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adaclscanner's Issues

Console errors are registered when a machine cannot connect to LDAP

The following errors are registered when invoking the domain picker, if the machine which cannot connect to LDAP:

Exception calling "SendRequest" with "1" argument(s): "The LDAP server returned an unknown error."
At C:\Users\kf\OneDrive\Scripts\Release\ADACLScanner\ADACLScan.ps1:4775 char:1
+ $response = $LDAPConnection.SendRequest($request)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : LdapException

Exception calling "SendRequest" with "1" argument(s): "The LDAP server is unavailable."
At C:\Users\kf\OneDrive\Scripts\Release\ADACLScanner\ADACLScan.ps1:4787 char:1
+ $response = $LDAPConnection.SendRequest($request)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : LdapException

Option to include CanonicalName

Feature request - an option to include CanonicalName (in addition to or instead of DistinguishedName) to make reports easier to sort.

Does not work outside DC

It looks like this script can only be run on the domain controller, is it possible to run it remotely?

Export CSV


Actually if you open a csv in Excel, then convert data with default ',' you will have an issue with the OU path containing ','.
I advise to add a delimiter when export-csv.
It is easier when you use a csv in Excel.

export-csv -delimiter ';'

Typo on line 16139

Hi, there is a typo on line 16139, which is }D instead of just }. Consequence:

D : The term 'D' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At C:\ADControls\ADACLScan.ps1:16139 char:30
+                             }D
+                              ~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (D:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Duplicate ACE return by Get-ACL

In the template CSV, I found several ACE with the same information. For example for adminsdholder : BUILTIN\Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access has the same permission (Generic Read - All)

I get the same information with get-ACL.
Any idea why many ACE are duplicated with Get-ACL (and in the templates too, but I suppose is is related to Get-ACL output command used to generate your templates).


Pop-up windows disappear during window switching

When a pop-up window, like the object scanner, or the domain picker, is opened and user switches to another application, that window disappears and the main script window continues to be locked. The pop-up window can be found if the user minimizes all opened windows, but it would be much easier if we could just to Alt-Tab to it.

Compare CSV export does not show New entries

Running a Compare scan shows the correct results for new and removed ACLs in the HTML output.
When selecting the CSV output, all new entries are shown as "Matched" instead of "New". Removed entries are correctly shown as "Missing".

Sample CSV entry:
"OU=Administration,OU=Groups,OU=XY1,DC=HSLAB2,DC=local","organizationalUnit","HSLAB2\TestUser2","HSLAB2\TestUser2","GenericAll","Descendents","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2","InheritedObjectAceTypePresent","Allow","False","ContainerInherit","InheritOnly","2019-03-08 12:06:35","7d1dbe1f-0ae1-4e28-9fe0-30409cdf0118","1117506","","Match"

HTML image attached...

Errors when running


When I run .\adaclscan.ps1 I get the errors in the attached file. I've tried running on a 2012 R2 and 2019 Domain Controllers as well as a Windows 10 system, all return the same error.

I'm logged into the computers as an administrator and am running PowerShell as an administrator as well.




Question about the values in the State column

Hi Robin

First of all thanks for a very useful tool. I'm using it correlate some findings by another tool.

I gave a question about the values in the state column when running a compare against the default templates for Server 2016 and I'm curious about the meanings of the values that show up,

For example what does Missing mean versus Out of Policy, mean exactly? I need to explain this to customer and I'm not 100% usure.

Any help would be appreciated.

CSV Templates

Hello there,
thanks for thsi great tool.
Unfortunatelly the links for the CSV templates are not reachable.


Permissions Delete instead of DeleteChild

I found an issue and don't understand why.
If I set an object (ie an user) protected from deletion, the parent object gets ACE Deny with DeleteChild for Everyone.

