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open-water-rate-specification's Introduction

Open Water Rate Specification

This repository documents the Open Water Rate Specification (OWRS), a machine-readable format for specifying and sharing water rate information.

OWRS is designed for analysts, economists, and software developers interested in analyzing water rates. OWRS attempts to fully encode a water utility's rate structure and pricing schedules in a form that is easy to store, share, modify and apply programmatically.

Table of Contents


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Please reach out with comments, ideas or suggestions using the issues page, or contact the CaDC directly.

Why a Standard for Sharing Water Rates?

Anyone familiar with water rates is likely familiar with the PDF documents, HTML tables and images generally used to present water pricing information to the public. These formats are useful because they provide a concise representation that is easy for people to understand. However, these formats are often not ideal for analysts, consultants, economists or others interested in analyzing water prices for several reasons:

  1. HTML tables may be easy for customers to understand but they are difficult for computer code to understand and usually must be manually translated into code before a rate analysis can be performed.

  2. Sometimes the exact formulas used to calculate a water bill are not explicitly defined.

  3. PDF and HTML formats are more difficult to store, transmit and interpret than plain text.

OWRS attempts to overcome these downsides by specifying a plain text format to fully specify a water rate structure. Specifically:

  1. OWRS is based on YAML, and as such it is designed to be easy to store, transmit, and parse in any programming language while also being easy for humans to read.

  2. All the details stating how to calculate a customer bill, including formulas and conditional charges are specified in a single flat file.

Benefits of OWRS

Machine-readability sounds nice on paper, but the real benefit of this standard is in all of the tools that it enables.

  • RateParser is an R package that has the ability to interpret OWRS files and calculate water bills. The package is designed to simplify the work of analysts and economists interested in calculating water bills under a variety of rate structures.

  • Bill Calculator is an [R Shiny Software Tool] that enables customers to see the impact of a change in usage on their water bill. This tool uses OWRS to show the specific water rates for their agency. A demo tool can be seen here.

  • RateComparison is a software program (written in R Shiny) that compares the revenue, equity, and demand implications of different water rate structures. A demo tool can be seen here.

  • OWRS Analysis is a standardized set of analyses used to develop the 2017 CA-NV AWWA Water Rate Report. Those notably include integration of census data statistics that analyze affordability and residential water budgets that analyze the connection to California's new water efficiency standards.

  • In the future, this standard will form the foundation for a comprehensive database of water price information, similar in nature to the Utility Rate Database in the energy sector. When combined with customer billing data (like that centralized through the CaDC), this will enable a detailed, inter-utility analysis of revenue stability and water price equity.

Getting Started

Perhaps the best way to demonstrate how OWRS specifies a water rate is through an example. Let's consider the simplest possible OWRS file, representing a simple flat rate structure.

Example 1 - Simple Flat Rate

  effective_date: 2016-01-01
  utility_name: "Example Water District"
  bill_frequency: monthly
    flat_rate: 2.1
    commodity_charge: flat_rate*usage_ccf
    bill: commodity_charge

The yaml file format works by specifying a series of keys and values. In the example above, bill_frequency is a key and monthly is the value corresponding to that key. This key-value pair is itself a value of the metadata key.

metadata is used to specify information about the rate structure that is not actualy used to calculate bills, such as the name of the utility and the date the rate structure went into effect.

rate_structure specifies information that is actually used for calculating water bills. The values of the rate_structure key are the customer classes used to define rates. In our examples we use the standard classes defined by the CaDC: RESIDENTIAL_SINGLE, RESIDENTIAL_MULTI, IRRIGATION, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, and INSTITUTIONAL.

In Example 1 above, we see a rate structure defined only for single-family residential customers, where the commodity charge is calculated as flat_rate*usage_ccf where flat_rate is 2.1, so the whole expression represents $2.1 per CCF of water used. In this case usage_ccf is the data column name used to represent water usage. The total bill (bill) for each customer is then equal to just the commodity charge.

Example 2 - Fixed Service Charge

    service_charge: 14.65
    flat_rate: 2.1
    commodity_charge: flat_rate*usage_ccf
    bill: commodity_charge+service_charge

This second example extends Example 1 by adding a fixed service charge. Note that bill is now calculated as the sum of service_charge and commodity_charge.

