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developer-rewards's Issues

Exploring Creative Use-Cases to Maximize Python SDK Potential

Reward Size in USD

500 USD

Reward category



We're inviting you to participate to explore the possibilities of using the Casper Client Python SDK in real world scenarios like Data Analytics etc.

Recommended approach:

  • Dive into the SDK(s) and explore its various features.
  • Explore Casper Client SDK Standards
  • Explore sample implementations and try to come up with an innovative way to leverage the Casper Client Python SDK

Acceptance Criteria

  • Submit a comprehensive Pull Request detailing the changes, documenting and highlighting the implementation provided
  • Provide the Open Source implementation of you Idea for the Front-end and the Back-end
  • Explain how your idea can help Casper Ecosystem to build upon it and maybe create new Products for the Community
  • Our internal experts team will review your recommendations/ suggestions and their acceptance is deemed final
  • When delivering the solution describe the main functions in Code and what was done with all relevant information to [email protected]

Casper Wallet Adapter

Reward Size in USD

700 USD

Reward category



Create an NPM package for connecting to different wallets in the Casper ecosystem. A standardized wallet adapter for Casper is going to enable dApp developers to start building quickly without the need to reinvent the wheel. It is going to be developed using React 18. The project structure will be kept as simple as possible to allow new contributors to freely understand the project. Having a lightweight and performant package is the goal. Lastly, a good file is going to show how it is used.
Currently I've found three different wallets (except Casper Signer as it going to be deprecated):

  • Casper Wallet
  • Gosuto Wallet
  • CasperDash Wallet
    Those wallets are going to be supported.
    The package will provide an easy-to-use interface for everything a dApp needs to interact with wallets.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Find new wallets to support if there are missing ones.
  2. Read documentations of each wallet.
  3. Build Casper Wallet Adapter NPM package.
  4. Make a good file that shows how the package is going to be used.

Scala SDK proposal-1

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



Here is the state of the SDK as of now , it's 1.4.15 compliant :

Here are all the methods to update or to add for compliance with latest 1.5.2

We will be updating the following methods to V 1.5.2


Tasks :

  • Implementation
  • review of unit tests and adaptation
  • Update github documentation

Estimated workload: 8 hours

Hourly rate: 125 US

Acceptance Criteria

1- Methods :

updated to V 1.5.2 of Casper node

2- Unit tests updated and running successfully for the above methods

3- Github documentation updated

Developing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Casper-Client: Website or Standalone Application

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



It seems that a CL dev built something similar already and published the GitHub Repo:
It is also available online:

Maybe this can be extended or used as a reference/starting point on how to interact with the Casper network via a website.

— Additional Features? —
Create a website which offers a UI to create deploys, test smart contracts and interact with the Casper blockchain.

Using casper-client can be very complicated since it is a command line utility which is very powerful and flexible but that is also it’s weak point:
A lot of things can go wrong and it is easy to make mistakes causing frustration when developing or testing.

Create a UI version of casper-client similar to the one already mentioned at the beginning, as a website, which can also send the deploys to the network directly

It is much more complex but offers an even better user experience if it can store user data, sessions, custom templates, doesn’t share potentially sensitive data etc.

Acceptance Criteria

A few possible features:
Make the network selectable (MainNet, TestNet, custom)
Payment amount/Gas fees
Create collections of session-args incl. data types
Creating, editing, exporting offline deploys
RPC node (default to CA maintained ones, localhost?) incl. connection test
Templates for CEP-78.
Custom templates for own contracts which can be saved, edited, loaded

Advanced features:
Query existing contracts and provide a UI to interact with it

When delivering the solution describe the main functions in Code and what was done with all relevant information to [email protected]

Feature Request: Concept for Integration of AI Support System with Casper Developer Portal

Dev Reward Title

Prepare a general Concept for an Integration of an AI support system with Casper Developer Portal

Reward Size

350 USD

Reward category



The main objective of this DevReward is to develop a comprehensive concept for integrating GPT-4 or a comparable AI model as a support tool for the Casper Developer Portal ( by utilizing all available internal data.

The expected concept includes the following steps, which should be considered in terms of budgeting and planning:

  • Gather internal data: Collect all relevant internal data from various sources such as FAQs, knowledge base articles, and historical customer interactions available on the Casper Developer Portal.

  • Preprocess and format the data: Clean and format the internal data to ensure its suitability for training GPT-4. This may involve removing irrelevant information, standardizing the format, and organizing it in a structured manner.

  • Train AI Model: Utilize the preprocessed internal data to train an AI model using an appropriate training pipeline. This step involves feeding the data into the model and allowing it to learn the patterns, context, and nuances specific to the Casper Developer Portal.

  • Develop a user interface: Create a user interface that enables seamless interaction with the AI model. This can take the form of a chatbot or a search function embedded within the website.

  • Implement real-time data updates: Set up a system to regularly update the AI model with the latest internal data. This ensures that the model remains up to date and can provide accurate responses based on the most recent information available.

  • Test and refine: Conduct thorough testing by simulating user interactions and evaluating the responses provided by the AI model. Identify areas for improvement or refinement and iterate on the system accordingly.

