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campjs-iii's Issues

Special dietary requirements

Not sure yet how special dietary requirements are being honoured, so creating this issue. @timoxley perhaps you can take it over and use this as the listing.


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Strict Vegetarian / Vegan:


  • ...

We have a account for CampJS, everyone who has a ticket should have received an invite to join. If you haven't got one, please let us know (here, or in some other way).

This should solve a bunch of problems as long as we can get enough bandwidth to be connected while at the venue! The mobile apps are good but the best features for are us are going to be the topic-specific channels, announcement capabilities and also file-sharing should come in very handy.

Please sign up, we can start talking even before the event!

Also, has a great API, you might want to consider having a play with that and see what you can come up with for CampJS!

Thank you!

I've just arrived home from my CampJS/JSConf tour and I wanted to make sure I distributed as much love as possible to everyone who helped make CampJS happen. There's a lot of moving parts that need to come together and I hope to shed some light on how much of a community/group effort CampJS is.

Thanks to @deoxxa and @weilu for building the glorious intranet page
Thanks to @deoxxa for building the announcements API.
Thanks to @weilu for integrating @deoxxa's announcements API into the intranet page.
Thanks to @raffecat and @geoffreyd with the occasional suggestion from @SomeoneWeird for sitting down with me to nut out how to fit the schedule together.
Thanks to @pomke for assembling and styling the HTML schedule that was projected.
Thanks to @mipearson for taking charge of the network and acquiring us a new server, assembling it, assembling it again, writing a chef configuration for the server and despite being ill, arriving early and helping to get the network up with @SomeoneWeird, @deoxxa and @eugeneware.

Sadly @mipearson's illness meant he couldn't attend the entire camp so massive thanks to @eugeneware and @SomeoneWeird for filling his boots.

Thanks to @eugeneware for bringing all the WIFI devices.
Thanks to @eugeneware for setting up our dokku server. Next time we hope to push this feature more so we can capture more demos!
Thanks to @stennie for providing network storage device.

Thanks to @geoffreyd for organising the busses.
Thanks to @geoffreyd for organising drinks.
Thanks to @codemiller and @MauriceButler for getting people on busses.

Thanks to @rvagg for sponsoring the wine glasses and the wine.
Thanks to @rvagg for organising and sponsoring hire of the audio equipment.
Thanks to @rvagg for assembling a playlist for the camp.
Thanks to @rvagg for running various errands (missing the group photo in the process :( )

Thanks to everyone from #polyhack on IRC for advice leading up to the camp and many of you for arriving early and helping set up.
Thanks to @markmandel for only mentioning clojure once or twice.

Thanks to the lovely @pomke for reviewing our code of conduct, advice and helping make sure CampJS was a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

Thanks to @CBas for pointing out the website sucked in Internet Explorer and on windows in general.
Thanks to @hughsk for helping me with the parallax scrolling performance on the website.

Thanks to @rvagg for setting up and recording the NodeUp audio.
Thanks to @DamonOehlman for hosting and helping write the NodeUp agenda.
Thanks to @groundwater for the good NodeUp questions.
Thanks to @anthonyshort, @domenic, @jonathanong and @visionmedia for being good sports and providing great NodeUp discussion.
Thanks to all you bastards for making me giggle during my "you have to promise to take this seriously Tim" sponsorship section.

Thanks to @chrisbuttery for keeping the fridge stocked.
Thanks to @aussiegeek for taking something upstairs once.
Thanks to @devdav and @simonrentzke for carrying books.

Thanks to @JedWatson and @stennie for showing their Node.js/MongoDB powered CMS, Keystone.js.
Thanks to @balupton and @DamonOehlman for demonstrating the capabilities of WebRTC.
Thanks to @domenic for helping to ease us into the future of JavaScript with his ES6 workshop.
Thanks to @groundwater for showing us his revolutionary NodeOS
Thanks to @anthonyshort & @ianstormtaylor for showing us the way forward with Components
Thanks to @jonathanong for speaking on emerging technologies koajs and normalize
Thanks to @juliangruber for doing a generators workshop, but not being able to attend :(
Thanks to @geelen and @benschwarz for their edutaining offline-first presentation.
Thanks to @AnnaGerber, @ajfisher, @wolfeidau, @garrows and @nog3 for helping take JS to new places with NodeBots.
Thanks to @tadatuta for presenting his philosophy and work on BEM
Thanks to @pauljt for demonstrating how easy it is to customise the FirefoxOS homescreen with familiar web technologies.
Thanks to @sporto for quickly assembling his prototypes workshop
Thanks to @codemiller for demonstrating the power of functional programming in a real language
Thanks to @davidmason for evaluating both Webpack and Browserify
Thanks to @tmpvar for inspiring us with his home-made, JavaScript-powered milling contraption.
Thanks to @sidorares for showing us how to extend the Atom editor.
Thanks to @alexmackey for his interactive introduction to three.js.
Thanks to @markdalgleish and @mjt01 for teaching us how to use gulp.
Thanks to @soareschen for showing us the modular framework he built for his university dissertation, Quiver.js
Thanks to @deoxxa for showing us cool anchors.
Thanks to @aexmachina for teaching us about JavaScript's object model
Thanks to Michael Schloh von Bennewitz for showing us exciting things JavaScript can do in the Internet of Things
Thanks to @jbristowe for showing us how to build phonegap apps with the Telerik platform.
Thanks to @noopkat for the great conversation and the awesome demo which I'm sure does work.