Example 3 - Fixed Service Charge that Depends on Meter Size

      depends_on: meter_size
         3/4": 14.65
         1"  : 16.77
         2"  : 25.83
    flat_rate: 2.1
    commodity_charge: flat_rate*usage_ccf
    bill: commodity_charge+service_charge

Examples 1 & 2 above are composed entirely of simple parts, referred to in this context as Fields (e.g. flat_rate: 2.1) or Formulas (e.g. bill: commodity_charge+service_charge). However, often in real settings is it useful to have rate components that change for each customer. The canonical example is of a fixed service charge that depends on the size of the water meter used by each account (often referred to as a "meter charge").

Example 3 is almost the same as Example 2, but the fixed service charge now changes depending on the size of the meter. It is important to ensure that when the OWRS file is used to calculate water bills (e.g. with the RateParser package), that the values specified in values ('3/4"', '1"', etc) are exactly the same as those that appear in the billing data set under the meter_size column.

Example 4 - Tiered Rates

      depends_on: meter_size
         3/4": 14.65
         1"  : 16.77
         2"  : 25.83
      - 0
      - 15
      - 41
      - 149
      - 2.87
      - 4.29
      - 6.44
      - 10.07
    commodity_charge: Tiered
    bill: commodity_charge+service_charge

Example 4 replaces the flat rate structure of earlier examples with an Increasing Block Rate, or "Tiered" rate structure. This pricing scheme is encoded using two new fields.

  • tier_starts represents the lower end of each block. It is the first unit of water billed at a specified price.
  • tier_prices specifies the price of water within each tier, in dollars per billing unit.

In Exampe 4, we can see that the first through the 14th units of water are billed at $2.87 per unit. The 15th through the 40th unit are billed at $4.29. The 41st through the 148th at $6.44. Finally all water use from the 149th unit and up is billed at $10.07 per unit.

In this case, the commodity_charge field must be set as "Tiered" in order to specify how the tier starts are interpreted.

Example 5 - Budget Based Rates

OWRS also accomodates budget/allocation based rates, although the complexity of the file must rise to match the complexity of the rate structure.

      depends_on: meter_size
         3/4": 14.65
         1"  : 16.77
         2"  : 25.83
    gpcd: 60
    landscape_factor: 0.7
    days_in_period: 30.4
    indoor: "gpcd*hhsize*days_in_period*(1/748)"
    outdoor: "landscape_factor*et_amount*irr_area*0.62*(1/748)"
    budget: "indoor+outdoor"
      - 0
      - indoor
      - 100%
      - 133%
      - 2.87
      - 4.29
      - 6.44
      - 10.07
    commodity_charge: Budget
    bill: commodity_charge+service_charge

Example 5 shows how to specify single-family rates under a budget based rate structure. There a several new fields and formulas in this example:

  • gpcd, landscape_factor, days_in_period are all simple fields that are the same across all SFR customers. - Note that if days_in_period were not defined here as 30.4 (average number of days in a month) then it would be expected that the user defines this as a data column and this value could change to reflect the actual number of days in each customer's billing period.
  • hhsize, irr_area, and et_amount are expected to be provided as data columns.
  • indoor, outdoor, and budget represent the calculated indoor allocation, outdoor allocation, and total water budget, respectively.

When the commodity_charge is specified as "Budget", OWRS parsers interpret tier_starts differently. As is visible in this example, tier starts may be specified either as flat values in terms of billing units (as in Example 4) or they can be specified as a percentage of the budget field. This allows OWRS to accomodate different tier widths for each account based on data specific to that account.

Example 6 - Other Cases

The examples above cover the vast majority of use cases, but there are still a few that have not yet been discussed. Fortunately the OWRS framework is extremely flexible. For example:

Tiers that depend on other values
   depends_on: meter_size
       - 0
       - 211
       - 0
       - 466
       - 0
       - 871
Tiers that depend on multiple other values

For example, LADWP's tiers depend on season, lot size, and temperature zone

     - season
     - lot_size_group
     - temperature_zone
       - 0
       - 17
       - 23
       - 35
       - 0
       - 17
       - 29
       - 53
       - 0
       - 17
       - 31
       - 59

In this case each combination is enumerated as "value1|value2|...|valueN", where the values appear in the order they are given in the depends_on field. This format is not quite as visually appealing as a table, but it provides easy processing for OWRS parsers.