  • Deploy and monitor: Once the integration has been thoroughly tested and refined, deploy the AI model support tool on the Casper Developer Portal. Continuously monitor its performance, gather user feedback, and make necessary adjustments to enhance its effectiveness and usability.

The acceptance criteria for the AI integration in the Casper Developer Portal are as follows:

  • Accuracy of Responses: The chatbot should provide accurate and relevant responses to user queries, which will be evaluated by internal Developer Advocates.

  • Understanding User Intent: The chatbot should accurately interpret user intent and respond accordingly. It should comprehend the nuances and context of user queries to provide appropriate and helpful responses.

  • Response Time: The chatbot should respond to user queries within an acceptable timeframe, as determined by Developer Advocates.

  • Language Comprehension: The chatbot should have a wide vocabulary and understanding of various language nuances to facilitate effective communication.

  • Handling of User Errors: The chatbot should be capable of effectively handling user errors and misunderstandings. It should provide clear prompts or suggestions when a user query is ambiguous or invalid, guiding them towards the correct information.

  • Personalization and Context Persistence: The chatbot should be able to maintain context throughout the conversation and provide personalized responses based on user preferences or previous interactions.

  • Integration with Existing Systems: The integration should successfully connect with all relevant data sources, such as the Developer portal and, ensuring seamless data exchange.

  • Scalability and Performance: The chatbot should be able to handle a high volume of concurrent user interactions without a significant decrease in performance. Performance benchmarks may be defined as part of the acceptance criteria to ensure effective scalability.

  • Continuous Improvement: The acceptance criteria should include provisions for ongoing monitoring and improvement of the chatbot's performance based on user feedback and analytics data.

Acceptance Criteria

To develop a comprehensive concept for the desired outcome, the following tasks should be included:

  • Explore the feasibility of an open-source approach for the integration.
  • Evaluate potential technical possibilities and consider different approaches for the AI integration.
  • Make solution suggestions based on the evaluation and provide a comparison of the different approaches.
  • Prepare a detailed budget breakdown that covers implementation costs, operational costs, and ongoing monitoring and improvement.
  • Compile a comprehensive report or presentation containing all the necessary details.
  • If not all the points described above can be implemented in the concept or are not required in your view, explain it with rationale.
  • Develop a User Requirement Specification (URS) document that outlines the user requirements, which can later be converted into a project/technical specification.

Bug Harvesting: Review and Testing of Casper Client Golang SDK

Reward Size in USD

500 USD

Reward category



We're inviting you to participate by reviewing and testing our cutting-edge Casper Client Golang Software Development Kit (SDK).

Recommended approach:

  • Dive into the SDK(s) and explore its various features.
  • Develop sample applications, test the SDK's capabilities, and analyse its performance.
  • Take note of any bugs, inconsistencies, or areas for improvement.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Submit a comprehensive feedback report detailing your experience, highlighting the SDK's strengths and weaknesses, and providing suggestions for improvement. Be as detailed and specific as possible to help us enhance our SDK effectively.
  • Our internal experts team will review your recommendations/ suggestions and their acceptance is deemed final
  • When delivering the solution describe the main functions in Code and what was done with all relevant information to [email protected]

Swift SDK update to node 1.5 - Part 1

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



We have developed Swift SDK for Casper node version 1.4 for the following methods:

  1. chain_get_state_root_hash
  2. info_get_peers
  3. info_get_deployment
  4. info_get_status
  5. chain_get_block_transfers
  6. chain_get_block
  7. chain_get_era_info_by_switch_block
  8. status_get_item
  9. state_get_dictionary_item
  10. state_get_balance
  11. state_get_auction_info
  12. account_put_deploy

Because the maximum value of the proposal is $ 1000, I will split up 3 proposals each proposal 1000 $ corresponding to 4 methods. This is part 1:


Acceptance Criteria

Following methods of the API Fully updated to 1.5 CSPR node:

  • chain_get_state_root_hash
  • info_get_peers
  • info_get_deploy
  • info_get_status

Unit tests

Swift SDK update to node 1.5

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



We have developed Swift SDK for Casper node version 1.4 for the following methods

  1. chain_get_state_root_hash
  2. info_get_peers
  3. info_get_deployment
  4. info_get_status
  5. chain_get_block_transfers
  6. chain_get_block
  7. chain_get_era_info_by_switch_block
  8. status_get_item
  9. state_get_dictionary_item
  10. state_get_balance
  11. state_get_auction_info
  12. account_put_deploy

To update to node 1.5 version, it takes much time to review the whole thing, groping for testing, editing and then testing the whole thing again.

Very close estimate it took about 50-70 hours for this whole thing (12 methods).
Cost: $2900.

Because the maximum value of the proposal is $ 1000, I will split up 3 proposals each proposal 1000 $ corresponding to 4 methods.