Thanks to #polyhack crew @pomke, @SomeoneWeird, @deoxxa, @weilu and @rvagg for running the NodeSchool workshops.

Thanks to @tadatuta and @mursya from Yandex for coming all the way from Russia.

Thanks to @soareschen, @whatevergeek, @dominicwong617, @wizztjh, @rpbaltazar and @gaqzi for coming out from Singapore

Thanks to Michael Schloh von Bennewitz for coming out from Germany
Thanks to @visionmedia and @travisjeffery for coming out from Canada
Thanks to @noopkat, @tmpvar, @jonathanong, @domenic, @groundwater, @sofianguy, @kyledrake, @juliangruber, @ianstormtaylor, @calvinfo, @anthonyshort & @ivolo for flying out from what I believe is the United States.
Thanks to @domenic for coming all the way out from the United States to arrive Saturday morning only to leave super early on Monday for JSConf. I believe he spent more time travelling to CampJS than actually at CampJS.

Thanks @TassSinclair, @tinhtruong @MrCoder and all the great developers from Bombora who built the multiplayer hex game

Thanks to Bombora for sponsoring CampJS and supplying the fantastic beer coolers and a hoodie! Bombora is hiring!

Thanks to for sponsoring CampJS and trying to send out your whole engineering team:
@juliangruber, @yields, @travisjeffery, @ianstormtaylor, @calvinfo, @visionmedia, @anthonyshort & @ivolo

Thanks to ImPos for sponsoring CampJS

Thanks to Small World Social for sponsoring CampJS

Thanks to Telerik for sponsoring CampJS.

Thanks to Steve Gillies and Matt Allen from lookahead for sponsoring CampJS.

Thanks to Pearson publishing for sponsoring all these great books:

If you read these books please give them a review!

Thanks to JetBrains for sponsoring WebStorm licenses.

Thanks to Rodger Wang from for going well above the call of duty regarding filming the camp. Videos will be up soon! Rodger is incredibly pleasant to work with, please send this man some more work!

Thanks to Eliot Harper and Matt Cameron from Digital Logic for supplying the printing for the lanyards and stickers. These guys are lovely, please get in touch with them for any printing needs!

Thanks to @stennie and @JedWatson for teeing up the joint MongoDB/Keystone sponsorship.
Thanks to @jbristowe for arranging the Telerik Sponsorship
Thanks to @groundwater for arranging the New Relic sponsorship.
Thanks to @bulkan for arranging the ImPos sponsorship.
Thanks to @pomke for arranging the Small World Social sponsorship.
Thanks to @anthonyshort for arranging the sponsorship.

Thanks to @colingourlay, @weilu, @sofianguy, @simonrentzke and @devdav for cutting the campjs stickers into hexagons.
Thanks to @deoxxa for putting the book crossing stickers in the books.
Thanks to everyone who brought a book to share or swap.
Thanks to @ivolo for being pretty rad.
Thanks to @tmpvar for milling the most amazing campjs logo on his cnc. I carry with this with me everywhere now.
Thanks to Ryan for doing that thing with the fridge.

Thanks to @realyze for his guitaring and singing at the campfire on the beach.
Thanks to @eugeneware for his lovely singing too.
Thanks to @dcousens for cooking me a marshmallow in the fire.
Thanks to @benschwarz for being DJ at the firepit.
Thanks to @geelen @benschwarz for getting gifs in the trees.

Thanks to @pomke for the cookies.
Thanks to @pomke for bringing board games.

Thanks to @nigelr for taking photos.
Thanks to @nigelr for managing the Google+ account.
Thanks to @nigelr for allowing me to use his phone.
Thanks to @nigelr for managing the campjsnews twitter account during the event.

Thanks to Mariyana Kova for taking the tower photo.

Thanks to @raffecat for having a birthday during campjs
Thanks to Mariyana Kova and @pomke for organising @raffecat's birthday cupcake.

Big shoutout to @juliangruber who couldn't attend at the last minute due to sickness.
Big shoutout to @hij1nx who couldn't attend at the last minute due to his luggage and passport disappearing somewhere in europe.
Big shoutout to @yields who was going to come but couldn't get a visa to Australia. Apologies on behalf of Australia @yields!
Big shoutout to @evgenyneu and Emilia Ermilova who couldn't attend due to illness.