Get-ACL -path "AD:$object" | select -ExpandProperty Access | ?{ $_.IdentityReference -eq "Everyone" }
ActiveDirectoryRights : DeleteChild
InheritanceType       : None
ObjectType            : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
InheritedObjectType   : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ObjectFlags           : None
AccessControlType     : Deny
IdentityReference     : Everyone
IsInherited           : False
InheritanceFlags      : None
PropagationFlags      : None

But, with ADACLScan, I get the permissions Delete instead of DeleteChild:

Object            : xxx
ObjectClass       : organizationalUnit
IdentityReference : S-1-1-0
Trustee           : Everyone
Access            : Deny
Inherited         : False
Apply To          : This Object Only
Permission        : Delete

Icon missing

From the 6.5 version, you remove public class IconExtractor.
I don't know if it's wanted or not but the icons don't show anymore (tested on WS 2016 WS 2019, 10 21H1).

Doubled/Reduntant code

The code below is doubled.

if ($chkBoxEffectiveRightsColor.IsChecked -eq $false) {
            Switch ($objRights) {
                "Self" {
                    #Self right are never express in gui it's a validated write ( 0x00000008 ACTRL_DS_SELF)

                    $objRights = ""
                "DeleteChild, DeleteTree, Delete" {
                    $objRights = "DeleteChild, DeleteTree, Delete"

                "GenericRead" {
                    $objRights = "Read Permissions,List Contents,Read All Properties,List"
                "CreateChild" {
                    $objRights = "Create"
                "DeleteChild" {
                    $objRights = "Delete"
                "GenericAll" {
                    $objRights = "Full Control"
                "CreateChild, DeleteChild" {
                    $objRights = "Create/Delete"
                "ReadProperty" {
                    Switch ($objInheritanceType) {
                        "None" {

                        	 		Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"

                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"
                                { $objRights = "Read All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch

                        "Children" {

                        	 		Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"

                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"
                                { $objRights = "Read All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch
                        "Descendents" {

                        	 		Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"

                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"
                                { $objRights = "Read All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch
                        { $objRights = "Read All Properties"	}
                    }#End switch

                "ReadProperty, WriteProperty" {
                    $objRights = "Read All Properties;Write All Properties"
                "WriteProperty" {
                    Switch ($objInheritanceType) {
                        "None" {

                        	 		Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"

                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                { $objRights = "Write All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch

                        "Children" {

                        	 		Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"

                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                { $objRights = "Write All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch
                        "Descendents" {

                        	 		Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"

                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                { $objRights = "Write All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch
                        { $objRights = "Write All Properties"	}
                    }#End switch
            }# End Switch
        } else {

            Switch ($objRights) {
                "Self" {
                    #Self right are never express in gui it's a validated write ( 0x00000008 ACTRL_DS_SELF)

                    $objRights = ""
                "GenericRead" {
                    $objRights = "Read Permissions,List Contents,Read All Properties,List"
                "CreateChild" {
                    $objRights = "Create"
                "DeleteChild" {
                    $objRights = "Delete"
                "GenericAll" {
                    $objRights = "Full Control"
                "CreateChild, DeleteChild" {
                    $objRights = "Create/Delete"
                "ReadProperty" {
                    Switch ($objInheritanceType) {
                        "None" {

                            Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"
                                { $objRights = "Read All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch
                        "Children" {

                            Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"
                                { $objRights = "Read All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch
                        "Descendents" {
                            Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"

                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Read"
                                { $objRights = "Read All Properties"	}
                            }#End switch
                        { $objRights = "Read All Properties"	}
                    }#End switch
                "ReadProperty, WriteProperty" {
                    $objRights = "Read All Properties;Write All Properties"
                "WriteProperty" {
                    Switch ($objInheritanceType) {
                        "None" {
                            Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                default {
                                    $objRights = "Write All Properties"
                            }#End switch
                        "Children" {
                            Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                default {
                                    $objRights = "Write All Properties"
                            }#End switch
                        "Descendents" {
                            Switch ($objFlags) {
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                "ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent" {
                                    $objRights = "Write"
                                default {
                                    $objRights = "Write All Properties"
                            }#End switch
                        default {
                            $objRights = "Write All Properties"
                    }#End switch
                default {

            }# End Switch

            $intCriticalityValue = GetCriticality $_.IdentityReference.toString() $_.ActiveDirectoryRights.toString() $_.AccessControlType.toString() $_.ObjectFlags.toString() $_.InheritanceType.toString() $_.ObjectType.toString() $_.InheritedObjectType.toString()