  1. chain_get_state_root_hash
  2. info_get_peers
  3. info_get_deployment
  4. info_get_status

Acceptance Criteria

  • Following methods of the API Fully updated to 1.5 CSPR node:
    • chain_get_state_root_hash
    • info_get_peers
    • info_get_deploy
    • info_get_status
  • Unit tests

Create Vietnamese DevReward Tutorial

Reward Size in USD

300 USD

Reward category



Vietnam is one of the biggest blockchain hubs in South East Asia, in terms of community and builders. That's the reason why we created this proposal to create the documentation and video guide about the DevReward program that can attract more Vietnamese Builders.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Translate the to Vietnamese
  2. Record the tutorial video in Vietnamese. Ref:
  3. Blog post about how our builder get the reward when joining the DevReward program to solve this proposal #3
  4. Create the Vietnamese Casper Builder Telegram Group to educate and support builder

Free Tax Tool: Develop a reward calculation tool for certain public key and for a certain timeframe (for tax documentation)

Reward Size in USD

500 USD

Reward category



Currently, it is quite difficult to obtain a report for a specific period detailing all the CSPR delegation rewards of a particular address for a year, along with the corresponding price at the time when the rewards were generated.

The solution to this issue should be a tool that is free to use and open-source. This tool will enable users to generate a list of all the rewards for a specific public key (e.g., wallet address) within a designated time period (e.g., a year). Furthermore, it should provide an option to download this information directly as a document (e.g., a .csv file), without requiring any additional user data (such as an email address).

This tool should be accessible and user-friendly for everyone, featuring a simple GUI or should be written in cross-plattform code like Python (SDKs in Python are already available in the DevPortal Library).

Proposal DevReward Tax Tool.pdf

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Code must be open-source.
  2. The tool should be written for example in Python levaraging Casper SDKs (No bash scripts etc.)
  3. The input fields should include "Public Key Address" and "Period from/to."
  4. The time period should be selectable by year (e.g., from 01. Jan 2020 00:00 to 31. Dec 2020 23:59).
  5. The output should be a table with the following columns: "Era," "Date & Time," "CSPR Reward," "CSPR Price at the Time of Reward Received in $."
  6. This table should be downloadable as a .csv file or in a similar format.
  7. When delivering the solution describe the main functions in Code and what was done with all relevant information to [email protected]

For a clearer presentation, please refer to the attached proposal.

Implementing a Faucet for ERC20/CEP-18 Tokens

Dev Reward Title

Implementing a Faucet for ERC20/CEP-18 Tokens

Reward Size

200 USD

Reward category



Prepare a simple web UI (preferably React) with a button that people can press to get X amount of Token, redeemable only once every 24h. A similar solution we have for the $CSPR native token on the testnet. We want an easier way of token distribution.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Check CEP-18 implementation of ERC-20 standard on Casper Network.
  • Deploy CEP-18 smart contract to TestNet (with the name of your choice and supply amounting to 1 000 000 tokens)
  • Create a simple web app that signs the transaction automatically
  • On the website, implement a logic to distribute the tokens from the token pool:
  • The user can initiate the distribution process of 1000 tokens by clicking on the button and signing the transaction, he is paying the gas fee to transfer the tokens to his account.
  • There is a cooldown of 24h before he can repeat the action.
  • The website checks the number of tokens left and shows this to the user.
  • When delivering the solution describe the main functions in Code and what was done with all relevant information to [email protected]

Casper Mainnet: Enhancing Address Data Accessibility on Blockchain Explorer

Reward Size in USD

300 USD

Reward category



Description: The Casper Mainnet Blockchain is open source, and various blockchain explorers have made some of its data accessible. This DevReward project aims to create a data tool that provides a comprehensive overview of the blockchain's daily activity concerning addresses on explorers. The primary objective is to gain a better understanding of active wallets and wallets in general.

Acceptance Criteria

• The required data must be sourced from the Mainnet of the Casper Blockchain.

• The newly generated daily datasets should be added to the main datasets in a timely manner and should be available as .csv files within 48 hours.

• The available categories should include the following datasets:
o Daily active addresses (addresses that have performed at least 1 deploy)
o Daily total of newly generated addresses
o Daily total of all available addresses on the blockchain
o Daily total of all empty addresses that do not contain any tokens
o Daily total of all available addresses that contain at least 1-9 CSPR Tokens
o Daily total of all available addresses that contain at least 10 to 99 CSPR
o Daily total of all available addresses that contain at least 1000 to 9,999 CSPR
o Daily total of all available addresses that contain at least 10,000 to 99,999 CSPR
o Daily total of all available addresses that contain at least 100,000 to 999,999 CSPR
o Daily total of all available addresses that contain at least 1,000,000 to 4,999,999 CSPR
o Daily total of all available addresses that contain more than 5,000,000 CSPR

• The dataset should provide daily data points.

• Data must be available for download in .csv format and easily accessible. It should be available for at least the year 2023
and, preferably, for the entire blockchain history up to the Genesis block if applicable.

• The downloadable .csv datasets need to have at least the following filters to choose from:
o Last month
o Last year
o All data (until Genesis or at least 2023)
o Select time frame (with a selectable range that goes in the format "from to")

• Consider refining the categorization and suggest more granular datasets if applicable.