Biggest thanks to my lovely girlfriend @weilu for:

  • Drafting emails to sponsors
  • Sanity checking the campjs finances
  • Sanity checking the size of emails I send out
  • Being overall pretty cool
  • Cutting stickers
  • Taping down all the power cables at the far end of the hall

Thanks to everyone who helped clean up.

Thanks to my co-organisers @nigelr and @geoffreyd for their guidance, help keeping things on track and overall ensuring CampJS was a success.

Thanks to everyone for making CampJS happen. You're all very good.


Show off your Open Sources

Many Australian developers have lots of cool stuff we simply never hear about, and it'd be good to be able to provide a lot more support and exposure for locally grown software.

CampJS will run an official "show off your open sources" time slot, where everyone gets a chance to give a quick overview of their open source stuff. Slots could be limited to 10 mins so everyone gets a chance.

This will be held in a dedicated breakout room.

Need to decide whether to schedule these talks upfront or ad-hoc, unconference style.

Please leave a comment on this thread if you'd be interested in this.

Halloween at CampJS IV

Halloween (October 31) is my favourite holiday of the year, so I was thinking if people are interested we could do something for Halloween at CampJS on the Friday night?

Not wanting to create too much work for anyone but we could program some scary robotic props using johnny-five, bake some halloween cupcakes, and people could dress up in costumes if they want

Who's in?

Open Web/Git Server at CampJS

It would be useful if we had an open (or semi open) webserver at campjs that people could put their projects on.

Perhaps hosting a NPM mirror on it would be good too.

File sharing

Every now and then files needs to be exchaned between users. If it's 1 to 1 and both on mac os then airdrop works well.

However would be good to have a better way to exchange files.

I recommend to make TorrentSync official way to exchange files at campjs

Any better alternatives?

local npm mirror for campjs 2014

Could we please have a shared local npm mirror for the next campjs?

I understand that some people had npmd or their own copy of the npm couchdb database but it would be great if this could be set up via transparent proxy for everyone to use, to reduce the load on the external connection, and make it fast for people to install packages to follow along with talks/workshops

Lightning intros

Could we have some lightning talks for presenters on the Friday night, as a way to give everyone an easy way to get an overview of all the talks and workshops? Each talk would be a quick blurb about what the talk is about, who it is aimed at, and how much fun it will be.

  • allow ~60-90 seconds per talk/workshop, up to 120 seconds for a talk+workshop combo
    • that should keep it within about 30 mins
  • speakers submit 1-2 slides when submitting their summaries etc. (i.e. before the camp), this could be in the form of a pull request to a reveal.js html file.

The talks could be run just before or after the schedule is released, so that everyone can decide what to attend while they watch or while everything is fresh in their mind.

Book Swap

Same as last Camp:

Bring your old Tech books! Stop lining your shelves with books you won't read again because you think it makes you look smart or fancy. They're a pain in the ass to move around, and they're probably a fire hazard. Give them to someone who will read them!

Bring as many books as you can, no php books though.

NodeBots at CampJS III

Continuation of discussion at nodebotsau/nbdau#10

I put in a workshop proposal on this topic yesterday, keen to be involved:)

I can bring my own experimenters kits (upgraded to less dodgy Arduino clones than last time) and we could also use the NBD SimpleBot kits.

I'm working on adding more mobile robot specific exercises to node-ardx at the moment (locomotion, sensors etc)

CampJS nodeschool workshops

Going to need volunteer tutors for the various nodeschool workshops. Focus will be on the core workshops.

Proposed workshops and currently assigned mentors:

Learn You Node

Stream Adventure


Functional Javascript

Workshops will run twice.

If there's enough interest we'll perhaps do some of the electives.

There's enough quality learning material here that we could make these the sole workshops for CampJS, but perhaps should design a cross cutting pathway that goes up in skill across the workshops e.g. some js basics with functional js, then some learn you node, then some streams, then bytewiser then some more functional js, harder learn you node exercises, etc.

Really, really need a javascript beginners workshop.

Standard Employer Pitch Document

We should have some form of standard employer pitch document. Something simple that we can give to employers to convey the importance of this event, and the expected advantages and outcomes it will have for their dev staff.

My initial thoughts are that it should be a simple markdown file in a github repo, that we can then > html > pdf when required.

CampJS Sessions


I have put most/all of the session descriptions I have so far up on the website:

Please review your session and send me a pull request with any changes you'd like to make.

If your session is not up there yetโ€ฆ please fork, add it and send me a pull request! ๐Ÿ‘

If you've got any questions, about either the website or the session, please let me know either in the comments below, or via email: [email protected].

Helping shy people get involved

@garrows pointed out in a separate issue that there are some limitations to collaboration for people who are shy about large crowds and new people. For example, standing up with a mic and introducing a project is very daunting for some, and trying to track down the writer of a project card by asking around may be equally intimidating.

I think it is worth giving some specific thought to this area to help more people have even more amazing experiences.

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    ๐Ÿ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.