            Switch ($intCriticalityValue) {
                0 { $strLegendText = "Info"; $strLegendColor = $strLegendColorInfo }
                1 { $strLegendText = "Low"; $strLegendColor = $strLegendColorLow }
                2 { $strLegendText = "Medium"; $strLegendColor = $strLegendColorMedium }
                3 { $strLegendText = "Warning"; $strLegendColor = $strLegendColorWarning }
                4 { $strLegendText = "Critical"; $strLegendColor = $strLegendColorCritical }
            $strLegendTextVal = $strLegendText
            if ($intCriticalityValue -gt $global:intShowCriticalityLevel) {
                $global:intShowCriticalityLevel = $intCriticalityValue

        }#End IF else

Between If/Else there's only one difference

        "DeleteChild, DeleteTree, Delete" {
                    $objRights = "DeleteChild, DeleteTree, Delete"


You can probably optimize this.

Error when run from clipboard


I run a lot of the powershell scripts on remote machines, without copying script files. When I do lines:
--> $CurrentFSPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

throw an error. If you change it to
--> $CurrentFSPath = $(Get-Location).path

It will do the same thing, but will not throw errors when working from clipboard

Unable to Get Account from child domain under Effective Rights tab

Within the Effective Rights tab I can Get-Account from the same domain, but not from other domains or child domains despite selecting the location properly and seeing that the status above the input box for the user account changes to the NETLOGON name of the domain. Attempting to use domain\ or username@domainfqdn in anny combination fails as well.

Add -HideProgressBar

Hello Robin,

Any chance to add a switch -HideProgressBar to speed up the searches via command line?


Simultaneously running instances mess up with each other`s data

When you run two or more instances of the script at the same time, they use the same temporary files, which results in incorrect reporting. My suggestion is to append unique random ID (GUID, for example) for each session file names, so they would be named like this: ACLHTML-116dc1d9-ff8c-4e1b-85fb-284cd9ec2873.hta

Argument error - script will not execute

PS C:\Users****\Desktop> .\ADACLScan.ps1 -Base "DC=,DC=,DC=*" -Scope subtree -E
sPrincipal ****
Found security principal
Get-Perm : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'bolGetOwnerEna'. Cannot convert value "" to
"System.Boolean". Boolean parameters accept only Boolean values and numbers, such as $True, $False, 1 or 0.
At C:\Users*
\Desktop\ADACLScan.ps1:14635 char:99

  • ... lSubOU $global:strDomainShortName $false $false $false $Owner $SDDate ...

Scan does not return any objects

This error occurs regardless of the filter or scope.:
Log Error: No objects returned! Does your filter reflect the objects you are looking for?

The command line outputs this error:
Cannot bind argument to parameter 'stringList' because it is null

I also noticed that the Effective Rights scan report does not include the permission. Only the groups, is there a more detailed documentation available for using this tool?

running powershell version 2.0.
and .Net 4.5

Is there a windows feature that needs to be enabled other than active directory or group policy?
Or maybe another module that needs to be installed?

Is there an extract of permissions & rights captured by ADACLScan.ps1 (with their criticality levels)?

I am running ADACLScan.ps1 version 6.8 to uncover AD groups with Critical, Warning & Medium permissions & rights that are not already being reviewed as built-in groups.
The auditors are asking me to justify use of ADACLScan.ps1. They want to know what permissions are identified and why the criticality Level rates them as Critical, Warning & Medium. Why am I excluding Low criticality permissions?
Is there an extract of permissions & rights captured by ADACLScan.ps1 (with their criticality levels)?
If so, I could then refer the auditors to the Microsoft descriptions, such as
Examples of what I am looking for are:
"Create Object"="Warning";
"Read permissions, Modify permissions" {$intCriticalityLevel = 4 }

Reload SSL/TLS Certificate = "1a60ea8d-58a6-4b20-bcdc-fb71eb8a9ff8" {$intCriticalityLevel = 4}

Web-Information = 2 "E45795B3-9455-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1" { # If it SELF then = 1

if($objIdentity -eq "NT AUTHORITY\SELF"){$intCriticalityLevel = 1 else {$intCriticalityLevel = 2}}

Help pls

Good Day!

please help me, tell me how I can make a report what rights a certain group has in the domain, while leaving only those OUs where the rights are assigned, and not displaying those where the rights are inheritedю Example:
This with Inherited - false save in the report

and this with Inherited - True remove from report

I will be glad for any help

Exchange Templates

Hi, I wonder if anyone has templates that include Exchange-related default SDs and would be willing to share them.