• Provide a detailed description of how the different sections were categorized, the calculations behind it, the data processing
methods employed, and make the source code accessible.

• Optionally, include a graphical representation of the data over time on the explorer's webpage.

Casper Testnet: Enhancing Address Data Accessibility on Blockchain Explorer

Reward Size in USD

150 USD

Reward category



Description: The Casper Testnet Blockchain is open source, but currently, not many blockchain explorers have made its data accessible. This DevReward project aims to create a data tool that provides a comprehensive overview of the blockchain's daily activity concerning addresses on explorers. The primary objective is to gain a better understanding of active wallets and wallets in general.

Acceptance Criteria

• The required data must be sourced from the testnet of the Casper Blockchain.

• The newly generated daily datasets should be added to the main datasets in a timely manner and should be available as
.csv files within 48 hours.

• The available categories should include the following datasets:
o Daily active addresses (addresses that have performed at least 1 deploy)
o Daily total of newly generated addresses
o Daily total of all available addresses on the blockchain

• The dataset should provide daily data points.

• Data must be available for download in .csv format and easily accessible. It should be available for at least the year 2023 and, preferably, for the entire blockchain history up to the Genesis block if applicable.

• The downloadable .csv datasets need to have at least the following filters to choose from:
o Last month
o Last year
o All data (until Genesis or at least 2023)
o Select time frame (with a selectable range that goes in the format "from to")

• Consider refining the categorization and suggest more granular datasets if applicable.

• Provide a detailed description of how the different sections were categorized, the calculations behind it, the data processing
methods employed, and make the source code accessible.

• Optionally, include a graphical representation of the data over time on the explorer's webpage.

Swift SDK update to node 1.5 - Part 3

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



We have developed Swift SDK for Casper node version 1.4 for the following methods:

  1. chain_get_state_root_hash
  2. info_get_peers
  3. info_get_deployment
  4. info_get_status
  5. chain_get_block_transfers
  6. chain_get_block
  7. chain_get_era_info_by_switch_block
  8. status_get_item
  9. state_get_dictionary_item
  10. state_get_balance
  11. state_get_auction_info
  12. account_put_deploy

Because the maximum value of the proposal is $ 1000, I will split up 3 proposals each proposal 1000 $ corresponding to 4 methods. This is part 3:


Acceptance Criteria

Following methods of the API Fully updated to 1.5 CSPR node:

  • state_get_dictionary_item
  • state_get_balance
  • state_get_auction_info
  • account_put_deploy

Unit tests

Smart Contract Reader

Reward Size in USD

600 USD

Reward category



GM readers and devs!
I am in Crypto since 2017 and missing one feature for interacting with a smart contract. The masses dont know how to read a code.
For the transparency sake, I always wished that there will be a meassage when you interact with the smart contract, what this smart contract is able to do if you accept. This makes it a lot harder for scammers beacause before you interact with the contract it says you, that it can drain your wallet or whatever. On the other hand it can say that the contract can only read your wallet and signing this contract is safe.
For enterprise adoption it would be a hughe win if they dont have to care about those issues to get scammed by what ever.

I heard about the fire extension, which pops up when you sign a contract which tells you what the contract is able to do if you sign.

My public adress is 0197565a21eda48501efcc16bc20b5013ef6ce80f3b027e4f95ddef57474a6c557
You can also reach out to me via email: [email protected]

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Check contract as you want to sign a interaction on the Casper Network.
  2. Tell the user what signing this contract does.
  3. If it does what you are signing for, good! If this contract would drain your wallet, good that we know and wont sign the contract.
  4. Create a feedback button for dangerous fake contracts to report them
  5. If you dont have someone to do this, give me this job :p
  6. I think about a message for approvals, swaps, deploys, withdrwas, sell and buy orders on the nft market whatever. Every contract you can sign
  7. Love Casper go

Scala SDK proposal-2

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



Here is the state of the SDK as of now , it's 1.4.15 compliant :

Here are all the methods to update or to add for compliance with latest 1.5.2

We will be updating the following methods to V 1.5.2


Tasks :

  • Implementation
  • review of unit tests and adaptation
  • Update github documentation

Estimated workload: 8 hours

Hourly rate: 125 US

Acceptance Criteria

1- Methods :

updated to V 1.5.2 of Casper node

2- Unit tests updated and running successfully for the above methods

3- Github documentation updated

Concept Creation: Enhancing Casper Blockchain Explorer with DeFi Insights

Reward Size in USD

500 USD

Reward category



The DeFi landscape is currently evolving, and TVL (Total Value Locked) is a valuable indicator of the level of activity occurring on the blockchain within the context of the DeFi ecosystem. The Casper Mainnet Blockchain is open source, and various blockchain explorers have made some of its data accessible. This DevReward project aims to create a data tool that provides a comprehensive overview of the blockchain's daily activity related to TVL and DEX (Decentralized Exchange) activity. The primary objective is to gain a better understanding of TVL on the blockchain, active DEXs, and the corresponding liquidity pools.

Acceptance Criteria

• The required data must be sourced from the Mainnet of the Casper Blockchain.