Rolling averages

One somewhat common use case is for utilities with budget based rates to set their CII allocations as a rolling average of historical water use for a given month. Unfortunatley this functionality is not supported by current OWRS parsers, but there is a work-around. Instead of being computed in the parser, allocations for CII customers can be precomputed and saved as a data column (e.g. cii_allocation). This column could then be referenced in the OWRS file as

budget: cii_allocation
commmodity_charge: Budget

Full Utility Rate Files

See the examples from California in this repository for examples of full utility rate structures in OWRS format.

open-water-rate-specification's People


amyoshino avatar arashseif avatar b44p avatar bhaveshmotwani avatar chachasikes avatar christophertull avatar clairehxq avatar codeswitching avatar djfan avatar elixeus avatar fernandomelchor avatar hunterowens avatar jmolayem avatar lindseyknight avatar melindamorang avatar monobina avatar patwater avatar timphan avatar victorsette avatar vincent-hebble avatar vipassana avatar vr00n avatar


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open-water-rate-specification's Issues

Wastewater charges

One noted enhancement of OWRS would be to add in wastewater rates. Chris what are your thoughts on how to incorporate?

Thinking this would be a separate section of each OWRS file that follows the same fixed / volumetric breakdown.

In terms of existing data sources, the Water Boards collects and issue the annual Wastewater User Charge Survey Report

And here you may find those reports since 1996-97

Also worth looking at EPAs clean watersheds Needs Survey that assess the capital investment needed for publicly-owned wastewater collection and treatment facilities to meet the water quality goals of the Clean Water Act.

h/t RM

FOUND: Raftelis Water Rate Survey

2015 Water Rate Survey

2013 Water Rate Survey

RFC conducts a biennial national water and wastewater rate survey in partnership with the American Water Works Association (AWWA), a nonprofit professional association dedicated to providing high-quality technical information to its water utility members and general public. RFC also conducts a biennial water rate survey in California and Nevada in collaboration with the California-Nevada section of AWWA, as well as water rate surveys in Florida and Arizona. RFC is nationally recognized for its financial and management consulting practice for water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities.

Additionally see their excel template for 2016 Water and Wastewater Rate Survey

Tool to flag water rate changes

The tool should be able to detect where a rate change has happened and flag for the ARGO / CaDC team working on OWRS. I would recommend reviewing the Prop 218 notices. It may be better just to do a well crafted google alert. PA just tried one for "water rate prop. 218."

This might also build on Varun's google search identified in #12

Missing Data

As I was adding Melbourne's water rates, I noticed that the data for NY was no longer in the OWRS repo. Same story with EMWD which I thought was included?


Capturing good thoughts post spectacular and working towards spec-ing out improvements.

Towards an OWRS v2:


We approached this by reverse engineering a canonical water bill and borrowed concepts from other "utility" bills such as cell-phone bill which also has "connection type" (4G vs 3G is basically meter_size).

Also proposes generic fixed rate and usage-based components that could be used to explain rate granularity across:

  • space (zoning, parcel types, other geographies)
  • time ( seasonal, time of day etc.)
  • usage (volumetric tiers)
  • and other effects (surcharges etc.)

Key is abstract the water jargon towards a common vocabulary to capture and communicate statewide water rate structures

cc @vincent-hebble @vipassana

MVWD "domestic" water use

Should ask folks at MVWD whether "domestic" water aligns with our POTABLE classification.

  depends_on: water_type
    domestic: 2.39
    recycled: 1.96

Rates that change by month

We should figure out a way to encode rates that vary with each month, for example LADWP

Probably just another mapping? Trick part will be generalizing for automated parsing.

IDEA: California open water rate pricing project spectacular!

The open water pricing project aims to standardize every retail water rate in California into a common data format. The resulting inter-operable machine readable data will make basic questions that currently require digging through outdated reports as easy as a google search. Such questions include: what was the average price of water paid by Californians last month? How does that vary by income and ethnicity?

Currently those questions are answered through time intensive manual surveys. CaDC project manager Patrick Atwater conducted one such survey in 2006 by personally calling over 200 of Southern California's 281 water retailers! Yet in the age of Google, such questions do not need to be manually parsed through mind numbing processes. We have remarkable machines that can do that for us.

The Open Water Rate Specification (OWRS) has been prototyped and piloted with members of the CaDC coalition. You can see the latest work on our open source GitHub repository here: This specification is ready to be implemented with more utilities, increasing the transparency of water rates as well as powering CaDC open source analytics to support effective water management.

This event will catalyze us to engage more volunteers to deploy this specification for more water agencies. Each of California's 411 major urban retailers will need to be encoded. Our network of civic technologists would be instrumental in helping achieve that though our budget is currently just to provide analytics for current CaDC agencies.

Different billing frequencies across customer classes

Valley County Water District OWRS file for 01-01-2018 has bimonthly residential charges and monthly charges for other customer classes. Currently we commented out the other customer classes. OWRS doesn't currently have an elegant way to handle this.

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