Get-Perm -Access(Type)


line 15776, in Get-Perm function, argument's name "Access" is not correct.
It must be replaced by AccessType

Extra hidden characters in code

I just pulled down the new 6.8 version and was comparing to v6.4. Running the script produced quite a few errors too. I noticed the following:
line 1266, 1267, 1271, 15217, 15218, 15222, 15600, 15601, 15602, 15605 - show hidden character
line 3042, 3063, 11846, 11860, 15054 - quotes are showing as funny character
line 14254 - hidden character
Sorry, I can't attach a file to visually show for you

feature suggestion: scan for various types of specific known badness

This looks like an awesome tool, but in among its options, should be the ability to search for specific lists of known exploits, backdoors, & nondefault configurations. While the tools does appear to be intended for finding just those things, it appears from the doc page (and I have to admit I haven't actually tried it out yet) that the reports it typically generates are likely to have much of this buried in reams and reams of other data. Another possibility might be to assign each flagged entry a 'badness' value from 1-10, so that the report might be sorted with the most interesting data at the top. I admit I've been looking for something like this ever since I watched Harmj0y's 'An ACE in the Hole: Stealthy Host Persistence via Security Descriptors' presentation at Derbycon in 2017.

CSV Templates 2000 to 2012 R2 - issue with Identity Reference


First of all thanks for your great work, I use it often to detect ACL issue!

The CSVs for Windows 2016 has SID for Identity Reference, it is great because we can compare with non-english Active Directory.

But the olders CSVs (2000 to 2012 R2) used sometimes SID, sometimes english name like 'Everyone', etc. That's lead to bad comparison if the AD is not in english.

Is this possible to update the CSV templates ?

Last thing: in the CSV templates download window, there is a little typo problem : Configration NC instead of Configuration NC.

-FilterTrustee does not work with -RecursiveFind

Hello @canix1 , I have stumbled upon this behavior of ADACLScanner 7.3 and I am not sure if it is a bug or expected behavior. It seems that the -FilterTrustee parameter gets evaluated before the -RecursiveFind parameter.

For example, I am trying to look up the permissions to create computer objects. If I run this:

 .\ADACLScan.ps1 -Base 'DC=contoso,DC=com' `
                 -Scope onelevel `
                 -Filter '(|(objectClass=domainDNS)(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=container))' `
                 -AccessType Allow `
                 -ApplyTo computer `
                 -Permission create `
                 -RecursiveFind `
                 -Output HTML `

I get the following results, as john is a member of Account Operators:


But if I add the -FilterTrustee parameter:

 .\ADACLScan.ps1 -Base 'DC=contoso,DC=com' `
                 -Scope onelevel `
                 -Filter '(|(objectClass=domainDNS)(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=container))' `
                 -AccessType Allow `
                 -ApplyTo computer `
                 -Permission create `
                 -FilterTrustee 'CONTOSO\john' `
                 -RecursiveFind `
                 -Output HTML `

I just get No Permissions found!

Add parameters to match GUI


First off, thanks for the awesome tool!

I might be off on this, but it seems like the GUI provides a bit more flexibility in what you collect. It would be helpful to have these available via parameters.


From GUI to command line

Hi Robin

Thank yor for a very useful tool.

I would like to schedule a weekly run to document all changes made to my AD.
The GUI makes perfect sense, but I'm having trouble translating all the GUI options into command line syntax. How about an option in the GUI, that displays the command line of the options selected in the GUI? Right now it's a bit of trial and error and with a big AD each run takes a long time to finish.

Best regards

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