• This Developer Reward is focused on Teams with Casper Blockchain Explorer, which, in a second step, would be able to
include the concept directly into their explorer if all acceptance criteria are met.

• Prepare a robust concept and mock-up for indicating TVL, active DEXs and Bridges, and the included liquidity pools. This
mock-up should have the following required MVPs that can be assessed:
o A comprehensive overview of all DEXs and bridges using the Casper Blockchain.
o A comprehensive overview of all available liquidity pools that are included.
o A total overview of the entire existing TVL on the Casper blockchain and the daily changes in these volumes.
o The data should be available as downloadable .csv files.
o Make suggestions for 5-10 KPIs that should be available and explain the added value they would bring.
o Data must be available for download in .csv format and easily accessible. It should be available for at least the year 2023
and, preferably, for the entire blockchain history up to the Genesis block if applicable.

• Provide a detailed description of how the different sections were categorized, the calculations behind them, the data
processing methods employed, and make the source code accessible.

• As soon as this data and MVP are ready, schedule a meeting with the corresponding deployer of the concept and we will
request a demo of the MVP.

• If all acceptance criteria are met, please provide a time schedule for implementing the solution and an implementation

• Based on these points, the concept will then be transferred to a DevReward that will cover the implementation of this
concept or further development until the solution is live on the corresponding Explorer.

Bug Report and Vulnerability Report of Page

Reward Size in USD

300 USD

Reward category



This DevReward is focused on vulnerabilities in our webpage, A bug search yielded the result that several vulnerabilities exist, and they should be assessed by the Association. The involved developer has provided a status report and self-reported it to the technical team of the association.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. full bug report available for review by the Casper association.

Casper Mainnet: Improving Daily Deploy Data Accessibility on Blockchain Explorer

Reward Size in USD

300 USD

Reward category



The Casper Mainnet Blockchain is open source, and various blockchain explorers have made some of its data accessible. This DevReward project aims to create a data tool that provides a comprehensive overview of the blockchain's daily activity concerning deploys on Explorers. The primary objective is to categorize and subdivide daily deploys into the following categories:

• Total daily deploys
• Daily native CSPR Transactions (regular CSPR token transfers from A to B)
• Daily staking deploys
• Unstaking deploys
• Daily NFT mintings
• Daily NFT transfers
• Daily NFT burns
• Daily smart contract deploys
• Daily other/unknown transactions

Acceptance Criteria

• The required data must be sourced from the mainnet of the Casper Blockchain.

• The new daily generated datasets should be added to the main datasets in a timely manner and need to be available as .csv
files (available within 48 hours).

• The available categories should include the following datasets:
o Daily Total deploys
o Daily native CSPR Transactions
o Daily staking activities
o Daily unstaking deploys
o Daily NFT mintings
o Daily NFT transfers
o Daily NFT burns
o Daily smart contract deploys
o Daily other/unknown transactions

• The dataset should provide daily data points.

• Data must be available for download in .csv format and easily accessible. It should be available for at least the year 2023
and, preferably, for the entire blockchain history up to the Genesis block.

• The downloadable .csv datasets need to have at least the following filters to choose from:
o Last month
o Last year
o All data (until Genesis or at least 2023)
o Select time frame (with a selectable range that goes in the format "from to")

• Consider refining the categorization and suggest more granular datasets. Explore the possibility of further subdividing the
"other/unknown" category, similar to the smart contract deploys, and clarify the types of transactions it encompasses.

• Provide a detailed description of how the different sections were categorized, the data processing methods employed, and
make the source code accessible.

• Optionally, include a graphical representation of the data over time on the explorer's webpage.

Scala SDK proposal-4

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



Here is the state of the SDK as of now , it's 1.4.15 compliant.

Here are all the methods to update or to add for compliance with latest 1.5.2

We will be updating the following method to V 1.5.2


and adding the following two methods :


Tasks :

  • Implementation
  • review of unit tests and adaptation
  • Deployment of a new version of the SDK on the Maven and SBT repositories
  • Update github documentation

Estimated workload: 8 hours

Hourly rate: 125 US

Acceptance Criteria

1- Method : "chain_get_state_root_hash"

updated to V 1.5.2 of Casper node

2- Methods :


implemented accordining to V1.5.2 of Casper node

2- Unit tests added and updated to V1.5.2 and running successfully for the above methods

3- Github documentation updated

4- New version of the SDK available on maven and sbt Repos

Casper Testnet: Improving Daily Deploy Data Accessibility on Blockchain Explorer

Reward Size in USD

300 USD

Reward category



The Casper Testnet Blockchain is open source, but currently, not many blockchain explorers have made its data accessible. This DevReward project aims to create a data tool that provides a comprehensive overview of the testnet's daily activity concerning deploys on explorers. The primary objective is to categorize and subdivide daily deploys into the following categories:
• Total daily deploys
• Daily native CSPR Transactions (regular CSPR token transfers from A to B)
• Daily staking activities
• Unstaking deploys
• Daily NFT mintings
• Daily NFT transfers
• Daily NFT burns
• Daily smart contract deploys
• Daily other/unknown transactions

Acceptance Criteria

• The required data must be sourced from the Testnet of the Casper Blockchain.

