))
  (list face (list (list '((min-colors 16777216)) (funcall expand-with-func 'cadr spec)) (list t (funcall expand-with-func '(lambda (v) (cadr (cdr v))) spec))))
  (cons (list face (list (list '((min-colors 16777216)) (funcall expand-with-func 'cadr spec)) (list t (funcall expand-with-func '(lambda (v) (cadr ...)) spec)))) whole-theme)
  (setq whole-theme (cons (list face (list (list '((min-colors 16777216)) (funcall expand-with-func 'cadr spec)) (list t (funcall expand-with-func '(lambda ... ...) spec)))) whole-theme))
  (let ((face x4) (spec x5)) (setq whole-theme (cons (list face (list (list '(...) (funcall expand-with-func 'cadr spec)) (list t (funcall expand-with-func '... spec)))) whole-theme)))
  (let* ((x4 (car-safe x3)) (x5 (cdr-safe x3))) (let ((face x4) (spec x5)) (setq whole-theme (cons (list face (list (list '... (funcall expand-with-func ... spec)) (list t (funcall expand-with-func ... spec)))) whole-theme))))
  (progn (ignore (consp x3)) (let* ((x4 (car-safe x3)) (x5 (cdr-safe x3))) (let ((face x4) (spec x5)) (setq whole-theme (cons (list face (list (list ... ...) (list t ...))) whole-theme)))))
  (let ((x3 (car tail))) (progn (ignore (consp x3)) (let* ((x4 (car-safe x3)) (x5 (cdr-safe x3))) (let ((face x4) (spec x5)) (setq whole-theme (cons (list face (list ... ...)) whole-theme))))) (setq tail (cdr tail)))
  (while tail (let ((x3 (car tail))) (progn (ignore (consp x3)) (let* ((x4 (car-safe x3)) (x5 (cdr-safe x3))) (let ((face x4) (spec x5)) (setq whole-theme (cons (list face ...) whole-theme))))) (setq tail (cdr tail))))
  (let ((tail faces)) (while tail (let ((x3 (car tail))) (progn (ignore (consp x3)) (let* ((x4 (car-safe x3)) (x5 (cdr-safe x3))) (let ((face x4) (spec x5)) (setq whole-theme (cons ... whole-theme))))) (setq tail (cdr tail)))))
  (let* ((expand-with-func #'(lambda (func spec) (let (reduced-color-list) (let (...) (while tail ...) reduced-color-list) (eval (list ... reduced-color-list ...))))) whole-theme) (let ((tail faces)) (while tail (let ((x3 (car tail))) (progn (ignore (consp x3)) (let* ((x4 ...) (x5 ...)) (let (... ...) (setq whole-theme ...)))) (setq tail (cdr tail))))) whole-theme)
  (apply #'custom-theme-set-faces 'catppuccin (let* ((expand-with-func #'(lambda (func spec) (let (reduced-color-list) (let ... ... reduced-color-list) (eval ...)))) whole-theme) (let ((tail faces)) (while tail (let ((x3 (car tail))) (progn (ignore (consp x3)) (let* (... ...) (let ... ...))) (setq tail (cdr tail))))) whole-theme))
  (let ((colors '((undef "#ff00ff" "#ff00ff") (ctp-rosewater ... ...) (ctp-flamingo ... ...) (ctp-pink ... ...) (ctp-mauve ... ...) (ctp-red ... ...) (ctp-maroon ... ...) (ctp-peach ... ...) (ctp-yellow ... ...) (ctp-green ... ...) (ctp-teal ... ...) (ctp-sky ... ...) (ctp-sapphire ... ...) (ctp-blue ... ...) (ctp-lavender ... ...) (ctp-text ... ...) (ctp-subtext1 ... ...) (ctp-subtext0 ... ...) (ctp-overlay2 ... ...) (ctp-overlay1 ... ...) (ctp-overlay0 ... ...) (ctp-surface2 ... ...) (ctp-surface1 ... ...) (ctp-surface0 ... ...) (ctp-base ... ...) (ctp-mantle ... ...) (ctp-crust ... ...) (ctp-current ... ...))) (faces '((cursor :background ...) (default :background ... :foreground ...) (default-italic :slant italic) (hl-todo :foreground ...) (error :foreground ...) (ffap :foreground ...) (fringe :background ... :foreground ...) (header-line :inherit ...) (highlight :foreground ... :background ...) (hl-line :background ... :extend t) (info-quoted-name :foreground ...) (info-string :foreground ...) (lazy-highlight :foreground ... :background ...) (link :foreground ... :underline t) (link-unvisited :foreground ... :underline t) (linum :foreground ... :background ...) (line-number :foreground ... :background ...) (line-number-current-line :inherit line-number :foreground ...) (match :background ... :foreground ...) (menu :background ... :inverse-video nil :foreground ...) (minibuffer-prompt :weight normal :foreground ...) (mode-line :background ... nil :foreground ...) (mode-line-inactive :background ... :inverse-video nil :foreground ...) (read-multiple-choice-face :inherit completions-first-difference) (region :background ... :extend t) (shadow :foreground ...) (success :foreground ...) (warning :foreground ...) (tooltip :foreground ... :background ...) (trailing-whitespace :inherit warning) (window-divider :foreground ...) (vertical-border :foreground ...) (tty-menu-enabled-face :foreground ... :inverse-video nil :background ...) (tty-menu-disabled-face :background ... :inverse-video nil :foreground ...) (tty-menu-selected-face :foreground ... :background ...) (solaire-default-face :background ... :foreground ...) (solaire-fringe-face :background ... :foreground ...) (solaire-line-number-face :foreground ... :background ...) ...))) (apply #'custom-theme-set-faces 'catppuccin (let* ((expand-with-func #'...) whole-theme) (let ((tail faces)) (while tail (let ... ... ...))) whole-theme)) (apply #'custom-theme-set-variables 'catppuccin (let ((get-func (let* ... ...))) (list (list 'ansi-color-names-vector (vector ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...))) (list (list 'rustic-ansi-faces (list ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...))))))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-15213> nil "/home/hta/.emacs.d/elpa/catppuccin-theme-20230417...." nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 66614
  load-with-code-conversion("/home/hta/.emacs.d/elpa/catppuccin-theme-20230417...." "/home/hta/.emacs.d/elpa/catppuccin-theme-20230417...." nil t)
  load("/home/hta/.emacs.d/elpa/catppuccin-theme-20230417...." nil t nil t)
  load-theme(catppuccin t)
  (progn (setq th/theme 'catppuccin) (load-theme 'catppuccin t) (catppuccin-reload))
  (condition-case err (progn (setq th/theme 'catppuccin) (load-theme 'catppuccin t) (catppuccin-reload)) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning0 :init err)))
  (progn (let ((custom--inhibit-theme-enable nil)) (if (memq 'use-package custom-known-themes) nil (custom-declare-theme 'use-package 'use-package-theme nil (list)) (enable-theme 'use-package) (setq custom-enabled-themes (remq 'use-package custom-enabled-themes))) (custom-theme-set-variables 'use-package '(catppuccin-flavor 'catppuccin-latte nil nil "Customized with use-package catppuccin-theme"))) (condition-case err (progn (setq th/theme 'catppuccin) (load-theme 'catppuccin t) (catppuccin-reload)) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning0 :init err))) (if (not (require 'catppuccin-theme nil t)) (display-warning 'use-package (format "Cannot load %s" 'catppuccin-theme) :error)))
  (condition-case err (progn (let ((custom--inhibit-theme-enable nil)) (if (memq 'use-package custom-known-themes) nil (custom-declare-theme 'use-package 'use-package-theme nil (list)) (enable-theme 'use-package) (setq custom-enabled-themes (remq 'use-package custom-enabled-themes))) (custom-theme-set-variables 'use-package '(catppuccin-flavor 'catppuccin-latte nil nil "Customized with use-package catppuccin-theme"))) (condition-case err (progn (setq th/theme 'catppuccin) (load-theme 'catppuccin t) (catppuccin-reload)) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning0 :init err))) (if (not (require 'catppuccin-theme nil t)) (display-warning 'use-package (format "Cannot load %s" 'catppuccin-theme) :error))) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning0 :catch err)))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/home/hta/.emacs.d/init.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 4527
  load-with-code-conversion("/home/hta/.emacs.d/init.el" "/home/hta/.emacs.d/init.el" t t)
  load("/home/hta/.emacs.d/init" noerror nomessage)
  startup--load-user-init-file(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode -0x14c30244cfea4f0f>) #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode -0x1f3c61addc0ba1b5>) t)

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