• The newly generated daily datasets should be added to the main datasets in a timely manner and need to be available as .csv files (within 48 hours).

• The available categories should include the following datasets:
o Daily Total deploys
o Daily native CSPR Transactions
o Daily staking activities
o Daily unstaking deploys
o Daily NFT mintings
o Daily NFT transfers
o Daily NFT burns
o Daily smart contract deploys
o Daily other/unknown transactions
• The dataset should provide daily data points.

• Data must be available for download in .csv format and easily accessible. It should be available for at least the year 2023
and, preferably, for the entire blockchain history up to the Genesis block if applicable.

• The downloadable .csv datasets need to have at least the following filters to choose from:
o Last month
o Last year
o All data (until Genesis or at least 2023)
o Select time frame (with a selectable range that goes in the format "from to")

• Consider refining the categorization and suggest more granular datasets. Explore the possibility of further subdividing the
"other/unknown" category, similar to the smart contract deploys, and clarify the types of transactions it encompasses.

• Provide a detailed description of how the different sections were categorized, the data processing methods employed, and
make the source code accessible.

• Optionally, include a graphical representation of the data over time on the explorer's webpage.

Enhancement Request: Implement Time-based Data Indexing for Improved Node Monitoring for Validators

Reward Size in USD

500 USD

Reward category



Today, there are no tools available to assist validators in visualizing and analyzing the statistics of their nodes over time. The purpose of this DevReward is to develop a comprehensive dataset that enables validators to access various time series data, such as the daily cumulative staked amount, by utilizing raw data including the number of stakers, total CSPR staked, rewards, delegation, and undelegation.

Granularity: The data should be captured at the end of each block or era, providing a detailed and accurate representation of the node's performance.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Modify the Casper Blockchain Statistic Webpage parser and utilize the JSON-RPC endpoint to index all validators' data.
  • Create a materialized view in the database to filter and structure the data, enabling the creation of a "readable" stream.
  • Implement GraphQL requests that can be called by frontend components, providing efficient and flexible data retrieval.
  • Ensure that the development process prioritizes performance, minimizing the time taken for queries and API calls.
  • Make it a requirement that the code developed for this project is open source, promoting transparency and collaboration in the developer community.

Swift SDK update to node 1.5 - Part 2

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



We have developed Swift SDK for Casper node version 1.4 for the following methods:

  1. chain_get_state_root_hash
  2. info_get_peers
  3. info_get_deployment
  4. info_get_status
  5. chain_get_block_transfers
  6. chain_get_block
  7. chain_get_era_info_by_switch_block
  8. status_get_item
  9. state_get_dictionary_item
  10. state_get_balance
  11. state_get_auction_info
  12. account_put_deploy

Because the maximum value of the proposal is $ 1000, I will split up 3 proposals each proposal 1000 $ corresponding to 4 methods. This is part 2:


Acceptance Criteria

Following methods of the API Fully updated to 1.5 CSPR node:

  • chain_get_block_transfers
  • chain_get_block
  • chain_get_era_info_by_switch_block
  • status_get_item

Unit tests

Feature Request: Add Node Statistics Section to Validator Pages for Detailed Casper Blockchain Data Display

Reward Size in USD

500 USD

Reward category



Today, there is a lack of tools available to assist validators in visualizing and analyzing the statistics of their nodes over time. The objective of this DevReward is to create new graphs on websites that display relevant Casper Blockchain data. These graphs will provide a convenient way for node owners and the community to track validator statistics over time. The data displayed will include information such as the number of stakers, total CSPR staked, rewards, delegation, and undelegation. By providing this visual representation of the data, validators and the community will be able to easily monitor and analyze the performance and trends of the validators.

Acceptance Criteria

In addition to the existing features of the Casper-Blockchain statistics website, a new section will be introduced on the individual pages of all validators. This section will include graphs that provide valuable insights into various aspects of the validator's performance over time. The following graphs will be included:

  • Rewards Earned Over Time: This graph will visualize the rewards earned by the validator over a specific period. It will allow validators and the community to track the growth of rewards and identify any patterns or trends.

  • Total CSPR Staked Over Time: This graph will display the total amount of CSPR staked with the validator over time. It will provide an overview of the validator's staking activity and showcase the growth of the stake.

  • Delegate Action Over Time: This graph will illustrate the delegation activity associated with the validator over a given timeframe. It will demonstrate the inflow of delegation and highlight periods of increased or decreased delegation.

  • Undelegate Action Over Time: This graph will showcase the undelegation activity related to the validator. It will help validators and the community understand the periods when undelegations occur and the impact on the validator's stake.

  • Delegators Over Time: This graph will present the number of delegators associated with the validator over time. It will indicate the growth or decline in the validator's delegator base and provide insights into its popularity within the community.

  • As a mandatory requirement, the code developed for the Casper-Blockchain statistics website and these additional features will be open source.

Scala SDK proposal-3

Reward Size in USD

1000 USD

Reward category



Here is the state of the SDK as of now , it's 1.4.15 compliant :

Here are all the methods to update or to add for compliance with latest 1.5.2

We will be updating the following methods to V 1.5.2


Tasks :

  • Implementation
  • review of unit tests and adaptation
  • Update github documentation

Estimated workload: 8 hours

Hourly rate: 125 US

Acceptance Criteria

1- Methods :

updated to V 1.5.2 of Casper node

2- Unit tests updated and running successfully for the above methods

3- Github documentation updated

Implement Casper Discord Bot

Reward Size in USD

700 USD

Reward category



Currently there is no Casper Discord Bot that support Discord Administrator / Mod to manage their community. We would like to create this proposal to implement the Casper Discord Bot with these features:

  • Allow Discord user to connect their CSPR Wallets such as CasperDash and Casper Wallet
  • Allow Discord user to update their Wallet Address
  • Allow them to query their wallet info including balance and NFTs
  • Allow Discord Mod to create the Discord Linked Role based on the specific condition. For instance, user will have the role "Casper Hodler" if their staking is larger than 100000 CSPR.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Setup the Casper Discord Bot by forking this repo
  2. Implement "Connect your accounts" flow that user can connect their CSPR Wallet with CasperDash or Casper Wallet
  3. Implement these commands:
  • profile: display the wallet information including balance and number of NFTs
  • connect: allow user to connect/reconnect their CSPR Wallet
  • nft: display their NFTs
  1. Implement the Casper Discord Bot Landing Page to introduce about the project information and allow the NFT builder / dApps to register their projects with Casper Discord Bot

in the July-August 2023 some unknown conditions suddenly arose to such a severe degree for as minimum 100 nodes changed their uptime indicators dramatically. This workout should help.

Reward Size in USD

400 USD

Reward category



What happened (abstract)

We all are observing a strange behavior of the nodes uptime estimation tool. About 100 nodes that had excellent performance and uptime - i.e. were hitting 700 every or most of weeks in a year (except for the well-known 3-7 days when the whole network was lagging) suddenly started to lag out of the blue in August (since week#6), so it was no longer possible to make "700" for them, and therefore they were no longer paid at all, or paid very sparingly.
Some nodes looks just surprizingly: went through fire and water and didn't even sneeze in common laggy days but suddenly stumbled every day in August.

The network had common and unavoidable lag days due to events such as::
Jan 28 to Feb 2 - attack event (mention in the group:;
Feb 21 - 1.4.13 upgrade;
Feb 28 - March 1 - many people lost their LP during attack on port 8888 (source IPs:; and others.. )
April 12 - /doesn't seem to depend on the host/
May 4 - 1.4.15 Upgrade
June 21 - mass Germany located Hetzner servers lag. (yet 1 in Finland though)

New events that took place during the period examined:
July 6 - firewall update, whitelisting for scoring tool
July 17 (Q3,week#3) - upgrade 1.5.2
Note: week#5 has more payed nodes as it includes grace period (from Jul31 to Aug2)
August 1 - firewall update, whitelisting for scoring tool
August 7 - a date with an unknown event, after which many nodes became heavily laggy

On the day of the 1.5.2 update - July 17 - many nodes lost longevity points (LP) and some even went offline, some required up to 2 consecutive days for the update, so July 17-18 are not considered as lags. This is more of an operator negligence. And marked as 'missed upgr'.

The usual causes of lags are weak server configuration, server/node misconduction or oversite, network problems at different parts of the testnetwork. And it is obvious that in the month of August any of these conditions could not suddenly arise to such a severe degree that hundred of nodes would change their indicators dramatically.
So in this study, I'm going to assume that the "node uptime" metrics that are the result of the node scoring tool survey do not reflect actual node uptime.

* In any case, in the attachment there is a list of all problematic nodes in the network with comprehensive data for evaluating network performance for any further research. And if you need logs of those nodes, we can post the list of needed PubKeys directly in the testnet telegram group and explicitly their operators to do upload.


The only mean to register those lags is "Casper Testnet Participant Scores" spreadsheet. But this spreadsheet is not published right at the end of each week, and so I (as well as everyone else in the network) did not have the opportunity to spot abnormalities in time, so this study may not already contain fully relevant data.
In addition to that, be noted, I was evaluating Validator/KeepUp status as of September 8 and Sept. 12. And after making my suggestion in the testnet telegram group, many people may have activated the bid on the validators auccion so this data may already become irrelevant (and indeed there is such a movement on the netю You can see the signs of racing right here

Given the long experience of the test network, 1 lag on some date common to all participants can be considered normal behavior.
So even the July 17 lag will not be taken into account when evaluating the performance level of the node (as well as the lag of February 21, May 4, June 21, etc.)
'Performance level' means 'Good' or 'Bad'.

Sources used: Casper Testnet Participant Scores - 2023 Q1, Q2 and Q3 (as of Sept.6) spreadsheets. + CNM ( as of September 8-12.

i try to answer some questions:

  • How many of all kinds of nodes are in the Network at the moment of the study (~Sept. 10)?
    264 - total
    214 - are 'Good's, 'Average's, 'bad-good's and 'good-short's (123 - Validators; 83 - KeepUp or ReadOnly; 8 - Inactive bid)
    192 - Good (have 700 points in most weeks)
    2 - Average (still profitable, will be considered as 'Good')
    10 - bad-good (seems have improved hardware)
    10 - good-short (good, but worked less than 3 months - started in June - August)
    50 - unuseful nodes (with lags every week or too offten stops, have no reliable info)
    194 - good + average, are useful and reliable nodes for evaluating network issues.

  • How many of reliable 'Good' nodes - i.e. excepting 'short' and 'bad-good' showed lagging in different periods?

  • What number of lag-events?

  • What are their states?
    Note: 'missed upgr' cases will not be counted.

    lags in July 6 -16
    Validators: 8 nodes ; 8 lag events if deduct '1 lag' events: 1 node; 1 event
    KeepUp: 2 nodes ; 3 lag events 1 node; 2 events
    Inactive bid: 1 nodes ; 2 lag events 1 node; 2 events

    lags in July 17-31
    Validators: 36 nodes ; 115 lag events if deduct '1 lag' events: 26 nodes; 105 event
    KeepUp: 51 nodes; 167 lag events 43 nodes; 159 events
    Inactive bid: 2 nodes ; 8 lag events 1 node; 7 events

    lags in August 1-6
    Validators: 7 nodes; 8 lag events if deduct '1 lag' events: 1 node; 2 events
    KeepUp 10 nodes; 10 lag events) 0 nodes; 0 events
    Inactive bid 0 nodes; 0 lag events) 0 nodes; 0 events

    lags after August 7..
    Validators: 35 nodes; 343 lag events if deduct '1 lag' events: 28 nodes; 335 events
    KeepUp: 52 nodes; 505 lag events 49 nodes; 499 events
    Inactive bid: 0 nodes; 0 lag events 0 nodes; 0 events


    39 Validator, not considered bad-performance, nodes suffered in July-August with 443 lag events ( '1 lag' cases were not taken into account)
    57 ReadOnly,not considered bad-performance, nodes suffered in July-August with 660 lag events ( '1 lag' cases were not taken into account)
    and 2 NotActive bid nodes with 9 lags events

    As we can see, even either with '1 lag' cases or without them, KeepUp nodes has more lags.

  • How many nodes had no any changes in July nor August? How many of them are Validators? Is there a correlation with Hoster or region?
    Note: 'missed upgrade' cases will not be taken into account, again, as they are not due to the network faults/events/issues etc..

    65 Validator nodes had absolutely no lags in whole July-August period - green colored
    (and even 2 more Validator nodes are among 'bad-good' class)
    16 Read-only nodes had absolutely no lags in whole July-August period - green colored

  • How many nodes which lost LP at July 17 lagged / had no lags in further period? - they are marked as "missed upgr." in my spreadsheet.
    - 17 Validator nodes have lost LP at 1.5.2 upgrade and had no more lags
    - 9 ReadOnly nodes have lost LP at 1.5.2 upgrade and had no more lags

  • How many nodes which saved LP at July 17 lagged / had no lags in further period?
    - 46 validator (+ 2 validator from 'bad-good' performance level class')
    - 10 read-only nodes

  • Does Hoster influence the performance?
    problematic nodes are hosted at: Hetz Germany, Hetz Finland, Alabanza Finland and Innowacyjne Rozwiazania Informatyczne Poland
    Hetzner Finland nodes shows worse results than Germany in summary
    AWS - mostly better performance, but samples are too small

Some conclusions:

Even either with '1 lag' cases or without them, KeepUp nodes has more lags in July-August period. Which can be related to scoring tool IP change or 1.5.2 itself or something other. But we can monitor further.

* Of course, it is adequate and logical to say that Node Validator operators are already more responsible and more interested in the testnet, and most likely they have better servers (there is more load on the validator), and therefore they have fewer lags. But still such correlations are the majority. 

The thing we want you to pay attention to and explain how it works:

  1. Are nodes polled while they are finalizing a block?
    If so, during this time the node may experience additional load and return a bad result, even though it has excellent servers.

  2. And one of the burning questions (and one that has no normal explanation in the period under study ) is a number of nodes, which despite impeccable performance lost longevity on flat ground at July 17. (but.. seems you've already fixed it)

  3. And finally, as we are currently experiencing a sort of attack - certain IPs (and they seem to be the same for the whole network) are spamming some nodes. But not all of them. But you're aware of the case, but there's no solution yet.

    Thank you for evaluating my job


Acceptance Criteria

If it turns out that the problem is not due to errors in the uptime tool, then it is necessary to analyze the traffic that spams nodes and develop a more accurate defense against such an attack using a firewall.
Create documentation on the principle and details of the node uptime estimation tool, because people wonder what is going on in the black box.
This attack or bug, whatever it is, is causing me severe financial problems, so I would like some transparency.
With this nodes analysis you have more free time and we can request logs of all problematic nodes.

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